COLLEGE NEWS RELEASE - University of...


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SPECIAL TO: Bl!:RALD-TRI'BUNE for January 12, 1967


Although fo 1 iDTitations to the February 22 Inauguration of N w

College President John Elmendorf have just been sent out, replies fro all over

the country are coming in, following an earlier "hold the date" .ailing. Oldest

college to be represent d will be New College of Oxford University. Founding

date of invited institutions are import nt since in the academic procession

which open• the inauguration, representatives of colleges and univeraitie are in

ran~ according to th t date.

Many other details, co onplace to the older institutions with a

background of tradition and staff who have taken part 1u uch ceremonials, are

being rigorously tackled by the Inaugural Committee beaded by Attorney Robert B.

Van Skike Jr. Since this 1 the fir t inauguration of a president of New College,

each proble calls for a new answer, and each decision becomes a tradition.

* * * * •


Dr. David Riesman, professor of aoeial cienc .. at Harvard University

and a man who baa b en workius in the ar a of innovatina colleges for some tan years

or JJOre will be one of th special guests at the all-college acade ic conference to

be held on ca us Saturd y Dr. atesman arrtvsfon Wednesday and will speak {I ' )

informally with students Thursday afternoon and a~atn ore fo~~lly to the student

body at their weekly forum Friday eveu1ng. At the forum he will set the tag for

the all-day conference the followinn day. Dr. Riesmsn is quite familiar with New

College as he participated in a c pus plannin conference here 1n June. Coming

to the conference representing the United Church Board for Homeland Ministries Office

of Communications will be Mrs. Dorothea LindBey and Mr. and frs. Ed~rd Grief.

* * " * *

Third-year student David Hartley of Uheatland• Wyoming, has been ac-

cepted at Duke University Medical School s one of twelve students to take part

in ias progra~ which will find students orkin for both edical and doctor of

philosophy degrees. Bartley has been awarded a full scholarship for his work on

the doctoral progra and an $1800 annual stipend for the dical pro~ram. On.

graduation he will be a qualified acholar in his

to relate this a~ea to particular probl~s of -

panieular aeient1f1c area arujr~~

dical research and practice.

Weekend viaitor to the New Colle e ca ua vas Dr. Paul Bol,..r, pro-

feasor of theology at the Yale University Divinity School &Dd a renowned Kierkegaard

acholar. During hia stay hare Dr. Hol ar joined in an undergraduate seminar on the

phUoaophy of acience, Mt faculty aembere at the b011e of Dr. and Mrs. Douglaa c. Bersgreu and inforaally met atudenta tor diseuasion at the h010 of Dr . and Mrs . B. Green .. Riley following the special Priday evening forum program.



Two New Colle e students baTe passed the first round of screening in

co petition to rec ive fellowships from the Danforth Foundation. Two hundred fel­

lowship• are awarded on a national basis each year and are eagerly sought after

aiDce they provide stipenda for students •eeking to teach in higher education,

and are renewable each year through the gr nting of the doctoral degree. Out of

the initial 1850 students recommended by their colleges and universities, 400 will

now be interviewed regionally and from this group the final 200 will be selected.

The two New College students are Ray Enslow of Peoria, Ill., and Rachel Findley

of La Grange, Ill. Ray is a philosophy major and Rachel is aajoring in mathematics.

* * 'II * * The Alvord Foundation of Washington, D. c., has renewed a special

acholarsbip grant for a New Colleg atudent for the third conaecutive year.

Maureen Spear, a third-y ar literature major from Sara ota, is the recipient.

* * * * * Dr. Rolliu B. Posey, chairman of the Diviaion of Social Sciences and

profeeeor of Political Science, had a busy Tuesday this week, speaking in the after­

noon to tho B 'nai B 'r1th Women of Sarasota on nPreeerring Our American System of

Government," and in the evening to the Manatee County League of Women Voters on

''BOtU Rule.''

COLL!G! .. a • 4

v. Arthur cVicar, for 18 y ta uperioteud t o uild1 c• and

rounds at da' C tr e ool ia 11 delphi , has e d 1rec:tor of

pbystca la t for •

utiee 1c 4 r 1o ly b a4 ad reaponei-

111ty of C. t, 1 hE. t . l .. (U ·- t.) Dtrector of 1 n in. C4pt • . tyle8

will nov ba free o d~ planni~ vork in eo ec len wit bv ldinn• nd the

d elop t t th coll e campu •

cVic r 1 o holds a 4e r • lectric 1 in rennsyl-

._ ta tat Univer•ity, 1 0 aus t t r1 d ' c t 1. t b pr to ly be u

.. sociat d vith a jo electrical ft •

lti n dutiea will ta.tenance

of aU il 1 •• c pu a d o~her pro erty,

• til .. *

