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Creating Dynamic Presentations in Prezi

Peter Marval

What We’ll CoverTo Prezi or not to Prezi

Planning your Prezi

Overview of the Prezi environment

Working within Prezi

Create your own Prezi

Standard Software Presentation Tools

Online zooming presentation tool.

Radical departure from the traditional slide show.

Easy to use.

Can import existing PPTs.

Lives in the cloud - easily link to your presentation.

New features added on regular basis.

Why Prezi?

More than one person can edit the Prezi at one time.

Can be worked on with an iPad.

Free to use with some limitations - students and teachers can get a free education account which lets you keep content private.

Why Prezi?

Too much zooming in and panning around may be too much for some people.

You should be connected to the Internet when presenting Prezi.

Death by Prezi:

Prezi Precautions

Picture your presentation as a journey you're taking your audience on.

Plan your presentation outside of Prezi. Use paper, drawing software, or the SimpleMind+ app.

Think about what media files you'll need to include: photos, graphics, video or audio files.

Planning Your Prezi

Think about how certain concepts relate to each other and how they fit inside or around each other. Determine if there are topics you can group together that you can zoom in and out of.

Browse through some of the templates on to see if any might fit your presentation.

Browse other prezis to see if there are any public and reusable presentations you can use.

Planning Your Prezi

Exploring Art: A Trip to the Art Gallery - Peter Marval

Zarqa Nawaz presentations

Hansel and Gretel

Examples of good Prezis

Socrates Lesson

Clouds and Precipitation

Examples of adequate Prezis

Prezi - learn and support: - faculty and staff have subscription paid for by the university



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Let’s Explore Prezi

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Make a Prezi

If you did not bring materials to create a Prezi, visit:
