Combat Entertainment is a Business with a High Tech Edge By … · 2016-02-12 · Combat...


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Combat Entertainment is a Business with a High Tech EdgeBy Nicole Lander


By Peter & Nicole LanderGaming guns’ design may change from time to time from the photos on the

web site or in this industry report. Battlefi eld Sports is not a franchise. All

business carries some risk, so a decision by a person to purchase equipment

from us should be carefully considered including advice from independent



Battlefi eld Sports ©2014

Unit 1 / 6 Graham Street

Underwood, Brisbane Qld




CONTENTS 1 Introduction 4

2 What is Combat Entertainment? 8

2.1 Top Gear goes [Battlefi eld] LIVE 9

2.2 Gadget Show goes [Battlefi eld] LIVE 11

2.3 There’s a Soldier in all of Us 11

2.4 Call of Duty: MW3 - Launched across the UK 1 2

2.5 HALO REACH – Launched across Canada 1 2

2.6 Movie Premiere - DIVERGENT 1 3

3 The Rise & Rise of Games 1 4

3.1 The Intersection of Two Trends 1 4

3.2 Battlefi eld LIVE is “Social” 1 5

3.3 Right on Trend: LIVE Gaming 1 6

4 Interaction not Automation 1 7

5 Be Prepared for FAST growth 1 8

5.1 Leverage Your Overheads 1 8

5.2 Improved Team-Play 1 9

5.3 Team Scores mean Business Victories 1 9

5.4 Pump up Your Sales 20

6 Resources at Work for YOU 22

6.1 Games Handbooks 23

7 SATR System – An Overview 2 4

7.1 Key SATR Features 2 4

7.2 The SATR statistics for Battlefi eld LIVE explained 2 5

7.3 The SATR statistics for Laser Tag explained 2 5

7.4 New In-Game Perks 25

7.5 Using SATR for Zombie Games 26

8 Battlefi eld Sports Today 30

9 What Battlefi eld Sports can do for YOU 3 2

9.1 Battlefi eld Sports Team – Innovation & Continuous Improvement 3 2


10 Business Perks for YOU 3 3

11 Appendix – Recommend Weapon Emulations by Model 3 4

11.1 What are the recommended range settings? 3 5

12 Glossary 3 6


Everything we do fl ows from our belief in taking a computer game, and experiencing it LIVE. In other

words we strive to create a “stage” where people can experience exhilarating & memorable times.

Our goal is to create the one of the best times of a gamer’s life, by tapping into the thrill of Hollywood

action blockbusters. The way we do this is by making gaming guns, gaming infl atables, and unique

games (we call Live-Plays).

We believe in a business that’s fun and adventure packed. We

believe in getting crowds of customers who want a thrilling,

interactive experience. And we believe in setting up a business

using the most innovative, revolutionary combat entertainment

equipment available on the market today.

Many people want to start a business, especially a gaming

business. Few ever do. That’s why we wrote this Report so we

can give you the insights and a plan on how to do so.

Instead of being stuck in an offi ce all day, we are out in the

action! For more than 12 years my husband, Peter, and I have

perfected our business system and our patented gaming

technology. Allow us to introduce ourselves to you…

The Story Behind Battlefi eld Sports

A love of gaming and a passion for strategy and technology is why this company was formed... but we soon

learned that we needed a whole lot more than good intentions to reach the pinnacle of battlefi eld business sucess.

It all started on rainly night just outside Manchester one winter. Peter was working in the midlands of England. It

was the mid 1990s. Peter lined up to play Quasar a new indoor laser tag craze. But Peter was left a little defl ated. He


If you want to boost your sales and expand your business but are not sure how to

get started, then this Report is for you. If you’ve always wanted to be a part of the

booming gaming industry this is your golden opportunity.


You’ve embarked on an amazing journey.

If you want to turn your PASSION into your PROFESSION, then you are in the right


We all have an inner hero waiting to be unleashed. As the Call of Duty creators say “There’s a soldier in all of us.” We

believe that money can be made from Your Battlefi eld Business.

‘It’s like playing in a computer game & players like the ability to re-spawn

& get back in as opposed to paintball where its one hit & you are out. There is also no doubt when you’re hit as unlike paintball a pellet

cannot bounce off . The other customer comment

was how addictive it is,” said Kevin, Devon UK


fi gured: wouldn’t it be great if we could combine the game-play of outdoor paintball, with the technology (and no

bruises) of indoor laser tag. You see Peter had played paintball in the late 1980s, when if fi rst came to Australia. So

he was familiar with old single-fi re Steridan Markers.

An idea was born.

“It really struck me, with my technology background, that we could use

the gaming technology so much better. I formed a company in 1990 to

investigate. But it wasn’t until 1998 when the technology breakthrough

made it possible to get extended range in daylight. That’s when it really took

off . We spent 2 years in Research & Development the technology and the

equipment. But just as importantly we spent 2 years in R&D’ing the games

and the best way to run this sort of operation. So to get the maximum

enjoyment for everyone who plays,” said Peter.

Peter is a gamer and an entrepreneur. Peter is an acknowledged guru in the

gaming world, and can today draw on close to two decades of experience.

Peter has used his tertiary qualifi cations—Bachelor of Applied Science

(Computers), Queensland University of Technology—and business acumen

to found a brand new active recreation phenomenon, Battlefi eld LIVE.

Peter has extensive experience in the management of various diverse businesses including as the IT Director of his

own custom software development company to benefi t Battlefi eld Sports. Peter has a background in professional

sports coaching. Peter’s sports, education, and computer experience, plus a passion for games have all been vital

for the development of Battlefi eld LIVE. Today, Peter has realized his lifelong passion, the commercialization of live

roleplaying games and is now the world expert in Battlefi eld LIVE Live-Play design. His business has been honored

with many awards, including the Exporter of the Year (FNQ) and won the Australian Technology Showcase’s

Member of the Year award. He continues to develop his understanding of the unique DNA code of the Battlefi eld

LIVE business, and plans to continue developing and refi ning this experience over the years to come. As the

founder of this new phenomenon in live gaming, Peter has been featured on prime time national TV programs,

including Getaway, Queensland Escapes, Gold Coast Weekender and Brisbane Extra.

Nicole Lander

Nicole Lander is a story teller, entrepreneur, and Mum of two children. Nicole cofounded the business with Peter

in 1999 with a few thousand dollars and an idea: to take a computer game and experience it LIVE. Nicole makes

electronic toys so gamers can participate in mock combat missions for entertainment. Nicole loves to write unique

battle Live-Plays (or scenarios). Prior to launching Battlefi eld Sports, Nicole worked as a consultant for diverse

groups from fi re fi ghters to attorneys. She was the Editor of Auslink, a trade journal and edited a collection of

autobiographies of public service women called Leading Lives. Nicole also co-wrote the book on how others can

start their own laser tag business called Right on Target. Nicole loves games! Having fi rst been exposed to table

top role playing games, such as Dungeons and Dragons at University, she moved onto computer simulations

and strategy games like Civilization. Nowadays, she has created live games enjoyed by more than a million


gamers across more than 40 countries. A foundation of business administration and corporate communications

borne from tertiary qualifi cations—Bachelor of Commerce, Griffi th University, and a Graduate Diploma of

Communications, Queensland University of Technology—and an enthusiasm for parties, has helped Nicole grow

the outdoor laser tag industry from a niche hobby to a thriving international business. For her unique perspective

in business and entrepreneurial achievements, Nicole and

her business concepts have been featured in the Wall Street

Journal, the Financial Review, the Australian, and many more

metro dailies.

In fact Nicole was recently featured as the cover-story in

a national technology business magazine, NETT [pictured


Nicole has been acknowledged by the Federal Government

as a leading business woman in the fi eld of exporting.

In 2009, Nicole won the prestigious Telstra Business Woman

of the Year (Innovation) for Queensland. In 2011, her

company won Exporter of the Year (Arts/Entertainment) in

her home State.

A world fi rst: a Laser Skirmish battlefi eld in an underground mine


Dear Fellow Business Owner,

Strategy and tactics come and go but values and principles are timeless. They are fundamental to your success in business and in life.Have you ever dreamed of owning a buisness that earns you predictable cash fl ow? What about a business that you can begin as a part-time, second-income and evolve into a fl exible full-time profession? Or add on a new attraction that can boost your sales? You have “raised your hand” when you stopped by my web site, you’ve shown me that you are serious about exporing how to make this happen for you. This Report reveals 7 powerful & proven battlefi eld business building secrets. Implement them and you’ll be on the fast track to discovering a way to make a difference and build and income doing what you love. This type of combat entertainment is a whole new way to play a game, & a whole new way to experience the thrill of gaming. It is the convergence of a computer game with the exhilaration of the battlefi eld. Whether you’re simply keen to get started, or a small business owner, or an entrepreneur or someone engaged in FEC business, you can create your presence on the web, market your product successfully, achieve high-volume sales and avoid the mistakes that so many others are making. If you are like most entertainment business owners you’re fi nding it challenging to get traction in your market and momentum in your business. You are busy. Heck, you’re way beyond busy. But your cash fl ow is not where you want it to be. And you are looking for a way to improve things. That’s smart. You can either trail braze on you lonesome or you can follow the secrets revealed here. These are tried and tested business success secrets. In fact you have a lot in common with the other combat entertainment professionals who have come before you. Peter and I have been where you are now. We’ve struggled with many of the same doubts. But as live gaming pioneers we’ve forged a path to battlefi eld business profi ts. And the purpose of this eBook is to show you that proven path so you can follow it too. This is not a “get rich quick” scheme. But this is a surefi re way to boost your sales. Your Battlefi eld Business will take bloody hard work & commitment. But our technology is proven our innovations are patented & we are here to help you towards success. So, read through this Industry Report and then contact your local consultant to:* Show you how others, just like you, have been successful* Give you more details on the specifi c opportunity in your area* Answer your questions. Our team and the both of us are are passionate about this year our biggest & best yet... and I want you to be part of our that success. Yours sincerely, Nicole Landerco-Founder, Battlefield Sports

Click to Watch:


2. What is Combat Entertainment?

Combat Entertainment is Laser Tag with a high-tech, modern twist. It

is like a live computer game.

The game which modernizes laser tag has been made possible

through Battlefi eld Sports’ technological breakthroughs enabling

extended range of our gaming guns – inside, outside or mobile.

So what can Battlefi eld Sports do for you?

We off er you laser tag equipment built tough, that’s royalty free and simple to

operate. The equipment is reliable. Our game is ideal for kids 5 years old and


One of the fi rst questions to ask yourself is: “What theme do I want to run

with?” There are several ways to entertain your gamers. Consider:

• A family-friendly “Laser Tag” theme - “Battlefi eld TAG”

• A hard-core military-simulation theme, we call this milsim “Battlefi eld LIVE”

• A Horror/Zombie we call called this “Battlefi eld UNDEAD”.

The demand for interactive entertainment and all things live gaming is huge. If you like being the “game-master” or

love kids then it is not a far-fetched idea of consider starting your own battlefi eld business. It makes a lot of sense.

This is the Battlefi eld LIVE secret, it is a way to boost your sales.

It is both a whole new way to play a game, and a whole new way to experience gaming. The convergence of the

action game with the thrill of the battleground is changing interactive entertainment.

You can leverage on the million dollar budgets of video games because Battlefi eld LIVE is the personifi cation of

fi rst person shooters. Old style laser tag arenas with their coin-operated redemption games are going the way of

the dinosaurs.

Today’s gamers want more.

The system is low maintenance. More it is designed with maintenance in mind e.g. simply plug in/ plug out boards

and every plug is a diff erent size so you can only insert the correct plug into its hole.

You can confi gure the equipment lots of diff erent ways – with SATR you can emulate up to 69

diff erence weapons! Or simply use its “lock out” feature so you just turn ‘em on and play. No

installation required.


Patented Digital Technology: SATR

SATR stands for small arms transmitter receiver. It off ers real-time hit feedback system, via light eff ects (i.e. through

the scope) and sound eff ects (i.e. through speakers). For example, the SFX feedback indicates “casualty” (wound),

“killed” and “dead already.” Available in more than 12 languages. Plus we also have a softer semantics of “tagged”

and “de-activated” which we call our “Laser Tag” sound scheme. Still not enough? The system is also customizable

so you can add your own language (at point of manufacture).

Real-Time Scoring - Just like a Video Game

No need to wait for a print out. Our system gives gamers real-time stats as they go, plus a game score

and session score. The SATR system’s session statistics show each gamer’s “Battle Log” on their

display at the end of each game the K/D and A/W ratio (where K is kills, D is deaths, A is Assists and W

is wounds). This is just like a computer game!

If the gamer plays several games in one day or one session, then their stats including their total hits and kills,

and accumulative ratios over all the missions played since the gaming gun was turned on/off . Or the “clear stats”

command is issued by a master controller.

Gamers can also track their own statistics, such as

shooting accuracy, number of hits, number of kills, on

their own gaming gun, in real time.

Portable & Turnkey - No central computer

Our indoor laser tag system is 100% mobile because

there is no central computer, the system is literally

turnkey. No complicated installation.

You can take a portion of your arsenal to the village fair

for promotional events to drive business back to your arena. We’ve solved the old-style indoor Laser Tag problem

of moving a maze when your business had to change premises due to expansion, downsizing or failure to renew

lease on existing premises.

2.1 Top Gear goes [Battlefi eld] LIVE

After months of planning and weeks of rehearsals, the ‘biggest and boldest’ Top Gear Live wowed a record number

of fans at the NEC in Birmingham over four days (25-28 October).

‘Top Gear’ co-host Jeremy Clarkson - who presents the popular

motoring show alongside Richard Hammond and James May

- got kitted out in British Pattern 10 camo and armed with

Battlefi eld LIVE gaming guns to duel the tame racing driver, the


The Stig was driving a white Caterham. While Clarkson got a bit

of help from the British Armed Forces.


So Just Ask Yourself...

Are you keen to turn your passion into your profession?Have you been thinking that you need to make a change?

Then JOIN US! Continue your journey to a new lifestyle by contacting us for a free consultation.

“Lake Genva is a big tourist town, we’ve got 7,500

residents & on a weekend you’ve got 75,000 people.

In the summer it is a very hectic place. We have

a number of resorts & the biggest one has already

invited me in... They are very excited, we are very

excited,” Mike Goril, Operator form Wisconsin

“I thought this was incredible, I showed my 14

year old son - he is so excited. The reason why

I’m intrigued by Battlefi eld [Sports] is because

of the portablility, the ability to have the differ-

ent feedback. It adds to the quality of the game in

my opinion. Plus it is not something that I have to

continuously pay monthly or quarterly franchise fees.

I’m looking forward to putting together a successful

business.” Ryan Armstrong, Operator from Ohio

Click to Watch:

Click to Watch:


In the end it was Clarkson, hands-down.

The fi nale of the live show was a new world record for the fi rst ever 720 degree, double loop-the-loop on a

motorcycle. Clarkson said: “We started Top Gear in its current incarnation ten years ago as a pokey little motoring

show and never dreamt of setting World Records.

To be fair, all James, Richard and I did was to stand on stage and introduce a stunt man mad enough to want to

turn himself upside twice on a bike. But it was pretty nerve wracking and spectacular.”

For more photos, check out our Facebook Page at Battlefi eldLIVE.

2.2 Gadget Show goes [Battlefi eld] LIVE

Battlefi eld LIVE was a main feature at the Gadget Show Live during April. The combat arena was 30m x 40m (100ft

x 130ft) in size and took up one end of the large exhibition hall. There was a milsim arena and a kids’ zone.

More than 100,000 visitors were entertained by the Gadget Show LIVE over the 5 days.

2.3 There’s a Soldier in all of Us

Despite economic jitters that is pinching consumer spending, for computer games “the industry is

showing signs of recovery,” according to Steven P. Musil of CNET.Sports™ Unless you’ve been living

under a rock, you would know that the latest instalment of the blockbuster gaming franchise “Call of

Duty” raked in $1billion-worth of sales in just 16 days according to the Financial Times blowing away the

record set by its previous release.

This makes it the highest-grossing entertainment launch ever according to Activision, the game’s

publisher. “It was the most successful launch of an entertainment product, eclipsing any Twilight

movie, Harry Potter fi lm or James Cameron’s Avatar,” said technology reporter, Jason Tin, from News

Corporation (source: The Sunday Mail, November 27th 2011).

Games are now, literary, bigger than Hollywood.

When the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 was launched across Britain who did they call? Battlefi eld LIVE.

(Learn more see section 2.4)

When HALO REACH was launched across Canada who did they call? Battlefi eld LIVE.

(Learn more see section 2.5)

When the movie DIVERGENT was premiered in Britian who did they call? (Learn more see section 2.6)

We all have an inner hero waiting to be unleashed.

Or as CoD says “There’s a soldier in all of us.”


2.4 Call of Duty: MW3 - Launched across the UK

As part of the recent blockbuster launch of CoD:MW3 the British retail chain GAME invited Battlefi eld LIVE to be a

part of the midnight event. Arguably the most anticipated video game in history called on Battlefi eld LIVE to add

spark to its launch.

For Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 November 8th was D-day.

Across the UK there was a coordinated Battlefi eld LIVE maneuver at Launch of COD in conjunction with GAME

stores. The event was attended by:

• Battlefi eld LIVE New Forest at Bournemouth,

• Battlefi eld LIVE Pennine at Preston,

• Battlefi eld LIVE Dundee in Scotland &

• Tactics at Norwich (to name a few).

These battlefi elds combined forces for a fantastic nation-wide spectacular.

The crowds of gamers were engaged with “armed escorts” bringing the game into the shops (very


The events included photo opportunities with gamers holding the Battlefi eld LIVE gaming guns. On display

Battlefi eld LIVE were camoufl age netting, Battle Boxes and P90s, as these are weapons in the game itself. In a good

cross-marketing tactic a leafl et for each of the respective battlefi eld was included with each copy of the game itself.

2.5 HALO REACH – Launched across Canada

HALO REACH is an archetype fi rst-person shooter game.

The fourth release in the blockbuster Halo video game series “HALO: Reach” eager fans lined up for hours to

experience the game live in Vancouver and Toronto. In 2010, Microsoft partnered with Battlefi eld LIVE to run a

series of live games across Canada. A parking lot on West Cordova in Vancouver was transformed into a warzone,

hundreds of people lined up one Saturday night, some for hours.

Gamers played against the Xbox team (the

Covenant), with the goal of reaching and

activating the UNSC obelisk.

People who pre-ordered were allowed to play a

second game, as the Covenant defending team.

“You got a rifl e which can be switched between

semi- and full-auto, “magazine” of 50 rounds, and

you had 5 lives. The Covenant players had 10 lives.


Of course, I played rather instinctively and got some epic headshots,” said Necro2607.

“This was worth the four hour wait in line!” said Kurtis Kooznetsoff , one of the avid gamers.

2.6 DIVERGENT – Movie Premiered in the UK

The premier of sci-fi movie Divergent was celebrated with a fan experience outside the Odeon cinema in Leicester

Square, London. Throughout the weekend of 29 and 30 March, the red-carpet location was transformed into the

fi lm’s dystopian setting.

Fans participated in ‘initiation tests’ and ‘dauntless training’, similar to what Divergent’s protagonist Tris Prior does in

the movie.

The interactive activity used the Battlefi eld Sports’ gaming gun the Cobra phaser with the red-dot scope and the

brand new P90-PDW and the Scorpion-SMG where also there.

Using SATR 2.0 technology the team created the

Dauntless combat training initiation test which was really

exciting and the fans loved it, there were endless queues

for this experience.


3. The Rise & Rise of Games

Whether the videos games are played:

• on a PC,

• on a console,

• online,

• or live,

gaming is on the rise. What was once

the domain of pimply-faced male teens

has become mainstream.

“Games are the new normal,” declared

Al Gore in a keynote at the Games for

Change festival in New York City.

“The success of the Hollywood blockbuster-like Modern Warfare franchise, which has so far earned more

than $6 billion, is testament to the increasingly mainstream appeal of games,” said technology reporter,

Jason Tin, from News Corporation (source: The Sunday Mail, November 27th 2011).

3.1 The Intersection of Two Trends

Two trends are intersecting right here: Entrepreneurship & Gaming. With unemployment rates

remaining uncomfortably high in many parts of the western world many go-getters are creating their

own jobs.

According to the Kauff man Foundation, 565,000 new businesses were created in the USA during 2010-

-the most in 15 years--as many new entrepreneurs were forced into it by the downturn.

“Young people know that there’s a high likelihood they’ll have to make it on their own,” says Thomas Knapp,

associate director at the University of Southern California’s Lloyd Greif Center for Entrepreneurial


USC has seen a 13.2% year-on-year increase in students taking entrepreneurship courses at the


As well as the growth in the spirit of entrepreneurship, gaming is coming of age.

In fact, many say that the gamifi cation of business is on the way up.

Gamifi cation, put simply, is the process of using game thinking and mechanics to engage

audiences and solve problems.


In addition, studies from research fi rms including M2 and Gartner reveal that by 2015, U.S. companies

will spend approximately $1.6 billion on gamifi cation products and services; and more than 50% of the

biggest companies worldwide plan to gamify their innovation processes.

Some examples of gamifi cation are:

• Citations or achievement badges (think: Battlefi eld LIVE’s veterans program)

• A progress bar towards completion of a task (think: Linked In)

• Virtual points (think: frequent fl iers, special clubs)

• Rewards for certain actions (think: Happy Hour!)

• Loyalty programs (think: by 10 get one free).

3.2 Battlefi eld LIVE is “Social”

Some battlefi elds also publish their veteran’s citations and deployments under the gamer’s codename.

This helps create an espirit-de-corps.

It is a special “in” feeling people get when they come to your battlefi eld.

The idea of ranks and insignias while may seem a little corny to some, really do help both the gamers

and the staff get into the zone of participating and running a milsim game.

One of the keys in live gaming is the ability to “suspend disbelief” or in other words, really get into the

game or scenario.

One of the ways to encourage this is for the gamers to use a “handle” or “codename” when playing.

Just like gamers do when they play online.

Playing Battlefi eld LIVE is social because there are only team victories.

Seth Schiesel, of the New York Times, says nine of the 10 top-selling games include a signifi cant

multiplayer component.

“If new acceptance by the masses is one pillar of gaming’s future, gaming’s emergence as a social

phenomenon is the other,” he said.

Consider the massive online gaming phenomenon, World of Warcraft, which now has more than 7 million



Because it is social. And we all know how popular social media such as FACEBOOK has become.

Likewise Battlefi eld LIVE captures the social aspects of gaming.


3.3 Right on Trend: LIVE Gaming

Today’s gamers want a faster, diverse, random game.

And today’s parents want the convenience of having the game close by! With the huge popularity of

video games people of all ages love the LIVE version.

USA Today says the global video game industry is worth $60 billion.

First-person shooters currently account for about 16% of all console video game sales, and that’s

expected to increase, says Baird Equity Research analyst Colin Sebastian.

PriceWaterhouseCoopers predicts that global video

games sales will expand to $87 billion in 2015 — an 8.2%

compound annual increase from $56 billion in 2010.

The fundamental demand for combat games is clear,

particularly from a generation of players that have been

brought up with combat video games such as Counter-

Strike. And the latest crop of games like CoD and Titan


Peter Winkler is the former the managing director of

global marketing for PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Entertainment and Media Practice. “In the past, the video game

market was perceived as a less traditional industry, fi lled with creative types and mavericks,” Winkler said.

“But in the last fi ve to 10 years, there has been a real surge. It is now

more mature and resembles the fi lm industry, with big revenues,

hit titles and production costs. Large entertainment and media

companies can’t aff ord to ignore it.”

You’ve heard it before: videos games are, literally, bigger than


Tried and tested on millions of gamers across more than 35

countries this LIVE gaming is action from start to fi nish. Parents “get

it” instantly, teens love it.

And you profi t from it.

“WOW! We opened our business with our fi rst soccer tournament

this weekend. We were the hit of the show. Everyone that

played was a raving fan. The equipment is awesome and

many said ‘we were the highlight of the tournament’. Thanks to

you, for all your hard work and partnership to get us going.

Thanks again.”Patrick, United Kingdom.


4. Interaction not Automation

The player IS the game.

In today’s busy society customers have a buff et of

entertainment choices from which to choose:

• Watching a movie

• Riding a rollercoaster, or

• Reading a book.

All might insight an emotional response from its audience.

But these experiences are vicarious.

The audience is just swept along with the story, the rattling,

bumpy track, the plot twists….

Sure, these are good fun. In fact we love the thrill of the

coaster as much as the next guy.

But it is entertainment without really interacting with the experience.

Computer games changed entertainment forever. PC, Xbox & Playstation now generate more revenue

than all of Hollywood.

The reason?

Because 1st person shooters enable players to drive the action.

To make the story unfold, according to the gamer’s will, your will. It is about being a contender rather

than a spectator. It is interaction not automation.

Now Battlefi eld Sports has brought computer games to life in “Battlefi eld LIVE”.

Gone are the traditional ranking scores (individually from best to worst) associated with indoor laser

tag. Gone are the score sheets. Where Johnny’s birthday is ruined when he sees on the foyer monitor,

displayed for all his friends, that he scored a big fat zero.

This is how many combat entertainment entrepreneurs are sabotaging their eff orts, without even

realizing it.

Today Battlefi eld Sports brings you a whole new paradigm for FECs.

A new way to play.

A game where Johnny or Michael can become Arnie or Rambo for a day. And there is no score sheet to

say otherwise.

We have a catch cry: “heroes made here!”

This is a way to smash your attendance records. This is a way to boost your sales. This is a way to

keep them coming back.

“We are still getting plenty of return business for Laser Tag

and are especially pleased how Battlefi eld LIVE has

complimented the existing Ten Pin Bowling business. Rather

than detract from the bowling numbers, it seems to have

boosted them”Peter Mc, Victoria


5. Be Prepared for FAST growth

Some Wall Street hot-shots said the Global Financial Crisis was the beginning of the end.

But here in our local business our order book is booming.

Our brand of combat entertainment has ensured our sales are

thriving, despite the slow-down elsewhere.

Internationally recognized for our innovative and thrilling live

gaming experience, our event bookings are up even with talk of

doom and gloom elsewhere in the economy.

The live gaming sector continues to enjoy stellar retail growth, with

consumer demand remaining high.

The team at our premier destination for fun in the forest is

celebrating today after a big retail month.

Attendance numbers this year surpassed last year’s record-

breaking totals.

“While this surge might be surprising to some, just look at what is driving it. More people know about, and

demand, live gaming as part as of their entertainment agenda,” Nicole Lander, co-Founder of Battlefi eld

Sports said.

“The reason is that in tough economic times, consumers search for value, even harder. They compare live

gaming with the traditional theme parks or even go-karts and they discover, dollar for dollar, per minute of

entertainment combat entertainment far out-stripes the competitors.”

“The reason why we can off er this value-for-money service is because our operation can scale to hundreds of

gamers playing simultaneously,” Nicole Lander said.

5.1 Leverage Your Overheads

For existing fun fair business, Summer Camps, multi-activity centers like YMCA, adventure parks, laser

tag centers and the like, Battlefi eld LIVE provides a unique and popular new attraction, which at the

same time is remarkably safe.

If you’ve already invested money in establishing:

• an indoor multiple activity or sport facility,

• an FEC,

• a Summer Camp or YMCA, or

• a Paintball fi eld

then you can leverage your player database and invite them back for a new and exciting off ering from

your business.

“Our BIG idea is the instant real-time “hit feedback” system. This is absolutely ground-breaking technology

and the subject of an international patent. It totally revolutionizes the game. Our studies show this

invention produces far more dopamine* for more of an adrenalin pumping experience,” said Peter Lander,

co-Founder of Battlefi eld Sports.

“This is a REAL LIFE computer game, Battlefi eld

Sports’ certainly deserve their fi nalist award in

the national innovation competition the ‘Next Big

Thing’ Award,” said Nic,Qld, Australia


“Venues that have this technology will be far in front

of venues that don’t. With such a major advance in the

gamer experience, it is clear only venues with this will

survive and thrive in today’s instant communication and

technology buzz environment,” said Peter Lander.

“Only the best will do to protect your business.”

5.2 Improved Team-Play

Teamwork is greatly enhanced over what is possible

indoors because you have much more space to make

formation moves.

Experienced clans often make formations such as

patrol formation with point, skirmish lines or the

traditional wedge formation.

This is something you never see in old-style indoor

arena tag. The use of two-radios truly enhances the

team experience. For all combat simulation sports

most customers come in groups.

By organizing along team lines and by providing an

experience that encourages teamwork, players are

more satisfi ed and therefore come back more often.

This improved team play also enables outdoor laser

tag to be very eff ective in corporate team building


Indoor arena laser tag is generally a very fast shoot

them up game because of the confi ned space.

Typically with indoor laser tag the scoring system

encourages players to strive for individual points and

raise themselves personally up the ladder.

Now we aren’t against ladders per se, only individual

rankings. We believe clan (or team) ladders are better.

5.3 Team Scores mean Business Victories

With Battlefi eld LIVE, only team results are important and

only team performances are recognized. The emphasis on

team objectives, team scoring, varying challenges and space

to implement maneuvers such as fl anking, patrolling and

ambushing are the key points of diff erence between us and

old fashioned laser tag emphasis on individuals.

“I could not be happier about my decision to start my maverick party

business,” said Tom, Washington DC USA

“The gaming guns have the WOW factor, and there is mass potential for game play for example using ammo dumps via ref gun, makes the game play identical to computer games.

The most valuable part to us of this system is the mission start, mission

pause and mission end! Mission start so easy to use, and also when you

need to have a moment with a specifi c player, to pause them, they are dealt with quickly without having to hunt

them down and have a word! The kids were in awe of the P90 is a massive hit as well. I would highly

recommend SATR ASAP to all existing sites, this is so impressive,” said Lisa,

Oxford, UK


Morale is also a factor, in old-style laser tag typically players are

immortal, while they can be disabled for a few seconds when

hit, and they cannot be knocked out of a mission.

This impacts the style of play, without any risk of being

knocked out, players are encouraged to be extremely reckless

in their playing style, engaging constantly.

Battlefi eld LIVE on the other hand, harbors the risk of being

knocked out, it often takes strong leadership and courage to

get a squad moving forward into an attack while under fi re or

to take the point position in a patrol.

Since leadership and courage are the things one is trying

to develop in corporate team building, Battlefi eld LIVE is far


5.4 Pump up Your Sales

Be prepared for FAST growth. Consider if the system is scaleable.

The key to zooming up your profi ts is putting through as many players as possible, as quickly as

possible, while the gamers are having a fantastic time.

You will need to keep pace with the growth in live gaming.

As they say: ‘time is money.’ Being able to pump through

loads of gamers who are thrilled out of their brains and can’t

wait to return is the secret of a successful combat gaming


Here’s an example for you:

More than 10,000 young scouts will hit the local show

grounds in an attempt to break a world record for the

biggest game of tag. The Boy Scouts have booked 550 laser

tag gaming guns so 500 scouts can play at a time.

Two sessions a day, morning and afternoon, are planned

for the 10 day festival. So a new world record of more than

10,000 people playing tag at one event will be set.

Now that’s what I call scaleable!!

“We have been absolutely blown away by the positive feedback &

reaction from our customers. The SATR equipment has been incredibly well

received & every session we have run has left players totally impressed.Our customers are amazed at the

technical capability of the technology & particularly the close replication

to online or console gaming. It is so easy to play & we literally have had

all ages playing from 7yr olds to 70yr olds & everything in between. We

have only just scratched the surface in terms of the market penetration &

look forward to a superb summer with many more satisfi ed customers getting the Battlefi eld LIVE bug!” said Graham,

Cambridge UK


So Just Ask Yourself...

Are you interested in building an income doing what you love?Are you ready to take advantage of our technology to boost your revenue?

Then JOIN US! Continue your journey to a new lifestyle by contacting us for a free consultation.

“We were working with children & holiday camps.

We were looking for a solution for gaming outdoors.

It has been success after success for us. From our

Laser Gaming we have built an adventure park with

high ropes. It is all based on the success of Battle-

fi eld LIVE,” David Pointin, Operator from Oxford

“We are a Science Centre. We needed something we

could use in 500m2 (3,000sq ft) exhibition space.

Something we could take up & put down very quick-

ly. Or we could set it up for longer periods of time

& use it for weekend events. We had been searching

for ages for the right kit. We looked at all kinds,

Laser Quest etc. The Battlefi eld Sports kit met all

the targets we set,” Adrian Lutton, Operator from


Click to Watch:

Click to Watch:


6 Resources at Work for YOU

At Battlefi eld Sports we are here to provide you

the best possible tools to help your business be

successful. In fact we have written the book on the

subject called “Right on Target”.

We’ve also established an online educational website

set up especially for all our customers – battlefi eld

owners and operators, called the “Battlefi eld Sports


Once logged in you can access the specialized skills,

knowledge and experience from the BFSU team 24/7.

You will be given password access so that you can sort out any problems immediately.

Here’s a sample of what’s available through the university…

Marketing Faculty—loads of marketing goodies like press release templates, examples fl yers &

coupons, example party invitations, TV commercial and radio scripts, image library and much more!

This is a MUST HAVE. It will save you $thousands.

Video Faculty—including...

• “Flying with Eagles” a 62minute video by Steve Mills, expert in sports/leisure marketing. He explains

how to optimize your Marketing Pillars, including referral (or word of mouth) marketing and incentive

schemes. Steve tells a fantastic story about a brilliant taxi driver he met in Birmingham to describe

how your business can be the best you can be.

• “80/20 How to get Peak Performance” a 5 minute video by Shaun Browne, former Head of Sales

focusing on Richard Koch’s Pareto Principle.

• “Web Marketing 101” A 38 minute interactive webinar by Nicole Lander covering topics such as ‘pay

per click’ and search engine optimization online marketing strategies.

Maintenance Faculty-- useful advice on how to maintain all your our equipment with easy to follow

videos. Through this maintenance program your equipment will last longer and won’t need to be

replaced as often.

And lots lots more! You simply cannot get access to this resource anywhere else.

Nicole & Peter also believe you get out what you put in, so we encourage you to Network with your

fellow battlefi eld owners.

Get Involved!

You can benefi t from the knowledge and experience of your fellow battlefi eld business owners.

Stuart from WA USA experienced 300% growth compared to last year’s fi gures, he explains his Very High Confi dence re Expansion: “I expect to double next year’s revenue. We have plans in place to make it happen, and infrastructure

that will sustain it.”


Our Facebook page has also been eff ective in connecting directly to our gaming community. There are more than

7,000 fans who regularly get involved in the brand. Gamers regularly upload their own photo of them having fun,

plus we here at HQ add photos, videos and snippets of info onto the facebook page.

Likewise there is a twitter feed that we encourage you to follow.

We invite you to join in, if you haven’t already!

6.1 BONUS: The Basic Games Handbook

Benefi t from the knowledge and experience of more than 10 years of running Live Games. We have

put together a Basic Games Handbook for you.

These games will work both indoors and outdoors, so you don’t have to worry.

The games themselves we call “live-plays”. Live-Plays are just like a screen-play, they cover the background,

character, and scenes. There’s Zombie Domination and Capture & Hold, for example.

The Basic Games Handbook covers:

• The step-by-step instructions on how to run the most popular, tried and tested,

games for your theme.

• Games to make you money

• Concept maps (where to start each team, signifi cant landmarks in your arena or fi eld)

• The most popular games

• Video briefi ngs for most games

• Sure-fi re tactics!

Once you’ve mastered the basics you may wish to challenge your gamers and go for more advanced

games such as WW1, or WW2 re-enactments or other live role plays.

This “Comprehensive Games Handbook” explains more than 50 live games (or as we call them Live-

Plays), including how to run a clan war. It really is comprehensive with more than 200 pages!


7 SATR System – An Overview

SATR is short for Small Arms Transmitter/Receiver. SATR is an electronic system used for the live

action combat simulation for entertainment. SATR is purposely designed to be confi gurable to be

suitable for “Laser Tag” style games all the way up to realistic training programs for the military.

Each SATR unit is capable of acting in various modes.

The options include:

• Weapon

• Master controller

• Battle box (medic box, ammunition box, combo - medic +

ammo, and Domination Box) and

• A Mine (claymore, dirty bomb).

7.1 Key SATR Features

• Software support for 69 diff erent small arms including a range of hand guns, sub machine guns,

rifl es and machine guns

• Real time hit feedback

• Real time on gun individual performance statistics

• Back lit LCD display (back lit controlled by a special button)

• Radio control system to help staff manage the games

• Three diffi culty levels

• Automatic re-spawn counting

• Indoor support (lower infrared power

• Removing of friendly fi re (optional)

• Smart medic and ammunition boxes

• Three mine modes.

• Laser Tag settings (when the language selection is “Laser Tag”)

7.2 The SATR statistics for Battlefi eld LIVE explained

Take a look at the image overleaf. On the display “H” stands for hits. Now gamers know exactly how

many hits they have made. “K” stands for kills.

Say a gamer has 4 hit points:

1. the fi rst time you shoot them your opponent will hear a near-miss sound eff ect, like a bullet

whizzing past,

2. the second time you hit them they will hear an “OAUGH” or wound sound eff ect,

3. hit ‘em again and they’ll hear another “OAUGH” and

4. the last time you get ‘em they will hear the “AAAAAARGH!” dead sound eff ect.

On your display (see below) you will see H 0 K 0. Because, in this example case you used 6 bullets for 0 hits, your

accuracy percentage is 0%.


Diff erent SATR guns are allocated diff erent amounts of ammo

depending on the weapon it is currently emulating.

Next “R” stands for reloads, in this case the gamer has 14 of a

possible 15 reloads left. “S” stands for number of spawns (how

many times you have been re-spawned).

The next section represents the gaming gun’s current weapon’s


• Lng : Long (Outdoors for machine guns and

most rifl es)

• Med : Medium (Outdoors for carbines and the

personal defence weapons)

• Sht : Short (Outdoor for sub machine guns) or

• Ind : Indoor (All units operating in a tight indoor

environment or around infl atable’s).

The letters “FA” stands for Fully Auto, you can also have SA for

semi-auto or BA for bolt action.

At the end of the game the “Game Stats” screen will automatically appear. It shows your K/D ratio (kill/

death) as well as you A/W ratio (assist/wound). In the latest code, when you are playing a Domination

game it will show your number of “O”s – the number of times you’ve got the object. Or in other words

how many times you’ve owned them!

7.3 The SATR statistics for Laser Tag explained

The system is easily swapped over to a more family friendly theme which we call “laser tag”. When you

turn the gaming gun on and select “laser tag” from the menu all the sound eff ects and screens will

automatically swap.

For example instead of saying “kill confi rmed” when you’ve got someone the unit will say “de-activated”. Also the

screen will change, instead of showing a H for hit, it will show T for Tag.

7.4 New In-Game Perks

Our latest innovation is In-Game Perks. We have re-engineered our software from the fi rmware level all the way to

the user interface. We have listened to the feedback from Battlefi eld Operators & incorporated into the new system

what they needed & wanted. In doing so we’ve created a solution that’s truly feature rich, leveraging the best of

our philosophy & delivering signifi cant business benefi ts to our customers for many years to come.

Perks are special bonuses that gamers can add to their characters to give them special abilities as they act out their

hero in a Live-Play (live game). The term Perk actually is a shortened form of the word perquisite. The concept of

perks that are progressively unlocked were fi rst used in role-play video games in the mid-1980s. The concept


has been more recently used in fi rst-person shooters such as Call of Duty. Since Battlefi eld LIVE is a

hybrid of live-action role-playing and FPS then integrating perks into the live game was inevitable.

SATR’s in-game perks include:

• Mystery Box

• Weapon Box

• Armor Box

• Cure Box (for zombie games, see below).

7.5 Using SATR for Zombie Games

We love to innovate - that is why we added Zombie Games. The way to zoom-zoom sales is to tap into the latest

trends. One of the hottest trends is zombie entertainment!

A few years ago it was vampires. Today they’re dead. The new way to go is zombie games.

Zombie games can be run across a continuum of entertainment: from g-rated fun to hard-core, full on r-rated



Backyard Zombies

This is perfect for a special event such

as Halloween. Customers can run

the games themselves in their own

backyard. This is “g” for general, family-friendly fun.

When you turn the gaming gun on select “zombie”

from the menu and all the sound eff ects will

automatically change. And boy oh boy, are they cool.

Zombie Laser Tag

Zombie laser tag is a light-hearted take

on the zombie genre. Games can be

played in an outdoor battlefi eld or in an

indoor arena. When we run zombie games typically we run it this way:

• First 15-20 minutes registration, kit-out, mission briefi ng

• 3 x 10 minute games. 1/3 start as Zombies 2/3 start as Survivors. Everyone rotates and takes a turn

as starting as a zombie. When the Survivor “dies” then they return to the Medical Facility (their base)

and respawns as a zombie. So as the game progresses, there are more and more zombies!

This is what we call a “PG” or parental guidance rating. Our games, for example, were recently featured

on the prime-time national TV Show the “Great South East” so it is very accessible to a mainstream


Zombie Entertainment & Rides

To really make the most of the horror theme then creating a zombie entertainment

experience requires the use of dedicated actors. So the survivors are the paying

customers and the zombies are actors, running (and screaming) to a script.

Adding costumes and make-up and special eff ects add to the realism. This could be likened to an “M”

or mature audience rating.

Lights, Camera, ACTION!

This sort of thing works fantastically in a high through-put attraction in a theme park. No, delete

theme park and make that SCREAM PARK!

A series of rooms, each harder [for challenging] than the last, with a simple scenario is a proven


This is best done indoors where the game master can control the environment. This is a multi-player

thrill. We’d rate this as MA for a Mature Audience.


Gore, Blood & Zombies

The zombie theme is an opportunity for a fully immersive theatrical experience. This way you can

leverage from the success of the TV series the “Walking Dead” and video games like “Nazi Zombies”

(from Call of Duty).

The latest, and some say greatest, is WWZ with Brad Pitt.

This, again, is likely to be a series of rooms each more challenging than the last. However this time the

setting has a complex scenario and a comprehensive back-story. Some operators have done this one a

Limited Season.

Just like they do on Broadway.

This “limited season” creates a sense of urgency. Here you’ve got a real fi rst-person-shooter LIVE.

Done to the n-th degree is a full on “R” or restricted rated experience.


So Just Ask Yourself...

Do you want to become your own boss and fi nally be able to determine your own future?Have you been yearing to do something you can truly feel good about? Day in and Day out.

Would you like to sit back at night and feel lucky that you got involved in a business at just the right time?

Then JOIN US! Continue your journey to a new lifestyle by contacting us for a free consultation.

“We have stuck with them because of the quality

of service and the back-up. I think we have become

freinds with everyone who works at Battlefi eld

Sports.” Roybn Daniels, Battlefi eld Operator

since 2006.

“I don’t think there is any question. You don’t get

any feedback with the other guys. You don’t know

if their gaming guns are out, if the scopes are

knocked, if you are shooting someone or not. Bat-

tlefi eld Sports give you instant feedback. Do you

research. Make sure you have the market before

you get into it. But if the market is there, then it

is certainly a way to make money.

Richard Teunis, Battlefi eld Operator from the


Click to Watch:

Click to Watch:


Foucusing on innvation & on-going training, the Battlefi eld Sports family has grown and grown.

8. Battlefield Sports TodayToday Battlefi eld Sports is a world leader in laser tag equipment and live gaming. We have over 400 passionate battlefi eld operators across more than 40 countries.

* We employ around 25 people at our head- quarters in Australia

* We have many in-direct supporters and help employ many, many more people via our sub- contractors.

* Our headquarters is 650m2 (7,000sq ft)

* We continuously invest in research & devlopment and focus on innovation. In fact we innovate and then re-innovate.

We LOVE what we do. Our mission is to “create happy memories”. We care. We make it fun. And we make it go right.

We believe life is short. And the customer is always fi rst. Our values are honor, integrity, loyalty, hon-esty, courage, and we believe in celebrating each other’s Success.

Our motto is every game, every gamer. As well as manufacturing the gaminf guns we also run our own local events and rent the gear out. And our philosophy is that for every single game, that every gamer plays we strive to make their experience the best possible.

In fact, our tag line is: Ready, Aim... Fun!™

We seek battlefi eld operators who align with these core values.

Take the Virtual Tour, click to watch: UJ9oxY8c



9 What Battlefi eld Sports can do for YOU

Battlefi eld Sports provides its customers with both Laser Skirmish equipment designed for commercial use

and an optional consultancy service. Latest information on equipment packages is best obtained from www.

battlefi web site.

The optional consulting services provided by Battlefi eld Sports include:

• Marketing Advice

• Mission Design that suits your battlefi eld/s

• Battlefi eld design

• Staff Training

• Web site design and hosting

• Equipment maintenance

9.1 Battlefi eld Sports Team – Innovation & Continuous Improvement

At Battlefi eld Sports we are here to off er other live gaming enthusiasts a chance to benefi t from our experience.

For our unique perspective in business and entrepreneurial achievements, we have been featured in the Wall Street

Journal, the Financial Review, and many more metro dailies. The pair has a gung-ho attitude when it comes to

helping customers get the best solutions for their business needs. Nowadays the games they’ve created have been

enjoyed by millions of gamers across more than 40 countries.

9.2 Your Next Steps with Battlefi eld Sports

STEP 1: Fill out the “request for a consult” form here - http://www.battlefi

STEP 2: After you complete your form contact your local consultant to schedule your Q&A call.

STEP 3: Get started today! Visit www.battlefi now.


10 Battlefi eld Business Perks for YouBattlefi eld Sports off ers lots of resources for battlefi eld operators to help you run Your

Battlefi eld Business. Resources include: Battlefi eld Sports University; Live Gaming

Conferences and Training; Monthly Newsletter “Lock n Load”, and much more, see


Interested in Business Perks?

Do you qualify for the Prestige Pack? The Prestige Pack applies to customers in good-

standing who use 100% Battlefi eld Sports equipment. See the full list online.



24/7 Online Reource of Battlefi eld Operators. This is a MUST HAVE. It will save you $$ thousands. You are issued with a unique user-name/password to access the BFSU.

Games Handbooks. Games to make you money, the most popular games, and surefi re tactics! We have the best games called “Basic Games Hand-book” here you’ll get games which you can play outdoors or indoors.

Live-Play (Game) Video Briefi ngs. YouTube Channel ( eldlive) briefi ngs for many of our live-play in the Games in the Handbook. 423 SFX including audio briefi ngs for the 69 weapons.

Your Invite to Convention & Events. Battlefi eld Sports has hosted many Battlefi eld Operators’ events, in many countries across the globe, e.g. in Australia, in England, in Spain, & in the USA.

Web Directory Listing. & Battlefi eldLIVE.comThe free listing is designed to allow gamers to fi nd your venues to play the genuine gaming experience. (Optional)


11 Appendix – Recommend Weapon Emulations by Model

Battlefi eld Sports recommends that gamers are restricted in what they confi gure their gaming

gun too. It’s important to retain game balance and the principle of what you see is what you get is

maintained. In our Comprehensive Games Handbook certain Live Plays specify particular models and

when they do, that takes precedence over this list.









Scorpion,MP5 (not SD),M-3 Grease Gun, Owen SMG, Sten Mark 2, MAT 49-20, MAT 49-32, PPS-43, MP38/40,

FN P90, MP28-50,PPsch-41

M24 Sniper Rifl e, Dragunov SVD, Musket

UZI (preferred), MP5 (SD) – this should only be used for special Live Plays. M-1928a1 Thompson, MP18,

“Laser Tag”

Commando, AK47/AKM, Simonov Carbine SKS, AK74, M1903 Rifl e, M1 Garand, Lee-Enfi eld SMLE, Steyr AUG, FN-FAL / L1A1 SLR, L85A1-2/SA80, H&K G36, Kar 98K

P90Battlefield Sports


P90Battlefield Sports


11.1 What are the recommended range settings?

The range of a gaming gun is determined by the range confi gured by the user and also the type of lens assembly


A lens with a long focal length such as found on the Morita model, causes the beam be tightly focused increasing

the range but making it necessary for the shooter to be more accurate.

The diameter of the lens impacts the amount of infrared light collected by the lens and re-focused into a beam.

The software settings establish how much current fl ow goes to the infrared LED -- the more current;

the longer its range. The range categories in ascending power are indoor (set by using the indoor

mode), short, medium and long. To minimise infrared bounce and sometimes to provide game

balance between diff erent weapons, ranges other than long are sometimes appropriate.

Gaming Gun Model


Lens assembly Range Eff ect Beam width

Recommend SATR range settings

Commando & Morita

Indoor with line of sight generally less than 30 metres

Jungle, medium forest and dense forest

Indoor with line of sight over 30 metres

Light Forest, open or outdoor urban

Spitfi re & HB14




46mm lens with 158mm focal length

40mm lens with 100mm focal length

40mm lens with 100mm focal length

40mm lens with 100mm focal length

40mm lens with 100mm focal length

Very Long







Weapon Defaults








12 Glossary

A Zeroed gaming gun

Clan War

Death Match



Battlefi eld LIVE


Confi guring a Gaming Gun

Family Fun Session

Check list

Laser Skirmish

Battlefi eld UNDEAD

A gun that shoots accurately on fi rst trigger pull when correctly aimed. The gun is hitting the target indicated by the Red Dot or Cross Hair scopes by aiming above the sensors the same distance the lens is below the scope

Tournament played for trophies and/or prizes aimed at veteran players (those who have played more than 20 times)

This is a session where players make up two teams. There are Unlimited re-spawns & a set time. The team with the least number of re-spawns WINS!

A hit is when a player’s sensors are hit by another player’s fi re. It registers an “ouch” each time and reduces the hit point counter by 1

Battlefi eld Sports University. This is online and is password protected for access by fi eld owners.

Live combat simulation game directed at Teen and adult gamers & Corporate events.

Area of Operation. This has a military term and can be used in situations where it is clearly explained to the customer or where the group is familiar with the term – this is the area of play bounded by defi ned boundaries

Using the display to set up a gun with various “lives”, “sounds” and delays (refer to the Equipment Handling Procedure)

A session for primary school aged children and their Parents, or carers, played in 15 minute game increments

A list of equipment, materials and/or actions required on a post for the staff member to check off each time it is done to ensure nothing is missed

A brand of outdoor army games of 15 minute duration run for Primary School age children’s birthday parties & their parents

Live games - zombie style!

Laser Tag (Battlefi eld TAG) A more sci-fi theme aimed at home birthday parties and Vacation Care events or any polictically sensitive group. Do not use the terms “shooting” or “combat” or “gaming gun” when dealing with a Laser Tag event.


Live-Play The script for a live action scenario, including mission objectives, descriptions of scenes, conceptual situation maps and props (such as which gaming guns will be used), and if relevant, team backgrounds. Live-Play is a combination of theme and plot usually with specifi c mission objectives for the teams involved. A typical Live-Play includes victory conditions, suitable terrain, length of game, hit points, re-spawns and sometimes special rules and weapons.

Live-Play Briefi ng



Public Session

Live-Play C.O.

Private Session

Referee or N.C.O

The C.O. briefs the gamers on gaming gun operation, safety rules, and the missions to be played in a particular session.

Short for “light machine gun”, generally air cooled machine guns that can be carried and utilized at the squad level by infantry. LMG’s are usually bipod mounted. LMG’s are prone to overheating and therefore cannot sustain continuous fi re for extended periods.

This is a function by a referee in the session whereby a player’s hit points are restored by use of a special gun or key. After re-spawning, a player can continue the game and in a Death Match it is the number of re-spawnings which determines the game outcome. The lower number of re-spawnings is the winner

A site where regular games are scheduled & held at regular and fi xed times and open for several diff erent groups to book into

A C.O. stands for Commanding Offi cer, this is a trained Staff Member who oversees operations from the time of leaving the warehouse to return to the warehouse and which is for under 100 players and up to 3 other Staff

This is a session strictly for the client and their guests and is at a time and place of their determination

N.C.O. stands for Non-Commissioned Offi cer - a trained or in training, staff member who assists the C.O. run the event

Valuable Final Product (VFP)


This is the product produced by a staff member at his/her post. It is a “thing” not just something one does. As a staff member we get paid, receive support and reward & satisfaction from the job. In return for that we do not simply do things. We actually produce a fi nal recognisable product that is at least equal in value to what we receive. For example there could be the idea that one is paid to be a Referee – in actual fact we are paid for a well refereed game or a safe, enjoyable and fair game. It must be something which one knows one actually “got” as a result of what one “did”.

A gamer who has played more than 20 times. These guys are generally not allowed to book into a “Beginners” session, otherwise they will smash the newbies.


12.1 Laser Tag Terminology

In SATR diff erent terms are used on the display and also on spoken sound eff ects when the sound scheme is set to

“Laser Tag”. Here is how to translate between normal modes and Laser Tag modes.

Standard Term Laser Tag Alternative


Submachine gun

Dead Already

Hand Gun










Rifl e









Gaming Gun

A (Top line)
























