Counseling event JKKN Big Answer!...


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  • Dr. Shabir HassanSNSF Fellow, Postdoctoral Scientist,


    Jammu and Kashmir Knowledge Network and Kashmir Counseling

    (FB)Feb 04, 2017

    Breaking Barriers:Cracking the Admissions Code

    And Science as a Career

    Feb 04, 2017

  • Part -1

    CounselingCracking the code

  • The Big Question!Dynamics of confusion.



    Peer pressure

    Societal expectations

    To be or not to be? Parents/Teachers


  • The Big Answer!

    Jack Ma

    Founder of AliBaba Group

  • The Big Answer!


    Take good 1 week and ask:

    1.) What interests me?

    2.) Am I good at what I like?

    3.) Shall I be happy doing this in future?

    4.) Be sincere and decide.

    1.) Talk to them.

    2.) Discuss the pros n cons

    3.) Let them believe in you.

    Includes me Includes my peers


  • Stages and Actions

    1.) Work hard.

    2.) Extra-curricular activities (ECA).

    3.) Short discussions with experts in

    your interested field.

    4.) Target above 80%.

    1.) Learn the WHOLE syllabi.

    2.) ECA.

    3.) Do some short projects.

    4.) Fellowships from Nat. Instts.

    5.) Percentage.

    SSC and Senior SSC Undergraduate

    1.) Learn your subject well - MASTER

    2.) Concentrate on lab work/reviews.

    3.) Work hard on your project so that

    you might be able to publish it one



    1.) Publish (Papers/Reviews).

    2.) Read a lot about the

    problem/topic you want to

    work on.

    3.) Target specific



  • Selecting the Uni/InstituteStep - 01



    Australia/New Zealand

  • Asia/Europe/Australia/NZ

    Language test IELTS/TOEFL, regional for UG.

    Singapore, Japan, China, Thailand, KAUST, etc.

    Germany, France, CH, Finland, Netherlands,

    Sweden, Norway, UK (no fellowships), Italy, etc.

    All Australian and New Zealand Universities.

  • US universities

    Language test TOEFL.

    Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General.

    Subject GRE.

    Excellent academic record and ECA.

    However, for PhD and postdoctoral research,

    Professor/guide/boss > Uni/Instt.

  • Drafting an Application

    Step - 02

    1. Curriculum Vitae (CV)/Bio-data/Resume.

    2. Cover letter.

    3. Research Interest.

    4. Statement of Purpose.

  • What is a CV? CV is the trailer of a movie that is made on you.

    The 1st thing that decides whether you are shortlisted or not.

    You have to be a great salesman to sell yourself.

    Maximum 2 pages for UG/PG/PhD applications

    Maximum 3-4 pages for a postdoctoral/fellowship application.

  • What NOT to include?

    Parentage, siblings, friends/fianc.

    10th class (SSC) results for UG application.

    10th, 12th class results for PG application.

    10th, 12th, UG results for PhD application.

    Be precise.

    Avoid long sentences.

    Avoid writing Medical/NON-Medical in subjects.

  • Strong CV: ExamplesShabir Hassan [Street Address] [City], [State] [Postal Code]

    Phone: [Your Phone] Fax: [Your Fax] E-Mail:


    Donec sollicitudin mi et magna. Proin non est. Vestibulum diam. Quisque in enim. Sed id dui. Nunc nec

    sapien. Nulla lacus. Quisque in ante vel nunc semper pellentesque. Nam sit amet lacus sit amet ipsum

    auctor eleifend. Quisque vitae justo eu neque mattis pellentesque. Suspendisse tristique. Nulla facilisi.

    Pellentesque hendrerit tristique turpis. Pellentesque eget mi. Vestibulum a lacus.


    Lorem ipsum dolor [Insert Dates]

    Etiam cursus suscipit enim. Nulla facilisi. Integer eleifend diam eu diam. Donec dapibus enim sollicitudin

    nulla. Nam hendrerit. Nunc id nisi. Curabitur sed neque. Pellentesque placerat consequat pede.

    Lorem ipsum dolor [Insert Dates]

    Etiam cursus suscipit enim. Nulla facilisi. Integer eleifend diam eu diam. Donec dapibus enim sollicitudin

    nulla. Nam hendrerit. Nunc id nisi. Curabitur sed neque. Pellentesque placerat consequat pede.

    Lorem ipsum dolor [Insert Dates]

    Etiam cursus suscipit enim. Nulla facilisi. Integer eleifend diam eu diam. Donec dapibus enim sollicitudin

    nulla. Nam hendrerit. Nunc id nisi. Curabitur sed neque. Pellentesque placerat consequat pede.


    Aliquam dapibus. [Insert Dates]

    Nam ut est. In vehicula venenatis dui. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices

    posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent venenatis gravida justo. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse


    Aliquam dapibus. [Insert Dates]

    Nam ut est. In vehicula venenatis dui. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices

    posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent venenatis gravida justo. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse



    Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum rhoncus. Ut rhoncus turpis a massa. Vivamus adipiscing vestibulum nunc.

    Maecenas vitae lorem. Donec mi. Donec justo quam, laoreet ut, fermentum at, blandit vitae, ligula.

    Vestibulum diam. Etiam ut velit nec lacus consectetuer sodales. Integer accumsan. Maecenas eleifend

    vestibulum libero. Vestibulum metus ligula, volutpat vitae, feugiat at, blandit quis, lorem. Vestibulum ante

    ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.

    Shabir Hassan [Street Address] [City], [State] [Postal Code]

    Phone: [Your Phone] Passport No. [Your Fax] E-Mail: Photo


    Ph.D. Vivamus elementum gravida tortor. Aenean dignissim. Aenean fermentum luctus nulla.

    Vestibulum posuere ligula a quam.

    B.A. Vivamus elementum gravida tortor. Aenean dignissim. Aenean fermentum luctus nulla.

    Vestibulum posuere ligula a quam.


    Integer eleifend diam eu diam. Nam hendrerit. Nunc id nisi. [Insert Dates]

    Etiam cursus suscipit enim. Nulla facilisi. [Insert Dates]

    Donec dapibus enim sollicitudin nulla. Curabitur sed neque.

    Pellentesque placerat consequat pede.

    [Insert Dates]

    Research Experience

    Etiam cursus suscipit enim. Nulla facilisi. [Insert Dates]

    Integer eleifend diam eu diam. Nam hendrerit. Nunc id nisi. [Insert Dates]

    Donec dapibus enim sollicitudin nulla. Curabitur sed neque.

    Pellentesque placerat consequat pede.

    [Insert Dates]

    Professional Development

    Etiam cursus suscipit enim. Nulla facilisi. [Insert Dates]

    Integer eleifend diam eu diam. Nam hendrerit. Nunc id nisi. [Insert Dates]

    Donec dapibus enim sollicitudin nulla. Curabitur sed neque.

    Pellentesque placerat consequat pede.

    [Insert Dates]


    Etiam cursus suscipit enim. Nulla facilisi. [Insert Dates]

    Integer eleifend diam eu diam. Nam hendrerit. Nunc id nisi. [Insert Dates]

    Donec dapibus enim sollicitudin nulla. Curabitur sed neque.

    Pellentesque placerat consequat pede.

    [Insert Dates]

  • Maximum 1 page.

    Dont be boring. Use short sentences.

    Dont show your command on english language. Use simple words.


    Dear.......... Use Surname. Avoid First name. The first alphabet should be in


    Body:Who are you? Where do/did you study and what course?

    What do you find interesting about the Graduate Program/Prof/Lab?

    Why do you think it will fit your profile (experience, personality, future goals)?

    Cover letterStructure - 01

  • Why did you choose the specific program/problem?

    Quote the labs research.

    What makes you a good candidate for the program? Give inputs.

    Your personality:What do you have passion for in life?

    What makes you stand out? ACHIEVEMENTS/ECA.

    What will you get out of the Program/Course/Degree?

    What do you aim to achieve in the future?

    End with

    Best Regards. No FAITHFULLY.

    Cover letter

  • IDEAL 4 paragraphs; totaling 1 page max.

    1.) First Paragraph State the job youre applying for. Where you found out about it (advertising website/journal/personal


    When you're available to start work (and end if it's a placement).

    2.) Second Paragraph Why you're interested in that type of work/research. Why the company attracts you (if it's a small company say you prefer to

    work for a small friendly organization!)

    Cover letterStructure - 02

  • 3.) Third ParagraphSummarise your strengths and how they might be an advantage to the organization/lab/institute.

    Relate your skills to the competencies required in the job.

    4.) Last ParagraphMention any dates that you won't be available for interview

    Thank the employer and say you look forward to hearing from them soon.

    End with Best Regards or Sincerely.

    Cover letterStructure - 02

  • Research Interest/SOP

    A RI is not tailored to a school overtly.

    Do not refer to any job or department or application in the statement itself.

    Do not refer to any other job documents in the RS .

    As in all job documents, remain strictly at the level of the evidentiary.

    State what you did, what you concluded, what you published, and why it matters for your discipline, period.

    Do not editorialize or make grandiose claims (this research is of critical importance to).

    Do not waste precious document real estate on what other scholars have NOT done.

  • Research Interest/SOP Never go negative. Stay entirely in the realm of what you did, not what

    others didnt.

    Do not refer to other faculty or scholars in the document. Simply write, I have a co-authored essay in the Journal of XXX.

    Do not refer to yourself as studying under anybody, and do not refer to your professors and advisors names.

    Do not forget to articulate the core argument of your research. As an example, In contrast to other scholars who have interpreted xxx as yyy, in my dissertation I find that xxxx is better understood as zzzz.

    Give a sense of a publishing trajectory, moving from past to present.

    Avoid the temptation to describe how you will continue or extend your previous research topics or approaches.

    Use the active voice as much as possible.

  • Fellowships

    UG/PGMost of the fellowships for such programs is announced to only the selectedcandidates.

    PhD/Postdoctoral researchFunded in Europe/US/Downunder. For UK, innumerable/special fellowships for

    students with an Indian passport.

    Some fellowships are region, race, sex and university specific.

    Such programs/fellowships have specific requirements.

  • Part - 2

    Career choicesScience (Example)

  • Finding the right call

    1917, at the age of 29, he left his job and joined IACS


    1928, discovers an important property of matter and its

    interaction with light

    Was so confident of getting the Nobel that he booked a

    ticket to Sweden in 1928 and 1929

    Shocked for not getting the Nobel, he didnt book the

    ticket in 1930, that is when he finally got it.

    C. V. Raman

  • Rejected by many

    Didnt make it to IIT

    Didnt make it to CMC - Vellore

    Did his masters in Physics

    Research internship in Physics

    PhD in Biology

    Nobel Prize in Chemistry (2009)

    Venkataraman Ramakrishnan

  • Switching fields (Few Examples)

    Baptism to Science Gregor Mendel

    History to Physics Niels Bohr

    Law to Philosophy Allama Iqbal

    Commerce to Math/Physics Ed Witten (Present day Einstein)

    Science to Business Elon Musk (Electric Car/SpaceX)

    Linguist to Writer J. K. Rowling (Harry Potter)

    BA (Arabic), MA (English), received awards for poetry in Urdu Faiz Ah Faiz.

  • Prominent people from J&KAllama Iqbal (Philosopher).

    Vidhu Vinod Chopra (Film Maker).

    Indira Gandhi, Motilal Nehru, Nawaz Sharief, Ayatollah Khomeini (Politicians)

    Markanday Katju (Former Judge at Supreme Court of India)

    T. S. Thakur (Former Chief Justice of India)

    Vijaya Laxmi Pandit (Former president of the UN General Assembly)

    Mushaf Ali Mir (Chief of the Air Staff Pakistan)

    S. K. Kaul (Chief of the Air Staff India)

    Kalhana, Lalleshwari, Habba Khatoon, Innumerable writers, scientists, philosophers.and you people

  • Take Home Message

  • Further info/Social Media shaha_kash

    Dr. Shabir Hassan

    Research Gate

    Shabir Hassan shaha_kash

    Facebook: Kashmir Counseling


    Facebook: Kashmir Counseling

  • Questions

  • Acknowledgement

    Mr. Mayur Khaire Dr. Shah Faesal (IAS)

    Department of Education (J&K)

    All of you!
