Coral Park Primary School · 2020. 5. 28. · Coral Park Primary School Achieving SUCCESS...


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Coral Park Primary School Achieving SUCCESS

NEWSLETTER Term 2, Issue 6, 28th May 2020

145 Coral Drive, Hampton Park 3976


Phone 9702 8398

What a fabulous restart to Term 2 it has been for our Prep to Year 2s. It has been absolutely fabulous to stand on the front gate each morning and see the smiling faces of the children as they say goodbye to the parents and carers and come into the school. Thank You Parents and Caregivers Thank you to all the parents who have been very supportive of the new arrangements saying goodbye to their children at the front gate and then departing the area. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this COVID 19 period. Social Distancing Social distancing has been in the media for quite some time now and I would just like to remind parents of how this relates to schools and the signage that we have around the school and on the gates. All adults need to social distance and remain 1.5 metres apart from each other. This includes parents who are lining up at the entry points to the school to drop off their children and pick them up at the end of the day. All teachers are also social distancing while at work and to that extent are working in hubs and have three separate staffrooms to ensure they can adhere to the 1.5 metre rule. With regard to the social distancing for the children, the Chief Victorian Medical officer has advised that schools do not need to enforce the 1.5 metre social distancing rules with children at this time. Precautionary measures have been advised and Coral Park Primary School has adopted those measures which include the following:

*Students washing their hands and hand sanitising on a regular basis before eating, going outside and returning to class after break periods or after going to the toilet. *Each year level having a separate area of the playground to play in during break times.

If at any stage we are advised to take any extra measures we will do so quickly and in accordance with the Department of Education and the State Government guidelines and procedures. Crossing Can I please ask that all parents and students use the school crossing when dropping off and picking up at the end of the school day. It is imperative for the safety of everyone that you cross safely and with the assistance of our crossing supervisors. To Our Coral Park Staff Thank you to all our wonderful Coral Park staff who have worked diligently to ensure that the children they teach have the best possible support and teaching available. Your effort has been enormous and for that I am truly thankful. Justin Thompson Principal





Tuesday 9th June return to school for students in Years 3 to 6

Diary Dates


Friday 29th May


Year 7 Secondary School

Application Forms Due


Monday 8th June

Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday

Tuesday 9th June

Year 3 to Year 6

students return to school

Monday 15th June

Canteen re-opens

Friday 26th June

Last day of Term 2

2.30pm Finish


Monday 13th July

Term 3 Begins

2020 Term Dates

Term 2 14 April - 26 June

Term 3 13 July - 18 September

Term 4 5 October - 18 December

Canteen re-opens

Monday 15th June

For this term the canteen will be accepting ONLINE ordering only.

Lunch orders only with no over the counter sales at recess or lunch or cash coming through the canteen at all.

SSR ORDERS For families who were contacted by CPPS staff and have requested uniforms, stationery or desk/chair supplies from State Schools relief, these orders are slowly being delivered to school. Staff are calling parents when their orders arrive and are letting you know when and where to collect these. Please answer these calls from school, as these staff will have very specific information for collection so we can maintain social distancing practices.

No Playgroup until further notice

We understand you will be looking forward to attending playgroup as soon as possible and will inform you as soon as playgroup recommences.

Icy Poles are not on sale this term.

Please do not send your children to school with money as there is nowhere for them to spend it at school at the moment.

Year 7 Secondary School Applications


Please ensure all forms are returned to Coral Park Primary school.

We are still waiting on forms from 10 Year 6 students!

Student banking has been suspended until further notice. Please encourage your child to continue saving their money and either deposit it at a branch or put it in a safe place until school banking resumes.

Grade 1 students from J7 are pleased to be back at school and learning with their classmates

Jake and Bailey doing the PE Challenge Bailee M13

Emerick from M13 enjoys his birthday

Caleb & Declan doing their home learning

J3 students are pleased to be back at school and are making sure they stay safe by washing and sanitising their hands often, especially before eating.
