Copyright Strategic Outlooks 2007-2013 Surprise Chamber of Commerce On Business Planning


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Copyright Strategic Outlooks 2007-2013

Surprise Chamber of CommerceOn Business Planning

Copyright Strategic Outlooks 2007-2013

Planning – A Three Phase Approach


•Understanding the Landscape

•Developing Scenarios' to Leverage the Business Environment

•Creating a path to execute




•Critical Success Factors

•SMART – (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely)




•Learning & Enthusiastic

Copyright Strategic Outlooks 2007-2013

Planning – A Three Phase Approach


•Understanding the Landscape

•Developing Scenarios' to Leverage the Business Environment

•Creating a path to execute



•Critical Success Factors

•SMART – (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely)




•Learning & Enthusiastic

Processes and Procedures

Copyright Strategic Outlooks 2007-2013

Concepts for Improving ResultsCommunications

External Marketing & Advertising Internet Presence Social Media Presence Customer Relations

Internal Company Meetings &

Gatherings Staff & Department Meetings Internal Web/Message Board -


• Efficiency• Meetings

Copyright Strategic Outlooks 2007-2013

Components for Improving Results Communications

External Marketing & Advertising Internet Presence Social Media Presence Customer Relations

Internal Leadership Company Meetings &

Gatherings Staff & Department Meetings Internal Web/Message Board –


Efficiency Conduct of Meetings Processes vs Controls Processes vs Meeting Needs

Quality The Quality Process Problem – Solution Concept Instilling TQC – (Total Quality


Copyright Strategic Outlooks 2007-2013

Internal Communications Leadership

The HERO resources: Hope. A belief in the ability to

persevere toward goals and find paths to reach them.

Efficacy. The confidence that one can put forth the effort to affect outcomes.

Resilience. The ability to bounce back in the face of adversity or failure.

Optimism. A generally positive view of work and the potential of success.

Leadership - Looking For Capabilities Leader selection & development

Attitude – Optimistic – Belief - Training.

Goal & Objective setting. Understanding the how, why & when.

Problem management Find pathways to solutions when A

doesn’t work Performance Feedback

Easily note accomplishments – Provide improvement suggestions.

Creating Psychological capital has universal benefits.

Copyright Strategic Outlooks 2007-2013

CommunicationsMarketing & Advertising - Traditional

Watch Your Brand Be consistent with your branding

approach.Measure Results

Know your cost of opportunity Know your closing ratios

Internet Presence- New MediaWebsite Investment

Message & Content SEO – (Search Engine Optimization) Inbound & Outbound Concepts

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CommunicationsMarketing & Advertising

Social Media FaceBook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google,

Pinterest, …… Presence Advertising

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CommunicationsCustomer Relations

First Contact Phone Personal

Serving their Needs Fitting the product to the need Return/Warranty Policies Service & Maintenance

CRM – Customer Relations Mgmt History of Customer Follow-up

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Very Important Aspect of Learning Company. Employees need the current and proper

information in which to make decisions you expect of them!

Communications Vehicles Meetings and Gatherings

Company, Department & Individual Newsletter Internal Website (SharePoint™)

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Efficiency - Staff MeetingsGuidelines

Keep meetings short – (less than 1 hour)Be Prepared

Agenda – 10 minutes on reports 5 Minutes on Current/Possible Problems 40 minutes on group solution participation 5 minutes on wrapup.

Copyright Strategic Outlooks 2007-2013

ReportsOne Page Style

3 to 5 CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS Measurement Current result compared to last reports result.

Current Data – Last Report Data = Change in Data Note: If data is volatile in short periods

(∫ over longer period ) Record the Change as

Positive No Change Negative

Written Portion Positive – Non Required No Change – Single Paragraph on Why. Negative – Multi Paragraph; Why and What is the

plan for recovery

Copyright Strategic Outlooks 2007-2013

EfficiencyQuality Initiatives

Quality is Free But only if you invest in it.

What is Quality? “Meets Requirements”

Quality Cycle

Bringing Quality Management to the head of the table was not exactly the same as introducing black baseball players to the major leagues; but there were enough similiarities to make me feel towards Harold Geneen what Jackie Robinson felt towards Branch Rickey.In Both Cases, the motives were the same: To increase the probability of having a winning team!To quote Harold S. Geneen: “Quality is not only right, it is free. And it is not only FREE, it is the most profitable product line we have.”

From 1959–1977 Harold Geneen was the president and CEO of International Telephone and Telegraph Corp. (ITT). He grew the company from a medium-sized business with $765 million sales in 1961 into multinational conglomerate with $17 billion sales in 1970




Corrective Action

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Creating a Customer-Supplier Model

Internal – Every Employee is a Customer & a SupplierExternal – Every Customer is also a Supplier of Requirements

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Logging & Charting

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Corrective Action



Core Concepts

Copyright Strategic Outlooks 2007-2013

Select One Problem at a TimeClearly Identify the Problem

State the Problem ClearlyIdentify Probable CausesIdentify a solution to a single

cause. Measure the result.

Repeat as Necessary

Copyright Strategic Outlooks 2007-2013

Process to be used in Daily Operations

Strategic Plan

Operation Plan

Communication Quality Processes



Copyright Strategic Outlooks 2007-2013

Thank YouIf I can be any further help, please contact me!


Dick Jensen
