CIN Config Training


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  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training



  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training



    1.1.1 Activate CIN - Business Transaction Event....................................................................4

    1.1.2 Check for Publish & ubscribe BTE !AP Enhance"ent# .............................................4

    1.1.$ Check for Process BTE - Alternative %unction o'ule...................................................(

    1.1.4 Check for )eactivation the Partner In'ia................................................................ ........(

    1.1.( Check for )eletion of Assi*n"ent of Pro'ucts of Partner In'ia......................................+1.1.+ Check for )eletion of Assi*n"ent of P & Interface for Partner In'ia...........................+

    1.1., Check for )eletion of Assi*n"ent of Process Interface of Partner In'ia.........................,

    1.1. Check for )eletion of Assi*n"ent of Pro'ucts of Partner In'ia......................................,

    1.1. Check for )eletion of the Assi*n"ent of Partner In'ia...................................................

    1.2 Confi*uration of Ta/ation .....................................................................................................

    1.2.1 Ta/ on sales0Purchase )efine Ta/ roce'ure ............................................................

    1.2.2 Assi*n Ta/ roce'ure to Countr3 .................................................................................1

    1.2.$ aintainin* Co"an3 Co'e ettin*s for Ta/es............................................................1

    1.2.4 Creatin* Ta/ Co'e........................................................................................................ 11

    1.$ 5o*istics Invoice 6erification ettin*s..................................................................................1$

    1.$.1 aintainin* )efault 6alues for Ta/ Co'es....................................................................1$

    1.4 Ta/ on 7oo's ove"ent - In'ia.........................................................................................14

    1.4.1 Basic ettin*s............................................................................................................... 14

    1.4.2 )eter"ination of E/cise )ut3........................................................................................22

    1.4.$ Transactions8 Inco"in* E/cise Invoices....................................................................... $(

    1.4.4 Transactions out *oin* E/cise Invoices.......................................................................(2

    1.4.( E/orts ........................................................................................................................($

    1.4.+ )ee"e' E/orts .......................................................................................................... (4

    1.4., Business Transactions8 Tools....................................................................................... (,

    1.( E/ten'e' 9ithhol'in* Ta/ Basic ettin*s........................................................................ +

    1.(.1 Checkin* 9ithhol'in* Ta/ Countries............................................................................+1.(.2 )efinin* :fficial 9ithhol'in* Ta/ Co'es.......................................................................+1

    1.(.$ )efinin* ;easons for E/e"tion...................................................................................+2

    1.+ )efinin* Branch :ffice.........................................................................................................+2

    1., )efinin* ection Co'e......................................................................................................... +$

    1. aintainin* %actor3 Calen'ar to ection Co'e.................................................................. .+4

    1. E/ten'e' 9ithhol'in* Ta/ - Calculation..............................................................................+(

    1..1 )efinin* 9ithhol'in* Ta/ T3e for Invoice Postin*.......................................................+(

    1..2 )efinin* 9ithhol'in* Ta/ T3es for Pa3"ent Postin*..................................................,1

    1..$ )efinin* 9ithhol'in* Ta/ T3e for Ecess at invoice ostin*.........................................,$

    1..4 )efinin* 9ithhol'in* Ta/ T3e for Ecess at Pa3"ent ostin*......................................,4

    1..( )efinin* ;oun'in* ;ule for 9ithhol'in* Ta/ T3es......................................................,(

    1..+ )efinin* 9ithhol'in* Ta/ Co'es...................................................................................,+

    1.., )efinin* 9ithhol'in* Ta/ Co'es !ECE#.............................................................. .....,,

    1.. Portra3in* )een'encies Bet

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    1..12 Assi*nin* T3es of Co"anies to 9ithhol'in* Ta/ Co'es.........................................$

    1.1 E/ten'e' 9ithhol'in* Ta/ Co"an3 Co'e Assi*n"ent................................................4

    1.1.1 Assi*nin* 9ithhol'in* Ta/ T3e to Co"an3 Co'e...................................................4

    1.1.2 Activatin* E/ten'e' 9ithhol'in* Ta/ Co'e................................................................(

    1.1.$ )efinin* Accounts to ost the 9ithhol'in* Ta/...........................................................+

    1.11 aintainin* Nu"ber 7rou for Internal Challan Nu"bers ................................................,

    1.12 Assi*n"ent of Nu"ber ;an*es.........................................................................................

    1.12.1 Assi*nin* Nu"ber ;an*es to Nu"ber 7rous...........................................................

    1.12.2 aintainin* Nu"ber ;an*es.......................................................................................

    1.12.$ aintainin* Nu"ber 7rous an' AP crit %or"s...................................................

    1.12.4 Assi*nin* Nu"ber ;an*es to Nu"ber 7rous...........................................................

    1.12.( aintainin* Nu"ber ;an*es.......................................................................................1

    1.1$ E-%ilin*= In'ia 5ocalisation Annual 5e*al ;eort...............................................................2

    1.1$.1 ;eason Co'e ain*............................................................................................... 2

    1.14 Business Place tables ..................................................................................................... $

    1.14.1 )efinition ....................................................................................................................$

    1.14.2 Activate Business lace .............................................................................................$

    1.14.$ Assi*n Business lace to lant ............................................................................ .....$1.14.4 705 assi*n"ent to Ta/ co'e & Business lace ..........................................................$

    1.1( aster )ata....................................................................................................................... 4

    1.1(.1 )efinition Chater I)...................................................................................................4

    1.1(.2 aterials Chater I' Co"bination ..............................................................................4

    1.1(.$ Cenvat )eter"ination ................................................................................................ (

    1.1(.4 6en'or CIN )etails .................................................................................................... (

    1.1(.( Custo"er CIN )etails ................................................................................................ +

    1.1(.+ E/cise In'icator for Plant .......................................................................................... ,

    1.1+ :enin* balances >loa' for ;e*isters............................................................................ ,

    1.1+.1 ;72$ A Part I= ;72$ C Part I & ;71.........................................................................,

    1.1+.2 Balances >'ation in ;72$ A Part II & P5A.............................................................1

    1.1+.$ Balances >'ation in ;72$ C Part II .......................................................................12

    1.1+.4 ;72$C :n ?ol'........................................................................................................ 14

    Pa*e $ of 1(

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    1.1.1 Activate CIN - Business Transaction Event

    UseThe urose of this activit3 is to check CIN - IN: India functions.

    Procedure1. Tocheck the entr3 choose one of the follo

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    1$1 IN CIN 1ID>NN;INTE;%ACE1$1

    1$2 IN CIN 1ID>NN;A6E1$2

    1$$ IN CIN 1ID>NN;DETEFT1$$

    141 IN CIN 1I6EN):;INTE;%ACE141

    142 IN CIN 1I6EN):;A6E142

    14$ IN CIN 1I6EN):;DETEFT14$

    4. If entries are not available select the Ne$ "ntriesush button an' "aintain the above"entione' 'etails.

    (. To save the entries use sa!e icon.

    1.1.' Check for Process BTE - A!ternative (unction Modu!e

    UseThe urose of this activit3 is to check the assi*n"ent of alternative function "o'ule of AP'efine' for the events an' alications.

    Procedure1. Tocheck the entr3 choose one of the follo

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    2. :n the SAP usiness Fra#e$or%: usiness Transaction "!ents screen select the "enu ath


    $. :n the Change ,ie$ Co#&le#entar Soft$are Partner+: '!er!ie$ screen check the PartnerIndia.

    4. If the Partner Indiaentr3 has been 'elete'. If entr3 e/ists= uncheck the active check bo/.

    (. To save the entries use sa!e icon= if 3ou "o'if3 the entries.

    1.1.+ Check for *e!etion of Assi,n%ent of Products of PartnerIndia

    UseThe urose of this activit3 is to check the assi*n"ent of ro'ucts of artner In'ia is 'elete' ornot. The assi*n"ent of Pro'ucts of Partner IN)IA is not reGuire' AP ;0$ 4., Enterrise.

    Procedure1. Tocheck the entr3 choose one of the follo

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    2. :n the SAP usiness Fra#e$or%: usiness Transaction "!ents screen select the "enu ath

    SettingsP/S function #odules of a Partners

    $. :n the Change ,ie$ Publish * Subscribe T": Custo#er "nhance#ents+: '!er!ie$ screencheck the Pro'ucts of Partner India.

    4. )elete the entries in this table

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    2. :n the SAP usiness Fra#e$or%: usiness Transaction "!ents screen select the "enu ath

    SettingsProducts of a Partners "dit

    $. :n the Change ,ie$ Co#&le#entar Soft$are Partner Products+: '!er!ie$ screen checkthe Pro'ucts of Partner India.

    4. The follo

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    Procedure3efine Procedures

    ?ere nee' to kee all ta/ con'ition t3es in a seGuential or'er !roce'ure# to calculate the ta/

    TAFINN Con'ition bases Ta/ Proce'ure

    TAFIN %or"ula base' Ta/ Proce'ure

    Till ;0$ 4., version AP rovi'e' %or"ula base' Ta/ roce'ure !TAFIN#. 7enerall3 above the

    4., version !Ecc(.&+.#

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    J!EP Inp !Ecess Cr %

    J!E- Inp !rv"# .Not se0

    J!IP IN AED inventory Qty

    J!IQ IN AED inventory Qty

    J!OP IN: !ED setoff %

    J!OQ IN: !ED setoff Qty

    J!*2 Inp !rv"# w/o Cr

    J!*D Inp !rv"# Cr

    J!X1 IN: A/P AED setoff

    J!X2 IN: A/P !ED inventor

    J*CD Inp *A" w/o Cr Non+C

    J*CN Inp *A" w/o Cr Non+C

    J*C! Inp C!" n0er *A"

    J*-D Inp *A" Cr Non+C

    J*-N Inp *A" w/o Cr Non+C

    1.2.2 Assi,n Ta 4rocedure to Countr5

    UseIn this I7 settin* 3ou are *oin* to Assi*n Ta/ roce'ure to Co"an3 Co'e 0112

    Procedure2. To carr3 out the activit3= choose one of the follo

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    $. To carr3 out the activit3= choose one of the follo

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    In this I7 settin* 3ou are *oin* to create Ta/ Co'e for urchasin* activit3.

    Procedure1. To carr3 out the activit3= choose one of the follo

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    (ie!d na%e *escri4tion 67C User action andva!ues


    IN8A0P CT IN8A0P CT ; 8 Inut

    . Press Enter an' save the entries b3 clickin* Sa!e icon or b3 ressin* Control K on 3our ke3boar'.

    . The above rocess

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    1. Access the activit3 usin* one of the follo

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    (ie!d na%e *escri4tion User action and va!ues Note

    ;e*. )escrition Title of re*istrationI)

    0112 (FG P4ANT"?CIS"5"GIST5ATI'N

    ECC No. ECC Nu"ber Enter ECC No. fore/a"le


    E/cise ;e*. No. E/cise re*istrationnu"ber

    Enter for e/a"le


    E/cise ;an*e E/cise ;an*e Enter for e/a"le

    ANGA4'5" 5ANG"

    E/cise )ivision E/cise )ivision Enter for e/a"le

    ANGA4'5" 3I,ISI'N

    Co""issionerate Co""issionerate Enter for e/a"le


    5iable to AE) 5iabilit3 toA''itional E/cise)ut3

    Check the tick bo/ If 3ou are covere'un'er AE) onl3

    5iable to E) 5iabilit3 to ecialE/cise )ut3

    Check the tick bo/ If 3ou are covere'un'er E) onl3

    5iable to Cess 5iabilit3 to Cess Check the tick bo/ If 3ou are covere'un'er CE onl3

    Partial cre'it Partial cre'it Check the tick bo/

    No of ite"s inE/cise Invoice

    Nu"ber of ite"s inE/cise Invoice


    In'icator NCC) In'icator for NCC)alicabilit3

    Check this tick bo/

    4. Choose "nterco"lete the entries

    (. ave the entries b3 choosin* Sa!eicon or choose Ctrl + S.

    +. To "aintain the entries for 011; )eot Plant follo< the stes "entione' above8

    ,. :n the "xcise 5egistrations:screen= "ake the follo

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    (ie!d na%e *escri4tion User action and va!ues Note

    E/cise ;e*. No. E/cise re*istrationnu"ber

    Enter for e/a"le


    E/cise ;an*e E/cise ;an*e Enter for e/a"le

    ((AI 5ANG"

    E/cise )ivision E/cise )ivision Enter for e/a"le

    ((AI 3I,ISI'N

    Co""issionerate Co""issionerate Enter for e/a"le


    5iable to AE) 5iabilit3 toA''itional E/cise)ut3

    Check the tick bo/ If 3ou are covere'un'er AE) onl3

    5iable to E) 5iabilit3 to ecialE/cise )ut3

    Check the tick bo/ If 3ou are covere'un'er E) onl3

    5iable to Cess 5iabilit3 to Cess Check the tick bo/ If 3ou are covere'

    un'er CE onl3Partial cre'it Partial cre'it Check the tick bo/

    No of ite"s inE/cise Invoice

    Nu"ber of ite"s inE/cise Invoice


    In'icator NCC) In'icator for NCC)alicabilit3

    Check this tick bo/

    . Choose Enter co"lete the entries

    1. ave the entries b3 choosin* Sa!eicon or Ctrl + S.

    1.).1.2 Maintainin, Co%4an5 Code #ettin,s for Taes

    UseIn this I7 settin* 3ou are *oin* to "aintain Co"an3 Co'e 0112 for urchase ta/es.

    Procedure+. Access the activit3 usin* one of the follo

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    (ie!d na%e *escri4tion User action andva!ues


    >tl %I )oc T3e >tiliation'ocu"ent t3e

    A Inut value

    )ebit Acc :verri'e )ebit account Tick the check bo/ Tick

    Aut a' in' Auto"atic


    Tick the check bo/ Tick

    I"". Cre'it on caital*oo's

    I""e'iate cre'iton caital *oo's

    Tick the check bo/ Tick

    %irst "onth %irst "onth offinancial 3ear

    Aril elect

    E/c el )a3s )ue 'a3s fore/cise invoice

    $ Inut value

    No. E/c Inv el No of e/ciseinvoices selection

    1 Inut value

    EI el. Proc. E/cise invoice

    selection rocess

    %I%: elect

    ;oun'in* 'ut3 onrocure"ent

    ;oun'in* 'ut3 onrocure"ent

    Tick the check bo/ Tick

    ;oun'in* 'ut3 onre"oval

    ;oun'in* 'ut3 onre"oval

    Tick the check bo/ Tick

    E/ch. rate t3e forC6)

    E/chan*e ratet3e for C6)


    E/chan*e rate t3e fore/orts

    E/chan*e ratet3e for e/orts


    C6) account C6) 75 account 141

    . Choose "nteran' save the entries b3 choosin* Sa!e icon or b3 choosin* Ctrl + Son 3ourke3 boar'.

    . To a'' another co"an3 co'e= lease reeat the above ste a*ain.

    1.).1.' Maintainin, P!ant #ettin,s for Ecise Infor%ation

    UseAs er the le*al reGuire"ent ever3 lant

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    2. :n the Plant Settings:screen= "ake the follo

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    2. :n the "xcise Grou&s:screen= "ake the follo

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    ,. :n the "xcise Grou&s:screen= "ake the follo'ate ;71re*ister at I7: Check tic% box

    . Choose "nterto finish the entries.

    1. ave the entries b3 choosin* Sa!eicon or b3 choosin* Ctrl + S.


  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    1.).1.+ Maintainin, #eries Grou4s

    UseIn this I7 activit3= 3ou 'efine the 'ifferent e/cise series *rous

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    (ie!d na%e *escri4tion User action and va!ues Note

    No utiliation No utiliation )o not check tic% box

    I"". >til. I""e'iateutiliation

    )o not check tic% box

    :ther fiel'sleave blank

    eries 7r eries *rou ;2

    eries )es )escrition ofseries *rou

    011; 3"P'T P4ANT S"5I"SG5'P

    E/c. ;e*. E/cise;e*istration


    No utiliation No utiliation )o not check tic% box

    I"". >til. I""e'iateutiliation

    )o not check tic% box


  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    (ie!d na%e *escri4tion User action and va!ues Note

    Ta/ Jur.c' Ta/ Juris'ictionco'e

    A0P BE) Con' A0P BE) con'itiont3e

    A0P E) con' A0P E) Con'ition

    t3eA0P AE) con' A0P AE) con'ition


    A0; BE) con' A0; BE) con'itiont3e

    A0; E) con' A0; E) con'itiont3e

    A0; AE) con' A0; AE) con'itiont3e

    A0; CE con' A0; CEcon'ition t3e

    BE) erc BE) ercenta*econ'ition t3e

    AE) erc AE) ercenta*econ'ition t3e

    E) erc E) ercenta*econ'ition t3e

    Cess er CE ercenta*econ'ition t3e

    NCC) AP NCC) Con'itiont3e AP

    NCC) A; NCC) Con'itiont3e A;


    NCC) Perc NCC) Percenta*e

    EC AP E'ucation Cesscon'ition t3e AP

    EC A; E'ucation Cesscon'ition t3e A;

    EC Perc E'ucation Cesscon'ition t3eercenta*e

    EC Con'. E'ucation Cesscon'ition t3e API"orts


    EC AP AT1 Con'ition t3eAP

    Pa*e 2$ of 1(

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    (ie!d na%e *escri4tion User action and va!ues Note

    EC A; AT1 Con'ition t3eA;

    4. Choose "nterco"lete the entries

    (. ave the entries b3 choosin* Sa!eicon or choose Ctrl + S.


  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    ased "xcise 3eter#inationClassif Condition T&es

    Transaction Code SPRO

    2. As a 'efault AP

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    TAFINN IPC A0P Central ales ta/

    TAFINN IP5 A0P 5ocal ales ta/

    TAFINN IP A0P T setoff

    TAFINN IP BE) Inventor3 Percenta*e

    TAFINN IM BE) Inventor3 Muantit3 Base'

    TAFINN :P BE) et :ff con'ition Percenta*e

    TAFINN :M BE) et :ff con'ition Muantit3 base'

    TAFINN F1 BE) et :ff con'ition Total

    TAFINN F2 BE) Inventor3 Total

    TAFINN NIP NCC) Inventor3 Percenta*e

    TAFINN N:P NCC) et :ff con'ition Percenta*e

    TAFINN NF1 NCC) et :ff con'ition Total

    TAFINN NF2 BE) Inventor3 Total

    TAFINN IP E) Inventor3 Percenta*e

    TAFINN IM E) Inventor3 Muantit3 Base'

    TAFINN :P E) et :ff Con'itionPercenta*e

    TAFINN F1 E) et :ff Con'ition Total

    TAFINN F2 E) Inventor3 Total

    $. Aart fro" above 'efault settin*s 3ou nee' to take the follo

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    1.).2.) Maintainin, Ecise Accounts 4er EciseTransactions


    In this I7 activit3= 3ou secif3

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    A;E1 Cre'it ;7 2$ BE) account

    A;E1 Cre'it ;7 2$ EC Account

    A;E1 Cre'it ;7 2$ NCC) account

    A;E1 )ebit CEN6AT reversal account

    A;E$ Cre'it CEN6AT clearin* account

    A;E$ Cre'it P5A BE) account

    A;E$ Cre'it P5A EC Account

    A;E$ Cre'it P5A NCC) account

    A;E$ Cre'it ;7 2$ BE) account

    A;E$ Cre'it ;7 2$ EC Account

    A;E$ Cre'it ;7 2$ NCC) account

    A;E$ )ebit CEN6AT reversal account

    CAPE Cre'it CEN6AT on hol' account

    CAPE )ebit CEN6AT on hol' account

    CAPE )ebit ;7 2$ AE) account

    CAPE )ebit ;7 2$ BE) account

    CAPE )ebit ;7 2$ EC Account

    CAPE )ebit ;7 2$ NCC) account

    CAPE )ebit ;7 2$ E) account

    CEI6 Cre'it CEN6AT susense account

    CEI6 )ebit P5A AE) account

    CEI6 )ebit P5A BE) account

    CEI6 )ebit P5A EC Account

    CEI6 )ebit P5A NCC) account

    CEI6 )ebit P5A E) account

    CEI6 )ebit ;7 2$ AE) account

    CEI6 )ebit ;7 2$ BE) account

    CEI6 )ebit ;7 2$ EC Account

    CEI6 )ebit ;7 2$ NCC) account

    CEI6 )ebit ;7 2$ E) account

    )IEF Cre'it CEN6AT clearin* account

    )IEF )ebit ;7 2$ AE) account

    )IEF )ebit ;7 2$ BE) account

    )IEF )ebit ;7 2$ EC Account

    )IEF )ebit ;7 2$ NCC) account

    )IEF )ebit ;7 2$ E) account

    )5%C Cre'it P5A AE) account

    )5%C Cre'it P5A BE) account

    )5%C Cre'it P5A cess account

    )5%C Cre'it P5A EC Account

    )5%C Cre'it P5A NCC) account

    )5%C Cre'it P5A E) account

    )5%C Cre'it ;7 2$ AE) account

    )5%C Cre'it ;7 2$ BE) account

    )5%C Cre'it ;7 2$ EC Account

    )5%C Cre'it ;7 2$ NCC) account

    )5%C Cre'it ;7 2$ E) account

    )5%C )ebit CEN6AT susense account

    E9P: Cre'it CEN6AT clearin* account

    E9P: )ebit ;7 2$ AE) account

    E9P: )ebit ;7 2$ BE) account

    E9P: )ebit ;7 2$ EC Account

    Pa*e 2 of 1(

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    E9P: )ebit ;7 2$ NCC) account

    E9P: )ebit ;7 2$ E) account

    7;P: Cre'it CEN6AT clearin* account

    7;P: )ebit CEN6AT on hol' account

    7;P: )ebit ;7 2$ AE) account

    7;P: )ebit ;7 2$ BE) account

    7;P: )ebit ;7 2$ EC Account

    7;P: )ebit ;7 2$ NCC) account

    7;P: )ebit ;7 2$ E) account

    ;) Cre'it P5A AE) account

    ;) Cre'it P5A BE) account

    ;) Cre'it P5A cess account

    ;) Cre'it P5A EC Account

    ;) Cre'it P5A NCC) account

    ;) Cre'it P5A E) account

    ;) Cre'it ;7 2$ AE) account

    ;) Cre'it ;7 2$ BE) account

    ;) Cre'it ;7 2$ EC Account

    ;) Cre'it ;7 2$ NCC) account

    ;) Cre'it ;7 2$ E) account

    ;) )ebit CEN6AT clearin* account

    ;;) Cre'it P5A AE) account

    ;;) Cre'it P5A BE) account

    ;;) Cre'it P5A cess account

    ;;) Cre'it P5A EC Account

    ;;) Cre'it P5A NCC) account

    ;;) Cre'it P5A E) account

    ;;) Cre'it ;7 2$ AE) account

    ;;) Cre'it ;7 2$ BE) account

    ;;) Cre'it ;7 2$ EC Account

    ;;) Cre'it ;7 2$ NCC) account

    ;;) Cre'it ;7 2$ E) account

    ;;) )ebit CEN6AT clearin* account

    ;9: Cre'it P5A AE) account

    ;9: Cre'it P5A BE) account

    ;9: Cre'it P5A cess account

    ;9: Cre'it P5A EC Account

    ;9: Cre'it P5A NCC) account

    ;9: Cre'it P5A E) account

    ;9: Cre'it ;7 2$ AE) account

    ;9: Cre'it ;7 2$ BE) account

    ;9: Cre'it ;7 2$ EC Account

    ;9: Cre'it ;7 2$ NCC) account

    ;9: Cre'it ;7 2$ E) account

    ;9: )ebit CEN6AT clearin* account

    :T?; Cre'it P5A AE) account

    :T?; Cre'it P5A BE) account

    :T?; Cre'it P5A cess account

    :T?; Cre'it P5A EC Account

    :T?; Cre'it P5A NCC) account

    :T?; Cre'it P5A E) account

    :T?; Cre'it ;7 2$ AE) account

    Pa*e 2 of 1(

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    :T?; Cre'it ;7 2$ BE) account

    :T?; Cre'it ;7 2$ EC Account

    :T?; Cre'it ;7 2$ NCC) account

    :T?; Cre'it ;7 2$ E) account

    :T?; )ebit CEN6AT susense account

    T;+C Cre'it P5A on hol' account

    T;+C )ebit P5A AE) account

    T;+C )ebit P5A BE) account

    T;+C )ebit P5A cess account

    T;+C )ebit P5A EC Account

    T;+C )ebit P5A NCC) account

    T;+C )ebit P5A E) account

    >T5H Cre'it P5A AE) account

    >T5H Cre'it P5A BE) account

    >T5H Cre'it P5A cess account

    >T5H Cre'it P5A EC Account

    >T5H Cre'it P5A NCC) account

    >T5H Cre'it P5A E) account

    >T5H Cre'it ;7 2$ AE) account

    >T5H Cre'it ;7 2$ BE) account

    >T5H Cre'it ;7 2$ EC Account

    >T5H Cre'it ;7 2$ NCC) account

    >T5H Cre'it ;7 2$ E) account

    >T5H )ebit CEN6AT clearin* account

    :ut off above table the follo

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    A;E1 Cre'it ;7 2$ BE) Account

    A;E1 )ebit CEN6AT ;eversal Account

    A;E$ Cre'it CEN6AT Clearin* account

    A;E$ Cre'it P5A BE) Account

    A;E$ Cre'it ;7 2$ BE) Account

    A;E$ )ebit CEN6AT ;eversal Account

    CAPE Cre'it CEN6AT on hol' Account

    CAPE )ebit CEN6AT on hol' Account

    CAPE )ebit ;7 2$ AE) Account

    CAPE )ebit ;7 2$ BE) Account

    CAPE )ebit ;7 2$ E) Account

    CEI6 Cre'it CEN6AT usense Account

    CEI6 )ebit P5A AE) Account

    CEI6 )ebit P5A BE) Account

    CEI6 )ebit P5A E) Account

    CEI6 )ebit ;7 2$ AE) Account

    CEI6 )ebit ;7 2$ BE) Account

    CEI6 )ebit ;7 2$ E) Account

    )IEF Cre'it CEN6AT Clearin* account

    )IEF )ebit ;7 2$ AE) Account

    )IEF )ebit ;7 2$ BE) Account

    )IEF )ebit ;7 2$ E) Account

    )5%C Cre'it P5A AE) Account

    )5%C Cre'it P5A BE) Account

    )5%C Cre'it P5A Cess Account

    )5%C Cre'it P5A E) Account

    )5%C Cre'it ;7 2$ AE) Account

    )5%C Cre'it ;7 2$ BE) Account

    )5%C Cre'it ;7 2$ E) Account

    )5%C )ebit CEN6AT usense Account

    E9P: Cre'it CEN6AT Clearin* account

    E9P: )ebit ;7 2$ AE) Account

    E9P: )ebit ;7 2$ BE) Account

    E9P: )ebit ;7 2$ E) Account

    7;P: Cre'it CEN6AT Clearin* account

    7;P: )ebit CEN6AT on hol' Account

    7;P: )ebit ;7 2$ AE) Account

    7;P: )ebit ;7 2$ BE) Account

    7;P: )ebit ;7 2$ E) Account

    ;) Cre'it P5A AE) Account

    ;) Cre'it P5A BE) Account

    ;) Cre'it P5A Cess Account

    ;) Cre'it P5A E) Account

    ;) Cre'it ;7 2$ AE) Account

    ;) Cre'it ;7 2$ BE) Account

    ;) Cre'it ;7 2$ E) Account

    ;) )ebit CEN6AT Clearin* account

    ;;) Cre'it P5A AE) Account

    ;;) Cre'it P5A BE) Account

    ;;) Cre'it P5A Cess Account

    ;;) Cre'it P5A E) Account

    ;;) Cre'it ;7 2$ AE) Account

    Pa*e $1 of 1(

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training



    Transaction Code SPRO

    2. :n the "xcise Account Assign#ent Table:screen= "ake the folloT5H H1 H1 411 411 411

    .No ;72$CBE)

    ;72$C AE) ;72$CE)

    :ffset o'.Clear P5A BE) P5A AE) P5A E)

    124( 24+ 24, 242 1$11$2 24 24 24

    224( 24+ 24, 242 1$11$2 24 24 24

    $24( 24+ 24, 242 1$11$2 24 24 24

    424( 24+ 24, 242 1$11$2 24 24 24

    (24( 24+ 24, 242 1$11$2 24 24 24

    +24( 24+ 24, 242 1$11$2 24 24 24

    ,24( 24+ 24, 242 1$11$2 24 24 24

    24( 24+ 24, 242 24$ 24 24 24

    24( 24+ 24, 242 1$11$2 24 24 24

    124( 24+ 24, 242 1$11$2 24 24 24

    1124( 24+ 24, 242 (4 24 24 24

    1224( 24+ 24, 242 1$11$2 24 24 24

    1$24( 24+ 24, 242 1$11$1 24 24 24

    1424( 24+ 24, 242 1$11$2 24 24 24

    1( 24( 24+ 24, 242 1$11$2 24 24 24

    Pa*e $$ of 1(

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    1+24( 24+ 24, 242 1$11$2 24 24 24

    1,24( 24+ 24, 242 1$11$2 24 24 24

    124( 24+ 24, 242 1$11$2 24 24 24

    124( 24+ 24, 242 1$11$2 24 24 24



    24+ 24, 242 1$11$2 24 24 24

    .No P5ACE

    CEN6AT :? CEN6ATsse

    P5A :n ?l' ;eversal 705;72$ANCC)


    1241 24$ 1$11$1 242 1$11$$ 2441 24,1

    2241 24$ 1$11$1 242 1$11$$ 2441 24,1

    $241 24$ 1$11$1 242 1$11$$ 2441 24,1

    4241 24$ 1$11$1 242 1$11$$ 2441 24,1



    24$ 1$11$1 242 1$11$$ 2441 24,1

    +241 24$ 1$11$1 242 1$11$$ 2441 24,1

    ,241 24$ 1$11$1 242 1$11$$ 2441 24,1

    241 24$ 1$11$1 242 1$11$$ 2441 24,1

    241 24$ (4 242 1$11$$ 1$11$1 1$11$1

    1241 24$ 1$11$1 242 1$11$$ 2441 24,1

    11241 24$ 1$11$1 242 1$11$$ 2441 24,1

    12241 24$ 1$11$1 242 1$11$$ 2441 24,1



    24$ 1$11$1 242 1$11$$ 2441 24,1

    14241 24$ 1$11$1 242 1$11$$ 2441 24,1

    1(241 24$ 1$11$1 242 1$11$$ 2441 24,1

    1+241 24$ 1$11$1 242 1$11$$ 2441 24,1

    1,241 24$ 1$11$1 242 1$11$$ 2441 24,1

    1241 24$ 1$11$1 242 1$11$$ 2441 24,1

    1241 24$ 1$11$1 242 1$11$$ 2441 24,1

    2241 24$ 1$11$1 242 1$11$$ 2441 24,1

    .No 705 P5ANCC)

    705 ;72$AECess


    705 P5AECess

    1241 2442 24,2 242

    2241 2442 24,2 242

    $241 2442 24,2 242

    Pa*e $4 of 1(

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    4241 2442 24,2 242

    (241 2442 24,2 242

    +241 2442 24,2 242

    ,241 2442 24,2 242

    241 2442 24,2 242

    1$11$1 1$11$1 1$11$1 1$11$1

    1241 2442 24,2 242

    11241 2442 24,2 242

    12241 2442 24,2 242

    1$241 2442 24,2 242

    14241 2442 24,2 242

    1(241 2442 24,2 242

    1+241 2442 24,2 242

    1,241 2442 24,2 242

    1241 2442 24,2 242

    1241 2442 24,2 242

    2241 2442 24,2 242

    4. Choose "nterco"lete the entries

    (. ave the entries b3 choosin* Sa!eicon or choose Ctrl + S.


  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    Transaction Code SPRO

    2. The folloide >i8i

    )elete :DN:T:D F

    A''itional 'ata 1IEFITE-A))5)ATA4 F

    A''itional 'ata 1IEFITE-A))5)ATA$ F

    A''itional 'ata 1IEFITE-A))5)ATA2 F

    A''itional 'ata 1IEFITE-A))5)ATA1 F

    A''itional 'ata 1IEF?EA)-A))5)ATA4 F

    A''itional 'ata 1IEF?EA)-A))5)ATA$ F

    A''itional 'ata 1IEF?EA)-A))5)ATA2 F

    A''itional 'ata 1IEF?EA)-A))5)ATA1 F

    A''itional value 1IEFITE-A))56A52 F

    A''itional value 1IEFITE-A))56A51 F

    A''itional value 1IEF?EA)-A))56A5 F

    Business Area 1IEF?EA)-7BE; F

    ECC No. 1IEF?EA)-EFCC) F

    E/cise )ivision 1IEF?EA)-EFC)I F

    E/cise ;an*e 1IEF?EA)-EFC;7 F

    aterial )escrition 1IEFITE-ADTF F

    aterial T3e 1IEFITE-CAPIN) F

    Prerinte' serial no. 1IEF?EA)-P;EP;N F

    ;eJection co'e 1IEF?EA)-;EC:)E F

    hi-fro" ven'or 1IEF?EA)-?IP%;: F

    1.).'.2 *efinin, Processin, Modes 4er Transaction

    UseIn this I7 activit3= 3ou secif3

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    1IA11 ;everse F

    1IA11 Create A;E-1 F

    1IA11 Create A;E-$

    1IA12 Cature E/cise Invoice

    1IA12 Chan*e F

    1IA12 )isla3 F

    1IA12 Post

    1IA12 Cancel F

    1IA12 >'ate

    1IA12 ;everse

    1IA12 Create A;E-1 F

    1IA12 Create A;E-$

    1IA1$ Cature E/cise Invoice

    1IA1$ Chan*e

    1IA1$ )isla3 F

    1IA1$ Post

    1IA1$ Cancel

    1IA1$ >'ate F

    1IA1$ ;everse

    1IA1$ Create A;E-1

    1IA1$ Create A;E-$

    1IA14 Cature E/cise Invoice

    1IA14 Chan*e

    1IA14 )isla3 F

    1IA14 Post

    1IA14 Cancel

    1IA14 >'ate

    1IA14 ;everse F

    1IA14 Create A;E-1

    1IA14 Create A;E-$

    1IA$1 Cature E/cise Invoice

    1IA$1 Chan*e F

    1IA$1 )isla3 F

    1IA$1 Post

    1IA$1 Cancel F

    1IA$1 >'ate F

    1IA$1 ;everse F

    1IA$1 Create A;E-1

    1IA$1 Create A;E-$ F

    1IA$2 Cature E/cise Invoice

    1IA$2 Chan*e F

    1IA$2 )isla3 F

    1IA$2 Post

    1IA$2 Cancel F

    1IA$2 >'ate

    1IA$2 ;everse

    1IA$2 Create A;E-1

    1IA$2 Create A;E-$ F

    1IA$$ Cature E/cise Invoice

    1IA$$ Chan*e

    1IA$$ )isla3 F

    1IA$$ Post

    Pa*e $, of 1(

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    1IA$$ Cancel

    1IA$$ >'ate F

    1IA$$ ;everse

    1IA$$ Create A;E-1

    1IA$$ Create A;E-$

    1IA$4 Cature E/cise Invoice

    1IA$4 Chan*e

    1IA$4 )isla3 F

    1IA$4 Post

    1IA$4 Cancel

    1IA$4 >'ate

    1IA$4 ;everse F

    1IA$4 Create A;E-1

    1IA$4 Create A;E-$

    1IEF Cature E/cise Invoice F

    1IEF Chan*e F

    1IEF )isla3 F

    1IEF Post F

    1IEF Cancel F

    1IEF >'ate

    1IEF ;everse

    1IEF Create A;E-1

    1IEF Create A;E-$

    1IEFC Cature E/cise Invoice F

    1IEFC Chan*e

    1IEFC )isla3 F

    1IEFC Post

    1IEFC Cancel

    1IEFC >'ate

    1IEFC ;everse

    1IEFC Create A;E-1

    1IEFC Create A;E-$

    1IEFP Cature E/cise Invoice

    1IEFP Chan*e F

    1IEFP )isla3 F

    1IEFP Post F

    1IEFP Cancel F

    1IEFP >'ate

    1IEFP ;everse

    1IEFP Create A;E-1

    1IEFP Create A;E-$

    1.).'.' *efinin, 6eference *ocu%ents 4er Transaction

    UseIn this I7 activit3= 3ou secif3 for each co"bination of transaction an' rocessin* "o'e

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    1. Access the activit3 usin* one of the follo'ate A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent F

    1IA11 >'ate A;E1 %or" F

    1IA11 >'ate A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA11 >'ate A;E$ %or"

    1IA11 ;everse A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent F

    1IA11 ;everse A;E1 %or" F

    1IA11 ;everse A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    Pa*e $ of 1(

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    1IA11 ;everse A;E$ %or"

    1IA11 Create A;E-1 :ut*oin* E/cise Invoice F

    1IA11 Create A;E-$ Purchase :r'er

    1IA11 Create A;E-$ tock Transort :r'er

    1IA11 Create A;E-$ che'ulin* A*ree"ent

    1IA11 Create A;E-$ :ut*oin* E/cise Invoice

    1IA12 Chan*e Internal E/cise Invoice

    1IA12 Chan*e 6en'or E/cise Invoice

    1IA12 Chan*e A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent F

    1IA12 Chan*e A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA12 )isla3 Internal E/cise Invoice

    1IA12 )isla3 6en'or E/cise Invoice

    1IA12 )isla3 :ut*oin* E/cise Invoice

    1IA12 )isla3 A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent F

    1IA12 )isla3 A;E1 %or" F

    1IA12 )isla3 A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA12 )isla3 A;E$ %or"

    1IA12 Post Internal E/cise Invoice

    1IA12 Post 6en'or E/cise Invoice

    1IA12 Post A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA12 Post A;E1 %or"

    1IA12 Post A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA12 Post A;E$ %or"

    1IA12 Cancel Internal E/cise Invoice

    1IA12 Cancel 6en'or E/cise Invoice

    1IA12 Cancel A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent F

    1IA12 Cancel A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA12 >'ate A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA12 >'ate A;E1 %or"

    1IA12 >'ate A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA12 >'ate A;E$ %or"

    1IA12 ;everse A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA12 ;everse A;E1 %or"

    1IA12 ;everse A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA12 ;everse A;E$ %or"

    1IA12 Create A;E-1 :ut*oin* E/cise Invoice F

    1IA12 Create A;E-$ :ut*oin* E/cise Invoice

    1IA1$ Chan*e Internal E/cise Invoice

    1IA1$ Chan*e 6en'or E/cise Invoice

    1IA1$ Chan*e A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA1$ Chan*e A;E1 %or"

    1IA1$ Chan*e A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA1$ Chan*e A;E$ %or"

    1IA1$ )isla3 Internal E/cise Invoice

    1IA1$ )isla3 6en'or E/cise Invoice

    1IA1$ )isla3 A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent F

    1IA1$ )isla3 A;E1 %or" F

    1IA1$ )isla3 A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA1$ )isla3 A;E$ %or"

    1IA1$ Post Internal E/cise Invoice

    1IA1$ Post 6en'or E/cise Invoice

    1IA1$ Post A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    Pa*e 4 of 1(

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    1IA1$ Post A;E1 %or"

    1IA1$ Post A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA1$ Post A;E$ %or"

    1IA1$ Cancel Internal E/cise Invoice

    1IA1$ Cancel 6en'or E/cise Invoice

    1IA1$ Cancel A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA1$ Cancel A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA1$ >'ate A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent F

    1IA1$ >'ate A;E1 %or" F

    1IA1$ >'ate A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA1$ >'ate A;E$ %or"

    1IA1$ ;everse A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA1$ ;everse A;E1 %or"

    1IA1$ ;everse A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA1$ ;everse A;E$ %or"

    1IA1$ Create A;E-1 :ut*oin* E/cise Invoice

    1IA1$ Create A;E-$ :ut*oin* E/cise Invoice

    1IA14 Chan*e Internal E/cise Invoice

    1IA14 Chan*e 6en'or E/cise Invoice

    1IA14 Chan*e A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA14 Chan*e A;E1 %or"

    1IA14 Chan*e A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA14 Chan*e A;E$ %or"

    1IA14 )isla3 Internal E/cise Invoice

    1IA14 )isla3 6en'or E/cise Invoice

    1IA14 )isla3 A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent F

    1IA14 )isla3 A;E1 %or" F

    1IA14 )isla3 A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA14 )isla3 A;E$ %or"

    1IA14 Post Internal E/cise Invoice

    1IA14 Post 6en'or E/cise Invoice

    1IA14 Post A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA14 Post A;E1 %or"

    1IA14 Post A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA14 Post A;E$ %or"

    1IA14 Cancel Internal E/cise Invoice

    1IA14 Cancel 6en'or E/cise Invoice

    1IA14 Cancel A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA14 Cancel A;E1 %or"

    1IA14 Cancel A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA14 Cancel A;E$ %or"

    1IA14 >'ate A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA14 >'ate A;E1 %or"

    1IA14 >'ate A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA14 >'ate A;E$ %or"

    1IA14 ;everse A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent F

    1IA14 ;everse A;E1 %or" F

    1IA14 ;everse A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA14 ;everse A;E$ %or"

    1IA14 Create A;E-1 :ut*oin* E/cise Invoice

    1IA14 Create A;E-$ :ut*oin* E/cise Invoice

    1IA$1 Chan*e Internal E/cise Invoice

    Pa*e 41 of 1(

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    1IA$1 Chan*e 6en'or E/cise Invoice

    1IA$1 Chan*e A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$1 Chan*e A;E1 %or"

    1IA$1 Chan*e A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent F

    1IA$1 Chan*e A;E$ %or" F

    1IA$1 )isla3 Internal E/cise Invoice

    1IA$1 )isla3 6en'or E/cise Invoice

    1IA$1 )isla3 A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$1 )isla3 A;E1 %or"

    1IA$1 )isla3 A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent F

    1IA$1 )isla3 A;E$ %or" F

    1IA$1 Post Internal E/cise Invoice

    1IA$1 Post 6en'or E/cise Invoice

    1IA$1 Post A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$1 Post A;E1 %or"

    1IA$1 Post A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$1 Post A;E$ %or"

    1IA$1 Cancel Internal E/cise Invoice

    1IA$1 Cancel 6en'or E/cise Invoice

    1IA$1 Cancel A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$1 Cancel A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent F

    1IA$1 >'ate A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$1 >'ate A;E1 %or"

    1IA$1 >'ate A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent F

    1IA$1 >'ate A;E$ %or" F

    1IA$1 ;everse A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$1 ;everse A;E1 %or"

    1IA$1 ;everse A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent F

    1IA$1 ;everse A;E$ %or" F

    1IA$1 Create A;E-1 :ut*oin* E/cise Invoice

    1IA$1 Create A;E-$ :ut*oin* E/cise Invoice F

    1IA$2 Chan*e Internal E/cise Invoice

    1IA$2 Chan*e 6en'or E/cise Invoice

    1IA$2 Chan*e A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$2 Chan*e A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent F

    1IA$2 )isla3 Internal E/cise Invoice

    1IA$2 )isla3 6en'or E/cise Invoice

    1IA$2 )isla3 A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$2 )isla3 A;E1 %or"

    1IA$2 )isla3 A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent F

    1IA$2 )isla3 A;E$ %or" F

    1IA$2 Post Internal E/cise Invoice

    1IA$2 Post 6en'or E/cise Invoice

    1IA$2 Post A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$2 Post A;E1 %or"

    1IA$2 Post A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$2 Post A;E$ %or"

    1IA$2 Cancel Internal E/cise Invoice

    1IA$2 Cancel 6en'or E/cise Invoice

    1IA$2 Cancel A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$2 Cancel A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent F

    1IA$2 >'ate A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    Pa*e 42 of 1(

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    1IA$2 >'ate A;E1 %or"

    1IA$2 >'ate A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$2 >'ate A;E$ %or"

    1IA$2 ;everse A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$2 ;everse A;E1 %or"

    1IA$2 ;everse A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$2 ;everse A;E$ %or"

    1IA$2 Create A;E-1 :ut*oin* E/cise Invoice

    1IA$2 Create A;E-$ :ut*oin* E/cise Invoice F

    1IA$$ Chan*e Internal E/cise Invoice

    1IA$$ Chan*e 6en'or E/cise Invoice

    1IA$$ Chan*e A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$$ Chan*e A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$$ )isla3 Internal E/cise Invoice

    1IA$$ )isla3 6en'or E/cise Invoice

    1IA$$ )isla3 A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$$ )isla3 A;E1 %or"

    1IA$$ )isla3 A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent F

    1IA$$ )isla3 A;E$ %or" F

    1IA$$ Post Internal E/cise Invoice

    1IA$$ Post 6en'or E/cise Invoice

    1IA$$ Post A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$$ Post A;E1 %or"

    1IA$$ Post A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$$ Post A;E$ %or"

    1IA$$ Cancel Internal E/cise Invoice

    1IA$$ Cancel 6en'or E/cise Invoice

    1IA$$ Cancel A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$$ Cancel A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$$ >'ate A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$$ >'ate A;E1 %or"

    1IA$$ >'ate A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent F

    1IA$$ >'ate A;E$ %or" F

    1IA$$ ;everse A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$$ ;everse A;E1 %or"

    1IA$$ ;everse A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$$ ;everse A;E$ %or"

    1IA$$ Create A;E-1 :ut*oin* E/cise Invoice

    1IA$$ Create A;E-$ :ut*oin* E/cise Invoice

    1IA$4 Chan*e Internal E/cise Invoice

    1IA$4 Chan*e 6en'or E/cise Invoice

    1IA$4 Chan*e A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$4 Chan*e A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$4 )isla3 Internal E/cise Invoice

    1IA$4 )isla3 6en'or E/cise Invoice

    1IA$4 )isla3 A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$4 )isla3 A;E1 %or"

    1IA$4 )isla3 A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent F

    1IA$4 )isla3 A;E$ %or" F

    1IA$4 Post Internal E/cise Invoice

    1IA$4 Post 6en'or E/cise Invoice

    1IA$4 Post A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    Pa*e 4$ of 1(

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    1IA$4 Post A;E1 %or"

    1IA$4 Post A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$4 Post A;E$ %or"

    1IA$4 Cancel Internal E/cise Invoice

    1IA$4 Cancel 6en'or E/cise Invoice

    1IA$4 Cancel A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$4 Cancel A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$4 >'ate A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$4 >'ate A;E1 %or"

    1IA$4 >'ate A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$4 >'ate A;E$ %or" F

    1IA$4 ;everse A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IA$4 ;everse A;E1 %or"

    1IA$4 ;everse A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent F

    1IA$4 ;everse A;E$ %or" F

    1IA$4 Create A;E-1 :ut*oin* E/cise Invoice

    1IA$4 Create A;E-$ :ut*oin* E/cise Invoice

    1IEF Cature E/cise Invoice Purchase :r'er F

    1IEF Cature E/cise Invoice tock Transort :r'er F

    1IEF Cature E/cise Invoice che'ulin* A*ree"ent F

    1IEF Cature E/cise Invoice 7oo's ;eceit F

    1IEF Cature E/cise Invoice 9ithout Purchase :r'er F

    1IEF Chan*e Internal E/cise Invoice F

    1IEF Chan*e 6en'or E/cise Invoice F

    1IEF Chan*e A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IEF Chan*e A;E1 %or"

    1IEF Chan*e A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IEF Chan*e A;E$ %or"

    1IEF )isla3 Internal E/cise Invoice F

    1IEF )isla3 6en'or E/cise Invoice F

    1IEF )isla3 A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IEF )isla3 A;E1 %or"

    1IEF )isla3 A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IEF )isla3 A;E$ %or"

    1IEF Post Internal E/cise Invoice F

    1IEF Post 6en'or E/cise Invoice F

    1IEF Post A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IEF Post A;E1 %or"

    1IEF Post A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IEF Post A;E$ %or"

    1IEF Cancel Internal E/cise Invoice F

    1IEF Cancel 6en'or E/cise Invoice F

    1IEF Cancel A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IEF Cancel A;E1 %or"

    1IEF Cancel A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IEF Cancel A;E$ %or"

    1IEFC Cature E/cise Invoice Purchase :r'er F

    1IEFC Cature E/cise Invoice tock Transort :r'er F

    1IEFC Cature E/cise Invoice che'ulin* A*ree"ent F

    1IEFC Cature E/cise Invoice 7oo's ;eceit F

    1IEFC Cature E/cise Invoice 9ithout Purchase :r'er F

    1IEFC Chan*e Internal E/cise Invoice

    Pa*e 44 of 1(

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    1IEFC Chan*e 6en'or E/cise Invoice

    1IEFC Chan*e A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IEFC Chan*e A;E1 %or"

    1IEFC Chan*e A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IEFC Chan*e A;E$ %or"

    1IEFC )isla3 Internal E/cise Invoice F

    1IEFC )isla3 6en'or E/cise Invoice F

    1IEFC )isla3 A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IEFC )isla3 A;E1 %or"

    1IEFC )isla3 A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IEFC )isla3 A;E$ %or"

    1IEFC Post Internal E/cise Invoice

    1IEFC Post 6en'or E/cise Invoice

    1IEFC Post A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IEFC Post A;E1 %or"

    1IEFC Post A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IEFC Post A;E$ %or"

    1IEFC Cancel Internal E/cise Invoice

    1IEFC Cancel 6en'or E/cise Invoice

    1IEFC Cancel A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IEFC Cancel A;E1 %or"

    1IEFC Cancel A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IEFC Cancel A;E$ %or"

    1IEFP Cature E/cise Invoice Purchase :r'er

    1IEFP Cature E/cise Invoice tock Transort :r'er

    1IEFP Cature E/cise Invoice che'ulin* A*ree"ent

    1IEFP Cature E/cise Invoice 7oo's ;eceit

    1IEFP Cature E/cise Invoice 9ithout Purchase :r'er

    1IEFP Chan*e Internal E/cise Invoice F

    1IEFP Chan*e 6en'or E/cise Invoice F

    1IEFP Chan*e A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IEFP Chan*e A;E1 %or"

    1IEFP Chan*e A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IEFP Chan*e A;E$ %or"

    1IEFP )isla3 Internal E/cise Invoice F

    1IEFP )isla3 6en'or E/cise Invoice F

    1IEFP )isla3 A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IEFP )isla3 A;E1 %or"

    1IEFP )isla3 A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IEFP )isla3 A;E$ %or"

    1IEFP Post Internal E/cise Invoice F

    1IEFP Post 6en'or E/cise Invoice F

    1IEFP Post A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IEFP Post A;E1 %or"

    1IEFP Post A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IEFP Post A;E$ %or"

    1IEFP Cancel Internal E/cise Invoice F

    1IEFP Cancel 6en'or E/cise Invoice F

    1IEFP Cancel A;E1 Internal )ocu"ent

    1IEFP Cancel A;E1 %or"

    1IEFP Cancel A;E$ Internal )ocu"ent

    1IEFP Cancel A;E$ %or"

    Pa*e 4( of 1(

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    1.).'.) Maintainin, 6e?ection Codes

    UseIn this I7 activit3= 3ou 'efine the reJection co'es that are use' in the Inco"in* E/cise Invoicestransaction.

    Procedure1. Access the activit3 usin* one of the follo

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    Transaction Code SPRO

    2. :n the (o!e#ent T&e !ersus 5egister 5ele!ance:screen= "ake the follo

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    er subcontractin* challan= if the non-e/cisable "aterials have to be filtere' or not

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    1.).'. Maintainin, Move%ent T54e Grou4s

    UseIn this settin* 3ou are *oin* to *rou to*ether "ove"ent t3es into t

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    (ie!d na%e *escri4tion 67C User action and va!ues Note

    vt 7rou ove"ent t3e*rou

    ; 111;

    ove"ent t3e ove"ent t3e ; D8

    ecial stock ecial stock t3e ; '

    4. Choose Enter to co"lete the inuts.

    (. Choose Sa!e icon or choose Control K to save the entries.


  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    Transaction Code SPRO

    2. :n the (o!e#ent T&e !ersus 5egister 5ele!ance:screen= "ake the follo

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    H1 P5A ;e*ister 1 2IP5A PE;:NA5 5E)7E; ACC:>NT 2IP5A 1

    H1 P5AC:N ;e*ister 1 2IP5A PE;:NA5 5E)7E; ACC:>NT 2IP5A 1

    H1 ;71 ;e*ister 1 2I;71 ;71 ;E7ITE; 2I;;71 1

    H1 ;71;I ;e*ister 1 2I;71 ;71 )AI5 T:CD ;EP:;T 2I;C71 1

    H1 ;72$A1 ;e*ister 1 2I;72$APA;T1 ;72$A PA;T1 2I;AP1 1

    H1 ;72$A2 ;e*ister 1 2I;72$APA;T2 ;72$A PA;T2 2I;AP2 1

    H1 ;72$C1 ;e*ister 1 2I;72$CPA;T1 ;72$A PA;T1 2I;CP1 1

    H1 ;72$C2 ;e*ister 1 2I;72$CPA;T2 ;72$A PA;T2 2I;CP2 1

    H1 ;72$) ;e*ister 1 2I;72$) ;72$) ;E7ITE; 2I;72$ 1

    H1 ;T12 ;e*ister 1 2I;T12ABT;A ;T12 - :NT?5 ABT;ACT 2I;T12 1

    H1 ;T12 ;e*ister 2 2I;T12)ET5 ;T12 - )ETAI5 2I;T12 1

    H1 ;T12 ;e*ister $ 2I;T12$ ;T12 - %:; $ 2I;T12 1

    $. Choose "nterto co"lete the entries.

    4. To save the entries choose Sa!e icon or choose Ctrl + S.


  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    2. Assi*n user 'efine' 'eliver3 'ocu"ent t3e to >ser 'efine' Billin* 'ocu"ent t3e. Tocreate out *oin* e/cise invoice at factor3 b3 usin* 1IIN transaction co'e )eliver3 O 7oo'sIssue O Billin* !at least rofor"a invoice# is "ust= Even thou create e/cise invoice

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    Procedure1. Access the activit3 usin* the folloT . In anotherter"inolo*3 can call it ;e

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    $. ake the entries as follo

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    ave once entries 'one.

    1.)..' Print outs of A6E docu%ents


    In this I7 activit3= 3ou can 'efine an outut t3e for rintin* A;E-1s an' A;E-$s fro" the A;E )ocu"entstransactionecif3

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    2. ake the entries as follonselectcheck bo/

    ave the entries

    1.). Business Transactions< Too!s

    1.)..1 Nu%er 6an,es

    UseAs a roof of erfor"in* transactions AP

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    Transaction Code +,I- or S"RO

    2. :n the Nu#ber 5age 'bect (aintenance:screen= *ive the 'bect na"e an' chooseNu#ber 5angeicon= then s3ste"

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    6esu!tThe chan*es

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    1.)..' Messa,e Ctr!


    In this activit3= 3ou can secif3

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training



  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    7fficia! e5 Na%e Nationa! Ta Code

    14C Pa3"ent to contractors

    14) Insurance Co""ission

    14I ;ent

    14 Prof0Technical services

    1( Pa3"ent to forei*n nationals

    4. To save the entries use the Sa!e Icon or choose Ctrl+S.

    1.+.' *efinin, 6easons for Ee%4tion

    UseIn this activit3 reasons for e/e"tion fro"

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    Transaction Code SPRO

    2. 3ste"

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    1. Access the activit3 usin* one of the follo

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    9hich 'a3s the ta/ offices that 3ou

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    (ie!d na%e *escri4tion User action and va!ues Note

    )escrition )escrition of the9ithhol'in* Ta/T3e

    IN6-C:NT;ACT:;.-T) EC.14C


    Base A"ount

    -7ross A"ount

    Base a"ount to

    calculate ta/

    elect the 7ross A"ount

    ra'io button;oun'in* ;ule

    ;oun' 90ta/a"nt. >

    ;oun'in* rule of90hol'in* Ta/

    elect the ;oun' 90ta/a"ount > ra'io button

    Post 90ta/a"ount

    Postin* of 9ith-hol'in* ta/

    Activate the Post 90ta/a"ount check bo/

    Accu"ulation T3e


    Accu"ulation of90hol'in* Ta/

    elect the NoAccu"ulation ;a'iobutton

    Ctrl )ata90ta/ Baseanual

    aintenance of

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    (ie!d na%e *escri4tion User action and va!ues Note

    Base A"ount-7ross A"ount

    Base a"ount tocalculate ta/

    elect the 7ross A"ountra'io button

    ;oun'in* ;ule

    ;oun' 90ta/a"nt. >

    ;oun'in* rule of90hol'in* Ta/

    elect the ;oun' 90ta/a"ount > ra'io button

    Post 90ta/a"ount

    Postin* of 9ith-hol'in* ta/

    Activate the Post 90ta/a"ount check bo/

    Accu"ulation T3e


    Accu"ulation of90hol'in* Ta/

    elect the NoAccu"ulation ;a'iobutton

    Ctrl )ata

    90ta/ Baseanual

    aintenance of ra'io button

    Pa*e +, of 1(

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    (ie!d na%e *escri4tion User action and va!ues Note

    Post 90ta/a"ount

    Postin* of 9ith-hol'in* ta/

    Activate the Post 90ta/a"ount check bo/

    Accu"ulation T3e


    Accu"ulation of90hol'in* Ta/

    elect the NoAccu"ulation ;a'io

    buttonCtrl )ata

    90ta/ Baseanual

    aintenance of ra'io button

    Post 90ta/a"ount

    Postin* of 9ith-hol'in* ta/

    Activate the Post 90ta/a"ount check bo/

    Accu"ulation T3e

    Pa*e + of 1(

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    (ie!d na%e *escri4tion User action and va!ues Note


    Accu"ulation of90hol'in* Ta/

    elect the NoAccu"ulation ;a'iobutton

    Ctrl )ata

    90ta/ Base


    aintenance of

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    (ie!d na%e *escri4tion User action and va!ues Note

    90ta/ Baseanual

    aintenance of

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    (ie!d na%e *escri4tion User action and va!ues Note

    anual 90ta/a"ount

    aintenance of

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    (ie!d na%e *escri4tion User action and va!ues Note

    Cash )iscount Cash 'iscountPre 90ta/

    Ta/ )e'uction onnet of )iscounts

    elect the C0'isc re90t/ ra'io button

    Post 90ta/a"ount

    Postin* of 9ith-hol'in* ta/

    Activate the Post 90ta/a"ount check bo/

    Accu"ulation T3eNo

    Accu"ulationAccu"ulation of90hol'in* Ta/

    elect the NoAccu"ulation ;a'iobutton

    Ctrl )ata

    90ta/ Baseanual

    aintenance of

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    P2 PA-A)6E;T.C:NT;ACT-T) EC.14C

    P$ PA-P;:%EI:NA5 %EE-T) EC.14

    P4 PA-;ENT-T) EC.14I!?u%0In'#

    P( PA-;ENT-T) EC.14I!:thers#

    P+ PA-C:II:N-T) EC.14)

    All other values re"ain sa"e as P2t3e

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    6eferenceDithho!din, TaT54e

    *escri4tion ECE## Ta T54e *escri4tion

    I( IN6-;ENT-T)EC.14I!:thers#

    E( IN6-;ENT-ECEEC.14I!:thers#

    I+ IN6-C:II:N-T) EC.14) E+ IN6-C:II:N-ECE EC.14)

    To save the entries use the ave Icon

    1.0.) *efinin, Dithho!din, Ta T54e for Ecess at Pa5%ent4ostin,

    UseThis 9ithhol'in* ta/ t3e is use' for calculatin* Ecess on 9ithhol'in* Ta/ an' ostin* ta/ at theti"e of ostin* a a3"ent to the 6en'or.

    Procedure1. Access the activit3 usin* one of the follo

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    6eferenceDithho!din, TaT54e

    *escri4tion ECE## Ta T54e *escri4tion

    P4 PA-;ENT-T)EC.14I!?u%0In'#

    E) PA-;ENT-ECEEC.14I!?u%0In'#

    P( PA-;ENT-T)EC.14I!:thers#

    EE PA-;ENT-ECEEC.14I!:thers#

    P+ PA-C:II:N-T) EC.14)

    E% PA-C:II:N-ECE EC.14)

    ,. To save the entries use the ave Icon

    1.0.+ *efinin, 6oundin, 6u!e for Dithho!din, Ta T54es

    UseThe urose of this activit3 is to "aintain the roun'in* rule. At the ti"e of ostin*

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    Co%4an5 Code Dithho!din, TaT54e

    Currenc5 Unit Note

    H1 E2 IN; 1

    H1 E$ IN; 1

    H1 E4 IN; 1

    H1 E( IN; 1

    H1 E+ IN; 1

    H1 EA IN; 1

    H1 EB IN; 1

    H1 EC IN; 1

    H1 E) IN; 1

    H1 EE IN; 1

    H1 E% IN; 1

    $. To save the entries use the Sa!e Icon or choose Ctrl+S.

    1.0. *efinin, Dithho!din, Ta Codes

    UseThe urose of this activit3 is to 'efine the

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training




    *escri4tion ofDta Code


    Base a%t.F #u?ectto ta


    Dithho!din,Ta 6ate

    I$ I$ IN6-P;:%0TEC?..C:;P-T) EC.14-(.12(L

    14 1 1 (.12(L

    I4 I4 IN6-;ENT.?>%0IN)I6I)>A5-T)EC.14I-1(L

    14I 1 1 1(L

    I( I( IN6-;ENT.C:;P0:T?E;-T) EC.14I-2.(L

    14I 1 1 2.(L

    I+ I+ IN6-C:IN.C:;P-T) EC.14)-(.12(L

    14) 1 1 (.12(L

    P1 P1 PA-C:NT.C:;P-T) EC.14C-2.(L

    14C 1 1 2.(L

    P2 P2 PA-A)6.C:NT.C:;P-T) EC14C-1.2(L

    14C 1 1 1.2(L

    P$ P$ PA-P;:%0TEC?..C:;P-T) EC.14-(.12(L

    14 1 1 (.12(L

    P4 P4 PA-;ENT.?>%0IN)I6I)>A5-T)EC.14I-1(L

    14I 1 1 1(L

    P( P( PA-;ENT.C:;P0:T?E;-T) EC.14I-2.(L

    14I 1 1 2.(L

    P+ P+ PA-C:IN.C:;P-T) EC.14)-


    14) 1 1 (.12(L

    $. To save the entries use the Sa!e Icon or choose Ctrl+S.

    1.0. *efinin, Dithho!din, Ta Codes $ECE##&


    Pa*e ,, of 1(

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    The urose of this activit3 is to 'efine the

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training




    *escri4tion ofDta Code


    Base a%t.F #u?ectto ta


    Dithho!din,Ta 6ate

    E% E% PA-C:IN.C:;P-ECE EC.14)

    14) 1 1 2L

    $. To save the entries use the Sa!e Icon or choose Ctrl+S.

    1.0./ Portra5in, *e4endencies Beteen Dithho!din, TaT54es

    UseThe urose of this activit3 is to assi*n the Base a"ount

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training



    *escri4tion ofDta Code

    EcessTat54e no

    Base a%t.ta t54eno


    $, 2(

    EB PA-A)6.C:NT.-ECE EC14C-

    $ 2+

    EC PA-P;:%0TEC?-ECE EC.14

    $ $

    E) PA-;ENT.?>%0IN)I6I)>A5-ECEEC.14I

    4 2,

    EE PA-;ENT.C:;P0:T?E;-ECEEC.14I

    41 2

    E% PA-

    C:IN.C:;P-ECE EC.14)

    42 2

    1.0.0 Checkin, 6eci4ient T54es

    UseThe urose of this activit3 is to 'efine the ;eciient T3es. ;eciient T3es are use' for ta/a3"ent an' ta/ reortin*. ;eciient T3es

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    Dithho!din,Ta T54e

    6eci4ient T54e Tet

    I( C: Co"anies

    I+ C: Co"anies

    I+ :T :thers

    P1 C: Co"anies

    P1 :T :thers

    P2 C: Co"anies

    P2 :T :thers

    P$ C: Co"anies

    P$ :T :thers

    P4 :T :thers

    P( C: Co"anies

    P+ C: Co"anies

    P+ :T :thers

    E1 C: Co"anies

    E1 :T :thers

    E2 C: Co"anies

    E2 :T :thers

    E$ C: Co"anies

    E$ :T :thers

    E4 :T :thers

    E( C: Co"anies

    E+ C: Co"anies

    E+ :T :thers

    EA C: Co"anies

    EA :T :thers

    EB C: Co"anies

    EB :T :thers

    EC C: Co"anies

    EC :T :thers

    E) :T :thers

    EE C: Co"anies

    E% C: Co"anies

    E% :T :thers

    $. To save the entries use the Sa!e Icon or choose Ctrl+S.

    Pa*e 1 of 1(

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    1.0.1; Maintainin, Ta *ue *ates

    UseThe urose of this activit3 is to i'entif3 the Ta/ Pa3able 'ue 'ate fro" the 'ate of 'e'uction 0ostin*.


    1. Access the activit3 usin* one of the follo

    Pa*e 2 of 1(

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    Transaction Code SPRO

    2. :n the Change ,ie$ Surcharge 5ates+: '!er!ie$ screen= "ake the follo

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    Countr5 Dithho!din, TaT54e

    Dithho!din, TaCode

    Co%4an5 T54e

    IN P1 P Contractors

    IN P2 P2 A'vertisin*

    IN P2 P A'vertisin*

    IN 91 91 Contractors


  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    Co%4an5 Code Dithho!din, TaT54e



    DTao!i,ated to

    Custo%er datasu?ect toDta

    H1 E1 Activate 1.4.211 $1.12.2 Activate

    H1 E2 Activate 1.4.211 $1.12.2 Activate

    H1 E$ Activate 1.4.211 $1.12.2 Activate

    H1 E4 Activate 1.4.211 $1.12.2 Activate

    H1 E( Activate 1.4.211 $1.12.2 Activate

    H1 E+ Activate 1.4.211 $1.12.2 Activate

    H1 EA Activate 1.4.211 $1.12.2 Activate

    H1 EB Activate 1.4.211 $1.12.2 Activate

    H1 EC Activate 1.4.211 $1.12.2 Activate

    H1 E) Activate 1.4.211 $1.12.2 Activate

    H1 EE Activate 1.4.211 $1.12.2 Activate

    H1 E% Activate 1.4.211 $1.12.2 Activate

    $. To save the entries use sa!e icon or choose Ctrl+S.

    1.1;.2 Activatin, Etended Dithho!din, Ta Code

    UseThe urose of this activit3 is to activate the e/ten'e'

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    (ie!d na%e *escri4tion User action and va!ues Note

    Co"an3 Na"e Na"e of Co"an3Co'e

    In'ia Best Practices 5t' )efaulte'

    E/t.90Ta/ E/ten'e'9ithhol'in*

    Activate the check bo/ Activate the e/ten'e'

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    Dithho!din, TaT54e

    Dithho!din,Ta Code

    Genera! 8ed,erAccount

    P( P( 1$11$4

    P+ P+ 1$11$4

    P+ P 1$11$4

    E1 E1 1$11$4

    E2 E2 1$11$4

    E$ E$ 1$11$4

    E4 E4 1$11$4

    E( E( 1$11$4

    E+ E+ 1$11$4

    EA EA 1$11$4

    EB EB 1$11$4

    EC EC 1$11$4

    E) E) 1$11$4

    EE EE 1$11$4

    E% E% 1$11$4

    $. To save the entries use sa!e icon or choose Ctrl+S.

    :ne 7eneral 5e'*er account has been assi*ne' for all

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    Transaction Code S&./

    2. :n the (aintain Table ,ie$s: Initial screen= "nterthe table0 vie< na"e EM2I"KTN(G5M2an' choose the (aintain ush button.

    $. :n the Change ,ie$ Nu#ber Grou&s for Internal Challan Nu#bers L "KT India: SectionCode screen6 "ake the follo

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    The urose of this activit3 is to "aintain the nu"ber ran*es that the s3ste" is to use to nu"berthe re"ittance challans

    ,. elect the check bo/ @Grou& $ithout Text+an' choose theAssign "le#ent Grou& ushbutton.

    . To save the entries use sa!e icon or choose Ctrl+S.

    The challan nu"bers are 3ear 'een'ent. In case 3ou nee' to "aintain the nu"ber ran*efor ne< %iscal 3ear= "aintain the nu"ber ran*e to the ne< fiscal 3ear= use the follo

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    Prere=uisitesCheck AP crit %or" EM2I"KTC"5T

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    Nu%er Grou4 Interna! Nu%er6an,e

    1 1

    $. To save the entries use sa!eicon or choose Ctrl+S

    1.12.+ Maintainin, Nu%er 6an,es

    UseThe urose of this activit3 is to "aintain the nu"ber ran*es that the s3ste" is to use to nu"berthe 9ithhol'in* Ta/ Certificates.

    Procedure1. Access the activit3 usin* one of the follo+ screen= select the (aintain Grou&sush button.

    $. The 7rous 'efine' in the revious ste

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    1.1' E-(i!in,H India 8oca!isation Annua! 8e,a! 6e4ortThe Pro*ra" *ives the outut in e-file

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    1.1) Business P!ace ta!es?ere

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    1.1+ Master *ata

    1.1+.1 *efinition Cha4ter I*

    UseIn this activit3 3ou are *oin* to )efine chater I' belon*s to 3our or*aniation

    Procedure1. Access the transaction choosin* one of the follo

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    1.1+.' Cenvat *eter%ination

    UseIn this activit3 nee' to "ention Inut or :utut "aterial .

    Procedure1. Access the transaction choosin* one of the follo

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training



    E/cise ta/in'icator forven'or

    1IIT I tatus

    1I6TP T3e of 6en'or



    $. ou can "aintain the sa"e in 1I) transaction also b3 selectin* ra'io button 6en'or E/cise'etails

    1.1+.+ Custo%er CIN *etai!s

    In this activit3 3ou are *oin* to create0chan*e Custo"er "aster recor'.

    Procedure1 Access the transaction choosin* one of the follo

    E/cise ta/in'icator forCusto"er


    ervice ta/re*istrationnu"ber

    ou can "aintain the sa"e in 1I) transaction also b3 selectin* ra'io button 6en'or E/cise'etails

    Note8 ou can restrict the CIN Tab in custo"er "aster 'ata an' ven'or "aster 'ata user i' sers to aterial aster creen eGuencefor E/cise )ut3

    Transaction Code OMT3E

    Pa*e + of 1(

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    ProcedureAccess the transaction choosin* one of the follo

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    E/cise 7rou E/cise 7rou for

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    Please choose enter an' i*nore an3 "essa*es.

    . Sste# $ill dis&la the &date of 5egisters 5G2 and 5G; =Part2> screen:

    )isla3s all the line ite"s to "eet the selection criteria to u'ate the ;e*ister.

    4. elect the line ite"s sin* this activit3= 3ou can u'ate the receits of into ;72$A Part II an' P5A ;e*istersb3 select the resective re*ister button otion.

    This transaction involves *irect Ta!e Entriesso= lease be careful

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    Please 'o re"e"ber that this is onl3 a 'irect table entr3 of oenin* balance= s3ste" 'oes notcheck the actual %I entries. ou nee' to "ake an aroriate %I entr3 to suitable to abovetransaction. An e/a"le is *ive belo< for 3our reference8

    ou can use %-2 transaction co'e to ass the follo

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    #AP 6' %enu Tools AAP Kor%bench 3e!eloent AAP


    Transaction code SE,,

    2. :n theAAP 3irector: Initial ScreenH"ake the follo )ate : SEnter "onthen' 'ateO


    %or e/a"le if 3ou are*oin* live fro"1.4.211= then 3ou "ustenter the last 'a3 ofrevious "onth i.e. $1.$.211. 9hen 3ou e/tractre*ister the 'ate ran*eshoul' be fro" 1.4.211to $1.4.211.

    9E;D Plant : 5eave it blank

    :P BA5 Basic 'ut3 !:P BA5# : 5eave it blank

    C5 BA5 Basic 'ut3 !C5 BA5# : .

    for e/a"le IN;

    Enter the closin* balanceas on $1.$.211

    EFAT Basic 'ut3 !EFAT# : 5eave it blank

    EFIN) E/tract In'icator : 5eave it blank

    >NA >ser na"e : Enter 3ou user I)

    CP>)T Entr3 )ate : Entr3 'ate


    )ate on

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    ou can use %-2 transaction co'e to ass the folloo!d


    9hen caital urchases are "a'e

  • 8/12/2019 CIN Config Training


    Co"an3 Co'e H1

    Plant H1

    E/cise *rou 1


    o'vat Accountelection


    4. Choose "nterto continue.

    (. :n the Create "xcise E, L 3etails $rt to exc in! A ;122 for diff exc &ost creen "ake thefollo