Commission on Human Rights Advisory on the Plight of the Sama Banguinguih of Simariki island



This is a legal advisory of the Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines to the different government agencies of the Philippines and the City government of Zamboanga directng it to allow these Muslim tribes to return back to their Island after their homes were burned during the September 2013 seige.

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  • Komisyon "n ":ffd#;:,:,t'i;:;*o ns Piripinas(Cotnmission on i{uman Rights af the phittpines)

    16 September 2014


    Dear Mayor Beng,

    Greetings from the commission on Human Rightsrwe write t3-.9I-pTq9Y-!qpport for the desire of the residents of sIIVIARIKIIsId'ND SAIVIA BANGI-NGI AssoiIATIoN to r*to*Jo their place of residence.we strongly endorse their call to allow at least ro families to return and helpsecure their area.

    -This is to allay fears of the community th;; thui, i*ia"nce, place ofworship, livelihood will be taken over ana trrey-"iir il"iai,r*t;d;il;h";- against theirwill u'ithout their free prior informed consent.we trust that this issue be given preferential immediate attention and utmostconsideration.


    Mr. NasirA.Ismula,Simariki Island Sama Bangi-hgi AssociationCHR-Region IX

    Krylpatang Pantao: Likas Sa Atin, Tungkulin NatinComntilny,ettlth,,lt'rntrt:, {"!.P. (oufli,t. Dilinun. /}fi1, gr,r,rryr (,i4., philippittet

    7bl. N*. 9:7-0 I 7: . 9)8-)0ts

    Yery truly yours,

    II{AII{AT}AG,Foeal for IDPs

  • s#-



    H.epuL,lic oi' t he PhilippincsDepartmtut of Enyironmcnt aEd Natural Rrsourcrs

    PROTECTE,N ARET,S AITD IVILDLIFI BUREAU()ue7r;n Av*luc. Dililnan. Qur:r.un Cit...

    :l'el. Nos. i632i 914"6$i I io 3i f'*r: {6:r,2) 9l4l} lf}9. (lr.l?t 9l{}-44xrrli:chsirc; http:#*rr.**.1iurvb.gor-.pli liinail: plamlnigi,zrpat b.gtrv.irlr

    APR 0 r ?ffl{

    Hon.'JOSE MANUEL. S. FTAMAUAGFocal CommissionerCommission on Human Rights of thc PhilippinesSAAC Building. Cammo$wealth Av*,Ul'Complex, Diliman, Quezon City

    lndtp*ts t

    .i ! ,{J-1.!k-'. iit ftr.,

    Ile*r H,sn. Mamarag,

    l'his is in eonnection i*-ith -vour leller de;ted 7 March 2014 seeking clarificarion if Lavag-

    lavag; l-ctra-leha. -tuurat.o und Sun'rariki are declaretl as Proteotsd ireas under thc National

    tntCgfeted.Prote$ed Are{s Systcm (NIPAS). This Bureau hereby confirms that tlre said arerswtriih aie,rvithin,,Barangay Talon-Talon. Zamboanga are nst part of the initial csmpcnentsnor procla'lmed'pritgcted areas pnde.r the NIPAS.

    Funher, there was no,suitability assessme*t undertaken yet in the area by the DENR which isa re{uirerneni pursuant to Rrt 758S or the MPAS Act of 1992 due to insurgency, Thrx. thereis no truth ap'out the designation of such areas a3 no build zo*{s *r aqr*+r}tr:t"c .?$ne. We,hope thls infgrmation will serve your purpose.

    Our best regards. GVery truly yours,

    ITA S. LTM

    Pratect & catrsr;,rtn our lorest to *tx ax wildli|*

  • rH$M THT [X CUflVg NIRECTOR1:i{il tqEGt0NA{-, DIitECTOITF.ii'ilrr>rr I


    8$.D.!AO3, FI?CIM -fHE Colunfil$sloN ()N HUMAN Rlcl'i'l's(cl-iri)

    nAl L. .,

    &tR oil?riii:

    Re*pectfully trans;ruiiting hcreto attcrcfrecl'te11{:'r fisnr Mii' ''CSE IvIANUEL S' IMAMAUAG. CHR Foci:l Commissionr*r for your information anil appropriale actior'r


    please validate the fir'eafr ffiontioiled irir$ner Manrattag 3n6 3dvi5s t!-reun,3ersignetl as sor;n aE possible if there i:i;e a"lfected lCCsllPs in the rnangrove siirir:ispecifically th* Badiaps r.f Layag-layar;. Lr:t'ra-leha, $umatra an

  • r4;
  • REuSI;6n ng Pitipitt*I{omlryon ng Karapatang Pantao ng Piliplnas

    {Co*.mksian on H*man Righx af the Philippixel



    Recogmizing. the' complex pratection issue$ beiry faced bypopulations displdced as a result af &e September ao$ ZamboargeCrisis, and the reed to stengtben the capacity aad effestivenees of theGovernmqt and o&er relenant stakeholders to adopt a rights-ksedapproach to $rpport the retum, transitional and permauent rerettlementof iutemally displaced percons in thi$ cantort;

    Emphasizing that &e 1987 Fhilippine Constihrtion provides thatthe State values the digniy of arery pelssn and guarantees full respectfor humau rigbts;' proteetioa of property and preraotien of the geaeralwelfare are among the essentials for the enjoyment by aII the people ofthe blessings of democacy;a rro penson shall be deprived of life, Hberty orprope4y without due prccess of, law;a the State shorrld r%ulate tbeacquisition, orrnerehip, use and disposition of property to the end thatCongress grves bighestpriorityto the enac{rnent of measures thatprotectand enhance the risht of all to human disity" reduee inequalities andnemo\rc cl{tural inequities;4 urbm or nral lroor dwellqs shall uot beevicted andior resettled except ia accordanee wi& iaw and withadequateconsultationls *U the State should protect the rigbis of indigenouscultural communitiee to their anrestrd lands to ensure their economic,social and eultuml urefi-bebg;o

    Emplwsbing {urtlwr therighfs proteetions estahlishd

    AdRigfusecraf rygn

    I Afi. II, s t 1, i9E? of&aRap$lic of [re Phitipplnes,A?t lI, s 5, 198? ofttto Bsprblic oftftc Philipirrce,

    roftc Republic oftts PtilipphcsArr III, s t, I9$7ArL XlIl, s t. 1987 Cqsfiifiqnof*eRryublicof*n&ilippincs.A{t XIII, s 10, 19E7 Conffifu,of &c Sipubtieof thc ?bilippinw.o't xII' s 5' rerl ?H$f$g:m**tft""J'tsBtBffh, runglrrtillgin

    Commortu,eatth.hverus, ti ?. Cwnptfg., Dilinut t|CI|. QteNtn fi4', Philiplzines?l'J. Nos. 9i?4;,72 ' 0?rg-.7{.iJ8'g:8-idi-t

    various legal obligations a$d humanunder dsmestic law by the {Jrbanof $ge and tle Indigenaus Peaples

  • ,-

    Reca[ling the Unive.rsal Declaration of Human Rights -which

    n*rid*s fot Ui* tigUt of everyone to a standard of livingadequate fol the[.rttU *A weI-pering of himself and of his family' inc}rding housing;zand that Bo oo" -*ioil be arbitrarily rieprhrcd of propeil.y andpossessions;8

    Higtttighting that adequate and decent housing as a basic human*Sht d;tr3#ua ifinternatioial instmments to uihich the Philippines is aiiil*, i11J"aing the lnternatioual Covenant oa Economiq $oeial andLrrrtiri*r nish*.J,, the conventiotr orl the Elimiuation of All Forss ofDiscrimiua{on against Women,lo the Csuveutiou ou the Rights of th9Ctif4;' the Condntion on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,o andILO Convention No. r69;'s

    Taking iato ccasidencdon the Uaited Na$sne Guidiug Prinerpleson tniernat"Displacemen! wbiih ltey international preseptson the righd of iuternally disptaced persor{, such as


    Don-' discrlminatila,,* the xight to liberty of, movenaent ard freedom to ejhoosehir;h* r"siiun*e,'slhe dght toan adequate staudard of living,'5 and

    access to basie shelter and housing,v among others;

    Recognising C,eneral Comgreu$ 4 and-7 qf_the lildted Nationseommittee- on d.ooomic, Sociai and edtural Xights on the Right toedequate Housiag and Forced Evictions respeetively,.as well as the UN-i{AEffAT anA ffice of the High Commissioner for Human RightstOffCHnl Basie Principles aud Guidelines oE Development-BasedEvictions and DisPlacement;

    bnsidering also the rights of iuterrally displaced P!ryonJ relatingto housing, hnd and property as elaborated in the Uuited Natiansfriueiples-'on Horrsing ana |rc.pgrty Restifttion for Reftrgees andpispliced Persons (Pinheiro Prineiples);

    Reaffirmtng &e Inter-Agency Standing committee (IsAclFramelaCIik on durable Solutions for laternally Diqplaced Persons andthe Sphere Project Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards inff"*.**i* flesponse, which erplaia many of the legal obligatio,ns andright* relative to iiternalty disptaced persons under internatioaal bumanrightslaw;

    nn zS(t/, Universal Dcclsration of Human Righs',*t rziZi, Uni\,rsat Dsclsati,ou ofttuman Rights.

    ;^\o ris*1 '1/

    grr f f, 6*raatior"t Coveflrnt m Esotromic, S&id ad-Culfral Rlgls' . .".*rt f*, Comuentisl on tte Elimindion of AU Forms of Di*rimination aginst lvomeB-AtLz7,Convention ontb Righs ofthe Child-acr. g ma ZS, C"o**ti* onthc Riglrts of Persons with DisabililiesAre. ? asd 13-19, ILQ eoavcntimNo' 169.Pdmiplo l, UX Guidtng Pdnciphs on Intcrsal DisPlacemearr'kinciple 14,1, UN Guidi4g Principlc ur IntrrnalDisp.laccmentgrtrcipl" I S, UH Cuiding'&fureiplcs on lilErnal DisPhc'ElertH

  • I,

    Determined as the national human rights instihrtion mandatedunder the r9B7 Philippine Constittition to promote and protect humanrights in &e Philippiues, CHRP issues tle fotrlowing advisory:


    L =On - g*Sepfea$ef- 2oI3 amred* lrtcffib6rs -6f 1tse-Mofd Nafi6EaILibeiation Front (MNLFi entered Zamboanga in an altempt to takecontrol of the city by force. The MNLF was able to occupy a numberof Barangays in the city, including Rio Hon{o, Mariki, sta. Barbaraaud Sta. Catalina, during which time a aumber of individuals werekilled and over zoo civilians remained uuder the contrcl of theMNLF.

    2. A military operation lvas commenced by the Armed Forces of thePhilippines (AFP) and Philippine National Police (PltP) who soughtto srifress the MNLF occupation and free the eivilians from areasundei MNLF control. Many oceupied Barangays were affeeted byAFP msrtar

    -qhelliu-g 4afl were sonlpletely or pardally destroyed byfire. The MNLF force was overpowered by the AFP on e8 Septemberzo1g, by whieh time over 1o9,ooo had been displaced fromZamboanga City and 1o,ooo homes had been destroyed.

    S. .dS of end of January zor4 approximately to,,o96 individuals remaindisplqced by the crisis and are currently sheltering in the Joaqgil F;Euriquez Memorial Sports Cgmplel in Zamboanga CitY. Conditionsin -rhE Compiex and other informal eamps are preearious, with poorsanitation and crowded conditions leading to the spread of disease.The squalid condition of these evacuation centres has led already toover 1oo deaths due to communieable illaesses. Many children in thefacitityhave ceased schooliug aad trafEcking in persons has also beenreported.

    4. Barangays Rio Hondo and Mariki were complete$ destro-ved by thefightins and former residents are,being prevented from returning tothe area, whieh has been declared as "no mal'6land". Residents areberng permitted to retunl to Barangays Sta, Barbara and Sta.eatalinl, altlough rnany resideaee-s aad much infrastmcture in &earea remain damaged from shelling. Many of tlose still displaced areBadjao, a typieally seabome indigenous peopie (IPJ who depead onclose proximity to the sea for their livelihood and cultural practiees.

    S. The Zamboanga City Government is coordinating the humanitarianresponse to the crisis with the Departrne$ oJ-Social Welfare andDeielopment (DswD), Department of Public w'orks and Highways(DP'fiIHi and the Nationai Housing Authority (NiiAi. On z3 ianuarygor.4 the Zamboanga Clty Government presented the "ZamboangaCity Roadmap to Recovery and Reconstmction: Conceptual Iayout

    ^ [\ - plan' (Zamboanga Roadmap) as a stratery to attend to those still

    - /0%w-/


  • /,


    displaced by the crisis. The Zamboanga Roadmap identifies plen.c forthe resettlement of displaced. families to both on and off-site projects.

    II. MATTERS OF I{I.'MAN RIGHTS CONCERIYThe key human rights issues identified by the Commission in thecontext of the response to the Zarnboansa Crisis are as follows:

    {a}. That transitional shelter anangements meet the standardsrequired by internxional aud domestic law and do notsubject internally displaeed persoas to any risk of furtherhuman rights violations;

    (b). That geuuine consultation takes piace with personsaffected by displacemeat and resettlement, that they areprovided with comprehensive information on resettlementoptions avaiiable to tlem and entitled to fulIparticipatiouin &e processes of government relevant to theirresettlement and general welfare;

    (c). That all post-conflict resettlement and restitution,including the imposition of 'no-build zones" and otherinterveniions which afieet &e enjoyment of housing, landand propert-v rights, are conducted ia a manner eonsistentwith international and domestie legal standards;

    (d). That any indigenous peopies (IPs) who have beeudisplaced or otherwise affected by the conflict areaecorded all rights owing to them under internatioual anddomesticlaw;and

    (e). That all information, particularly any advisory *FAes",distributed arnong IDPs correctly represents internationaland domes$c legal sta:rdards.

    III. ADYISORYA* Trarisitional Shelter Arrangements

    The commission notes that the condition of current transitionalshelter facilities at the Joaquin F. Euriquez Memorial Sports Compiexis endangering 'rhe heaiih and weiibeing of many IDPs and mayconstitute infringements of a variety of human rights standardsrelating to health, education and access to other basic and externaiservices. Recent figures indicate that over roo people have died as aresult of diseases spread within emergency shelter faeilities.

    B. The Commission advises all responsible government entities toguarantee that transitional shelter is provided and. admi:ristered iniccordance with the standards. estaitisnea Ly; i"G*-"ti"rJ arrra.=



  • 7,


    displaced by the erisis. The Zamboanga Roadmap identifies plans forthe resettlement of displaced families to bo& on and off-site projects.

    II. MATTERS OF Iil,]MAN RIGHTS CONCERIYThe key human dghts issues identified by the Commission in thecontext of the response to the Zamboanga Crisis are as follows:

    (a). That transitional shelter arrangements meet the standardsrequired by international and domestic law and do notsubject internally displaced persons to any risk of furtherhuman rights violations;

    (b). That geuuine consultation takes place with personsaffected. by disptracernent arrd resettlemen!'rhat they areprovided with comprehensive information on resettlementoptions available to them and entitled to fulIparticipatiouin the processes of govertrment relevant to theirresettlement and general welfare;

    (c). That all post-conflict resettlement and restitution,including the imposition of "no-build zore$" and otherinterventions which affeet the enjoyment of housing, landand propert-v rights, are conducted in a manner consistentwith international and domestie legal standards;

    td). That any indigenous peoples (IPs) who have beendisplaced or othenvise affected by the conflict areaccorded all rights owing to them under international anddomestic law; and

    (e). That all information, particularly any advisory *FAes",distributed among IDPs correctly represenls internationaland domesdc legal standards.

    III. ADYISORYA- Transitional Shelter Arrangements

    fhe Commission notes that the condition of current transitionalshelter faeilities at the Joaquin F. Enriquez Memorial Spofis Complexis endangering 'rhe heai'rh and weiibeing of many IDPs and mayconstitirte infringements of a variety of human rights standardsrelating to health, education and access to otler basic and externalservices. Recent figures indicate tlat over too people have died as aresult of diseases spread withiu emergency shelter facilities.

    B. The Commission advises all responsible governmeut entities toguarantee tlrat tra-nsitional shelter is provided and adrni:ristered iniccorriance with the standards. estailishJly i"t"*ationai and i,w




  • "{, #

    domestic law, to ersnre tlat affeged IDPs are not vulnerable tofirrther violations of their human rigbts.

    Intemationsl ltuman R fg hts Standa rsls on ?hansff fo nal Shetter

    g. Internally displaced persons continue to enjoy the right to anadequate standard of liviugt8 aud must k provided with thefollowing in the course of any gorrerument resporlse to ahumaniuriau crisis which causes ttreir displacement:

    (e). Essential food and potable r*ater;(b). Basie shelter andhousing;(c). Appropriate dothing; and{d). Esseatial medieal services and sanitation.rE

    < a LT^- -!:^^-:-:- r^!

    -=-:-- -:-! ^ -f !io. r.ion-ilrseririiinatioir is a ftndamentai frincrpre of humaa rights. Anydistinctiou, exclusioa, restriction or preference of any kind which hasthe purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition,enjoyment or *errise, on a$ qflral footing, of any human rightsshouldbe avoided.:o

    rr. when providiug transitional .shelter assistanee in respoase to theZaurbcauga Crisis, government autlrorities must give ipecialattention to vulnerable aad marginalised groups, such as women,r! qecompanied minors, motbery mothem with youngchildren, heads ofhousehol{ persors with disabilities and the elder$to provide tlem wi& tbe protection and assistancethat is required bytheir condition of vninerabiliqr.zt

    rz. Access to esseatiatr service must also be guara$teed urheuadministering transitiona! sbelter arrangeEraents, including sc}ools,health facilities and comruunity infrastmcture.zz Residence inemergency shelter facilities should also not affect IDps' accss toesnornic and livelihod opportunities, including lauil for cultivatior^-.l l^^-l

    -^-I-^8- ,?

    a I ru ruuan Itlan-J(ets.'"

    r3. In &e course of plauning and administering uansitional shelterarrangements, responsible au,thorities must take steps to mitigate thesp_read of commusicable diseases. This will include ensuringaiequate qpace between shelter units, aecess to-safe, potable water /{w)t" *yt"t" ,t, aT, grfqir :t.aT Istemal Disphcement- See atsozsrt. I !(I), InrtrErional *r*

    ," i;1**, Soeia! And Culffrd FJshts. /s Principle 4, tiN Guidiag Priaciptes on lnternel Displaco fiilrtt Sec also,for ownplc; arg I(l), ,ro*r*;dn AX .. il;;*r oo the Eliminition oiA$ forms of Recial Dissrirriration.V-V : t{principte4.

    ,/ 4 SphrrE Pmjatfi Minimum Stardads in Hummiarian Respome,201l, p 253.-/ " tdo2iA.'(/

  • "yJand adequate sanitation ftcilities, waste nenagernent mutrol andsafe food preparation mea$trrffi. Etreeti\.e pl@e$ss must also beBtabtished bry health autborities to identify and isolate arrycommunieable dimases when outbreal
  • B. Causultation and Particilxtionrf. The Commission is aware that Eary of tlose affected by tbe

    Zamboanga Crisis, pariicuiariy tbose wtro have been displaceri aadtheb residences de$eoyed or damaged, ha,ve not receivd adequateirformation about, or hanre uot beenconsulted o& the details of theirreh$n, reintegrati,on aad rsetttreneat options available to thear orother aspects of the administratisn of thehtsanitarisn respoffie.

    r8. I.ocal gorrrinent uuits and natioual government agmeies involnedin the reIief effart aad returs, tran$iti'onal sbelter aad prrssmeatresettlement activities are made aware of the following internationalhuman righB standards and renrinded of their legal obiigationsunder Philippine lawto consultwith affected communities.

    Inter*atianal llaman Rigftrs Saardcrds

    19. Cienuine consultation between governmeut and atrected eommunitiesis * e$tral feature of many humap $gbts stanilards, Forsommunities subject to invclunhry retrocation, golmment has anobligation to csnflIh with communities on all aspects of theirresetgemenl2T

    zo.Those individuais subject to internal displacement should not befulhibited from exereising their rigbt to participate in gwenrnent orpublic affiirs.ze In atlditioa to &e free elxtion af deraaeraticreple eutstives to plidcal affice, &is ight een be exercised threnghdirect participatiqn in local governallce proeesses that conern thoseaffected by displacement,zs Accordiugly, responsible goverllmentauthorities should take efforts to include participatory mechanisms inthe design of any institutioaal reqponse whi& make detera*inationsrelating to the alfairs or resettlemeut of IDPs"

    ar. Fsr pempu$ subjed to internal displacemen! any bausiag, land orrestiiution progranrmes must aisobe carried out on avoluntarybasisand ir! firll consultation with the indiriduals, groupc and mmmunitiesaffeeted. Consultation should be genuine and account for theiaterests crf margirdised aad rnrlnerable Sroupr5"ao

    2:. Responsible govemment agencim must take appropriate stelx toensure genuiue eonsultation witb aud tle eftctive participatiou ofIDPs in the processc of tausitional shelter prwisio:r, sel*ee

    ka 15, UN CommirEe on Economie, Social arld Cdbrral Rigkts Ceoqal Comment Na. ? on theadoquats housirg {Srcod cvfuionr).Prireiple 22, UN Guiiling Frincipta on lflieftal Displacemerl.Para. 6, UN Hurma Rights Commit !, Gueral Comrnent No. 25 u rlre right to pardcip* in publica&irs, rcting*gb ad t&edgfutof ceualsc@$*sprblic sqviix.Frftpipte 14, ?bhtm Pd*c$ks-




  • delivery, reftn1 resettlement and/or Cousultativemeehanisms wiII iuclude:

    {a}. Dissemination of accurate irfarrnation relevant to thehum*nitarian respsase;

    (b]. Conveniry meetings and odrer par,ticipatory events at Hlhfuhaffeeted IDPs are inforrred of any relevant processe andaetivities; and

    {c}. Me&arrisnm ts respo*d. * req;ests for iiifoiuiatoa and tsreceive and respond to eomplaints.3z

    23. {or IDPs io be able to effesthli participate in consultative procsses,they must be designed to be restrronsive to any matters raised byaffected persons ard to incorporate their perspeetive andsuggestions into rele\atrt pliey and program deeisions.

    24. Responstnie government au&orities should endeavour to ensureconsultationwi& IDP. at everystage af the crisis respou$e, ineJudingaluring the readering of immediate humanitarian assistance,identification of beaeficiaries, eamp ereationaad camp maaagemenfresettlement and reiategration, peace proeesstr aud couflictresolution, darelopment of livelihoods and irelerant politicalprocesses.3s

    Philtppine Loiw on Cansr.tltation Prarrlsses

    e5. The ry87 Constitution of the Philippines guarantees that Boresettlement shall be rmdertakeawithaut adequate euasulHtion withthose affected and the communities r,lrhere they are to be relocated.a+

    e6"Displaced populatious subjeet to resettlement by govertrmerlttherefore posse$s a coasstrtioiral right to be meaningruiiy consuited.on all matters their reloeatioa, inctuding proposed sitesfor transitional shelter, parameters in the selec$dn of sitebeneficiaries, manrrr and time of relocatioas and all o&er relerm:*eoasideratiors reiating to reiurn, reioeetion and o&er shelteroptions, In view of this right, goyerameat and all ether stakeholdersare urged to disseminate the necEssary iufornratisu and eugage withaffected eommuaities accordingly.

    a7. The (Jrban Danelopment and, Horsing Act also identifiesconsultation with affeeted com*unities as a prerequisite ta arryfu/(

    tt^52 t*fingr-B*r, Projcct cB lrtetu*l Displ**cc*ag Mwing Beyand frhetorlr;: Cort$ltqtton mA fatdpaiod--

    vith Populatiow DEplaced by Codlict or Nmtral Disasters, p 3g46. - ,/ /" l4W 17-29. Oilrefirrlmdr*integratio&s*alsolPriruiple2S(2i,tNGridisgkhctplesonlntanal , /Displremcnr I LJ f}t A*icle ){III, Section I0, 1967 Constiiution of rhe Rcpublic of the philippines Lt ft


  • delivery, retur& resettlement and/or Coffiultatisem*hanisms will inelude:

    {a}. Dissemination of aecurate information relevant to thehumanitarian respon$e;

    (b). Conre,ring meetings and other partieipatory errente at u,bichaffected. IDPs are informed of any relemnt proeesses andactivities; and

    (c). Mecbanisnns to rmpcnd to requests for infoimafion and toreceive and respond to complainl5.rz

    23. For IDPs tok able to effectinely participate in consultative processes,Be,y mrrst be designe{ to be respousive to auy matters raised byaffectd persons aud ts incorporate their prspectives andsuggestions into relernant poliey and program deeisious.

    24. Responsioie government authorities should endeavour to ensureconsultation with IDPs at e\rery stage of the crisis re$Ipnse, iaeludingduring the rendering of inmediate humanitarian assistance,identiflcation of beaeficisries, eaep creatisn and canp maaagemertreset$ement and reiategratioa, pe&ce proeess and eonflictressluti+r, developmeut of livelihoods and relevant politicalPfoeeese$.93

    Philippine La us on Canstitstian.kocesses

    25. The rgg7 constitution of the Philippines guarantees that noresettleaent shafl be uadertake* without adequate consultation withthose affected and the com*unities where they are to be relocated.s+

    s6. Di$placd populatiffis subject to resetdemeat fu govexfftrmttherefore possess a conssitidonal right to be meaniagfirfy consuitedon aII matters their relomtion, including prcposed sites,for transitional shelter, parameters in &e selee$on of sitebeneficiaries, marmer and time sf relocations and all other relevantconsidemtions reiatiag to reftrn, reioeation and other shelteroptions. In view of this righe goverunnent and aII other stakeholdersqg urg$ to disseminate tbe necssarJr iufarmation and engage withatrected csmmuilities accordingly,

    az. The IJrban Danelopment and Housittg Act also identifiesconsultation with affeeted communities as a prerequisite tn any*
