Clean air = clean health psa


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Clean Air = Clean Health

Over half million babies born every year are exposed to dangerous levels of mercury.

Dangerous side effects that babies can have while being exposed to mercury in the womb are impaired brain functions, including verbal, attention, motor control,language deficits, lower

IQs, and death

New air pollution standards will extraordinarily cut mercury pollution by 90% and save 46,000 lives each year.

If we take correct measures by proper recycling of fluorescent lamps,thermometers or thermostats, andhousehold cleaning products can make a tremendous amount of difference.

Seema Singh

Clean Air = Clean Health

References Image:;_ylt=A0PDoX.WcnVR_DAAjt2JzbkF?p=air+pollution+and+children&fr=yfp-t-900&ei=utf-


Environment Connecticut: Clean Air, Healthy Families (2011)

Department of Energy and Environment Protection (2010)

Mercury In The Home (No Date Provided)