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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of Requirements to Obtain Undergraduate (S1)

Degree at English Education Program Faculty of Tarbiyahand Teacher Training


( TE.141032 )







In the name of Allah SWT the most gracious and the most merciful, who

has given the researcher mercy and blessing, health and ability to finish this

thesis. The researcher dedicates this thesis to:

1. Both my parents, my mother (Masriani) and my father (Suardi), who

have educated me, prayed and supported to finish this thesis and to be

successful in the future. Never forget to my beloved sisters (Ridma Yerti,

Umrizati, and Nelsi Amalia) and my beloved brother (Sahyudan

Wahyuzi), you are my motivation, thanks for your pray, support and love.

My love never the end for you are because you are my everything.

2. All of my classmate PBI B 2014 that i can not mention it one by one. 4

years being together with you all made a million story about friendship. I

feel so happy to spend my time and My life is colorful with you all thanks

you guys for your love. I want not forget our togetherness and

unfogettable experiences.

3. My housemate i thanks to you for your support and praying my success.

4. All my closest friends and my family, who always listens to my crezy

ideas, rise me up when i am torning down and coloring my days when i am

in blue.

My Allah always love bless them all. Amiiinnnn......


حيم حمن الره الره بسم الله

ت به بوأخرمتش ٱلكت تهنأم حكم تم بمنهءاي هوٱلذىأنزلعليكٱلكت

بهمنهٱبتغاءٱلفتنةوٱبتغاءتأويلهۦ اٱلذينفىقلوبهمزيغفيتبعونماتش فأمنعندربنا سخونفىٱلعلميقولونءامنابهۦكلم وٱلر ٱلل ومايعلمتأويلهۥإل

ب أولوا ٱللب ومايذكرإل

Artinya :

Dialah yang menurunkan Al Kitab (Al Quran) kepadakamu. Di antara

(isi)nyaadaayat-ayat yang muhkamaat, itulahpokok-pokokisi Al qur'andan yang

lain (ayat-ayat) mutasyaabihaat. Adapun orang-orang yang

dalamhatinyacondongkepadakesesatan, makamerekamengikutisebahagianayat-

ayat yang mutasyaabihaatdaripadanyauntukmenimbulkanfitnahuntukmencari-

carita'wilnya, padahaltidakada yang mengetahuita'wilnyamelainkan Allah. Dan

orang-orang yang mendalamilmunyaberkata: "Kami berimankepadaayat-ayat

yang mutasyaabihaat, semuanyaitudarisisiTuhan kami". Dan

tidakdapatmengambilpelajaran (daripadanya) melainkan orang-orang yang


Surat Al ‘Imran : Ayat 7


By saying alhamdullilahirobbil‟alamin, because his (Allah SWT) has been

giving us some mercies and blessing. Finally the writer finish this research and

this thesis. The goal of this thesis is as partial requirement for the Undergraduate

Degree (S1) in English Education Departement of Tarbiyah faculty in UIN STS

Jambi. This thesis which is entitled ”Content Analysis of English Textbook

entitled Talk Activeused by Senior High School (Student’s Book)”.

In this moment the researcher would like to thanks to the people who have

given remarkable help to me. First, my first advisor Kholid Musyaddad, M.Ag

and my second advisor, Reni Andriani S.S,.M Pd, who have given a lot of

suggestion, guidance and support to compliting of this thesis. Then would like to

thanks to the following persons:

1. Dr. H. Hadri Hasan, MA, the Rector of the UIN STS Jambi.

2. The first assistant of Rector Prof. Dr. H Su‟aidi, Ma., Ph.D, the second

assistant of Rector Dr. H. Hidayat,M.Pd , the third assistant of Rector Dr.

Hj. Fadilah, M. Pd.

3. Dr. H. Armida,M.Pd as a Dean of faculty of Tarbiyah of the UIN STS


4. The first assistant of Dean Dr. Lukman Hakim,M.Pd,I,the second of

assistan of Dean Dr, Zawaqi Afdal Jamil,S.Ag,M.Pd,I, the third assistan

of Dean Dr. H. Kemas Imron Rosyadi, M.Pd.

5. Amalia Nurhasanah, M.Hum a chief of English Education Program and

Wahyuni Fitria, M.Pd as secretary of English Education Program in

Tarbiyah faculty UIN STS Jambi.

6. All of lectures in Tarbiyah faculty UIN STS Jambi who have given

knowledge to the researcher.

7. Officiers and librarian of UIN STS Jambi who have given helping the



Name : Rezu Betri

Program Study : English Education Program

Title : Content Analysis Of English Textbook Entitled “Talk

Active ” Used by Senior High School (Student‟s Book)

This research aim to content analysis of textbook used by the teacher and

stydents as sources of learning. Especially textbook “Talk Active” publish by

Yudhistira.Thchnique of collecting data is observasion and documentation.

In this research, the research analysis of textbook based on school based on

curriculum used by teachers and students based on the standarts of feasibility of

content National Education Standards Agency (BSNP. Feasibility of content is

Alignment with Standard Competence (SK) and Basic Competence (KD) on

subjects, the substance of knowledge and life skill and insights for progress and


From the research, get the result of content feasibility of textbook ”Talk

Active” publish by Yudhistira is 82,81 % which means the textbook is very good

to use as the reference book in learning process.

Key Words: Content analysis, English textbook, Book feasibility.


Nama : Rezu Betri

Program Study : Bahasa Inggris

Judul : Analisis isi buku paket bahasa Inggris dengan judul “Talk Active”

yang digunakan oleh anak SMA.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa isi buku teks bahasa inggris yang di

gunakan oleh guru dan siswa di SMA sederajat khususnya buku teks ”Talk Active” yang

di terbitkan oleh Yudisthira . tekhnik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan


Pada penelitian ini, penulis menganalisa buku kurikulum 2013 yang di gunakan

guru dan siswa tersebut berdasarkan standar kelayakan isi yang telah di tetapkan oleh

Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP). Kelayakan isi tersebut meliputi; kesesuaian

dengan standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar (SK DAN KD), substansi keilmuan dan

life skill serta wawasan untuk maju dan berkembang.

Dari hasil penelitian, diperoleh untuk kelayakan isi dari buku teks ”Talk Active‟

yang di terbitkan oleh Yudhistira sebesar 82,81%yang berarti buku tersebut layak untuk

digunakan oleh guru sebagai referensi dalam proses pembelajaran.

Kata Kunci: analisa isi, Buku Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, kelayakan buku.


TITLE PAGE ......................................................................................................i

OFFICIAL NOTE ...............................................................................................ii

APPROVED AND ACCEPTANCE..................................................................iii

ORIGINAL STATEMENT.................................................................................iv





TABLE CONTENT.............................................................................................xii

LIST OF TABLE.................................................................................................xiv

LIST OF APPENDIX.........................................................................................xv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .........................................................................1

A. Background of the Research ...................................................................1

B. Focus of the Research .............................................................................3

C. Formulation of the Problem ....................................................................3

D. Limitation of the Study ...........................................................................3

E. Purpose of the Research ..........................................................................3

F. Significance of the Research ...................................................................4

CHAPTER II THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK ................................................5

A. English Textbook ...................................................................................5

B. Textbook as Learning Resource ..............................................................6

C. Function of Textbook .............................................................................7

D. Criteria of a Good English Textbook ......................................................9

E. Analyzing a Textbook ............................................................................10

F. The Criteria of Textbook by Cunningsworth (1995) ................................10

G. Feasibility of Content Based on Curriculum 2013...................................13

1. The compatibility of materials with (KI) and (KD).......................13

2. The accuracy of materials................................................................14

3. Supporting materials........................................................................15

H. English for Senior High School................................................................16

I. English Curriculum for Senior High School............................................16

J. Curriculum 2013 .......................................................................................18

A. Definition and Purpose of 2013 Curriculum ..................................18

B. Component of 2013 Curriculum ...................................................19

K. Previous Study ........................................................................................23

CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH......................................................25

A. Research Design ......................................................................................25

B. Research Data and Resource of the Data ................................................25

C. Instrument of the Research......................................................................26

D. Procedur of Analysis................................................................................26

E. The Thechniques of Data Analysis ..........................................................27

CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION................................................29

A. Research Finding......................................................................................29

B. Discussion.................................................................................................64

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION.......................................67

A. Conclusion................................................................................................67

B. Suggestion................................................................................................67

C. Closed.......................................................................................................68



CONSULTATION CARD...................................................................................



TABLE 1.1 Table Of Score

TABLE 1.2 Feasibility Of The Content

TABLE 1.3 Frequency Table Of 8 Chapters



A. Background

An English textbook has an essential role in English as a foreign language

(EFL) classroom. The use of English textbook has a prominent merit for both

teachers and students. Harmer (2007) said that textbook is one of the important

aspect for teachers use to explain to the students based on the content of the

textbook as a sources of learning. Under Ducree No, 2 year 2008 concerning that

the textbook in article explain that textbook use in units of primary and secondary

education higher educational is a reference book.

In Indonesia, English as the first foreign language has important role Since

the language can use to help not only students who will registrated themselves

into the high educational instution but also help the people to find the better jobs.

English is the first foreign language taught at school all over the country. In

Indonesia education system, it is taught at school subject at junior high school and

senior high school.

As we know, textbook is one of factors that support the success of English

teaching or learning. In fact, the textbook use as sources material of teaching

learning process. For beginning teacher, textbook will be a good solution in

teaching because usualy who become a new teacher they still nervous or

embarrased. So that make their focus in terrible and they cannot remember most

of the material of the learning as well. This is the reason why most English

teachers use a textbook in their class. It is not surprising that some teacher use a

textbook. Many beginning teachers lack confidence and experience, they prepare

their own materials and rely on the textbook to easy their burden.

Than, the functions or benefits textbook for the students as follows : first,

students do not need to record all the teachers explenation. Second, students can

prepare their self at home in orther to follow the leasson at school the next day.

Third, students do not need to explain the subject matters contained in textbooks,

but only partially explain the subject matter that indicate difficult to understand of

the students. Forth, teacher have face to face time is relatively longer than when

students take note.

Meanwhile, Buckingham (1986,p.16) describes the functions or banefits

textbooks as follows : a. The opportunity to learn according to their own pace. b.

The opportunity to repeat or revisit. c. The possibility of undertaking an

examinitation of memory. d. Easy to make notes for later use. And e. Special

occasions that can be displayed by visual means of a book.

So, reasons why the researcher choose textbook based on 2013 curriculum

are: First, in Indonesia right now most of the education system used 2013

curriculum. Second, to know the fesibility of textbook based on 2013 curriculum.

And last one is to know different textbook based on 2013 CURRICULUM and

another book as a learning source both of teachers and students.

Based on the description above, the writer interesting in doing a research



(STUDENT’S BOOK) . the researcher choose English textbook under the titled

”Talk Active” published by Yudhistira as object to research. The reason why the

researcher choose this book, as the primary data are: Because, first, some of the

schools used textbook published by Yudhistira . Second, this book never has been

research as thing or object of research before. And the last one is to know the

feasibility of Yudhistira book as textbook reference for both of teachers and


B. Focus of the Research

The scope of this study is the content analysis of English textbook ”Talk

Active” published 2013 by Yudhistira for Senior High School grade tenth which

is analyzed the fulfilled the feasibility of content requirement specified in

curriculum 2013. And BNSP rubric assessment will be adopted.

In this research, there are 4 categories provided by BSNP for analyzing

textbook these are feasibility of content, feasibility of language, feasibility of

presentation and graphic. But the researcher only uses one out of four categories

which BSNP provides as textbook assessment. That is feasibility of content. The

feasibility of presentation, feasibility of language and feasibility of graphic are

exclude, due to the purpose of this study is find out the suitability the material in

textbook to curriculum 2013 based on the content only.

C. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the explanation at the research background, the problem of this

research was formulated into the following questions: Is English textbook entitled

”Talk Active” published by Yudhistira for senior high school tenth grade textbook

fulfill the feasibility of content requirements specified in curriculum 2013?

D. Limitation of study

In this research, the research focus on analysis of content validity in the

English textbook based on the curriculum 2013 under the titled ”Talk Active”

published by Yudhistira for senior high school tenth grade as student‟s book.

E. Purpose of the research

The purpose of this research is:

To know the feasibility of English textbook under the entitled ”Talk Active”

published by Yudhistira for grade tenth senior high school-based on curriculum



F. Significance of the research

This study is hoped to contribute the significance for First, Headmaster:

The headmaster will know whether the English textbook which is used by the

teacher provides appropriate and good evaluation or not. So, the headmaster

knows what is the need to support the English instruction, such as providing the

facilities for teaching learning process. Second, Teacher : The result of this study

will be very useful for English teacher to be reference in selecting or choosing an

English textbook. Three, Reader: By the result of this study, the reader will be

given a general overview about how to analysis the fesibility of textbook.



This part reviewed the related literature that supported the research about

the feasibility of content analysis of second grades English textbook based on

curriculum 2013. In order to have the clear picture the parts such as textbook,

curriculum, Language skills and previous related study were explained as a


A. English Textbook

Harmer (2007) said that textbook is one of the important aspect for teachers

use to explain to the students based on content of the textbook as a sources of

learning. Under Ducree No, 2 year 2008 concerning that textbook in article

explain that textbook use in units of primary and secondary education is as

reference book.

Textbook is a tool, thing, or media for teaching that have function for

measure the students comprehension about the material is presented by a

textbook. According to Dhari and Haryono (1998,p.15) textbook is a reference for

support the success of teaching or learning it is presented by a textbook. Textbook

is one of important components in learning programs (Skowrronski and

Hinchman, 2000).

Another opinion Soekanto (1990,p.21) said that, Textbook is a book the

teacher use in leaning or teaching activities to improve knowledge and skills that

have function a source or reference. Furthermore, Akhyar and Mustain

(1991,p.34) said that Textbook is the thing that make students easier to study and

that famous material for students. Based on experts opinion above, we can

conclude textbook is important thing , tool, or media for learning and teaching to

giving knowledge and ability that have to mastered by students.

Textbook in teaching and learning process is needed between teachers and

students. Buckingham (1935,p.11) said that ”textbook at school and college as the

tools of study that are used to support a teaching program”. Bacon (1986,p.11)

that ”textbook are books designed from experts to be used in the class as teaching

tool with accurately and prepare by the experts”. From those definitions, we can

conclude that textbooks are needed in teaching-learning process.

To support their learning students need a textbook. English textbooks

support the teachers to provide various materials creatively. There are many

publishers that try to provide textbook in various style and setting which are

compiled based on the curriculum. Many textbooks are published, teachers must

select which one is the most suitable textbook to be used.

So, based on the explain above, as we know the definition of textbook is a

book the teachers or students use to help them to easier for teaching and learning

process as a source or reference in teaching and learning process. Then, both of

them can enjoy to repeat to read at home and it will make them memories until

long times.

B. Textbook as Learning Resource

To obtain optimal learning results, a student is required not only rely on

what happens in the classroom, but must be willing and able to browse a variety

of learning resources necessary. Learning resources have potential as a tool, a

means, actors, and a vehicle to improve the quality of education. Learning

resources is seen as everything that could give the possibelity to obtain some

information, knowledge, experience, and skill in learning.

According AECT (1987) , learning resources can be divided to two kinds,

namely learning resources designed, learning resources are utilized. Learning

resources designed (by design ), it mean learning resources that are specifically

developed as an instructional system components in order to facilitate follow-

formal teaching and learning and systematically planned. Such as text, textbooks,

slides, educational video, etc. That are specially made and designed to achieve

educational goals. Learning resources used (by utilization) or that are not

specifically designed for instructional purposes but have been available / could be

obtained because it already exsist in nature and the environtment, and can be used

for the sake of learning.

Another divison is usually done on components of learning resources are as

follows : First, print learning resources such as books, magazines, encyclopedias,

brochure, posters, charts, and others. Second, nonprinting learning resources in

the form of films, slides, videos, models, audio-tapes, and others. Third, learning

resources such as facilities: auditorium, library, classroom, desks, studio, courts,

markets, and others. Fourth, learning resources in the form of activities :

interviews, group work, observation, simulation, communittees and other. Fifth,

learning resources such as community environment: a garden, paddies, corn

fields, plantations, terminal, town, village, and other.

We can conclude that textbook as learning resource, because it made the

learning process systematicly. If the students are receiving lessons and master it,

than learning will be more active and more advance. It is clear that tool of

learning important to enrich purpose in teaching and learning. One of the tool in

teaching learning is book.

C. Function of textbook

Viewed from the learning process, the textbook has an important role.

Buckingham (1986,p.16) that describes the functions or benefits textbooks as

follows: A. The opportunity to learn according to their own pace. B. The

opportunity to repeat or revisit. C. The possibility of undertaking an examination

of memory. D. Ease to make notes for later use. E. Special occasions that can be

displayed by visual means of a book .

According to the center of books (2005,p.4) the function of textbooks for

teacher are as follows :Teachers, certainly, have freedom in selecting, developing,

and presenting material. All of it is the duty and professional obligation. He has

knowledge of the structure of knowledge with regard to the material to be taught.

He also has skills in process and present the materials. Nevertheless, all presented

in textbook still useful to him, such as material to choose from, and arranged

together with material from other sources. Also the way the presentation in the

textbooks can be used an as example to present the material in the learning

activities of the student.

Based on the explant above, it is clear that the textbooks have great

functionality, be it in relation to be interests of students or teachers. From

textbooks, students can acquire knowledge and information systematically.

Students can also train theirself and hang in accordance with their respective

capabilities. Textbooks provide and opportunity for students to refresh his

memory and checking in accordance with the understanding and the opportunity

that able to respectively .

In addition, teacher get most benefit from the presence of textbooks. The

teachers can convey the subject matter is more of fixed in accordance with the

demands of the curriculum and can make the interaction much more to develop a

range of competencies of students. Textbooks have an important role. By studying

textbooks, science can be transffered continuously and repeatedly so that the

knowledge gained will want longer stored in the students memories, that is the

purpose a writing textbook.

Starting from the definition above can also be argued that the exsistence of a

textbook has several functions and roles. Among these function are as follows:

first, the textbook can present evaluation and remedial resources: textbook reflect

a viewpoint: second, textbook provide subject matter orderly, neat, and gradually

:third, the textbook present the subject matter is rich and harmonious: fourth, the

textbook provides a variety of methods and means of teaching: fifth, the textbook

present the initial fixation for tasks and exercises.

The purpose of textbooks in school as follows: A. Students do not need to

record all the teachers explant. B. Teacher have face to face time is relatively

longer then when students take note. C. Students can prepare their self at home in

other to follow the lesson at school the next day. D. Students do not need to

explain the subject matters contained in textbooks, but only partially explain the

subject matter that indicate difficult to understand of the students.

Opinion about the function of textbooks above is more emphasis on the

interests of students, as sources, and tool to practice in mastering certain learning

program. However, textbook are not stopped in the interest of the students, but

also teachers. The textbook made both of teachers and students easy to teaching

and learning without must spend much times to write but students can read at

home anymore to prepare their self.

D. Criteria of a Good English Textbook

So many important components in teaching and learning but textbook is one

of them. (Hinchman, 2002: Cheng, 2011). Most of the teachers has problem in

teaching and learning as systematically to teach without used a textbook. Thus,

the textbook plays a crucial role to providing base of material both of teachers and

the students. (Hutchinson and torres, 1994).

In language teaching, teachers need to identify that textbook suitable or not

for the students. Harmer (2007) proposes several criteria in choosing a suitable

textbook for the students, such as price and availability, layout and design ,

instructions, methodology, syllabus, language skills, topics, cultural appropriacy ,

and teacher guide. Moreover, Ur (2006) also suggest some points that should be

considered in using textbook, namely framework, syllabus, ready-made texts ,

economy, convenience, guidence, and autonomy.

Become a qualified textbook, beside the textbook should be readability, the

textbook need to assess and the component of good textbook in content (qualified

textbook), there are description about assessment of textbook, assessment of

textbook component and criteria for a good textbook. The purpose of textbook

assessment is to ensure that the textbook that used in school really worth and

fulfill national standard. The role of regulation underlying the assessment of

textbooks as follow, Government Regulation No. 19 of 2005 (State Gazette of the

Republic of Indonesia year 2005 Number 41, Supplement to statute book No


Textbook is one of important media of teaching and learning activity in the

classroom so it must have a good quality. To know how textbook is categorized in

a good quality. The research provides some criteria from the experts because not

at all of textbook suitable and has good quality for teaching and learning process.

E. Analyzing a Textbook

Analyzing the textbook to be used is very important to measure the fit

textbook used by students and teachers in class. The problem whether the text

book is suitable to use or not always appear. Cited from what Cunningsworth

stated that selecting the textbook should match the material with the context

where the textbook to be used. Although none of the books are really ideal with

certain groups of students. It would be better to choose a book based on the

criteria that best suited or complemented inadequate or inappropriate material.

E. The Criteria of Textbook by Cunningsworth (1995)

Analyzing the specified criteria from the textbook is one of the ways to

determine and evaluate text textbook to be specific whether the book is suitable

for use or not in a teaching and learning activity. Cunningsworth in Agni proposed

eight criteria in analyzing and evaluating textbooks. The criteria suggested

include: 1) Aims and approaches, 2) Design and organization, 3) Language

content, 4) Skills, 5) Topic, 6) Methodology, 7) Teachers books, and 8) Practical

considerations except the 7th point is excluded because not relate to this research.

And the rest criteria will be presented.

The criteria of aims and approaches seek to answer the questions on whether

the aims of the textbook correspond closely with the aims of the teaching program

and with the needs of the learners, whether the textbook is suited to the

learning/teaching situation, how comprehensive the textbook is, whether it covers

most or all of what is needed, whether it is a good resource for students and

teachers, and whether the textbook is flexible and allows different teaching and

learning styles.

The criteria of design and organization seek to answer the questions on what

components make up the total course package (e.g., students‟ books, teachers‟

books, workbooks, cassettes), how the content is organized (e.g., according to

structures, functions, topics, skills, etc.), how the content is sequenced (e.g., on

the basis of complexity, learn ability, usefulness, etc.), whether the grading and

progression are suitable for the learners, and whether it allows them to complete

the work needed to meet any external syllabus requirements.

The criterion of language content seeks to answer the questions on

whether the textbook covers the main grammar items appropriate to each level

and takes learners‟ need into account, whether the material for vocabulary

teaching is adequate in terms of quantity and range of vocabulary, emphasis

placed on vocabulary development and strategies for individual learning, whether

the textbook includes material for pronunciation work and if so, what is covered:

(individual sounds, word stress, sentence, stress, intonation, and so on), whether

the textbook deals with the structuring and conventions of language use above

sentence level, for example, how to take part in conversations, how to structure a

piece of extended writing, how to identify the main points in a reading passage,

and whether style and appropriacy are dealt with. So, it should be questioned

whether language style is matched to social situation.

The criterion of skills seek to answer the questions on whether all four skills

are adequately covered, bearing in mind the lesson objectives and syllabus

requirements, whether there is material for integrated skills work, whether reading

passages and associated activities are suitable for the students‟ levels, interests,

etc., whether there is there sufficient reading material, whether the listening

material is well-recorded, as authentic as possible, accompanied by background

information, questions, and activities which help comprehension, whether the

material is for spoken English (dialogues, roleplays, etc.) and well-designed to

equip learners for real-life interactions, and whether writing activities are suitable

in terms of amount of guidance/control, degree of accuracy, organization of longer

pieces of writing (e.g., paragraphing) and use of appropriate styles.

The criterion of topic seeks to answer the questions of whether there is

sufficient material of genuine interest to learners, whether there is enough variety

and range of topic, whether the topic will help expand students‟ awareness and

enrich their experience, whether the topics are sophisticated enough in content, yet

within the learners‟ language level, whether the students will be able to relate to

the social and cultural contexts presented in the textbook, whether women pot

rayed and represented equally with men, and whether other groups are

represented, with reference to ethnic origin, occupation, disability, etc.

The criterion of methodology seeks to answer the questions of what

approach/approaches to language learning are taken by the textbook and whether

it is appropriate to the learning/teaching situation, what level of active learner

involvement can be expected and whether this matches the students‟ learning

styles and expectations, what techniques are used for presenting/practicing new

language items and whether they are suitable for the learners, how the different

skills are taught, how communicative abilities are developed, whether the material

includes any advice/help to students on study skills and learning strategies,

whether students are expected to take a degree of responsibility for their own

learning (e.g., by setting their own individual learning targets).

The criterion of teachers‟ book seeks to answer the questions of whether

there is adequate guidance for the teachers who will be using the course book and

its supporting materials, whether the teachers‟ books are comprehensive and

supportive, whether they adequately cover teaching techniques, language items

such as grammar rules and culture-specific information, whether the writers set

out and justify the basic premises and principles underlying the material, and

whether keys to exercises are given.

The criterion of political considerations seeks to answer the questions of

what the whole package costs and whether this represents good value for money,

whether the books are strong and long-lasting, whether they are attractive in

appearance, whether they are easy to obtain and whether further supplies can be

obtained at short notice, and whether any parts of the package require particular

equipment, such as a language laboratory, listening center, or video player and

whether it is reliable. If so, schools must have the equipment available for use.

F. Feasibility of Content Based on Curriculum 2013

The importance of textbook in learning process has been stated in

Permendiknas no. 11 in 2005 that textbooks play an important and strategic role

in improving the quality of education, so there needs to be government policy on

textbooks for students. Because of in assessing and evaluating the textbooks,

BNSP has released a rubric that compatible with the latest curriculum. The rubric

is designed through coding and qualitatively describing by BSNP. The assessment

is divided into 3 main components that become the instrument of assessing which

is feasibility of content, feasibility of presentation, and feasibility of language.

The description of instruments used in evaluating the English textbook for SMA

2013 in terms feasibility of content will cover 1) the compatible of materials with

KI and KD, 2) the accuracy of materials and 3) supporting materials. The

feasibility of content is one of instruments that assess the content of the textbook.

It covers three sub components which are compatibility material with Core

competency (KI) and Basic Competency (KD), accuracy of materials, and supporting

materials in learning. The researcher translated and interpreted from Badan Stadar

Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP) for the further explanation, as follows:

1. The compatibility of materials with core competency (KI) and basic

competency (KD). The criteria for compatibility of materials with KI

and KD are based on two categories which are completeness of

material and in-depth.

a) Completeness of material (Kelengkapan Materi)

In this part, A Textbook must contain and require students to

explore at least the texts commonly used in English

communication (interpersonal, transactional and functional text).

The texts must suitable the students grade to provide students with

the opportunity to understand and produce spoken and written

phrase in interpersonal or instructional communication, and also

functional elements to interact contextually along with other

characteristic, religious and aesthetic values included.

b) In-Depth of material (Kedalaman Materi)

Basically in-depth of material, the eligibility of textbook is to

fulfill several specific requirements. The first one is exposure

(Pajanan) which means the textbook must be explorative content

that requires many kind of relevant text to the daily life conditions

of the students, especially in terms of the message delivered. The

messages can be either good social attitudes or spritual attitudes

that are also relevant to the text presented.

The second is retention of text formation or (Retensi

pembentukan teks) which means the textbook has to contain

guidance for students to gain understanding about the explicit

meaning from the element of text formation as social function,

structure of the text and linguistic features.

The last one is production (produksi). Taking into account the

text formation, social, and relevant spiritual elements, textbook has

to be able to encourage the student and guide them to produce

spoken or written text that relevant with the context.

2. The accuracy of materials

a) Social function (Fungsi sosial)

This criterion has to do by the students as the manifestation of

the students‟ exploration to the textbook that students learned.

Therefore the textbook content must be able to guide the students

towards the achievement of social functions as interpersonal,

transactional and also functional communication according to short

functional text relevant as recount, narrative, procedure,

descriptive, news item, discussion, report, etc.

b) Generic Structure

This criterion shows that textbook must have systematical

ideas in presenting the material. Therefore, it is expected to

emerge the students with the systematically thought in daily life.

Such as in interpersonal and transactional texts, the activity can

cover the interactive activities in initiative communication for

asking and giving information.

c) Linguistic Feature

In this linguistic feature, textbook is expected can provide

and guide the student with the appropriate and relevant linguistic

elements. So the student can actively communicate in good

quality of language feature in relevant context in order to

achieve every part of social function.

3. Supporting materials

In the next English textbook assessment, the other instrument is a

learning support material, which the content must contain 3 elements that

become the standard that the book is compatible to use among others.

These are the up-to-datedness and relevance sources, the development of life

skill and the development of diversity insight.

a) Up-to-Datedness and Relevance sources

Each of teaching materials in textbooks such as text, tables,

attachments, drawings and more must contain relevant and

renewable text with the topics covered.

b) Development of Life Skills

The learning materials in the textbook must contain things

that encourage students to develop skills in life. Such as personal

skills, the ability to better recognize more deeply about oneself

such as weaknesses and strengths. Social skills are where students

are able to interact with their environment properly and correctly.

Academic skills, these are such as utilizing information well,

making decisions and solving problems wisely. As well as

vocational skills which are able to encourage students to develop

their abilities in the future development of their profession.

c) Diversity Insight

The other instrument that must exist in a good text book is a

text book should contain things that can encourage students to

develop their diversity insights. Such as, appreciate cultural

diversity, local wisdom, awareness in advancing culture, and

foster a sense of love for the culture with a good understanding of

culture and nation. It can be seen in appendices 1 and 2.

H. English for Senior high school

In this era, learning English as a foreign language in the Indonesia used in

education system it is taught at school subject at junior high school and senior

high school. Then, English not only help students to registrated into the higer

educational institution but help the people to fine the better jobs. Most of the

people in the world thing English is important and it make your life be more easy.

English for senior high school is very important because to indonesian needs

much more preparation to face the global era in the new millenium especially for

students senior high school. In the day of our life so many people communicate

using English for example on media social as facebook, instagram, whatshap, and

other. That make they feel commpident and kids up to now. If cannot, they say

you are misstommorow and so on.

I. English Curriculum for senior high school

Curriculum is an education program having a plan and for getting reach a

goal (Surachma:1975,p.5) the word curriculum can be interpreted in many ways.

There are many different interperentations and definitions among people and

experts in education toward this concept. It depends on their background

knowledge and point of view they have.

Curriculum can be defined as all plans activities that are provided for

students. According to Luhulima (1996) says that curriculum is a planned and

organized series of learning experiences and activities to be made available to the

students to achieve defined educational objectives. In this research, the writer

stress on the usage of school based-curriculum as the basic of the research.

Although it is the newest one.

School based on curriculum that is developed and implemented by each of

education unit. In implementing of the curriculum it must be refers to principle of

standard operational that is developed by government, refers to graduates

competency standard and refers to content standard. Estabilished by goverenment

regulation no 23 year 2006 for graduates compotency standards and goverenment

regulation no 26 year 2006.

Operacional that School is as a formal educational institution that has a

basic concept of instructional program for each subject matter namely syllabus.

Syllabus in arranged by the goverenment as a reference for educators to reach the

goals. However, in designing the syllabus designer should consider to students,

age, needs, interest, and even future era.

There are four language skills that are stated in the syllabus for the first year

the students of senior high school to master. Sundayana (1999,p.20-21). 1.

Reading, 2.Listening, 3.Speaking and, 4.Writing.

Reading, the students can read the text in narrative , descriptive, dialogue,

and specific guide such as schedule, departure, atc for : a. Getting particular

information. b. Getting overview of the content. c. Getting implicit main idea. d.

Getting all implicit information. e. Stating explisit main idea. f. Interpreting the

words, pharases and sentences based on the content. g. Having fun.

Listening, the students must be able to do some activities, such as: a.

identifying the name of things mentioned by teacher. b. doing some oral

instructions (Conversation, descriptive, narrative).Speaking, spelling a word or

pronouncing words. a. asking and answering simple forms. b. making short

dialogues or conversation fluently. Writing, example a. writing simple sentences

in correct spelling and punctuation. b, writing short sentences in dictation ways.

c. completing simple dialogues. d. Making simple sentences.

Talking about curriculum or syllabus, it should cover as follow: 1). What

the learner are expected to know at the end or objectives of the course. 2). What

is to be taught or learned during the course, in the form of an iventory of items.

3). When it is to be taught , and at what rate of progress, relating to the inventory

of items to different levels and stages as well as to the time constraints of the

course . 4). How is to be taught, suggesting procedures, techniques, and materials.

5). How it is to be evaluated, suggested testing and evaluating mechnism. Olshtain

, Elite and Dubin, Fraida (1986,p.27-28).

However, curriculum is different from syllabus. Curriculum refers to a broad

description of general goals by indicating an overall education cultural philosophy

which applies across subjects together with a theoretical orientation to language

and language learning with respect to the subject matter at hand. A curriculum is

often reflection of national and political trends as well. Whereas, syllabus as a

more detailed and operacional statement of teaching and learning elements which

translates the philosophy of the curriculum into a series of planned steps towards

more narrowly defined objectives to each level.

J. Curriculum 2013

A. Definition and Purpose of 2013 Curriculum

According to M. Fadillah (2014,p.16) that 2013 curriculum is a curriculum

that enhances and balances soft skills and hard skills covering aspects of

competency in attitude, skills and knowledge. In this context K13 strives to instill

more values reflected in attitudes can be directly proportional to the skills

acquired by students through knowledge at school. In other words, between soft

skills and hard skills can be invested in a balanced, side-by-side and able to be

applied in everyday life.

Regarding the purpose and function of the curriculum specifically refers to

Law No.20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System. In the National

Education System Law, it is stated that the function of the curriculum is to

develop the capabilities and shape of dignified national character and civilization

in educating the life of the nation. , namely to develop the potential of students to

become human beings believe and fear God Almighty.

Regarding the objectives of the 2013 Curriculum, acorrding to (Ibid,p.24-

25) that the writer can specifically describe it as follows:

a. Improving the quality of education by promoting hard skills and soft

skills through the ability of attitudes, skills and knowledge in order to

face the growing global challenges.

b. Forming and improving human resources that are productive, creative

and innovative as development capital for the nation and state of


c. Relieve educators in delivering material and prepare teaching

administration, because the government has prepared all curriculum

components along with textbooks used in learning.

d. Increasing the role of central and regional government participants and

citizens in a balanced manner in determining and controlling quality in

the implementation of curriculum at the education unit level.

e. Increasing fair competition between education units about the quality of

education to be achieved. Because schools are given the freedom to

develop the 2013 curriculum in accordance with the conditions of the

education unit, the needs of students, and regional potential.

B. Component Of 2013 Curriculum

According to Loekloek EndahPurwati and Sofan Amri (2003,p.202) The

curriculum has five main components, namely: (1) goals; (2) material; (3)

strategy, learning; (4) curriculum organization and (5) evaluation. The five

components are closely related and cannot be separated. For more details, below

will be explained about each of these components. To be able to understand more

clearly, the following researchers describe each component of the curriculum.

a. Aim

The purpose of education is recommended as the development of balanced

growth of the total human potential and personality, through spiritual, intellectual,

feeling and physical sensitivity training, so as to become a Muslim man who

continues to grow in terms of faith, devotion to Allah SWT and noblein personal

life, society, nation and state.

According to Muhammad Athiyyah Al-Abrasyi (2003,p.13) that Islamic

education experts have agreed that the purpose of education is not to fill the brains

of students with all kinds of knowledge they have never known, but: a. Educate

their character and soul. b. Planting a sense of virtue (fadhilah).c. Familiarize

them with high politeness. d. Prepare them for a holy life entirely with sincerity

and honesty.

Referring to the educational objectives above, (Ibid,p.13) said that the goal

of Islamic education is to educate character and soul formation or briefly the main

and main objectives of Islamic education are fadhilah (virtue). The purpose of

national education which is education at the macroscopic level, is then translated

into institutional objectives, namely the educational goals to be achieved from

each type and level of school or certain educational units. In Permendikbud No.

69 of 2013 stated that the purpose of education in 2013 curriculum is: 2013

curriculum aims to prepare Indonesian people to have the ability to live as

individuals and citizens who are faithful, productive, creative, innovative, and

affective and able to contribute to the life of society, nation, state, and world

civilization. ( Permendikbud No.69 Tahun 2013).

b. Learning materials

In determining the learning material or teaching material cannot be

separated from the philosophy and theory of education developed. In this case,

learning material is arranged logically and systematically in the form of:

1).Theory; construct or concept, definitions or prepositions that are

interconnected, which presents a systematic opinion about symptoms

by specifying relationships - the relationships between variables with

the intention of explaining and predicting these symptoms.

2) .Concept; an abstraction formed by an organization from specificities,

is a short definition of a group of facts or symptoms.

3).Generalization; general conclusions based on specific matters, sourced

from analysis, opinions or evidence in the study.

4). Principle; namely the main idea, the scheme of patterns that exist in

the material that develops the relationship between several concepts.

5). Procedure; that is a series of steps that are sequential in the subject

matter that must be carried out by students.

6). Facts; a number of specific information in material that is considered

important, consisting of terminology, people and places and events.

7). Terms, new and special treasury words introduced in the material.

8). Example / illustration, which is a matter or action or process that aims

to clarify a description or opinion.

9). Definition: that is an explanation of the meaning or understanding of a

thing / word in the outline.

10). Preposition, which is the method used to convey learning material in

an effort to achieve the curriculum objectives.

According to Munarji (2004,p.84-85) that the curriculum content contains

clear target achievement, standard material, standard education outcomes

consisting of core local, extracurricular and personality programs.

Loekloek Endah Purwati and Sofan (2013,p.255) said the success of

learning as a whole is very dependent on the success of the teacher designing

learning material. The learning material is essentially an inseparable part of the

syllabus, namely the planner, predictions, and projections about what will be done

during the learning activities. Broadly speaking, it can be stated that learning

materials (Instructional materials) are knowledge, skills, and attitudes that must be

mastered by students in order to recognize the competency standards applied.

c. Learning strategies

The implementation strategy of a curriculum is illustrated from the way

taken in carrying out the teaching, the way in conducting an assessment, the way

in carrying out guidance and counseling and how to regulate school activities as a

whole. The way to carry out the teaching includes the methods that are applicable

in presenting each field of study, including the method / method of teaching and

the learning tools used. In this case the teacher can) Theory; a set of apply many

possibilities to determine learning strategies and each learning strategy has its

own weaknesses and advantages.

According to M. Fadillah (2013,p.180) that In learning K13 there are

several principles that must be considered jointly by teachers in implementing

learning, including: (1) centering on students, (2) developing students' creativity;

(3) creating pleasant and challenging conditions; (4) contains values, ethics,

aesthetics, logic, and kinesthetic; (5) providing a diverse learning experience

through the implementation of various fun, contextual, effective, efficient and

meaningful strategies and learning methods.

d. Curriculum Organization

The variety of views that underlie curriculum development has led to

diversity in organizing the curriculum. According to the Loekloek Endah Purwati

and Sofan Amri (2013,p.107), there are at least six different types of curriculum

organization, namely:

Subjects are isolated (isolated subject); The curriculum consists of a

number of separate subjects, which are taught individually without any

connection with other subjects. Each is given a certain time and not

considering the interests, needs, and abilities of students, all materials are

given the same.

1) Subjects correlate; Correlation is held as an effort to reduce weaknesses

as a result of separation of subjects. The procedure adopted is

conveying correlated points to make it easier for students to understand

certain lessons.

2) Field of study (broad field); namely the curriculum organization in the

form of collecting several similar subjects and having the same

characteristics and correlated (functioned) in one teaching field.

3) Child centered program, which is a curriculum program that focuses on

the activities of students, not on subjects.

4) Core Problems (core program), which is a program in the form of

problem units, where problems are taken from a particular subject, and

other subjects are given through learning activities in an effort to solve

the problem. The subjects which become the knife of analysis are

provided in an integrated manner.

5) Ecletic Program, which is a program that seeks a balance between a

curriculum organization that focuses on subjects and students.

e. Curriculum Evaluation

In a broader sense, curriculum evaluation is intended to examine the

overall performance of the curriculum in terms of various criteria. The

performance indicators evaluated are not only limited to effectiveness, but also

relevance, efficiency, feasibility of the program. The extent or absence of a

curriculum evaluation program is actually determined by the purpose of the

curriculum evaluation. Is the evaluation intended to evaluate the entire curriculum

system or certain components in the curriculum syestem. One important

curriculum component that needs to be evaluated is with regard to student

learning processes and outcomes.

K. Previous Study

First, Heryansyah, he did a research in 2014 on the quality of the English

textbook used by teacher at the state junior high school 19 Tanjung Jabung Timur

publish by Platinum. The design of his study was descriptive qualitative research

because he wanted to know feasibility of the textbook. The result that an English

textbook publish by Platinum used for teacher at the state junior high school 19

Tanjung Jabung Timur as fair feasibility of English textbook.

Second, study is Mardiyah, she did a research in 2015 on analysis on the

feasibility of English textbook entitled”LKS CITRA” used for Grade Eleven

Studentsof Islamic Senior High School published by Citra sekawan. The design of

her study was descriptive qualitative because she wanted to describe the general

quality of the textbook. The result that an English textbook publish by Citra

Sekawan was 52,27% which means that workbook was lessfair to use as the

source of materials in learning process.

Third Rukaya.S, she did a research in 2015 on the quality of English work

sheet used by eight grader at states junior high school 32 Batanghari publisher by

Galileo. The design of her study was qualitative descriptive because she wanted to

describe the general quality of the work sheet. The result that an English work

sheet publish by Galileo used for state junior high school 32 Batanghari as very

good English work sheet.



In this chapter, the writer would like to discuss the research methodology.

Some points will be the researcher discuss those are : a) method and design of the

research, b) research data and sources of the research, c) technique of analyzing

the data.

A. Research Design

In this research, the researcher uses a descriptive qualitative method and this

research belong to library research. This research analyzes the suitable or match of

themes and the materials in English Textbook entitled “Talk Active” with the

basic competences of the 2013 curriculum. The writer used a content analysis to

explain this study. The writer wanted to know the feasibility of English textbook

”Talk Active” published by Yudhistirta.

The content feasibility of the textbook such as its characteristic or material

presented in the textbook was processed according to the list of standardization by

BSNP (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan). Additionally the researcher also

adapted Likert‟s scale to integrate with BSNP‟s rubric assessment as the

instrument use in this research. The researcher took all chapters is 8 chapters from

the textbook as the samples of the research.

B. Research data and Source of the Research

The object of this study was the English textbook for data entitle “Talk

Active” tenth grade Senior high school (students book) that textbook published

2013 by Yudhistra. This textbook was written by Lanny Kurniawan, S.Pd and

Mulyono,S.Pd, M. A. This book consists of eight units a hundred and fourty four

pages. The first semester was discussed in chapter one to chapter four while the

second semester in chapter five to chapter eight. This textbook was known as one

of recommended by Departement of National Education based on content

standard Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP.)

C. Instruments of the Research

To detain an accurate data collection, data analysis, and data interpretation,

the writer used documentation in collecting data which derives from curriculum

2013 for second grade of senior high school and Rubric assessment from BSNP

(Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan).The data was collected from the textbook

which takes whole chapter is 8. The writer also used books and papers about

content analysis of textbook as a guideline in analyzing and interpreting data. The

researcher adopted the instrument from BSNP in order to obtain an accurate data

collection and present a trustworthy finding that fairly closed to the real situation

where the textbook used. Besides that, the rubric was commonly used in analyzing

and evaluating the textbooks in Indonesia.

D. Procedure of Analysis

In the procedure of analysis the writer did the following steps of study:

In the beginning procedure, the researcher identified the research question then

made the guidelines appropriated with the data that the researcher had been

looked for. Before the researcher took the data, the researcher adopted the rubric

provided by BSNP (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan) to assess a textbook

about how the textbook fulfilled curriculum 2013.

Then, firstly the researcher read and comprehended all 4 categories

presented in the rubric. Those were feasibility of content, feasibility of

presentation, feasibility of language and feasibility of graphic. Then, feasibility of

content was chosen because it was the closest one in knowing how the textbook

fulfilled curriculum 2013 through the content of the textbook. After the researcher

chosen feasibility of content as the main criterion, then the researcher read and

comprehended the elements that contained in the criterion.

In the following steps, the researcher also integrated Linkert‟s scale with

the rubric in order to suit elements in the criterion required. Then, it would be

further criteria to be analyzed as the instrument to gain the data that researcher

looks for. After the rubric adjusted was finished and ready to use, the researcher

took 8 chapters from the textbook as the samples being studied.

E. The Technique of the Data Analysis

With the complete data sources taken from the “Pathway to English” were

collected, the writer analyzed the data from the textbook with rubric assessment

from BSNP. This analysis was meant to evaluate the materials which are

conformed in Curriculum 2013. In this analysis, the writer did the following steps:

1. Using the rubric assessment that had adjusted to collect the data required.

After the instrument to assess was ready soon the data were collected

from the samples. The data collected by comparing them to the characteristics

provided by the rubric. The rubric assessment was adopted from BNSP and also

integrated with Likert‟s Scale, and only one out of four categories which BSNP

provided are used. This is feasibility of content.

2. Analyzing the data and presenting numerically in a table and descriptively

in a paragraph.

In this step, after the data required was collected, the researcher presented

the data into the table of feasibility of content for each chapter. And then the data

was evaluated by giving the score to the list of focused category in the rubric

assessment as 1(poor), if KD, KI, Syllabus and Material of textbook do not

suitable or not match. 2(enough), if just some of KD, KI, Syllabus and Material of

textbook still suitable/match. 3(good), if mayorities of the KD,KI, Syllabus and

Material of the textbook suitable or match. 4(very good) if all of the KD, KI,

Syllabus and material of the textbook suitable/match and complete. The rubric

scoring is adopted from Likert Scale, and only even scale is adopted. The scale

was adopted because the researcher avoided the bias or neutral result if the odd

scale used. Therefore in evaluating data, the researcher presented numerically and


3. Reducing the data based on the purpose of the research.

Reducing the data in this research had been hold during the process of the

research. The researcher followed the criteria listed in the rubric. The researcher

selected and focused on the data that criteria required in the rubric. then the data

reduced based on the needs the researcher to answer the research question how the

textbook “Contextual English” fulfills the feasibility of content in curriculum


4. Interpreting the data gained after scoring from the evaluation.

Interpreting was done after the data had been reduced and presented. The

data was interpreted to show the result of compatibility of the textbook towards

curriculum 2013. The interpretation was drawn from the data collection, data

reduction and data presentation. Then the researcher interpreted the data in

quantitative output with the formulation help in percentage and number.

Then, the researcher presented the data interpreted descriptively. The

writer used the following formula to help presenting the data in forms of numbers

formula by Sudjiono Anas (2005, p.42):

Note :

Percentage : P

Total score : A

Total score maximal : B

Percentage Eligibility : P =

x 100% =



In this chapter, the researcher describes the research findings based on the

data collected. The presentation will be in line with the research question in the

first chapter that is English textbook entitled ”Talk Active” published by

Yudhistira for Senior High School Tenth Grade feasibility with the requirements

of school-based curriculum.

The researcher will present and interpret the data as research findings

which are whole chapters is 8 from the textbooks analyzed and evaluated. In the

other words, the findings presented covers for 1 and 2 semester from the textbook

taught. The researcher uses a range of scoring that BSNP provided. Additionally,

the researcher also uses percentage as the representation for the conclusion in

feasibility of content.

A. Research Finding

The research finding based on the textbook entitled Talk Active Tenth

Grade” published by Yudhistira used for Senior High School at Madrasah Aliyah

Laboratorium kota Jambi are :

1. Chapter 1 “ Memorable Moments”

Feasibility of Content in Chapter 1

“Memorable Moments”





1 2 3 4

The compatibility

of materials with

KI and KD



Accuracy of the


Social functions

Element and structure of


Linguistic feature




Development of life skills

Development of diversity



6 Total

In this chapter is talking about Learning Aspects are: Greeting, Parting,

Introduction, Inviting, Pronunciation. The exercises developed based on the topic.

This exercise is also formulated towards active student learning. Also there are

character values about Friendly and Love and Devotion to Motherland.

a. Compatibility materials with KI and KD

1) Completeness

In chapter 1 is match with KI and KD in the 2013 curriculum.

On The KD and KI, menerapkan fungsi social struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksi oral lisan dan tulisan

yang melibatkan tindakan member dan meminta informasi terkait

jati diri dan hubungan keluarga, sesuai dengan konteks

penggunaanya.(Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan pronun, subjective,

objective, possessive). That learning Aspects are: Greeting and

Parting, Introduction, Invitation, and Recount.

first, it could be seen on page 4 task 3 there is a dialog and

students try to practice with her or him friend. Then, they answer the

question orally that is packaged in daily conversation. The second, it

could be seen on the page 11 there is a recount text entitled my

school, that topic still has relation with student activities at their real

live. And then it could be seen on page 15 task 3 about bill gates,

that task purpose students to master about technology. For the

students tenth grate all of this material is suitable for them as new

students at senior high school.

In this chapters also, that can building the students character.

For example the character building from this chapter on the page 4

task 2 is “having friends is essential in our life. Without friends, our

life would by dull and uninteresting. Thus, it is important to act

friendly to others. That invite students to love and caring with

friends. And also on the page 17 and 18 there is a summary, that so

clear and easy to understand. Therefore, researcher gives a score 4

or very good for completeness in this chapter.

2) Indepth

This chapter has successfully developed all the criteria for In-

Dept. This could be seen from the completeness criteria of chapter 1

that this book has developed exercises that expose students to

express expressions greeting, parting, accepting invitation. This

chapter used other source to find more information to develop their

understanding about the topic discussed. Grammetical insert from

this chapter is on the page 12 about simple present tense. Then, task

1 about my school on the page 11 it is clear about recount.

Therefore, researcher gives a score of 4 or very good for in depth

this chapter.

b. The accuracy of materials

1) Social functions

The implementation of social function in this chapter has

already fulfilled the requirements in curriculum 2013. The

interpersonal communication is taught on page 4 equipped with

some exercises that stimulate students to interact to the other

students. For transactional communication can be seen on page 6. It

taught students to giving recommendations about daily activities of

students. Therefore, the researcher gives very good score is 4 for this


2) Element and structure of meaning

The element and structure of meaning required in feasibility

of content is successfully implemented. A systematic way of

thinking for students in this chapter has been successfully developed.

As on page 4 and 5, the students are taught on how to express

greeting, parting, introducing oneself and others, accepting invitation

and cancelling invitation. On page 12 the grammar insert taught is

simple present tense. Therefore, this consideration makes the

element and structure of meaning get 4 or very good for its


3) Linguistic feature

The language used in the chapter 1 is acceptable and polite.

The topic taken also make students more easily understand the

lesson and make it easier for students to use greeting, parting

introduction, inviting and pronunciation. It is clear from the task 1on

the page 10 text which uses polite and easy to understand. It is a text

talk about my school. Almost of students know the place and the

disaster. So, the explanation above gives the linguistic feature 4

score or very good.

c. Supporting materials

1) Relevance

This chapter deals with the students. In this chapter greeting,

parting, inviting, introduction to others about memorable moments.

On page11 illustrate with clear images. So students can understand

more about the memorable moments. Guidelines from the tables on

pages 11, 12 and 17 also make it easier for students to understand the

lesson. And also the good one from this chapter is there a song lyric

by yesterdays rising under titled experience to write. On the page 8 it

is can make student enjoy and relax to study. Therefore, the

researcher gives score 3 or good for its relevance.

2) Development of life skills

The fulfillment for development of life skills is successfully

implemented. It can be seen on taks 2, 3, and taks 1 on the page 2, 3,

4, and 5 the students will analyze expressions of greeting, inviting,

parting, introduction, and pronunciation. By activity on page 2and 3

students also required how to communicate with the other students

and solve the problem from exercise. This chapter also provides the

students to know more about their own ability after the lesson

finished by answering a few of reflection question on page 17. So,

based on this consideration, score 4 or very good for its development

of life skills.

3) Development of diversity insight

In this chapter, all aspects of the development of diversity

insights have not been successfully implemented. On page 9 taks 2

that taks about find the synonym of these words from the words in

the song. Therefore, the researcher gives score 3 or enough for the

development of diversity insight in this chapter.

2. Chapter 2 “Indonesian Folklore ”

Feasibility of Content in Chapter 2

“Indonesian Folklore”





1 2 3 4

The compatibility

of materials with

KI and KD



Accuracy of the


Social functions

Element and structure of


Linguistic feature




Development of life skills

Development of diversity


8 Total

In this chapter, you should keep your environment taken as a topic that is

mostly taught in this chapter. Therefore, in this chapter discuss about indonesian

folklore. In this chapter how to give recommendations and offers expression are

taught. The exercises developed based on the topic that make the students

imagine, enjoy, relax, to study. This exercise is also formulated towards active

student learning.

a. Compatibility materials with KI and KD

1) Completeness

In chapter 1, completeness that requires several texts still has

relation with this KD and KI. That ”first, membedakan fungsi sosial ,

struktur teks dan unsure kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif lisan dan

tulisan dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait lagenda

rakyat, sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. Than

second, menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkai fungsi sosial,

struktur teks dan unsure kebahasaan teks naratife, lisan dan tulisan

sederhana terkait lagenda rakyat”.

This chapter talk about folklore to be taught for examples:

Putri Tangguk, the smartest parrot, jakatarub and nawangwulan and

it is accordance with KI and KD in the 2013 curriculum. The first, it

could be seen on page 24, it is a narrative text that students discuss

with their friends or teacher to talk about indonesian folklore. The

second, it could be seen on page 27 taks 1, that a narrative text that

is one of famous story in Indonesia. And then it could be seen on

page 31 taks 1, as narrative text which told about the legend of lake

toba. Therefore, researcher gives a score of 4 or very good for

completeness in this chapter.

2) Indepth

This chapter has successfully developed all the criteria for In-

Dept. This could be seen from the completeness criteria of chapter 2

that this book has developed more than 2 texts and exercises that

expose students to express and discuss about folklore. This chapter

used other source to find more information to develop their

understanding about the topic discussed like short story book,

indonesian folklore. Then, could be seen on page 29 for language

element and grammars about past continuous tense. And also that

develop indonesian folklore is suitable with students. Therefore,

researcher gives a score of 4 or very good for in depth this chapter.

b. The accuracy of materials

1) Social functions

The implementation of social function in this chapter has

already fulfilled the requirements in curriculum 2013. The

communication steps is taught on page 21. That there are offering

sympathy, offering condolence, getting attention and also showing

attention. That with some exercises that stimulate students to interact

to the other students. For transactional communication can be seen

on page 22 taks 2. It taught students to complete the dialogs with the

suitable expression. Than, the character building from this chapter is

“we are social creatures that cannot live alone. Living together in the

society, we have to help each other. If you cannot help physically,

than you can give your attention and sympathy to show that you

care”. Therefore, the researcher gives very good score is 4 for this


2) Element and structure of meaning

The element and structure of meaning required in feasibility

of content is successfully implemented. A systematic way of

thinking for students in this chapter has been successfully developed.

As on page 21, the students are taught on how to offering symphaty

and responses, offering condolance and responces, getting attention

also showing attention. On page 29 the grammar taught is past

continuous tense. Therefore, this consideration makes the element

and structure of meaning get 4 or very good for its implementation.

4) Linguistic feature

The language used in the chapter 1 is acceptable and polite.

The topic taken also make students more easily understand the

lesson and make it easier for students to use expression

recommendations and offers. It is clear from the page 19 to 32. Then,

text which uses polite and easy to understand. In the text talk about

indonesian folklore. Almost of students know that indonesia

folklore. So, the explanation above gives the linguistic feature 4

score or very good for its fulfillment in this chapter. In chapter 4 has

used polite and communicative language.

c. Supporting materials

1) Relevance

This chapter deals with the surrounding environment. In this

chapter ask for opinions and offers to others about how to keep the

indonesian folklore. On page 26 and 31 illustrate with clear images.

So students can understand more about the Indonesian folklore.

The stories on pages 24, 26, 27 and 31 also make it easier for

students to understand the lesson. In addition, that explains how to

making narrative text, responds to expressions of recommendations

and offer. So, this chapters has good relavance between pages,

chapters, topic, and also materials. Therefore, the researcher gives

score 4 or very good for its relevance.

2) Development of life skills

The fulfillment for development of life skills is successfully

implemented. It can be seen an exercise on page 20-21 the students

will analyze expressions of recommendation and offer. By

activities on page 21 students also required how to communicate

with the other students and solve the problem from exercise or taks.

This chapter also provides the students to know more about their

own ability after the lesson finished by answering a few of

reflection question on page 31. So, based on this consideration,

score 4 or very good for its development of life skills.

3) Development of diversity insight

In this chapter, all aspects of the development of diversity

insights have beensuccessfully implemented. Therefore, the

researcher gives score 4 or very good for the development of

diversity insight in this chapter.

3. Chapter 3 “ Leisure Time”

Feasibility of Content in Chapter 3

“Leisure Time”





1 2 3 4

The compatibility

of materials with

KI and KD



Accuracy of the


Social functions

Element and structure of


Linguistic feature




Development of life skills

Development of diversity



7 Total

In this chapter talk about leisure time. There are some of learning aspects

are: asking for and giving favour, asking for and giving opinion, recount, and

notices. Also charecter values are: independent and well-read. On the page 34

there is a taks for students about listening ”shopping list” . This exercise is also

formulated towards active student learning.

a. Compatibility materials with KI and KD

1) Completeness

In chapter 3, completeness and accordance with KI and KD

in the 2013 curriculum. That ”menerapkan fungsisosial, struktur

teks, dan unsure kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan

tulisan yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan menerima informasi

terkait keadaan / tindakan / kegiatan / kejadian yang dilakukan /

terjadi di waktulampau yang merujuk waktu terjadinya dan

kesudahannya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. ( perhatikan

unsure kebahasaan simple past tense vs present perfect tense)”.

first, it could be seen on page 36 as communication steps

that students discuss with their friends or teacher to talk about

expression of offering a help, accepting a help and refusing a help.

The second, it could be seen on page 38 that talk about asking for

someone‟s opinion, giving opinion, and saying you have no opinion.

Third, taks 1 on page 39 about notices. And then it could be seen on

page 42-43, there is grammar inset about adverb clause with time (

when, before, after, while or as, by the time, until or till, since, as

soon as, and whenever or every time). The last one is on the page 45

as functional text which told about my holiday is fantastic.

Therefore, researcher gives a score of 4 or very good for

completeness in this chapter.

2) Indepth

This chapter has successfully developed all the criteria for In-

Dept. This could be seen from the completeness criteria of chapter 3

that this book has developed more than 2 texts and exercises that

expose students to express expressions of recommendations and

offers. this chapter used other source to find more information to

develop their understanding about the topic discussed. In terms

retention of formation text, it could be seen on page 42 - 43 for

language element and grammars. Therefore, researcher gives a score

of 4 or very good for in depth this chapter.

b. The accuracy of materials

1) Social functions

The implementation of social function in this chapter has

already fulfilled the requirements in curriculum 2013. The

interpersonal communication is taught on page 35 equipped with

some exercises that stimulate students to interact to the other

students. For transactional communication can be seen on page 35. It

taught students to giving recommendations about daily activities of

students. And also fulfill the requirements functional communication

on page 34 and 38. Therefore, the researcher gives very good score

is 4 for this criteria.

2) Element and structure of meaning

The element and structure of meaning required in feasibility

of content is successfully implemented. A systematic way of

thinking for students in this chapter has been successfully

developed. As on page 36,38, 42 and 43, the students are taught on

how to ask and respond a recommendation and offer expressions.

On page 12 the grammar taught are “when”, “before”, “after‟, “

while, as” , “ by the time” , “ until, till” , “since” , as soon as” and “

whenever, every time” .Therefore, this consideration makes the

element and structure of meaning get 4 or very good for its


3) Linguistic feature

The language used in the chapter 3 is acceptable and polite.

The topic taken also make students more easily understand the

lesson and make it easier for students to use expression

recommendations and offers. It is clear from the page 33 – 48.

That, text which uses polite and easy to understand. In the text talk

about my holiday was fantastic. Almost of students have good

experiences about their holiday. So, the explanation above gives

the linguistic feature 4 score or very good for its fulfillment in this

chapter. In chapter 3 has used polite and communicative language.

c. Supporting materials

1) Relevance

This chapter discuss about the leisure time. And it still has

relation with our daily activities. On the page 41 illustrate with

clear images. So students can understand more about the leisure

time. The learning aspects on the page 36, 38, 42 and 43 also make

it easier for students to understand the lesson. In addition, on the

page 37 taks 3 there are some of pictures about movies as: spider-

man, man of steel ( super-man), iron man, star trek to darkness,

batman bigan, and also harry potter. That make the student

interesting to doing them taks. Therefore, the researcher gives score

3 or good for its relevance.

2) Development of life skills

The fulfillment for development of life skills is successfully

implemented. It can be seen an exercise on page 34 taks 2 and taks

3 also on the page 38 taks 1 the students will analyze expressions

of recommendation and offer. By activity on page 38 students also

required how to communicate with the other students and solve the

problem from that taks. This chapter also provides the students to

know more about their own ability after the lesson finished by

answering a few of reflection question on page 48. So, based on

this consideration, score 4 or very good for its development of life


3) Development of diversity insight

In this chapter, all aspects of the development of

diversity insights have been successfully implemented. Therefore,

the researcher gives score 4or very good for the development of

diversity insight in this chapter.

4. Chapter 4 “ Friendship”

Feasibility of Content in Chapter 4






1 2 3 4

The compatibility

of materials with

KI and KD



Accuracy of the


Social functions

Element and structure of


Linguistic feature



Development of life skills


Development of diversity



6 Total

In this chapter discuss about friendship. This topic is very suitable with the

students. Because where their age focus on their friends and also most of them

thinks friends is everything for them. This topic is also formulated towards active

student learning.

a. Compatibility materials with KI and KD

1) Completeness

In chapter 4, completeness that requires several texts to be

taught as transactional text, interpersonal text, and functional text, is

in accordance with KI and KD in the 2013 curriculum. That “

menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks interaksi transaksi oral lisan

dan tulisan yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait keadaan / tindakan / kegiatan / kejadian yang

dilakukan / terjadi di waktulampau yang merujuk waktu terjadinya

dan kesudahannya. (perhatikan unsur kebahasaan simple past tense

vs present perfect tense)”.

The first, it could be seen on page 58 as interpersonal text

that students discuss with their friends or teacher to talk about

narrative text entitled tumble wood. The second, it could be seen on

page 53 taks 1 -2 that is packaged in daily conversation. And then

it could be seen on page 60 taks 1 as functional text which told

about baturaden. Therefore, researcher gives a score of 4 or very

good for completeness in this chapter.

2) Indepth

This chapter has successfully developed all the criteria for In-

Dept. This could be seen from the completeness criteria of chapter

4 that this book has developed more than 2 texts and exercises that

expose students to express expressions, imagine and enjoy to study.

This chapter used other source to find more information to develop

their understanding about the topic discussed. In terms retention of

formation text, it could be seen on page 58 taks 5 for language

element and grammars. And also on the page 50 taks 2 and page 52

taks 6 there are about request, satisfaction and dissatisfaction.

Therefore, researcher gives a score of 4 or very good for in depth

this chapter.

b. The accuracy of materials

1) Social functions

The implementation of social function in this chapter has

already fulfilled the requirements in curriculum 2013. The

interpersonal communication is taught on page 57 and 58 equipped

with some taks that stimulate students to interact to the other

students. For transactional communication can be seen on page 59.

It taught students to giving recommendations about their daily

activities. And also fulfill the requirements functional

communication on page 55 taks 3. Therefore, the researcher gives

very good score is 4 for this criteria.

2) Element and structure of meaning

The element and structure of meaning required in feasibility

of content is successfully implemented. A systematic way of

thinking for students in this chapter has been successfully

developed. On page 58 the grammar taught is present perfect tense.

Therefore, this consideration makes the element and structure of

meaning get 4 or very good for its implementation.

5) Linguistic feature

The language used in the chapter 4 is acceptable and polite.

The topic taken also make students more easily understand the

lesson and make it easier for students to use expression request,

satisfaction and dissatisfaction. It is clear from the page 49 to

chapter 62 text which uses polite and easy to understand. In the text

talk about tumble wood and baturaden. Almost of students

interesting talk about their experiences. So, the explanation above

gives the linguistic feature 4 score or very good for its fulfillment

in this chapter.In chapter 4 has used polite and communicative


c. Supporting materials

1) Relevance

This chapter deals with the our real life. In this chapter ask

for opinions and offers to others about friendship. On page 50-51

illustrate with clear images. So students can understand more about

the friendship. On the page 50, 52, 57, and 58 also make it easier

for students to understand the lesson. Therefore, the researcher

gives score 3 or good for its relevance.

2) Development of life skills

The fulfillment for development of life skills is successfully

implemented. It can be seen an taks 1 on page 56 the students will

analyze about a story. By activity on page 50 students also required

how to communicate with the other students and solve the problem

from taks. This chapter also provides the students to know more

about their own ability after the lesson finished by answering a few

of reflection question on page 61. So, based on this consideration,

score 4 or very good for its development of life skills.

3) Development of diversity insight

In this chapter, all aspects of the development of diversity

insights have not been successfully implemented. In text on the

taks 4 on page 54. Therefore, the researcher gives score 3 or good

for the development of diversity insight in this chapter.

5. Chapter 5 “ Sucessful People”

Feasibility of Content in Chapter 5

“sucessful People”





1 2 3 4

The compatibility

of materials with

KI and KD



Accuracy of the


Social functions

Element and structure of


Linguistic feature




Development of life skills

Development of diversity



7 Total

In this chapter, Therefore, the creation of text tends to focus on the

successful people, such as topics in the factual report and in the taks provided. In

this chapter how to give recommendations and offers expression are taught. The

taks developed based on the topic that isuse expressions of recommendation and

offers. This exercise is also formulated towards active student learning.

a. Compatibility materials with KI and KD

1) Completeness

In chapter 1, completeness that requires several texts to be

taught as transactional text, interpersonal text, and functional text,

is in accordance with KI and KD in the 2013 curriculum. That,

“membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsure kebahasaan

beberapa teks deskriptif lisan dan tulisan dengan meminta dan

memberi informasi terkait tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah

terkenal, pendek dan sederhana sesuai dengan konteks


The first, it could be seen on page 68 as interpersonal text

that students discuss with their friends or teacher to talk about

expression of recommendation and offer. The second, it could be

seen on page 69 taks 5 about descriptive text. And then it could be

seen on page 72 taks 4 there are some of question based on the text

”wimarwitoelar”. Therefore, researcher gives a score of 4 or very

good for completeness in this chapter.

2) Indepth

This chapter has successfully developed all the criteria for In-

Dept. This could be seen from the completeness criteria of chapter

5 this book has developed more than 2 texts and taks that expose

students to express asking if someone knows about something,

saying that you know about something, saying that you do not

know about something, asking if someone interested in something,

saying that you are interested in something and saying that you are

not interested in something.

This chapter used other source to find more information to

develop their understanding about the topic discussed. In terms

retention of formation text, it could be seen on page 73 for

language element and grammars. And also in terms production, the

taks that develop oral produce on page 68 and written produce

could be seen on page 70.Therefore, researcher gives a score of 4

or very good for in depth this chapter.

b. The accuracy of materials

1) Social functions

The implementation of social function in this chapter has

already fulfilled the requirements in curriculum 2013. The

interpersonal communication is taught on page 65 and 67 equipped

with some taks that stimulate students to interact to the other

students. For transactional communication can be seen on page 69.

It taught students to giving recommendations about daily activities.

And also fulfill the requirements functional communication on

page 68. Therefore, the researcher gives very good score is 4 for

this criteria.

2) Element and structure of meaning

The element and structure of meaning required in feasibility

of content is successfully implemented. A systematic way of

thinking for students in this chapter has been successfully

developed. As on page 64, 65, and 67 the students are taught on

expressions asking if someone know about something, saying that

you know about something, saying that you do not know about

something, asking if someone is interested in something, saying

that you are interested in something, and saying that you are not

interested in something. On page 73 the grammar taught is about

simple present tense. Therefore, this consideration makes the

element and structure of meaning get 4 or very good for its


3)Linguistic feature

The language used in the chapter 1 is acceptable and polite.

The topic taken also make students more easily understand the

lesson and make it easier for students to use expression

recommendations and offers. It is clear from the 15 page 14 text

which uses polite and easy to understand. In the text talk about

garbage and flooding in Jakarta. Almost of students know the place

and the disaster. So, the explanation above gives the linguistic

feature 4 score or very good for its fulfillment in this chapter. In

chapter 4 has used polite and communicative language.

c. Supporting materials

1) Relevance

This chapter ask for opinions and offers to others about

successful people. On page 68 and 69 taks 2, 4 and 5 illustrate with

clear images. So students can understand more about the simple

present tense and successful people. On the page 64, 65, 69, and 73

also make it easier for students to understand the lesson. Therefore,

the researcher gives score 3 or good for its relevance.

2) Development of life skills

The fulfillment for development of life skills is successfully

implemented. It can be seen on page 64 the students will analyze

expressions of recommendation and offer. By activity on page 65

taks 1 and 2 students also required how to communicate with the

other students and solve the problem from taks. This chapter also

provides the students to know more about their own ability after the

lesson finished by answering a few of reflection question on page

76. So, based on this consideration, score 4 or very good for its

development of life skills.

3) Development of diversity insight

In this chapter, all aspects of the development of diversity

insights have been successfully implemented. Therefore, the

researcher gives score 4 or very good for the development of

diversity insight in this chapter.

6. Chapter 6 “ Famous People”

Feasibility of Content in Chapter 6

“famous people”





1 2 3 4

The compatibility

of materials with

KI and KD



Accuracy of the


Social functions

Element and structure of


Linguistic feature




Development of life skills

Development of diversity




6 Total

In this chapter, suitable with student as a topic of learning. Therefore, the

creation of text tends to focus on the surrounding environment, such as topics in

the factual report and in the taks provided. In this chapter how to give

recommendations and offers expression are taught. The taks developed based on

the topic that isuse expressions of recommendation and offers. This taks is also

formulated towards active student learning.

a. Compatibility materials with KI and KD

1) Completeness

In chapter 6, completeness that requires several texts to be

taught as transactional text, interpersonal text, and functional text,

is in accordance with KI and KD in the 2013 curriculum.

That”menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulisan, pendek dan

sederhana, terkait tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah

terkenal, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, strukturteks, dan

unsure kebahasaan secara benar dan sesuai konteks.

first, it could be seen on page 79 as interpersonal text that

students discuss with their friends or teacher to talk about

expression of recommendation and offer. The second, it could be

seen on page 81 taks 5 as transactional text that is packaged in

daily conversation. And then it could be seen on page 86 taks 10 as

functional text which told about place or object. Therefore,

researcher gives a score of 4 or very good for completeness in this


2) Indepth

This chapter has successfully developed all the criteria for

In-Dept. This could be seen from the completeness criteria of

chapter 6 that this book has developed more than 2 texts and taks

that expose students to express expressions of recommendations

and offers. In terms exposure (Pajanan), this chapter used other

source to find more information to develop their understanding

about the topic discussed. In terms retention of formation text, it

could be seen on page 90 for language element and grammars

about relative clause (who, whom and what). And also in terms

production, the taks that develop oral produce on page 78 and

written produce could be seen on page 93.Therefore, researcher

gives a score of 4 or very good for in depth this chapter.

b. The accuracy of materials

1) Social functions

The implementation of social function in this chapter has

already fulfilled the requirements in curriculum 2013. The

interpersonal communication is taught on page 79 and 80 equipped

with some taks that stimulate students to interact to the other

students. For transactional communication can be seen on page 82

taks 1 and on page 89 taks 1, 2, 3 and 4. It taught students to giving

recommendations about daily activities of students. And also fulfill

the requirements functional communication on page 78. Therefore,

the researcher gives very good score is 4 for this criteria.

2) Element and structure of meaning

The element and structure of meaning required in feasibility

of content is successfully implemented. A systematic way of

thinking for students in this chapter has been successfully

developed. As on page 79 and 80, the students are taught on how to

ask and respond a recommendation and offer expressions. On page

90 the grammar taught is about relative clauses. Therefore, this

consideration makes the element and structure of meaning get 4 or

very good for its implementation.

3) Linguistic feature

The language used in the chapter 6 is acceptable and polite.

The topic taken also make students more easily understand the

lesson and make it easier for students to use expression

recommendations and offers. It is clear from the 77 page to page 94

text which uses polite and easy to understand. In the text talk about

prambanan, the most beautiful hindu temple in the world. Almost

of students know about prambanan temple and some of them ever

come there. So, the explanation above gives the linguistic feature 4

score or very good for its fulfillment in this chapter. In chapter 6

has used polite and communicative language.

c. Supporting materials

1) Relevance

This chapter deals with the surrounding environment. In this

chapter ask for opinions and offers to others about famous people.

On page 92 illustrate with clear images. So students can understand

more about famous people. Based on pages 79, 80, 82, 86,90, and

92 also make it easier for students to understand the lesson.

Therefore, the researcher gives score 3 or good for its relevance.

2) Development of life skills

The fulfillment for development of life skills is successfully

implemented. It can be seen an taks 1, 2 and 3on page 82 the

students will study about congratulation and analyze expressions

of recommendation and offer. By activity on page 78 students also

required how to communicate with the other students and solve the

problem from taks. This chapter also provides the students to know

more about their own ability after the lesson finished by answering

a few of reflection question on page 93. So, based on this

consideration, score 4 or very good for its development of life


3) Development of diversity insight

In this chapter, all aspects of the development of diversity

insights have not been successfully implemented. In text 15 on

page 14 the awareness of the nation's love own homeland and in

practice 9 on page 10 the existence of global cultural diversity.

Therefore, the researcher gives score 2 or enough for the

development of diversity insight in this chapter.

7. Chapter 7 “ Sport”

Feasibility of Content in Chapter 7






1 2 3 4

The compatibility

of materials with

KI and KD



Accuracy of the


Social functions

Element and structure of


Linguistic feature



Development of life skills


Development of diversity




6 Total

In this chapter, the topic about sport suitable with students as learning

material. Talk about sport suitable with all of ages as long as people care with

them healty live. And this chapter also there are some learning aspects are giving

stand, annoyance, and narration. Than there character values are love and

devotion to motherland, and curiosity. This taks is also formulated towards active

student learning.

a. Compatibility materials with KI and KD

1) Completeness

In chapter 7, completeness that requires several texts to be

taught as transactional text, interpersonal text, and functional text,

is in accordance with KI and KD in the 2013 curriculum. That “

menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsure kebahasaan teks naratife, lisan dan tulisan

sederhana terkait legenda rakyat. Than membedakan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsure kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif lisan

dan tulisan dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait

lagenda rakyat, sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

The first, it could be seen on page 96 taks 2 and taks 4 on the

page 97 as interpersonal text that students discuss with their friends

or teacher to talk about expression used in sports. The second, it

could be seen on page 98 as transactional text that is packaged in

daily conversation. And then it could be seen on page 102 as

functional text which told about the smartest animal. Therefore,

researcher gives a score of 4 or very good for completeness in this


2) Indepth

This chapter has successfully developed all the criteria for In-

Dept. This could be seen from the completeness criteria of chapter

7 that this book has developed more than 2 texts and taks that

expose students to express expression of sports. In terms retention

of formation text, it could be seen on page 104 for language

element and grammars about conditional “if”. And also in terms

production, the taks that develop oral produce on page 98 and

written produce could be seen on page 105 taks 1.Therefore,

researcher gives a score of 4 or very good for in depth this chapter.

b. The accuracy of materials

1) Social functions

The implementation of social function in this chapter has

already fulfilled the requirements in curriculum 2013. The

interpersonal communication is taught on page 98 and 99 equipped

with some taks that stimulate students to interact to the other

students. For transactional communication can be seen on page 100

taks 4. It taught students to giving recommendations about daily

activities of students. And also fulfill the requirements functional

communication on page 105. Therefore, the researcher gives very

good score is 4 for this criteria.

2) Element and structure of meaning

The element and structure of meaning required in feasibility

of content is successfully implemented. A systematic way of

thinking for students in this chapter has been successfully

developed. As on page 96, the students are taught on some

expressions used in sports . On page 104 the grammar taught is

conditional “if‟. Therefore, this consideration makes the element

and structure of meaning get 4 or very good for its implementation.

3)Linguistic feature

The language used in the chapter 7 is acceptable and polite.

The topic taken also make students more easily understand the

lesson and make it easier for students to use expression giving

stand, expressions of annoyance, expression to calm annoyance,

and grammar insert . It is clear from the page 95 to page 106 text

which uses polite and easy to understand. In the text talk about the

smartest animal on the page 102 taks 2. Almost of students

interesting about this story. So, the explanation above gives the

linguistic feature 4 score or very good for its fulfillment in this

chapter. In chapter 7 has used polite and communicative language.

c. Supporting materials

1) Relevance

This chapter deals with the surrounding environment. On

page 105 illustrate with clear images. So students can understand

more about the narrative text. On the page 98, 100, and 104 also

make it easier for students to understand the lesson. Therefore, the

researcher gives score 3 or good for its relevance.

2) Development of life skills

The fulfillment for development of life skills is successfully

implemented. It can be seen an taks 1 on page 98 the students will

analyze expressions giving standar. By activity on page 100 taks 4

students also required how to communicate with the other students

and solve the problem from taks. This chapter also provides the

students to know more about their own ability after the lesson

finished by answering a few of reflection question on page 106. So,

based on this consideration, score 4 or very good for its

development of life skills.

3) Development of diversity insight

In this chapter, all aspects of the development of diversity

insights have not been successfully implemented. On the taks 10

page 86. Then on the taks 4 page 88. Therefore, the researcher

gives score 2 or enough for the development of diversity insight in

this chapter.

8. Chapter 8 “ Reading is fun”

Feasibility of Content in Chapter 8

“reading is fun”





1 2 3 4

The compatibility

of materials with

KI and KD



Accuracy of the


Social functions

Element and structure of


Linguistic feature




Development of life skills

Development of diversity



7 Total

In this chapter, you should keep your environment taken as a topic that is

mostly taught in this chapter. Therefore, the creation of text tends to focus on the

surrounding environment, such as topics in the factual report and in the exercises

provided. In this chapter how to give recommendations and offers expression are

taught. The exercises developed based on the topic that isues expressions of

recommendation and offers. This exercise is also formulated towards active

student learning.

a. Compatibility materials with KI and KD

1) Completeness

In chapter 8, completeness that requires several texts to be

taught as transactional text, interpersonal text, and functional text, is

in accordance with KI and KD in the 2013 curriculum. That “

membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsure kebahasaan

beberapa teks narati flisan dan tulisan dengan memberi dan

meminta informasi terkait lagenda rakyat, sederhana, sesuai dengan

konteks penggunaannya’.

The first, it could be seen on page 109 as interpersonal text that

students discuss with their friends or teacher to talk about expression

of recommendation and offer. The second, it could be seen on page

111 as transactional text that is packaged in daily conversation. And

then it could be seen on page 112 as functional text which told about

a vagrant‟s cry. Therefore, researcher gives a score of 4 or very good

for completeness in this chapter.

2) Indepth

This chapter has successfully developed all the criteria for In-

Dept. This could be seen from the completeness criteria of chapter 8

that this book has developed more than 2 texts and taks that expose

students to express expressions of recommendations and offers. In

terms exposure (Pajanan), this chapter used other source to find

more information to develop their understanding about the topic

discussed. In terms retention of formation text, it could be seen on

page 114 for language element and grammars about direct and

indirect speech. And also in terms production, the taks that develop

oral produce on page 112 taks 3 and written produce could be seen

on page 119.Therefore, researcher gives a score of 4 or very good for

in depth this chapter.

b. The accuracy of materials

1) Social functions

The implementation of social function in this chapter has

already fulfilled the requirements in curriculum 2013. The

interpersonal communication is taught on page 112 equipped with

some taks that stimulate students to interact to the other students.

For transactional communication can be seen on page 115 taks 1. It

taught students to giving recommendations about daily activities of

students. And also fulfill the requirements functional

communication on page 116 taks 1. Therefore, the researcher gives

very good score is 4 for this criteria.

2) Element and structure of meaning

The element and structure of meaning required in feasibility

of content is successfully implemented. A systematic way of

thinking for students in this chapter has been successfully

developed. As on page 108 and 111, the students are taught on how

to ask and respond a recommendation and offer expressions about

persuading, intention and purpose. On page 114 the grammar

taught is about direct and indirect speech.Therefore, this

consideration makes the element and structure of meaning get 4 or

very good for its implementation.

6) Linguistic feature

The language used in the chapter 8 is acceptable and polite.

The topic taken also make students more easily understand the

lesson and make it easier for students to use expression

recommendations and offers. It is clear from the page 107 to 120

text which uses polite and easy to understand. In the text talk about

a vagrant‟s cry and spectrapolis: rose, the loving fairy. Almost of

students interested with this story. So, the explanation above gives

the linguistic feature 4 score or very good for its fulfillment in this

chapter. In chapter 8 has used polite and communicative language.

c. Supporting materials

1) Relevance

This chapter deals with the surrounding environment. In this

chapter ask for opinions and offers to others about reading is fun.

On page 109 taks 4, that illustrate with clear images. So students

can understand more about the persueding. Guidelines from the

tables on pages 108, 111, and also 114 also make it easier for

students to understand the lesson. In addition, on the page 119 taks

5 there is a song lyrics entitled “skyscraper” by demi lovato.

Therefore, the researcher gives score 3 or good for its relevance.

2) Development of life skills

The fulfillment for development of life skills is successfully

implemented. It can be seen an taks 4 page 109, taks 3 on page 112

the students will analyze expressions of recommendation and offer.

By activity on page 111 taks 1 students also required how to

communicate with the other students and solve the problem from

taks. This chapter also provides the students to know more about

their own ability after the lesson finished by answering a few of

reflection question on page 120. So, based on this consideration,

score 4 or very good for its development of life skills.

3) Development of diversity insight

In this chapter, all aspects of the development of diversity

insights have not been successfully implemented. Therefore, the

researcher gives score 4 or very good for the development of

diversity insight in this chapter.

Frequency Table of 8 Chapters



Scoring frequency

1 2 3 4

The compatibility

materials with KI

and KD



In depth


The Accuracy of


Social function


Element and structure of



Linguistic feature







Development of life skills


Development of diversity









Based on the table of feasibility of content above, almost all chapters in

completeness, in-depth, social functions, generic structure, linguistic feature,

relevance and development of life skills get criteria scored 4. As for development

of diversity insight, there are two chapters which scored 2. And beside it, other

chapters which scored 9. All of them make up the total of 53 in the score 4 from

64 category altogether. From this tables, it can be derived that 53 category in

feasibility of content from 8 sample chapter out of 64 category have fulfilled and

only 2 category from development of diversity insight could not met the criteria of

score 4.

Percentage :P

Total score : 53

Total score maximal : 64

P =

x 100 %

= 82,81 %

Therefore, it can be concluded that 82,81% of the materials, taks, and text

developed in the textbook “Talk active” are fulfilled the rubric assessment of

feasibility of content from BSNP.

B. Discussion

Textbook is a tool used by students and teachers in teaching and learning

process. Textbook created by author based on curriculum used. According to

Candra (2003) in Nurhikmah, textbook generally is book which contains some

material of certain subject to be learned by the students in the school. It is used as

a main component to deliver the material framework designed in the curriculum.

It also can help teachers in providing them with teaching.

The analysis above shows that Talk Active fulfilled of textbook evaluation

criteria in the aspect compatibility materials with KI and KD, the accuracy of

materials and supporting materials. According to Gretchen (2003) in Cheng, the

textbook has a process for developing curriculum that is based on a needs

assessment of learners and includes participation and input from other

stakeholders. The curriculum and instructional materials are easily accessible, up

to date, appropriate for learners, culturally sensitive, oriented to the language and

literacy needs of the learners, and suitable for a variety of learning styles.

Based on finding above, it can conclude. In the chapter 1, showed good

implemented of criteria. It could be seen in the criteria completeness, social

function, element and structure meaning, linguistic feature and development of

life skills get score 4. Meanwhile, it is lacking in relevance and development of

diversity insight criteria. In the relevance criteria present a quite up to date data

with the recent information. It could be got score 3 for its relevance. Beside it,

development of diversity insight get score 3 for its implemented.

In the chapter 2, development of diversity of insight criteria showed

unsuccessfully implemented. In the development for social function,

completeness, in depth, element and structure of meaning,relavant, linguistic

feature and development of life skills showed successfully for implemented. So,

they get score 4.

In the chapter 3, it shows good implemented of all criteria. the completeness

criteria get 4 score. It causes this chapter showed only 2 out of 3 texts that must

teach. For development of diversity insight get score 4. It present global cultural.

Meanwhile, in depth, social functions, element and structure of meaning,

linguistic feature, relevance and development of life skill get score 4 because

successfully for implemented.

In the chapter 4, it shows good implemented of all criteria. For

completeness, in depth, social functions, element and structure of meaning,

linguistic feature, development of life skills, And for development of diversity

insight criteria get score 4. And the relevance criteria get score 3. It mean

successfully implemented.

In the chapter 5, the criteria of in relevance this chapter get score 3 because

one text it could not found the relevance with the topic of text formation. Beside

that the completeness, social functions, element and structure of meaning,

linguistic feature, relevance, development of life skill and diversity insight criteria

get score 4 for its developed.

In the chapter 6, it showed successfully implemented of all criteria. They are

completeness, in depth, social functions, element and structure of meaning,

linguistic feature, and development of life skill make to get score 4. Then,

relevance got score 3. Meanwhile, score 2 for implemented of development of

diversity insight.

In the chapter 7, it is not different from chapter 6. It showed successfully

implemented of all criteria. They are completeness, in depth, social functions,

element and structure of meaning, linguistic feature and development of life skill

make to get score 4. But relevance got score 3. Meanwhile, score 2 for

implemented of development of diversity insight.

In the chapter 8, the relevance criteria get score 3 for its implemented. It is

because the data is quite up to date. The successfully of criteria could be seen in

the completeness, in depth, social functions, element and structure of meaning,

linguistic feature, development of life skill and diversity insight. They get score 4.

Almost of criteria in this chapter 8 are lack. It could be seen in

completeness, in depth, development of diversity insight, structure of meaning,

linguistic feature and development of life skill get score 4. Then, relevance get

score 3.

Based from the tables about the evaluation of content, the result of this

study can be concluded as follows. From feasibility of content 82,81% of

materials, taks and text developed in the textbook “Talk Active” are fulfilled the

criteria from BSNP of how standard textbook should be. There are various

categories in feasibility of content such as the development of text, taks,

development of life skills and diversity, social functions and generic structure.

Yet, this commercial textbook from Yudhistira fulfilled most of the criteria from

BSNP From this research finding of analysis of English textbook “Talk Active”

for the first grade of senior high school based from the curriculum 2013, the

writer concluded that this textbook showed as a good English textbook in

Indonesia based from BSNP rubric assessment. Most of all chapters in this

textbook lacking in development of diversity insight.



In this chapter, the research closed the thesis with conclusion, suggestion

and closing.

A. Conclusion

After analyzing and discussing the data the writer could draw the conclusion

that the textbook were analayzed based on the aspects of the feasibility of

materials with KI and KD, Accuracy of the materials, and Supporting materials

that suggested by Pusat Perbukuan, Ministry of National Education the textbook

entitled ”Talk Active Tenth Grade” published by Yudhistira is suitable, feasibility,

or very good because total scores of the evaluation in this research are 82,81%.

B. Suggestion

The writer gives some suggestions valuable for teacher. Teachers role

nowdeys is as facilitator not instructor anymore. As facilitators, teachers should

facilitate their students by providing good materials. As materials, this textbook

also has weaknesses aspecially in term of the availability of materials based on

Standards of Content, Organization, and Cultural aspects. Considering the

elaboration of weaknesses found in the textbook, teacher should bridge the gap by

providing unavailable materials that should be though based on Standards of

content proposed by the government enriching and adjusting students cross

cultural understanding. Therefore, teachers need to be more critical and creative in

overcoming the limitation of the textbook used by making teacher-made hand out

countained additional materials and exercise. Besides fulfilling the materials

needed by learner, teacher-made hand out will develop teachers skill also.

The second suggestion is for textbook publisher and evaluators. In publishing

the textbook, textbook publisher should comprehend the criteria of good textbook

in English learning. Therefore, the publisher and evaluators should be more

careful in scoring and assessing the quality of the textbook by considering the

criteria from several experts. Additionaly, the publisher and the textbook

evaluators should consider more about the flexibility of the textbook so the

materials on the textbook are suitable in the book users context and sociey.

The third suggestion is for future researcer. The future researcher of textbook

evaluation are expected to do some betterment toward the previous study of the

textbook evaluation. Several criteria of good EFL textbook from many different

experts are provided and easily accesed. Therefore, the betterment might be on the

careful adaptation from several criteria of good EFL textbook that should be

filtered depending on the indonesian context.

The textbook is very important in teaching and learning process. Because, of

that, the teachers should decided the textbook selectively and carefully. And the

other hand the teachers should know well about textbook that is teachers can teach

their students more easily. The revision of the textbook is needed to be relavant to

the curriculum or syllabus. Although the language is thaugh integratedly, the

teachers have to explain it orderly from the simple to the complex, from easy to

the difficult ones. The teachers can also develop the materials by herself or


B. Closed

The writer has done his best to complete the thesis. The writer realizes that

thesis was far from perfect. Because of that constructive comments and advice

were really expected for the further researcher. Then, the writer never forgets to

express the deepest thanks to god (Allah SWT) for the blessing and marcy. So

that, the writer can finish this thesis and all advices come every sides of the writer



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Name : Rezu Betri

Gender : Male

Birthday : Ma. Madras, on November 25th

, 1995

Address : Muara Madras. Kec. Jangkat. Kab. Merangin /


Email :

Contact Person : 082376981911

Education Background :

No Education Place Graduated


1 SD N133/V1 Muara Madras Muara Madras 2009

2 SMP N 8 Merangin Muara Madras 2012

3 SMAN 9 Merangin Muara Madras 2014

4 The State Islamic University of

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi Jambi 2018


Students Tenth Grade of Senior High School at

Madreasah Aliyah Laboratorium 2018 .

