Conflict Notes


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Conflict Notes

A conflict is when two sides are in opposition with one another (against each other), when there is a

struggle of some kind, or when there is a problem that needs to be dealt with or solved.

There is basically no story without a conflict.

There are five main types of conflicts found in stories. Three are external, which means they happen

between a character or characters and something/someone else. Two are internal, which means they

happen inside a character.

External Conflicts

Physical = character vs. character

This type of conflict is when one character or group of characters is in opposition with another group.

EX: Harry Potter vs. Voldemort in Harry Potter books; The Empire vs. the Rebels in “Star Wars,” etc.

Elemental = character vs. nature

This type of conflict is when the character is struggling against something in the natural world. This could

be the weather, an animal, a disease, etc.

EX: Survival stories are about this type of conflict, such as Hatchet or The Cay.

Societal = character vs. society

This type of conflict is when a character goes against the accepted values, beliefs, traditions, or goals of a


EX: Stories that take place in the 1960s about African –Americans living during segregation are often

about this type of conflict, such as Roll of Thunder, Here My Cry.

Internal Conflicts

Mental = character vs. self

This type of conflict happens in the character’s mind, usually when the character is struggling to make a

decision about something.

EX: Gollum from Lord of the Rings has a mental conflict over whether to help Frodo or hurt him.

Spiritual = character vs. the Divine

This type of conflict is when the character struggles internally (in mind/soul) about or with the Divine

(God or deity). This is NOT like Greek mythology or Bruce Almighty where gods and God are actual

characters. There are not many examples of this conflict for your age group.
