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Questions on Sacraments

1. Who instituted the Sacraments?2. Which are the sacraments that are administered only once and why?3. Which are the Sacraments of Initiation and why are they called so?4. Are sacraments necessary for our salvation?5. What is the purpose of the sacraments?6. Does the validity of the sacraments and their spiritual effectiveness depend on worthiness of the minister or of the recipient of the Sacrament? 7. What is the role of the Christian community in the celebration of the Sacrament?8. What kind of Baptism did John the Baptist preach to convert people?9. What was the supernatural sign that took place at the Baptism of Jesus?

Baptism10. What is the formula of Baptism that the Church uses?11. What are the three effects of Baptism?12. Who can give baptism?13. what are some of the important parts within the rite of Baptism? 14. Why is a white garment given to the baptized person during Baptism?15. Why is a candle given to the baptized person during baptism? 16. Can Baptism be given a second time to the same person? Can any exception be made to the rule?17. What is the formula of conditional Baptism?

Confirmation18. What is the purpose of the Sacrament of Confirmation?19. What is the main gift of the Sacrament of Confirmation?20. What are the effects of the Sacrament of Confirmation?21. At what age is the Sacrament of Confirmation normally given? 22. Why is Confirmation given after Baptism and not before Baptism?23. How should one receive Confirmation?

Holy Eucharist.24. During which Jewish feast did Jesus institute the Holy Eucharist?25 What happens if you receive Holy Communion in a state of mortal sin without repentance?26. After committing a mortal sin, can one receive Holy Communion if one does not have an opportunity to make confession? 27. What is the mass?28. What are the two main parts of the Holy Mass?29. Is it sufficient to receive Holy Communion under one species alone?


30. Which is the Sacrament that is meant for the forgiveness of sins? Which were the other names used for this sacrament?31. Who can forgive sins?32. How often should we make confession? What is understood by the Easter obligation?


33. What kinds of sins are forgiven through the Sacrament of Reconciliation?34. What is a mortal sin?35. What is a venial?36. In the sacrament of Reconciliation, from whom does the pardon come while the priest pronounces the words of absolution?37. What must we do to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation worthily?

Anointing of the Sick38. How is the anointing of the sick celebrated?39. What is Holy Viaticum and what is its connection to the Anointing of the Sick?40. How many times can the anointing of the sick be administered to a sick person?41. Who can give the anointing of the sick?

Matrimony42. What is most important element in the rite of the Sacrament of Matrimony?43. Who are the ministers in the Catholic rite of marriage? 44. What is adultery? Against which commandment does it become a sin?45. Is living together before marriage a sin?46. Why are marriage banns so important?47. How long is one expected to be faithful to one’s partner in marriage?48. If a Catholic marries someone outside the catholic faith with the necessary permission from the Bishop, in whose faith are the children to be brought up?49. Is abortion as grave as murder? Explain.50. If a person has committed abortion, is he/she allowed to receive Holy Communion?

Holy Orders51. What is Holy Orders?52. What are the duties of priests?53. What are the duties of the Parish Priest?54. Why should Catholics show reverence and honour to the priest?---


Answers to Questions on Sacraments.

1. Jesus instituted all the sacraments.

2. Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Orders are administered only once because they confer a sacramental character or “seal” besides conferring grace on the recipient.

3. They are Baptism, Confirmation and the Holy Eucharist. They are called so because they lay the foundations of every Christian life. Besides an adult, who becomes a Christian can be given all the three sacraments together.

4. For believers, the Sacraments are necessary for salvation because sacramental grace is needed for living a good Christian life.

5. The purpose of the Sacraments is to (a) sanctify and make us holy (b)to build up the Church which is the Body of Christ (3)to nourish us; and (4)give worship to God.

6. The validity of the Sacraments and their spiritual effectiveness depend on Jesus Christ’s power. But the celebration must be done according to the intention of the Church and the prescribed rules. However, the worthiness of the minister and recipient have also spiritual effect on all involved in the Sacrament.

7. The Small Christian Community takes an active role in witnessing the celebration and praying with the members of the community during the reception of the Sacrament. in the celebration of the Sacrament?

8. John the Baptist preached a baptism of repentance and not one of salvation through Jesus Christ. It was not administered in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

9. While Jesus was baptized, the heavens opened and the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove and a voice was heard from heaven that said. This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.


10. The formula of Baptism the church uses is (Name of the Child] :” Anita I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

11. The three effects of Baptism are (1) cleansing from the stain of original sin and forgiveness of actual sins; (2) becoming adopted children of God (w) becoming members of the Church.

12. The ordinary ministers of Baptism are the bishop, priest or deacon. However, in case of necessity, any person, even sometimes who is not baptized, can baptize, if he/she has the required intention i.e. to do what the Church does when she baptizes.

13. (a) making the sign of the cross on the forehead of the recipient, (b) the proclamation of the Word of God, (3) exorcism, (d) anointing with oil (e) profession of faith, baptizing with water while saying the Trinitarian formula, anointing with chrism, presenting the white garment and the lighted candle.


14. The white garment symbolizes that the newly baptized has put on Christ and become a new person.

15. The lighted candle symbolizes the light of Christ that will illumine the path of the newly baptized.

16. Baptism is given only once because it confers a sacramental character or seal. But when there is serious doubt whether Baptism was previously given to a person, conditional baptism can be given.

17. The formula of conditional Baptism is as follows: Name , if you have not been baptized, I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”


18. The purpose of confirmation is to make a person a more mature Christian by increasing in him/her the baptismal grace and by bestowing the gifts of the Holy Spirit.19. The main gift of the Sacrament of Confirmation is the Holy Spirit.

20. The effects of the Sacrament of Confirmation - (a) We are strengthened by the Holy Spirit and made more perfect members of the Church. (b) It associates us with the mission of the Church. (c) We become true witnesses of Christ to defend and spread the faith by word and deed. (d)We are enrolled in God’s service for ever.

21. The Sacrament of Confirmation is not given to infants but to those who have reached the age of discretion. But in danger of death children should be confirmed even if they have not reached the age of discretion.

22. Confirmation is a sacrament that strengthens those who have received baptism by increasing the grace they have received in Baptism.

23. One should receive Confirmation in the state of grace. After making a good confession one should pray fervently and prepare for the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Holy Eucharist 24. Jesus instituted the Holy Eucharist during the Jewish feast of the Passover.

25. If your receive Holy Communion a state of mortal sin without repentance you commit another grave sin (sacrilege). 1 Cor.11:27-30. Paul says in v.30 “For this reason many of you are weak and sick and some have died”.

26. After committing a mortal sin, if there is no opportunity to make confession, one can make an act of true contrition and receive Communion. But at the earliest opportunity one should go for confession.

27 . The Mass is the sacrifice of the New Law in which Christ, through the ministry of the priest, offers himself to God in an un-bloody manner under the appearance of bread and wine.


28. The two main parts of the Holy Mass are : (a) the Liturgy of the Word and (b )the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

29. It is sufficient to receive Holy Communion under one species alone because Jesus is present fully in either of the species of bread and wine.

Reconciliation30. The sacrament meant for the forgiveness of sins is the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Other names for this sacrament are ‘Confession’ and ‘Penance’31. Only God can forgive sins and all those who have received the same authority that Christ gave to the Church through the Apostles.(Jn.20:22-23) In the Catholic Church, bishops and priests can forgive sins.32.It is good to make frequent confession. The Easter obligation means the duty of every Catholic to make confession and receive Holy Communion at least once a year which should be fulfilled within the period of Lent and Easter season.33. Through the sacrament of reconciliation all actual sins are forgiven, both mortal and venial. 34. A mortal sin is a sin committed in a grave matter with full knowledge and full freedom.35. A venial sin is a light sin because it lacks either one or two of the following characteristics: full knowledge, full freedom, and grave matter.36. In the sacrament of Reconciliation, the pardon actually comes from God through Jesus Christ while the priest pronounces the words of absolution.37. (a) Examine our conscience – we recall the sins committed since our last confession. (b) Be sorry for our sins – By contrition we express to God our grief that we have disobeyed him, and sincerely promise God that we will not fall again into the sins we confess. (c) Confess our sins to the priest – the act of telling the sins to the priest is called confession. (d) Perform the penance the priest gives us.

Anointing of the Sick38. It begins with the Liturgy of the Word to prepare the sick person spiritually. The priest then in silence, lays hands on the sick person and prays over him/her in the faith of the Church and anoints him/her with the oil blessed possibly by the Bishop, the person confess his and receives Holy Communion. 39. Holy Viaticum is Holy Communion given to a seriously sick person during the rite of anointing to give spiritual strength in preparation for the final journey.40. It can be given as many times as a person suffers from serious illness, even if there is no danger of death. 41. Only priest can give the anointing of the sick.

Matrimony42. The most important element is the consent given freely between the bride and the bridegroom. If the consent is lacking there is no marriage.43. The ministers in the catholic rite of marriage are the bride and bridegroom who confer on each other the sacrament of matrimony by expressing their consent before the church. The priest is the witness authorized by the church to be present and to bless the union.


44. Adultery is a sexual act committed by a married person with anyone else other than his/her lawful married partner. This is a sin against the 6th Commandment.45. Living together before marriage is a sin because it is unlawful and also against morality. It also goes against the sanctity of the Sacrament of Matrimony.

46. Marriage banns are important because the Christian community has a right to know and make sure that any forbidden marriage does not take place.

47. One is expected to be faithful to the partner for life. 48. If a Catholic marries someone outside the catholic faith with the necessary permission from the Bishop, the children must be brought up as Catholics.49. Abortion is as grave as murder. In fact even more grave because it kills the innocent unborn baby.50. A person guilty of the crime of abortion, should not receive Holy Communion until he/she is absolved from such a crime.

Holy Orders 51. Holy Orders is the sacrament through which the mission entrusted by Christ to his Apostles continues to be exercised in the church until the end of time.

52. The Duties of priests - 1. To preside over and celebrate the sacrifice of the mass.2. To forgive sins in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.3. To heal and comfort the sick in the Sacrament of Anointing.4. Living in celibacy and reciting the Divine office daily.

53. The Duties of a parish priest -

1. He is the Shepherd of his flock, so he is responsible to God for those committed to his care.

2. His primary duty is preaching and teaching the Christian doctrine. 3. He must visit his parishioners in order to know them and their spiritual needs. 4. He must find out if new Catholics have moved into his parish.5. He must find out if all his parishioners have been married in the church.6. If all children go to Catholic schools or at least receive religions instructions and if

people come to Mass on Sundays and holy days.7. He hears confessions and is always ready for a sick call and administration of the

sacrament of anointing.8. Promote various organizations. 9. Temporal Administration is also part of his duties. He must see that the church,

school, convent buildings, cemetery if there is one are all properly cared for.10.One of the duties close to his heart must be the custody and care of the Blessed

Sacrament. 54. Catholics should show reverence and honour to the priest because (a) He is the representative of Christ. (b) The dignity of priest surpasses that of Emperors and even of angels. No angel can celebrate the Eucharist or forgive sins. St. Francis of Assisi said that if he met an angel and a priest at the same time, he would salute the priest first.We should not gossip about priests but pray for them. -----e\confirmation-2014\ 54 Questions on Sacraments