Control Systems I - polar plot of L0is obtained from the polar plot of L by \smearing"...


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Control Systems ILecture 13: Dealing with “nuisances”

Readings: notes

Emilio Frazzoli

Institute for Dynamic Systems and ControlD-MAVT

ETH Zurich

December 15, 2017

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Tentative schedule

# Date Topic

1 Sept. 22 Introduction, Signals and Systems2 Sept. 29 Modeling, Linearization

3 Oct. 6 Analysis 1: Time response, Stability4 Oct. 13 Analysis 2: Diagonalization, Modal coordi-

nates.5 Oct. 20 Transfer functions 1: Definition and properties6 Oct. 27 Transfer functions 2: Poles and Zeros7 Nov. 3 Analysis of feedback systems: internal stability,

root locus8 Nov. 10 Frequency response9 Nov. 17 Analysis of feedback systems 2: the Nyquist


10 Nov. 24 Specifications for feedback systems11 Dec. 1 PID Control12 Dec. 8 Loop Shaping13 Dec. 15 Implementation issues14 Dec. 22 Robustness

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1 Time Delays

2 Control of nonlinear systems

3 Integrator anti-windup

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Time delays are ubiquitous in control systems:

Delays are incurred when the controller is implemented on a computer, whichneeds some time to compute the appropriate control input, given a certainerror. More in general, the evaluation of sensory information aimed atdeciding the best course of action, will require a finite computation time.

In some systems, delays may also be part of the physical plant.

When taking a shower, the water temperature is felt on the body after it hastraveled through the valve, pipe, and shower head.

On an airplane, the effect of lift variation at the main wing are felt on the tailwhen the vortices shed by the wing reach the tail plane.

A rather extreme example is remote tele-operation: communication with adeep-space spacecraft or planetary rover may require several minutes.

How to take into account the effects of time delays in control system design andanalysis?

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The transfer function of a time delay

A time delay is an operator that transforms an input signal t 7→ u(t) into adelayed output signal t 7→ y(t), with y(t) = u(t − T ), where T ≥ 0 is theamount of the delay.

Clearly, this is a linear operator: the delayed version of a linear combinationof signals is equal to the linear combination of the delayed signals.

In order to compute the transfer function of this linear operator, consider aninput of the form u(t) = est . The output will be

y(t) = es(t−T ) = e−sTu(t),

and hence the transfer function of a delay of T seconds is e−sT .

Notice that this is NOT a rational transfer function!

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The frequency response of a time delay

In terms of frequency response:

|e jωT | = 1, ∠(e−jωT

)= −ωT .






0 5 10 15 20



This is not unexpected, since the time-delayed version of a sinusoid of unitamplitude and zero phase u(t) = sin(ωt) is another sinusoid,y = sin(ω(t − T )), with unit magnitude and a phase delayed by ωT .

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Polar and Bode plots of a time delay






-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1














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Effects of time delays on the loop transfer function

Next, we are going to consider the effects that time delays have onclosed-loop stability, and discuss methods to take such effects into accountwhen designing feedback control systems.

Let us consider a system with loop transfer function L(s) = C (s)P(s), andinclude a time delay of T seconds (this can be either in the controller, or inthe plant). We would get a new loop transfer function

L′(s) = e−sTL(s).

The frequency response of the system with the time delay is obtained fromthe “ideal” frequency response with no time delay, by shifting the phase backby ωT . In other words,

|L′(jω)| = |L(jω)|, ∠L′(jω) = ∠L(jω)− ωT , ∀ω > 0.

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Consider a simple plant,

P(s) =1

s + 1,

with a proportional controller C (s) = k .

Hence, the ideal loop transfer function is

L(s) =k

s + 1.

A quick check with the root locus or the Nyquist plot will show that thefeedback system would be stable for all k > 0 (in fact, for all k > −1).

What is the effect of a time delay on the closed-loop stability of such asystem?

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The loop transfer function in the presence of a time delay T is

L′(s) = e−sTk

s + 1.

The polar plot of L′ is obtained from the polar plot of L by “smearing” it: inpractice all points L(jω) must be rotated clockwise about the origin by anangle ωT .






-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1





Im[L(jω)] |L(jω)|


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It is easy to recognize that while the polar plot of L never crosses thenegative real axis, the polar plot of L′ crosses it an infinite number of times.

In particular, the “first” crossing occurs when


jω + 1

)− ωT = −180◦,

i.e., whentan−1 ω + ωT = 180◦.

The location of this point determines the gain margin, which will be finite forall T > 0 (it was infinite in the ideal case T = 0).

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A similar analysis can be carried out on the Bode plot.

The magnitude plot of L′ is exactly the same as the magnitude plot of L.

The phase plot is obtained by adding the phase plot of L to the phase plot ofthe time delay.

This lets you determine very easily the effect of a time delay on the phasemargin. In fact, the following relationship holds:

φm,T = φ0 − ωcT ,

where φm,T and φm,0 are the phase margins with and without the time delay,respectively, and ωc is the crossover frequency (which does not depend on thetime delay).

The above equation summarizes the main effect of a time delay, that is areduction of the phase margin.

Moreover, the phase margin reduction increases as the crossover frequencyincreases.

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A design procedure:

The previous considerations suggest a procedure to design a feedback controlsystem in the presence of time delay, as follows:

1 Design a feedback control system ignoring the time delay.

2 Check the effective phase margin, using (12). If the effective phase margin istoo small (or negative, indicating closed-loop instability), redesign thecontroller according to one or both of these criteria:

Increase the phase at crossover, e.g., using a phase lead controller.

Decrease the crossover frequency, e.g., reducing the gain, or possibly a phaselag controller (to maintain command-following performance).

3 Iterate until a satisfactory controller is found.

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Time delays and the root locus method

So far, we have not talked about the root locus method in conjunction withtime delays.

The reason is simple: in order to apply the root locus method, the looptransfer function must be rational, i.e., the ratio of two polynomials in s.This is not the case when a time delay is present since the term e−sT is not arational function.

In order to use the root locus method in this case, it is required toapproximate the time delay with a rational transfer function.

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A naıve approximation

A first choice would be a Taylor series expansion, which will take the form

e−sT = 1− sT +1

2(sT )2 − 1

6(sT )3 . . .

Let’s truncate this series and maintain only the terms up to the second orderin (sT ), i.e., let us write

e−sT ≈ 1− sT +1

2(sT )2.

Notice that this is a non-proper transfer function with two non-minimumphase zeros. This would be a good approximation for |sT | << 1.

However, the magnitude of the frequency response diverges for ω →∞, whilewe know that the magnitude of e−jωT is always equal to one.

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Pade approximation

A better approximation can be obtained by using what is called a Padeapproximant.

What we will do is approximate the exponential representing the time delaywith a ratio of two polynomials.

For simplicity, let us limit ourselves to the ratio of first-order polynomials ins, i.e., let us write

e−sT ≈ ks + p

s + q.

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Computing the coefficients in the Pade approximation

In other words, let us impose that

ks + p

s + q= 1− sT +


2(sT )2 − 1

6(sT )3 . . . ,

at least up to the terms that we can match using our three free parameters.

We get

ks + kp = s + q − s2T − qsT +1

2s3T 2 +


2q(sT )2 + . . . .

we can ensure that all the terms of order up to and including 2 match, byimposing the following choices:

Order 0 : kp = q,

Order 1 : k = 1− qT ,

Order 2 : 0 = −T +1

2qT 2.

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Pade approximation

Solving for k , p, and q, we get

q =2


k = −1,

p = − 2


and finally

e−sT ≈ 2/T − s

2/T + s.

Such an approximation has the advantage that the magnitude of itsfrequency response is always equal to one.

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Using the Pade approximation, we can represent a time delay on the rootlocus as a pole and zero, respectively at ±2/T . Notice the presence of anon-minimum-phase zero.

This approximation method is useful since it allows us to use the root locusmethod for control design, and gain the insight provided by it.

In particular, notice the fact that we can immediately conclude that wecannnot increase the gain arbitrarily, since eventually the closed-loop pole willconverge to the non-minimum phase zero for large gains.

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Consider again the example introduced previously

The root locus analysis will tell us that the closed-loop system will remainstable as long as k < 3.

This is not correct, but only gives us a rough estimate of the gain margin. Abetter approximation may be achieved using a higher-order Padeapproximation.



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Pade approximation: summary

Summarizing, the Pade approximation allows the use of the root locusmethod to study the closed-loop stability of a system in the presence of atime delay.

However, the results may not be accurate, and it is recommended that theroot-locus method be used only as a back-of-the-envelope tool providingsome additional insight in the control design process.

Remember: the only tool that would always provide you with correct answersin all cases when a time delay is present (including, e.g., unstable open-looppoles and non-minimum phase zeros) is the Nyquist plot.

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1 Time Delays

2 Control of nonlinear systems

3 Integrator anti-windup

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Introduction to nonlinearities

Most real-world systems are NOT linear.

Linear combinations of the inputs do not yield linear combinations of theoutputs.

The principles of superposition of effects does not hold: the behavior will ingeneral change depending on the initial conditions, as well as the amplitudeand shape of the input signals!

Still there is a lot of insight that we can gain from the study of linear systemsthat transfers to nonlinear systems in many practical applications.

In fact, most control systems in most applications (including flight controlsystems, spacecraft control systems) are primarily based on linear controltheory!

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Nonlinear systems

A general model for (continuous-time) nonlinear system can be written asfollows:


dtx(t) = f (t, x(t), u(t));

y(t) = h(t, x(t), u(t)).

Time-invariant systems do not depend explicitly on time:


dtx(t) = f (x(t), u(t));

y(t) = h(x(t), u(t)).

Clearly, non-linear systems include linear systems.

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Equilibrium points

Let us consider a nonlinear system


dtx = f (x , u), y = h(x , u).

A state x is an equilibrium point for the system if there exists a control usuch that

f (x , u) = 0.

In other words, if the system is at state x at some time t, and the controlinput is set to u, then the system will remain at x for all time t ≥ t (inprinciple).Also notice that y = h(x , u) = const. for all time t ≥ t.

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Jacobian Linearization

One can always introduce a change of coordinate such that the equilibriumpoint is at (0, 0), e.g.,

ξ = x − x , υ = u − u.

So we can rewrite the system as


dtξ = f (ξ, υ), y = h(ξ, υ),

with f (0, 0) = 0, and h(0, 0) = h(x , u) = y .

So, if f and h are sufficiently “smooth” (continuous and differentiable) at theequilibrium point, we can write


dtξ = f (ξ, υ) ≈ f (0, 0)︸ ︷︷ ︸


+∂ f (ξ, υ)


∣∣∣∣(0,0)︸ ︷︷ ︸


ξ +∂ f (ξ, υ)


∣∣∣∣(0,0)︸ ︷︷ ︸



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Jacobian Linearization

After similar calculations for the output, we get


dtξ ≈ Aξ + Bυ, y − y ≈ Cξ + Dυ.


A =∂ f (ξ, υ)



, B =∂ f (ξ, υ)




C =∂ h(ξ, υ)



, D =∂ h(ξ, υ)




The matrices A,B,C ,D are the Jacobian of (f , h) with respect to ξ, υ.

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Validity of the Jacobian linearization

The approximation is only valid when ξ, υ are very small.

Let us assume that we have a linear feedback controller υ = Kξ; in such acase, the nonlinear system only depends on ξ:


dtξ = f (ξ,Kξ) = fcl(ξ).

The same holds for the linearized version:


dtξ = (A− BK )ξ.

There is an important theorem (Hartman-Großman) that says that if thelinearized system is closed-loop BIBO stable, then the nonlinear system isalso stable, for (ξ, υ) in a neighborhood of (0, 0).

Note: we don’t know how large this neighborhood is, just that it exists.

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Example: Car cruise control168 CHAPTER 3. EXAMPLES





(a) Effect of gravitational forces

0 10 20 30



Time t [s]



ty v



0 10 20 300


Time t [s]



le u

(b) Closed loop response

Figure 3.3: Car with cruise control encountering a sloping road. A schematic diagram is

shown in (a), and (b) shows the response in speed and throttle when a slope of 4! is encoun-

tered. The hill is modeled as a net change of 4! in hill angle ! , with a linear change in the

angle between t = 5 and t = 6. The PI controller has proportional gain is kp = 0.5, and the

integral gain is ki = 0.1.

controller, which has the form

u(t) = kpe(t) + ki

! t


e(" ) d".

This controller can itself be realized as an input/output dynamical system by defin-

ing a controller state z and implementing the differential equation


dt= vr " v, u = kp(vr " v) + ki z, (3.4)

where vr is the desired (reference) speed. As discussed briefly in Section 1.5, the

integrator (represented by the state z) ensures that in steady state the error will be

driven to zero, even when there are disturbances or modeling errors. (The design of

PI controllers is the subject of Chapter 10.) Figure 3.3b shows the response of the

closed loop system, consisting of equations (3.3) and (3.4), when it encounters a

hill. The figure shows that even if the hill is so steep that the throttle changes from

0.17 to almost full throttle, the largest speed error is less than 1 m/s, and the desired

velocity is recovered after 20 s.

Many approximations were made when deriving the model (3.3). It may seem

surprising that such a seemingly complicated system can be described by the simple

model (3.3). It is important to make sure that we restrict our use of the model to

the uncertainty lemon conceptualized in Figure 2.15b. The model is not valid for

very rapid changes of the throttle because we have ignored the details of the engine

dynamics, neither is it valid for very slow changes because the properties of the

engine will change over the years. Nevertheless the model is very useful for the

design of a cruise control system. As we shall see in later chapters, the reason for

this is the inherent robustness of feedback systems: even if the model is not perfectly

accurate, we can use it to design a controller and make use of the feedback in the

Equation of motion in the direction parallel to the road surface:

md v

dt= Feng + Faero + Ffrict + Fg.


Faero = −1

2ρCdAv · |v |,

Fg = −mg sin(θ),

Ffrict = −mgCr cos(θ) sgn(v).

1The example is taken from Astrom and Murray: Feedback Systems, 2008E. Frazzoli (ETH) Lecture 13: Control Systems I 15/12/2017 29 / 43

Engine model3.1. CRUISE CONTROL 67

0 200 400 600100






Angular velocity ! [rad/s]



e T



0 20 40 60100






n=1 n=2 n=3 n=4


Velocity v [m/s]



e T



Figure 3.2: Torque curves for typical car engine. The graph on the left shows the torque

generated by the engine as a function of the angular velocity of the engine, while the curve

on the right shows torque as a function of car speed for different gears.

gravity; Fr , the forces due to rolling friction; and Fa , the aerodynamic drag. Letting

the slope of the road be ! , gravity gives the force Fg = mg sin ! , as illustrated in

Figure 3.3a, where g = 9.8 m/s2 is the gravitational constant. A simple model of

rolling friction is

Fr = mgCr sgn(v),

where Cr is the coefficient of rolling friction and sgn(v) is the sign of v (±1) or

zero if v = 0. A typical value for the coefficient of rolling friction is Cr = 0.01.

Finally, the aerodynamic drag is proportional to the square of the speed:

Fa = 1

2"Cd Av2,

where " is the density of air,Cd is the shape-dependent aerodynamic drag coefficient

and A is the frontal area of the car. Typical parameters are" = 1.3 kg/m3,Cd = 0.32

and A = 2.4 m2.

Summarizing, we find that the car can be modeled by


dt= #nuT (#nv) ! mgCr sgn(v) ! 1

2"Cd Av2 ! mg sin !, (3.3)

where the function T is given by equation (3.2). The model (3.3) is a dynamical

system of first order. The state is the car velocity v , which is also the output. The

input is the signal u that controls the throttle position, and the disturbance is the

force Fd , which depends on the slope of the road. The system is nonlinear because

of the torque curve, the gravity term and the nonlinear character of rolling friction

and aerodynamic drag. There can also be variations in the parameters; e.g., the mass

of the car depends on the number of passengers and the load being carried in the


We add to this model a feedback controller that attempts to regulate the speed

of the car in the presence of disturbances. We shall use a proportional-integral

Engine torque (at full throttle): Tω = Tm

(1− β

(ωωm− 1)2), where

ω = nr v =: αnv (n is the gear ratio, and r the wheel radius).

The engine driving force can hence be written as

Feng = αnT (αnv)u, 0 ≤ u ≤ 1.

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Jacobian Linearization

Any (feasible) speed corresponds to an equilibrium point.

Choose a reference speed v > 0, and solve for dv/dt = 0 with respect to u,assuming a horizontal road (θ = 0).

We get

0 = αnT (αnv)u − 1


2 −mgCr


u =12ρCdAv

2 + mgCr

αnT (αnv).

Linearized system (ξ = v − v , υ = u − u):


dtξ =


∂T (αnv)



u − ρCdAv

)︸ ︷︷ ︸


ξ + αnT (αnv)︸ ︷︷ ︸B


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Example: numerical values

Let us use the following numerical values (all units in SI):

Tm = 190, β = 0.4, ωm = 420, α5 = 10,Cr = 0.01,

m = 1500, g = 9.81, ρ = 1.2,CdA = 0.79.

For v = 25 (90 km/h, or 55 mph), we get u = 0.2497.

The linearization yields:

A = −0.0161, B = 1.1837, C = 1, = 0,


G (s) =1.1837

s + 0.0161.

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Cruise control design

A proportional controller would stabilize the closed-loop system.

Assume we want to maintain the commanded speed (cruise control): we needto add an integrator.

A PI controller will work, e.g.,

C (s) = 1.5s + 1


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Check with BOTH linear AND non-linear simulation


a5T(a5 v)


Transfer Fcn2


Transfer Fcn1


Transfer Fcn



Saturation Product

























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Response to a 4 degree (7%) slope

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(Jacobian) linearization:

Find the desired equilibrium condition (state and control).

Linearize the non-linear model around the equilibrium.

Control design:

Design a linear compensator for the linear model.

If the linear system is closed-loop stable, so will be the nonlinear system—in aneighborhood of the equilibrium.

Check in a (nonlinear) simulation the robustness of your design with respect to“typical” deviations.

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1 Time Delays

2 Control of nonlinear systems

3 Integrator anti-windup

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Effects of the saturation

What if the slope is a little steeper (say 4.5 degrees)?

What is wrong?

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Integrator wind-up

Once the input saturates, the integral of the error keeps increasing.

When the error decreases, the large integral prevents the controller fromresuming “normal operations” quickly (the integral error must decrease first!)

Idea: once the input saturates, stop integrating the error (can’t do muchabout it anyway!)

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Implementing Anti-windup logic

One option is the following logic for the integral gain:

K ′I =

{KI if the input does not saturate;0 if the input saturates

Another option is the following:

Compare the actual input and the commanded input.

If they are the same, the saturation is not in effect.

Otherwise, reduce the integral error by a constant times the difference.

With this choice, under saturation, the integral error behaves like a simplelag, and converges to zero. If there is no saturation, the anti-windup schemehas no effect.

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Anti-windup scheme

a5T(a5 v)


Transfer Fcn3


Transfer Fcn2


Transfer Fcn1


Transfer Fcn



Sine Wave


Saturation Product

























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Response to a 4.5 degree (8%) slope

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Anti-wind up summary

Anti-wind up schemes guarantee the stability of the compensator when the(original) feedback loop is effectively opened by the saturation.

Prevent divergence of the integral error when the control cannot keep upwith the reference.

Maintain the integral errors “small.”

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