CN Digital Marketing Plan 2015


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Carolina National Golf Club | July 4th, 2015



A. Increase search engine referrals (SEO)B. Increase website dwell timeC. Increase page viewsD. Enhance customer website navigation E. Increase brand awareness F. Increase rounds and revenue across all




Achieve objectives using 5-step approach:

①Back-End Site Modifications②Front-End Site Updates③Get listed on Referring Sites④Create Blog for Website⑤Pay Per Click

A key component to an efficient website is making the back and front-ends of the website work together.

Search Engine Referrals (Optimization )

Google has recently changed the way it assigns value to websites: they look for websites who value the customer first. If you create a website that is useful, informative, and engaging to your target market, you’ll see your SEO ranking rise. It was a wise decision to invest in a platform that allows self-managed websites, and we can leverage that capability to refresh the Traditional Golf course sites and attract new visitors. This is a program that will help achieve that, and we’ve demonstrated that with Carolina National. This program is meant to energize the websites, and set them up for success as we head into Summer and Fall.

Key Performance Indicators:•Total Visits•Visits Referred by Search Engine•Length of Visit•Number of Pages Viewed per Visit

Search Engine Referrals (Optimization )

Step 1 - Update the Back-End Identify a list of 15-20 core keyword targets. Based on these findings, make modifications on the back-end via CyberGolf to support them. As proposed, this includes programming and writing time devoted to:

Page title tags Page descriptions META descriptions Header tags Check website load times Install sitemap if needed Implement webmaster tools

Customer Navigation / Dwell Time

Step 2 – Refresh the Front-EndReview each page of the site to evaluate the customer experience. Recent changes to Google’s algorithms rewards sites who keep consumers longer, and we can do that by making the site clear, concise, and usable. A variety of visible upgrades performed were:

Social media integration Edit & update content to align

with keyword strategy

Add new assets where available – photography, video, etc.

Create/optimize small SEO-friendly graphics with ALT text, file names & descriptions

Perform an overall review & clean up of the site

Address navigation and cross-links

Referring Sites

Step 3 – Make Crucial ConnectionsIn this final step, we close the loop by verifying the company’s connections to the sites that matter most for SEO. We make sure the business is claimed, and the appropriate contact channels are in place. Renews relationships and citations with potential lead-generating sites like:

Google Places listing Yelp Trip Advisor Local destination marketing sites Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc Yahoo Local Bing Local Any connections and opportunities

for citations we can find!

Over 300 sites were found and claimed.

A 21 page report is available upon request

Referring Sites

The weblog is another key part of digital marketing strategy. It utilizes highly targeted and useful content that site visitors will engage with and share. The more useful content, the higher Google will place the site in their search.

Examples:Multimedia presentation - Videos, Slideshows, etc.Articles which could be used as downloadable content, in exchange for an email address


Brand Awareness and Social Media

Carolina National has a presence on all of the major social media platforms. We make every attempt to stay current and relevant in this fast-paced environment.

Even though social media has and will increase it’s impact on marketing, it has had trouble convincing businesses the direct return on investment. Both through time spent by employees and through their own pay-per-click initiatives.

Now that the major “holes” in the website have been fixed, and has been optimized for key words and META tags, we can start pouring into pay per click . We plan to start with Google seeing as it is the #1 search engine. We are starting small by spending a few hundred dollars per month on select keywords. The campaigns are completely trackable through Google reporting. We will adjust as we see patterns of demand.At some point, adding Pay Per Click through additional media should be considered. All helping to increase our presence on the web.

Pay Per Click

PLAY18Reserve Live Tee Times

Utilizing an online booking engine like PLAY18 is essential in turning “lookers” into “bookers”. Once the visitor has reviewed the information on our site, it is crucial to drive them toward a purchase.

PLAY18 synchronizes their software with our reservation system offering a live option to reserve an actual tee time. Two main advantages:

The customer pays at the course day of play. Giving us a direct line to the consumer. Customer information is instantly received upon placing their reservation. We then can re-market to them using that information.


Third Party review sites like Trip Advisor and Yelp are increasingly influential in the consumer’s decision making process. Customers now more than ever before have the ability to rely on their peer’s review of a product before purchasing. By claiming our business on their pages, we have the ability to respond to both positive and negative reviews. Maintaining high quality and service standards are imperative because those reviews never “go away”.

Internet Review Sites

Spend Plan

Number of website visits year over year *As of 4/1/16


Metrics to measure effectiveness: Number of rounds booked online Number of sessions referred by search engine

Length of session Pages viewed per session Engagement levels when articles are distributed via social, etc.

Pay Per Click campaign reports Yelp report Facebook stats report



As the golf customer relies more on the internet each year for commerce and product information, it is imperative we continue to dedicate additional resources to accommodate the demand for those services.
