Crime and deviance 04 Explain, briefly, what sociologists mean by informal social control 2 marks


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Crime and deviance 04Explain, briefly, what sociologists mean by informal social control 2 marks

Ans1 mark for simple explanation.2 marks for clear explanation with reference

to informality . eg through unwritten rules and control . eg through conformity (this means people are told what to do by the media, school teachers, parents etc, in an informal way they can’t use the law to tell you what to do like the police can when the act formally).

QuesIdentify and explain one possible consequence of a high crime rate for a community 3 marks

Ans1 mark for identification of appropriate consequence.2 marks for identification with some explanation.3 marks for identification with clear explanation in

terms of consequence for community. Likely reference to, for example, environmental poverty – (where everywhere is run down eg broken windows, graffiti); climate of fear reducing social interaction- (this means being afraid of going out especially at night or afraid of going to school because of violence); lack of community spirit; movement away (moving house to a better neighbourhood).

Questions 05Explain, briefly, what is meant by social control 2 marks

Ans1 mark for simple explanation.2 marks for clear explanation with

reference to conformity to norms and means of achieving this (this is where society limits what you can do, it’s done through formal – police, the law, prison sentences- and informal-media, teachers, parents- social control

QuesAccording to statistics, women commit fewer crimes than men. Identify and explain one reason why women are less likely than men to commit crimes.

(3 marks)


1 mark for identification of appropriate reason, e.g. differences in social

control/socialisation patterns; opportunity patterns.

2 marks for identification with some explanation.

3 marks for identification with clear explanation explicitly linked to gender differences in crime.

Ques 06The British Crime Survey is a victim survey. Explain briefly what is meant by a victim survey. (2 marks)

1 mark for simple explanation.2 marks for clear explanation of individuals

being asked whether or not they have been the victim of crime.

Identify and explain one reason why individuals living in rural areas might experience more pressure to conform than individuals living in urban areas.

(3 marks)

Ans3 marks for identification with clear explanation explicitly linked to levels of social control. What this means is because you live in the countryside it’s hard to visit local towns so you can only mess around in your village so it’s easy to control what young people do, as there’s less places to hide, more people know who you are, so they can call your parents or report you to the police

Ques 07Explain briefly one way in which individuals try to persuade others to conform to their norms. (2 marks)

Ans1 mark for simple explanation or

identification without explanation.2 marks for clear explanation explicitly linked

to conformity to norms. This may be done by reference to examples of forms of social control, what this means is peer groups might pressure you to do what they do in either a positive or negative way. So you could be in an anti-school subculture so you mess around in school, but also you could be in a positive group so you work hard at school

QuesIdentify and explain one way in which governments have tried to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour among young people over recent years.

(3 marks)

Ans1 mark for identification of appropriate way,

eg Anti-Social Behaviour Orders (ASBOS); curfews; fining parents for the misdemeanours of their children; exclusion zones. 3 marks for the above but with clear explanation which shows how the above reduces crime. So you might say ASBOS keep kids of the street at night so they can’t cause trouble.
