Chronicle the events that led to victory for the Allied Powers in WWII Analyze the reasons why the...


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• Chronicle the events that led to victory for the Allied Powers in WWII

• Analyze the reasons why the Axis powers lost/Allied powers won WWII

• Dday = • Rest of the War…

– December 1944 = Battle of the Bulge– February 1945 = Yalta Conference– April 1945 = Mussolini’s end– April-May 1945 = Race to Berlin

• May 8 = VE Day– Summer 1945 = Beating Japan

• August 14 = VP Day

• Must get what out of the Germans (this time)

• Germany and Berlin to be split up into 4 zones– rebuilding to be

done in the 4 zones

• Cartoon?

• Stalin allowed to reshape Eastern European countries– Poland is

major issue

– Stalin agrees to free elections (ha!!)

• Incendiary bombs were used…create fires

• Cultural Center of Dresden destroyed

• Most military targets not damaged

• Oil refineries not damaged

• 35-100K deaths– ~85-100K deaths in

atom bomb attacks• 2 months from end

of the war

•Benito Mussolini captured and killed by the Italian people

• April 25, 1945 Stalin beats Eisenhower to Berlin

• April 29, 1945 Hitler found dead in Bunker–Goebbels found dead too

• May 8, 1945 = V-E Day–Victory in Europe Day

• Your ideas?• Hitler = made mistakes

with Suez Canal and Operation Barbarossa

• Hitler physically ill…mentally ill also?

• Germany out-produced by Allies

• FDR, Churchill and Stalin let Generals do the work

• FDR dies April 12, 1945• Unprepared Harry Truman takes over…• Truman will be much more blunt &

confrontational than FDR was–Good for what?


• Okinawa is the last major battle against Japan

• Kamikaze planes (suicide planes dw) reveal something to USA– Japan will fight to

the death– Japanese


• Top Secret plan to build Atomic Bomb

• As VP, Truman didn’t know about it

• When inaugurated, he was finally told

• Bat Bomb

• Truman tells Stalin of Atomic Bomb (?)

• Truman gets Stalin’s support to beat Japan– Does he want it?

• Warning issued to Japan to surrender unconditionally– Japan has no answer

• Poland????

• 2 Options– Drop A-Bomb

(pro/con)– Invade with US army

(pro/con)• Is time on his side?

• Hiroshima, Aug 6, 1945

• Nagasaki, Aug 9, 1945

• Death toll?– At least 100K– Some estimates at

200K• V-J Day follows

– victory in Japan

1. Rebuilding Japan and Germany

2. United Nations created

3. Nuremburg Trials

• Germany = 4 occupation zones

• GB, USA, France and Russia will rebuild

• Version 2.0 of what org?– League of Nations

• 50 Countries join 1945• Goal?

– war– Human rights

• UN Security Council made up of 5 winners of WW2…veto power – USA– GB– France– USSR– China

• 24 Nazis on trial– 16 charged with war

crimes• “Crimes against

Humanity”– 12 sentenced to death, 3

life sentences• Effects of Trials =

political and military leaders held accountable for Holocaust

• Justice?

• Cold War• Europe is in

shambles– In whose image

will it be rebuilt?

WWII leads to…
