Church & State - versus - The Ecclesia System Pt 3.pdf · Church & State - versus - The...


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What Is The Ecclesia? (Pt. 3)Churc h & Stat e - vers us - The Eccl esia Syst em

by Ben Wil liams


“...the kingdom of heaven suffersviolence, and the violent aretaking it by force.”

Matthew 11:12

In the two previous parts I showed themeaning of “ecclesia.” I also showed

the meaning of the word “church” –which most English-speaking churcheswrongl y use to replac e the word“ecclesia.” Churches have led people todrop the word “ecclesia” and replace itwith the word “church.” The reason forthis becomes obvious after you realizethe mission of the churches and theirmaster ... the state. Thus, English read-ers have lost the original concept of theecclesia.

This is crucial! The more you learnabout the Gospel of the Kingdom, themore you realize the importance of re-discovering the meaning and purposeof Christ’s ecclesia system.

There is yet much to be uncovered– much to understand and put into ac-tion concerning the ecclesia system ofGod. There is much yet to do and toteach. The Bible refers to the ecclesiasystem of God, i.e., the Reign of Christ,many times in def ini te ter ms. But ,church people have been blind to it inthe pa st due to mi st ra ns la ti on ,miseducation and brainwashing.

For instance, in Jn. 17:24, Eph.1:4, and I Pet. 1:20, the KJV says :“. fore the foundation of theworld....” This phrase conjures up defi-nite images of “before the universe wascreated.” However, it actually is talkingabout the “ecclesia system.” In Greek,it reads thus: “...before the foundingof the system...,” – meaning Christ’sNew Covenant system – the ecclesia.This verse is not referring to the timebefore the earth was created, but to atime before Christ’s Reign was estab-lished (i.e., the New Covenant age withits ecclesia system). It simply means, be-fore Christ was raised from the dead andgiven the throne over Israel.

The ecclesia system is the systemof God given to us in Scripture, estab-lished by Christ and his apostles, andviable today to all who understand it.


The church system is the greatcounterfeit system. It has been shoved-off on us to keep us blind to the loss offreedom we’ve suffered from losing sight

of Christ’s ecclesia system. The churcheshave obscured this simple truth with theirreligious flim-flam. The Church-Stateestablishment has staged a coup, usurp-ing the ecclesia system and replacing itwith the Church-State duo.

The wine of religion and politics hasdone its work on the minds and heartsof the people. The spiritually drunkencondition of church people usually pre-vents them from discerning the subtle,but immense, changes. Church peoplecannot generally understand and appre-ciate the monstrous changes that haveoccurred – changes which have swal-lowed them up, and of which they arenow a part.

If you are a church person readingthis, you likely think of yourself, and yourchurch, as “a different sort.” You mayread my commentsand summarily agreewith me, thinking I am referring toTHOSE OTHER churches, and not toyour church. This mentality is common,and I understand it – having gonethrough it myself. It is very easy for achurch person to view it this way. Youmay even subscribe to the theory thatyours is “the only true church,” and italone has God’s approval.

Reader, please understand – the dif-ference of one, or a few, doctrines isno t the cr it er ia fo r condem ningchurchdom. Churches are wrong bytheir very nature. They are not what theypurport to be! Any organization whichsupports and/or subscribes to the typi-cal concept of “church” in general –whether it calls itself a church, a syna-gogue, a fraternity, or any other name– is unacceptable regardless of its par-ticular name or doctrinal peculiarities.Churches, like synagogues and politicaloffices, must be avoided! They confuse,pervert, and dissipate.

GET OUT OF THE CHURCHES!They are NOT of God! They are NOTof Christ’s Reign! They may incorpo-rate the name “Christ” in their title, butwithout his authority it means nothing.Christ didn’t institute churches! Hedoesn’t want churches! He instituted acivil system of independence and liberty,called “The Christian Ecclesia System.”


Juxtaposed to Christ’s ecclesia wasthe church system – as represented bySimon Magus.

9. But there was a certain man, calledSimon (Magus), which beforetimein the same city used sorcery, andbewitched the people of Samaria,giving out that himself was somegreat one:

10. To whom they all gave heed, fromthe least to the greatest, saying,This man is the great power ofGod.

11. And to him they had regard,because that of long time he hadbewitched them with sorceries.

12. But when they believed Philippreaching the things concerningthe kingdom of God, and the nameof Jesus Christ, they were bap-tized, both men and women.

13. Then Simon himself believedalso: and when he was baptized,he continued with Philip, andwondered, beholding the miraclesand signs which were done.

18. And when Simon saw thatthrough laying on of the apostles’hands the holy spirit was given, heoffered them money,

19. Saying, Give me also this author-ity that on whomsoever I layhands, he may receive the holyspirit.

20. But Peter said to him, Yourmoney perish with you, becauseyou have thought that the gift ofGod may be purchased withmoney.

21. You have neither part nor lot inthis matter: for your heart is notright in the sight of God.

22. Repent therefore of this yourwickedness, and pray God, ifperhaps the thought of your heartmay be forgiven you.

23. For I perceive that you are in thegall of bitterness, and in the bondof iniquity.

Acts 8:9-13, 18-23

Another noted church father wasElymas the sorcerer.

6. And when they had gone throughthe isle to Paphos, they found acertain sorcerer, a false prophet, aJew, whose name was Barjesus(son of Jesus):

7. Which was with the deputy of thecountry, Sergius Paulus, anintelligent man: who called forBarnabas and Saul, and desired tohear the word of God.

8. But Elymas the sorcerer (for so ishis name by interpretation) with-stood them, seeking to turn awaythe deputy from the faith.

9. Then Saul, (who also is called


Paul), filled with the holy spirit, sethis eyes on him.

10. And said, O full of all subtilty andall mischief, you son of the devil,you enemy of all righteousness,will you not cease to pervert theright ways of the Lord?

Acts 13:6-10

The sorcery described in the aboveverses is the basis and mode of thechurch system. Peopleentrenched in thechurch system generally cannot see this– but churches, by their very nature, areproducts of Babylon. They stifle intelli-gence, independence and liberty.

Therefore, we have didicated our-selves to learn more about the ecclesiasystem, expose the church system forthe harlot that she is, and hopefully en-courage people to develop a sincere dis-like for churches and church functions.

We shall fan the fire of contemptagai ns t ce nt ra l go ve rnmen t andchurches, and encourage everyone toread the Bible for themselves – as amanual for life, rather than a formulafor sorcery and supersti tion. Peoplemust, sooner or later, realize that thecommandment to “come out of her mypeople,” refers also to the churches.


7. For the vineyard of Yahweh ofhosts is the house of Israel, andthe men of Judah his pleasantplant: and he looked for judgment,but behold oppression; for righ-teousness, but behold a cry.

8. Woe unto them that join house tohouse, that lay field to field, tillthere be no place that they may beplaced alone in the midst of theearth!

Isaiah 5:7-8

Christians who have suffered underyears of brainwashing from the churcheswill find the ecclesia concept a little hardto grasp. So, as an illustration to helpget the idea across, we’ll use the plan-tation analogy – an example familiar tomost people. This should help clear upsome points.

For the purposes of this illustration,think of The United States as The BigPlantation. Think of Washington the plantation manor, and Congressas the master (“massah”). And, remem-ber, the International Bankers are the

mortgage-holders and true behind-the-scenes owners and controllers of thePlantation. Lastly, you are the slaves(regulated residents) on the Plantation.

Now we have all the elements for aplantation system: 1. Slaves , 2. Land ,3. Master, 4. Financiers.

This illustration fits Isaiah 5 (quotedabove) where a nation is called “a vine-yard.” A plantation, then, is a vineyard...with an enslavingcentral government.

Vineyards grow well and flourish inGod’s natural environment – as long ascentral government doesn’t take overand abuse the land. The ecclesia sys-tem can be likened to a system of hus-bandry and preservation of the vineyardof Yahweh. Caring for the vineyard in-cludes being on guard against any kindof central government taking root andspreading throughout the garden – apurpose forgotten by most of our race,thanks to the brainwash of the churches.


As Isaiah said, it is wrong to “joinhouses and fields” together until oneperson, or one corporation, has controlof large areas of land. The largest cor-porate monopoly in America is the U.S.Government. It owns and controls thewhole nation. No private ownership hasexisted in the U.S.A. since the Consti-tution was ratified over 200 years ago.U.S. citizens are tenants on governmentland. We can use the land for a fee(taxes), but we cannot own it.

The Bib le gives clear warn ingsagainst the sin of monopolies of prop-erty and power. For instance, Micah tellsthe people that their acceptance of cen-tral monopolies has brought them sla-very:

1. Woe to them that devise iniquity,and work evil upon their beds!when the morning is light, theypractice it, because it is in thepower of their hand.

2. And they covet fields, and takethem by violence; and houses, andtake them away; so they oppress aman and his house, even a manand his heritage.

3. Therefore thus says Yahweh;Behold, against this family do Idevise an evil, from which youshall not remove your necks;neither shall you go haughtily: forthis time is evil.

4. In that day shall one take up aparable against you, and lamentwith a doleful lamentation, and say,We are utterly spoiled: he haschanged the portion of my people:how has he removed it from me!turning away he has divided ourfields.

Micah 2:1-4

Again, Micah explains that corruptgovernment and religion have broughtpoverty in the land:

9. Hear this, I pray you, you heads ofthe house of Jacob, and princes ofthe house of Israel; that abhorjudgment, and pervert all equity.

10. They build up Zion with blood,and Jerusalem with iniquity.

11. The heads thereof judge forreward, and the priests thereofteach for hire, and the prophetsthereof divine for money: yet willthey lean upon Yahweh, and say, Isnot Yahweh among us? none evilcan come upon us.

12. Therefore shall Zion for your sakebe plowed as a field, and Jerusa-lem shall become heaps, and themountain of the house as the highplaces of the forest.

Micah 3:9-12

Habakkuk warns that a nationwhich builds with blood and oppressionwill be overthrown:

8. Because you have spoiled manynations, all the remnant of thepeople shall spoil you; because ofmen’s blood, and for the violenceof the land, of the city, and of allthat dwell therein.

9. Woe to him that covets an evilcovetousness to his house, that hemay set his nest on high, that hemay be delivered from the power ofevil!

10. You have consulted shame toyour house by cutting off manypeople, and have sinned againstyour soul.

11. Woe to him that builds a townwith blood, and establishes a cityby iniquity!

Habakkuk 2:8-12

One cannot read these scriptureswithout thinking of the government sys-tem in America. The only difference be-tween the beast powers of the Old Tes-tament times, and the central beast ofAmerica, is that today’s beast is manytimes larger and more powerful.


Looking at a map of the Big Plan-tation (The United States), you can seelittle lines here and there marking thestate boundaries. Just think of those linesas fences. As any good farmer orrancher knows, it is important to main-tain good fences on the plantation toproperly manage the cattle and keepthem in their proper areas. The planta-tion master (Congress) must keep closetrack of the cattle, which includes brand-ing them for identification and keepingrecords on them.

Or, perhaps more correctly, youcould think of the state borders as mark-ing off smaller sections of the Planta-tion – each section containing its owngroup of slaves. The boundaries be-tween each section of slaves are thereto help each section manage its slavesand keep them from getting mixed upwith the slaves of other sections. Divid-ing the land into smaller sections is forthe purpose of keeping better loca lrecords, keeping the slaves working andproducing, and avoiding rebellion. Thisis called “political science.”

Of course, there have been otherBig Plantations. In the Bible, we readabout the Garden of Eden – a godly vine-yard to start with, but eventually spoiledby the serpent system of central gov-ernment. All it took was a slick politi-cian (the serpent) showing man how hecould “become wise,” and “be as a god,”creating his own laws. Thus, the firstcentral government is recorded in theBible.

Of course, the well-known epitomeof central government was Babylon withits central tower.

We also read of the ancient king-doms of Egypt, Assyria, Persia, Greeceand Rome. These were Big Plantationswith forced slavery. They built their plan-tations on the blood of the commonpeople the same as the United Stateshas done.


There is nothingnew under the sun.Slavery continues today under the guiseof central government. But, today’sslavers understand the business betterthan the old plantation masters did.They’ve always known that incentivewas needed to keep the slaves on theirplantations “where they belong.” Theslaves need to know that they’ll get regu-lar meals and clothes as long as they

behave themselves... and, that they’ll beseverely punished if they break the rulesor try to escape.

But, political engineers discoveredlong ago that this kind of incentive aloneis not enough. The threat of beatingsand the loss of regular meals has neverbeen enough to keep healthy slaves fromrebelling. The need to be free was stillthere ... burning in their hearts ... burst-ing forth at times in the form of rebel-lion, even though it cost them dearly.The urge is just uncontrollable.

The masters knew they neededmore control. They needed somethingthat would break the spirit of freedomso that it could not surface. In otherwords, slaves must have reason toWANT to stay put, and shut up, and dotheir work for the big massah. Theymust be made to peacefully ACCEPTtheir circumstances. The only thing thatcould accomplish this was a system ofbrainwashing that would actually con-vince the slaves that they did not WANTto escape. They needed a system ofcontrol that would actually inoculate theminds of the slaves against rebelliousthoughts. This would eliminate the po-tential of rebellion – nipping it in thebud, so to speak.


The Plantation masters needed apropaganda mill that would brainwashthe people and make them docile anddull of mind, like cattle. That propa-ganda mill – that stupefier and pacifier– was THE CHURCH SYSTEM. It istruly “the opium of the people.” Christbrought liberty, but the churches coun-terattacked with ignorance, confusion,religion and slavery. The masses ac-cepted the churches. But, the true fol-lowers of Christ cannot accept themonce they see the truth.

Thus, a brilliant plan was conceivedand implemented. In their scheme tokeep on top, to stifle the ecclesia sys-tem of Christ, the Plantation masters setup the propaganda and brainwash millcalled “church,” and declared it a fullpartner of the “State.” The institutionwas accepted by the people becausethey were told that it was instituted byChrist, and that it had approval of thecentral government.

The church system was put intoplace by the masters in Washington D.C.more than 200 years ago. Over the

years, the people came to accept the“church system,” and the church sys-tem killed their spirit of freedom. All thiswas accomplished in the name of reli-gion.

Thus, the true ecclesias were for-gotten – along with freedom. Centralgovernment enjoys sovereignty over thepeople.The churches redefined freedomand stupefied the people.

But, the thing we must keep in mindis that the “church,” as we know it,has absolutely no scriptural authority.The “church” is not the “ecclesia.” Theecclesia is an entirely different concept.The “church,” as we know it, is NOT inthe Bible at all. The closest thing to it isthe Jewish synagogue.

Furthermore, the word “church” islike the word “Jew.” It is a misnomerused only to confuse and neutrali zeChristians. As the word “Jew” has beenused wrongly to replace the word “Isra-elite,” so also the word “church” hasbeen used wrongly to replace the word“ecclesia” – all for a pre-determinedpurpose. And, just as the Israeli state isrightly called an illegitimate entity, soalso is the ins titution of “church.”Church, combined with State, has beenusurping the Reign of Chris t (“theecclesia”) all these years.


Jesus gave us His system as a po-litical alternative to Babylonian “states”and “churches.” In the book of Acts, theecclesias were in the process of under-mining the church-state complex (i.e.,“The Beast”). The efficiency and work-ability was undeniable. The success wasunstoppable. Indeed, prophecy indicatesthat eventually it will completely destroythe Beast System!

When Christ told Peter that Hisecclesia would be built upon the rock,and that the gates of hell would not pre-vail against it, He was talking about Hiskingdom as it was to be expressed inChr istian civil communiti es – NOTchurches! Independent communit ies(ecclesias) were the mortal enemies ofthe centralized church-state complex.Central governments cannot allow in-dependent, autonomous communities toexist. It would break their power to tax,plunder, and control the people.

Jesus set up His kingdom, and dis-persed it in the ecclesias. The apostlescarried this vital message: “the good


news of the reign of Christ.” As theyecclesias (communities) here and there,based upon Christ’s Reign. Man couldmake no law. Only God could make law.


Christ ’s ecclesias met immediatehatred and violence from the plantationmasters and their local officials of thatday. They knew that the ecclesias woulddestroy them if allowed to continue. Allcentral-government systems were at riskif the ecclesia system surv ived. Theecclesia system was designed by Christto make centralized government obso-lete, and remove the “massahs” frompower. The Beast (central government)attempt ing to devour the Manchi ld(ecclesia system).

In Revelation12, John describes thegreat struggle between the beast and theman child (i.e., between the central-gov-ernment system and the ecclesia sys-tem):

1. And there appeared a greatwonder in heaven; a womanclothed with the sun, and the moonunder her feet, and upon her heada crown of twelve stars (12-tribedIsrael):

2. And she being with child cried,travailling in birth, and pained to bedelivered.

3. And there appeared anotherwonder in heaven; and behold agreat red dragon (The BeastSystem), having seven heads andten horns, and seven crowns uponhis heads (governments under hiscentral control).

4. ...and the dragon (central govern-ment) stood before the woman(Israel) which was ready to bedelivered, for to devour her child(the ecclesia system) as soon as itwas born.

5. And she brought forth a man child(Christ’s reign manifested in theecclesia system) who was toshepherd nations with a staff ofiron: and her child (the ecclesia)was caught up to God, and to histhrone. (“Upon this rock I will buildmy ecclesia, and the gates of hellshall not prevail against it. And Iwill give you the keys to thekingdom of heaven.” Mtt 16:18)

7. And there was war in heaven(struggle for power at the govern-ment level): Michael and his angels(the ecclesia and its people) fought


against the dragon (central govern-ment); and the dragon fought andhis angels.

8. And prevailed not; neither was theirplace found any more in heaven(Christ became the undisputedking of Israel, and his Reignreplaced the Beast System in thehearts and minds of the remnant).

13. And when the dragon saw that hewas cast to the earth, he perse-cuted the woman (the Israel peoplescattered throughout the world)which brought forth the man child(ecclesia system).

15. And the serpent (central gov’t)cast out of his mouth water as aflood (propaganda; brainwashingvia the churches) after the woman,that he might cause her to becarried away of the flood (confuseand conquer the rest of the Israelpeople located in the variousnations, preventing them from thegospel of Christ’s reign).

Revelation 12


What our people need today, morethan anything else, is to rediscover thereal meaning of freedom. Freedom isthe purpose and hope of Christ’s King-dom – i.e., the ecclesia system.

But, here we are today – on the bigPlantation. Americans are conqueredslaves ... and so brainwashed that weactually imagine that we are somehowfree. If we are ever to get off the Plan-tation, or if the Plantation is ever goingto relinquish its control, there is only onepath we can take. We must learn howGod would have us live in freedom withone another! We must re- learn thesimple truths about the ecclesia systemof Christ.

This will require that we, first of all,stop affiliating with, listening to, support-ing, and most of al l DEPENDINGUPON, churches! We must stop ourchurch idolotry!

When we begin to view church, andstate, with equal contempt – then wewill be ready to progress into the freeecclesia system under Christ.

29. Take my yoke upon you, andlearn of me; for I am meek andlowly in heart: and you shall findrest unto your souls.

Matthew 11:29

“Yoke” was an expression for taxa-

tion and other burdens which an over-lord levied on his subjects. Just as theneck of an ox bends under the weightof a heavy yoke, so a man felt crushedunder heavy duties and taxes.

In some cases, when very heavytaxes were exacted, men revolted be-cause they felt they could no longer carrythe yoke of their lord. One could hearpeople say to one another, “our yokehas become unbearable.”

When a new leader ascended thethrone, the first thing he did, if he waskindly and merciful,was reduce the taxesand lighten the burdens accrued fromthe former government.

At the time Christ spoke this, thepeople were heavily burdened withtaxes. There were imperial, state andtemple levies. The people maintainedthe state and its officials, as well as thetemple and its extravagant priests. Bothtemporal and spiritual rulers lived in luxu-rious palaces at the expense of the poor.

However, Jesus (the new King) hadno palaces, temples and sacred shrines.The God He preached was a loving fa-ther, not a slave master. He could beapproached with a simple prayer. Hisdemands were honesty, a contrite heart,and rejection of other gods. Thus, intaking on Christ’s light yoke (i.e., ac-cepting His reign), men were freed fromtheir heavy yokes of tyranny, and al-lowed to keep and enjoy the produce oftheir own hands.


What modern government calls “an-archy,” the Bible calls “the Kingdom ofHeaven.” Independence, liberty, andsel f-government are not “anarchy.”Governments hate liberty because it re-moves them from their coveted positionsof power over the people. However,what few of them fail to realize is that,when the Beast falls, they are going tofall with it. Their worst fear (freedomfor the people) will be realized. They tryto label it “anarchy,” but it is liberty. Tothe central politicians, “anarchy” means“any situation where central governmentis not in control.”

But, Scripture describes central gov-ernment in less than friendly terms, andit promises retribution and an ignomini-ous end to the corrupt system.

4. And I heard another voice fromheaven, saying, Come out of her,

my people, that you be not partak-ers of her sins, and that youreceive not of her plagues.

5. For her sins have reached toheaven, and God has rememberedher iniquities.

6. Reward her even as she rewardedyou, and double to her doubleaccording to her works: in the cupwhich she has filled, fill to herdouble.

7. How much she has glorifiedherself, and lived deliciously, somuch torment and sorrow give her:for she says in her heart, “I sit aqueen, and am no widow, and shallsee no sorrow.”

8. Therefore shall her plagues comein one day, death, and mourning,and famine; and she shall beutterly burned with fire: for strong isYahweh God who judges her.

15. The merchants of these things,which were made rich by her, shallstand afar off for the fear of hertorment, weeping and wailing.

16. And saying, “Alas, alas, that greatcity, that was clothed in fine linen,and purple, and scarlet, anddecked with gold, and preciousstones, and pearls!

17. For in one hour so great riches iscome to nought.” And everyshipmaster, and all the company inships, and sailors, and as many astrade by sea, stood afar off,

18. And cried when they saw thesmoke of her burning, saying,“What city is like unto this greatcity!”

19. And they cast dust on theirheads, and cried, weeping andwailing, saying, “Alas, alas thatgreat city, wherein were made richall that had ships in the sea byreason of her costliness! for in onehour is she made desolate.”

20. Rejoice over her, you heaven(ecclesia), and you holy apostlesand prophets; for God hasavenged you on her.

Revelation 18:4-8, 15-20

Thus far, I’ve described the UnitedStates as a huge plantation – with us asthe slaves, and Congress as our mas-ters. The bankers (i.e., the money mer-chants), of course, hold mortgage on allthe land. They control the Congress.Thus, they are the true owners of theplantation.

I’ve touched upon the Bible lawsforbidding rulers – and any form ofmonopoly. I’ve done my best to con-vince you that you should hate this evil


government sys tem of ens lavement(called “Mystery Babylon” in the Bible)– just as I hate it.

I will probably manage to convincea few. And, I know that there are a goodnumber of you who already despise thisBeast System, and the hired church sys-tem which serves as the propaganda toolfor keeping the slaves pacified.

So, for those of us who are readyto forsake Babylon and are only waitingfor Jesus to reveal to us a way to do it...we’ll go on to look at some of the fea-tures of a free Christian society whereno central government exists, or whereit is too small to force it’s will upon thosewho don’t want it. Go west young man,where there is still freedom.


A century ago America was experi-encing a mass migrat ion westward.Families, by the thousands, were leav-ing the eastern states and moving west.What prompted this mass migration?The answer is simple. It was caused bycentral government!

Washington D.C. was on the eastcoast. The old establishment, with itsoppressive corporate network, was onthe east coast. A century ago the East-ern Establishmentwas synonymouswith“central government.” Fami lies whoyearned for freedom fled the east tosettle in the wild, but free, western ter-ritories. They preferred the risk of hos-tile elements, the lack of conveniences,and the hard work of surviva l in thewilds, to the oppression of the EasternEstablishment and its central govern-ment. Fortunately, most of the Indianswere friendly and quite helpful – exceptwhen the “massahs” of the Eastern Es-tablishment began doing to them whatwas already being done to our own racein the eastern states. Some of the Indi-ans eventually realized that the EasternEstablishment meant to conquer them,steal their land, and put them on God-forsaken reservations... and they foughtthe new plantation owners. Would-to-God that our own race would have donethe same! But, instead, we allowed theEastern Establishment to move in, routthe Indians, and continue enslaving us.

The alternative to Babylonian (cen-tral) government is the Christian ecclesiasystem – the system that Christ and Hisapostles began setting up immediatelyafter Christ announced His reign. It was

that system that Paul and Barnabas weresetting up in their travels to Asia Minorand Europe. They were not buildingchurches! They were sharing the goodnews of Christ’s reign, and showing howto live free within an ecclesia commu-nity system – independent from central,state rulership.

It was this same ecclesia system ofChrist’s reign that the apostles took totheir scattered kinsmen in the nationsof the world. That message was called“the gospel of the kingdom.”And, it wasthis message which caused the disciplesto be beaten, imprisoned, persecuted,and murdered by the central govern-ments of those nations. The discipleswere spreading “sedition” in those landsbecause they were declaring a differentking and a different government.

The new king was Jesus – and thatgovernment was the ecclesia systemJesus told Peter about in Matthew16:18:

“Upon this rock I will build my ecclesia(i.e., my kingdom in communities), andthe gates of hell (i.e., destruction) will notprevail against it.”

Obvi ou sl y, chur ch es ar e no tecclesias. The churches pander pacifismamong the slaves, worship the U.S.Constitution (which put the central rul-ers in place) and preach conformity tothe collectivist policies. Churches do notsupport freedom. There is no similaritybetween churches and ecclesias.

Centra l government needs thechurches! It even gives them preferredtax status over other institutions. Theecclesia system, on the other hand, ishated by central government!

The church system pacifies peoplethrough mythology, brainwashing, hyp-nosis, priestcraft, social events, emotioncatharsis, parties, commitees, organiz-ing, and more organizing. But, theecclesia system avoids all that, deals inthe real world of honest work and ac-complishments, allowing Christians tolive natural, wholesome, self-governedlives.

People who have been “properlychurched” become apathetical ly dissi-pated. They have no energy left, norany desire, to face the real problems oftheir day. They only think about theunreal mythologies of the church world.In fact, they lose the ability to even seethe real problems. They cannot riseabove the weekly routines, the religiousrituals and the endless organized activi-ties of the church. If they have any po-tentia l for concern it gets wasted onnonsensical rituals and churchprograms.


There is a growing number of uswho do not like plantation life. So, forthose who are ready to think outside thebox of central government, and its har-lot churches on every street corner, we


shall go on to discuss the features of lifeWITHOUT the plantation beast on ourbacks.

Contemplating life without churchand central government brings questionsto mind .. and that’s good! Questionscause thinking. Thinking provides moresolutions. We need solutions! We needgood minds thinking on this subject.

Liberty is yet a mystery to mostpeople. They wonder, “How could so-ciety function if people were left to maketheir own decisions, handle their ownaffairs, and provide for their own safetyand welfare?” Even those who claim tobe free cannot contemplate such dras-tic measures. Like the Israelites of old,who thought they wanted liberty (untilthey experienced it firsthand in the exo-dus), church people of today have little,if any, understanding of real liberty.They don’t even dislike central govern-ment. They don’t really mind living as aslave.

Central government is considereda necessary feature of society by mostchurch people. Here are three argu-ments I often hear from them when Isay we don’t need central government:

1. “But, don’t we need some formof central government over such a largecountry? How could we coordinate andrun this nation, and its commerce, with-out central government to keep thingsin order?”

2. “How could we defend againstforeign invasion without central govern-ment to raise an army?”

3. “But the Constitution was God-inspired, and our government is the bestin the world.” (My advice, when you hearthese words: prepare for a short con-versation and a quick exit. The man isout of touch with reality.)

First, I’ll show you the weakness ofthese arguments. Then, I’ll show thestrength of real Christian liberty and theecclesia system.

1. No! We do not need a centralgovernment over us. 200 years of cen-tral government here in America hasdone nothing to help us – and every-thing to hurt us.

In controlling commerce, the cen-tral government has proven itself to bethe greatest enemy of free trade andhonest labor. It certainly has not pro-tected and helped us in this area.

2. In terms of military protectionagainst foreign invasion, the centralgovernment has done absolutely noth-ing to help us. In fact, it has done justthe opposite. It has...

a) ...turned brother againstbrother in the Civil War [War betweenthe States].

b) ...started and/or gotten us in-volved in nearly every war you canname, forced us to pay taxes, and forcedour young men (and now women, too)to waste their lives fightingbankers’warson foreign soil for reasons the soldiersdon’t even understand.

3. The Constitution could not havebeen God-inspired! This can be proven

in easy steps:a) “Where the spirit of the

Lord is, there is liberty” (2 Corinthians3:17). Therefore freedom and Christ areinseparable.

b) The Constitution created acentral government. This governmentis still in place. It has ruled, centrally,since 1787.

c) The central government hasenslaved people, ruined the economy,murdered our sons, aborted our babies,demoralized our youth, brainwashed thewhole population, and destroyed theheritage of our race. In short, the U.S.Government has destroyed freedom.

d) Therefore, since the Consti-tution created a government which de-stroys liberty, it could NOT have beeninspired by God. And, contrary to thecommon claim that “our governmentmay not be perfect, but it is the best inthe world,” the fact is, the U.S. Gov-ernment may very well be the worst inthe world. It certainly has caused moremisery than any other.

The point is this: there is no benefitwhatsoever in central government ...EXCEPT to those who are in the gov-ernment, and the bankers who profitfrom government.

International wars are nothing morethan bankers squabbling over invest-ments and property disputes. Centralgovernments are tools of bankers tokeep watch over their investments andloans. Anyone who wants a central gov-ernment is either an enemy or a fool!



Now, lets talk briefly about com-merce and law enforcement in a freesociety – without central government.What does the Bible say?

Law for Commerce

A. Theft

15. “You shall not steal.” Exodus 20:15

B. Monopolies

9. “Woe to them that join house tohouse, that lay field to field, tillthere be no place that they may beplaced alone in the midst of theland.” (no monopolies on land andcommerce.)

Isaiah 5:8

C. Land Investment

5. “Now therefore, if you will obey myvoice indeed, and keep my cov-enant, then you shall be a peculiartreasure to me above all people:for all the land is mine (God’s).”

Exodus 19:5

10. And you shall hallow the fiftiethyear, and proclaim liberty through-out all the land unto all the inhabit-ants thereof: it shall be a jubilee toyou; and you shall return everyman to his possession, and youshall return every man to his family.

23. “The land shall not be sold for ever:for the land is mine; for you arestrangers and sojourners with me.

24. And in all the land of your posses-sion you shall grant a redemptionfor the land.” (Land grants to familyfor 50 years; cannot be sold).

Leviticus 25:10 & 23-24

Law Against Violence


13. “You shall not murder.”Exodus 20:13

6. “Whosoever sheds man’s blood, byman shall his blood be shed: for inthe image of God made he man.”(Murderers must pay with their ownblood.)

Genesis 9:6

Law for Punishment & Enforcement

A. Principle

23. “And if any mischief follow, thenyou shall give life for life,

24. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, handfor hand, foot for foot.

25. Burning for burning, wound forwound, stripe for stripe.”

Exodus 21:23-25

B. Witnesses

15. “One witness shall not rise upagainst a man for any iniquity, orfor any sin, in any sin that he sins:at the mouth of two witnesses, orat the mouth of three witnesses,shall the matter be established.

16. If a false witness rise up againstany man to testify against him thatwhich is wrong;

17. Then both the men, betweenwhom the controversy is, shallstand before Yahweh (in a godlycourt) before the priests and thejudges, which shall be in thosedays;

18. And the judges shall makediligent inquisition: and behold, ifthe witness be a false witness, andhas testified falsely against hisbrother;

19. Then shall you do to him, as hehad thought to have done to hisbrother: so shall you put the evilaway from among you.

20. And those which remain shallhear, and fear, and shall henceforthcommit no more any such evilamong you.

21. And thine eye shall not pity; butlife shall go for life, eye for eye,tooth for tooth, hand for hand, footfor foot.”

Deuteronomy 19:15-21

C. Judgment/Trial

13. “Take you wise men, and under-standing, and known among yourtribes, and I will make them yourchiefs.

15. So I took the chief of your tribes,wise men, and known, and madethem heads over you, captainsover hundreds, and captains overfifties, and captains over tens, andofficers among your tribes.

16. And I charged your judges at thattime, saying, Hear the causesbetween your brethren and judgerighteously between every manand his brother, and the strangerthat is with him.

17. You shall not respect persons injudgment; but you shall hear thesmall as well as the great; you shall

not be afraid of the face of man; forthe judgment is God’s: and thecause that is too hard for you, bringit unto me (Moses), and I will hearit.” (Judges are to judge matters,but not enforce them.)

Deuteronomy 1:13-17

D. Enforcement

5. “Then shall you bring forth thatman or that woman, which havecommitted that wicked thing, toyour gates (courts), even that manor that woman, and shall stonethem with stones, till they die.

6. At the mouth of two witnesses, orthree witnesses, shall he that isworthy of death be put to death;but at the mouth of one witness heshall not be put to death.

7. The hands of the witnesses shallbe first upon him to put him todeath, and afterward the hands ofall the people (private enforcementof judgment; no police force). Soyou shall put the evil away fromamong you.

12. And the man that will do pre-sumptuously, and will not hearkento the priest that stands to ministerthere before the LORD your God,or to the judge, even that man shalldie: and you shall put away the evilfrom Israel.

13. And all the people shall hear, andfear, and do no more presumptu-ously.”

Deuteronomy 17:5-13

E. Cities of Refuge

9. “And Yahweh spoke to Moses,saying,

10. Speak to the children of Israel,and say to them, When you arecome over Jordan into the land ofCanaan;

11. Then you shall appoint cities to becities of refuge for you (for slayersawaiting trial); that the slayer mayflee there, which kills any personby accident.”

Numbers 35:9-11

F. Revenger of Blood

12. “And they shall be to you cities forrefuge from the avenger (the nextof kin whose responsibility it is topunish the murderer); that themanslayer die not, until he standbefore the congregation (thejudges) in judgment.

15. These six cities shall be a refuge,


both for the children of Israel, andfor the stranger, and for thesojourner among them: that everyone that kills any person acciden-tally may flee there.

16. And if he smite him with an instru-ment of iron, so that he die...

17. ...with throwing a stone, where-with he may die...

18. hand weapon of wood,wherewith he may die, and hedie, he is a murderer: the mur-derer shall surely be put to death.

19. The revenger of blood himselfshall slay the murderer: when hemeets him, he shall slay him.

21. ...the revenger of blood shall slaythe murderer, when he meets him.”

Numbers 35:12-21

G. Accidental Death

22. “But if he (the killer) thrust him(the victim) suddenly withoutenmity, or have cast upon anything without laying of wait (i.e.,without premeditation; strictly byaccident),

23. Or with any stone, wherewith aman may die, seeing him not,and cast it upon him, that he die,and was not his enemy, neithersought his harm:

24. Then the congregation shall judgebetwen the slayer and therevenger of blood according tothese judgments:

25. And the congregation shall deliverthe slayer out of the hand of therevenger of blood, and the congre-gation shall restore him to the cityof his refuge, where he was fled,and he shall abide in it until thedeath of the high priest, which wasanointed with the holy oil.

29. So these things shall be for astatute of judgment to youthroughout your generations in allyour dwellings.

(Numbers 35:22-30)

H. No Bail For Murderers

30. Whoso kills any person, themurderer shall be put to death bythe mouth of witnesses: but onewitness shall not testify againstany person to cause him to die.”

31. “Moreover, you shall take no bribe(no fine) for the life of a murderer,which is guilty of death; but heshall be surely put to death.

32. And you shall take no bribe forhim that is fled to the city of hisrefuge, that he should come again

to dwell in the land: and the landcannot be cleansed of the bloodthat is shed therein, but by theblood of him that shed it.

34. Defile not therefore the land whichyou shall inhabit, wherein I dwell:for I Yahweh dwell among thechildren of Israel.”

Numbers 35:22-34

Offenses should be settled betweenthe parties involved. Remedies forcrimes must be sought by the victims,or their next-of-kin. The power of lawenforcement cannot be forfeited into thehands of central mercenaries (“police”)and greedy politicians. To do so is toopen the door to tyranny. The judgesare to judge matters and declare what isright – no more – no less. Enforcementof that judgment depends upon thepeople. There is no police force in theKingdom of God!

Without a cental law maker andpolice force there would be no restric-tion of wholesome business, creativityand enterprise. Coordination betweenpeople and communities would happennaturally. Co-ops would take the placeof central bureaus, and monopolies orcentral control would be against the law.

The same is true with regard to adefense system. Banding together forthe purpose of helping and defendingeach other is a function of the ecclesiasystem. However, Christians must re-member that there is a big differencebetween “cooperation,” and “corpora-tion.” A co-op is comprised of indepen-dent persons or entities who take partvoluntarily. However, a corporation iscomprised of persons and/or entitieswho have sacrificed their independenceto become a part of the corporate body.Their performance is no longer volun-tary, but under control and demand ofthe corporation... which becomes anactual entity itself.


In a free society, with voluntary co-operation, the common law would bebased on one principle: Man is free todo anything he desires as long as he,

a) Does no harm to his fellow man.b) Does not rebel against God.

(Matthew 22:37-40)

The great enemy of these principlesof freedom is the church-state BeastSystem called “Babylon” in scripture.

The great friend of these principlesof freedom is the Christian Ecclesia Sys-tem (The Reign of Christ).


If you profess to follow Christ, thenit’s time you quit voluntarily feeding theanti-Christ beast. Men that want libertymust wean themselves from central gov-ernment and churches. It is the heightof absurdity for a Christian to attend andsupport the very institutions which aredes troying his freedom and san ity .Those who voluntarily support a cen-tral government, or a church, by believ-ing and teaching that it is good in anyway, or that it helps us, or that we needit, are still living in a dream world.

In terms of central government, theold axiom is still true: “The best gov-ernment is the least government.”

The ecclesia system, with the Bibleas its constitution, is capable of freeingus from the bondage of the church-statePlantation. Liberty cannot be found out-side of Christ. Christ’s system is theEcclesia System.

Freedom awaits us if we will stopidolizing the churches and central BeastSystem, and start pursuing the Kingshipof Christ.


The term "church," as weknow it, did not exist as suchbe fore 300 AD. Em pero rCons ta nt ine of Romedeclared "church" to be thestate-authorized vehic le ofworship for Christians ... thustaking control of religion byincorporating it into the statein an attempt to underminethe Christian ecclesia.

The “church" was thusinvented, and continues thesame to this day ... a fact thatis ca re fu ll y ignore d bychurchgoers.
