Coop bill2


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Dear Bill,

in addition to what I have already told, I would like to add a few more details and additions.

Your talent and the quality of your work makes me an honor to work with you! As I told you before I’m looking for best Quality. Content that engages and drives ROI

Writing is communicating and you already use effective key elements!

o Give the article personality o Keep it clean, neat, short, and concise. o Quality research and reliable information o Tells readers something new. o Posts that are backed up by research, charts, data, and expert quotes..

Spending an extra time to make a post shine is what makes the difference between a mediocre response and over-the-top success. And I’m sure you have big potential!


USD 0,0061 per original word. (quotes, proverbs video … and content already published.. are excluded) 1000 words = $ 6,10,-

You will get a BONUS of USD 15.- on every 15.000 original words.

And you’ll get a PROFIT SHARE about 10% from the entire PPC (AdSense) and Affiliate revenues. This will start from 80.000 orig. words on. The remains upright, as long as we work together and you have no more than 30 days holiday a year.

Order / Payment via

It is an ambitious project, but with perspective in a profitable niche - and the profit has to be seen in the long term.


Article Writing and Research, sometimes Product Reviews and Newsletter.

Timeframe 3-4 days in the regular case.

Theme suggestions on your part are welcome every time! If you do not want to write about a specific topic for some reason – no problem. Just talk about.

If you are prevented sick or on vacation, please give me a message in time.

BLOG – Personal Finance

Targeted Markets: Especially US, Canada, UK – and other English-speaking Markets

The Copyright remains with

About the Author

If you like - you can write an Author Bio and provide a photo, which will appear on the bottom of the post in the ‘About the Author’ section.

If you familiar with Wordpress You also can have your own Account on and add Posts directly. Just ask about.

We will start in first week of January 2015

This is enough for now. Did I forget something or do you have questions please ask.

I look forward to a close cooperation!

Robert Schrotter Bergastrasse 8 8712 Niklasdorf Austria Email: 11. December 2014