Classroom Management with BYOD. BYOD in the 21st Century


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Classroom Management with BYOD

BYOD in the 21st Century

• To meet students 21st Century educational needs

• Save money

• Use tools students already know how to use

• Teach them to use their tools educationally

• Let the students lead their learning

• Lessens overall distraction

• Higher student engagement

• What else?



Who: Students in grades 3-12 may now bring their own technology devices.

When: 2014-2015 School year

Where: All Elementary, Jr. High and High School Campuses


What Devices?

Devices that are capable of connecting to wireless networks

• Laptops

• Netbooks

• Notebooks

• iPads

• iPod Touches

• E-Readers

• Tablets/Slates

• Cell Phones

• Smart Phones

Angleton ISD is now offering a filtered network on all campuses which will allow for students to bring personal mobile devices to school and use for educational purposes, at the TEACHER’S DISCRETION.

What network?

• Personal devices connected to the AISD wireless network have the same filtered Internet access as district-owned devices.

• Students will have access to their own Office 365 account, including email within the Angleton ISD student domain.

• Cyber Safety curriculum will be provided for all students to promote safe and responsible use of the Internet.

Filtering and Security

Teachers are expected to: Be familiar with Acceptable Use Procedures

for teachers and students. Set guidelines for use of mobile devices for

your classroom. Effectively monitor the use of mobile devices

for students. Develop lessons that allow for seamless

integration of technology but not necessarily every lesson every day.

A Teacher's Responsibilities

Students are expected to: Get the parent/student usage agreement signed before they may use

their device (student handbook).

Exhibit Digital Citizenship and follow the Acceptable Use Procedures while using technology.

Have sole responsibility of technology devices they bring to school.

Be responsible for his/her own device: setup, maintenance, charging, and security. Staff members will not store student devices at any time, nor will any District staff diagnose, repair, or work on a student’s personal device.

Be responsible for bringing devices to school fully charged and in good working order.

Follow the guidelines/procedures set forth by each classroom teacher for mobile devices use.……

* Excerpt from ALVIN ISD Student Responsible Use Guidelines

A Student's Responsibility

Why do I want to do this... again?

Who, When, Where, and What

• Discipline is largely up to teacher and campus discretion with use of the Student Code of Conduct. Use prior/existing discipline procedures as a guide.

• Examples:

Texting in class ~ passing notes in class

On a different website/app ~ not on task, working on other assignment

Theft of a device ~ personal theft

Device distracting others ~ student distracting others by any means

Disciplinary Concerns

Dealing with distractions: Teach students what is acceptable Keep devices on desks from beginning of class “Show me your screen” Allow texting/phone calls between classes and at

lunch If students know they can text later they are

less likely to try and “get away with it” during class



Class Dojo

Website, iOS, and Android App

Simple to setup, easy to use, can earn rewards including addition of custom behaviors

Will generate and email scheduled reports!

Class Dojo

Face Up, Face Down, Show me• Instruct the students to leave their phones in any of the

above conditions to demonstrate compliance with your instructions.

Entry Signs• Signs to guide students in the use of technology in class

each day

• Red Sign - No Use of Personal Electronics Today

• Yellow Sign - Devices will be used at some point WHEN the teacher instructs

• Green Sign - Devices should be out, on, and logged in as soon as possible for immediate use in class

The MOST basic options...

#1 YOU are the teacher in the classroom!• Set clear expectations of when students will be

using devices and when they will not

• Lids closed or screens down for students when you are giving instructions

• “No screens visible” when you need to make an important point

• Have students turn “Knees to me” when you want to guarantee attention

The Eight Commandments

#2 Ask three before me...

Students should ask three other students how to do something before asking the teacher....especially with BYOD students can frequently help each other and relieve you of the need to know everything about every device.

The Eight Commandments

#3 Think about...”What is the analog equivalent?”

How would you handle student off task behavior without technology involved?

Often the solution for students misusing technology will be similar!

Note Passing = Texting

Use contrary to directions = Off task behavior

Playing unapproved e-games = Playing card/dice games

The Eight Commandments

#4 Bring it out when they need it, and put it away when they don’t.

Kind of explains itself, doesn’t it?

The Eight Commandments

#5 You do not need to know how to use every device or tool, but you should be able to tell what they can and can’t do.

o Generally students will know how their device works and teachers will not have to know each device.

o You should however be able to tell the difference between a smart phone, a cell phone, a tablet, a netbook, and a laptop

The Eight Commandments

#6 Walk around!

o By walking around your room you are able to monitor students’ screens.

o We all know students are more likely to be on task and asking questions if you are moving around the room than if you are sitting at your desk!

The Eight Commandments

#7 Always have a plan “B”...

o Some days things will just not work! The technology will be glitchy The network will be down or poor wifi The kids will react in an unexpected way The lesson is just a flop first period and needs

a serious rethinking!o It is important to be flexible and have a spare

lesson based on a subject appropriate TEKS stashed away for a glitchy day.

The Eight Commandments

#8 Communicate what students will be allowed to do when they are done with work in the classroom.

Following are some things that you may want to allow students to do when they are finished with their class work for the day...

The Eight Commandments

1. Read a book, magazine, or blog post about a school relevant subject.

2. Work on an assignment for another class.

3. Play a pre-approved game that builds skills relevant to class.

4. Have a discussion with a classmate about a class related topic using a technology platform.

5. Listen to a Podcast or watch an educational video from TED or Khan Academy.

6. Get organized by reviewing and updating your calendar and assignments.

7. Write in your personal journal.

Seven things you can always do...

Create and maintain a Class Website or Blog.

It doesn't have to be perfect or even pretty, but you'd do well to consistently post information in a meaningful and easily digested format.

I won't say there is a right way or a wrong way, but blogs have pretty well solved this for us. They keep things organized by date, but also allow you to tag content to help your students out.

Edmodo Weebly

Quite simply, your students will likely be creating documents/projects/assignments in any number of programs, applications, or tools.

That could get quite confusing.

With the school year 2014-15, Angleton started using Office 365.

Ease turning in any format...

Create rubrics for your assignments. It sounds pretty simple and ... really it is.

In very simple terms, establish what your expectations are. Then allow your

students a little bit of freedom in how they accomplish that. One BYOD site

strongly suggested having the student complete a self-evaluation of their

project using the prescribed rubric.

Rubistar - create your own customized rubrics.

Multimedia Mania Student Checklist - students can use this checklist before

submitting their work.

Multimedia Rubric - a project rubric that could be applied to a variety of


Creating a Rubric - Tutorial - complete with templates, this site walks you

through the process of creating project rubrics.

Rubrics, Rubrics, Rubrics!

Create an online space to aggregate and share your classwork.

It really doesn't matter what you use ... But using your Office 365 site will get the students use to using it throughout their school career. Diigo, Delicious or whatever can be used for bookmarks.

Share some of your Evernote or OneNote documents. Use whatever Web2.0 tools get you excited. If you have content there, your students will check it out!

A shared space...

No matter what ... Become device agnostic. Androids, iOS, laptops, netbooks, smart phones, dumb phones, whatever.

You'll certainly have your favorite, but you don't have to stress about what they use. The students will figure that out.

Develop the learning experience with flexibility in mind (clear rubrics) and let the students work out the details.

Take devices on faith...

Keep "equity" in mind.

Obviously you will see some inequities ... some kids will have the latest and greatest devices.

Other kids may not have any thing.

The school's resources can help bridge that gap (check out in the library, labs, etc.), but sometimes you'll just need to be flexible, too.

Apply for the next technology grant or use Digital Wish, or DonorsChoose.

The MOST COMMON concern...

Start small and build on success. allows you to conduct polls by text messaging ... What a simple way to engage your kids in the "language" that they know so well.

Publish the results to your blog, tweet your findings ... It just goes on from there.

Socrative is pretty sweet, too. Possibly nothing easier than You get the idea.

Baby steps...

Remember that good classroom management is critical to an effective classroom.

There are times when electronic devices absolutely need to be put away.

Maybe have students set them on the corner of their desk so that you see it, and the student still feels in possession.

Make your expectations very clear (another rubric??) and be consistent.

Remember that these devices are tools - they are great when they help us meet our objectives, but they don't need to get in the way either.

All skills require practice...

File Storage, Collaboration, and Communication with Office 365

•Online versions of word processor, spreadsheet and presentation enables you and your students to create, store, and share instantly and securely.

•Collaborate online in real time.

•Access to files at work or home through OneDrive.

• Create and manage documents and folders in the cloud with OneDrive.

• Upload and save files to OneDrive.

• Collaborae, and share, files and folders with others.

• Store your files in the cloud to access anytime and anywhere.


• Teachers’ e-mails stays the same

• Students’ e-mails will be: Example:

Student email is only for inschool use only.


YouthSpark Hub

• Microsoft YouthSpark was created for you. • Microsoft YouthSpark can enhance classroom

learning. The programs help you teach tech skills, keep your students safe online, and connect and collaborate with educators around the world.










Additional Resources