Conversion Charts Guide for eBay sellers using Webinterpret



Sizing standards differ depending on the country. Tackle Size Conversion with this Guide to avoid returns and refunds. Sign in:

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Welcome to our

Conversion Charts Guide.

Christopher Govender-Kubiec
What is a size conversion chart?

What is a size Conversion Chart?

Buying clothes and shoes via the Internet might be

confusing for users.

They have many concerns if the item they want to buy is going to fit. So if you

sell clothes or shoes you have to be very precise when you specify the

size of items.

Some regions use differentshoe-size systems for

different types of shoes (e.g., men's, women's, children's, sport,

or safety shoes).

Remember - each brand may have its own size chart!

That’s why it’s so important to check the size charts for all your products

It is very important especially when you choose US, UK, AUand EU-countries because sizing standards are different.

Ensure you never have to issue returns and refunds because a buyer bought an item in the wrong size.

Avoid returnsand refunds

Conversion Chart User Interface

Interface General View

To start just LOG IN

Then go to Preferences

Choose Size Conversion Charts






Conversion Charts Division

Charts to validate

Uploaded from WebInterpret Conversion Charts Library. Based on brands and categories of your listings.

You need to validate them.

Conversion Charts Division

Missing charts

Generated from listings. You need to fill them in and validate.

Conversion Charts Division

My validated charts

Charts you have already reviewed & confirmed.

Conversion Charts Division

My default charts

Charts without brand from categories in which you sell. Used if no branded charts have been validated. The default charts are

being applied to all your listings in a given category.

Charts to validate - quick startWhen you move to one of charts’ categories in Charts to Validate

you will see the charts divided into:







VALIDATE - This button automatically uploads/applies chart to listings (process

takes up to 24 hours).

MODIFY - This button redirects to Edit Site

Your validated charts will be visible in the tab My validated charts

Charts to validate - quick startWhen your charts are ready and do not require

any changes just press VALIDATE

Charts to validate - quick start

MODIFY redirects you to chart edit view

Charts to validate - MODIFY edit view

To MODIFY charts:

Step 1. Make all the necessary changes

and then save them

It is necessary to save changes before clicking on VALIDATE

Charts to validate - MODIFY edit view

Step 2. Then validate your modified charts.

This red mark reminds you that the chart you are working on is not validated.

When validated the mark is green.

Your Validated Chart is presented below

Remember to the repeat validation process for all your Charts to validate

My validated charts

Here you see your missing sizes

To add missing sizes:


Click MODIFYFill in the gaps with the

right size equivalents

Then save and validate them

Missing Charts





If you are not sure what e.g. US or EU size equivalents to your UK/AU items are, try to use Ebay International

Size Conversion Charts available here and then apply the right sizes in the spaces.

Missing Charts

Missing charts

Missing Charts - adding missing sizes

Missing Charts - adding missing sizes

Missing Charts - adding missing sizes

Missing Charts - adding missing sizes

Missing Charts - adding missing sizes

Missing Charts - adding missing sizes

My default chartsThese are the charts you will use for non branded charts. If your items are unbranded/self-branded

and you don’t need to use the manufacturer’s size charts - contact us

Merging Charts

Charts of the same brand and/or gender containing similar or same sizes should be merged.

To merge charts :



Mark the chartsyou want to merge


Merging ChartsChoose main chart, i.e the chart that would be a ‘mother’

to the chart you want to merge.The best way is to choose the chart containing more sizes

to make sure that any size won’t disappear.


Malgorzata Popiel
Tutaj warto byłoby dodać jakąś informację (najlepiej przy 'press MERGE'), czy można to potem 'odmerdżować', czy właśnie jeśli stracimy część rozmiarów, bo wybraliśmy charta z mniejszą liczbą rozmiarów (a więc nam zredukowało tę, która miała więcej) to czy możemy to jakoś cofnąć

Charts after merging are visible asone chart with two categories.

Merging Charts

If your items are unbranded/self-branded

and you don’t need to use the manufacturer’s size

charts (like Nike or Reebok)

contact us ASAPWe will create a personalized chart

for you based on your instructions.

We hope that this short guide helped you

to better understand the importance

of conversion charts. If you have more questions

- don't hesitate and

