Comparison Chart Spanish Bible


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  • 8/7/2019 Comparison Chart Spanish Bible


    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVI#1

    Daniel 3:25and the form ofthe fourth is like

    the Son of God.

    al Hijo de Dios.

    the Son of God.

    un hijo de losdioses.

    a son of the gods.

    hijo de Dios.

    a son of God.

    hijo de los dioses.a son of the gods.

    hijo de los dioses.

    a son of the gods.

    un dios!

    a god!

    Good Good Bad Bad Bad Bad BadJesus is the Son of God, not a son of the gods or a son of God. Even when the lost used Gods name in the Bible it is capitalized.

    #2Daniel 7:13

    one like the Sonof man came

    el Hijo delHombre

    the Son of Man

    un Hijo deHombre

    a Son of Man

    un Hijo de hombre

    a Son of man

    un hijo de hombre

    a son of man

    un hijo dehombre,

    a son of man

    alguien conaspecto humano

    someone with ahuman aspect

    Good Good Bad Bad Bad Bad BadThe Son of Man means there is just one. A Son of man means Jesus is one of many sons. Since this verse is speaking about Jesus, .the S inSon should be capitalized.

    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVI#3

    2 Chronicles26:18

    neither shall it befor thine honourfrom the LORD


    delante de JehovDios.

    before JehovahGod.

    del SEOR Dios.

    ofthe LORDGod.

    delante del DiosJehov.

    before the GodJehovah.

    delante del DiosJehov.

    before the GodJehovah.

    delante de JehovDios.

    before JehovahGod.

    Dios el SEOR

    God the LORD

    Good Good Good Bad Bad Good GoodIn Spanish, the words: before the God Jehovah mean that He is one of many gods.

    #4Ezra 6:8

    for the building

    ofthis house ofGod:

    esta casa de Dios;

    this house of God;

    esta casa de Dios:thishouse of God:

    la casa de esteDios:

    the house ofthisGod:

    la casa de esteDios:

    the house ofthisGod:

    esa casa de Dios;

    that house of


    la reconstruccindel templo

    reconstruction ofthe temple

    Good Good Good Bad Bad Good Bad

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    This (or that) house of God refers to the house, not to God. The house of this God means that He is one of many gods..

    #5Isaiah 42:5

    Thus saith Godthe LORD,

    As dice JehovDios,

    Thus saith JehovahGod,

    As dice Dios elSEOR,

    Thus saith Godthe LORD,

    As dice el DiosJehov,

    Thus saith the GodJehovah,

    As dice el DiosJehov,

    Thus saith the GodJehovah,

    As dice JehovDios,

    Thus saithJehovah God,

    As dice Dios, elSEOR,

    Thus saith God,the LORD,

    Good Good Good Bad Bad Good GoodThe words the God Jehovah mean that He is one of many gods.


    John 12:47And if any manhear my words,and believe not,

    no cree,

    believe not,

    no las guarda,

    does not keepthem,

    no las creyere,

    believes them not,

    no las creyere,

    believes them not

    no las guarda,

    does not keepthem,

    no las obedece,

    does not obeythem,

    Good Good Bad Good Good Bad BadThe Greek word is believe, which requires faith. Keep and obey require works, which can never save.

    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVI#7

    Romans 11:30For as ye in times

    past have notbelieved God,yet have now

    obtained mercythrough theirunbelief:

    no cresteis

    por laincredulidad de


    ye did not believe

    through theirunbelief.


    por razn de ladesobediencia deellos,

    ye weredisobedient

    by reason of theirdisobedience.

    no cresteis

    por ocasin de laincredulidad de


    ye did not believeby occasion of theirunbelief.

    no cresteis

    por laincredulidad de


    ye did not believe

    through theirunbelief.


    por ladesobediencia de


    ye weredisobedient

    through theirdisobedience.


    por ladesobediencia delos israelitas

    ye weredisobedientthrough the

    disobedience ofthe Israelites

    Good Good Bad Good Good Bad BadThe Greek says ye have not believed. For some reason, some translators changed it to ye were disobedient, changing the emphasis from faith to


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    Romans 11:31Even so havethese also now

    not believed,

    no han credo,

    havenot believed,

    han sidodesobedientes,

    have been


    no han credo,

    have not believed,

    no han credo,

    have not believed,

    han sidodesobedientes,

    have been


    han desobedecido

    have disobeyed

    Good Good Bad Good Good Bad BadChanging not believed to disobedient changes salvation by faith to salvation by obedience (works), a complete heresy.

    #9Romans 11:32

    For God hathconcluded themall in unbelief,

    todos enincredulidad,

    all in unbelief,

    todos endesobediencia

    all in disobedience

    todos enincredulidad,

    all in unbelief,

    todos enincredulidad,

    all in unbelief,

    todos endesobediencia,

    all indisobedience,

    todos a ladesobediencia,

    all to thedisobedience

    Good Good Bad Good Good Bad Bad

    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVI#10

    Hebrews 3:18And to whomsware he that

    they should notenter into his

    rest, but to them

    that believednot?

    a aquellos que nocreyeron?

    to them thatbelieved not?

    a los que fuerondesobedientes?

    to the ones thatwere disobedient?

    a aquellos que nocreyeron?

    to them thatbelieved not?

    aquellos que noobedecieron?

    to them that obeyednot?

    a aquellos quedesobedecieron?

    to them thatdisobeyed?

    a los quedesobedecieron?

    to the ones thatdisobeyed?

    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad BadThe correct translation is believed not. The Jews did not enter into His rest because they did not believe his promise, not because of disobedience.Again, faith is changed to works.

    #11Hebrews 11:31

    By faith the

    con los incrdulos,

    with the

    con losdesobedientes,

    con los incrdulos,

    with the

    con los incrdulos,

    with the

    con losdesobedientes,

    con losdesobedientes,

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    harlot Rahabperished not with

    them thatbelieved not,

    unbelievers, with thedisobedient,

    unbelievers, unbelievers, with thedisobedient,

    with thedisobedient.

    Good Good Bad Good Good Bad Bad

    #12Matthew 17:20Because of your


    Por vuestraincredulidad;

    Because of yourunbelief;

    Por vuestra pocafe;

    Because of yourlittle faith;

    Por vuestrainfidelidad;

    Because of yourunfaithfulness;

    Por vuestraincredulidad;

    Because of yourunbelief;

    Por vuestra pocafe;

    Because of yourlittle faith;

    Porque ustedestienen tan poca fe

    Because you haveso little faith.

    Good Good Bad Bad Good Bad BadThe Greek word means unbelief. Little faith is completely wrong, and unfaithfulness changes it from faith to works..

    #13Luke 2:22


    la purificacin deella,

    her purification,

    la purificacin deellos,

    their purification,

    la purificacin deMara


    la purificacin deella,

    her purification,

    la purificacin deellos,

    their purification,

    ellos debanpurificarse

    They should bepurified/purify

    themselvesGood Good Bad Good Good Bad Bad

    According to Old Testament law, Mary needed to be purified. But Jesus did not because He never sinned. By saying that Jesus needed to be purified,the 1960 is saying that Jesus was a sinner.

    #14Matthew 1:23

    a virgin

    una virgen

    a virgin

    la virgen

    the virgin

    una vrgen

    a virgin

    la virgen

    the virgin

    una virgen

    a virgin

    La virgen

    The virginGood Good Bad Good Bad Good Bad

    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVI#15

    Isaiah 7:14una virgen una virgen LA VRGEN la virgen la virgen La joven

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    a virgin shallconceive,

    a virgin a virgin THE VIRGIN the virgin the virgin The young woman

    Good Good Good Bad Bad Bad Bad**********Move this text to #16. The words: the virgin is a more Catholic reading, exalting Mary as the forever virgin. The words a virginare correct because Mary was not a virgin her whole life. The NVI removes virgin altogether, calling her a young woman.

    #16Isaiah 58:13

    and shalt honourhim,

    lo honrares,

    honours it,

    lo honras,

    honors it,

    le venerares,

    venerates orworships him,

    lo venerares,

    venerates orworships it,

    lo venerares,

    venerates orworships it,



    Good Good Good Bad Bad Bad Good

    The word venerate has a very Catholic meaning. God never ordered the Jews to venerate anything. God commanded them to honor the Sabbath.

    #17Matthew 5:22

    That whosoeveris angry with hisbrother without

    a cause

    cualquiera que sinrazn se enojare

    whosoever withouta cause gets angry

    todo aquel que estenojado

    whosoever isangry

    cualquiera que seenojare sin razn

    whosoever getsangry without a


    cualquiera que seenojare locamente

    whosoever getsangry crazily

    cualquiera que seenoje

    whosoever getsangry

    todo el que seenoje

    whosoever isangry

    Good Good Bad Good Good Bad BadThe words without a cause appear in the Greek. By dropping them, the 1960 says that Jesus sinned when he got angry.


    Luke 5:17and the power ofthe Lord was

    presentto healthem.

    el poder del Seor

    estaba allparasanarlos.

    the power of theLord was there to

    heal them.

    el poder del Seor

    estaba con l parasanar.

    the power of theLord was

    (temporarily)with him to heal.

    la virtud del Seor

    estaba allparasanarlos.

    the virtue of theLord was there to

    heal them.

    la virtud del Seor

    estaba allparasanarlos.

    the virtue of theLord was there to

    heal them.

    el poder del Seor

    estaba con l parasanar.

    the power of theLord was

    (temporarily)with him to heal.

    el poder del Seor

    estaba con l parasanar a losenfermos.

    the power of theLord was

    (temporarily)with him to heal

    the sick.Good Good Bad Good Good Bad Bad

    The 1960, LBA and NVI use a Spanish word that says the power of the Lord was with Him only temporarily. After a period of time, the power

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    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVI

    #192 Corinthians5:21

    For he hath madehim to be sin forus, who knew no


    lo hizo pecado pornosotros,

    he was made sinfor us,

    le hizo pecado pornosotros,

    he was made sinfor us,

    hizo pecado pornosotros,

    was made sin (ordid sin) for us,

    hizo pecado pornosotros,

    was made sin (ordid sin) for us,

    lo hizo pecado,

    he was made sin,

    Dios lo tratcomo pecador,

    God treated himas a sinner,

    Good Good Good Bad Bad Good Bad

    Removing the pronoun lo in Spanish, completely changes the meaning. With lo it means He was made sin. Without lo it can mean He didsin. The NVI reading, God treated him as a sinner, is an interpretation and not a translation.

    #20Philippians 2:6Who, being in

    the form of God,thought it notrobbery to be

    equal with God:

    no tuvo porusurpacin el ser

    igual a Dios;

    did not count it asusurpation beingequal with God;

    no consider elser igual a Dioscomo algo a quaferrarse,

    did not considerbeing equal with

    God as a thing topersist

    obstinately about,

    no tuvo por rapiaser igual a Dios;

    did not count it asplundering beingequal with God;

    no tuvo porusurpacin ser

    igual Dios:

    did not count it asusurpation beingequal with God:

    no estim el serigual a Dios como

    cosa a queaferrarse,

    did not esteembeing equal withGod as a thing to

    persistobstinately about,

    no consider el serigual a Dios comoalgo a quaferrarse.

    did not considerbeing equal with

    God as a thingtopersist

    obstinately about.

    Good Good Bad Good Good Bad BadThe Spanish words for as a thing to persist obstinately about do not come from the Greek. Jesus did not think it robbery to be equal with Godbecause He is God! The 1960, LBA and NVI say that Jesus could not be God because He did not esteem being equal with God something to persistobstinately about. That is heresy!

    #21Colossians 1:16For by him were

    Porque por l

    fueron creadastodas las cosas,

    Porque en l

    fueron creadastodas las cosas,

    Porque en l fueron

    creadas todas lascosas

    Porque por l

    fueron criadas todaslas cosas

    Porque en l

    fueron creadastodas las cosas,

    porque por medio

    de l fueroncreadas todas lascosas

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    all things created, For by Him wereall things created,

    For in him wereall things created

    For in him were allthings created

    For by him were allthings created

    For in him wereall things created for through him

    all things werecreated

    Good Good Bad Bad Good Bad Bad

    All things were created by Jesus, the Creator, not in Jesus. Jesus didnt create inside Himself. Creation is not part of Himself. Nor was He aninstrument that God created through.

    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVI#22

    Colossians 1:17

    And he is beforeall things, and by

    him all thingsconsist.

    todas las cosas porl subsisten;

    by Him all thingssubsist.

    en l todas lascosas permanecen.

    in him all thingshold together.

    todas las cosassubsisten en l;

    in him all thingssubsist;

    por l todas lascosas subsisten:

    by him all thingssubsist;

    todas las cosas enl subsisten;

    in him subsist;

    por medio de lforman un todo


    through him allthings holdtogether.

    Good Good Bad Bad Good Bad BadEverything is held together by our Lord Jesus Christ. In Christ and through Christ are bad translations that make no sense.

    #23Revelation 1:6And hath made

    us kings andpriests unto God

    and his Father;

    para Dios y suPadre;

    unto God and hisFather;

    para su Dios yPadre,

    unto his God andFather,

    para Dios y suPadre:

    unto God and hisFather:

    para Dios y suPadre;

    unto God and hisFather;

    para Dios, suPadre;

    unto God, hisFather;

    de Dios su Padre,

    ofGod his Father

    Good Good Bad Good Good Bad BadCorrectly translated, this verse shows that Jesus is God. We were made priests unto God (Jesus) and his Father.However, the 1960 and the NVItake out the word and which strips away the deity of Christ. So instead of the word God correctly referring to Jesus, it refers to God the Father.The LBA places the word his before God, changing the meaning completely

    #24Luke 8:12lest they should

    para que no crean ysean salvos. para que no creany se salven. porque no se salvencreyendo. porque no crean yse salven. para que no creany se salven. no sea que crean yse salven.

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    believe and besaved.

    and be saved. and be saved (savethemselves).

    they are not saved(do not savethemselves)believing.

    and be saved (savethemselves).

    and be saved (savethemselves).

    and be saved (savethemselves).

    Good Good Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad

    The words sean salvos, los salvos, sern salvos have only one meaning: be saved. However, modern Bibles use se salven, se salvan, orse salva, which can mean be saved, or save themselves, a totally unscriptural doctrine.

    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVI


    Luke 13:23Lord, are there

    few that besaved?

    sern salvos?

    will be saved?

    se salvan?

    be saved (savethemselves)?

    se salvan?

    be saved (savethemselves)?

    se salvan?

    be saved (savethemselves)?

    se salvan?

    be saved (savethemselves)?

    van a salvarse?

    are going to besaved (savethemselves)?

    Good Good Bad Bad Bad Bad BadThe same explanation as Luke 8:12 applies here.

    #261 Corinthians

    1:18but unto us which

    are saved

    nosotros los salvos,

    us the saved,

    nosotros los salvos

    us the saved

    los que se salvan,

    those that aresaved, (saveourselves),

    los que se salvan,

    those that aresaved, (saveourselves),

    los que se salvan,

    those that aresaved, (saveourselves),

    los que se salvan

    those that aresaved (saveourselves)

    Good Good Good Bad Bad Bad Bad

    #272 Corinthians

    2:15in them that are


    son salvos,

    are saved,

    se salvan,

    are saved, (savethemselves),

    son salvos,

    are saved,

    se salvan,

    are saved, (savethemselves),

    se salvan,

    are saved, (savethemselves),

    se salvan,

    are saved, (savethemselves),

    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad Bad

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    #281 Thessalonians


    that they mightbe saved,

    sean salvos;

    be saved;

    se salven,

    be saved, (save


    sean salvos;

    be saved;

    se salven,

    be saved, (save


    se salven;

    be saved, (save


    sean salvos.

    be saved.

    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad Good

    #291 Peter 4:18

    And if therighteous

    scarcely besaved,

    es salvo;

    be saved;

    se salva,

    be saved, (savethemselves)

    es dificultosamentesalvo,

    is saved withdifficulty;

    se salva;

    be saved; (savethemselves)

    se salva,

    be saved, (savethemselves)

    se salva,

    be saved, (savethemselves)

    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad Bad

    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVI#30

    John 13:10and ye are clean,

    but not all.

    y vosotros soislimpios, aunque no


    and ye are(permanently)


    y vosotros estislimpios, pero no


    and ye are(temporarily)


    Y vosotros limpiosestis, aunque no


    and ye are(temporarily)


    y vosotros limpiosestis, aunque no


    and ye are(temporarily)


    y vosotros limpiosestis, aunque no


    and ye are(temporarily)


    Y ustedes ya estnlimpios, aunque no


    And ye are(temporarily)

    already clean.Good Good Bad Bad Bad Bad BadTwo different Spanish words can be translated are. One word describes a temporary condition. The other refers to a permanent condition. TheRVG is the only Spanish Bible that uses the correct Spanish word, teaching that salvation is eternal, and not something that only lasts for a shortwhile.

    #31John 13:11For he knew who

    No sois limpios


    Ye are

    No todos estis


    Ye are

    No estis limpios


    Ye are

    No estis limpios


    Ye are

    No estis limpios


    Ye are

    no todos estaban


    not all were(past

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    should betrayhim; thereforesaid he, Ye arenot all clean.

    (permanently) notall clean.

    (temporarily) notall clean.

    (temporarily) notall clean.

    (temporarily) notall clean.

    (temporarily) notall clean.

    tense) clean.

    Good Good Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad

    #32John 15:3

    Now ye are cleanthrough the word

    which I havespoken unto you.

    vosotros soislimpios por la

    palabraye are


    clean through theword

    Vosotros estislimpios por la


    ye are

    (temporarily)clean through the


    vosotros soislimpios por la


    ye are

    (permanently)clean through the


    vosotros soislimpios por la


    ye are

    (permanently)clean through the


    vosotros estislimpios por la


    ye are

    (temporarily)clean through the


    Ustedes ya estnlimpios por la


    Ye already are

    (temporarily)clean through the

    wordGood Good Bad Good Good Bad Bad

    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVI

    #33Psalm 104:4

    his ministers aflaming fire:

    sus ministros fuegoflameante.

    his ministers aflaming fire.

    las llamas defuego susministros.

    the flames of firehis ministers.

    sus ministros alfuego flameante.

    his ministers to theflaming fire.

    sus ministros alfuego flameante.

    his ministers to theflaming fire.

    y a las flamas defuego susministros.

    and to the flamesof fire hisministers.

    las llamas defuego tusservidores.

    the flames of firehis servants.

    Good Good Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad

    The KJV and the RVG say that God makes his ministers a flaming fire. But the 1865, 1909 and 1960 say his ministers are going to the flamingfire. There is a big difference. Does that mean His servants are going to hell? The LBA and NVI speak about winds and fire being his servants, notmen.

    #34Galatians 5:4

    Christ is becomeof no effect unto

    Cristo ha venido aser sin efecto para


    Christ has come to

    De Cristo oshabis separado,

    From Christ yehave separated,

    Cristo se ha hechopara vosotros


    Christ has been

    Vacos sois deCristo

    Ye are empty fromChrist

    De Cristo osdesligasteis

    From Christ yehave been untied,

    han roto conCristo;

    have broken withChrist;

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    you, whosoeverof you are

    justified by thelaw;

    be without effectunto you

    made unto youuseless;

    unraveled orfreed

    Good Good Bad Good Good Bad Bad

    The words os desligasteis mean untied, unraveled or freed. With these words the 1960 states that salvation can be lost. The LBA says have beenseparated from and the NVI says have broken with Christ, also stating that salvation can be lost.

    #351 Corinthians

    9:27lest that by anymeans, when I

    have preached toothers, I myself

    should be acastaway.

    yo mismo venga aser reprobado.

    I myself come to bea reprobate.

    yo mismo seadescalificado.

    I myself come tobe disqualified.

    no sea yo mismoreprobado.

    I myself do notcome to be areprobate.

    yo mismo venga ser reprobado.

    I myself come to bea reprobate.

    yo mismo venga aser eliminado.

    I myself come tobe eliminated.

    yo mismo quededescalificado.

    I myself should bedisqualified.

    Good Good Good Good Good Bad Good

    This verse has nothing to do with losing your salvation. It is impossible to lose it. Paul the apostle is including himself in these words. The KJV usesthe word castaway meaning to be put to the side and not be used anymore (useless). Most Spanish Bibles use the word reprobate, which meanshaving failed the test or useless. These meanings are in agreement with the Greek word. But the 1960 uses the word eliminated. This is a badchoice because it can mean that God takes away the salvation, or even the very life of the saved person.

    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVI

    #36Hebrews 2:16For verily he

    took not on himthe nature ofangels; but he

    took on him theseed of Abraham.

    no tompara s lanaturaleza de losngeles, sino que

    tom la de lasimiente deAbraham.

    he took not on himthe nature ofthe

    angels, but he tookthe nature of the

    no ayuda a losngeles, sino que

    ayuda a ladescendencia de


    he does not helpthe angels, but he

    helps thedescendents of


    no toma a losngeles, mas toma

    a la simiente deAbraham.

    he takes not theangels, but he takes

    the seed of


    no tom losngeles, sino la

    simiente deAbraham tom.

    he took not theangels, but the seed

    of Abraham he


    no socorri a losngeles, sino que

    socorri a ladescendencia de


    he did not help theangels, but he

    helped thedescendents of


    no vino en auxiliode los ngeles sino

    de losdescendientes de


    he did not come tothe aid ofangels,

    but thedescendents of


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    seed of Abraham.Good Good Bad Good Good Bad Bad

    The RVG is clear and correct. Jesus put on human flesh. He took on Him the seed of Abraham. But the 1960, LBA and NVI say He did not help theangels but He helped the descendents of Abraham. The Greek words do not mean helping. Jesus took on Him human flesh to save us. He neversinned and for that reason He could and did pay for our sins as God in human flesh.

    #371 Peter 1:5

    Who are kept by

    the power of Godthrough faith

    unto salvationready to be

    revealed in thelast time.

    para la salvacin

    unto salvation

    para la salvacin

    unto salvation

    para alcanzar lasalvacin

    to reach salvation

    para alcanzar lasalud

    to reach health(spiritual health


    para alcanzar lasalvacin

    to reach salvation

    hastaque lleguela salvacin

    until salvationarrives

    Good Good Good Bad Bad Bad GoodThe correct translation is unto salvation not to reach salvation. To reach or obtain do not appear in the Greek, and they teach a false doctrine,making salvation something to win or obtain.

    #381 Peter 2:2

    As newborn

    babes, desire thesincere milk ofthe word, that ye

    may growthereby:

    para que por ellacrezcis;

    that ye may grow

    by it;

    para que por ellacrezcis para


    that ye may growunto (or to have)salvation,

    para que por ellacrezcis:

    that ye may grow

    by it:

    para que por ellacrezcis en salud:

    that ye may grow

    by it in salvation:

    para que por ellacrezcis para


    that ye may growunto (or to have)salvation,

    por medio de ella,crecern en susalvacin,

    So, through it, yemay grow up inyour salvation,

    Good Good Bad Good Good Bad GoodThis verse is about Christians growing spiritually. But the LBA and 1960 teach another false doctrine, saying that we must grow unto salvation.That means we must grow in order to obtain salvation.

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    #42Job 11:8

    deeper than hell;

    ms profunda queel infierno:

    deeper than hell:

    Ms profundos que el Seol;

    deeper than Sheol:

    ms profundo queel infierno,

    deeper than hell,

    ms profundo queel infierno:

    deeper than hell,

    ms profunda queel Seol;

    deeper than Sheol;

    ms profundos queel sepulcro;

    deeper than thesepulcher;

    Good Good Bad Good Good Bad Bad

    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVI

    #43Job 26:6

    Hellis nakedbefore him, and

    destruction hathno covering.

    El infiernoestdescubierto delante

    de l, y ladestruccin notiene cobertura.

    Hellis nakedbefore him, and

    destruction hathno covering.

    Desnudo est elSeol ante l, y elAbadn no tienecobertura.

    Sheol is nakedbefore Him, and

    Abaddon hath no


    El sepulcro esdescubierto delantede l, y el infiernono tiene cobertura.

    The sepulcher isnaked before him,and hell hath no


    El sepulcro esdescubierto delantede l, Y el infiernono tiene cobertura.

    The sepulcher isnaked before him,And hell hath no


    El Seol estdescubierto

    delante de l, y elAbadn no tiene


    Sheol is nakedbefore him, and

    Abaddon hath nocovering.

    Ante Dios, quedael sepulcro aldescubierto; nadahay que oculte aeste destructor.

    Before God, thesepulcher is

    uncovered; there isnothing that hides

    this destroyer.Good Good Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad

    #44Psalm 9:17The wicked shall

    be turned intohell,

    trasladados alinfierno

    ,turned into hell,

    volvern al Seol,

    return to Sheol,

    los malos alinfierno

    :wicked into hell:

    trasladados alinfierno

    ,turned into hell,

    trasladados alSeol

    ,turned into Sheol,

    Bajan al sepulcro

    descend to thesepulcher,

    Good Good Bad Good Good Bad Bad

    #45Psalm 16:10

    dejars mi alma enel infierno;

    no abandonars mialma en el Seol,

    no dejars mi almaen el sepulcro:

    no dejars mi almaen el sepulcro;

    no dejars mi almaen el Seol;

    No dejars que mivida termine en el

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    For thou wilt notleave my soul in

    hell;thou wilt not leave

    my soul in hell;thou wilt not

    abandon my soulin Sheol,

    thou wilt not leavemy soul in the


    thou wilt not leavemy soul in the


    thou wilt not leavemy soul in Sheol;


    Thou wilt not letmy life end in the


    Good Good Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad

    #46Psalm 18:5

    The sorrows of

    hell compassedme about:

    Dolores delinfierno

    The pains ofhell

    los lazos del SeolThe ties ofSheol

    Dolores delsepulcro

    The pains of the


    Dolores delsepulcro

    The pains of the


    Ligaduras del Seol

    The bindings ofSheol

    los lazos delsepulcro,

    The ties of the


    Good Good Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad

    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVI#47

    Psalm 55:15andlet them godown quick into


    al infierno;

    into hell;

    al Seol:

    into Sheol:

    al infierno

    into hell:

    al infierno:

    into hell:

    al Seol,

    into Sheol;

    al sepulcro,

    to the sepulcher,

    Good Good Bad Good Good Bad Bad


    Psalm 86:13thou hastdelivered mysoul from thelowest hell.

    del ms profundo

    infierno.from the lowest


    de las

    profundidades delSeol.

    from the depths ofSheol.

    del hoyo profundo.

    from the lowest pit.

    del hoyo profundo.

    from the lowest pit.

    de las

    profundidades delSeol.

    from the depths ofSheol.

    de caer en el

    sepulcro.from falling intothe sepulcher.

    Good Good Bad Bad Bad Bad BadOne can dig a pit out in his back yard. That is not what this verse is talking about.

    #49la angustias del

    infierno;y los terrores del

    Seollas angustias del

    sepulcrolas angustias del

    sepulcro:las angustias del

    Seol;la angustia del


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    Psalm 116:3and the pains of

    hell gat holdupon me:

    the anguishes ofhell

    the terrors ofSheol

    anguishes of thesepulcher the anguishes of the

    sepulcherthe anguishes of

    the Sheolthe anguish of the


    Good Good Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad

    #50Psalm 139:8

    if I make my bedin hell,

    en el infierno

    in hell

    en el Seol

    in Sheol

    en el infierno,

    in hell

    en abismo

    in abyss

    en el Seol

    in Sheol

    en el fondo delabismo,

    in the depthof theabyss,

    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad Bad

    #51Proverbs 5:5her steps takehold on hell.

    conducen alinfierno.

    lead to hell.

    slo logran el Seol.

    only attain Sheol.

    sustentan elsepulcro.

    hold up thesepulcher.

    sustentan elsepulcro:

    hold up thesepulcher:

    conducen al Seol.

    lead to Sheol.

    van derecho alsepulcro.

    go straight to thesepulcher.

    Good Good Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad

    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVI#52

    Proverbs 7:27Her house is the

    way to hell,

    al infierno

    to hell

    al Seol,

    to Sheol,

    del sepulcro

    of the sepulcher

    del sepulcro

    of the sepulcher

    al Seol

    to Sheol

    al sepulcro;

    to the sepulcher,

    Good Good Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad

    #53Proverbs 9:18and thather

    guests are in the

    depths ofhell.

    lo profundo delinfierno.

    the depths ofhell.

    las profundidadesdel Seol.

    the depths ofSheol.

    los profundos de lasepultura.

    the depths of thegrave.

    los profundos de lasepultura.

    the depths of thegrave.

    lo profundo delSeol.

    the depths ofSheol.

    al fondo de la fosa.

    the bottom of thepit.

    Good Good Bad Bad Bad Bad BadUsing the word grave is yet another attempt to mislead and confuse readers.

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    #54Proverbs 15:11

    Hell anddestructionarebefore the


    El infierno y ladestruccin

    Hell anddestruction

    El Seol y elAbadn

    Sheol andAbaddon

    El infierno y laperdicin

    Hell and perdition

    El infierno y laperdicin

    Hell and perdition

    El Seol y elAbadn

    Sheol andAbaddon

    el sepulcro y lamuerte,

    the sepulcher anddeath

    Good Good Bad Good Good Bad Bad

    #55Proverbs 15:24that he may

    depart from hellbeneath.

    apartarse delinfierno

    depart from hell

    se aparte del Seol

    depart from Sheol

    apartarse de la sima

    depart from theabyss

    apartarse delinfierno

    depart from hell

    apartarse del Seol

    depart from Sheol

    librarse de caer enel sepulcro.

    escape from fallinginto the sepulcher.

    Good Good Bad Bad Good Bad Bad

    #56Proverbs 23:14

    and shalt deliverhis soul from


    del infierno.

    from hell.

    del Seol.

    from Sheol.

    del infierno.

    from hell.

    del infierno.

    from hell.

    del Seol.

    from Sheol.

    del sepulcro.

    from thesepulcher.

    Good Good Bad Good Good Bad Bad

    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVI#57

    Proverbs 27:20Hell and

    destruction arenever full;

    El infierno y laperdicin

    Hell and perdition

    El Seol y elAbadn

    Sheol andAbaddon

    El sepulcro y laperdicin

    The sepulcher andperdition

    El sepulcro y laperdicin

    The sepulcher andperdition

    El Seol y elAbadn

    Sheol andAbaddon

    El sepulcro, lamuerte

    The sepulcher,death

    Good Good Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad

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    Isaiah 5:14Therefore hellhath enlarged


    se ensanch elinfierno,

    hell hath enlarged


    el Seol haensanchado su


    Sheol hathenlarged his throat

    el infiernoensanch su alma,

    hell hath enlarged

    her soul,

    ensanch su interiorel sepulcro,

    the sepulcher hath

    enlarged herinterior,

    ensanch suinterior el Seol,

    Sheol hath

    enlarged herinterior,

    el sepulcroensancha su


    the sepulcherenlargeshis throat,

    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad Bad


    Isaiah 14:15Yet thou shalt bebrought down to


    hasta el infierno,

    to hell,

    al Seol,

    to Sheol,

    en el sepulcro,

    in the sepulcher,

    en el sepulcro,

    in the sepulcher,

    hasta el Seol,

    to Sheol,

    al sepulcro,

    to the sepulcher,

    Good Good Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad

    #60Isaiah 14:9Hell from

    beneath is movedfor thee

    El infierno abajo

    Hell from beneath

    El Seol, desdeabajo

    Sheol, frombeneath

    El infierno abajo

    Hell from beneath

    El infierno abajo

    Hell from beneath

    El Seol abajo

    Sheol frombeneath

    el sepulcro seestremece

    the sepulchershudders

    Good Good Bad Good Good Bad Bad

    #61Isaiah 28:15

    and with hell arewe at agreement;

    con el infierno;

    with hell;

    con el Seol;

    with Sheol

    con la sepultura

    with the grave

    con la sepultura;

    with the grave;

    con el Seol;

    with the Sheol;

    con el sepulcro.

    with the sepulcher

    Good Good Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad

    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVIvuestro acuerdo vuestro convenio vuestro acuerdo con vuestro acuerdo con vuestro acuerdo su alianza con el

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    #62Isaiah 28:18

    and youragreement withhell shall not


    con el infierno

    your agreementwith hell

    con el Seol

    your covenant withSheol

    la sepultura

    your agreementwith the grave

    el sepulcro

    your agreementwith the sepulcher

    con el Seol

    your agreementwith Sheol


    your covenant withthe grave

    Good Good Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad

    #63Isaiah 57:9

    and didst debase

    thyself even untohell.

    hasta el mismoinfierno.

    down unto hellitself.

    descender al Seol.

    descend to Sheol.

    hasta el profundo.

    down unto the


    hasta el profundo.

    down unto the


    hasta laprofundidad del


    down unto thedepth ofSheol.

    hasta el sepulcro

    down to the


    Good Good Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad


    Ezekiel 31:16when I cast him

    down to hell withthem that

    descend into thepit:

    descender al


    descend to hell

    descender al Seol

    descend to Sheol

    descender al


    descend to hell

    descender la fosa

    descend to the pit

    descender al Seol

    descend to Sheol

    bajar al abismo,

    down to the abyss

    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad Bad

    #65Ezekiel 31:17

    They also wentdown into hell

    with him

    al infierno,

    to hell,

    al Seol,

    to Sheol,

    al infierno

    to hell

    la fosa,

    to the pit,

    al Seol,

    to Sheol,

    al abismo,

    to the abyss,

    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad Bad

    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVI

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    #66Ezekiel 32:21

    The strongamong the

    mighty shallspeak to him outof the midst of


    De en medio delinfierno

    Out of the midst ofhell

    de en medio delSeol:

    from the midst ofSheol:

    de en medio delinfierno,

    from midst ofhell,

    De en medio delinfierno

    Out of the midst ofhell

    De en medio delSeol

    Out of the midst ofSheol

    En medio delabismo

    In the midst of theabyss

    Good Good Good Good Good Bad Bad


    Ezekiel 32:27which are gonedown to hell

    descendieron al


    descended to hell

    descendieron al


    descended toSheol

    descendieron al


    descended to hell

    descendieron al


    descended to thesepulcher

    descendieron al


    descended toSheol

    bajaron al abismo

    went down to theabyss

    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad Bad

    #68Amos 9:2

    Though they diginto hell,

    hasta el infierno,

    as far as hell,

    hasta el Seol,

    as far as Sheol,

    hasta el infierno,

    as far as hell,

    hasta el infierno,

    as far as hell,

    hasta el Seol,

    as far as Sheol,

    en lo profundo delsepulcro,

    in the depths of thesepulcher,

    Good Good Bad Good Good Bad Bad

    #69Jonah 2:2

    out of the bellyofhell cried I,

    Del vientre delinfierno

    the belly ofhell

    el seno del Seol

    the belly ofSheol

    del vientre delinfierno

    the belly ofhell

    Del vientre delsepulcro

    the belly ofsepulcher

    el seno del Seol

    the belly ofSheol

    las entraas delsepulcro

    the depths of thesepulcher

    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad Bad

    #70 ensancha como el ensancha su ensanch como un ensanch como el ensanch como el como el sepulcro,

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    Habakkuk 2:5who enlargeth his

    desire as hell,


    enlargeth as hell

    garganta como elSeol,

    enlarges his throatas Sheol,


    enlarged as anossuary


    enlarged as hell


    enlarged likeSheol

    as the sepulcher

    Good Good Bad Bad Good Bad BadAn ossuary is a place to keep dead mens bones. A completely wrong translation.

    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVI#71

    Matthew 11:23shalt be brought

    down to hell:

    hasta el infierno

    down to hell;

    Hasta el Hadesdescenders!

    Unto Hades shaltthou descend!

    hasta los infiernos

    down to the hells;

    hasta los infiernos

    down to the hells;

    hasta el Hades

    down to Hades;

    hasta el abismo.

    unto the abyss.

    Good Good Bad Good Good Bad BadHells is a bad translation because there is only one hell.

    #72Matthew 16:18

    and the gates ofhell shall not

    prevail against it.

    las puertas delinfierno

    gates ofhell

    las puertas delHades

    gates ofHades

    las puertas delinfierno

    gates ofhell

    las puertas delinfierno

    gates ofhell

    las puertas delHades

    gates ofHades

    las puertas delreino de la


    gates ofthekingdom of death

    Good Good Bad Good Good Bad Bad

    #73Mark 9:43 thanhaving two hands

    to go into hell,

    ir al infierno,

    go to hell

    ir a la infierno,

    go to hell

    ir al infierno,

    go to hell

    ir la Gehenna,

    go to Gehenna

    ir al infierno,

    go to hell

    ir con las dosmanos al infierno,

    go with both handsto hell,

    Good Good Good Good Bad Good Good

    #74Mark 9:45

    echado en elinfierno,

    echado al infierno,

    echado en elinfierno,

    echado en laGehenna,

    echado en elinfierno,

    arrojado con losdos pies al

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    than having twofeet to be cast

    into hell,cast in hell

    cast into hellcast in hell cast in Gehenna cast in hell


    thrown with bothfeet into hell

    Good Good Good Good Bad Good GoodGehenna is another Greek word that translators chose not to translate, once again hiding the meaning of the word - hell.

    #75Mark 9:47

    to be cast intohell fire:

    echado al fuego delinfierno,

    cast to the fire ofhell

    echado al infierno;

    cast into hell,(omittted the word


    echado al fuego delinfierno:

    cast to the fire ofhell

    echado laGehenna;

    cast to Gehenna

    echado al infierno,

    cast to hell,(omitted the word


    arrojado alinfierno,

    thrown intohell,

    (omitted the wordfire)Good Good Good but weak Good Bad Good but weak Good but weak

    The correct translation is hell fire or fire of hell. Without the word fire it is much weaker.

    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVI#76

    Luke 10:15shalt be thrustdown to hell.

    hasta el infierno

    down to hell

    Hasta el Hades

    To Hades

    hasta los infiernos

    down to the hells

    hasta los infiernos

    down to the hells

    hasta el Hades

    down to Hades

    hasta el abismo.

    unto the abyss

    Good Good Bad Good Good Bad Bad

    #77Luke 12:5

    hath power tocast into hell;

    echar en elinfierno:

    cast in hell

    arrojar al inferno;

    throw into hell

    echar en elinfierno:

    cast in hell

    echar en laGehenna:

    cast in Gehenna

    echar en elinfierno;

    cast in hell

    echarlos alinfierno.

    cast you into hellGood Good Good Good Bad Good Good

    #78Luke 16:23

    And in hell helift up his eyes,

    Y en el infierno

    And in hell

    En el Hades

    In Hades

    Y en el infierno,

    And in hell

    Y en el infierno

    And in hell

    Y en el Hades

    And in Hades

    En el infierno

    In hell

    Good Good Bad Good Good Bad Good

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    #79Acts 2:27

    Because thouwilt not leave my

    soul in hell,

    en el infierno,

    in hell

    en Hades,

    in Hades

    en el infierno,

    in hell

    en el infierno,

    in hell

    en el Hades,

    in Hades

    en el sepulcro;

    in the sepulcher

    Good Good Bad Good Good Bad Bad

    #80Acts 2:31

    that his soul wasnot left in hell,

    en el infierno,

    in hell

    en el Hades,

    in Hades

    en el infierno,

    in hell

    en el infierno,

    in hell

    en el Hades,

    in Hades

    en el sepulcro,

    in the sepulcher

    Good Good Bad Good Good Bad Bad

    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVI#81

    Revelation 1:18

    and have the keysofhell and of


    de la muerte y delinfierno.

    of death and hell

    de la muerte y delHades.

    of death andHades

    del infierno, y de lamuerte.

    ofhell and death

    del infierno y de lamuerte.

    ofhell and death

    de la muerte y delHades.

    of death andHades

    de la muerte y delinfierno.

    of death and hell

    Good Good Bad Good Good Bad Good

    #82Revelation 6:8

    and Hellfollowed with


    el Hades le segua.

    Hades followedhim.

    el infierno lesegua;

    hell followed him.

    el Infierno lesegua;

    hell followed him.

    el infierno lesegua:

    hell followed him.

    el Hades le segua;

    Hades followedhim.

    el Infierno losegua de cerca.

    Hell was followinghim closely.

    Good Bad Good Good Good Bad Good


    Revelation 20:13and death andhell delivered up

    la muerte y el


    death and hell

    la muerte y el


    death and Hades

    la muerte, y el


    death and hell

    la muerte y el


    death and hell

    la muerte y el


    death and Hades

    la muerte y el


    death and hell

    th d d hi h

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    the dead whichwere in them:

    Good Good Bad Good Good Bad Good

    #84Revelation 20:14

    And death andhell were castinto the lake of


    la muerte y elinfierno

    death and hell

    la muerte y elHades

    deathand Hades

    la muerte, y elinfierno

    death, and hell

    el infierno y lamuerte

    hell and death

    la muerte y elHades

    death and Hades

    la muerte y elinfierno

    Death and hell

    Good Good Bad Good Good Bad Good

    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVI#85

    Mark 9:24Lord, I believe;help thou mine


    Seor, creo, ayudami incredulidad.

    Lord, I believe,help my unbelief.

    Creo; ayudame enmi incredulidad.

    I believe; help mein my unbelief.

    Creo, Seor: ayudami incredulidad.

    I believe, Lord:help my unbelief.

    Creo, ayuda miincredulidad.

    I believe, help myunbelief.

    Creo, ayuda miincredulidad.

    I believe, help myunbelief.

    S creo! Aydame en mipoca fe!

    Yes I believe!

    help me in mylittle faith!Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad Bad

    The word Lord is removed, taking away the fact that Jesus is Lord.

    #86Mark 11:10 in

    the name of theLord

    en el nombre delSeor

    in the name of theLord

    These words are

    missing from thisversion:

    en el nombre delSeor

    in the name of theLord

    These words are

    missing from thisversion:

    These words are

    missing from thisversion:

    These words are

    missing from thisversion:

    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad Bad

    #87Luke 4:41Thou art Christ

    T eres Cristo, elHijo de Dios. T eres el Hijo deDios! T eres el Cristo, elHijo de Dios; T eres el Hijo deDios. T eres el Hijo deDios. T eres el Hijo deDios!

    the Son of God Thou art Christ Thou art the Son Thou art the Thou art the Son of Thou art the Son You are the Son of

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    the Son of God. Thou art Christ,the Son of God.

    Thou art the Sonof God!

    Thou art theChrist, the Son of


    Thou art the Son ofGod.

    Thou art the Sonof God.

    You are the Son ofGod!

    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad BadThe word Christ is removed, hiding the fact that Jesus is the Christ.

    #88Luke 23:42

    And he said untoJesus, Lord,remember me

    when thou

    comest into thykingdom.

    Jess: Seor,acurdate de m

    Jesus: Lord,remember me

    Jess, acurdatede m

    Jesus, rememberme

    Jess: Seor,acurdate de m

    Jesus: Lord,remember me

    Jess: Acurdate dem

    Jesus: Rememberme

    Jess: Acurdatede m

    Jesus: Rememberme

    Jess, acurdatede m

    Jesus, rememberme

    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad BadThe word Lord is missing, removing the fact that Jesus is Lord.


    John 4:1When thereforethe Lord knew

    how thePharisees had


    cuando el Seor


    when the Lordknew

    cuando el Seor


    when the Lordknew

    pues, el Seor


    therefore, the Lordknew

    como Jess


    how Jesus knew

    pues, el Seor


    therefore, theLord knew

    Jess se enter

    Jesus heard that

    Good Good Good Good Bad Good BadThe 1909 removed Lord and replaced it with Jesus. The NVI removed When therefore the Lord and Jesus later in that verse.

    #90Acts 3:26

    God, havingraised up his Son


    Dios, habiendoresucitado a su

    Hijo Jess,

    God, havingresurrected his SonJesus,

    Dios, habiendoresucitado a su


    God, having raisedup his Servant,

    Dios, habiendolevantado a su Hijo


    God, having raisedup his Son Jesus,

    Dios, habiendolevantado su


    God, having raisedup his Son,

    Dios, habiendolevantado a su


    God, having raisedup his Son,

    Cuando Diosresucit a su


    When God raisedup his servant,

    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad Bad

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    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad BadJesus is missing, and Son is changed to servant in the LBA and NVI.

    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVI#91

    Acts 9:29And he spakeboldly in the

    name of the LordJesus,

    y hablaba condenuedo en el

    nombre del SeorJess;

    and he spake boldlyin the name of the

    Lord Jesus;

    Tambin hablaba

    He also spake

    Y hablabaanimosamente en elnombre del Seor


    And he spakebravely in the nameof the Lord Jesus,

    Y hablabaconfiadamente en elnombre del Seor:

    And he spakeconfidently in thename of the Lord:

    y hablabadenodadamente en

    el nombre delSeor,

    and he spakeboldly in the name

    of the Lord,


    He conversed

    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad Bad

    #92Acts 7:30

    there appeared tohim in the

    wilderness of

    mount Sina anangel of the


    el ngel del Seorle apareci

    the Angel of theLord appeared to


    le apareci unngel

    an angel appearedto him

    el ngel del Seorle apareci

    the angel of theLord appeared to


    un ngel le apareci

    an angel appearedto him

    un ngel se leapareci

    an angel appearedto him

    se le apareci unngel

    an angel appearedto him

    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad BadThe words of the Lord were removed from the LBA, 1909, 1960, and NVI.

    #93Acts 22:16

    and wash awaythy sins, callingon the name of

    the Lord.

    invocando elnombre del Seor.

    calling on the nameof the Lord.

    invocando sunombre.

    calling on hisname.

    invocando elnombre del Seor.

    calling on the nameof the Lord.

    invocando sunombre.

    calling on hisname.

    invocando sunombre.

    calling on hisname.

    invocando sunombre.

    calling on hisname.

    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad BadThe words of the Lord are replaced with his, hiding the fact that the Lord washes away sins.

    #94 bautizados en el bautizados en el bautizados en el bautizados en el bautizados en el bautizados en el

    Acts 8:16 nombre del Seor nombre del Seor nombre del Seor nombre de Jess nombre de Jess nombre del Seor

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    Acts 8:16only they werebaptized in the

    name of the LordJesus.

    nombre del SeorJess.

    baptized in thename of the Lord


    nombre del SeorJess.

    baptized in thename of the LordJesus.

    nombre del SeorJess.

    baptized in thename of the Lord


    nombre de Jess.

    baptized in thename of Jesus.

    nombre de Jess.

    baptized in thename of Jesus.

    nombre del SeorJess.

    baptized in thename of the Lord

    Jesus.Good Good Good Good Bad Bad Good

    #95Acts 15:11

    But we believe

    that through thegrace of the LordJesus Christ weshall be saved,

    la gracia del SeorJesucristo

    the grace of theLord Jesus Christ

    la gracia del SeorJess,

    the grace of theLord Jesus,

    la gracia del SeorJesu Cristo

    the grace of theLord Jesus Christ

    la gracia del SeorJess

    the grace of theLord Jesus

    la gracia del SeorJess

    the grace of theLord Jesus

    la gracia denuestro Seor


    the grace of ourLord Jesus,

    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad BadIn the LBA, 1909, 1960, and NVI took out Christ.

    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVI#96

    Romans 1:3Concerning his

    Son Jesus Christour Lord,

    tocante a su HijoJesucristo,

    nuestro Seor,

    concerning his SonJesus Christ, our


    Acerca de su Hijo

    Concerning hisSon

    De su Hijo JesuCristo, Seor


    Of his Son JesusChrist, our Lord

    Acerca de su Hijo,

    Concerning hisSon,

    acerca de su Hijo,nuestro Seor


    concerning hisSon, our LordJesus Christ,

    Este evangeliohabla de su Hijo,

    This gospel speaksof his Son,

    Good Good Bad Good Bad Good BadThe LBA, 1909, and NVI left out the words Jesus Christ our Lord, even though they appear in the Greek.

    #97Romans 1:16

    For I am notashamed of thegospel of Christ:

    del evangelio deCristo;

    the gospel ofChrist

    del evangelio,

    the gospel

    del evangelio deCristo;

    the gospel ofChrist

    del evangelio:

    the gospel:

    del evangelio,

    the gospel

    del evangelio,

    the gospel

    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad Bad

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    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad BadThe words of Christ are missing.

    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVI#98

    1 Corinthians 9:1have I not seen

    Jesus Christ ourLord?

    Jesucristo nuestroSeor?

    Jesus Christ ourLord?

    Jess nuestroSeor?

    Jesus our Lord?

    Jesu Cristo elSeor nuestro?

    Jesus Christ ourLord?

    Jess el Seornuestro?

    Jesus our Lord?

    Jess el Seornuestro?

    Jesus our Lord?

    Jess nuestroSeor?

    Jesus our Lord?

    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad Bad

    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVI#992 Corinthians

    4:10Always bearing

    about in the bodythe dying of the

    Lord Jesus,

    la muerte del SeorJess,

    the death of theLord Jesus,

    la muerte de Jess,

    the death of Jesus,

    la muerte del SeorJess,

    the death of theLord Jesus,

    la muerte de Jess

    the death of Jesus

    la muerte de Jess,

    the death of Jesus,

    la muerte de Jess,

    the death of Jesus,

    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad Bad

    #1002 Corinthians

    5:18who hath

    reconciled us tohimself by Jesus


    por Jesucristo;

    by Jesus Christ;

    por medio deCristo;

    through Christ;

    por Jesu Cristo,

    by Jesus Christ;

    por Cristo;

    by Christ;

    por Cristo,

    by Christ;

    por medio deCristo

    through Christ

    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad BadThe LBA, 1909, 1960, and NVI do not have the word Jesus.

    #101 cre todas las cosas creador de todas cre todas las cosas cri todas las cosas. cre todas las creador de todas

    Ephesians 3:9 por Jesucristo; las cosas; por Jesu Cristo: cosas; las cosas.

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    pwho created allthings by Jesus


    p ;

    created all thingsby Jesus Christ;


    creator of allthings;


    created all thingsby Jesus Christ:

    created all things.;

    created all things; creator of allthings.

    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad BadThe LBA, 1909, 1960, and NVI took out Jesus, although it appears in the Greek text.

    #102Philippians 3:12

    if that I mayapprehend thatfor which also I

    am apprehendedofChrist Jesus.

    por Cristo Jess.

    by Christ Jesus.

    porCristo Jess.

    by Christ Jesus.

    por lo cual Cristo

    by which Christ

    de Cristo Jess.

    ofChrist Jesus.

    por Cristo Jess.

    by Christ Jesus.

    para lo cual CristoJess

    for which ChristJesus

    Good Good Good Bad Good Good GoodThe word Jesus was taken out of the 1865, although it appears in the Greek text.

    #1032 Thessalonians

    2:2 the day ofChrist is athand.

    el da de Cristoest cerca.

    the day ofChrist isclose.

    el da del Seorhallegado.

    the day of theLordhas come.

    el da de Cristoest cerca.

    the day ofChrist isclose.

    el da del Seorest cerca.

    the day of the Lordis close.

    el da del Seorest cerca.

    the day of theLord is close.

    Ya lleg el dadel Seor!

    The day of theLordhas come!

    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad BadThere is a big difference between the day of Christ being close or at hand (meaning it is in the future), and has come (has already happened)!The Greek says Christ, not Lord.

    #1042 Timothy 3:12Yea, and all thatwill live godly in

    Christ Jesus

    en Cristo Jess,

    in Christ Jesus,

    en Cristo Jess,

    in Christ Jesus,

    en Cristo,

    in Christ,

    en Cristo Jess,

    in Christ Jesus,

    en Cristo Jess

    in Christ Jesus,

    en Cristo Jess,

    in Christ Jesus,

    Good Good Good Bad Good Good Good

    The word Jesus was taken out of the 1865, although it appears in the Greek text.

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    #105Matthew 15:8draweth nighunto me withtheir mouth,

    se acerca a m consu boca,

    draweth nigh untome with their


    These words weredeleted from this


    con su boca seacerca a m,

    with their mouthdraweth nigh unto


    These words weredeleted from this


    These words weredeleted from this


    These words weredeleted from this


    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad Bad

    #106Mark 9:24With tears

    con lgrimas

    with tears

    These words weredeleted from this


    con lgrimas

    with tears

    These words weredeleted from this


    These words weredeleted from this


    These words weredeleted from this


    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad Bad

    #107Luke 2:40

    and waxed strongin spirit,

    se fortaleca enespritu,

    waxed strong in


    se fortaleca,

    waxed strong,

    era confortado enespritu,

    was strengthened in



    waxed strong,

    se fortaleca,

    waxed strong,

    se fortaleca,

    waxed strong,

    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad BadThe words in spirit are missing in the LBA, 1909, 1960 and NVI.

    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVI#108

    Acts 2:41Then they thatgladly received

    his word

    los que con gozorecibieron su


    they that with joyreceived his word,

    los que habanrecibido su palabra

    they that hadreceived his word,

    los que recibieroncon gusto su


    those that receivedwith pleasure his


    los que recibieronsu palabra,

    they that receivedhis word,

    los que recibieronsu palabra

    they that receivedhis word,

    los que recibieronsu mensaje

    Those thatreceived his


    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad BadThe words with joy or gladly are missing in the LBA, 1909, 1960, and NVI.

    #109 Conocidasson a que hace saber Notoriasa Dios son Conocidas son que hace conocer que hace estas

    Acts 15:17-18 Dios todas sus todo esto desde todas sus obras Dios desde el siglo todo esto desde cosas conocidas

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    Knownunto Godare all his works

    from thebeginning of the


    obras desde laeternidad.

    Knownunto Godare all his works

    from the eternity.

    tiempos antiguos.

    that makes knownall this since

    ancient times.

    desde la eternidad.

    Notoriousunto Godare all his works

    from the eternity.

    todas sus obras.

    Known unto Godfrom forever are

    all his works.

    tiempos antiguos.

    that makes knownall this from old


    desde tiemposantiguos.

    Who does thesethings known

    from ancienttimes

    Good Good Bad Good Good Bad BadThe LBA, 1960 and NVI changed from the beginning of the world or from eternity to from ancient times, teaching the false doctrine thateither God came into existence in ancient times or His knowledge started in ancient times. The truth is, God is eternal and has always knowneverything.

    #1101 Corinthians 7:5that ye may give

    yourselves tofastingand


    ayunoy oracin;

    fastingand prayer;

    la oracin;


    ayunoy en oracin;

    fastingand prayer;

    la oracin:


    la oracin;

    calmly in prayer;

    la oracin


    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad BadIn the LBA, 1909, 1960, and NVI the word fasting is missing. The 1960 added calmly even though that word is not in the Greek.

    #111Leviticus 2:12

    but they shall notbe burnt on the

    altar for a sweetsavour.

    no se quemarnsobre el altar en

    olor grato.

    they shall not beburnt on the altar

    for a pleasingscent.

    no ascenderncomo aroma

    agradable sobre elaltar.

    they shall notascend as a

    pleasing aroma onthe altar.

    no subirn sobre elaltar por olor de


    they shall not riseon the altar for ascent of pleasure.

    no subirn sobre elaltar en olor de


    they shall not riseon the altar for apleasing scent.

    no subirn sobreel altar en olor


    they shall not riseon the altar for apleasing scent.

    no las pondrnsobre el altar como

    aroma grato.

    they shall not beput on the altar asa pleasing aroma.

    Good Good Bad Bad Bad Bad BadThis offering was not to be burnt so the smell of the burning would not rise. The word rise does not explain the point very well. Put (NVI)explains even less.

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    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVI#112

    Leviticus 16:8,10, 26


    el macho cabrode escapatoria


    el macho cabroexpiatorio



    UntranslatedHebrew word


    UntranslatedHebrew word


    UntranslatedHebrew word

    el macho cabro(que soltar en el

    desierto)the male goat (thatwill be released in

    the desert)Good Good Good Bad Bad Bad Good

    Scapegoat conveys exactly what the Hebrew word means. But the untranslated Hebrew word cannot be understood. The NVI gets the general idea,but only when all three verses are combined.

    #113Judges 3:7

    and forgat theLORD their God,

    olvidaron a Jehovsu Dios,

    forgat Jehovahtheir God,

    olvidaron alSEOR su Dios,

    forgat the LORDtheir God,

    olvidados deJehov su Dios,

    forgotten ofJehovah their God,

    olvidados deJehov su Dios,

    forgotten ofJehovah their God,

    olvidaron aJehov su Dios,

    forgat Jehovahtheir God,

    se olvidaron delSEOR su Dios,

    they forgat theLORD their God,

    Good Good Bad Bad Bad Good Good

    Defective Bibles change the verse from saying that they forgot their God to the opposite, that God forgot them.

    #114Judges 20:43

    andchased them,andtrode themdown with ease

    over againstGibeah

    los persiguieron yfcilmente los


    chased them and

    easily flattenedthem

    lo persiguieron sintregua y loaplastaron

    pursued him

    relentlessly andflattened him

    los siguieron, yhollaron desde


    followed and

    trampled them fromMenual,

    los acosaron yhollaron, desde


    pursued and

    trampled them,from Menucha

    los acosaron yhollaron desde


    pursued and

    trampled themfrom Menuha

    los persiguieron ylos aplastaron con


    pursued them and

    flattened themwith ease

    Good Good Bad Bad Bad Bad Goodmenchh, (Menucha ) Strongs #4496 is a Hebrew word not translated in the 1865, 1909 and 1960. Menucha is not a place. The word refers to howeasily they won the battle. Relentlessly (LBA) is also incorrect. The LBA also changes them to him.

    #1152 Samuel 14:14

    Dios no haceacepcin de

    Dios no quita lavida,

    ni Dios le quitarla vida:

    ni Dios quita lavida,

    ni Dios quita lavida,

    Dios no nosarrebata la vida,

    neither doth Godt

    personas,G d d t t k ith ill G d ith d G d ith d G d G d d t t k

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    respectanyperson: God does not

    respect persons,

    God does not takelife,

    neither will Godtake his life:

    neither does Godtake life,

    neither does Godtake life,

    God does not takeaway our life;

    Good Good Bad Bad Bad Bad BadGod does take life away from many but He never respects persons. He is always fair and just. The word take incorrectly translated.

    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVI#116

    2 Samuel 21:19Elhananslewthe brother of


    mat al hermanode Goliat

    slew the brother of


    Omits the words,the brother of

    (al hermano de)

    hiri al hermanode Goliat

    slew the brother of


    Omits the words,the brother of

    Omits the words,the brother of

    Omits the words,the brother of

    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad BadWithout these words the text falsely says that Elhanan killed Goliath. 1 Chronicles 20:5 includes the words the brother of.

    #1172 Kings 14:28

    and how he

    recoveredDamascus, andHamath, which

    belongedtoJudah, for


    recobr paraIsrael a Damasco y

    a Hamat, que

    haban pertenecidoa Jud,

    he recovered forIsrael Damascus

    and Hamath, whichbelongedto Judah,

    recobr paraIsrael a Damascoy a Hamat, que

    habanpertenecido a


    he recovered forIsrael Damascus

    and Hamath,which belongedto


    restituy a Jud enIsrael a Damasco,

    y a Emat,

    he recovered toJudah in IsraelDamascus and


    restituy Jud enIsrael Damasco y


    he recovered toJudah in IsraelDamascus and


    restituy aldominio de Israel

    a Damasco y

    Hamat, quehabanpertenecido a


    he recovered forthe dominion ofIsrael Damascus

    and Hamath,which belonged to


    recuper Damascoy Jamat para Israel

    he recoveredDamascus andHamath for Israel

    Good Good Good Bad Bad Good BadThis king of Israel conquered the cities of Damascus and Hamath and added them to Israel. Before, those cities had belonged to Judah.

    #1182 Kings 2:9

    una doble porcinde tu espritu sea

    las dos partes detu espritu sean

    las dos partes de tuespritu sean sobre

    las dos partes de tuespritu sean sobre

    una doble porcinde tu espritu sea

    sea yo el herederode tu espritu por

    let a doubleportion of thy

    sobre m. sobre m. m. m. sobre m. partida doble

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    portion of thyspirit be upon

    me.a double portion

    of thy spirit beupon me.

    the two parts ofthy spirit be upon


    the two parts ofthy spirit be upon


    the two parts ofthy spirit be upon


    a double portionof thy spirit be

    upon me.

    I would be the heirof thy spirit by a

    double partGood Good Bad Bad Bad Good Bad

    The words double portion make perfect sense. The words the two parts of thy spirit makes no sense at all.

    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVI

    #119Psalm 68:11

    great was thecompany ofthose that

    published it.

    Grande era elejrcito de aquellosque la publicaban.

    Great was the armyofthose thatpublished it.

    las mujeres queanuncian las

    buenas nuevas

    son gran multitud:the women thatannounce the

    good tidings are agreat multitude:

    de lasevangelizanteshaba ejrcito

    grande.of the women

    evangelists therewas a great army.

    De lasevangelizantes

    haba grande

    ejrcito.Of the women

    evangelists therewas a great army.

    grande multitud delas que llevabanbuenas nuevas.

    a great multitudeofwomen thatbrought good


    y millares demensajeras la


    and thousands offemale

    messengersproclaim it:

    Good Good Bad Bad Bad Bad BadEvery modern Spanish Bible except the RVG incorrectly changes this text. This is not only a bad translation, but violates Gods command against

    women preachers.

    #120Ecclesiastes 3:15

    and Godrequireth thatwhich is past.

    Dios demanda loque pas.

    God demands thatwhich is past.

    Dios busca lo quepas.

    God seeks thatwhich is past.

    Dios restaura loque pas.

    God restores thatwhich is past.

    Dios restaura loque pas.

    God restores thatwhich is past.

    Dios restaura loque pas.

    God restores thatwhich is past.

    Dios hace que lahistoria se repita.

    God makes thestory repeat itself.

    Good Good Good Bad Bad Bad BadGod demands or requires that which is past. All will be judged by God. The word restores is not correct because it does not speak about hisjudgment. The LBA is good but weak. The NVI badly translates the words.

    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVI#121

    Ezekiel 26:18shall be troubledat thy departure.

    se espantarn de tupartida.

    shall be frightened

    se espantan de tufin.

    are frightened at

    y espantarse han detu salida

    shall be frightened

    se espantarn de tuxito.

    shall be frightened

    se espantarn acausa de tu fin.

    shall be frightened

    se aterrorizan antetu debacle

    are terrified before

    at thy departure. thy end. at thy departure at thy success orend

    because of thyend

    your debacle.

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    end. end.Good Good Good Good Bad Good Bad

    The Spanish word xito, has two meanings. The one means end but it is just about never used that way. The other meaning is success and it isalmost always used that way. The NVI is badly translated.

    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVI

    #122Hosea 3:3

    and thou shalt not

    be for anotherman: so willIalso be for thee.

    lo mismo har yopor ti.

    the same I will dofor thee.

    y yo tambin serpara ti.

    and I also will befor thee.

    ni tampoco yovendr a t.

    neither willI cometo thee.

    ni tampoco yovendr ti.

    neither willI cometo thee.

    lo mismo har yocontigo.

    the same will I dowith thee.

    Ni yo te voy atocar!

    Neither am Igoing to touchyou!

    Good Good Good Bad Bad Good BadThe 1865, 1909 and NVI are translated wrong, in fact completely backwards. They state that after Hosea bought back his wife he would NOT bewith her. But the correct translation is that he WOULD be with her. This is especially important because, as with Hosea, God received his peopleback even after they ran around in spiritual adultery.

    #123Matthew 2:1, 7,16 wise men


    wise men


    magicians orsorcerers


    magicians orsorcerers


    magicians orsorcerers


    magicians orsorcerers


    wise men

    Good Good Bad Bad Bad Bad GoodAnother horrible translation. The Greek says wise men. Yet many modern Bible translators decided to use the words magicians or sorcerers.

    Completely wrong.

    #124Mark 1:2

    As it is written inthe prophets,

    Como est escritoen los profetas:

    As it is written inthe prophets:

    Como est escritoen el profeta


    As it is written inthe prophet


    Como est escritoen los profetas:

    As it is written inthe prophets:

    Como est escritoen Isaas el


    As it is written inIsaiah theprophet:

    Como est escritoen Isaas el


    As it is written inIsaiah theprophet:

    como est escritoen el profeta


    As it is written inIsaiah theprophet:

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    The words to him or unto him are very necessary. Without them it means that God gives the Spirit without measure to all. We are sinners and Godgives us his power with measure but never the same as He gave to Jesus. Jesus, God in human flesh, received the power of the Spirit without measure

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    g ves us s powe w t easu e but eve t e sa e as e gave to Jesus. Jesus, God u a es , ece ved t e powe o t e Sp t w t out easu ebecause He was perfect.


    John 10:30I and my Father

    are one.

    Yo y mi Padre uno


    I and my Father areone.

    Yo y el Padre

    somos uno.

    I and the Fatherare one.

    Yo y mi Padre

    somos uno.

    I and my Father areone.

    Yo y el Padre una

    cosa somos.

    I and the Father areone thing.

    Yo y el Padre uno


    I and the Fatherare one.

    El Padre y yo

    somos uno.

    The Father and Iare one.

    Good Good Good Good Bad Good GoodThe words one thing do not sound right in English or Spanish. These words speak of the Trinity. The correct word is one not one thing.

    #129John 17:22

    that they may beone, even as we

    are one:

    para que sean uno,como nosotros

    somos uno.that they may be

    one, as we are one.

    para que sean uno,as como nosotros

    somos uno:that they may be

    one, just as we areone:

    para que sean uno,como tambinnosotros somos

    uno.that they may be

    one, as we also are


    para que sean unacosa, como tambinnosotros somos una

    cosa.that they may beone thing, as we

    are one thing.

    para que sean uno,as como nosotros

    somos uno.that they may be

    one, as we are one.

    para que sean uno,as como nosotros

    somos uno:that they may be

    one, just as we areone:

    Good Good Good Good Bad Good GoodThe words one thing do not sound right in English nor in Spanish. These words speak of the Trinity. The correct word is one not one thing.

    KJV RVG LBA 1865 1909 1960 NVI


    Acts 18:5Paul was pressed

    in the spirit,

    Pablo, constreidoen espritu,

    Paul, pressed inthe spirit,

    Pablo se dedicabapor completo a la

    predicacin de lapalabra,

    Paul dedicatedhimself

    completely to thepreaching of the


    Pablo eraconstreido en


    Paul was pressedin the spirit,

    Pablo estabaconstreido por la


    Paul was pressedby the word,

    Pablo estabaentregadopor

    entero a lapredicacin de la


    Paul wasdelivered

    completely to thepreaching of the


    Pablo se dedicexclusivamente a

    la predicacin,

    Paul devotedhimself

    exclusively topreaching,

    Good Good Bad Good Bad Bad Bad

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    Place in this order:

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    KJV RVG 1960 NVI LBA 1909 1865Bad 0 0 112 107 106 92 54Good 136 136 14 29 30 44 82
