Copyright © 2015 Emotional and Social Intelligence as a Scientist: How 3 m&ms will...



Copyright © 2015 ALL COMMUNICATIONS HAS 3 DIMENSIONS Content Focus 1. Words, Content, Technical stuff, Data, information … Process Focus 2. Affective Context & nonverbal reinforcement 3. Social meaning of 1 & 2 based on social relationship (Role) - TRUST

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Copyright 2015 Emotional and Social Intelligence as a Scientist: How 3 m&ms will change their mind! (pg. 84) Larry Petcovic, MS 2 Randy Ribaudo, PhD Co-founders SciPhD Programs Copyright 2015 Communications Competencies Technical Literacy Style Flexibility Emotional Intelligence Social Intelligence Copyright 2015 ALL COMMUNICATIONS HAS 3 DIMENSIONS Content Focus 1. Words, Content, Technical stuff, Data, information Process Focus 2. Affective Context & nonverbal reinforcement 3. Social meaning of 1 & 2 based on social relationship (Role) - TRUST Copyright 2015 EI Definition Emotional intelligence (EI) is the area of cognitive ability involving traits and social skills that facilitate interpersonal behavior. Intelligence can be broadly defined as the capacity for goal-oriented adaptive behavior; emotional intelligence focuses on the aspects of intelligence that govern self- knowledge and social adaptation. Copyright 2015 Basic References for Reading Working with Emotional Intelligence Paperback Jan by Daniel Goleman (Author) Thinking, Fast and Slow Paperback Apr by Daniel Kahneman (Author) Copyright 2015 Lets Play Poker Copyright 2015 Communications Competencies Technical Literacy Style Flexibility Emotional Intelligence Shift to learner role and ask questions What emotions drive defensiveness, anger, fear??? Copyright 2015 Communications Competencies Technical Literacy Style Flexibility Emotional Intelligence Shift to learner role and ask questions What emotions drive defensiveness, anger, fear??? That feeling is your TRIGGER to . Take a deep breath, wait 5 seconds and take the high road! Shift role from expert to learner, coach, partner Copyright 2015 How to stay positive using both content and process focus? Content Focus 1. Stop being an EXPERT 2. Shift to being a LEARNER 3. Ask open ended questions Process Focus 1. Build rapport with Neurolinguistic Programing (NLP) Copyright 2015 How do adults learn new communication competencies??? This is NOT a COGNITIVE EXERCISE Knowing is not performing!! Neural patterns should be leveraged Neural patterns should be reinforced daily Neural patterns will need around 21 days to become unconsciously competent Copyright 2015 The most difficult skill for an expert to perform is? NOT TO ANSWER A QUESTION TO WHICH YOU KNOW THE ANSWER!! Copyright 2015 3 M&M Content Technique (pg. 87) Copyright 2015 Content Focus Stop being an Expert 1.ONCE per day, do not answer a question as an EXPERT 2.Shift to being a LEARNER 3.Ask 3 open ended questions 4.THEN Answer the question 3 M&M Content Technique 1.ONCE a Day !! 2.Place 3 M&Ms on your desk etc look at them! 3.Pick up and eat one M&M with your first question 4.Listen to answer and use for question 2 5.Pick up and eat 2 nd M&M 6.Repeat then answer question Copyright 2015 I think I want to do a Postdoc at your facility with your PI. What do you suggest? Copyright 2015 Feedback Copyright 2015 Process Focus: Neurolinguistic Programming Build Rapport with NLP Copyright 2015 Process Focus 1.ONCE a day, pay attention to verbal rhythms and the nonverbals 2.You can match voice pacing voice volume body positions body gestures and ++ more BUILD Rapport with NLP Copyright 2015 Process Focus 1.ONCE a day, pay attention to the nonverbals 2.You can match (easiest to more difficult) voice pacing match pacing and then lead voice volume match volume and then lead body positions match similar position and then lead body gestures - match similar position and then lead and ++ more BUILD Rapport with NLP Copyright 2015 Basic NLP references Introducing NLP: Psychological Skills for Understanding and Influencing People - Paperback January 1, 1993 by Joseph O'Connor (Author), John Seymour (Author) Frogs into Princes: Neuro Linguistic Programming Paperback June 1, 1979 by Richard Bandler (Author), John Grinder (Author), Steve Andreas (Editor) Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) for Dummies Paperback 21 Sep 2010 by Romilla Ready (Author), Kate Burton (Author) Copyright 2015 Process Focus BUILD Rapport with NLP 1.ONCE a day, pay attention to the nonverbals 2.You can match body positions body gestures voice pacing voice volume and ++ more 3 M&M Content Technique 1.ONCE a Day !! 2.Place 3 M&Ms on your desk etc look at them! 3.During your conversation 1.With each M&M.. 2.Pace and then Lead Voice pattern Body Repeat what works FOR YOU Copyright 2015 You have to practice and hone your skill on the unaware!!!! The world of influence via process communications is WAITING !!!!!! Copyright 2015 NLP during the interview Interview guide: Copyright 2015 You are now well on your way Technical Literacy Style Flexibility Emotional Intelligence Social Intelligence (Pg. 88) Copyright 2015 Communications Competencies Technical Literacy Style Flexibility Emotional Intelligence Social Intelligence - communicating in a manner that relates to your audience needs and interest (requirements) Copyright 2015 Communications Competencies Technical Literacy Style Flexibility Emotional Intelligence Social Intelligence - communicating in a manner that relates to your audience needs and interest (requirements) Seeking shared ownership relationship Copyright 2014 Human Workflows, LLC Public vs. Known (Work, Home, Friends ) % Communication Focus Copyright 2014 Human Workflows, LLC Public vs. Known (Work, Home, Friends ) % Communication Focus Copyright 2015 Bring Out Your SOCIAL Brain Neuronal Coupling Copyright 2015 How to build a common social identity A common social identity is when participating parties share common social experiences at the personal and collective levels. AND all progress is STOPPED when any party goes defensive !!!!! Copyright 2015 How many social roles do you play? For our communication purposes the answer is 3 major categories: 1.Institutional 2.Professional 3.Personal Copyright 2015 Process Focus Shift Your Social Role ONCE a day, do not answer a question in your normal social role Shift to one of the 3 roles you always are playing Institutional Professional Personal 3 M&M Technique ONCE a Day !! Place 3 M&Ms on your desk etc look at them! Pick up and eat one M&M with your first social role shift Repeat until M&M are gone Copyright 2015 You can also shift your social range using Social Taxonomy (pg. 102) Bio WorldWhere do you live? Copyright 2015 Social Taxonomy Bio WorldWhere do you live? In the universe On Earth North America USA New York New York City Manhattan 1 st Avenue Apt C, st Avenue GPS coordinates Copyright 2015 Social Taxonomy of your Professional Experience Bio WorldSocial World All knowledge Structured knowledge Professional Field of Expertise Category of expertise Specialization Similar work experience Your expertise Copyright 2015 How to shift social range Social World All knowledge Structured knowledge2 nd Range Shift Professional Field of Expertise Category of expertiseQuestion1 Specialization Similar work experience Your expertise1 st Range shift Copyright 2015 Process Focus Shift your Social Range ONCE a day, do not answer a question in the social framing presented Shift to a very specific case as detailed as possible Shift to a global or value based framing as possible Shift back to original social context 3 M&M Technique ONCE a Day !! Place 3 M&Ms on your desk etc look at them! Pick up and eat one M&M with your first reframe Listen to answer and use for question 2 reframe Repeat then answer question in original reframe Copyright 2015 You are now well on your way Technical Literacy Style Flexibility Emotional Intelligence Social Intelligence Copyright 2015 What is your capacity to achieve a level of science communications??? Answer these 8 questions and score your self 1 (low) to 5 (high) (pg. 92) Copyright 2015 Q1 I can argue any of three sides (for, against or need more research) on topics in my field with no more than 5 minutes preparation. ______ (1 - 5) Copyright 2015 Q2 I am able to influence others without referring to my credentials, training, education or organizational position. ______ (1 - 5) Copyright 2015 Q3 I am able to manage my frustration level and the need to defend my position when others fail to understand my message. ______ (1 - 5) Copyright 2015 Q4 I can control my emotions when I am challenged by other individuals, even when they are emotional in their challenge. ______ (1 - 5) Copyright 2015 Q5 I am able to withhold judging the motives of others. ______ (1 - 5) Copyright 2015 Q6 I am able to explain my professional work to an audience that has little or no experience in my field. ______ (1 - 5) Copyright 2015 Q7 I believe the professional category of work I do has obviously inherent social value. ______ (1 - 5) Copyright 2015 Q8 I believe my profession will make a positive contribution to mankind within my lifetime. ______ (1 - 5) Total Profile Score (add all 8 scores) __________ Copyright 2015 Your 8 Q Profile Overall score Lowest score question Highest score question Copyright 2015 3 m&m Technique Matrix (pg. 105) * indicates m&m strength
