Church One2One March 2013 Monthly Newsletter Intouch



Church One2One March 2013 Monthly Newsletter Intouch

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March Monthly Edition

Services: 10am & 6pm

First time at one2one? A very special welcome to those visiting one2one for the first time. To help make you welcome, we'd like to offer you a complimentary café style coffee or hot chocolate. Please pick up your voucher from the information desk after the service. (Free tea and coffee is also available at the servery at each of our services.)

40 Days in the Word begins Today!

Today we launch our exciting new 40 Days in the Word program at one2one, where we will explore God’s Word, and how to understand it and apply it to our lives.

Don’t worry it’s not too late for you to register to attend a small group for the 40 days program during March to May. You can do so today at the 40 Days Communication Hub in the main foyer after church, and pick up your participant workbook for $10 a copy.

Our Vision is to be a Biblical, Healthy, Growing Church. Serving the Body of Christ and Advancing the Kingdom of God in Ballarat and Beyond!

Got more questions? Contact the church office on 03 5334 1882 or email

Come and see the Communication Hub for a chat about how we can help you plug into the 40 Days in the Word series. It will change your life!

Welcome to one2one If you are visiting with us today, please feel free to stay for a cuppa after the service.

Our Services Today 10am and 6pm services Pastor Mark Dainton: 40 Days - Building My Life On The Bible.

Children Crèche is available for children aged 0 - 3½ years. (Room off Foyer 2). For the benefit of parents with babies, a parent’s retreat room is situated in the south east corner of the auditorium (heating and cooling is available) and a nappy-change station is located half-way along the main corridor to the office area.

Glo-Group and Livewire New children are always welcome! Children will leave the service after the Children's Focus. Glo-Group for children 3½ to Kindergarten age (Function Room) and Livewire for children Primary age to Year 8 (Hall)

Toilets Toilets are located on the left side of the main corridor to the office area. This is accessed through Foyer 2

Elders Election Results It is with praise to God we can announce that Justin Poole and Hennie Oosthuizen have been elected by an overwhelming majority to the Eldership team. Justin will continue in his Eldership role for a further term while Hennie will join the team as a new member. Can I encourage you to continue to pray for these men and their families? Maurice Jury - Chair of Elders

Look What’s Happening at one2one!

Sunday 10 March 40 Days - Why Can I Trust the Bible ?

Sunday 17 March 40 Days - How The Bible Changes Us

Sunday 24 March Palm Sunday - Children will be involved

Thursday 28 March Maundy Thursday.

Sunday 31 March Easter Sunday

Young at Heart? (formally Seniors & Friends Group) Wednesday, 6 March. Games Day (non-energetic!!) Bring along a slice or cake to share. If you need transport, please let us know. (Held in function room)

Can You Help?

M5 - Music Ministry’s Monthly Monday Meeting Our Music Team meets on the first Monday of each month. Our next M5 is tomorrow night - Monday 4 March. Praise and band leaders meet at 7pm and music teams meet at 7.30pm in the church auditorium. New members are always welcome! If you have an interest in joining the music team, simply come along on the night, or speak to Sally Parker. If you are a member of the music team, and you’re unable to attend, please inform Sally on

one2one Worship

one2one Relationships

Intercultural Picnic

Care Cards We encourage everyone in attendance, visitors and regulars, to fill in a Care Card at each service and place it in the offering plate or the Communication Box at the Information Desk. Filling out your card at each service is a significant aid to the pastoral care of our church. The information provided is kept confidential and for the use of the Ministry Team, and prayer points are given to the prayer group and committed prayers.

If you have any queries, please contact the church office on 03 5334 1882 or email

Sunday Luncheon Sunday 17 March, 12.30pm at home of Jan & Rob

Come along and share a meal together.

Our Seniors Group (now known as "Young At Heart") have occasional Sunday lunches at the homes of some of our Church Families. If you are willing to have a Sunday Lunch at your home during this year, please Contact the church office on 03 5334 1882 or email Thank you!

Sunday 24 March. Keep this date free, more details to follow. For more information Contact the church office on 03 5334 1882 or email

A total of $391.85 has been raised at the Mission Shop and Cafe in February.

one2one Evangelism

Wheel Chair Update We are still waiting on the release of the wheelchairs from the airport in Indonesia, please continue to prayer that they will be released soon.

Mission Meetings Will no longer be held on the second Tuesday of each month. Stay tuned for further details.

Any queries please contact Erin Jamieson.

Story of the Week

A story received from a Kids Hope Aus. Mentor/Coordinator

The Value of Friendship

Following Jesus, Fishing for people Come follow me and I’ll teach you to fish for people, “Jesus” Following Jesus and fishing for people may be hard, but it shouldn’t be complicated. Over a few sessions we’ll teach you how to connect with people who are far from God. You’ll learn how to share your story and the Gospel Story in a contagious way. You’ll learn how to make disciples using a simple method of discovery bible study. We’ll cover the basics of forming new disciples into new groups and new churches that reproduce. You’ll catch a vision for multiplying new disciples, new groups and new churches. Everywhere. If you want to learn, and turn learning into action, we’ll do our best to provide further training, coaching and peer support. For more information come to a lunch meeting on Sunday 17 March and hear Steve Addison speak on the training he will be providing.

Recently in Ruby's time with her mentor Sandra, Ruby started telling Sandra that her family was planning on moving away. She shared about her thoughts of starting a new school and living in a new place. Then all of a sudden, Ruby turned to Sandra and said "You can move too! Then I'll still get to see you!". She then asked for Sandra's phone number so that she could still talk to her every Tuesday. This made Sandra smile and realise just how much Ruby values their time together.

Please contact the church office on 03 5334 1882 or email interested in becoming a mentor.

What’s News with one2one MOPS?

All mothers of children aged 0-5 are invited to come along to the one2one Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) Group. Mums can enjoy some relaxing time with other mums while their children participate in age appropriate activities in the MOPPETS program. Our next MOPS mornings are: Tuesday 12

th March – Pamper Morning

Tuesday 26th

March – Easter Celebration

Each Monday evening, 7.15 – 8.30, in the Prayer Room, office administration area. All welcome for

focused prayer, bible study and sharing. Tomorrow night, Monday 4 March, Focus Group is again offering specific personal intercessory prayer for anyone who would like to avail themselves of this opportunity. If you can’t make it, come another Monday. We would count it a privilege to bring you and your request before our wonderfully gracious Heavenly Father. You may choose to stay and join us in prayer for others, or by all means feel free to leave after we have prayed for you. Contact the Church Office for more information, Ph: 5334 1882.

Fishes and Loaves

one2one Spirituality

Sunday Morning Prayer Come and pray for our church and the wider world. All welcome. Every Sunday 9am in the Prayer Room, off the admin area.

All MOPS mornings are held at the church from 9:15-11:45am on alternate Tuesdays during school terms. $5 per mum - first visit is free. For more information, Contact the church office on 03 5334 1882 or email MOPPETS Carers Our team of MOPPETS carers provide good quality childcare and share God’s love to the preschool children during MOPS mornings. If you are interested in finding out more about joining our team of MOPPETS carers, please Contact the church office on 03 5334 1882 or email

Our next Cook-Up is planned for Saturday 23 March. If you are available to assist please contact LeonContact the church office on 03 5334 1882 or email

Kids and 40 Days in the WORD CHALLENGE Children in GloGroup and Livewire will be taking part in a challenge to coincide with 40 Days in the WORD. All children will be challenged to read Bible Stories or do Devotions and memorise some scripture during the 40 Day Challenge. They will receive the required information through their respective Groups, or alternatively, you could pick up the information from the Information Hub after the service. Each age group will have a specific challenge suited to their age and stage. We will be rewarding all children who complete this challenge. Beginner's Bibles (suitable for 3-7yearolds) will be on sale in Foyer for $15 each (25% off regular retail price). Limited stocks available. Any questions please contact Melissa O’Hara or Bec Lee.

Boys and Girls Club (Combined Event) For children in Grades 3-6. Friday 15th March - Photo Scavenger Hunt in Church Hall/Function Room. Cost $3.

Are you FREE every second Tuesday and do you enjoy Children? MOPPETS (Carers for MOPS' Children) are NEEDED! We have a few of our carers taking leave for a few weeks as they head away on holidays. If you can step in and help for a short time or would like to help out regularly, then please contact the Church Office, Melissa O’Hara or Wendy Kavanagh.

Youth Group Friday 8 March (long weekend). 7-9pm Can you Smell the Popcorn? Come along to a chilled out, less formal night where Fireproof will be the feature.

one2one Kids, Youth & Young Adults

Young Adults SYG Warm Up

Let God’s word fill your Memory, rule your Heart and guide your Life

For more information contact the church office on 03 5334 1882 or email

Sunday 17 March 12:30pm till 5pm, meet at the church.

Be prepared to play sport and have a great time. Afternoon tea provided at a cost of $3. Rsvp to Contact the church office on 03 5334 1882 or email For more info, visit the One2One Young Adults page on Facebook.

Serving Roster - Sunday 10 March

10am 6pm Praise Leader Sally Holder Kate Carman

Band & Vocals Group 2 Group 2

Children’s Focus Jeff Unmack

Animation Jarrod Parsons

Church Prayers Howard Drough

Off Stage Supervisor Howard Drough Jenny Harbour

Projection Robbie Holder Paul Owen

Sound Tech Chris Holder Phil Blackwell

Creche Wendy Kavanagh

Karen Ekberg

Greeter North No-one available

Greeter South No-one available

Information Desk Nenita Drough

Door/Usher Raymon & Raywyn Christine Crawford


Communion Prep Mable Aiton Rick Watson

Zelda Mitton

Helpers Howard & Nenita Jenny Harbour

Drough Ros Parsons

Raywyn Foster

Mable Aiton

Lawrence Lancucki

Refreshments Chris Bolton Penny Blackell

Lock Up Howard Drough Phil Blackwell

Flowers Jan Hartwich

All are welcome to attend the pre-service prayer time to be held half an hour before the service in the office administration area.

Important: Rosters If you are unavailable during May and/or June for roster duties please notify

the Church Office no later than TODAY. There is also a current roster available at the Information Desk to indicate any swaps arranged at church.

121 Gillies Street South, Ballarat

Office Hours: 9am-3.30pm, Monday to Friday Ph: 5334 1882


Auditorium Please help us to care for our facilities by checking that the area around you is tidy at the end of each service. Please take home your Intouch and any drawings or notes. This is greatly appreciated, so the auditorium can be left clean for the next service. Thank you.

Newsletter on Website The Monthly Intouch can now be viewed on the one2one website ( All personal details such as phone numbers, addresses and emails will be removed before uploading. When placing an ad for the Intouch please notify the office if there is anything else that you don’t want to go onto the website. Any further queries, contact the church office.

You’ve Got Mail! Please remember to check the pigeon holes in the foyer for mail, notes, rosters etc. The pigeon holes are located against the wall that adjoins the auditorium. The office, and attendees of our church can use these pigeon holes to pass mail or messages to each other. The pigeon holes are alphabetically labelled, so everybody please check the pigeon hole that corresponds with the first letter of your last name. Collecting your mail this way saves postage for the church office.

Lost Property Lost property items can be found at the bottom right hand corner of the pigeon holes in the foyer including Bibles, clothes, drink bottles, toys, glasses, etc. Anything of value such as jewellery will be kept in the office. If you have lost something, please have a look through the lost property in the foyer or drop into the church office during business hours.

Have you been away? If so, please feel free to collect a copy of a recent Intouch from the information desk or the office to catch up on what’s been happening here at one2one.