Could Bruce Lee Really Fight



the true facts about Bruce Lee, A True Master Of Kung Fu Or Just An Actor In Movies

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Like many I grew up watching Bruce Lee, and was blown away! His fighting methods trapping and speed was phenomenal. Anyone Who thinks Lee could not fight and was more of a philosopher, is Looking for there own glory without giving credit were it’s deserved. BRUCE LEE WAS THE GREATEST ENOUGH SAID! Lee haters who say When did Bruce Lee ever prove it in real life in terms of fighting? What people don't realise is Bruce Lee did not want to contend in Fights with rules and regulations, Lee grew up having street Fights that were regular occurring and pretty much frequent basis! He learned Wing Chun due to these frequent fights to improve himself, As only Lee knew these fights sometimes weren't just one on one, And he wanted to be able to protect himself in case the odds were against him. And as any hard knock knows when you gain a name you gain more and more outside challenges. This is fact not fiction that's how Bruce Lee's life played out before he left Hong Kong. Anyone who disputes this is talking horseshit. When you've lived it you don't need to prove anything to anyone. The real reason Bruce Lee never fought in these competitions in the US is because of the rules and regulations, he could not act it out so to speak 'Lee admitted he had a very bad temper 'violent even' which he stated himself, Bruce Lee once! Engaged in a fight! ‘It would mean one thing, because he'd lived it that way back in Hong Kong, It meant a real fight or Gloves Off so to speak! Or what he was use too back in Hong Kong. Bruce Lee was an intellectual and great master; he obviously knew it in himself! From an early age, and probably wanted to move on to better things, I suppose when fighting against gangs in Hong Kong and you know you want something more out of life' it can develop and anger within you! And I believe if Bruce Lee did have anger issues this is were it really stemmed from ' The other side of the coin is that Lee wanted control harmony truth tranquillity wisdom and perfection in his life, his quest then when he later moved to the US was to gain complete peace and unity with oneself, while pursuing his martial arts. I'd believe through studying martial arts such as Wing Chun and every other book he ate up! Bruce wanted to be the best and he definitely was the best. The truth is Bruce in perfecting his style of fighting probably wanted at times to engage in real fights to learn from them! Thereby increasing in knowledge or his Jeet Kune Do, The fact is he had a movie career to think about also, and if he were to be beaten in a fight, it may of jeopardised his career. And even if it didn't destroy his career it would have dented Bruce Lee's dream, after all he wanted to be known as the greatest martial artist especially ever on film. The truth however is no one can beat everyone! Someone somewhere someday will always be better or become your equal. However Bruce would have invited that knowledge, if he had that option! I’d bet he was bursting to fight at times torn between proving himself as the best or to pursue his movie career, whether he won or lost the fight may of jeopardised this choice, so he chose not too, even though he was probably biting his lip! Besides he may of felt there was nothing in controlled fighting competitions to learn other than take an interest. The truth is Bruce wanted to create the perfect fighting strategy to take anyone down as quickly and effortlessly as he could muster, and anyone who knows Bruce Lee would agree, he lived and breathed it, his training and

his body definition his study of books! He by all accounts would have been if he had lived to see this day invincible, which by all accounts he was anyway. Even if Bruce Lee had of fought and been beaten, he would of analysed and dissected the fight afterwards and came back with a different method and kicked the guys ass. Such was Bruce Lee's dedication! Not just to win! His quest his reason for living for the perfect method! Or as Bruce would say Fighting Without Fighting Way Of The Intercepting Fist For anyone who doubts Lee's ability The way of The Dragon famous fight scene with Chuck Norris shows how fast Lee is compared to Norris, who buy the way was at that particular time crowned Karate champion back in the US. Lee's speed is phenomenal in fact it has Been said Lee had to slow down so he didn't make Chuck Norris look bad on camera. Bruce Lee had the speed of a tiger or a cat, In fact if I had to guess I think he studied these animals because to me even the emotion in the expressions when he takes his victims down gives me goose bumps! And I don't mean like it’s a gimmick of some sort! , You can literally see the resemblance and emotion in his face of a cat, The scene were he kills O'Hara in ETD is especially true, its eerie I feel am looking at a cat, which looks bemused by its own awesomeness of speed and as takes down its prey. There is also one piece of footage or clip that says to me Bruce Lee was and is the greatest martial arts master ever! And even though not too many people never seem to mention this clip! It gets me every time! Some people who would have seen this bit 'Just Don't Get it’ it is by all accounts a personal favourite clip of mine , for anyone who cares to know what clip / footage this is, Again its ETD and again its were Bruce Lee is about fight O'Hara, if memory severs me right its when Bruce knocks O’Hara down the first time, and this moment O'Hara starts to get to his feet and its at this moment! when Bruce Lees begins to takes and regains his own stance or position I get goosebumps! I cannot liken any human being ballydancer or a butterfly, who is able to move like this! Bruce Lee’s slow grace of movement is like poetry in motion as he takes his stance again to face Ohara. And it blows my mind, noone could ever move like that in my opinion if they werent that a great a martial arts master, I'd watch this over and over again and think to myself AWESOME!, not only is Bruce Lee the greatest fighter in my opinion but a philosophical one at that. And its a great tragedy we didnt get to learn and see anymore from his genius. Lee was just beginning to explode his knowledge on camera through his martial arts and philosophical teaching. And I feel it would of been given to us like step by step process to the public had he lived. Like the GOD were he fought different masters on different levels, I believe that would of been the journey Bruce Lee would of took his fans on through film if he‘d of lived.. I also believe Warner Brothers would never have come looking for Bruce Lee and he may of even a fell by the way, Lee’s however self belief and not wanting to give in! Bruce took his chances in Hong Kong and whence over there was shocked when he learned he was already somewhat of a movie star, noticed for his tv series The Green Hornet which was already a hit in Hong Kong Bruce was given a warm welcome as well as the movies he then went on to make such as the Big Boss, Fist Of Fury, Way Of The Dragon and Enter The Dragon. Hollywood realised what a big mistake they had made letting him go. And soon went after him, as they did also for his his ideas!

which by the way they stole from him in series such as Kung Fu starring David Carradine I mean if you were sat at home watching Kung Fu with David Carradine, who by the way I had alot of respect for, and on next channel you see Bruce Lee like exploding whirlwind, who you gonna watch?. The fact is Warner Brother realised there mistake and went after him, thing was Hong Kong or Raymond Chow gave Bruce Lee the break he was looking for, in which he made the movies he did, Bruce Lee was Box Office money and Hong Kong as well as Warner Bros knew it! However the forces which run the movie business even to this day decided politically they needed to own him! I think the paradox here was the forces that be seen that Bruce Lee not only was he gonna give incredible performances in movies from a fighting point of view , he would be by all accounts teaching it to a western world, to all accounts who knows what secrets he would give away! given a few more movies under his belt the knowledge which was secretly guarded was a free for all!, the chinese as we know were definitely against this sort of preaching the secrets to the western world. From that perspective if they had to share that knowledge with the rest of us on screen, then they definately were by no means gonna share Bruce. Bruce on the other hand had other ideas, he wanted to be big in hollywood, it wasnot enough to be big in Hong Kong, he wanted things done and done quickly and he knew Hollywood would be the one true way to do it, Bruce being the way Bruce Lee was! he wasnot going top take shit from anyone or be pushed into a corner no matter what the threats, He convinced Raymond Chow to do the movie with Warner Bros and it was no easy task, on making the film Linda Lee had to step inn on many occasion to quieten things down cause of the language barriers or hell would break loose, even Bruce failed to turn up on set at times, I have my own suspicions why that may of been! by the time the movie was finished this negotiable sort agreement would never happen again! it was them or us! what Lee did or dint realise is ’them’ was un-negotiable and the rest is history! , Bruce Lee for me is one of, if not the greatest one true master were martial arts is concerned. To be honest anyone who says he doesnt like Bruce Lee I dont even talk to them!, I am a graphic designer and I work alot with shadows,edging enhancing effects that sort of thing! and I have never seen any athlete with definition of muscles that Bruce Lee had, especially his forearms and shoulders, and I would say by all accounts that’s someone who takes there art seriously. This is just my personal opinion and I hope I havent upset Bruce Lee fans in any way, everyone has there own perception of what makes someone great, for me the man was A LEGEND and it pains me we did not even get to see the ultimate Bruce Lee, I feel at that moment in time when his career was starting to begin he himself was under the greatest strain and pressures not knowing which way to turn, and so many people forget that!! and he still produced the goods on screen! Hopefully all of the latter makes sense, and not great with grammar I admit, but just wanted to share my views!

