Click for next slide The temptation of Christ. Matthew 4:1-11 The place. Matthew 4:1 The tempter....


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The temptation of Christ. Matthew 4:1-11

The place. Matthew 4:1

The tempter. Matthew 4:1

The length of time. Matthew 4:2 Click for next slide

The purpose of the temptation of Christ.

As Jesus became man yet God, would He be obedient to the flesh or to God, the Father? Romans 5:12-19 Click for next slide

The purpose of the temptation of Christ.

As Jesus became man yet God, would He humble himself and become obedient unto death? Philippians 2:8 Click for next slide

The purpose of the temptation of Christ.

As Jesus became man yet God, would He learn to be obedient? Hebrews 5:8-9

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The temptation in 4 parts. Matthew 4:1-11

Part I - The 40 days fast. Matthew 4:2

The purpose of 40 days fast.

The same principal of the 40 years in the wilderness. Deuteronomy 8:2-3 Click for next slide

The temptation in 4 parts. Matthew 4:1-11

Part I - The 40 days fast. Matthew 4:2

Are you obedient to the flesh or to God?

Jesus overcame the temptation, He did not eat, He was hungry. Matthew 4:2 Click for next slide

The temptation in 4 parts. Matthew 4:1-11

Part II - the desires of the flesh. Matthew 4:3-4

Things of the world, the lust of the flesh. 1 John 2:16

Are you sure about yourself? “If thou be” Matthew 4:3

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The temptation in 4 parts. Matthew 4:1-11

Part II - the desires of the flesh. Matthew 4:3-4

Jesus overcame the temptation by quoting Deuteronomy 8:3. Matthew 4:4

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The temptation in 4 parts. Matthew 4:1-11

Part III - The pride of life. Matthew 4:5-7

Things of the world, the pride of life. 1 John 2:16

Are you sure you are who you are? “If thou be” Matthew 4:6 Click for next slide

The temptation in 4 parts. Matthew 4:1-11

Part III - The pride of life. Matthew 4:5-7

The Devil’s misuse of the scriptures. Psalms 91:11-12

Jesus overcame the temptation by quoting Deuteronomy 6:16. Matthew 4:7 Click for next slide

The temptation in 4 parts. Matthew 4:1-11

Part IV - The lust of the eyes, ambition. Matthew 4:8-10

Things of the world, the lust of the eyes. 1 John 2:16

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The temptation in 4 parts. Matthew 4:1-11

Part IV - The lust of the eyes, ambition. Matthew 4:8-10

The Devil as the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4) will give the kingdoms (nations) of this world to Jesus if he will worship him. Matthew 4:9

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The temptation in 4 parts. Matthew 4:1-11

Part IV - The lust of the eyes, ambition. Matthew 4:8-10

Jesus overcame the temptation by quoting Deuteronomy 6:13. Matthew 4:10

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The angels minister unto Jesus after the temptation. Matthew 4:11

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Jesus begins his Ministry

Jesus begins his ministry with the fulfillment of prophecy. Matthew 4:12-17

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In the land of Galilee. Isaiah 9:1-2

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Jesus calls four fishermen. Matthew 4:18-22



He called them to be fishers of men. Matthew 4:19

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His ministry involved the following: Matthew 4:23-24

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Teaching in the synagogues.Preaching the Gospel.Healing all manner of sickness and diseases.

Casting the devils out of peopleClick for next slide

The fame of Jesus spreads. Matthew 4:23-25




Judea Beyond Jordan

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