Communication 14


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Communication Why is

Communication important as an employee

of the City of Freeman?

Even Ladder Truck operators need Communication

Why is Communication important to us?

The Employees of the City make decisions…… Future


Communication keeps everyone informed on all levels

Supervisors, Department Heads, Team leaders, Employees and the general publicMy People will call your people and your people can call my people and we will see if we can come up with a solution. Then your people can contact my people and my people will contact me…..

Some businesses call this collaboration

Yes… Communication can be open ended or closed.

An open ended conversation will go something like this…..

How can I help you? Is there something written on your utility bill you need clarified?

Can you think of a good opening phrase in conversation………

This opens the conversation allowing the other party to respond.

Closed communication statements such as; “this is the way I have always done my work!” Creates anxiety and breaks down cohesiveness of the conversation.

Communication efforts •Keeps people informed.•Provides a dialog to solve work related questions.•Strengthens working relationships between employees and increases cohesiveness.•Provides a level playing field for all individuals involved in decision making.

…. Think about this statement:An employee that feels insignificant in

a workplace creates a non-productive atmosphere for everyone.

What are some of the methods of Communication?Verbal Communication: phone calls, talking, shouting Written Communication: letters, notes, texting, hard copy, emails, hand signals, standard body language micro-expression

Two Basic Types:



Non-Verbal Communication Less evident:

A micro-expresssion unnoticed by the untrained eye in conversation; occurs very quickly and disappears in

that same instant.

Although it cannot be consciously controlled.

Change in pupil size.

Cont.More Evident:

A gestured by eye movement or contact with another person.

A change in the movement of the body.

A change facial expression.

These non-verbal communications speak volumes in whether or not the listener believes or not believes in what the person is actually telling them.

Confidentiality linked with CommunicationHow confidentiality plays an important part of communications.

1) Who else needs to know about this?

A very important question regarding what information should be shared.

2)Would openness or sharing be damaging?

If your answer is no one, then go ahead and circulate the information.

However, if there is a real need for confidentiality , then do everything to ensure that it is kept confidential and stays within the workplace.

Communication linked with trust

At the heart of collaboration is trust. It’s the central issue of human relationships within and outside of organizations.

Without trust you cannot lead. Without trust you cannot get extraordinary things done.

Climate of trustIndividuals who are unable to trust others fail to become leaders, precisely because they can’t bear to be dependent on the words and works of others. So they either end up doing all the work themselves or they supervise work so closely that they become over controlling. Their obvious lack of trust in others results in others’ lack of trust in them. The leadership Challenge, foster collaboration (page 245)

Communication presents three basic values.


As an employee of Freeman, you may choose one of these basic values in your dialog listed below:

Positive value(being part of the solution)

Negative value(animosity)

No value(Noise)

… the choice is up to YOU !!

Understanding the different kinds of communication and its effect

We live in a information technology age.. Email, U tube, facebook, MySpace, twitter, blogging, texting and more.

Sharing information seems so easy and harmless…?

However harmless is sometimes not the case

when confidentially is crucial.

Take a deep breath before you push SEND and ask yourself, “ will this come back to haunt me….? ”

Communication enhances goalsName one example of a short term goal that

was accomplished in the workplace in 2013.

Communication is a very important aspect of

accomplishing both short term and long term goals.

What are some of your short term and long term goals for 2014?

Short term: Long term:

Communication is importantSharing Opinions:

All opinions are important in decision making.

Communicating with closed statements only creates tension in the workplace.

Respect for each others’ opinions, fosters positive discussion and agreeable options.

Organizational Charts have a purpose in the workplace. They provide a guidance and promote communication in an unbiased manner.

Communication is more than important:

Trust within communication is very important.

Confidentiality and discretion with communication is of utmost importance to the whole organization…. and should be protected within the City of Freeman work environment.

CommunicationA communication link is formed before we are born.

Adults communicate with adults (for various reasons)

Freeman employees need to communicate with each other, as well as, with the Public to keep the process moving.

Together, we all can make our workplace a more positive and productive place to work.. !

( Thank you )
