Circular No. 5 Ottawa Ski Club New s January l Oth 1923 ~j ... · Circular No. 5 Ottawa Ski Club...


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·-Circular No. 5 Ottawa Ski Club News January l Oth 1923

l''J_rst niij;ht hifC. On t Fury's Farm, Thurso.ay, Jan.ll. ~j-~s! ~i~h! Q.i~e t'0 1 a!l1' s '~rm , half way e ver Ir nn s id e s trail. Go t o Pin eh j_ll, then tur-:1 to left across fields. No fences. ~ o bad hills. Ten cent s a head to en -t e r,then yell can ·buy as muc·h-0r as ___ lTttYe as-you like-at c afetaria.-If y ou want a chair,take one with yo u. Leave at 7.30 Wrightvill e c a r and every 7 minutes the r eaft er. Better make the 7. 30. Stick t ~ge ther on th e trail and be socia ble. Wea r your .BrinP' s ome small change with ycv On Saturday.~fa :n 13 firs t race-of SGason,Junio:rs- and Seniors.start:-End­of-car-lTne C-he1sea Roa d..Finish Ir onsides L ,~ dge.Leave your coat and sweater at starting point.They will be taken t 'J lodge for :yo u. Va l ua bL: prize s . - On Satu:tda y , u_s1_B l excursions to l:'onsides. -On Sunda y,tr ip ~::: ( 1} f:tom Ca scec:es ---t 0 ot·cawa by way of a:pri~g~ Camp }j.,ortune Tin c harge ~:: Geo . il.ud.ette ), ( 2) fr om Cascades to ftta 'wa",ty' wa y of Tanaga on East si ciP c f river, ( in cha:rge of J.R.:D icks on} , (3) from Kirk's Ferry to Camp For­tune & 9ttawa , by Rou.rkrs trail, (4) from Kj_ngsrnere to Otta wa via P ink Lake. Tat:e Gatinec u train at 9.05 a . rll. Wea r your bactge . 0wing tv t e lepho11e not work ing , John Hendr.i"ch-;-oU:r-dr fver, could n ot t;; ~ r eached ,;,n-Sati:-ll' -cCay , - He v,=f[l-be at Ch e lsea st Cl tion on Sunday for parti.~ . :. des iring t o dr ive to Kingsmere. Pa y 2 5c as you enter rig. How, l et us be H:'::\1.. nas ty - From no-vv on, only members wearing the 1923 bo dge wfll-1'·-e ad.ra"f t·ce·a.-at our lodg es, with the exception of friends ac ­c ompanied by membe ::-s in good standing .Said ·friends will be 0alle d upf1:l in a friendly way t o sign t he visitors' book , P , s. Holbrook 1 s is sti l l ~oing busine ss nn Sparks St and s~ is Miss Ashfield at ftons iAcs every Saturd.ay. Fr;;r the p:resent sr:.ew st c· }~m, we are indebte d t~ .Pr csj_d.ent Russell of th tr; Qu-8bec-skr·c1ub,wh-;,hearing that we we re short of the white stuff , sen "t; u:::; a bit cf t he i r su:tp lus. Thr eE) cheers for the Quebec Ski Clue•. Yoll ar~ ~e_lQ:agei_ ~dyi~e.9: ~_o __ 0 o~~ Q_u:~· Too much snGw. You might g"3 t buried i n a drixt.Pu-G back thvse skis '1f y curs in the cellar ,near t h , .. f urna ce ,so that they won't catch cr ld,or get warped. The r ecn i pt i s a cknG,wledged of n as ty lett .:n-s - :from Tom Brown, n.)W in M ~~mtreai,stat2ng ·lhat-he ·c-" ve red Ironsidea trail in 24 minut es (not in 27 minutes as sta ted) and that h e wo uld like to see any - d. - man bea­t ing h·im. We shall see,Tc:::n- from Eric Roy,claiming joint rights ..:.n dis covery nf Ge0rge 1 s trail. VAry good. ?. "".!~~,.,, e . ! ig_h _!:?Jh ike!_& _ a!.!_d ,.:M..<:_0~l_?, .. gh t _ ~;:.~ il~r~ P.r.;..g.s,.:;d.~,~ _Mrs J. R. Di~ks ~n is t a k i"l.~ charge of nig}Yt n::J~es BJ.'ld w1 l ..!.. g~ve us a ripp1ng and thr1ll2ng old tra i l every 'l'hursctay, w ~_th bear..s and d cughnuts a t the end. It ems of tn'Ge:rest - ( l) TLJ.e m•)untain wf Kingsmere was slj_gh tly displ a ­

c ed l::o m-i:Cs--b·as8 by a fair skier Wh (1 c oming down Lariot T s hill in 8 hurry, hit th3 bottom g r eat force. Ca~p Fo rtune wa s shaken , anoth e-r kink made in Georgers trail and a sk i broken . ( 2 ) A bear of t he man ga ­ting kind wa s se en nn the Cascades trail chewing up bits of fitt ing s and a 1922 badge. Hops that wa s not y uu inside the b ea r! You ar e to ­k ing g r ea t r j_sks going through the moun"'ca in wearing an old b a dge . Ge t a b ear -proof nne (1923). LD st tr a ils.Vic e ?res i den t Snowdon has been missing s i nc e the f irst nf the-season. Search pa rtie s sent r: ut on the t:cails h ave n o t been abl e to loca te him y e t. Was th a t him inside the b ear? Pa rties c cming to ~onsides Saturday aye request e d to br ing s ma ll change wft"h- them ,t6--:he li) out the cash ier. Skie~s _ wj_ t~ 5~b.~ ~l·~_dl:_n 3_ J:.n~t j_n_£t alwa ys wanting to s ell, exchan ge , bar­te~, sna p t~a0e, p urcha se or g ive a way skis ,fittings,poles or boots,b~ g l a d. Sigurd. 1-c cke l;c r g has cpened a sk i exch an g e a t his shop , 542 Wel­ling t on . If you h G'"Te enything to ::- ffer, take it the r e ; if y ou want any­th ing g o there . F i ve pe r cen t charged on every transaction, except on s tuff given s way . All blue n os e sk iers C (~m e to th e rescue - F'rom Hal i fax, the land of th :~ mists, -cnmes a.- reqlles t-for-a-sec~nd Eand pa ir of skis (6 ' 6 11

} Vla11t e d b-r· a you...n.e; l a d.:r s t r a nde d ther e and wishing to ski back t o Ot t wa . Writ e T~rr: 0 .IV urr8 y, 9 6 Ing lj_s St . Ha lifax. ~rr sa le - Swiss skis 7' ash,Hag an f ittine;s ;also Mackinaw coa t,nra c ti -6aily neW , only f..•e en V.Sed r olle d up and lOW O_O Wll en b ack, as bu:rpp~ r on Ge orge rs trail.J . F.oughs e dr;e C. 880 . Hae,an skis, v.' ith fj_tt i ngs, Ed.Burke , c . 1 G4 2 aft e r 6 p. re ~ - Ju.'Ilp ine Skis 7 r 9 11 A. P ina ul·c , 5 'ie11 iDg -G on st . Hull . ::;'ot,_n d a lnm ch of keys at Ironsid.e s. Appl y Ca p t . T , J. Mo::ci1:, Q 5607. Los "': a~~have :r sa c lc 8t Sm9ll stor e n ear end 0f CB T line , fillfl3 T please phone­Whall ey Reid{R,3 225). Sa:v S:':-:'::s_ j_! ~n! lr'Q_k_nic~ when you come into a l odge to find the d i s h es ~l~a~,tho f lo or s we pt n d weo d ha~dy? \ ell d o the s s me frr thos e wh _ are c o-.:-n 5ng afte r you . Rememb e r t ha t we 8 in' t g ot no mai d to clean up yo tir mess.
