Cocktails or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Presentation


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Cocktails or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Tiffy Lux

Advanced General Psychology

Argosy University

October 22, 2011

Pediatric Bipolar Disorder

• Diagnosis has increased 40 fold (Baroni, Lunsford, Luckenbaugh, Towbin, & Leibenluft, 2009).

• Treatment modalities are not well researched for pediatrics

• Medication

• Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

A New Approach

• CBT is a relatively new concept in the application to someone with Bipolar Disorder

• Research has only shown the effectiveness of CBT with adults who have been diagnosed with BD

• Focuses of CBT for BD clients• Pediatric BD clients and how CBT can be applied

Negative Effects of Psychoactive Drugs and Pediatric BD clients

• Effects of psychoactive drugs

• Psychoactive drugs are not tested on pediatrics

• Length of time it takes for psychoactive drugs to take effect

• Suicidal side effects of psychoactive drugs on children


• Psychotherapy in combination with the least amount of psychoactive drugs

• Psychotherapy needs to be the first option, not the last

• Research needs to be conducted in pediatric bipolar disorders and the use of psychotherapy


• Lifestyle modification, not life sentence of psychoactive drugs

• Genetic aspect and how behavior modification can prove to be successful

• The need for further research is inevitable for the safety and livelihood of our children


Baroni, A., Lunsford, J., Luckenbaugh, D., Towbin, K., & Leibenluft, E. Practitioner

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Basco, M., Ladd, G., Myers, D. S., & Tyler, D. (2007). Combining Medication Treatment

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Bradfield, B. (2010). Bipolar Mood Disorder in children and adolescents: in search of

theoretic, therapeutic and diagnostic clarity. South African Journal of Psychology, 40(3), 241- 249. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Breggin, P. R. (2008). 800,000 "Bipolar Children.". Ethical Human Psychology &

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Carlson, G. A., M.D. (2009). Treating the childhood bipolar controversy: A tale of two

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Chou, J. C. -., M.D. (2011). Treatment-resistant bipolar disorder. Psychiatric Times,

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Correll, C. U., Hauser, M., Auther, A. M., & Cornblatt, B. A. (2010). Research in people

with psychosis risk syndrome: a review of the current evidence and future directions. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 51(4), 390-431. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2010.02235.x

Reference continued

Goldstein TR, Birmaher B, Axelson D, et al. History of suicide attempts in pediatric bipolar disorder: factors associated with increased risk. Bipolar Disord., (6):525–535.

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Miklowitz, D. J., & Chang, K. D. (2008). Prevention of bipolar disorder in at-risk children: Theoretical assumptions and empirical foundations. Development and Psychopathology, 20(3), 881-881-97. doi:10.1017/S0954579408000424

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