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City of Angels School Independent Study

Los Angeles Unified School District

Intermediate PE 8A Instructional Guide

Intermediate PE 8A is a first semester course of 8

th grade and a requirement for 8

th grade

culmination. It is aligned with the Physical Education Model Content Standards for California

Public Schools, available at http: //

Course description: Physical education is an integral part of the education program for all

students. It teaches students how their bodies move and how to perform a variety of physical

activities. Students learn the health-related benefits of regular physical activity and the skills to

adopt a physically active, healthy lifestyle. The discipline also provides learning experiences that

meet the developmental needs of students. With high-quality physical education instruction,

students become confident, independent, self-controlled, and resilient; develop positive social

skills; set and strive for personal, achievable goals; learn to assume leadership; cooperate with

others; accept responsibility for their own behavior; and, ultimately, improve their academic

performance. Source:

Textbook: Foundations of Personal Fitness, © 2005, McGraw-Hill Education, Glencoe

Publishing Co., ISBN: 0-07-8451272.

Assignments and Grades:

Student course work will be graded using the following breakdown. Two grades will be given

each week. One is for your written activities, and another for your physical activities:

A 90-100%

B 80-89%

C 70-79%

D 60-69%

F 0-59% - see note below.

All “F” quality work must be revised to at least a “D.”

Therefore, you may have a grade of C/B which represents a “C” in the written

activities and a “B” in the physical activities. Final grade will be the average.

Physical Education Model Content Standards for California Public Schools

The five overarching model content standards for elementary and middle school students are:

Standard 1: Students demonstrate the motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety

of physical activities.

Standard 2: Students demonstrate knowledge of movement concepts, principles, and strategies that

apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.

Standard 3: Students assess and maintain a level of physical fitness to improve health and performance.

Standard 4: Students demonstrate knowledge of physical fitness concepts, principles, and strategies to

improve health and performance.

Standard 5: Students demonstrate and utilize knowledge of psychological and sociological concepts,

principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and performance of physical activity.

For a complete listing of standards, go to:

Instructional Guide Intermediate PE 8A Last Updated – 6/1/2018 2

Parent Permission Form

Please complete and return this form to your child’s teacher prior to beginning the course.

I agree that my child will:

1. Learn the health-related benefits of regular physical activity and the skills to adopt a

physically active, healthy lifestyle.

2. Participate in daily health-related physical fitness activities five (5) times a week for at

least forty (40) minutes during school days (Monday through Friday).

3. Submit written assignments to their teacher demonstrating an understanding of physical

activities, various physical fitness principles, and mechanics necessary to perform skills in

the activities listed below.

4. Participate and be evaluated in the following units of activities:

Aquatics/Adventure & Outdoor Activities

Individual Activities

Dual/Group Activities

Rhythms/Dance/Yoga/Self-Defense Activities

Health-Related Personal Fitness Activities

5. Demonstrate to their teacher proficiency in the above four activities.

Student Agrees: I understand that in order to receive five credits for Intermediate PE 8A, I must

complete all assignments and activities in the student Instructional Guide, turn them in to my

teacher, and demonstrate proficiency in this subject for a passing mark.

Student Signature: __________________________________ Date: __________________

(student name)

Parent Agrees: I, _____________________________________ , agree to provide my child

(parent/guardian name)

with opportunities to go to a swimming pool and participate in all required physical

activities. And, I will supervise these activities, and/or ensure my child has appropriate

guidance and supervision while taking part in the assigned activities.

Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________ Date: __________________

(parent/guardian signature)

Success in PE Class Means: Read all the directions. Ask your teacher questions if you don’t

understand the directions. Do all the activities listed for each day. Write answers in complete

sentences. Exercise for 40 minutes daily! Drink water and eat healthy food.

After each day’s assignments, do something that’s fun! It could be from: Aquatics/Adventure &

Outdoor; Individual; Dual/Group; or Rhythms, Dance, Yoga, Self-Defense Activities!

Instructional Guide Intermediate PE 8A Last Updated – 6/1/2018 3

Week One: Chapter 1, Physical Activity and Personal Fitness Goal: Do 40 minutes of exercise daily! Drink water and eat healthy food. Standards: 3.4, 3.5, 4.3, 4.5, 5.2, 5.3, and 5.7

Day One: Lesson 1. Read pages 2-11. Under the heading, Lesson 1 Review, answer all

questions with complete sentences, page 11.

Exercise Log: Complete Fitness Check, pages 8-9. Describe each activity, time

spent, and number of repetitions you did of each activity on your Exercise Log.

Day Two: Lesson 2. Read pages 12-17. Under the heading, Lesson 2 Review, answer all

questions with complete sentences, page 17.

Exercise Log: Repeat Fitness Check, pages 8-9. Today try to improve your

completion of the activities. Describe each activity, time spent, and number of

repetitions you did of each activity on your Exercise Log.

Day Three: Lesson 3. Read pages 18-24. Under the heading, Lesson 3 Review, answer

all questions with complete sentences, page 24.

Exercise Log: Choose a physical activity to do alone, or with a friend or family

member. Do a warm-up first. Then complete the activity. Afterwards, do a cool-

down and stretches.

Day Four: Lesson 4. Read pages 25-31. Under the heading, Lesson 4 Review, answer all

questions with complete sentences, page 31.

Exercise Log: Under the heading, Behavioral-Change Stairway, find the level you

think you are and write it down on your Exercise Log. Complete a physical

activity. Do a warm-up prior to the activity. Afterwards, do a cool-down and


Day Five: Chapter 1 Review. Answer questions 11-20, page 32. Answer one question

under the headings, Discussion or Critical Thinking.

Exercise Log: Choose a fun, physical activity to do. Do a warm-up prior to the

activity. Afterwards, do a cool-down and stretches.

Record what you did on your Exercise Log.

Instructional Guide Intermediate PE 8A Last Updated – 6/1/2018 4

Exercise Log and Instructional Units for Inter PE 8A

You will spend two weeks on each activity (Aquatics/Adventure & Outdoor; Rhythms/Dance/Yoga/Self-Defense; Individual; Dual/Group; or Health-Related Activities). You must complete time requirements (5 to 10 hours) before starting a new activity. Check the line or lines below to signify which types of activities you chose to do this week.

Aquatics/Adventure & Outdoor _____ Rhythms/Dance/Yoga/Self-Defense _____

Individual _____ Dual/Group _____ Health-Related Personal Fitness _____

Date Activity Time

Example: 1-9-18

Example: I swam 40 lengths of the pool: 32 freestyle, four backstroke, and four breaststroke. After two lengths, I did shoulder stretches, “lat” stretches, and hamstring stretches.

Example: 40 mins.

My Reflection: Example: On 1-9-18, my heart rate was 135 beats per minute, and I felt very tired after completing my swim. My swimming was slow, and I had to rest after two lengths. Tomorrow, I will try to swim four more lengths.

My Reflection: ________________________________________________________________________


I supervised my child in the above activities. All of the recorded information is correct. Parent Signature ________________________________________ Date ________________________

Five Health-Related Fitness Components

1. Cardiovascular Fitness 2. Strength

3. Muscular Endurance 4. Flexibility

5. Body Composition

Six Skill-Related Fitness Components

1. Agility 2. Balance

3. Coordination 4. Power

5. Reaction Time 6. Speed

Instructional Guide Intermediate PE 8A Last Updated – 6/1/2018 5

Week Two: Chapter 2, Safety and Injury Prevention Goal: Do 40 minutes of exercise daily! Drink water and eat healthy food. Standards: 2.3, 2.4, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.2, 4.3, 4.5, 5.2, 5.3, and 5.7

After each day’s assignments, do something that’s fun! It could be from:

Aquatics/Adventure & Outdoor; Individual; Dual/Group; or Rhythms, Dance, Yoga, Self-

Defense Activities!

Day One: Lesson 1. Read pages 34-39. Under the heading, Lesson 1 Review, answer all

questions with complete sentences, page 39.

Exercise Log: Repeat Fitness Check, pages 8-9. Were you able to do it better this

week? Describe each activity, time spent, and number of repetitions you did of

each activity on your Exercise Log.

Day Two: Lesson 2. Read pages 40-46. Under the heading, Lesson 2 Review, answer all

questions with complete sentences, page 46.

Today, before exercising, ask yourself if you have asthma. If you do, how can

you help your lungs warm up and feel ready to exercise? Write a paragraph

explaining how to prepare your lungs for exercise.

Exercise Log: Choose a fun, physical activity to do. Complete a warm-up prior to

your activity. Afterwards, do a cool-down and stretches. Describe each activity,

time spent, and number of repetitions you did of each activity on your Exercise


Day Three: Lesson 3. Read pages 47-52. Under the heading, Lesson 3 Review, answer

all questions with complete sentences, page 52.

Exercise Log: Choose a fun, physical activity to do. Complete a warm-up prior to

your activity. Afterwards, do a cool-down and stretches. Describe each activity,

time spent, and number of repetitions that you did of each activity on your

Exercise Log.

Day Four: Lesson 4. Read pages 53-60. Under the heading, Lesson 4 Review, answer all

questions with complete sentences, page 60.

Exercise Log: Choose a fun, physical activity to do. Complete a warm-up prior to

your activity. Afterwards, do a cool-down and stretches. Describe each activity,

time spent, and number of repetitions that you did of each activity on your

Exercise Log.

Day Five: Lesson 5. Read pages 61- 67. Under the heading, Lesson 5 Review, answer all

questions with complete sentences, page 67. Complete Chapter 2 Review. Answer

questions 9-17, page 68. Then choose one question to answer under the heading,

Discussion, or Critical Thinking.

Exercise Log: Choose a physical activity to do. Complete a warm-up prior to your

activity. Afterwards, do a cool-down and stretches. Describe each activity, time

spent, and number of repetitions you did of each activity on your Exercise Log.

Instructional Guide Intermediate PE 8A Last Updated – 6/1/2018 6

Exercise Log and Instructional Units for Inter PE 8A

You will spend two weeks on each activity (Aquatics/Adventure & Outdoor; Rhythms/Dance/Yoga/Self-Defense; Individual; Dual/Group; or Health-Related Activities). You must complete time requirements (5 to 10 hours) before starting a new activity. Check the line or lines below to signify which types of activities you chose to do this week.

Aquatics/Adventure & Outdoor _____ Rhythms/Dance/Yoga/Self-Defense _____

Individual _____ Dual/Group _____ Health-Related Personal Fitness _____

Date Activity Time

Example: 1-9-18

Example: I swam 40 lengths of the pool: 32 freestyle, four backstroke, and four breaststroke. After two lengths, I did shoulder stretches, “lat” stretches, and hamstring stretches.

Example: 40 mins.

My Reflection: Example: On 1-9-18, my heart rate was 135 beats per minute, and I felt very tired after completing my swim. My swimming was slow, and I had to rest after two lengths. Tomorrow, I will try to swim four more lengths.

My Reflection: ________________________________________________________________________


I supervised my child in the above activities. All of the recorded information is correct. Parent Signature ________________________________________ Date ________________________

Five Health-Related Fitness Components

1. Cardiovascular Fitness 2. Strength

3. Muscular Endurance 4. Flexibility

5. Body Composition

Six Skill-Related Fitness Components

1. Agility 2. Balance

3. Coordination 4. Power

5. Reaction Time 6. Speed

Instructional Guide Intermediate PE 8A Last Updated – 6/1/2018 7

Week Three: Chapter 3, Designing a Personal Fitness Program Goal: Do 40 minutes of exercise daily! Drink water and eat healthy food. Standards: 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.2, 4.3, 4.5, 4.6, 5.2, 5.3, and 5.7

After each day’s assignments, do something that’s fun! It could be from:

Aquatics/Adventure & Outdoor; Individual; Dual/Group; or Rhythms, Dance, Yoga, Self-

Defense Activities!

Day One: Lesson 1. Read pages 70-81. Under the heading, Lesson 1 Review, answer all

questions with complete sentences, page 81.

Exercise Log: Complete Fitness Check, pages 78-80. Describe each activity, time

spent, and number of repetitions you did of each activity on your Exercise Log.

Day Two: Lesson 2. Read pages 82-89. Under the heading, Lesson 2 Review, answer all

questions with complete sentences, page 89.

Exercise Log: Repeat Fitness Check, pages 78-80. Today try to improve the

completion of the activities. Describe each activity, time spent, and number of

repetitions you did of each activity on your Exercise Log.

Day Three: Lesson 3. Read pages 90-94. Under the heading, Lesson 3 Review, answer all

questions with complete sentences, page 94.

Exercise Log: Choose a physical activity to do. Complete a warm-up prior to your

activity. Afterwards, do a cool-down and stretches. Describe each activity, time

spent, and number of repetitions you did of each activity on your Exercise Log.

Day Four: Lesson 4. Read pages 95-100. Under the heading, Lesson 4 Review, answer all

questions with complete sentences, page 100.

Exercise Log: Choose a fun, physical activity to do. Complete a warm-up prior to

your activity. Afterwards, do a cool-down and stretches. Describe each activity,

time spent, and number of repetitions you did of each activity on your Exercise


Day Five: Lesson 5. Read pages 101-109. Under the heading, Lesson 5 Review, answer

all questions with complete sentences, page 109. Now, do Chapter 3 Review. Answer

questions 11-20, pages 110-111. Answer one question under the headings, Discussion or

Critical Thinking.

Exercise Log: Choose a physical activity to do. Complete a warm-up prior to your

activity. Afterwards, do a cool-down and stretches. Describe each activity, time

spent, and number of repetitions you did of each activity on your Exercise Log.

Instructional Guide Intermediate PE 8A Last Updated – 6/1/2018 8

Exercise Log and Instructional Units for Inter PE 8A

You will spend two weeks on each activity (Aquatics/Adventure & Outdoor; Rhythms/Dance/Yoga/Self-Defense; Individual; Dual/Group; or Health-Related Activities). You must complete time requirements (5 to 10 hours) before starting a new activity. Check the line or lines below to signify which types of activities you chose to do this week.

Aquatics/Adventure & Outdoor _____ Rhythms/Dance/Yoga/Self-Defense _____

Individual _____ Dual/Group _____ Health-Related Personal Fitness _____

Date Activity Time

Example: 1-9-18

Example: I swam 40 lengths of the pool: 32 freestyle, four backstroke, and four breaststroke. After two lengths, I did shoulder stretches, “lat” stretches, and hamstring stretches.

Example: 40 mins.

My Reflection: Example: On 1-9-18, my heart rate was 135 beats per minute, and I felt very tired after completing my swim. My swimming was slow, and I had to rest after two lengths. Tomorrow, I will try to swim four more lengths.

My Reflection: ________________________________________________________________________


I supervised my child in the above activities. All of the recorded information is correct. Parent Signature ________________________________________ Date ________________________

Five Health-Related Fitness Components

1. Cardiovascular Fitness 2. Strength

3. Muscular Endurance 4. Flexibility

5. Body Composition

Six Skill-Related Fitness Components

1. Agility 2. Balance

3. Coordination 4. Power

5. Reaction Time 6. Speed

Instructional Guide Intermediate PE 8A Last Updated – 6/1/2018 9

Week Four: Chapter 4, Nutrition and Your Personal Fitness Goal: Do 40 minutes of exercise daily! Drink water and eat healthy food. Standards: 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.2, 4.3, 4.5, 4.6, 5.2, 5.3, and 5.7

After each day’s assignments, do something that’s fun! It could be from:

Aquatics/Adventure & Outdoor; Individual; Dual/Group; or Rhythms, Dance, Yoga, Self-

Defense Activities!

This week, you will keep a Food Diary. Go to page 19 of your Instructional

Guide for the Food Diary, and fill it out daily.

Day One: Lesson 1. Read pages 112-121. Under the heading, Lesson 1 Review, answer

all questions with complete sentences, page 121.

Choose a physical activity to do. Complete a warm-up prior to your activity.

Afterwards, do a cool-down and stretches. Describe each activity, time spent, and

number of repetitions you did of each activity on your Exercise Log.

Day Two: Lesson 2. Read pages 122-128. Under the heading, Lesson 2 Review, answer

all questions with complete sentences, page 128.

Exercise Log: Choose a physical activity to do. Complete a warm-up prior to your

activity. Afterwards, do a cool-down and stretches. Describe each activity, time

spent, and number of repetitions you did of each activity on your Exercise Log.

Day Three: Lesson 3. Read pages 129-137. Under the heading, Lesson 3 Review, answer

all questions with complete sentences, page 137.

Exercise Log: Choose a physical activity to do. Complete a warm-up prior to your

activity. Afterwards, do a cool-down and stretches. Describe each activity, time

spent, and number of repetitions you did of each activity on your Exercise Log.

Day Four: Lesson 4. Read pages 138-143. Under the heading, Lesson 4 Review, answer

all questions with complete sentences, page 143.

Exercise Log: Choose a physical activity to do. Complete a warm-up prior to your

activity. Afterwards, do a cool-down and stretches. Describe each activity, time

spent, and number of repetitions you did of each activity on your Exercise Log.

Day Five: Chapter 4 Review. Answer questions 11-20, pages 144-145. Answer one

question under the heading, Discussion or Critical Thinking.

Exercise Log: Choose a physical activity to do. Complete a warm-up prior to your

activity. Afterwards, do a cool-down and stretches. Describe each activity, time

spent, and number of repetitions you did of each activity on your Exercise Log.

Instructional Guide Intermediate PE 8A Last Updated – 6/1/2018 10

Exercise Log and Instructional Units for Inter PE 8A

You will spend two weeks on each activity (Aquatics/Adventure & Outdoor; Rhythms/Dance/Yoga/Self-Defense; Individual; Dual/Group; or Health-Related Activities). You must complete time requirements (5 to 10 hours) before starting a new activity. Check the line or lines below to signify which types of activities you chose to do this week.

Aquatics/Adventure & Outdoor _____ Rhythms/Dance/Yoga/Self-Defense _____

Individual _____ Dual/Group _____ Health-Related Personal Fitness _____

Date Activity Time

Example: 1-9-18

Example: I swam 40 lengths of the pool: 32 freestyle, four backstroke, and four breaststroke. After two lengths, I did shoulder stretches, “lat” stretches, and hamstring stretches.

Example: 40 mins.

My Reflection: Example: On 1-9-18, my heart rate was 135 beats per minute, and I felt very tired after completing my swim. My swimming was slow, and I had to rest after two lengths. Tomorrow, I will try to swim four more lengths.

My Reflection: ________________________________________________________________________


I supervised my child in the above activities. All of the recorded information is correct. Parent Signature ________________________________________ Date ________________________

Five Health-Related Fitness Components

1. Cardiovascular Fitness 2. Strength

3. Muscular Endurance 4. Flexibility

5. Body Composition

Six Skill-Related Fitness Components

1. Agility 2. Balance

3. Coordination 4. Power

5. Reaction Time 6. Speed

Instructional Guide Intermediate PE 8A Last Updated – 6/1/2018 11

Week Five: Chapter 5, Your Body Composition Goal: Do 40 minutes of exercise daily! Drink water and eat healthy food. Standards: 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.2, 4.3, 4.5, 4.6, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, and 5.7

Day One: Lesson 1. Read pages 146-152. Under the heading, Lesson 1 Review, answer

all questions with complete sentences, page 152.

Exercise Log: In your Instructional Guide, go to page 20, and take the Personal

Fitness Practice Assessment # 1. Do a warm-up first, and then do the

assessment. Afterwards, do a cool-down and stretches.

Day Two: Lesson 2. Read pages 153-158. Under the heading, Lesson 2 Review, answer

all questions with complete sentences, page 158.

Exercise Log: Choose a physical activity to do. Complete a warm-up prior to your

activity. Afterwards, do a cool-down and stretches. Describe each activity, time

spent, and number of repetitions you did of each activity on your Exercise Log.

Day Three: Lesson 3. Read pages 159-163. Under the heading, Lesson 3 Review, answer

all questions with complete sentences, page 163.

Exercise Log: Choose a physical activity to do. Complete a warm-up prior to your

activity. Afterwards, do a cool-down and stretches. Describe each activity, time

spent, and number of repetitions you did of each activity on your Exercise Log.

Day Four: Lesson 4. Read pages 164-167. Under the heading, Lesson 4 Review, answer

all questions with complete sentences, page 167.

Exercise Log: Choose a physical activity to do. Complete a warm-up prior to your

activity. Afterwards, do a cool-down and stretches. Describe each activity, time

spent, and number of repetitions you did of each activity on your Exercise Log.

Take the Personal Fitness Practice Assessment # 2 at school (Instructional

Guide, page 20).

Day Five: Chapter 5 Review. Answer questions 11-20, pages 168-169. Answer one

question under the heading, Discussion, or Critical Thinking.

Exercise Log: Choose a physical activity to do. Complete a warm-up prior to your

activity. Afterwards, do a cool-down and stretches. Describe each activity, time

spent, and number of repetitions you did of each activity on your Exercise Log.

Instructional Guide Intermediate PE 8A Last Updated – 6/1/2018 12

Exercise Log and Instructional Units for Inter PE 8A

You will spend two weeks on each activity (Aquatics/Adventure & Outdoor; Rhythms/Dance/Yoga/Self-Defense; Individual; Dual/Group; or Health-Related Activities). You must complete time requirements (5 to 10 hours) before starting a new activity. Check the line or lines below to signify which types of activities you chose to do this week.

Aquatics/Adventure & Outdoor _____ Rhythms/Dance/Yoga/Self-Defense _____

Individual _____ Dual/Group _____ Health-Related Personal Fitness _____

Date Activity Time

Example: 1-9-18

Example: I swam 40 lengths of the pool: 32 freestyle, four backstroke, and four breaststroke. After two lengths, I did shoulder stretches, “lat” stretches, and hamstring stretches.

Example: 40 mins.

My Reflection: Example: On 1-9-18, my heart rate was 135 beats per minute, and I felt very tired after completing my swim. My swimming was slow, and I had to rest after two lengths. Tomorrow, I will try to swim four more lengths.

My Reflection: ________________________________________________________________________


I supervised my child in the above activities. All of the recorded information is correct. Parent Signature ________________________________________ Date ________________________

Five Health-Related Fitness Components

1. Cardiovascular Fitness 2. Strength

3. Muscular Endurance 4. Flexibility

5. Body Composition

Six Skill-Related Fitness Components

1. Agility 2. Balance

3. Coordination 4. Power

5. Reaction Time 6. Speed

Instructional Guide Intermediate PE 8A Last Updated – 6/1/2018 13

Week Six: Chapter 6, Maintaining a Healthy Body Weight Goal: Do 40 minutes of exercise daily! Drink water and eat healthy food. Standards: 1.4, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.2, 4.3, 4.5, 4.6, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, and 5.7

After each day’s assignments, do something that’s fun! It could be from:

Aquatics/Adventure & Outdoor; Individual; Dual/Group; or Rhythms, Dance, Yoga, Self-

Defense Activities!

Day One: Lesson 1. Read pages 170-175. Under the heading, Lesson 1 Review, answer

all questions with complete sentences, page 175.

Exercise Log: Complete Fitness Check 1-5 with a partner, page 174. Pair/Share:

Discuss the experience with each other and the possible effects on children and

teens. Describe each activity, time spent, and number of repetitions you did of

each activity on your Exercise Log.

Day Two: Lesson 2. Read pages 176-179. Under the heading, Lesson 2 Review, answer

all questions with complete sentences, page 179.

Exercise Log: Choose a physical activity to do. Complete a warm-up prior to your

activity. Afterwards, do a cool-down and stretches. Describe each activity, time

spent, and number of repetitions you did of each activity on your Exercise Log.

Day Three: Lesson 3. Read pages 180-185. Under the heading, Lesson 3 Review, answer

all questions with complete sentences, page 185.

Exercise Log: Choose a physical activity to do. Complete a warm-up prior to your

activity. Afterwards, do a cool-down and stretches. Describe each activity, time

spent, and number of repetitions you did of each activity on your Exercise Log.

Day Four: Lesson 4. Read pages 186-189. Under the heading, Lesson 4 Review, answer

all questions with complete sentences, page 189.

Exercise Log: Choose a physical activity to do. Complete a warm-up prior to your

activity. Afterwards, do a cool-down and stretches. Describe each activity, time

spent, and number of repetitions you did of each activity on your Exercise Log.

Day Five: Chapter 6 Review. Answer questions 11-20, pages 190-191. Answer one

question under the headings, Discussion or Critical Thinking.

Choose a physical activity to do. Complete a warm-up prior to your activity.

Afterwards, do a cool-down and stretches. Describe each activity, time spent, and

number of repetitions you did of each activity on your Exercise Log.

Instructional Guide Intermediate PE 8A Last Updated – 6/1/2018 14

Exercise Log and Instructional Units for Inter PE 8A

You will spend two weeks on each activity (Aquatics/Adventure & Outdoor; Rhythms/Dance/Yoga/Self-Defense; Individual; Dual/Group; or Health-Related Activities). You must complete time requirements (5 to 10 hours) before starting a new activity. Check the line or lines below to signify which types of activities you chose to do this week.

Aquatics/Adventure & Outdoor _____ Rhythms/Dance/Yoga/Self-Defense _____

Individual _____ Dual/Group _____ Health-Related Personal Fitness _____

Date Activity Time

Example: 1-9-18

Example: I swam 40 lengths of the pool: 32 freestyle, four backstroke, and four breaststroke. After two lengths, I did shoulder stretches, “lat” stretches, and hamstring stretches.

Example: 40 mins.

My Reflection: Example: On 1-9-18, my heart rate was 135 beats per minute, and I felt very tired after completing my swim. My swimming was slow, and I had to rest after two lengths. Tomorrow, I will try to swim four more lengths.

My Reflection: ________________________________________________________________________


I supervised my child in the above activities. All of the recorded information is correct. Parent Signature ________________________________________ Date ________________________

Five Health-Related Fitness Components

1. Cardiovascular Fitness 2. Strength

3. Muscular Endurance 4. Flexibility

5. Body Composition

Six Skill-Related Fitness Components

1. Agility 2. Balance

3. Coordination 4. Power

5. Reaction Time 6. Speed

Instructional Guide Intermediate PE 8A Last Updated – 6/1/2018 15

Week Seven: My Personal Fitness Program - Rough Draft Goal: Do 40 minutes of exercise daily! Drink water and eat healthy food. Standards: 1.4, 1.6, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.5, 4.6, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, and 5.7

After each day’s assignments, do something that’s fun! It could be from:

Aquatics/Adventure & Outdoor; Individual; Dual/Group; or Rhythms, Dance, Yoga, Self-

Defense Activities!

You might need to go to a gymnasium/fitness club this week to use equipment.

This week, you will make a rough draft of My Personal Fitness Program. Go to

page 21 of your Instructional Guide to find the graphic organizer you will use.

Day One: Every successful exercise session begins with a warm-up. Re-read the sections

under the headings, Components of a Complete Workout and The Warm-up, pages 102-

105 (Chapter 3).

Exercise Log: Do the Recommended Warm-Up Stretches, page 106. Design a

daily warm-up. Record your daily warm-ups on your rough draft graphic

organizer. Describe the activity, time spent, and number of repetitions that did of

the activity on your Exercise Log.

Day Two: Every successful exercise session has a workout. Re-read the section under the

heading, The Workout, page 107 (Chapter 3).

Exercise Log: Look at the units of: Aquatics/Adventure & Outdoor; Individual;

Dual/Group; or Rhythms/Dance/Yoga/Self-Defense Activities! Incorporate five

Health-Related Activities, and six Skill-Related Activities (listed on your Exercise

Log). Record those activities on your rough draft graphic organizer. Describe the

activity, time spent, and number of repetitions you did of the activity on your

Exercise Log.

Day Three: Every successful exercise session has a cool-down. Re-read the section

under the heading, The Cool-down, pages 108-109 (Chapter 3).

Exercise Log: Do Parts of the Cool-down, page 109. Design a daily cool-down.

Record those cool-downs on your rough draft graphic organizer. Describe the

amount of the activity, time spent, and number of repetitions that you did of the

activity on your Exercise log.

Day Four: Do all the parts of your Personal Fitness Program. Assess what worked well

and decide what needs to be revised.

Exercise Log: Practice your Personal Fitness Program. Describe the activity, time spent,

and number of repetitions you did of the activity on your Exercise Log.

Day Five: Practice your Personal Fitness Program in order to refine it.

Record what you did on your Exercise Log.

Instructional Guide Intermediate PE 8A Last Updated – 6/1/2018 16

Exercise Log and Instructional Units for Inter PE 8A

You will spend two weeks on each activity (Aquatics/Adventure & Outdoor; Rhythms/Dance/Yoga/Self-Defense; Individual; Dual/Group; or Health-Related Activities). You must complete time requirements (5 to 10 hours) before starting a new activity. Check the line or lines below to signify which types of activities you chose to do this week.

Aquatics/Adventure & Outdoor _____ Rhythms/Dance/Yoga/Self-Defense _____

Individual _____ Dual/Group _____ Health-Related Personal Fitness _____

Date Activity Time

Example: 1-9-18

Example: I swam 40 lengths of the pool: 32 freestyle, four backstroke, and four breaststroke. After two lengths, I did shoulder stretches, “lat” stretches, and hamstring stretches.

Example: 40 mins.

My Reflection: Example: On 1-9-18, my heart rate was 135 beats per minute, and I felt very tired after completing my swim. My swimming was slow, and I had to rest after two lengths. Tomorrow, I will try to swim four more lengths.

My Reflection: ________________________________________________________________________


I supervised my child in the above activities. All of the recorded information is correct. Parent Signature ________________________________________ Date ________________________

Five Health-Related Fitness Components

1. Cardiovascular Fitness 2. Strength

3. Muscular Endurance 4. Flexibility

5. Body Composition

Six Skill-Related Fitness Components

1. Agility 2. Balance

3. Coordination 4. Power

5. Reaction Time 6. Speed

Instructional Guide Intermediate PE 8A Last Updated – 6/1/2018 17

Week Eight: My Personal Fitness Program - Final Draft Goal: Do 40 minutes of exercise daily! Drink water and eat healthy food. Standards: 1.4, 1.6, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.5, 4.6, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, and 5.7

After each day’s assignments, do something that’s fun! It could be from:

Aquatics/Adventure & Outdoor; Individual; Dual/Group; or Rhythms, Dance, Yoga, Self-

Defense Activities!

You might need to go to a gymnasium/fitness club this week to use equipment.

This week, you will make a final draft of My Personal Fitness Program. Go to

page 22 of your Instructional Guide to find the graphic organizer you will use.

Day One: Practice the warm-up you designed last week. Review the section under the

heading, Recommended Warm-Up Stretches, page 106.

Exercise Log: Revise your Personal Fitness Program and record them in your

final draft graphic organizer. Complete your workout. Describe the amount of

activity, time spent, and number of repetitions that you did of the activity on your

Exercise Log.

Day Two: Practice the workout you designed last week. Review the section under the

heading, The Workout, page 107.

Exercise Log: Review units of: Aquatics/Adventure & Outdoor; Individual;

Dual/Group; or Rhythms/Dance/Yoga/Self-Defense Activities! Did you

incorporate the five Health-Related Activities and the six Skill-Related Activities,

listed on your Exercise Log? Revise your final draft graphic organizer. Describe

the activity, time spent, and number of repetitions you did of the activity on your

Exercise Log.

Day Three: Practice the cool-down you designed last week. Review the section under the

heading, The Cool-down, pages 108-109.

Exercise Log: Revise your final draft graphic organizer. Describe the activity,

time spent, and number of repetitions that you did of the activity on your Exercise


Day Four: Practice your Personal Fitness Program.

Exercise Log: Practice your Personal Fitness Program. Revise your final draft

graphic organizer. Describe the activity, time spent, and number of repetitions you

did of the activity on your Exercise Log.

Day Five: Put the final touches on your Personal Fitness Program.

Exercise Log: Finalize your draft graphic organizer. Describe activity, time spent,

and number of repetitions you did of the activity on your Exercise Log.

Instructional Guide Intermediate PE 8A Last Updated – 6/1/2018 18

Exercise Log and Instructional Units for Inter PE 8A

You will spend two weeks on each activity (Aquatics/Adventure & Outdoor; Rhythms/Dance/Yoga/Self-Defense; Individual; Dual/Group; or Health-Related Activities). You must complete time requirements (5 to 10 hours) before starting a new activity. Check the line or lines below to signify which types of activities you chose to do this week.

Aquatics/Adventure & Outdoor _____ Rhythms/Dance/Yoga/Self-Defense _____

Individual _____ Dual/Group _____ Health-Related Personal Fitness _____

Date Activity Time

Example: 1-9-18

Example: I swam 40 lengths of the pool: 32 freestyle, four backstroke, and four breaststroke. After two lengths, I did shoulder stretches, “lat” stretches, and hamstring stretches.

Example: 40 mins.

My Reflection: Example: On 1-9-18, my heart rate was 135 beats per minute, and I felt very tired after completing my swim. My swimming was slow, and I had to rest after two lengths. Tomorrow, I will try to swim four more lengths.

My Reflection: ________________________________________________________________________


I supervised my child in the above activities. All of the recorded information is correct. Parent Signature ________________________________________ Date ________________________

Five Health-Related Fitness Components

1. Cardiovascular Fitness 2. Strength

3. Muscular Endurance 4. Flexibility

5. Body Composition

Six Skill-Related Fitness Components

1. Agility 2. Balance

3. Coordination 4. Power

5. Reaction Time 6. Speed

Instructional Guide Intermediate PE 8A Last Updated – 6/1/2018 19

Instructional Guide Intermediate PE 8A Last Updated – 6/1/2018 20

Personal Fitness Practice Assessment #1 – taken at home.

Name: __________________________________________

1. Body Composition

Weight: ______________________ pounds

Height: ______________________ feet/inches

2. Aerobic Capacity

Mile Run Time: ___________________ minutes

3. Strength and Endurance

Push-ups: _____________________ repetitions

4. Flexibility

Shoulder Stretch. Left: ________ Right: ________

5. Abdominal Strength

Curl-ups: _______________________ repetitions

6. Trunk Strength

Trunk Lift: _____________________ inches

Personal Fitness Practice Assessment #2 – taken at school.

Name: __________________________________________

2. Body Composition

Weight: ______________________ pounds

Height: ______________________ feet/inches

2. Aerobic Capacity

Mile Run Time: ___________________ minutes

3. Strength and Endurance

Push-ups: _____________________ repetitions

4. Flexibility

Shoulder Stretch. Left: ________ Right: ________

5. Abdominal Strength

Curl-ups: _______________________ repetitions

6. Trunk Strength

Trunk Lift: _____________________ inches

Instructional Guide Intermediate PE 8A Last Updated – 6/1/2018 21

My Personal Fitness Program – Rough Draft

Write down what

you did each day in

the boxes!

Circle the skill

component you did.








Fitness Component

is: Cardiovascular Fitness.

Skill Component: Agility, Balance, Coordination, Power, Reaction Time, Speed.


Component is:


Skill Component: Agility, Balance, Coordination, Power, Reaction Time, Speed.


Component is:

Muscular Endurance.

Skill Component: Agility, Balance, Coordination, Power, Reaction Time, Speed.

Fitness Component



Skill Component: Agility, Balance, Coordination, Power, Reaction Time, Speed.


Component is:

Body Composition

Skill Component: Agility, Balance, Coordination, Power, Reaction Time, Speed.

Instructional Guide Intermediate PE 8A Last Updated – 6/1/2018 22

My Personal Fitness Program – Final Draft

Write down what

you did each day in

the boxes!

Circle the skill

component you did.








Fitness Component

is: Cardiovascular Fitness.

Skill Component: Agility, Balance, Coordination, Power, Reaction Time, Speed.


Component is:


Skill Component: Agility, Balance, Coordination, Power, Reaction Time, Speed.


Component is:

Muscular Endurance.

Skill Component: Agility, Balance, Coordination, Power, Reaction Time, Speed.

Fitness Component



Skill Component: Agility, Balance, Coordination, Power, Reaction Time, Speed.


Component is:

Body Composition

Skill Component: Agility, Balance, Coordination, Power, Reaction Time, Speed.
