Coimbatore4f61Application Format for Faculty Recruitment


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  • 8/9/2019 Coimbatore4f61Application Format for Faculty Recruitment




    Recruitment advertisement No : 007 / AUTCBE-R / HR / T / 2010 Dt: 11.07.2010Separate application should be submitted for each post

    Last date for receipt of completed application is 30.07.2010, 5.00 PM.


    1. Vacant Posts

    2. Qualification and Experience

    3. Scales of pay

    4. General information and instructions

    5. Application




    DepartmentName of the

    PostNo. ofPost


    1 ME01 Mechanical Engineering Professor 1 GT - 1

    2 CS01 Computer Science &Engineering

    Professor 1 GT - 1

    3 CS02 Asst. Professor 3 SC(A) -1, MBC - 1, BC - 1

    4 IT01Information Technology

    Professor 1 GT - 1

    5 IT02 Asst. Professor 2 MBC 1, BC - 1

    6 EC01Electronics andCommunication Engg.

    Asst. Professor 5 SC(A) - 1, MBC - 2, BC - 2

    7 EE01Electrical & ElectronicsEngineering

    Asst. Professor 1 MBC - 1

    8 NT01Nano Technology


    1 GT - 1

    9 NT02 Asst. Professor 1 MBC - 1

    10 PE01 Physical Education Director 1 GT - 1

    11 MG01 School of ManagementStudies (MBA)

    Professor 1 GT - 1

    12 MG02 Asst. Professor 4 SC(A)-1, MBC2, BC-1

    13 MC01

    Dept. of ComputerApplication (MCA)

    Professor 1 GT - 1

    14 MC02AssociateProfessor

    1 GT - 1

    15 MC03 Asst. Professor 4 GT1, SC(A)1, MBC1, BC1

    16 DO01Directorate of Online &Distance Education(DODE)

    AssociateProfessor - MBA

    1 SC(A) - 1

    17 DO02Asst. Professor -MBA

    1 SC(A) - 1

    18 DO03Asst. Professor -


    1 SC(A) - 1

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    Programme Cadre Qualifications Experience

    Engineering /Technology


    BE/B.Tech andME/M.Tech in relevantbranch with first classor equivalent either inBE/BTech orME/M.Tech

    MCA AssistantProfessor

    BE/B. Tech andME/M. Tech inrelevant branch withfirst class orequivalent either in

    BE/B. Tech or ME/M.TechORBE/B. Tech and MCAwith first class orequivalent in eitherBE/ BTech or MCAORMCA with first class orequivalent with twoyears relevantexperience

    Management AssistantProfessor

    First Class orequivalent in MastersDegree in BusinessAdministration orequivalentand2 years relevantexperience isdesirable

    All programme AssociateProfessor

    Qualification as abovethat is for the post ofAssistant Professor,

    as applicable and PhDor equivalent, inappropriate discipline

    Post PhD publicationsand guiding PhDstudent is highlydesirable.

    Minimum of 5 yearsexperience in teaching /research /industry of

    which 2 years post PhDexperience isdesirable.#

    In case of Architecture,Professional Practice of 5years as certified by theCouncil of Architectureshall also be consideredvalid.

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    All programme Professor Qualifications asabove that is for thepost of AssociateProfessor, applicable

    Post PhD publicationsand guiding PhD

    students is highlydesirable

    Minimum of 10 yearsteaching / research/industrial experience ofwhich at least 5 yearsshould be at the level ofAssociate ProfessorOR

    Minimum of 13 yearsexperience in teachingand / or Research and /orIndustry

    In case of researchexperience, goodacademic record andbooks / research paperpublications / IPR /patents record shall berequired as deemed fit by

    the expert members of theSelection Committee

    If the experience inindustry is considered, thesame shall be atmanagerial levelequivalent to AssociateProfessor with activeparticipation record indevising / designing,planning, executing,

    analyzing, quality control,innovating, training,technical books / researchpaper publications/ IPR /patents etc as deemed fitby the expert members ofthe Selection Committee

    In case of Architecture,Professional Practice of10 years as certified bythe Council of Architecture

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    All programme Principal /

    DirectorQualifications as

    above that is for thepost of Professor asapplicable

    Post Ph.D publications

    and guiding Ph.Dstudents is highlydesirable

    Minimum of 10 yearsexperience in teaching /Research / Industry out ofwhich at least 3 yearsshall be at the level ofProfessor


    Minimum of 13 yearsexperience in teachingand / or Research and /orIndustry

    In case of researchexperience goodacademic record and

    books / research paperpublications / IPR /patents record shall berequired as deemed fit bythe expert members of theSelection Committee Ifthe experience in industryis considered, the sameshall be at manageriallevel equivalent toProfessor level with activeparticipation record

    devising / designing,developing, planning,executing , analyzing,quality control, innovating,training, technical books /research paperpublications / IPR /patents etc. as deemed fitby the expert members ofthe selection committee

    Flair for Management and

    Leadership is essential

    In case of Architecture,Professional Practice of10 years as certified by

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    Equivalence for PhD is based on publication of 5International Journal papers, each Journal having a cumulativeimpact index of not less than 2.0, with incumbent as themain author and all 5 publications being in the authors' area ofspecialization.

    Ph.D shall be from a recognized University.

    For an incumbent Assistant Professor, experience at the level ofAssistant Professor will be considered equivalent toexperience at the level of Associate Professor, provided theincumbent Assistant Professor has acquired or acquiresPh.D Degree in the relevant discipline.

    Experience at Diploma Institutions is also consideredequivalent to experience in degree level Institutions at

    appropriate level and as applicable. However, qualifications asabove shall be mandatory.

    If a class/ division is not awarded, minimum of 60% marksin aggregate shall be considered equivalent to first class/division. If a Grade Point System is adopted the CGPA willbe converted into equivalent marks as below.

    Grade Point Equivalent Percentage

    6.25 55%

    6.75 60%

    7.25 65%

    7.75 70%

    8.25 75%

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    3. SCALES OF PAY (Pre revised) *

    Director / Professor : Rs.16400-450-20900-500-22400

    Assistant Professor : Rs.12000-420-18300


    Rs. 8000-275-13500

    Assistant Professorequivalent to Associate Professor and Lecturer equivalentto Assistant Professor in revised norms.

    The Pay carries Dearness Allowance, Dearness Pay, House Rent Allowance,City Compensation Allowance and Medical Allowance as admissible at the ratesin force from time to time.


    1. The applicants should possess the prescribed and desirable qualificationsand experience as on 30.06.2010. The upper age limit for the post ofDirector will be 55 years and for the post of Professor will be 50 years.

    2. Separate application form shall be sent for each post. The completedapplications along with a Demand Draft for Rs.1,000/- (Rs.500/- in the caseof SC/ST candidates) for each post drawn in favour of The Registrar, AnnaUniversity of Technology, Coimbatore payable at Coimbatore and datednot earlier than 30.06.2010 should be sent to The Registrar, AnnaUniversity of Technology, Coimbatore, Mettupalayam Road,Jothipuram, Coimbatore - 641 047 by Registered Post withAcknowledgement Due or by Speed post. The envelope containing theapplication should be superscribed on the left hand top corner as PostCode ____________ Department of _______________ __________________________________ Application for the post of_______________________________. The University is not responsiblefor any postal delay / loss in transit of the application. The completedapplication may also be dropped in the box at the Registrars Office, at theUniversity Campus, Coimbatore.

    3. Applications from candidates who are employed will be considered only ifforwarded through proper channel or a No Objection Certificate from theemployer is produced at the time of interview

    4. Candidates are required to forward their applications in the prescribedform, accompanied by copies of degree certificate and other academicdistinctions, transfer certificate from the Institution last studied, reprints ofpublications, and evidence of age, professional experience, presentposition, and salary drawn.

    5. Applications incomplete in any respect and those received after the duedate will be rejected.

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    6. Applications from persons who do not possess the minimum prescribedqualification and experience for the post will be summarily rejected.

    7. Interim correspondent in connection with the application will not beentertained.

    8. Appointment on deputation basis will not be considered under anycircumstances.

    9. In case the number of applications received 5 times more than the number

    of vacancies, a test will be conducted to shortlist the candidates.

    10. Applicants should be prepared to come for a test and / interview atCoimbatore at their own cost.

    11. Preference will be given to candidates qualified with formal education.

    12. Requests for change of date of test/interview will not be considered.

    13. Candidates will be asked to give a short lecture as part of interview in orderto judge the communication skills and presentation capabilities. LCDProjector shall be provided.

    14. The decision of the Syndicate on the recommendation of the SelectionCommittee shall be final and no appeal or correspondence shall beentertained in this regard.

    15. The University reserves the right to call or not to call any applicant for theinterview. Further, the University reserves the right to drop the processingof the applications or filling up of any post without assigning any reason.

    16. If the interview for any post notified above could not be conducted by theUniversity for any reasons, the cost of application shall be refunded to theconcerned candidate.

    17. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.

    18. Last date for the receipt of completed application is 5.00 PM on30.07.2010.

    19. * The pay scales indicated are pre-revised and new scales of pay on therecommendation of 6th Pay Commission will be given after approval of theSyndicate.

    20. # Incase AICTE revises the experience as per UGC, same may beapplicable.

    21. Candidates possessing good research background will be givenpreference.

    22. Applications from the persons employed in Government, GovernmentAided colleges and other Government Institutions should be forwardedthrough his/her employer only. However an advance copy of theapplications may be sent to The Registrar, Anna University of Technology,Coimbatore. Final selections will be subject to the receipt of theapplications forwarded through employer concerned, which shall bereceived before the last date prescribed for the interview for the selection ofthe concerned post.

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    23. If selected the applicant shall make his own arrangements for gettinghis/her relief from the parent organization. The University will not enter in toany correspondent with the parent organization on this account.

    24. The person appointed to a post shall be paid only the minimum of the scaleof pay and the other admissible allowances for the post as fixed by AnnaUniversity of Technology, Coimbatore. The request for the payment ofhigher pay and allowances drawn by the applicant under the previousemployer or other perquisites drawn earlier or request for higher start in the

    scale of pay for the post or any higher scale of pay will not be consideredunder any circumstances.

    25. The University has introduced a Contributory Pension Fund (CPF)scheme under which the employee has to contribute 10% of basic pay,dearness pay and dearness allowance every month and the Universitycontributes an equal amount. The employees are not eligible for any otherProvident Fund or pension scheme.

    26. Orders for appointment for selected candidates will be issued according toseniority fixed, as per the roster for communal reservation laid down by theGovernment of Tamil Nadu, for each category of post in the respectivedepartment.

    27. The selected person shall join duty within the time prescribed by theUniversity and no extension of time for joining will be allowed under anycircumstances. Failure to join duty within the stipulated date will result inthe cancellation of the selection.

    Dated: 11.07.2010 REGISTRAR i/c

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    Affix recentpassport sizephotograph

    duly attestedby gazetted



    (Advt.No. 007/ AUTCBE-R / HR / T / 2010 Dated: 11.07.2010

    Separate application should be submitted for each Post

    1. Details of the post applied in the Department of :

    1.1 Post Code

    1.2 Name of the post

    2.2.1 Name of the applicant in

    Block Letters.(with initials at the end)


    2.2 Name of theFather/Husband

    2.3 Marital Status

    3.Address:3.1 Address for Communication


    Phone No. (With STD Code)Fax No. (With STD Code)


    Mobile No.

    3.2 Permanent Address


    Phone No.(With STD Code)

    4. Date of BirthDate Month Year

    4.1 Age as on 30.06.2010

    7.2 Place of Birth,District andState

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    5. Community (Please encircle)ST SC(A) SC



    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    6. Nationality (Please encircle) Indian Foreigner

    1 2

    7. Details of Qualification

    7.1 General Educational Qualification( start from the most recent degree and list up to SSLC)

    Degree /Std

    Branch /Specialization

    Average Marks/ CGPA / Class

    Year ofPassing


    University/ Board

    Formal /DistanceEducation

    7.2 Details of NET/SLET Qualification (If Applicable)

    7.2.1 Whether qualified NET/SLET Yes No Not Applicable

    1 2 3

    7.2.2 Year of Passing

    8. Thesis details

    8.1 Title of the thesis at Doctoratelevel

    8.2 Title of the thesis at Mastersdegree level

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    9. Details of Experience (Evidence to be enclosed)

    Name andAddress ofthe Institution/Organization


    Scale ofPay /


    Period ofservice


    From To YY MM DD


    Employment(Service upto 30.06.10)

    Employmentbefore thepresent

    employment,if any


    10. Publications (Attach separate sheet wherever necessary)

    10.1 No. of Publications in referredNational & International Journals

    National International

    10.1.1 Details of Publications as per the given order (to be given in aseparate sheet) Authors, Title, Year, Name of the Journal, Vol.No.,Page Numbers

    10.2 No. of books published

    10.2.1 Details of books as per the given order ( to be given in a separate

    sheet) Authors, Title, Year, Name of the Publisher

    10.3 No. of patents filed / granted National International

    10.3.1 Details of patents filed / granted with year of approval and grantingauthority.

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    11. Details of Supervision / Research Guidance

    11.1 No. of students Supervised /Researchers guided / guiding

    M.E/M.Tech/M.Sc /M.Phil


    12. Membership in Professional Societies

    12.1 Total No. of Membership in professional societies

    12.2 Details of Membershipin professional societiesand Country ofIncorporation





    13. Prizes ,Medals & other honours received, if any (Attach separate sheet)

    14. Travel or Study Abroad

    Country VisitedPeriod of visit

    Purpose of visitForm To

    15. Languages Known

    Language Speak Read & Write Speak, Read & Write

    16. Have you got any Research SchemeSponsored by Local or National (UGC,CSIR, ICAR, DST, etc.,) or International(UN, UNESCO, WHO, FAO) agency?Give details (grant number and otherparticulars)

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    17. Name and Address of two persons (notrelated by blood or marriage and arenot the employees of Anna University ofTechnology, Coimbatore) to whomconfidential reference could be made.Note: They should be in a position toreport the suitability of the position youare seeking now


    e-mail :Telephone :


    e-mail :Telephone :

    18. Name and Address of two persons (whoare not related or employees of AnnaUniversity of Technology, Coimbatore)from whom you have enclosed yourtestimonials


    e-mail :

    Telephone :2.

    e-mail :Telephone :

    19(i) (a) If married, give details of employment of your spouse

    (b) Is your spouse employed in the University ? Yes or NoIf yes, give details

    (c) Is your spouse also applying for any of the post in the University?Yes or No

    If yes, give details

    19(ii) Any other information you would like to present for consideration insupport of candidature (Use separate sheet , if necessary)

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    20. Computer Proficiency and Certificates






    21. DD Particulars

    Name of the Bank & Branch Demand Draft No. Date Amount (Rs.)

    22. List of enclosures

    23. Declaration

    I hereby declare that all the information given in this application is true to thebest of my knowledge and belief. I understand, if any of the informationfurnished by me above is false, the University will summarily reject / terminatemy candidature / services at any point of time.


    Date: Signature

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    Certificate of the present employer, if the applicant is employed

    Certified that Dr./ Thiru. / Tmt. / Selvi

    is a temporary / permanent / regular employee of our institution. He / She has an

    experience in our Institution for .years months and

    days as on as detailed below

    Name andaddress of

    the Institution/ organization

    Post held

    Scale ofPay /SalaryDrawn


    Period ofservice


    From To Y M D

    Signature :

    Name :

    Designation :Office Seal with date :
