COMMUNICATION MENTORS’ Documents/Library Listing -...


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Communication Mentors’ Network Library – Valley Forge Updated: 7/31/09

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(Valley Forge)

Videos VHS A Part of Our Life – Facilitated Communication Pre-School (2)

A Test of Love (2)

Abandoned to Their Fate

An Introduction to PECS

Applying Sensory Integration Principles Where Children Live, Learn, & Play

Assistive Technology Video Series: A Way to Differentiate Instruction for Students with Disabilities

Assistive Technology Video Series: Assessments Made Easy

Assistive Technology Video Series: AT More Than Computers

Assistive Technology Video Series: The IEP Team & AT Decisions

At the Gates of Autism: Emerging Into Life

Autism Living & Working

Autism: Tito & Sonya (60 Minutes II)

Awakenings (2)

Breaking the Silence Barrier (60 Minutes II) (3)

Communicating Matters

Dreams Coming True

ENABLE: People with Disabilities & Computers

Every Step of the Way (2)

Eye Gaze Communication System

Facilitated Communication for Adults: A New Beginning

Facilitated Communication Frontline Protest (TASH)

Facilitated Communication in the School Years – School Age

Facilitated Communication: Family and Friends (2)

Free From Silence (Primetime Live)

Freedom Machines

From the Mouths of Babes

Frontline: Prisoners of Silence

Getting Kids in Sync

Good Morning America: Autism: Unlocking the Mystery

Helium Hearts (2)

How Did They Do That? Autism

I‟m Not Autistic on the Typewriter: Introduction to Facilitated Communication

Inside the Edge: A Journey to Using Speech Through Typing (2)

Inside the World of Cognitive Disabilities (People In Motion – Pt. 2, Breaking the Silence

Introduction to AAC – Northumberland County

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Joey‟s Story

Kid Ability Two: Assistive Technology

Less Than A Miracle (60 Minutes)

Living My Own Life: Adults with Disabilities

Michael‟s Eagle Eyes (2)

My Left Foot

My New Best Friend: Lightwriter

NOW Debate on Facilitated Communication

Outside / Inside

Say It! Teaching Children with Autism to Talk

Sharisa: My Life As A Pioneer (2)

Social Networks: A Communication Inventory for Individuals with Complex Communication Needs & Their Communication Partners

State of the Art: We Have a Lot to Offer

Suffer the Little Children, Pennhurst 1968: Transition to Community Life

Technology & Self Advocacy: A Bridge to Independence

The Out of Sync Child: Recognizing & Coping with Sensory Integration Dysfunction

Total Person Technology

Tourette‟s Syndrome: Twitch & Shout (2)

Under the Eye of the Clock

DVD An Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders

Andrew Vizuete Using Eye Gaze

Asperger‟s: Millions Undiagnosed

Autism: The Hidden Epidemic?

Communicating Matters (8 minute video clip for trainings)

First Look: Autism Awareness

Freedom Machines

Getting Started with the Dynavox 3100 & DynaMyte 3100

Lorenzo‟s Oil

Making A Better World

Mozart & the Whale

My Classic Life As An Artist

On a Roll: Family, Disability, & the American Dream

Quadricizer Motorized Therapy Does It For You

SAL System: A New Era in Braille Instruction

Straight Talk About Autism

Stroke of Insight

The Gate, Part 1 – People Who Use Assistive Technology

Unforgotten: Twenty-five Years After Willowbrook

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CD / DVD-ROM AAC Institute: Methods, Tools, & Resources to Support AAC Evidence Based Practices

Assistive Technology AT Video Series: AT Assessment Forms

Building & Sustaining a Successful Reading Initiative: Towards a Schoolwide Model (Pts. 1 & 2) PaTTAN

Edmark CD-ROM Sampler

Express Yourself Dynavox Product Catalog

Freedom Scientific Product Catalog 2004

Instant Immersion American Sign Language (5 CDs)

Invacare: Yes You Can!

ITTATC: Section 508 Digital Talking Books

ITTATC: Speak Out! About Inaccessible Information & Telecommunciation Technology

Madentec: Accessing Today‟s Computers Through Discover!

PRC A Guide to Medicare Funding

PRC AAC Manuals

RESNA Conference Proceedings (2005)

Simple Technology Training Resource AbleNet

Smith-Kettlewell Research Institute: Eye Research Rehabilitation Engineering

Smith-Kettlewell Research Institute: Recent Reports, Compediums of Technology & Other Products (floppy disk)

Step By Step Guide to AT > Switch Edition, TASH, Inc.

Teaching Reading: Speech to Print Principles & Strategies

The Zygo Macaw, Gewa Page Turner, & Lightwriter

Tomorrow‟s Promise: Stand-Alone Curriculum Demo (Josten‟s Learning)

Audio DDNA Conference 1998: Adapting Programs to Meet the Needs of People

DDNA Conference 1998: Recognizing & Understanding

DDNA Conference 1998: Family Communication & Social Issues

DDNA Conference 1998: Improving Services for People with Autism Spectrum

Do You Hear What I Hear? Understanding the Process of Auditory Integration Training, Tape 1 & 2

Donna Williams, Fresh Air Interviews (3 copies)

Effective Early Literacy (CD)

Facilitated Communication & Movement: An Interdisciplinary Perspective

FC Conference: A Critical View: What Does Research Really Say About Facilitated Commmunication

FC Conference: A Portable Tool Kit for Communication, Tape 1 & 2

FC Conference: Autism, Facilitated Communication, & the Neurology of Relationship

FC Conference: Breaking the Silence

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FC Conference: Building Sustainable Communities for Speakers Portfolios & Self- Advocacy

FC Conference: Child Sexual Abuse Allegations & Facilitated Communication

FC Conference: Disabled – Who Says? Naming Ourselves in Our Own Voice

FC Conference: Exposure Anxiety: The Problem of Daring to be a Speaker

FC Conference: Facilitated Communication Research, What Are The Next Questions?

FC Conference: How Can You Rock the Boat Without Sinking the Ship?

FC Conference: How Fragile Is the Measuring of Facilitated Communication? Not a Test Will Do

FC Conference: How Valid Are Validity Tests?

FC Conference: On Becoming A Person

FC Conference: Quality Training & Facilitated Communication: Learning & Supporting

FC Conference: Recent Developments: Facilitated Communication in the Courtroom

FC Conference: Self-Other Awareness: How Systems Forfeiting & „Mono‟ Difficulties Affect What is & Is Not Seen In Facilitated Communication

FC Conference: Should People with Autism Have A Voice In Court?

FC Conference: Silence Is Not Golden… Training & Support in Facilitated Communication to Achieve Physical Independence & Validation

FC Conference: The Facilitated Communication Journey: Myths, MAPS, & Murphy‟s Law

Marilyn Chadwick

NADD Conference: Multiple Personality Disorder or Psychosis

NADD Conference: The Adrenergic Component of Rage Behavior in Dually Diagnosed

NADD Conference: Autism, Arousal, Anxiety, & Beta Blockers

NADD Conference: Principles of Multiple Disorders: Co-Morbidity or “Mimic” Disorders

Roundtable: Northumberland County Awareness

Vision: A Missing Link Affecting Communication

WYSP Tayoun‟s Radio Program: K. Sykes, W. Washington, & A. Cook

Books 101 Activities for Kids in Tight Places

Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Transcational Developmental Perspective

Autism, Advocates, & Law Enforcement Professionals

Autism: Handle with Care!

Awareness Through Movement

Brain Gym

Can We Chat? (book & CD) (2)

Communicating Matters

Creative Construction

Drawing Out Your Soul

Dysphagia Resource Guide (blue folder)

Edu-K for Kids

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Exploring the Spectrum of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Intervention Strategies

Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences

Friendships & Community: Connections Between People With & Without Developmental Disabilities

How Can I Help This Child?

Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

Learning Re-Enabled

Learning to Listen: PA & People with Difficult Behaviors

Movement Differences & Diversity in Autism / Mental Retardation: Appreciating & Accomodating People with Communication & Behavior Challenges (copy, binder clipped)

Neuro Optometric Rehabilitation

Progress Without Punishment: Effective Approaches for Learners with Behavior Problems

Raising a Sensory Smart Child

Souls Beneath & Behind Autism

Stress and Coping in Autism

Succeeding in College with Asperger Syndrome: A Student Guide

Targeting Autism

Teaching Children with Autism: Strategies to Enhance Communication & Socialization

The Autism Encyclopedia

The Fabric of Autism (2)

The Hidden Curriculum: Practical Solutions for Understanding Unstated Rules in Social Situations

The Highly Sensitive Person

The Island of the Colorblind

The New Social Story Book: Illustrated Edition

The Out of Sync Child Has Fun

The Out of Sync Child: Recognizing & Coping with Sensory Integration Dysfunction

Too Loud, Too Bright, Too Fast, Too Tight

Understanding the Mental Retardation System in Pennsylvania

What We Are Learning About Autism / Pervasive Developmental Disorder: Evolving Dialogues & Approaches to Promoting Development & Adaptation (4)

Writing and Developing Social Stories, Practical Interventions in Autism

You‟re Gonna Love This Kid!

Personal Stories, Poetry, & Works

A Foot in Both Worlds (2)

A Mind on Wheels: The Inner Journey

An Anthropologist on Mars

Animals in Translation

Annie‟s Coming Out (copied & in binder clip)

Autism & Sensing: The Unlost Instinct

Autism & The God Connection

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Autism & The Myth of the Person Alone

Autism: An Inside / Outside Approach

Beneath the Surface: Creative Expressions of Augmented Communicators

Beyond the Silence

Does She Know She‟s There?

Everyday Heaven

For the Love of Anne

I Had No Means to Shout

If You Look In Their Eyes… You Know.

Jordi / Lisa & David

Kiss of God: The Wisdom of a Silent Child

Let Me Hear Your Voice: A Family‟s Triumph Over Autism

Like Normal People

Lucy‟s Story: Autism & Other Adventures (2)


My Brother Ben

My Stroke of Insight

Night Wind

Nobody Nowhere

Reasonable People

Riding the Bus With My Sister

See Us Smart! Facilitated Communication Case Studies

Sharing Our Wisdom: A Collection of Presentations By People Within the Autism Spectrum


Somebody, Somewhere: Breaking Free from the World of Autism

The Best American Short Stories, 1997, “Eternal Love” – pp. 116-132

The Gold of Sunbeams

The Light Within

The Vial

To Dream: Stories of the Glories of Person Centered Planning & Circles of Support

Train Go Sorry


Without Reason: A Family Copes with Two Generations of Autism

General AAC Information

American Sign Language

American Sign Language Dictionary, Revised Edition

Augmentative & Alternative Communication for Adults with Aquired Neurologic Disorders

Augmentative & Alternative Communication, 2nd ed.

Augmenting Basic Communication in Natural Contexts

Beginning Literacy with Language

Building Communication Competence with Individuals Who Use AAC

Communication Supports Checklist

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Communication Without Speech

Communication-Based Intervention for Problem Behavior: A User‟s Guide for Producing Positive Change

Contested Words, Contested Science: Unraveling the Facilitated Communication Controversy

Digitized Speech Communication Systems

Educational Interpreter Handbook: Interpreters & Transliterators – A Guide to Working

Everybody‟s Doing It!

Expressive and Receptive Fingerspelling for Hearing Adults

Facilitated Communication Training (Deal Centre Booklet)

Facilitated Communication Training (book, Rosemary Crossley)

Facilitated Communication Training Standards (3)

First Hand: Personal Accounts of Breakthroughs in Facilitated Communicating

Functional Vision Checklist for Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Getting In Touch: A Workbook on Becoming a Facilitator

Ladders to Literacy: A Kindergarden Activity Book

Ladders to Literacy: A Pre-School Activity Book

Paid for the Privledge: Hearing the Voices of Autism (4)

Signs for Life: A Manual for Everyday Living

Teaching Conversation Skills to Individuals with Severe Disabilities with a Communication Book Adaptation – Instructional Handbook

The Informative Pointing Method

The Joy of Signing

The Language Instinct

The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) Training Manual

General AT Information

Adapted Computer Access

Assistive Technology Acquisition in Pennsylvania (2)

Assistive Technology Assessment: Developing a Written Productivity Profile (2)

Assistive Technology in the IEP

Assistive Technology Planner

Assistive Technology Solutions for IEP Teams

Assistive Technology Solutions in Minutes

Assistive Technology: A Resource for School, Work, & Community (2)

Assistive Technology: Principles & Practice, 2nd ed.

Book of Possibilities, Elementary Edition

Book of Possibilities, Secondary Edition

Connecting to Learn

Creative Constructions

Design for Inclusion: Creating a New Marketplace

Designing & Using Assistive Technology: The Human Perspective

Easy Things to Make… To Make Things Easy

FEAT: Technology Assessment for Disabilities (2)

Fundamentals in AT

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Helping Tools for Young Pennsylvanians & Their Families

How Can I Have the Home That I Want?

How Can I Have the Life That I Want?

How Do You Know It? How Can You Show It? -- Making AT Decisions

LoTTIE – The Aide In a Box!

Making Connections (2)

PaTTAN Short Term Loan (STL) Program

PaTTAN Short Term Loan (STL) Program: Autism Kits

The Vision Aid Manual

Toys: Universal Tools for Learning Communication & Inclusion for Children with Disabilities

AT / AAC Devices & Material

Sensory Acuvibe Shiatsu Massager


Exercise Mat (green)

Head Wizard

Heat Sensitive Foam Massager


Neckease (weighted pillow)

Nose Aerobics

Therapy Ball (purple)

Therapy Squish (massaging foot pillow)

** Touch

3-D Pin Sculpture

Cotton Gloves (navy blue & white)

Cuddle Loop


Large Tentacle Ball (purple)

Light and Vibration Sensory Tube

Lite Up Squirmy Wormy

Mini Massager (green)

Mondo Ultimate Spaghetti Ball

Rubber Finger Tip

Sensory Brush (4)

Small Star Squish Pillow

Velva Soft Sensory Weighted Lap Pad (small & medium)

Vibrating Snake

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Wiggle Giggle Ball


Blue Grip Ball

Glade Plug-Ins Scented Oil Light Show

** See

Light Washer (2)

Shimmer Shaker

Starburst Night Light

Wild Time Lighted Spinning Globe

** Hear

Disco Ball UDO

Echo Mic

Headphones (regular & sound dampening)


Meditation Balls


Multi Colored Rain Stick


Timex Nature Sounds Stereo & CD


Visual Aids Bits & Baubles Letters (Raised Scrapbook Letters)

Brailler (with Braille information)

Bump Ons

Check & Signature Aid

Clip on Light (2)

Computer Screen Magnification (Magniscreen)

Eye Talk

Glow In the Dark Pen

Home Labeling Kit – Sign Language Learning System

IKEA Letter Stickers (GAVA)

Magnifying Glasses

Notebook Light

Optiscan (with white tine container of items)

Page Magnifier

Red Electrical Tape

Spot-n-Line Pen (orange & black)

Superior Writing Guide Kit with Low Vision Paper

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Target Pharmacy Bottles (examples)

Zoom Caps (black on white, white on black, IBM & Mac)

Mounting / Holding Binder Clips (assorted sizes)

Bungy Cord

Cable Ties

Catea “Alligator” Clip

C-Clamps (5)

Clear Packing Tape

Double Stick Tape

Mother‟s Third Arm

Plastic Sealer

Rubber Band Tags


Twist Ties (green spool)

UltraStik Adhesive (3 sizes)

Velcro (various sizes / types)

Wheel Chair Clip

Games Accelerator Cyberstation

ATM Machine

Basket of Fun (wicker basket of various toys)

Black & White Letter Tiles (in red box) (2)

Blue on White Letter Tiles

Boggle (with adapted playing sheets)

Conversation Pictures (in file folder)

Deluxe Low Vision Scrabble

Easy Grip Peg Puzzle – Sign Language Alphabet


Sight Words

Picture Words

Action Pictures

Phrase Cards

Flipbook – Spelling & Counting

Game Timer (large hour glass)

High Interest / Low Readability Non-Fiction

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Inflatable Globe

Interactive Computer Coloring Book

Jumbo Playing Cards

Large Dice

Mad Libs (several)

Magnetic Poetry

Magnetic Spell & Learn Board

Magnetic Wooden Letters

Natural Disasters – Earthquake! Number 1 (VHS)

Non-fiction Comprehension Test Practice (TIME)

Plastic Letter Tiles (white)

Playing Card Holder

Ready Words

Sign Language Flash Cards (2)

Teaching Tiles

The Name Game

The Pledge of Allegiance (Scholastic)

Aides to Daily Living Adjustable Footrest (plastic)

Cushioned Toilet Seat Riser

Dressing Aid Stick

Extended Reacher / Grabber

Fan – Windmere DF4

Porta Cart (collapsible cart)

Quick Start Environmental Control Unit Kit (AirLink Cordless Switch, Power Link, Switch Latch & Timer)

Rotating Swivel Seat Cushion

**Cooking / Eating

Blue Ice Cream Scoop

Chefmate Cheese Grater

Drink Aide

Easi Twist Opener (2)

KitchenAid Tongs

Pasta Measure

Power Grip

Say When!

Tomato Slicer

White Lazy Susan

Zyliss Pizza Cutter

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**Dressing Tools

Bracelet Buddy

Button Aid & Zipper Pull

Dressing Aid Stick

Sock Aid Pull-On

Stretch Shoe Laces (black & white)

**Home Accommodations

AbleNet Power Link 3 TV & VCR Remote

Amplified Photo Phone

Battery Interrupters (9 volt, AA, C, & D)

Bed Rail

Black Gooseneck Lamp

Glow in the Dark Switch Plate (6)

Grab Bar

Handy Strap Stapler

Jumbo Flex Neck Clip on Lamp

Light Dimmer Touch Control – ACE

Miracle Beam Flasher

Multi Purpose Light

Nighttime Blinking Locator

One Trip Grip

Portable Telephone Amplifier

Radio Shack Wireless Remote Switch & Keychain

Reizen Talking Alarm Clock

Screw In Touch Dimmer

Singer Electric Scissors

Super Switch (remote control switch – ECU)

Talking Alarm Clock

Talking Alarm Clock – blue keychain

Talking Clock Radio

Telephone Ringer / Flasher

Touch & Glow

Touch Pad Dimmer

Universal Remote – Zenith

Wall Switch Extension Handle (6)

**Writing Adaptations

Adapt A Cut

ArthWriter Hand Aid (Beige Ball)

BKFC Crayon Holder

Evo Pen (2)

Pen / Pencil Grips

Pen Again (2)

Ring Writer Clips

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Scissor Style Staple Remover

Small Squiggle Wiggle Pen

Squiggle Wiggle Pen

Staples Ball Point Pen 1.0

Steady Write Sta-Pen

Writing Aid

VOCAs – Lo Tech Big Mack (off white)

CheapTalk 4 Square (3)

CheapTalk 4 Switch Module (no buttons)

Deluxe Talking Photo Album – Radio Shack

Express One

Frame Talker (black)

Go Talk (Green)

Go Talk Button with Magnet

Go Talk One

Hip Talk (hot pink hip pack)

Memo Pen

One Step Communicator (green)

Partner Four (ERI, black w/ strap)

Put-Em-Around (blue)

Sequencer (purple)

Snowflake Voice Recorder

Step Pad (2)

Talking Photo Album (ACCI)

Talking Pictures Photo Album (brown leather)

Voice Pal 8K

Voice Recording Post Cards

Voila (bar code recorder / reader)

Wrist Talker (blue)

Picture Systems

Additional Picture Icons

PECS 151 (box of pictures)


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Writing Surfaces Contact Redi-Write

Drawing Board (blue with yellow eraser & pen)

Portable White Boards

Post Its (bag of various sizes)

Shower Tiles (2)

Letterboards / Keyboards 4 Color Adapted Keyboard (paper)

Canon Communicator CC-7S

Fentek Mini Keyboard

Franklin Speller & Dictionary

Laser PC-4

Martha By Mail LabelMaker PT1160

Paper Letterboards (various)

Plastic Letterboard – Dynavox (2)

Talk & Learn Alphabet (ABC Keyboard)

Talking Crespeaker (Crestalk)

Treo 650 Cingular w/ various cords & manuals

Adapted Computers Compaq Laptop (with communication software)

iPod / iTouch

NEC Mobile Pro 880

Palm Tungsten i710 (with various charging & hot syncing cables & keyboard)

Phenom (w/ ZoomCaps) (2)

Visor NEO

White Laptop

VOCAs – High Tech Allora


Link (w/ keyguard & ZoomCaps)

Optimist II


Winbook XL 95

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Slants / Stands Adjustable Table

Adjustable White Slant / Stand (2)

Beanbag Lapdesk (purple)

Curled Wire Slant

Easy Reader Stand (silver)

Grip Pads

Large Plastic stand (green)

Large White Slant / Stand (Kensington)

Readers‟ Compact – Levenger (small blue collapsible stand)

Stay Put Easel (yellow)

Wooden Box Slant / Stand

Wooden Cookbook Stand

Alternative Access ADESSO Flexible Fullsize keyboard

Big Keys Plus

Cherry Mini Keyboard

Computer Keyboards (2)

Crick USB Interface

Dragon Naturally Speaking 7

Grip Switch

Head Pointer


Jelly Bean Switch

Large Pal Pad Switch

Laser LED Keychain Light

Logitech Trackball Mouse

Medium Pal Pad Switch

Mercury Tilt Switch (on Velcro strap)

MicroLight Switch (2)

Mini Keyboard

Mini Mouse

Mini Pal Pad Switch

Nice Tracker (wireless mini keyboard with trackball)

Pencil (3)

Pigtail Adapters

Retractable Pointer

Scatir Switch

Sound Activated Switch

Streamlight Stylus Flashlight LED (2)

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Taction Pads (3)

Talk the Talk Voice Email

Touch Free Switch

Touch Window

Touch-N-Type Stick

Typing Aid (finger support)

Ultimate Switch

Universal Finger Light

Tools Batteries (rechargeable, all regular sizes)

Battery Charger (2)

Battery Tester

InLand Performance Tools (Grey Box)

Pocket Technician


Software AAC Keys

AT & T Natural Voices Mike & Crystal

Boardmaker for Windows

Boardmaker with Speaking Dynamically Pro

Build Ability (2 CDs)

ClaroRead (demo)

Click & Go (demo)

Club Kidsoft (demo)

Computer Desktop Encyclopedia

Dragon Naturally Speaking 5

Dynavox Impact (demo)

Dynavox Series 4 Software / Quick Start Guide

E-Triloquist V5.6

First Keys 2

Freedom Scientific WYNN

Inspiration / Kidspiration (demo)

iZoom 1.1

JAWS (demo) – CD & cassette

JAWS 8.0 (demo)


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Kurzweil 3000 (demo)

Look Out (2 CDs)

Magic Cursor (demo)

Magic Cursor 2000

Middleware Software – Tools for Educators



Open Book 7.0 (demo) – and audio CD

Pathfinder 2.0 (demo)

Picture Planner


Point Smart (demo)

Portable Impact (demo)

Screen Doors (demo)

Screen Doors 2000 (demo)

Speak Q (demo)

Speak Up


Stages Sampler CD (demo)

T Bar 2

Talk the Talk Voice Email

Tap Here

Telepathic (demo)

Telepathic 2000

TextAloud V2.240

TextHELP (demo)

Tracker (demo)

Tracker 2000

Typing Tutor (2 flopper disks)

Vantage (demo)

VictorReader Soft (demo)

Vu-Bar 4

WiVik On-screen keyboard, vers. 3.1

Word Q (demo)
