Christmas! DRY GOODS,CLOTHING,ETC,,...Academyofi>e*len mInaugurated lastevenlag witha *•...


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Third Exhibition of the Academyof Design.

& Brilliant Attendance.

Faahion, Hewers andPictures.

Catalogue of Works.

Avowing ol the Academyprizes.

Etc-, Etc., Btc.

Ttc Third Atnoil Exhibition of the ChicagoAcademy of i>e*len mInaugurated last evenlag

with a *• Private View." over a thousand ladiesand gentlemen availing themselves o» the invi-tations pent rot, ami completely crowding the

cpr* r floors of the Opera House with one of thecio**. brilliant assemblages ever <Jra*re togetherbv car popular artist reception*. The manage-ment of the affair **� coder the direct aoprf-

Tlfion of the Academy OfDesign. assisted by Sir.AUken,the Superintendent of the An Gallery.andnothingwas tell undone to make the occasionone ot interest and beanty toall present

Forborne ttce past, those who bare bad theexhibition lc charge hare lahorvd to make it aso.-ccs■ and a novelty also, hr only exhibiting

pi, teres fer the fret time. Thdr application* 1c

this direction were fc’.ly honored. Artists inHewYork, Poston. Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Cincw-tati. Detroit, ttontxcal and other cities, promptlyrttponccd by forwaidlng fresh work* from ihetrajiids. Oar tome artists took special Interest in

the cxhi Mtlon by making an extensive contribu-tion of their new works—the result of their sum-mer sketches-while the lahoia of the Academy

members and students during the year formed

an appropriate climax to the whole, Slewing

the collection as an aggregate, it is the finest everrxh'chcd in the do. «d «» especially noticeablefrom the fact that it introduces the works ofmany prnmrent artists never represented herehclorc, like Huntington, Peter*. Cray, Lafarge,Parley aid others, and samplcg from many citiesWhichbare never before been represented by anyd thetr artists, prominent or not prominent.The works of the Academicians aleo Indicate arapid progress epos their part anda * solid growth lo art-culture whicharc very gratifying. .Theyfnrthcr that the Academy I* s 'institution,which la doing * greatiuu good work in toiler-mkHUtfwKoaragtng art inoar mid*l as well as•■cncancg pnpns. We treat, therefore,that theencouragement wl tth is given lu a complimen-tary maLOcr, as on last evening, which taro weeto'hingmore exrcrilvc than personal gratifica-tUm,may show itself ina more tangible and pal*nabeihapc by practical and financial assistancesuch as the Academy needato enable Itto extendits sphere.

THEEXHIBITION.Tbe ArtGtllrry proper was devoted to thenew

works,aid both it ani the ante rooms were thor-oocfcly filled with there works, aboat one hun-dredand fllty tn number. The old pictures hadb.*crremovedsed were hong upon the walls othe lobbies and approaches to the gallery. *lbodtnbs which Lave been passing current for sometime 89 Murillos. Rntcnsev, Carlo Holds.Claudes, Ac ,wtte amongthese- If tbe SttpertQ-tctrtPLtof tee gallery will stU! further removethemfrom the public sight by making fuel ofthem thiswinter,Lc will do the cause of art areal service. Collected originally by aman who doesn't know an old masterfrom a handsaw, they hive offended tbe ere bygenuine pretenelrc?. and klib J every rt ally goodpicture near which they bare burg, for weeksp set. We hotethis exhibitionwill oc the li-t ofibem. Tbe simplefact thatIf tb> y were genuinepictures, tncy would be worm three or five time#a#ouch as ihc Opera House containing Iheta.and tev< r won! 1 be allowed to leave Europe evenopen payment o{lt* ir value, ought to be as posi-tiveproof# cgaihitthem as the wniten rccom-menaaUwDfeol uu Ignorsmus/orthem.

THE *TTEM»\NCE.Tteauendsare, as we nave already Intimated,

wasa large < i e in point of numbers, a brilliantcrc ic pointof appearance. Artists*recepll>asare nothing if not fashionable. Whether la-blonwillkill them. »« it did the poor late Philhar-monic, remains tobe teen, but at present appre-ciation Is measured by a ribbon more or Jess, andthe txir. me©fan-culture hangs more or leesnpoo thesize and shape of the coiffure To besute. fashion mske# bac mistakes gets Hunting-ton mixed up with Blctslxdt, and is confident thattheWhiteMcMbtalns are In the Vo Semite Val-ley; thicks a loud color from a fifth-rate artist fmn Milwaukee Isdivine, and tares up its nose at astudy by Hart,

. which is a flash almostof inspiration; thicksDesdc paints too flat,and goes into raptures overthe atmosphere*of a Beaky background. And asf.,*bioa ia always loud and dcfiantlnlt*criticism,it is cheerful to a looker-on in Venice, what Ara* and Cele?re may thick unrereeath theirchii-cote abvut pictures. It moreover seems lobeabsolut-ly essential to an artists' receptionthat the light should bees totally depraved andctt.rly bsu us possible. TbU was the case lastevening. The efiectof some of the best pictureswas utterly sjotied. atd others suffered laamiably in the ba.i light,but the assemblagehardlv tuls*cd It. There was a delightful atmosph-re of talkand a delight!ul absence ofart.Tb<- artist* tlu-nuclves w.rc in their studio*,which were thrown open, and into which littleripples codied from the mrn tide and mistooktbc poet fellows’ sketches for pilnllnva. etc.,etc., and all the while Vaas and hie musiciansblew Ernant and Lucia to shivers, against thestairs. In tbe xco-l delightfulmanner.

Such Is life. Rutart is long.In presenting a list of the pictures we donot

pretend at present to ent-.r into any criticism ofthem,and can only oficr a catalogue, reserving adetailed notice of the principal works for theluturc.

HOME riCTFRES.Tip Plllhlllna<• prraUarlp pi»li In

tiorpfromoar borneartists, although bars com-paratively ebon tia-e bu cl’psed since they re-torned fromtheir sutamereketcclogtonrs. Theirpictures indicate rot only that they hare st*enttheir ume profitably, bat thatthey bate made avery decided improvement. In same instances,their works compare by no means unfavorablywith the contri -urines from Eastern artists ofreccgtizcd prominence in the art-world

Cocgswell Is represented by two portraits, themost ambitions of which la a fall-length ofGrant. *lbe artist has not only succeededIn obtaining a goed likeness of theGeneral. bat bis cangbt bis enactpose, whichany one familiar with him will atonce r< cccnlzc. lie la represented In fall nnl- Iform stardlng upona balcony, boldine bis Wove ;carelessly in hi* right band, bis cloak thrownover the rail ofthe balcony and his hat ona chairhehttdblto The back-ground tsadtmly-lndl-c&ted landscape. Tbe general lone and atmos-pheric reeling o» the picture xa mile indistinctand tmoky. bat the piciare. nevertheless. Is verycreditableto Mr.Cogsswell. His second portraitis every striking likeness of He. Elkms, tae ar-tist, verv c’cailypainted and for IHy drawn.

B. C. Ford has two picture* on exhibition, theotc a viewof “ The Natural Bridge. Va.," whichis remarkable as “a portrait.” aunoogb it Is arallisT unctateiui subject. The distance. 1 >okinethrough the area. and tbe mndoj, turbulentlittle tlream in the foreground are very Well ludl-ca'.ed. Hu secondpicture, however. “rtlchland.Pa . Woods.” Is a very pleasing composition, andis tomarkably cotto-aMe for bis faitnfu) studiesot h. tnlocka. Mr.Fordexcels inhi* handling oftr**>. ard tflis is one of ht« best pictW«.

Paul Brown exhibits a very creditable marinevi.w, “Riding Out the Gale,” represrnttng aKiameron the ocean. Bis watcr-lmre are welldrawn, bnt theeffect lr wanting in feeling andEnmity.

A*r. UrniT shows two picture*,one evidentlyamixed compositionfrom separate Kocky Moun-tain studies. The rictl of the picture Is verrstr.iTig in iu> effecra of light,and in gcuciai draw-ing,but th- left is marred ny his sac, which ismore s'artbng than gennine. tils second pic-tuie,“FallingLeavw«,” taa boea npon hisfur a tone time. The suMcct la an emigrantfamily, driving through the woods, with tbvantumr It-avo* (ailing from thetrees anoct them.Oro i fme best etlecte. as it is one of tbe moatcifllcolt, is the (orcshorteblsg of the horse drawing the wsgon.

Mrs. E. IS. Scott exhibits a “Ba«ket of AutnmnLrs.rc?" uponitc bankof a etreim. rather warmlypainted. bat drawn Wril. tod aa exceedinglyciccitahlc ** Plate of Cherries.*'

Mr. fctkin* ha-but one picture on exhibition,a Kotky Mountain view, which Indicates treatintj ron-mi-Mand a Cepsrtnre from bis manner*l*cie. (sptci*!Jy fcl* prcvioa- B|iouvet>leoJ wor«.Tte picture is cot xitogeibcr a complete one, batit >hv.n*v»Ty dtcidvd irogrw.

She. !.a M- tie exhibitsa ”a Oalla Lily” whichle sm armimblccopv from natnre,both In flowerarc leaf. Tbis is ihc onlv putore this'artist cx-bti t-aid is a Mite out ofb-r usual line ofpaia'ser. A* ber studioIndicates. her forte Is lotV>-pb,.to portrait, ol which therewere sescral

ap.n 1 cr easels, •pecially p’oolncstanit r;w*.t< u were those of Mia* CorwWiand ther -1-r o. P<-vrr I'ldintr. H*q . which stc no*

••. r.--. imb> a* hken-sfc? ontTcryforcible a d

iv-i o. .r. i»i d.Uij:. Mr*. \.\ Montemic-f thisof {CTTstta rprcsa't\*aiid fas universally |

JlL'l'ice -a’i«f«uopwitbltirm |*

'•»/: •• j ?t“ •e\cr*.l picture* npnnthe*.f r. r 1.1 - Vi. W ..t ice J*’alL-” from 10-*

in, vrsLivo. t*o traaiinew*, ••summer *'

m. • *u .fcc." and a “Itockv hioactain> w. lc* *h' w rr.rslccrible improvdineut<’T 111. ; Vtn;« pirtare*.

IM-'jscte K-air hsMwo or threepictures. “A.V; w ■t> I'a'tl • reex, IVor.s?lv«niß,li which tg

'••\fir il4-> I ai:*’*danu a 1 ounCa It iibette fe>-I---n r-‘ in tn* dellneanon or autumn

„ jrd tc-rrOtctmo ofcoors to thewater;r. “The iioui Hftmi."aed ”Falls of the Ano s i,v %, w V«*tk,” ton ol vhv.b show veryrar* li.V-nd f. ilc not tunc UuclbU handling of

barbat one plc'urelc. the cxbVA. »6fn i*ro." wr.icb l« by nom-aiia

<t. oi m«w*t, n.d dor* rot doMra lattice.Wi« Yllvt hi- h aeiUa’-.- lull- fljwcr-p'.ccc.

.. H« d K=r.** which jocl'aus promise. ,tfea-.cLu twoor thrte Milepiece*. "A |

« bclo-" ltd »" \ »»■ c.t K;-.wrr* «btch Ut 1v. l me*«-d, but of iil’K- ccconit wbea coa-r.-.tcrt «Uo blf picto-e, -Tee Ffni«mYj.,r ■* I* serin*. «t first flaa-e,almost Jocn-dl-'j, u)t Sr. ues-ie con d tv** putilM u. eo r*«rto.-, nc «-.l is the icibrcTcEitjal upon hi* pi'tn. it*. Ncuooi 5o tfi* prtpt* Thuns-lTes. Dot«, e:J leave*, in the old. fence

;rt-r. «rd the tetterflx. rher.t 1" a no«rv IBib- iom»-ouion. a h,vdte*s and lr*e-r.osk of Uscd.lßß. a richness of coloraid a® rre-itappaejitp treatment«.j di-iaiV.which o»r» Mr. Ro;c*a elep from ther-trcpiinet ero copimio mo do-i>i«iio‘aaar-tint. Ll« vcnirarim has worked moictUv andM'b’rl ». arrt «r cjxnjtrataittc turn opoa tne sac*c- *• b* bs* achieved

.1 v\ OH*:er ar atnai'Tir, and To*mh'T of the-t-cc~v, cuC’iihu'e* “A Sprayof Gooseberries"

_ uvr Ko-rrXixaiMuan -ItUa*. Bicibnv"and-r-iv'- Mint'd lb *»» tv.-xf..f rctr.le tninter.- *. n ot-of onr ar.dtn-vtcoescu-n-

--. ' ‘ lri‘/ux. ‘etc* t*o pictures. “ M lid's Bay.

v.mi 1,1” n.d •• dittos I'onn. New York.uZI In Li- i-ecLilarly «a< oih. qaiet misß-rV

Mr. Diehl h-»* a serf Icree pte-.ore t« thi an-iiqßi-seSoart vMtr.iy.called * A’-cctiou. l-.cMit W: oi »cl-h Is antd- 1 yoace maserobrtr.c*i, *,,.*1 C f la-k-hsi.dc.-l way a foliy-Ureasca3f.Lt.-wrr.MP. wsn. i -* mini .Wr to the latter«

t,-cvl» tosuppose. is h.s mother, atd not hi*ni-.r.s’.os u« • aC.cUOu” is tmasilnnc U'jon- nrii in frostol toe hoa»c, trac.-e tnentn'i.Uxi*are «lc« d*dl» nise-m y. lbs crawlaqtif t<* «‘ru.ear-t Rood urn ihe cosipasluon

:nt tl.-a-lc.’. '.hr j-junisatLcvtU :lh:oi. xtrLnn i' -riy the asctlc of cbmty, for t f itt-youn? wiaitaaid the epscUior.

• ' wu;» Bney eihi'dt* two picture-*, oat inoi.b li t- other iu water colura. Trc forster ts• J Hf.t, Dtvll• Lit-;. WK” andt- »- Dad •> the otber—“The Yonn* Dcir*

c,,od. r«o mure fU«-Im;ar pi*-tui-B. iu lad. it w>ui-l l>« dif-li .an to flud. thfWj'rr color bead ita littlef. m oi rtacotr. hardlineand softn-M

noir. Mr hltdTatey shnaia confine himWlmi vaicrctl-'rs. tu which he r.a* tew c tails.j.j.* lie Pciirco coasrboTce a rtry cridliahle

‘ nila* tKr:raV« jA’piedt»y Lome arti*t*.the exU-

bitten ie quite aD«o*nt,atd we can thereforeCoj c., than catalcgnelto-m. W'c*i»temirrtlyti- u-.u nrd Mr. t-oi’csstll’s coi.Til.n*l-jn.t «t.a :n'tsUnUiu-wanttiMU nave mention'd uul heh«r h ffi.r*pltrnrv* n exhlhtllac cades "Making•It kite” Ui* tmf rTtanslc thatin some eftni-o• j,,. t .-ciriet*apli» it* whol-spirit i-H.riwd irom Mr*. o**o' wo.l-Sxowfl plcinrc.•• M»W»Lg t' c Acrap Book. ‘ Mr. Pebbles, ao a-at-i.c* ifiathits i-oilrslt* of rowln white, the- :tiM wr.n whom he ha* slutted, and a portrait

•• j d- Vis* Mary Mci'caneH, s verycreottsWe* crjron bead of *

. */:vs.-nr-r, a rather amomooa and hlrt-ooloworn'il.nt’b ol agerlteman. and a smaJer one ora vu-lfit l't.ii,l *s, very striking likeness* of

Mr.Hlrjrin* and MajorStevenson ; alsoportrait*of Ma lady ”and Ueorce ELJaAIp. *•*•»

mas. a Germanpainter, portrait* of a genuwiaaand lady; Bracilah bs» on «*ht»Uloo oscaliaatttkaessc' of Rev. *t> t'hcnej aDd K«v Dr. Pat-Iciaon • Healey u represented by arlogl«plc-tor* portrait of Mr*. Poller and child; Hi«h-woooha* « excellent portrait of a ccnUcaaaana me of a child, tothicbln hist style: I’jrcehv f nr rrmarltahly rood portraits—Kcr. Or.Datfleld. Coined H. M. Uongb. JohnC Haines, Esq., and Mis* McElcdley,a* ihreo-quartiira length; Pickering ha*«portraitofalady; Mr*. Paaaett baa fbnrbcad*—C.A. Spring, Bsq.,Kilty Spring.oneofnerownchildren, and an Ideal head called “Innocence.”Unaaoal attention was ftTen to thcae portrait*trots tbc fact thatthey are the dratMra. Fawettbaa .exhibited alncc her return from Europe.When it la considered that she only commencedto Wk.rb in oil.* t«u n-ai> ago be? progress in w-11nieb mliacblons. She not only seizes upon theItkcmsawtUi almost photographic accuracy, hatherose of color and her method of bsndilngshow her t■be a genuineartln. Thu Idealhead,fbr instance, la vxquleltoly beautiful and foil ofpoetical feeling. Mrs. Pasiett has always bad awidespreadreputation aa a watcr-colorlat, buttercentral reputation as as art!#; ofjeminentability will be greatlyenhanced by hur new pic-ture* t-c canvass. xrw TORE.

The New York rtudit»ar*a» usual, well represeated, and with beturpictures than we hirebicn accustomed to in previous extlbluona. H.Petera (Jray. Vice J*re«ideal of the NationalAcademy,scuds two figurepieces, which are Torycrateral, as there aie comparatively fewpicture?cf th!» class In the erhlbiti'/D. One of them la-Pcnta and Bsroanlo," irotn the Merchant ofVenice, and Ibcother the gigantic figureof“m.BaribO'otttw Cattjtaa the Infant Batlor> bothof*nlch arc are admirable specimens of figure'T

TE*Addl‘oa lUebird* sends the “Castlo of

Chi'lco," a rery finical, characicrltas piece ofHart sends a picture freah frombia

card a scene amoeg the Adirondack Lakes,which is fullof fcts ragged poctrr and bold, freestudy ol nature. The composition ia nor dia-fimliarto many otherol htepictorsa. beingmadeup dllly-covcred lace, ofautumn trees, mistyyiilit. |dthe distance and BlarUed deerIn thCfore-CtOQLd.

Mr(t.B. Peters Gray exhibits a modest bowl otthe first time repreieated In

thtcaco—we could wish more faroraMy—by aflower-piece, which is full ol contempt Cor detail,und d.rend« for Its effect upon bold handling.

William Hart tas two pictures, “An After,n-vnon the Bodson” ana “Joy of Autumn.’Ihe latter is a simple composition, a clump oftree* in the centre, a pool andcitue in the fore*croatd and black and grayiky in the background,thu centre thrown wltnstrong light. Thupicture

is evidently a sketch, a mere study of color

thrown oh inhaste, bet la Illuminated through-out by llart'e genius, and la one of the gems oflhe*xhlblliOD.

. „ _ „ .

James Beard sends “Boyalty at Borne, —*

Jionandllonriw—full of newer mod careful draw-ing. The shrubbery and foliage inthe pictureare deliciously painted.

. .


.Heine Lae acothcrol his woudcrfnl flat per-

«*cuv*-s, “Ihc Salt Marshca” end *• HamptonBeach,- * owned by George O. Walker,of thisetty,which is the beat picture we have yet seen from

sends “Towersof the Alhambra,*1

a large, rich and warmly-tinted picture, the Al-hamnra loomingup on the btilatde to the left,and in the foregrounda lone stone bridge, overwhich a motley crowd Js patstng. The whole

picture la?cry warm In color, and literally floodedhaa a very sweet picture under

thesimple lUJc, •* fram-lating’’—agirl with herl ooks belt re ter studying her tasks. The faceis fullol quiet beamy.

<ieo. C.Lambdm,one ot the beat of Americanfigure painters, contributes “Town and Goan-try,” a quirt little picture ot a young miss inMne bat and golden hair, who haa meta shy andawkward country bo* and girl. The three elandgazing at each other, with faces full of character-istic expression.

Ontottbe beet pictures In the exhibition is“Sunshine.”by 3.0. Vf. Brown, a UtUe childsluingm the sunshine upon a rock In the woods.Jhefigure and face of the child are exquisitely

beautiful, aid a’and out In almost stereoscopicrelief (him the richly illuminated foliage. Weonly regie! that we have not time or spice tod(T(tc to this picture, which Is so failof poetry,art and mturr.

Mr. Huntington. President of the 'NationalAcademy, sends the largest and. Inmany respects,the beet picture in iho (collection, “WhiteMountain Scenery,!’ which deserves careful

idy, and of It we eball speak in detail here'Wblttrcdge sends “Woods of Ashkslcm.”

which will forciblyrecall bis ••Autumn Woods,'*tormcTiy In the gallery. Ae this also Is oneof theprominent pictures In the gallery, we reserve atutice of H for a more convenient opportunity.

Junius K. Sloan, now ol New "fork and for-merly of this city, exhibits his last picture,“ View fromFrletio’s Point, Lake George,” theprepeftv of George P. Unton, of Chicago. Mr.Moan always gaveevidence ofan artistic method,and ibis last picture, fullof smoothness, dreimipros ntdpoetic feeling, only conums what wePave always predicted of himthat be would ritetoan enviable prominence tn the art-world.


Bo?Kn has few pictures, but they are goodones. ATOi ng them t* one ol Dc Mass’ latest,••I‘nlpll Hock.” fail of inch sea wateras only Delinncan paint. Tillspicture I# owned by N. K.Fallback. K#q., of Chicago. Oeo. Curtis alsoexhibit a very pretty marine view In BostonHarbor.

rnn.\T\CLrniA.P. Fcect'el.a German painterofPhiladelphia,

ixhiMts ‘-A Moonlight on Lake George," whichI* not particularly noticeable, and a scene “Onthe Bauson near >Vest Point,” which is better.Hamilton, the marine palmer of the same city,sends *•a bunnse” and “sunset '* on r hewater,whicharc very bold pictures la general effects;also “Morningos tbe Sea shore."

Thesmoky dryIs for the first time representedIn a < blcago exhibition, and sends quite an im-posing snay of pictures, some ofthsmofnomean merit. Among them arc “ Ihe Suburbs ofPittsburgh,” by Jasper Lawman, a bold and care-lolly drawn picture, but of no earthly interest,being ptincipallv devotedto an advertisementofMrs O’Dond’s grocery store, with Mrs. O'Doudlooking out of «n uppir window at a wagon com-ing nn the hill, the o'Doud familfon the stoop,and tbc O'Doud pigs runningIn the street. HughHcNcW'Jl.a jonnf and very promisingartisnseads“The Trout Mream" and *• An Interior.” bo*nof which are charming little figures. W. C. Wallexhibits a view ••On Hill Creek, Fa.,” very clear-ly andbrightlypainted but without any specialmerit. George Bettel sends ”ihe UnexpectedVisitor,” an owl which has Just fastened upon anunlucky gopher withUs claws and expresses thoalmost fatisCacticn to his great yellow eyes.Both in the happy title of hispicture.In the ani-mali-alnt'spard the handlingof fohage the pic-tare Is worthy of Beard. The remainingpicture,�* The Country Blscksmlth,” by Clarence M.Johns, ts a very neat piece of figure work.Cnrionsly enough. Cincinnati sends three pic-

tares, all by one artist, ana that artist a malitto,Doccanson by same. The pictures are a” Viewof Tlconderoga,’- “View on the Hocky Fort,”and**Light In the Wilderness.” They are all abovethe average of cxhibiUon pictures. and are paint-ed not only with a very artisticase of color, batwith great fidelity tonature.Is represented br two animal pictures. u AtDome’* and ”Caacht at Last,” by C. n. Eaton.They are each studies of dogs, but rather hardand cold In method.

MONTREALhas one picture, acd tbat a remarkably goodone, “Horses on the Commons,” by AdolphVogt.

FOREIGN.Thereare few new foreign pictures on exhibi-tion, but they ore all of unusual merit, and are as

follows:”Landscape.”a very bold and graphic picture,

by Beonclntz Von Leuven, of Berlin, apupU ofCalsme.

A charming little figure piece,by Baron Vonder Bornscbiegel, of Parts, representing a Ty.rolcao sieging, with the guitar accompaniment,toLts Ini helper's daughter

One of tbebest pictures to the exhibitionla byKsemmervr. a pnpll of Hamon. from Berlin. Itrepresents an anary, filled with birds. At thesided the half-opened door stinds a halfnndefemale with an uplifted switch, which the tsjosl about tobring down opoo the head of a de-voted cat, who Is about entering, with a demon:locking face. The female figure la beautifullydrawn and the study of character both tj herfaceand thatof the cat tv fallof hamor.

J. W. Freer,of Munich, sends a fine crayondrawingof the head of Canova ■

*• Veens.”Kruble, of Munich, also aenda a boantifaUy-

paioiea picture of “bt. Elltxbeih, ’the coloringof which is very rich.

Forbes, the American painter, who paints atHome, Is represented by ” A Scene tc»r T.v011.”

One of the curiosities of the collection is a“ Venetian Scene,” owned by Mr. Chandler, oftbls citv, which ts, nnroobtedly. a genuineTurner, and the only Turnerwhich hs« ever fcetn*<en here, with tbe execution of a small walcr-color whtcb was exhibited some years ago. Thoplctnrt, ftlibonrb bearing the mark* acd wear ofare. Is Millfresh incolor, admirable in drawing»nd bears upon it all tbe peculiaritiesof Turner'sstyle.

Tfcerc sro bat few water colord on exhibition,tut tbiKC few arc vert choice. Fust amaa?them Is *• the Kvenliu Prayer.” the eoperb workof the preii*c»t American enjjriTer, K. O. CI'atley. Thesubject is a rhnne by an UtUtnread star,stoned which arc paihcicd In devo-tional atiitudca mother and child in lb* pic-turesquepeasant's **rb, a muleteer whose mule,Ipnrti!r theeencutrol the occasion. n tirowaitsthe herbice. a shepherd bor, whose posts aodeh« tp me row by.and an rid man whose ftcurcttd tareate eopcihly drawn. Aconitine Ittl-acl-iitd?c nit ft*>tnc# the croup. It is to b? hopedtbi« sop- rbpiece ot water work willremain here,r.n; s for «ale at the very rcaronatle bothol JTUh rot equal, to tbia In merit lann tr-wl lira 1 of ** The G p-cy Qoesn ” bv Mrs.hltr-ab' th Murray, founder of the Eucllsh Femalel oiltti Neater Colors, now palatine la New\oik. It i« a Ti-ry etrlldnc plctun-. the face fallof the uartn pairion»le Spanish fervor, and ther* '■ r.ujr t\qm t:c. We have already spoken ofKtr. .wal»arc‘’s ideal head, •• fhc Voting11. Irvrs.” Mr. also of thts city, ernasttr e very t-xctl:-i t samples : “In the Woodspear VardsiM, ni.,” **On tlie UlUlopa” and••NtorUandre.”

BCCLPTCRE.The ecuiptois are only represented br a naclc

rortnimior. it |« hat ote, bat it is LsnetTbcttiwon'r. ito cantrtbntion Is a marble boatot tr.e po.f, wmam Cullen Urvant, completedbj Tb« tnr>*on Inst before his departure for Bn*to- c, jicU owrrd by J». K. Falrbaak, K#q.. offbicaco. Ti e iikeresa Is notonly sensing, andmutilillis ton! end spirited, bnt thearQst hasisu«d ibe t»er mu of poetical ihjnshu Thewore tift* c an:?t be -been commensurate with the«ora ot tb> poet, he bus evidently wronchtthis pp.avu*t hkmesa cot of the marble with

feelingand love for bis labor.MISCKI.I.XNEOCS.

Ic irdumut-- the works we have alreadymen*Hutto, th-rvarc a fe* cisigns wttca arc ratherot t munomenral character, and principally In*tirr»iloc )n an arctv.etimal T>tnt ot view.AiDft!' ib»-UJ Laikin G. Meade’* design for atolattr's monucthtt O t*. Volk’* (of Quincy)de-ictsUr 't* L;net inand Lovcjov monuments,•tda f.tii* Gothic design for the Lincoln mono* Heart L Gar.

AWAKmXO OT TSUI»».Tbo prltes Instituted for awards of excellence

to immUrs nod Braden* of tbe Academy, coa-Mf’iot: -.t each owe of bn»>ks were presenteddonnrtar errnlrg. 1h- fStwt prlxe In the IdlesjiOtK lV3«awarUd to C.,t Aonigtatt. A««io;Uta

*h- arise drawtrg r-ejng a node malefpare in aster. Honorable mention was *l*oTO»dr of tnc dr*win? o' WiMimLlchtner, an As-»ccis’c Mcmtur of it*Lift hrbo->l.

Ic tar Anfqac >rh<K»l, the first pi lie wasfcwurf'OtoMr* M. ** Dewey, Associate Mem*l-er. <Le r.ilze *sr«wlag Oetcg a beadot tit V-tiUs d« Ml o In erapn. Tbest-tond i nxe In tVs school wasaware e t'Mr. Foster, a similar. lot tbe crayondta«l«eofahf-d. flonorable mention. In this

I sibool. «i< mad* of Mi**Ptice, Mtss Uiyrtion,

1 Hccfisod nntnifl Watkins. th; latter* col*1 or- di oy. H>r*-oteenyears ofage. Uts mention

is L.tde*lo cunnectl-.*n wtththt boat o- a child,omwti hi rntnt Qlrivtly from »he1 be • taw;»c”:- »n admirablecopy, acd is handledwito »n ar t.tir method nponlb span of tho alo-ccit.whim *fcow-hi"j. laspite of hi* color, toLVI " U- J. 4U Pjli.t*

.»• *'’ ■*•be pcset »*• d of a rep’.n* which tt»yyctlead fairtoacton } U*h .r nn- hing of which ho and hirace may le pr •at.

AN-sOfNCEMEST.Tbe cablhttion thus willremain

openutt'it Jarnsr* I. single .vUniiMors arctarct --flr>-Ceßl-: seas-n Ucket* (1.00. Uoring

this time (be rol-ection of pictnr*s will be Incharcc ol dlffe ect member* of the Academr, whowill aiway* be in a’tendance to Impartloforraa*•tor- I*> r -il r» and attend to tfaj*'* de»uonsofimcla'lnc. All the woita are for sa:c exceptttoiewhich we tave sprciUcd a* owned InlieCUT. Vte ’r-st Ur the cake and eneoomgementot the Acatt-my, which ha* gathered together*afine a CLtlieciiufi al great expense, that it willbercmnarralea f-»r it*on>Uy oy liberal patronageDttwtcb now and New Years.

Boy Killed.


A hi? named John ronlgar , twclre year* ofage, me mo over and killed tz Wednesday cren-‘ Archer arenue and Cltrk*lrt«i. hr awipon heavily laden with bnck.J iB--fCfttaioy, driverof the team,was arresloAate u held dnocr ball of 9^oo.

Twcnty-dve dollar* reward will hrpaid for tbelecovery of a band satchel lo«t last evening fromaaltUtb on Lake streetnear btale. 11 containeda tntclxf of account nooks, meaoruda laiisi*tas. BciumioNo.Ui boavb CUrtt street.


Deepen), S«lmb Fight Betiieea > Deletllreul aPuli *f Beaghi.

One of the Men Shotand Mortally Wound-ed bj theOffice).

The Setectiee’e BUtemont.

A disreputable lalooalolbe basement of No. 191Foutb Clark street, long known m a rendezvous ofthieve*andcut-lUro*u, vu lastevening tbe theatre©fa desperate ftwcaabetween two detectives and agtngof despersfloe*. Detective* Kelly and Schu-mann, oftheregular force,acting upon orders fromtbeDeputy SuperintendentofPolice, went there fortbepsrpo*c oftcectlmt out a notorious thief, namedThomas Cody, ami arresting blm oo an executionunedftem thePolice Court. They met the objectoftheir search there among a numberof themoatcriminalcharacter* by which tbe city la cursed. andInterimKelly made an attempt to take blm Intocnatody. Tbe collection of Uilereabecame at once tbeChampion*of tbelrassociate, and savagely attackedtbe officer*, doing no injury to them.;nowever?atthey bravely showed Ejthl. Detective Kelly, appre-ciating the danger In which be and bla brotherofficer Istood among tbe Mood-lbiraty and half drunken Iruffian*, drew bla revolver. audboldly stepping op toCade, prevented Itat bla b«ad. At tbia Juncture thecrowd collt tiedaround th-cOcer* and marc a des-perate vdeavor to open an aveaue of escape for Cady.One man struck Kelly on theright arm. and there*Tolter, which was fully recked. discharged lu ballIntotbeabdomen ofCady. raorully wcundine blm.Theraoetlnlenseexcitement Immediately followed,and only earnest threataoftheofficer* to shoot tbe&r*t man whodaredto approach them or leave tberoom, compelledthemto k-ep at bay. A messagewas despatched to thePolice headquarter*, and soonadetachment ofofficers arrived si the aeene of thetragedy, and *rre>l»-u tb« rnlire party In tbesaloon,taking them to theArmory, where they gave the fol-lowing name*: William W. etewart, proprietor;FranclsMasahcy, John W. McKinney.Milton VanjutkeTWnu Itoasetl. tfm. K. Ualliday, Alrwrt ulher,WUUam Clark. James Kernan. 11. .smith.Frank Dur-ken. Carl Busch, Solomon Btnllh. Jamea Ferris,Charles treeo.Chsrlea Conner. Hcpiw Knapp. Oeo.TmfT. James Farrell, John Dowd, o. L- Johnson,Henry K. Wheeler and Charles C. Clemens, Tbenumber of prisoners waa 33. They wereat one# imprisoned, and will receive a hearingat the Police Court to-day. Tbe came assigned forthearrest ofall those In the dm was, thatevery oneresisted theattemptsof theofficer*, even the propri-etor and barkeeper flatly refusing their wfstancsand lendingeneouraaemeot to themob, pat for tberare dartre of the detectivesnndrr these trying eir-cumstancrs, theexcited roughs would not en»y Bar#released their thieving comrade,but very probablyhave Injuredtheofficers. The occurrence, from ail

accounts, was purely an aecldent, for which thosewho tort theofficers with threats snd bullying arealoneresponsible.

Cady waa removed to tbe Armory Ina wagon, andevrn while anffirlngtbemost terribleagony, kept ana howling of the ooaraest abuse and moat fearm!oatha fluncat Kelly and theofficer* who oad him Incharge. He was taken Intotheaaacmbly room at tbeArmory and laid upon a stretcher, and Or. Collinswas Immediatelysummoned to dress hlswound. The .ball wm extracted!ost right or the spinal |having, assupposed by thesurgeon, passed through :the j,owr* cadylay In a critical condition. Ialmost pulseless, but yet voeacions. At midnight he Isained a little,and toward half past 3 o'clock this 1morningwas asleep and apparentlysoflerlog nopain.Thereare no hopes, however, for bis recovery, andvery possibly he may be dead before this paperreaches 1Ureaders.

Thefollowing la a 101 l statement of Detective Kelly,which Is coincidedis by Officer Hchomana:

•' Atahcul 6 o’clock last evening.! was on mywayborne,and while passing'* pawn shop, cor-nerof Madison and Clark streets, saw Cady step ontof the door. Knowing Idtu tobe a thief. 1 went Intotbe paw□ office, andaskM wbatbatloeasbe bad donethere. Detective fcebomann was then with me. tfound thalbehad sold three valuable coats for 913.and hadremarked to tbe clerk thathe was going toIndianapolis. 1 took the coats to tbe Police Brad-fluatiCT* 411(1 *howcd themto Deputy SuperintendentSherman, who ordered me to bunt bp andarrest Cady, as the property had undoubtedlybeen stolen. 1 had received an executiondortrgtbeafternoon, from Justice Mllllken. againstCady, for the collection of a fineof itCOanrf costs, as-sessed Mm a few day* ago for vagrancy. Withbchn-

I man,1 then went to almememvaloon. Ho. 191 bombI search of the man,knowing this placet©I a common retort of hi*. We eater*a and

In order to ••eard off suspicion, called for *ome beer.While drinkingU,Cady entered from a slcc door,and 1 asked blm u> have some'hlng to drink. Therewas alarge crowd In tbe saloon at the time. Hetook a drink, ana then I said to himkindly that Cap-lainSherman wanted to see him, whereuponhebe.came very obstreperous and savagely asked wbatfor,ano continued *lih a string of abuse agaluatexplain Sherman and myself. I took holdof bla arm.and withanoath he aald hewouldn't go wtthmeaudno policemancouldtake blm out. At this point themob rushed toward sebomanand me. and crowdedus Into a smallarea under the sidewalk. Cady wasIn Honorand hard to manage. A man came up andtald ‘Kelly. let me speak to him.aud I can make himco.' latonce perceived that tMs waa a plan to getthe crowdbet* eeo Scnnman and me and Cady, so11 si he could escape- 1 stepped forward, and draw.Inc mr revolv* r, presented ft at Cady’s headand or-d<red\lmtoccme slag. Just thentbe fellow whoasked to speak to Cady stepped up and hit me on thearm. Theplatei (a ho. 2 fonr-ahootcr, Sharp's pat-ent,) dl«claiced luc- ntents, which entered theab-domen of Cady. He then fried ont ‘Boys, I’mshot;flog'em! slug'em” hud there eosnea great confu-eltn. 1 took myaland in a comer, and with present- |ed revolver tola thetrowd that the first mat whoshould attemp: to touch toe would be kilted. Thet’oorawereclosed hy mv order, and almost everyman was compelled to remain. I called upon sever*!

of theiai gto »0and n-tlfr Captain Sherman, sadtell blm to send a detachmentof police to th • saloon,but no onu would obey. IT-seatiy a vouog mauwhom 1 knew, entered,and heleftior headquarter*at nn bidding, amidaegry oaths from the rabble.Captain Sherman soon appeared, and shortly atter-ward some officers arrived, and took cvety man intbe saloon to thearmory.”

Tbestatement* e fthe «ll:mt« attestedart un-worthy of ! uMlcation.a* they cannot herelied np.mas true Karp man has a story of his own, with acobrlngln favirofCady.

, ...

.Ihtcctlvc Kelly was not arrested hut was notified

toappear for examinationthis morning He express-es hlr.isrlf sorry for the result, hut a Just public wnlcrta'ilr support,ana a jo>t Court csoTH-ratehJtnforthusridding thecity of oneol It* most drspenleandvillainous character*.


Departure o< Oar Gucait.

The grand reunion has disunited, and a majoil*tyof the heroes that represented the Armlrs ofthe Tennessee, the Cumberland, the Ohio, andGeorgia, have returned to their peaceful homes.Good fortune gowith them.Now that thepaganis over, tho drumand fife are still, the banquethall is deserted, and our bero-gnests arcgone. It seems as if all the glory ofthe occasion had departed with ib*m.Perhapsit should be so, for they constituted thelight that shone resplendent on Chicago foradayor two, audio the eye yet daxxied and uc*seed to the darknees it teems more opaque thanthereality. A few aura of the grand constella-tionyet remain, hut their light is hid under abushel since they hare doffed th>’tr salt stftre,and now, as retired, plainly-dressed citizens, amajority remain only to transact private basi-nets. Takes all lor all, tbls reunion was suchthat, lu all probability, Chicago willStvcr see Its like axrtio. Tho age Israre add the coutliy is foil rarer, that producesthree each menas Grant, Sherman and fbomasIn one decade, and these chief* arc doomed todie. But while i'btcago bao the benefitof Oielraugust presence.and taepresence of nondroas ofother menof heroic quarries, she made tnc mostof them. For two aays theGarden City wascompletely under military rule, and Instead ottie dominion being “atrocltas.” “execrable,”“despotic.” and all tbat sort of thing, It seemeda glory tobe enjoyedfertver.

ini »xy*nTpnta.A numberofonr gallant warriors enjoyed the

banquetbut a tew boars, and left the city by aspecial train. General Gract ana party, including(secretary SchoOe.d, Generals Dent, Parker, An-ew, Ac , leftat S o'clock yesterdayafternoon fortVathington. General Thomas and party lett furCincinnatiat the tint boar, GvHerat nhermanyet remains, but will leave for < incionati proba-bly this evening. The Wisconsin.lowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Indianaand Ohio delegations lave nearly allreturned to theirh<<mes to relate to friends andfCtulut.’u h; »u,u ii'-hivs iv *vkindrtd In laogoigeofeloquencethe wonders ofthe greatreunion. The badges and mure me-mentoesof the occasion will be cire/aily t»re-

hcrvtd. and inmany cavct will t.>r centuries coi-tUnleprecionv heir looms with the descetdinof those who vavid the Union. On the whoU, v

think thatonr warilor-gnes’s are entirely satisfled with tbereception received at tbe hinds ofthe local commituc nod tbe citizens ofChicago generally. While the formergave all ot thilr time, for two or three weeksback, the ist’er rive liberally of their sub-stance, and tbe result was a gencronsprovisionfor everything The gentlemen of the Board ofTradealso cld a good thing to giving the o«c oftbtlrmwrriftesni nab tor'he banquet, since noother hsli In the city would have at s.I saffle.-d toremain the(wo thousand persons that sataroundthe fcftlvc boarc.

A meeting or the Amy of Georc'a was heldn Par'd G. Sherman D«>osc. at 10 o’cloci yea*

-day urofLiDc. C»eccr*l Slocumiu^ihnThe Chair acnootced, at me Historical Com-

mittee. General U. M. Vtblttlesy, General J. U.Ml>chrli, captain A. E. Lee. Ocnetal E. A. Car*nnm ana Genml Wia. t'ocswcl!.tGcLcrslZulick offered the followingresolution,which was adoptee :

Httolr<d%Thatat the cert reunion all officers

and toldhrs are requestedto appear In fallout-fora,ccau-nstli q itKir rack.

The ir« c;lcK thenadjourned, subject to the callof ttcl’icstdeut.

or »nt«.Tbe following notice has beta leaned from

Headquarters Sx*cntive Commt'tfe, AmiesCninbcrlasd, Tennessee, Ohioand •ieorcia:

CsxiOfl. Dec. l*» tsi».>'oiic».—'There will be tBeelineof *hc Etecn-

live Cotcm ttec.this moraine, at 10 o'clock. atKjnslcv'e, No. 2.1 Wastlreton srrcct. for mepot- ,pose at aue.lilre sodeeitllog MU*. OiatnncD ofrob<nßmUMw are requested V> have all claimspresented at that timelor setllt-menlv F. T.Susrbak, Chairman.

W. E. strobo, Stcrviarr.ids rots.

The cenllcD'n who delivered the poem at thebanquet fnWednesday n-ght««Colonel UUbettA. Fierce, atd not Lnthcr Pierce, as stated la*iaa Turneys yesterdayjaoming.

Army Beamon.Ittea fact that sbon’d be known by all citlrena

of,asd the present renowned visitors toChicago,that Colby * Peabodv,auctioneer*. No. 155southClark afreet, tare jast received large consign-

menta of the finest assortments of Swiss andAmeilcan watchea. Jewelry, ailver-wara, Ac. ofevery description, said they will hold a sale ofthepane eve tv evening, ccmraenclng at 7 o clock,nnul after tbehollcaja Although lb, re ita gen-eral Impressionp-nacing the minds of the peo-ple thatcooes so Id at auctionara tUnsr spanonsoracid at a greatly enhanced prices, they never-theless warrant ettiv article seld by them lobeas Inducing nrt oniv the abovementioned,bntalsoa fineassortmentof furniture,consistingof psrlor. chamber and dining roomsete, acd uphoistery work of every diacnpu »o.which they are enabled to sell at nanesrd-ofpilces, being agents of four different mann/asto-rtte. _

Narrow Eaeape from Death.John Hays, who claims to be a Chicagoan, ran

anarrow escape festna terrible death, quite re-cently. by being froien and famished In a prisonofhle own InoUCreet choice. Daring a heavy■term in this city on Snncay, the «Jb tnit. hetook shelter tna raf.toad cat loaded with flour,thorn* atter. the doors or the ear were closeda&d locked, thetrain madefor and started lor thetail, and despite himself be wa* lotted to be anunwiil'n?passenger. Ue hallooed at wrery sta-tion where the train Hopped, trying tomakehimstll beard, not wiirontuntilthe car* reached Zanesnl.e, Ohio, that and the car owned*He was fenod tobe nearly famished, wUh n*n)• cs froien fr*m thefert toabove the knees. Hebad reec a ptlsot-er In the car fororcr four d.ysand ntghte. dumgthls Inclement weither, andibeoil) wonerr i» that he was alive. He waspromptly carrd for.

AdolisiteißC setaofliTkU evening Mr.Dye willcommence in Orta*

doniao Hall, comer of Uandolph and■tre-tf the eecend termof bla adult slninne

school. Ibe jncentlc classtun at 9 o’clock on Saturday moratne. Mr Uje

waa >Vcb renatation as as isstrnttocof toc»i

those imerested.Baptist KCUBtOO.

Ber W. W. Srerta, D. D.. of the Pint BaptistChurch, will deliver the BtraOD


Ihe Jfrrsing &* 1 of yesterday contain* thefollowingulbnte10 the memoryof a genUemanrecently of thlacity, a man uhlveraally belovedSDdmpected; •• Or»at willbe the ■nrpilse,and

deep ttdalnctrt Uo regret| with which tto Uam*

sands of friends of Xr.’Prcl. W, Burshim,late of this cUt. will learn of nta nntlnsir outn,which occurred at Ottawa, mSanaa*,on Tuuaday1.., porflreyear* Mr. Burnham was connectedwith ibe Tiemont Bcnse, and for ten years wiibthe Unaea lloait of tbt* city,and It was onlr afew monthsince that. In>ha ftc«of the protect*ot hi* Mend* and on pioyor*. and In (be very flushof health, ntd rigor, end manhood, he sonant anew field of labor In connection with a Eaniairailroad. Mr. Burnham was postered of verypositive Ualt*of character, was respected and e»*teemed by all with whom be came is contact, andwas well aca favorably -anown to an nnnaoallyjtnrecltcle of friend*, by whombu death will be*taccrely mourned.”


TbirtMßtli Aasm&llKMilttg—Tbe Sob-jcet of TKcDramtac DiKOiKd-Bi-mmy on Orcbardioc~Di>etie«ofFruittod FinJl xrtct-EiayionCiianwl-ost« Ac Klcctioß of officer*.

Special Despatch to The Chicago Tribute.Dcnxm Hill. IU.,Dee. 17.

Last evening was occupied orto the subject oftilr-dralnlng. Essays were read by Pierson, ofOnarpa, and Holcomb, of oobden. ProfessorsTuner, Perlaxa, Ualnsha, Ferine, Dr. Spaldingand oihcn took part. They all concurred In thenecessity ol lilo-dramingoo a large part of onrprairie soils. Several cram tile factories arc tobo started in the spring In various parts of theSlate.

At this morning's cession the Committee onPrntU on Exhibition reported; also the Comnut-tee on Fruit Package*.

The i ommittoeos Pomologlcal Kales reported,adopting tne rale* of tbe Americas PotnaloglctiSociety, addinga rule that no £rult can be addedor rejected withouta majorityof *lx rotes fromthe dtrlcionof tbe slate interested.

Mr.Baldwin read an essay on orcharding. Hetbltks we hate too much exposure. too bleakwtnda, too mnch bnmns in tbeaotj, and too muchretention of moisture. He thinks toechestnut will 00l sacceed well onoar prairie soil. Trees standing Insward lord make poor returns, and fall an easynrey to toe hark lonso and other Insects. On theowß prairie wc generally find the trees wun act ou on otc side, show legtne wan’of shelter, tbesloe next to theprerailln/ wind being destituteof fruit. Shelter belts ofdeclaonna treesare veryvaluable, but thoseol evergreens are very mucamore so. Every orchard should be sheltered ;

every boose should sestle in a clamp of trees,sod every farmshoo’d havea grove

Mr. Galusha said this question is one of ab-sorbinginterestto thenorth and central parts oftheMate. The difficulty with evergreens is Intbeexposure of thero*u to the( atr. To succeedthe roots mustbe kept moist, for whan oncepsrtialiy dried the tree dies. Mulching is alsovaluable.

Mr. Colman said lhat the Austrian pine. Nor*way spruce and arbor vital were tbe best. Thecause of loss is Inallowingtbe routs to dry, andwantofproper preparation of tbe soil.

Mr Pierson was pleased with American wbltaspruce for orchard*. Would plant early in (hebill or late inthe spring.

Mr. Jordanopposed the plantingof evergreenstn theorchard, ilo would protect with more fnitttrees.

Dr. Warder dissented. He knew that ever-greens did modify the climate for the orchard;tbit they Insured a more constant crop of irult.

Mr. towards has had twenty-three \ear»’ ex*pirltnce with evergreens. Would n«uhandle Inthe tall. Obtains plants from the forest* laopenvxto»nrc. Piant clwe. abide partially, waterliberally at the time and mulch ; let them standjo these beds for two ytafs. and then plant whenwasted : plants in theorebar-i aboutevery fourthtree, and fit de Ita matter of profit, as It appearedtoprotect from the late spring froth heatand home the warm alraurlugtoe day, and is ready to Rive off tats-heat atnijrhu tor dry soils the pines do best, whilefor the damper soils he ae>octe the spruces.

Mr. fiatlwpoldnolllkeUio *» oat that «»*;.greens are of no Tame to tbe'hlffs of Egypt i.*2the contrary, many orcharding are tn taror ofevtrgneo belts, and they arc bang largelyplanied.

Hr. A. H. Brown offered a resolntlon pro*Tidingtor the appointmentof a competent per-son to investigate tho diseases of Irons and fruittrees.

Several spoke on the subject.Hr. unniop would mrn the subject over to the

iLdustilalUniversity.Hr. Flerson opposed the motion, and would

rvly on toead inlet iw committee.Ur. Grerory thoagut the Investigation might

be canted on by the society. Ac tie same timethe utivmity would give what of aid u could,taut the object ia that institution is rsher tottach than Investigate. It can, lh-relore, bebetter atlenaedto by a person sent out by tilssociety.

Prei. Tomer said that through the six summermouth ah the Professors sua students should betun ed out I'llr.vtiUfiitc nitatheir eyes oocn andbcohs malcly ehn-; in short. 10 (each during thesix autumn and winter tm-nhs, and to rctnru totheir several industries duntg the spr-ug andsummer.

Anessay on the blackberry, by D. B. Weir, essay on Climatology by Professor Batterwas placed on file.

Hr. U. Andrews, of McHenry, presented anetssy ol hardy apple trees. Placed on file, to-

-seihcrwlib an essay on apple culture by Hr. Ty*cr McWhorter, which was read.Areei/lotK-n was passed r. questing the Legisla-

ture to provide fora botanical survey of theState,

and for the collection and preservationof specimens of all oar pants andwoods of our ctat«*. Artopteu without debate

he £ntumolo<jit(,published at Louis, andcoll'd bjthc S’ate Entomologists of this ntiieand Mlssonn. was commended to the attentionot every cultivatorof the soil.

*1 In* election of ofllcers resulted as follows:Prefidcr.t. Tyler McWhorter; Vice President atlarc'-, .1 Perlam; First District J.W. Cochnr; bcccnd Dletiift, Jamaflow; ibird District. W. Hansen:Fourth Ul->tnet, B. D. Walsh;. Fifth District. J.W. Stewart: SixthDl-trKt. O. B. Oalnaba: Scv*entb U;«uict tt.P. Pler*on: Eighth District,I. Francis; Jfrutc District. Overman: TenthDislilrt. A. A. billiard ; E eveuth District. <l. W.Ficichr r; Twelfth District. O. W. W ilgus ; Thir-teetth District. r. A. t. Holcom *; rorre?p*ml-icg ftecTitary. W, C. Fla<g; Assistant secretary,JobnH. Pierson; Treasurer. Junathsn Biggins.

theplace ot bo,dine the next meeting was re-ferred to the Executive Committee.The strawberry list received thefollowing re*virion: Large dariy scarlet was stricken fromttc list for oaißtl tor '.he centra. Lonpworth’sProlific «at added to the list forSouthern lltinulsfor renewed tn:l.

Dr Vaser read an essay on the native forestDecs of Illinois. The Doctor enumerates eightyspecies of forest trees,a large partof whten maybe considered of use or whose umber Is used forcommercial or domestic purposes.

THE CITY IN BRIEF.Tax FcanvAZ. asd Bazaab of the Union

CatholicLibrary Association, now In progrc*» atLibrary Ha’l, conttcncs to receive its quota ofpublic patronage. The attractions which areoffered, aside irom the beautiful articles dis-played upon the tables, are the tableaux, and agrand instrumental concert, which are givennubllv. The tableaux and concert are of ahighorder, and are In themselves worth the pH'Oot admission. One ve.y noticeablerestore is thelarge number of useful articles opoo the tables,matted at very moderate figures. The department la also conducted on the planof quick sales and small proflis. Tbo« • whohive cot visited the fair we advise I* do so, asthe oblect la deserving of a very liberal pa-trons-e.

Ton llxoclab Skbi-Wscblt Micrnro of theBoard of i o ice was held jestsrday aXfrnoTO.brerent the fnlll board except * omais*t<>aerTUewortb. Tbertre Marshal wa* suttonzod tosell the old Lotg John engine, which has beencondimneo a»nnfl;for service. Th-r ord-r of aprevious meeitcg, appointing John ITnritimanspecial paire-imsn, was. ior reasons bes; knownto the board, reconsidered.

CnAAL*.* Blozt. of Aurora, chirped with man-nfscmnng liquor without license. w*« yevtemydischarged by CocrnGvloter lln>ne. PhilipCrock, forselling, as is alleged, tobacco containedinpackagt* without pr pet stamping,wa* heldfor trial In bonds of{MX.’.

A Coborkb's *nqnest was yesterday held uponthe bode* of two Infants, newly boro, whichwere found cn Wednesday tied np tn a big in afreight car, near rwcn'y-sccond btco*. The

iorj rendereda verdictof death from some on-xcw'D cause.Annan Pobtxb yesterday complainedagaln*t

policemanCharles flecker,of tbe First Precinct,for atrao.t and battery coowiUeo open him amath cr two ago. Dfendaut was examinedbefore .Justice bchoenoAald and fined sls andcosts.

The Zoaawe Ball.The clcpant ball of thr Ellsworth Zouaves. Just

erected at the mtcmcaoa of St«e sac Adamsslieets, wa* fittiigiy tniucuratrd la*t evening

wlib cne of tbc finest balls of the season. Notouly inroim of attendance did It roms up to anypr« clous effort, hut as tepards toilettes and gen-eral accessories st suites almost oon-railcd. It wts a complete success.The Ellsworth Zcusvcs, a military body com-posed of some of the best young men of onr city,bate always stood high la the community, andthe mere atnooreitneit that they would gl*e

ore of their military balls would alone hire auf-ifleed tocall out a good party ; but when to this

’ war aoded tte luangtmrt *u ol by fir the h elhall tor dancuc ta the cuy»aa uact-cepUonable success was coarantted.s jne te« tall is located on the s.-conrt dorr ofatewly-errcted building that does bon:r to ibelocality In which it is ei na'f. "hieibeea-tetnal view challenges sdmlra'ion. the tn'rrralarrangements are to lies cieditable. By s'cerr.jng

a wtda staircase at thesou h • &<!, ou street,\uu i'**! through a pataage-wav.e.n e:taee atac otwhichare located the coat and dressing room*,aodchtcrtbe hail, whose dimension* an- 75xlWftet. Its height ot celling Is fallv la cmsoraccc with us sue,and it is nrauuhUdly thebest lightedauditorium la thrf t*. Its dauclagcapactly ta tor nearly two hundred coup'es, atdthe adaptabilities of the ball for dancing arc

, superb. Thefloor is certainly me of the vert ;best tn thecountry. The accommodations con-nected with the flyer are ficehcat. Thereis. mthe firstplace, in elegantly fi led and otucoo-dioua ladles' dressingrooui. perfect Inall l » sp-pomtmects ofs«tU-es, sofas, dressingtablet, *Ol ■lette and rtsndirgmirror*, ic. The gentlemenadepartment is Stud up with a cost rs.-fc, whoseanmhersnm as bleb as two hundred and fifty,ihisapartment Is also well fitted and arrange !.

There is, bertccs, a private cCl:e for the ofiLeisof the command.

The ball was handsomely decorated for thr oc-casion. A nnmbet nl elegant oli-oatutitgsaborted the walls, which were Uu-rauy coveredwith banters, flags and evergreen*. mtorso-rs-.dhere and there wan appropriate mottoes.Especially toU worthy was apihleddesign, bungai-alnst theweal wall, entitled *• Sh*rtnao s Marchtolhcf’ea." Iti«pte*ctitcu the army in tuo’.luo.the «> ain the oituace. It would be >o endlesstask to speak of the decorations in detail, and letit suffice toray thatIt wasrtv.rely worby theoc-caslon. Thelightwas furnish**' byalxteen chan-delier*, siting an almost dazzling tnllianry to<bAfter°* promenade march, the Zouaves gaveone of their exhibition crUls. displaying great

proficiency in the manual of anus, and wer* i-en

reviewed by General Negley, who spoke o» thenmthe bigt iatterms. . . , . , ,v*

Then followed tbc dance, which lasted into thesmall honrs. Tbc music was toru.shcd by >e*ta e

I Band, and the soaperby that ot caterers,Kinsley, and both were, of course, unexceptlou-

I ‘We- _

A Pact.001 holiday buyers, in patticalar, my con-

etatnlate thcxa*elve< on the charges time has

wronchilin Chicago. To day they fan purchasehere tbe Cne« production* of European and

American art, brought from the flfri m»-krt* olthe world, by the ,-ntrrprlse of * wei!-kc «vIfwel er. A. u. Miller, cornet of Clark and ««•

do’.ph streets, has arcnmniatedin Ns“tore rooms and manolactoiy the mo*tmagnift*ecu array of watebes. clock*, jewelry, cem*. andMwctona tune*, all rf tie scry choi and selected by l imself

4mbarer*tnP*n* *na other rtne*. I* wonM befollr 10 bay el-ewhere wpbont flrs; eramm ncloch an Immerse aid valuable »toe<, the qndUjof which, together with theeery moderate price,neat delightand satisfy til.

1 New ItiallDK Dndss.Tetlcrday errcloga m»nrang toe bell of the

bo»MSo. «S wt« Monroe .treel, .na. opoo too

Kretnt Etel*. MBWerino, OUJOea 6cr . c.rd ..d

reqoeeled her to fire It to ">0j£be, .bile he welted In the hell, she heolut-«r-<i finallr wamedhy another itrrao. at*tfopled toshot the door on 6,0 * n-Stf iIJ?LS°dot™ itt’.t-.where the tatUt-eift trtw ihoMtd.

.1,1... 10 IJJdhteted Ihetthe *

rJumootil ttwu too 'fj, ”, c.tefg'£k te-chIUT «Wt»t there-

F*li«ro lai c»elBtt»«l.Cnrru»a*U»et.«.-atea*M*s&haw A Co.tdry|ao4| i V'

NEW YOitK.Summary of Late City News.

Special Despatch to The Chicago TributeNtw Vubk, uec . irXOXS7. *Ibefealnre inWall street to-dajwaa a andden

and sharp change in tha money market. Sarlytransactions wereat 7 percent, bat afterward* 7per cent currency waa paid with a commission ofone-elxieeuUj per cent added. Thefuture of themoney market excite* moch aneaetaeaa amongborrower*, and liberal commissions *re offeredlor timeloat-o to Bridge oyer the January >»nt-itatement. The drainof currency j* still bearyto tbe booth and West, and Use banka an notdlapoiedto expand any more ts riew of the ap-proaching quarterlyhank otateaeau

There was cocatfierahle railway gossip on theaueet to-day, which exerted eomc influence onprice*.

bate declined about H per cent under tbs riftffct Use bean to depress the market.GOLD

has tallcn to 131 H in sympathy wlUt the rales ofthe bear combination and the speechofSenatorMorton yeateroay. Tbla speech Ugenerally re-garded favorably by prominent financier*, butsome of bia figures arc consideredfaulty.tlotosk) am o» tux oaxat waariax bail-

WAT.It is underatood to-night that nothing will be

done for the present by the New York centralRoad u leasing the Great Western ofParsTTheDirectors met to-day to talkabout the freighttariff.

7na tan icirs.The report that the Erie cult*are to be com-

promised is again circulating and strengthensstock.

TSa OXXXUAL BTOCX XABKKTwas quiet, the chieffeatnre being an Advance inKeck Island to !(£*».

tbs lsoaz. vxxnns.A despatch Irom aMember of Congress cays It

la considered certain that the bupteme Courtwill decide mfavor ofthe Legal-Tender act withintwoor throe weeks.

TABIOCBSUITS.The case of James Ptsk agatnat the Union

Pacific Railway and Credit Moblller was beforethe bnpreme Court to Cay, but without decision.The case of the British Government against thebharpe Blfle Co., of Hartford, which baabeen before the courts for twelveyean, baa been decided by the Supreme Court infavor cf the British Government. The companyfailed to keep the contract to furnish arms daringthe Crimean, and the suit was for JIOO.COO, whichhas been nearly coaaamed Inexpenses.

evaasaoxv uaa steconTthran.The Bristol steamboatlino between Now York

and Boston has been discontinued.

TheEttping Pott says the Commercial Naviga-tion Company, which obtained a charter forasirgle steamship,or bejun bullJlng one, 1* cowlobbying 10aecnre petmiselonto use the old boatsof discontinued lines.

TQE DABfXJf Sim' CAVIL.Ihe tunepiper baa a letter tram Conan) JJel-

foo and General Totten, at Panama, about theDarien Ship Canal. kelson says “that to makea thorough surr&y would occupy one well-far-nlahed partyat least flee rears.” General Tottenestimates that to bnlld a canal would require15,000 mentea yean, andcoat three htuwnd alll«lot, of

muintort. linoHc.Pevt-ral barrels of kerosene In a factory In

Brooklyn exploded to day, kt line Jacob Daffyana eenoasly lalartac three others.TO THE ASSOCIATED PRESS.


Nrw YOBS, Dec. 17.—Die HoWd to-day de-t< tee bcti ral columns to what It calls systematic,and to the ■(’Predate stupendous, swindlingpractised by retail grocer* and provision dealerson th«Ucustomer* to this cityby means of fairsweights and measures. It says: “Toe re-tells ot these tests are fairly startling. Itis estimated that the loss to consumers byfalse weight* and «dcltc;aMoDß la fall fifteen percent Theone million people on this island,counting «1I classes, consume an srerage value offood amounting toone dollardaily tor each per-son, fn-h and poor. Tins Is an aggregate off7.UO.fKO a week. and H61.01XI.00>) a year; so thatwith fifteen per cent of cheiangpeon e are actu-ally ewlodlrd oat of fAJ,Doi’.<ki>, everyyear in tbe'r pnrchs**e of food. Tola giganticswindling bears mos tea'ily npon tne podr.wnomake theirpurchase* In small quantities,and arecheated most. The smallest dealers are thegreatest swindlers, uQd the retailers as a classaterobbers.”

Carina qraaiKiiHß.Dr. Morris, the &ut- commissioner, glrcs no-

tice that toeorder at quarantineof cattle arrivingIn this city Is hcrcafi-r suspended. Nopermitswillbe required after to-day.

IM-hCtloS,In the UrJted stales Circuit Conn, Judge

Dlatchford delivered a decision In the ca«o ofAugustin Daly ts. Jarett A Tamer, of Nlh'o'sib.atrc. restraining the latter from exhibitingthe railroad scene in uie play of “After Dark.”

FAPOO.V,President J3hn*on Las portioned JohnOsbrer,

recentley fined *I,OO. tor presenting a Crauda-lent whiskey bond. men

The celebrated "Auburn” horse, owned byMr. Bonn r, died last evening of tpasmodlcColic. -»

The Pulton ferry boat America was run intoabout it o'clock fh's morning by a propellerbound down the Ea»t River. The shock was sc-vne. No damage was sustained, however,though(he passengers were baaiy frightened.

Secretary ffici'iiiiocb’a Estimate* foribe Next Year*

The followinghighly important letter from Sec-retary Me. olioch nas been prepared for the neeof the Apprtpmtlon Ccmmittee of theRouse. Itcostam- thesecretary's c»timate« for the vinun*deparmet:* oi the c for the fiscal yeartiding June 30, tB7O. tto total amount Detnc|3U3 OuO.OUU. The A,proprlatloQ Committee willarrange tnen Mi s accordingly ;

-IkaaBUHT UsrißTicEjcr. Dec. 7, ISM.—Sib :

Agreeably to a Joint r< solution of » octrms ofJac.l.lßltt,lba'ethe h.nox v> transmit for theIt formation of the Hjuse of Rcprcsfotattre".puui* U nt <h..estimates aamlabe'l hea-ta of d-p*rta - ntj of the appro*pmtiot h required fur the fiscal year ending June30,l« follows :For civil service. Includingthe ctpen*

ad of foreign intercourse, In'er*ntirevet ne court*, loan-*, public d:v

t main, deficiency in the revenue* of5 the Peat Office Dei artm* nt, and all

i othereipcafiltuns, except for p?n-fl- ts. Itolan one the Warand NaryDepartment* -

Per pensionsFor the Indian DepartmentF. r the annv properFor the HtUlatv Academy .....

Forarmonee and tonificationsFor harbor and nv. r improve handings, etc. .... M36017.00Forharii establishment 20,993,311.59Total f 156.011,011 74i o theestimates are added statements show*

Irjt.Cm. the aptropnations estlmacd for theaamee of the decal year ending June SO, 1370,mare by forcer a*ta of Conrreea of a specificand indefinite character,as follows, m.:For mieceilan oui obie*ie, Inclod*

me the exptneia of collecting the_

_rveouefr n customs $9,*W,000.00

For comprtea'lon to the Post Of*ficc Department for mail set*vices

Fcr the civililstios of lodises...For srmlcg and equipping the

mlMlaFoe interest on the public debt.

.t5.140.823.5l53.350.00u.009 94rt.iH9.71)59.1*1,731.97


U3.5’*).6T3 06

Totalbtsosd. The estimated balance «>r esiatinir

approbna’iona wtlch will bo nn«**penn*-d ocJnie3o,ldGß, partol which are required for toopayment U the lubinilea of the present fl-calyear, tot wmch will not be drawn from thelrea»sry until aft. r June39,15G9, as follows :For the el • U acrrlce. etc S 9,907.«T>fi9Fur pecaiona and Indians *4,558 CU n*F,tW»t Department 80.9J).49H1For Na'y Department 13931.WJ75

Total fGS.3ii.SB.37jt is estimated that of this earn mere wij b<

r-quir-d or ibtfi-cal tear <ndltg Jnn<* . h7d.ftts.GrifvUn.U, Jeanre J5.MG.312 36. Total snl*natec citKndltorea for the year ending JmrAi.I87i«, faaV'O .tf* 1 . It appeal* by ifce sutentl f

csfmatcd ba ances of eaMtoc aoprmnations which w-.1l be at extended on Juno 3 '.IS-Bi,• h.ime mm of 4G1,536.M9.93 mar be carml tothe rorplus-fond. D. Mo ,'CU.ocl

Secretary of the I'rc&sty.


ncatmctlcn ofitie Crop* by ih* lasar*eeut* \rrlTMi or Rriafuictadau

|fr»m«tsna. Hoc. 7G. —The iHori'i. whiu I*

atroigly m the Fpattrh Icierosi, aay* wlthh Fauisgo r.e y*r, n>emp- w Jl t>« rath**-ed. rn»» l-*3rr-* ,vi| '.l<*catrvofTtt*» cnfl c a- Mai Belt il oft» au f»uJ*u> ir-catie to tOcii tor-oe.Theatetn trai.npo-uf*p-ct>»d will* roifjru-m.ttnI. t>m'•pain amr-.-i to-day. Tr.c -

h-tr ar*ni.l. Jeei r.ior- ••■Lai.ct r)t: thex,t < '.alien rti.l epee illr trrmlnite.

The L/)ano puMitbaa ac,-oabte of a\*. ryjrrv. llne inbah'iuo tl-Cuba, «hl-:h lt-a>a is

heart wbtcocter party wins it t cer*ta o tta’ilie prosperity of Hi- Eastern Icpart*nj.rt ii* mired for years to come.

Vh** *fct Ohi ot *tb c captsrc of Cobro by trenvt ,n:t rim, pnMuhcd In lh« Ntw Tort JJor-LS:* t *• JCtfOC.

1 i;c aaya the ToltmtCet* at Sai.ttCri ’-CCnba ark that arms c« citcq themimcektainiy,so it-t theesaf s<* lea again't tbor-eoiatKtb:-.ll*v*N*.*l»<»c U. —A Hr«e ifl t'vneaax ta- dtf-Hroytd thelarceelharuware aior>* !n Mat*• con-niate »ji loc -f**l la theM Id-lug, and all tbe book* and papers ol the <Cic-;lt>bi.

•»he tobtreo crop in VnelU Abajo diatlet i-very promising, and plasters expectas abuidastyulu.


Ibe Krie Cmpaor NeeMlaUac farAuoiticr Kaiiroad Llnt-WbiliirNetznrv.CiurwKAii. Pec. 17 —lt 1» reported here thtrhe Ktlr TUSlroad Company are trying to t*.

eras* ft* itotnaatt. Uamli’oc A Uatroa Ha-mad. Mr. Tilecli 1tad Mr. Jay Gould, of tsc ES-hosd. ar<* la the fit*.

Iwcat'-nite «bUk.»y, fn rc-ufiltdiBnUer Cvant}, Id rtJlauon cf it- refenae I*w>were tcizcd veaierdty.

BUSINESS NOTICES.inr. Hoyle, the xvHl.koown ci«rs stte Amtjioß nous'- Bintoa. I. Q'tt ot *>e srs»f«»er:t«aw-.t£ xac trarp Mn~ naiil:-. Mi* w«l.kco*r i«<v at tte o*n-. j. onlran ißUmt'ot tt'e tbvr.aj.-t tut.:o i att coanerwhtefc ex; ets tbt- th *occcoa;.

iBIllp*! f*T M4l>—i| £ »nji.orcn»pp.*<j u&aCf jaa i*;Ot Ite-kin, •jteea fc rAr.* Cf^%S*rkeaS p£«ic».&sa n- •*..« iflecuoo?. am*i*'*H'** r -rCJ~ Mksaj»aarec &r Csvrn. A t.c.. Hc~» >n'<• pt ifinjr.K*. BO— r’ r

r«t«rtb.-Tb*origin ofcttcrrb U .

bmi cue* a uli, stlcl w *l.etfd r;7 the c*c of ••

‘ o-^hlmrtnVrm* wtfimc fr.n *h > ao«-io \ht\h-Zii&'ssxz. *n - 1 *•'«»&

Th*> barc'at nabi fcar- i* tbaconnifr1c the A d;»rVit Hu'i.f, l“t;0”

Americas ac *cre*«^le Mp,.p,DK p;aPe ta ft :

ctitte ..f asC MjplJel wifi «t*tmodern IttprvTtnjCßt. *7

<lneCcro, 50*; iwo.jufoar. fI.W. «97 cwV. h, i?V»2fc*Strihrir “A.I BJtbf ’ rei!«te» toils* com-Uroffcut* hare It; sr-c rr: toj.

surer nmttiDß I.*»or Wete***, war-rant* c. at fid. Lpmai'a loan oCce. ofi lathand iladlioairxeetP,

. cor-cr oi

silver limning u»rr War*raced. »» Hi. Lit-miaV loan obet. corner alink md iiaditoa >u*-u

MlTet ilontlae UvrrMßtibißi mr>rusted, at sli. » loan c»»c, c*rutr ofClara usd *oa f-

UtwaVcP® B- Palßl*. Qtla, Klaet and bfnA««. at


SOBS.mrsT-A* Aurora,ksv., Hot. D. to the wifeof T.XL But, a Daughter.

SABSISD.YOCUM—HANCHETTE—In thli city.'at the rod-deuce of‘he bride’* father,by Hot. Prof. FD. Oeta*

eawrny. of mo Uarreu Biblical laaUlnte, Bor. W. F.Tocdsi. of Milwaukee, end MlmbarahE. Uaachette.of Chicago.

ROWLEY—PHILLIPS—In thlsdty. at thereMdam*oftheeactaung tlerryman,Dec. 11, by Her. T. W.Fla*. D. D„ Mr. ACelbert C. Rowley and MUs Sarahjl. Phillips,all or Chicago.

SWARTWOCT-PHIIXIPS—ta thl* e*ty, at theresidenceof the oOdating ciarcmau. Dee. l*. byHer. T. W. Flak, D. D.,Mr. John H. BwartwOOt andMU* Addle 0. Phillips,*U ot Chicago,

COBB—PRATT—In thli efty, at the realiseof E,p. Croukbitc, Dec. ii, by Hot, L. H. Raid, Mi, Stine-ob Cobb and Miss Lida J. Pratt,aB of Chicago- Hocants.

6BAW-CLANCT—In tMi clty.atthemldeneeofthebride'* father, by theBar- T. M- Bddf.D. D , Mr.George w, bhawand MlaaSarah, eldett daughter ofM. e. Clancy, all cl this city.

RICHARDSON—SMITH—In this city. Dee. IL 1963.*t therr»i>l«nceof thebride'* father. 302 Booth Peivrta-at. A. M. Richardson and Addle, daughterofj.Lee Smith. Esq.,all ot Chicago.


DILLON—In this city. Dee. 17, at hit residence,coinerof Desplatne,and Rev. J. M- Dll-lon, ofHt. Patrick** Chart*.

A solemn High’* Mae*of Requiem”will be cele-brated tar tlm, this morning at 10 o’clock, to SuPatrick'* Church.

amusmtnts.QHOSBT’S OPERA HOUSE.C.D.UESB ACO. •Lessees and Manager*




OWENS MATINEE TO-MORROW.At 3 o’clock p.m. Openat IK*


SOLON teHINGLR,Admiulnc to Matinee, fO cents; Children, 73 cents.

No extra ctanre tut aeeurtas aeau Inadvance, but noreserved aeau soldafter Io'clock oa Saturday.

JJcVICKER’S THEATRE.Poor* openat”.performance commence* at a M to9.

Friday, FarewellBeneStofTHE LEFFTNGWELL,Who willappear as BEI'PO in theBnilesqe of

FANCY GOODS,Frenuh Clocks,


A caricatureot Edwin Forrest, and mclo-dramtOcacting or the present day.and the Blooming WidowTwankey la

AbABDZK-Saturday,LEFFINnWELL MATINEE.Next week the brtlHaotaur. LOTT A,a* Fire-Fly.



On FRIDAY, Dec. 18, at 10o’cltck a BL,At their Salerooms. S, 7,9 and11 Randolph-at., cor-

ner MlchUan*av.Webavetuit received, direct fromthe Importer, a

Largeand Valuable Stock ofRich Fancy Goods,Elesant Mantel Clocks,Hands’e and Costly Cold WatchesCard Receivers, Inkstands,Fine Bronzes. Thermometers,Watch Stands, Ash Stands,Card Cases, Jewel Cases,Clove and Hdkf. Cases.Work Boxes, Concertinas,Albums, opera Glasses, Ac.

WM. A. BUTTERS SCO.. Auctioneer*.


.Leaaeaa and ManagersStage Manager

The Great HERNANDEZ and the Famous StockCompany. Friday evening. Dec. 1?,ILL THAT GUTTERS IS SOT GOLD,

And th* Comic pantomime,VOL AU TENT.

Inwhich Hemaniei will entente hi* Grand Serenadeand Fairooaf’.oitar Solo.Ladir*’ fi'it Matinee. Saturday. Dec. 19. Door*openat;; put 1; cartainriaea at x past 3.

pOL. WOOD’S MUSEUM.FRANK E. AIKEN .Leaiee and Manager.

Thu (Friday) evening.Dec. 18. at 7V o'clock, laatnightbut oneof theEvent of theSeason,

after dark.WithIts sobnrb scenery and appoint®®lll*.

"To concludewith UANUr AM>*.Mcndaf-"ntfllofSir*. I>. R. Ai.fn-_ DmrriT)McSrCloa, !>w. three orasSANCEs.atloxtntheni?rnlng.:xia the ai.,‘aooa*and'h'o’cjocaintheeveoltg. .

'Jalmday U«t AFTER PARK MatlncM Wnl .In rehearsal—BoncicsnU's •• How See Lo Teamm.’


Brussels and TVool Ingram Carpels, Bed-•J^9* Cbalre, Oil Cloihs, Plated ware,Crocfeeir, Glass, Blantets, Bedding, Pair

Cream Horses,SewTopßusrgy, DoableHarness, Robe, 'Whip, &c. t &c.,

AT ATJCTIOw,n . m-rrsii:VT.!»«*.».«vi o'clock, at oat aalea*rMM ! U Randolph-st.rooms. BUTTKK& A CO..Auctioneer!.


attesttUe superiorityof UUs poptlarcompany.


Comer of Clark aad Monroe-sts.

ANOTHER GREAT CHANGE-Hamlet cn the Half shell—Jolly tom Johnion—

Golden Crown yuartet—Happy Little Ned—raiseUatrtni*.

Hew Billads—New Jokcs-Barlesques, etc.Neat ilatlnoe on Christmas Pay.


HALT- On MONDAY, Sac. Slat, at 10o’cloLECTURE.

By WM. A. BUTTERS & CO.,Yottßg* ZSen,a (Library) As«ociatios.Tbe Rev. yalber Decker trtll deliver a lecture oa

Wednesday, Dec. J3, lF*Mc Library Hall, Meiropou-t*oll!o<k. Sutderl •• Martin Lather."

The sale of nphet* will commence on Mondaynon In* at h o'clock. In Iht Library Rooms of liveVouncJlsn'sA«»ccUUon ventrance from Ho. 50 La-balle-tt., up-itairs..MetropolitanBlock.

At their Salesrooms, 5,7, 9 and11 Kandolph-sl.

VILA. BUTTERS * CO- Auctioneer*.



V sic.—a younglady <ProteaUnt» drain** a posi-tion as Soprano Mngsr In •.'•me >.nc of theCbo'ch-.sin il:*' cltv, fite ha* tanjtht Ifutrnm-ntnl .ami VocalMusic in \ Chnrco iJi^° ulhcr2 «•», and can giveundoubted references as regard* ability,Ac.

A tidies* SOTUANO. Trtbaneoffice.

On TUESDAY, December tt. at 9* o'clock, at oursalesroom*,5.7. •)and 11 (landolph-it.

WM.A. RUTTERS St CO., Auctioneers.



Exquisite French Fancy Goods,Slogan, and Costly Watcbcs,


at AtrcriON,

OnWEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. Dec. 35 wi 31,Sale commencing at to o’clock each day.


At their salesrooms, 5,7. 9 and U lUadQiph-st.B

auction Sales.jyV GILBERT & SAMPSON.

robiUTelMtftQdclMlns sale of

ELEGANT HOLIDAY GOODS,Resell Siatel decks,Tmth Ctals. Tea Seta,

Fancy Bohemian Cl>M*are,Children’* Tea tad Dinner Sets,Bleb Fancy Goods,Mine andLemonade Sets,Bronzes,Pailm and Brsoze SUteeUef,Extra Fine Silrer Plated Ware,Dr«, Eio,


THIS (PRIPAT) APTKRSOON »X 3.V o’cloclf.todEVESISGaI?*, at onr room#, 113 and 130 State-«.

Some ofthe noit ccatlyand beaatlfalgood* willbe

GILBERT * BAMP9QK. Auctioneer*.

rpo RENT- Prom the Ist of January. ISC3,X to the IstofMay. WTO, house and furniture 3«JRrle-at. Analyst No. 7 Chamber of Commerce. 11.CABTEB.

TO KENT—One nice furnished room, withlarse cloaeUand (u; also one nnfanUtbeorooo.

?im-cm brick residence.«ThUd-at. Texts* mod-erate. _

TO REST—FTxmishcd house, two-storybrick. 513 Wabash-ar- nearHarmoncourt olteap

to a good tenaot. iIOKET ± MANvILLE, Beal ta-steBroker*, 10MetropoUUa Block.rpo RENT- By Wm. F. Camp & Co., Gen-X era! Bo«1 r.e» ahrok era, 71 Drarhorn-st-ten roomcottace.aadfarnltnreforaale. Location. WestSide,and Terr desirable, being bandy tobusiness.

TO RENT—From the Ist ol January, 1*69,two-atorr ana basement home " hot and cold

water—lo7« wahaab-ar..corner of Twenty-fonrtb-at.Apply at 163 UlMi., fjorth floor.f|'o RtNT- Cottage house, situated on theX coutbraat corner of Franklin and Sehlllersts.

Inquireat FOX A UUWAKD’b, 83 booth W*ter-it.

T> RENT—Newly furnished house to a re-sponsible tenant- Inquireat pi? West Madison-

-81. W. U. FIELD.

£0TO BENT—No. 2**l Ontariost., east of

Clark, eery desirable unfaral*hed room, withlarescloteta. laanltesor al&fify. Doomhaa all mod-em Improvements.

TO RENT —Furmsced rooma in HamiltonBlock, senthesat comer of North Ciark and

Water eta. Inquireot tbe Janitor, Boon 96.

TO BENT—A fine suite of furnishedrooms,cheap. Apply al Room 3L Tyler's Block, 17 La-


TO RENT—Two nicely furnished rooms, atKo. 43 East Eiozle-ei. Inquireop stair*.

rpO KENT -Room 2s, No. 79J. a Jarre frontroom abdbedroom. Beatonly Is» month. Foroltareforaa'afoTlWScash. Apply be-ta cen 7 anda in theermine,

TO KENT—A suite of furnlahed rooms atNo. j*« Ohio-*t.

TO RENT—Rooms In Popovs Block, fur-nl«hrd and kept In order, gas, itorea.Ac., 137VMadUgu-*t. Uttcrencenrequlrvo. Apply at Boom

T'ORENT—Furnished lodclnc rooms, with-out board, comfortable ana kept In oxtl-r. Par-

li.r», s.nsle ana doatilerooms, price very low, at 13tuulb Waterat., or 25 Michlgaa-ar.

TO RENT—To gentlemanand wife, a frmtlsuiteof room*, furnished or nniurnlshed, w«b ol

vitbcutboard. Iteot lox. 319 WestLake-st.

TURENT—Parlor and bedroom nicely fur-Llahcd. with crate, marble mantel and n»« of

hathroots, with orwlibontbeard, or for botuekeep*Ingpurposes, labrick boue. 131f»nfth-ay.

TO RENT—A desirable furnished frontroom at as East Adamr-at. on- block aonth of

tael* ,wfhce.

TORE ST—A Urge front room with bed-room off;both rooms nratly famlthed. Also,

two or threeroona/tnrnUhed or nafnr&lahed. anltsMo for Lctbenccplsc. Itefcroocea exchanged.Apply at 117 b(ate-»t.

TX) RENT—To rcspec.ahle parties only,X newly fnrslabrd and well located rooms. KeptInc-ruer. Apply at So. Itl btate-tt, Boom 1?. _

TO RENT—Without board, a pleasant far-Btthedroom, reotnlly located, sod suitablefor

one f>r twoycu'g C3CO. Apaly at z&X state**'. iTO RENT—A nicely famished front parlor

onfr»t fi.Kir. t.i» ceallemso and ■wife or twoRlciriecfOUcarn. with board. Apply on premia**,?.c. 95 North I)ca:bora-»t. Ue&reaceaclvea and re*cnirtd.

Ed =B.nifcgtares, ©fEUrs, SftTO RENT—The eligibly situated store, 2d,

4iii.rul ith alorl**.ofatore Xo*. 53 aaa 5* W»-biSb-av iDCUIIe of FITCH, WILLIAMS A CO, StA£dSsL*ke»t.

TO KENT—Offices in the new bmld'me�octree! corarr ofNorth Clark and "Wtlsr-iU.

Ii<al«oI THUS.KKNi-UICK.iSPorIUsd Slock. or

of the d*Ql»r. on ite premia**.

TO RENT—A fine lanre office, on first flr>oriretr , Trrrpif. •£ DrarPorn-at. Inialrc

or COOK/cupCUK * CO- BoomI JUloalcTenple,S 7 b«KtUTii-tl. __

TO RENT- Stiff D* North Clark rt. Also.% t«cof Mack walnutfttraltare t»rele. Apply

OB the premise*-

r RENT—Desk P'orn and hall of office Ifrequire, atH" CUrk-*f.» Boon8.

__ _

rrn RENT—Office sml Store Room—To-I qr.l« cast end L-ke-tt- brtdss. OALKJ* EiST-


- - :

TO RENT—Cheap Desk room la front office,I~ZnA .t.irr Otis’ l-artle* to faralsh

Uiflr Ueska. Been 5, Otis’ Block, lUM»dl-scß-SL

pianosF"OR S ALE-Or ti Renl—Planos-Onc foil

cwaclrpurrt *■ n near Waeblos-Wa-*' ,by J.t*BE»Toi*. _ .

rOH SALE—Pianoforte,cbcao. TTbotakessc for 1130? Serea-ooUTf, four round wixen,

jail ironframe. Inro»r* oad rj»p, a.. in ttae OT4BT.WmiLCOTTa Manic Haas. M WttmzWa-K.

f-OR SALE—Pianoforte, at & brain. TbesuNuTinCT»m«fHbl« Bielawar * Som* irtaao.

•whlca antnta u*rd *»•tbaa met!«.* than tbereeularretail price, AddrtaaWILBLI.TVILsuX.Ttlbaae otace. ,

JsttancU dc Stolen.OTOLES—From Lmri! DBtwn’J 11/MTO ruble. on Conrt-place. bet»e« WeUa and u»-SalW»t..mnh«nth ln«» . a llsht Brajbor*?- •

�oreonpboawwjmiit a *lll*. WUlwalababoatuLll*b*r<U hljS. AUc.tiUtt* JJsltt. a rtde »rricc <>?«n besay. ea*tt*m mere, w«abias cloth eoabtOßs and 6M baa a sap oalt. TheEroo«rt\ mablrPdbT a jonn* u»a aooot SHi»Sf<£eeQulnt ere. bad oa * caa. uact otar-coat, and mtchi* tern-a» Prancla (rarteo. A Üb-etv «U) be patdfbr SherttoiaOf tbo prop*U*4 y»VvT«a4L,W>



Bich Fancy Goods, French Clocks,Bronzes, Alabaster Statuary andVases, Opera Glasses, Fine Fans,Writing Desks, Work Boxes, Dress-ing Cases, leather TravellingSatchels, Fine Hair Brushes, PearlGoods, Paris and Vienna EiohLeather Goods, Ormolu and GiltOrnamental Goods, Parian Figuresand Busts, Bohemian Glass Man-tel Sets, Vases and Cologne Sets,Fine Table Cutlery, Silver-platedWare, &0,, &0,,

AX AUCTION.On MoI&AT. Dtc, 31, at 7 H o’clock p. m- tad con-llftntr- morr.lßC and evening, until all are sold, atour iMTU.nsand l?ft Male-aL These goodswereli p. rtnl apmlsllv lor lhl»Bale by MBAsIIA,A C0..r0 Wa»liiftL-r«a-»t, are of th" flne«t qnillry.audmlllbe *old without any re«erri* whsuo-rer.

tiILDEKT • SAMPsON, Aoctlonecra.

RUCTION,BATTEDAY. VThPA-. atm a m.,'t Dsn!el Scott

A Cw.V. U UahJolpb-eU


OT illdescription*.

Jf-w and Pffftii4»h«i:d BedrMW and ParlorSuites Brait-eliL Icgralo, Two :ad Thret-

ptj Eagll»h Cr»«b Cl*»hi,Faoci Dearth Kacs, Oil Claihs,

Cbtaa atitißt, B'itkets.Also. 10 enu* aatnrted rr>ckcry Ware, Fancy

L»t% < V.trs a-ri iVihrmlan Ware.•� It, Flat* 6 MacßrWe’a Pabdlrlsloa.

to Comorn >i*i'Oo, on tbeItock inlandBkUrvad. DASLEL scott A CO-Auctioneer*.



THIS EVEMNO.Klein.EnulUb tadsjwls» W*tcb«*. la Kold

ftsdftlWrr c**«- I'iUb, eoaaelled *o<l dltaoad

seta it ttcrr, 12$ Soatb (.Tl’i-it.

gT COI.BY & PKAIiODY.Soj-erlor HrCoati-UanJ and ae»

FersKare. Con*ex*. Ol*m Ware. ClffiHI)rfM &c-.

at auction.on niiHAT. ih-c. i*. Hm. vre •re.'i;, e,“vm«ouJ«( lur- r* of FurnUore, wi * e.srii «t orrrtT«tf -«1e I* varrxniM. H-shal!

•«* a«n!,-netl of ‘W P*l "*!"**oarbetlMtUu,witt a fiataeiectl-iaof ebrom *•

COLUV A rKABODI,165 .-uoUiClart->t.



y’jaTAUL.ISHEDt *“ 18*17,


fios. g 4 A 56 MICHICAWiAV.

Jfot Sale.CHAI‘LS_* uOUfc. 1U Static.

For, «s\Lß—Ponchioir ar>i jboarlatr mi-cs»«v. not*-. ™eh:£»rlai«Ti. »bol***lP nod

CO .Fuacecn and Macbiniau, Jaadsct..c. ».

T?OR BALE—t*- i-*«unr? of txo r^om?.

Fort «ai.E Patent FOLDINI. BED-t,TP-U»>s «»• tx«c la Utflmarket. Call aaJ •««

UCD •*■ i* >~h«» Ci«ric

C*OR SAtE—I Three cars peach-Morr pota-A? tor*. aUibUr OamKH. »r •*** Cbsap. 37 >’onbCttattna,

Ruction galea.

WB. Ju BmOLS k COn itttfnMn,5 7t 9 &nd 11 Randolph-at.

IleMoß Spaelonl Salesrooms ta moWat.


Government Clothing, k,on Friday, Dec. tSth. 1868.commencing at, 19o’clock a. m., at the

spacious lalesrocnu of

WM. A. BUTTERS & CO.,>*o3. 5, 9 an! U Randolph-fit.,”comfcr of


THE STOCK CONSISTS OFInfantry Overcoats,Cavalry Overcoats,Cavalry Pants,Infantry Pants,Lined Bine Blouses,Unlined Blue Blouses.Army Blankets,India Bahtier Blankets,linen and Cotton Overalls,Cavalry Jackets,Underskirts and Browers,Uniform Coats,Fatigne Caps,Hess Pans.

Term* of axle. CASH. Good* in Government cordltlon. WM. A. UUTTERS A CO« AucUoneer*.


Heal 35atate*-fflftß.Tmcroredi

T?OR. SALE—Bv Georso & Williams, Real• JC. Fatate Agents, No. 7 curk-lt:'A comfortable frame home, with large Jot, or. Thlr-y-firtutnoa goodumo mad terns.

Two-story frame dwelling, with lot,on Adoms-st.,bear Wood. Very cbe»n.49 feet oa Wabash-av., arsr Thlrtleth-st.29 feet on tVaba*b-arnearThlrty-flrat-41.3# feeton Madl*on-4t, near Leavitt.toofeet on Delden-av..near Clanc-sL3 acres oa Bute-st. aod Wabaab-av., corner Flfty-etzbtb-at.

M feet on Loke-av.,sear Reform School.SO feet,DttMncaa lot,on

P}R SALE—Areyou In quest of a home ?

on Wabaib-ar., north of Twsnty-etghth-st.. twobrlcx basementbnc»ea—oneofeleven p<wns,the otherof nine, withall themodernImprovement*,new andinperfect order, on long time, writb smalt paymentdown and ataprtce tesstbantne lots alone will beworth in two yean. Lota *ox3oo toe I each. Tbtalaarareebaoce for parties to secure a coMboms In afirst-class neighborhood oa themostaccommodatingterms ever offtred.

Also.48x139 toet on Monroe**., between Woodand Lincoln. Cbean-v9xmfeetcorner Wabash*v. and Tblrtleth-st.SixUSfeet on Weal Lake near Wo>d. a rare bar-

gain, below tbemarket. LABNED A PLUMBS, It)Clark-st., Boom U.

F)R SALE—By J. H. Rees * Co., RealEstate Brokers. 99 Dearborc-et.:

improved property on Clark-iu, sear ShermanBouse.

Improved property on Wabosb-sr., near Wa-basb-av.

toxSO feet on Wells-st., north of Maaisou-st.noose with 30 feet front on Watblngtou-SL, northof Congms-sL

TT'OR SALE—A very desirable hontc andJr lot on Mlcblgso*v., between Thirteenth andTdOrte-nlh-sts One of the linen location* la thecity. 11-u»ehts all modern Improvement*, and Isfirst-class inevery respect. Iftaken at once, will besoldlowand on easy terms. Lot si fe-t front,hy mudepth,with an excellent bars, warren A QUOD-IUCT. 135Dearborn-BoomS.

Tj*Oß SALE—A first-class two-story sodJP basementbrick house, with naeir cellar, laun.dry,funace,Aen lanrelo(andevervihtac to be fin-iihed. Can be bad lowand oa good terras- Mlehl-ran-av., sear Twemy-stxtb st, No. IdJO. GEUIIGLA vyTT.T.TAhtat TCUtk*«t.

FOR SALE—A two-story frame bouse of 10rooms, water, gaa.sewerage, and lot 31 by 115

toet.Ko. VA West van Dum.-at-. between T-irc. pand Loomis. lhlcepi *n—one-b*lf cash, haUno* Inone and two years. Early poaxeealon. 3STDKK .*

i.f.e, RealKataie Agents. No.«Metropotitan Block.

FOU SALE—A new frame bouse of 9 rooms,water,and lotT-'xl?; feet. Ko av„ be-

tween Adams and Jackson at*. Price, gj.750, on->.halt cash, balance (n one and two years. Immediatepossession. SSYDKRk LEE, Beal Estate Agents,No. 4 MetropollUn Block.

FOR SALE—Lot and bnildhie Third-ar.. between Polk and ebean for

cash. Address of call on J. F. BONhIcXU.No.I9PortlandBlock.

FOR SALE—Honse and lot near VanBuren-st.. facing Michigan Southern depot, at «

sacrifice. OnIvILO.O. Mastbe soldat once. GfiO.W. HILL, 44Lasalle-st.. Room LUnimproved.

FOR SALE—By Warren & Goodrich, 125Dearborn-st, Room 3:

M’vxUC tost on Mlchlgan-av.,comer Madlson-st.1311162 feet on hflcbtgan-av , northea«t corner of

Twenty-ulnth-ac,fencedand parked. A choice lotfora block of bandings. Wlii be sold very cheap Iftaken immediately.

2SZIS! fort on state-st, 49 feet southofTnlrtv-sec-oid at., lo theWentworthTract. Only *ll3per foot.

SCKJxiTt feet onPrice |S& t>er foot. Liberal teyns.Block 4 Winston’*Add- having a frontage of591

feet on simt« st, and 991 feet on betweenForty-sixth and This ta tbe finestblock In market south of tbe dir.ana win soonbringdoublethe lo price nowasked for It. Price*35 perfoot

aOslSSfeet on Prslrtc-av., sear Thlrty-fonrtb-st.,t**t (root. Only |£»per foot. Easy term*.

251190 leeton Waba*h-ar.,betweenTolrty-flrstandThlrty-accnndst*., cast front.

_ ....

■RUtS £e« t on Calumet-av., 125fret northofTwenty-Oflb-»t_ caatfront, at an Immensebargain.

50x175 fret on Indian*-*?., near Twenty-third at.,only 1175per foot, h cash,balance 1 aad 2 year*.

FOB SALE—Afplendld lot on the north*cut comer of Mlchlgan-av. nndTweaty-atnih-et.. 13]x16lfeel toan alley, well fencedand parked:in every respect one of the most Ceilri?!e lot* on theavenue, either fur tnveumeot or Improvement. Alareo part of (be pnrcbaae money can remain l. 2 and3vear*.atbpercentlnterest. Only a nominal pay*m'ent requireduntilabout the Drat of March next

This U the very beat ©putrtuUty we know ot to *e-

cur« a fir»t-cla*a piece of property. In thesontn partof thecity,at such price and upon«nch terms as can-not fall to render It a great bargain to thepurchaser.Whoever wishes to avail himself of this rare chancemuMact quickly. WARREN A GOODRICH, 13Dear-born itßoom2.

T7OR 3ALE-Lots for |ooo on Monroe-M,JT Only threeleft. Five leftnn WHonx-st for 1500each. These lots areon good si r ets, near streetcan.and must Increase In value rapldlv, and we predictthat you a ill peter have such another opportaoltvtoeel so good a lot for such alow pric-antoo sucheasy terms, see p:*t« at our office. DICE A CAD-WELL,IM LaSalle at.. BoomS.

I/OR SALE—A valuable piece ofpropcrtv,J fronting Union Park, on three ycarp time, at Sper cent interest, toa responsible party, withoutanypayment down. A rare bantam. For particular?,Inquire of 11. OSBORN. 61 Clark-et.

FDR SALE—Fire-acre block on Side,near thenew Station, far the lowprice of tu>o persere, on three years* time. CLAFLIN A WillTNtlY,KSClatk-st.

FOR SALE—North Sble for J-wO. Getsome of thisbe»nilfallNarthSldo property soon,

fornext sprluglt will takesome stamp- to secure it.KICL & CADIYELL, Las»lle-4L, Ihwm r.

F’OR BALE-At a bargain, 10 acres ofchoice landou South Side. o< aar Fcanrlalo; 2,(XU

acre* of heavily timberedandfruU land In itl-htgau.on lake shore. 11. M. I‘aVnK A CO.. Room 35.U1Lanadc-st.

FI R SALE—Lot .yixliS feet, southeast cor-mr West Monroeand Kobey-idsLot 9*zlS> feet, corner Monroe and Wfnchester-aw.hSYDh R A Lfct, Real Estate Agent*, No. 4 Metro-

PuLtan Block.

FOR SALE At a bargain. i» lots on Siate-ft, one block aouthefetty limit*; 1 lotbet vcei

Thlrty-rcnud and Thlrtr-tli'rd-»t«., and lota on Ilurn-slae-at.lwtwetD Forty-fourth andFortyflfth-au. A.R. WING A CO.. 85 Washington-*t.. Room?.

FOP. SALE - A cheap lot on West Tayloi*t. neat Blue Itland-av., only |1,2-*O, wort

11.6C0. AlsoSOfretnn W'«>tlndianv-st.. ne»r lloyn*Apply forpartUulanat Rooms, Lind's Block. Ratdolph-st.bndgs.

irvOß SALE—Two bcaulilnl south front lots.T on&CADITEIX,!* LsSabv-sL, RoomS.

FOR SALE—Ten acre block'Tiexr corner ofTwenty second st. and Blue uiatH-ar.. at a

grest bargain. CLAFUS* A MuifNEY, IC9Clafk-sl.

Ijoatlilng ana Hollaing.QQ and 40 West Modlson-st., only a letrOO blocks from theCourt Houseand Host Oifiee—Singleroams with excellent board,only |6 per week;two in a room. <5. A pleasant tame./> i Park-av.—A suite of pleasant, ntifur-Ot nUbcd. and one largn fufalihcd mom, withcloset, to vent with board. Pleasant Ioca Eafit Jackwn-st.-rLarircinmisbodroom,OO with fit, closet and atorc, aaltahl* for thrr«.«rlour pcraons, with flrat*claaa board. Day boarderawar ted.

Q t Adams-st.—Two einjrle Bcntlemcn, withOt board and pleasant rooms.■t aq Tblrd*av„ eecotid house from the or--lUO oer of Harrl»on-»i—One or two ffentlmencan obtain cood board wltb accommodation*. Dotfew otherbocrdeia.

.o’ Adams-st.—Nlcclj famished rooms.lid with hotand coldwater, forgeillemen sodtc«,tad rooms for single gentlemen,with first*

board Jenntreasonable.100 West TVashlncton-st.—Board, with1£i£i pleasant anile of front rooms and dewer, foreenilemaoaadwifeor single gentlemen, la privatefamily.

l»-i Michigan ar.—Furnished rooms with01 board and fire. Also, front perlir for gentle-ibband wife. A few day boarder* wanted.

Ii ty Wabasb-av.—A pleasant well-furnished[t* from room, with board, for gentlemanandlift, or two finale gentlemen; also, room for oneeat la room wttbanotber.idMooroe-st., between LaSalle and,tO Clark-ats—Plr*t-cia*i day board at |3 perreek. Can accommodate three gentlemen.

4Q, Monroe-st., near Tost Office—Board*i «* and pteaaaotrooms, for geatlcmaaand wifejd single gentlemen. Terms mod-rate.

to 1; West Washington st.—A fmn* room,lO*J untarnished, for gentleman and wife, wltb

board; also.momfcr twoalagtc cenUemcaortwoyoocc Xaclca.

aiQ Wabe?h-*T.—Comfortable famishedroomato rent,wltb board, and a^nmnioda-

Hons lora few d*yboarders. Terms reasontb'e.

<)|D Erie-st., North Side—Two furnishedm]O rooms, with or without board. In private

bouse, ten mlnattarwalk from theCourt House.

OiQ Ontario-«t.—To rent, with first-class•* board, a pleasant frontroom on fir*t

suitablefor eenikmaa and wile or single gentlemen.Reference given.

OIT Indlana-et.—One einele front room and£t\rl a double one to rent, with boir-1.

o*rQ West iladlsoo-it.—Board, on line of*)uO street oar*, fir tlin*'* geni.eroen lafamily ; nret-rlaeaneljr&torliootl; Uom-c nnkm at.ilmodern conrenleDce*, ileference*repaired.

•• Oliio-0 * Vden Ske '*r Park.*>/>/• Oliitvst., near Ocden Skatiotr Park. —

OVl'® !’L<utnirnamv furtxl*he«*. or QQfa'fUfUr, l,frrs«TiUeincn act tbelr wins or »Id*:lc tcvolicrcn.with b>»n), at rcry reasonable prices.lUfmoce* rrqnlrc'l.

J i<) North Wcllwt.—Furnished room fortwo r<>aos ladies, w lb U>»r.l, fireand U<rbu.

at eery low nitt for sake of company. Sootherboarders; one block from street an.i »j* Mlcbicon-ar.- A suite o; front rooms,lt)v on first floor, fhrnlsbedor enfurnUhe*!.aulta-ble for gentlemanand wife or threesingle gentlemen.Beat yf d*f reference* elvers and reqnir*(C

j£<> West Washiaeton-st., one block east*rU4f of felon park—Two furnished roomu, forgentlemanand wUe or sir gle gentlemen,with board.joo West Madlson-st.—A pleasant suite of

TOO parlor*, famished or anlaroUhed. withbo»rd;or woalabetaiaoiefortro persons to keepboose.

f*no Wabash-ar.—A ccntleman and hisDOO wirecan have an elegant mom with eTeryconrcnlenc*. Also room fora slcgie gentlemanorlacy.

Q«\ i Wabash-ar.—Handsomely furnl'hcd orboard. Kef-erences eicbamed.CAQ Wabash-ar.—An decant suite of frontt/UO room'.onfarnttbed. settable fur restlemanand wife. Also a bamuomeljfurnished singleroom.Terms moderate. Keferencea exchanged. Ac. _

©Han«o==®o tteru.TTrA^TED—To Bent—A cotUec of 4or 5I f rooma. larood location, oo rft aide. by a

permanent tenant—no cbUnrtn. AddreM FllEDtiil -ICK, Tribune oflee.XTrANTED—To Bent—A bouse on the Westf T Side. fnmUbfd orpartly tcrolabed.where me

rent or partcf it wouldbe taken iaboard, or woaldrent a miteof ro:m» for booiekerplng. AddreuMU, Station B, We*tbide.

TTTAKTED—To Rent—A room not less thanT> ZixltC ftet, wJia siesta power-Jn the «IrtaUjofLskesatlSute-su. Address AB.Tnbsse oSce.

TTT^TEI)—To Rent—A {rood room for a»T cttUraio ud wife, witb board firtbelsdy

lorly, st reasonable rate*. Address E L, TnbaaeolHce-T|7ANTED—To Bent—For a select school

> » of youngchildren, a rood ilxed carpeted room,onWtbeib'ir., between lenta sad Twentieth-*u ,frrfive dmy« In the week, from9 to 13 s. m. only.Aden* f n, Tribune o-ice.


WANTED—To Rent—A boose on North“

Side, in central part;abootborlO rooms. A-AKPEKsON, IS NorthClark »t..Boon “. ____ -

T\7 ANTED—To Kent—A shop room, near1 » wotreof etty. with thr*v-hor*c power, alzr notless than SSxWft. second or third story

Address a. A. LTO>, comer Tweatytalrd sodOiaikita.

lost, JoutOi, Sit.T 03T—Or Stolen—From li> Cblcaco-AT., abuck Newfoundland dor. black collar,all ftplate marked. P. PFAt’. Anybody hrt {lo< thedor.orfinding blm oat wul receirc »W reward..T 03X—Probsbly on the west side of Stale-L)between Adams snd Washington, or comer ofState and Washington tad 41 Clsrk-it.. a disaondpis. narked **Hal tobiill.” The finderwill rtceirea reward of fS by Ieating it with M. B, DEAN, ilClark *t.

T OS.—On Foorlh-sr, between HamsonXaand Taylor-st*, fonrkeys. Finder wmconfer sfarorby leavlcg th»-tu at meslots of to» Pekin TeaCcmpanj,comer of MadlaonanOdtate-ct.T 03T—Cnrrnear South Staie-st.. a blackL> telvethat,withbine plume*. Tbe finderwillbolyrctortdngU V» &M Indiaoael. li. F.

T OST—Wednesday errehig at DearbornA-J Theatre,a gold watch. The finder winneither*allyrewarded by letamlog II to No. PS Moaroe-st.,aaitwasUierUlorsdocesMd parent. Ko,saU. A.K. OAitKEXT.

'C'OUND—A sum ol money, which theJL ownercan hareby caltlnjc at Mias seoct's MnaiojhM*h»,tiWa««ie«i«rttwbß4fn*nes «9fartf.

®aantrtiss»aU »elp. ‘

Boo**©eo«r»*BJUe«meiu*c, ..WANTED—Laborers- 3.000 men wanledtoVs work on theLevees,In ot. ChariiS.PolDt Cou-lee. Carroll and Madison Parishes, In the &***•*;xxtlalana: the workIs now cumtflftaced, ana ww

U*t tnronxbxptisr. Waites HD per month anaboard.Apply onthe wcrk.crat my office a* ylcMoorg r»J.K£XN M>r. Contractor. ' _


TVTANTEl>—Salesmen and canvasser*, be*J* (ere making engagementa. calland examine oar39 patented article*. Our canTsstcrs are now making,clearof eapecau, 9150 togiOOper moetb. Exctrulreterritory £lrea!akxtraIndncemeota toexperiencedeeaausen. O. It- STANFORD * CO„ 15Reynold**

WANTED—One stood canlace-bodyvnakcr.1 ■ N .r.c Iniflr.njj.vj wcikmv;- needapply. Ad-dressFßank iikrahd, unooin, m.WANTED—An experienced civil engineer'• and draughtsman. Apply at Room No. SLombard Block, between) anuldo’clockln forenoon.

TXT ANTED—A good salesman, one tbat I*7 ’ not afraid to work. Apply at M Washington*st., betaecn 1®a, nr. and 3 p, m.V\ ANTED—lmmediately,a miller. Aeroodr r «Uw3t job for a goodman. Apply to, or addressA.BAISIKU, Lima, LagrangeCounty,lnd.TTTANTED—A No. I teamster. One tbatr r nndtrtundshandlinghsevy machinery. Mutbestrictly temperateand wellrvemuaended. Inquireat 70 Eouth CataliuTTTANTED-A flrst-cissa man to take tbe»* agrnryofibe Fire Extinguisher for the State

oiDilcou. None but responsible m-a need applywith references totheUMTaO {STATES FIRE HX-TISGUIiBEB COMPANY.kUey-SL, New York,

"WANTED—Live men to Introduce la St.fl L< als and other cities, an article thatbaareal

merit that meets with ready sale. 93 WestMadl-son-tt., basement.

TV/ANTED-Good steady man to take anv > intcre,* -a a penaarrnt Tsslnrsa, netting KO ;oIffireraeek. entneefor a man wlih ?»» wfKOcapital. Inquireat Room IS Reynold's Block.Tf/’ANTEl'—lmmediately, at Unionr » House, corner Canal ami roodhotel agent.

T\ ANTED—A man to drive a floor andM feedwagoa. Oneacanalntedwith thebutln-ss

aodtnecliy preferred. Apply, at9o'clock,atruand127State-st.. Chicago.

T\7 ANTED—Four .‘aleemcn worthy andwellt* qualified. lanilhrwith hnslnrss cormpond-

cxre. rapsWeof coaaartlng sale* In departments,ard ofesrnlngfrom |L'O to ft,WIJ per year. Alsotao.lueipcrlrnctd a« .alcsmec, willbe accepted onsn.tller saltrlrs to an placet of Iris responsibility, IXsatlsiactory rciercncesarefomUhed. Applyst oqccto o. D. ORVIn A CO., over 133 and LS Dearborn-st.

TV7 ANTED—A finisher and pramer, toTV flnishcahlnetware,one wbothoraagblyunder-stands thebusiness In all Its branches, at tbe C. C.

Bedstead Factory, 157South Weilwt., ap*suirs.

T\7ANTED-Two or three firal-ralc men,V v on very favorableterms, to canvass In this city

for the Steamy Life Insurance Company of NewYork. Apply wt. B. BAKER, General Agent, IP6scutb Clarkst.

jSmplogtntm Agents.WJANTED—500 railroad Jaborors to (goit downSoutb; warm eUmaleandsteady work

for one year. Forparticalortand traasporta;foa,ap-ply to tceComp.tny's Agenc a* 73Clork-sL, Boom *

WANTED—A Utrb,2 men to take orders,vv t driver.3 blacksmiths, 3 farm hands, id chop-pers ana 73 laborers,at UENKUAL AUKNCY. UmO«itcynoldt* Block.

WANTED—Assistant bookkeeper, ahip-v * plug clerk. porter,crlver, fireman,andbrakes-

man. Steady euiplowueut given. Applyatrt Dear-born-st. room:. Appllcints by mail enclose teacents lorparticulars.


WANTED—A German girl to do generalbo wcS recommended. In-

quire at Ml Mlcblfian-ar.

WANTED—A competent woman to dogeneral housework, at 541 North LaSaUe-sL

References required.

TVTANTED—u ihe Everett House, comervv of Clark and Van iturec-sta., a housekeeper.Ncaebut ilh.»c who arc experienced need apnir.Reference*required. Address WHITEA MOiKLEf.I’loprlutors,by ietu-r. or callat the house, betweenthe hours ofloand u a. m.

T\TANTiD—AttheSt- Charles Hotel. 41011 South Clark-st., oue chambermaid that under-

etacdr her business, and can come well commend*cd. No other need apply.\\rANTED—Immediately, a ff.yod girl for

11 crterai housework .\pply atsl JsUver-stnbe-twecnlianl'On aud Guney, nest bide.

WANTED—A mi (U«-aced woman to doTv thotci.tißt houseworkol a email fatally aud totake Cirt of a lady lu cootltU'CH nt. App.y at No. 1W

Haul Adams rU

T v work In a small ismlly. Rood wages paid. Ap-ply at .vo.61- tvt «i U sauington-st.

T\'’ANTED—A girl to tra lo New OrleansTV Ad<lne«, far foardass, HARRY SIAUKCDEIi,


WANTED— A cood cook and a strong Girl,11 whound r-t«nd» warhtng and Ironing, and Is

«lillngto ab.-l-t at ueo'-ral hou-ework. Must havegoodfcisrenrea. Hi Monroc-si.

TI7ANTED—Two flrr.t-cla« Irooers. Nonevv t*re*larplv hut those that uoderatanrt their

hnslnri*. Applv at thest.Charles Uuiel. 110 SuotliClait-Kt- ‘

WANTED—A cnod Girl. >fast be eitherv V American or Rcrman. a good cook, and comewellrvcoimnended. f|k Weal Ytasblngtan-st.

Mrs. Bates’ cilice, lt?I EastII .MadUon-Ht., a conk f-'r a private boarding

hoafc. Al-o. girl* fir private families. Same farMarthalltowi. l-.wa. IteftrehCc rmulred.

S2dantti!~jl9lßcrUariCoUE.WANTED—A mac who can furnish GoodTt r« ferenoer, with a capital of12,0.0,who Is a til-

ingto dcvr.tehl««aliretine 10ImsintM. caa learn otarale and reliable one. that willbear themost thor-ouitU adctreaslns M Y i\ So.V Me-tropolitan uluck, or callingon bLADDEN A CRANE,39 South Waltr-st., Chicago.

WANTED—To make an srraiiGcmcnt withv v seme responsible party wbo le taking order*

forawhcloale uroeexy take order# at th-ts*metin e :or the best Family Flour in the market.Ibe Flour to bekbipied fri iu tbemillas sold. Ad-dress MILLER, Tribune office.

TXTANTFD—AII kinds of cld troken, also,v » good watches. Jewelry, old goM and silver,

guns,rutols. musical Instruments. cssi-offciotMug,Ac lllglipilce j aid In cash at DARfLEIT*S, 2WEast Mad!son-at. __________

WANTU' Paper Machine—Panics bar-T t tncforolca fccotd-handpaper macbl la.lhlriy-

fix Inchea»ldr, ail ta orJer. mar it idJniMiu HOCK CITY PAPHB MILLCOMPANY, .Na.hTllle.Tcnn. A deacnpllon of themachineahould bealTen, and theprice a»ted for It.

TX7ANTED— Casi otfclottilnp.pistol*, rifl-s,» » Ac. Utah price paid in cash »i aVKINIIOLaB’S,

lnbaaenieM..i.earlyunder DanletV* ie'elij atorc,240 Eaat M«di*<*Tet.

WANTED— City property In exchanrc for» » ftockctflrv gaatu, boot*and shoe* or cJotbla*

To tr *&e a Rood'trade, callon liAVIS£ TILTON, tiMadlsun-st.TXJANTBD—OId bachelors, old maids.iV ’TCmni maid*.or anv other man. to callat

Monroe-t.and at** TlD'UV** IMPKUVF.D KtUO--BKNBCOOK sTnVK Can ataad on year klUlienimtile ami cpaU yonr cooking. at on*' quarter thecostofwood or Mai. No smote, smell or*o* t- Require*do pirn. Tarter*, b-ma. Ac., baked daily uee of«*{. Price «f »io*’eafrom(B lo iso.

TT7 ANTED—"To txchatJßC some lots InHydoW Park for a good ratlac photograph galleryaltliis l.V> mflrr of Chicago. Addrcaa PUOTO-GRAPHER,IMVtKtfMSIOBIOMtn'iP Stilt*.

WANTED—Ereryhodv toknow that prizesti are caabtfa and InformatMn forolaned In the

Keotti'try t-tatcand !:oyal Havana Lotteries by 1-C-U ' vis *cm , Broken* and IJoaler* laImportedand Xntneitic timbre, 10*Monroeat., Lombardblock,P. U BoxIX’A Chicago.

XV7 ANTED—"Tc*bnj. for i-ssh, ladies’ andtt ceniieznen'a cast-off clothing- or a •cellaaeou*

cosdi ofany kind, »tk sending a lefter to I. GELuHC,i'MJfctV.i v*eii»-si..ybucaaff&d&purcbs»et.XVANTED-10-J yonmr men to learn tele-W grapbyf. rthenew line* ofitcea. SaUrr. ttStotCSper month. ForTurtber Information anrtrraa,«|‘r»»:tw|>.E C. Mlbl.b, auperlcCcnieat of Tele*gra;t)i, Grand Rapids, Mich.

U'ANTED—A -rood nwnmr with ironframe. Address FIELD A UARLICR. No. IC7

Wett Sfsdlion-st, euUnawbcrcwe can seeWANTED—A lot on East Kinzic-st. orW en well* or

more fnnstaae. Caskbuyer al DAVldfc ItLTOSIts MadUwa-flt. _

T\TANTED—Those Interested to know thatT » diverge*are legally cbtaloed. wßaoul i-uhllcl-

tr, !ind araaniillein, nsc. No ite unless decree liobla:n*-d. Addreea xFjx 1007.



TIT ANTAD—A man with a few bnndred» dollars Ic loinme In pnrch-s'mraltgut uiatm-

fact urinebasine-aentlrcly sale, deanawl prod able.AdaretnIRON. Tilbu.eotlico.

TTTAXTED—ThU dav.teara? for the conn-V> try. G. cJ watj«**.'Al-plr UO ilaillion-11.

Roc»3. _ __

WANTKb---Wecan , >o»*r » C nf"l cbnnce to** itmtincMiniin with about U,CWtococilßtft«

coot] P4jiuc I)U»ilc.-s .t Milwaukee. Ad.ln:jJ M*L-WAI'KtK,Tribouc office


ri7 ANTED—Ladies acd srentlemcn to call»» arul *c«- In • t>*rat«on l*i<««le'» SP-nn

I'ookcr Virtual® of all klurt* cooae Iby ateun,Moor«,e-tt. Chicago, 11l I(i«b(a(or»*le. O. puoLK.

WANTED —A good ralonn, on', particularT » *a lo loC-Alofi. Maitbr u jinx!•t.isJ. anti cooap

f„r carl). Apply at Uuusn T. la Aonb CiarK-St. A-ANIiKI^O.*-

Seal Instate ££tamrDWANTED 40or5*>feet front on\f tv„ between Morrnc-»t. and Van �

Address, etatlng price and terms, Post UHJce Uo- l *l.‘Chicago. .

sJartnrrs SSiauuJ."PARTNER— Wanted—[n the auction bn?i-A cess—(WO morereonlred. Mcrh.-o-de ora bowbeing forced on thn market; BO better opportnalteranf.ccnrroa man withsmall tnov • t.»engage tn Wprofitableenterprise. Address K,r Idd ire, li51 C, Box10,ChicagoPaaiOQea.

PARTNER—Wanted—With a small ea«bA theMem*, tin *n>t hardware bnalaess.ForparUrßlars. apply to i'UAMi. bXCUIi&a kCO,19s sen SOI Kandotpn-at.pAßTNEK—'Wasted In a cood payingX and a «»ll rtf shushed btfalnea?. to attend o theoffice and shipping. Cash capital required. |l,3d>.1ULabaUewt.,baiemenl.

FLBINEK—Wanted 'To pnrehaw hatfin-tereai la »vne oflbe tatrecity. Dot pe»*on* *»»en for eelllmr. stetli cap*

Italrecalled. Call 10 tu 12 m. m„ M Bandolph-ss.,lloon3.■pAßTNEß—Want.'d—With ISIW. In theX mannftctnreofanpwirtlcle.tliatwllbeartloselote»Oc»Uon madpay Ur.eiy. I’OOLftI>ICTFJCH,IlealEntate and BartneM Broker*. 190 liaadolpb-st.

T>ABTNER—Wanted—ln a nlcelv furnishedX Billiard Parlor, doing good bnsine’a. Most b*temperate acd »e»pecuclc. or *looo.CaTon 1-WlNO,Prax.lit, U4snate-st.

TiAP.TNEß—Wanted—lc an established rc-T UK Grocery Flore with J-' 0. Aa Inmurtostra»n will be accepted on favorable teres. DaVls £

TILTON. 118 Madlson-il-DABTNER—Wanted -To take the dace ofX on>- who laobligedto retire, la an establishedm*nofiictnrlicbQ»loe*a which to n»pidJylacreaM‘jff.Profits larxe. ontinet*honorable a»d in good mn*afna < Tbla la a c bonce seldom offered. TheIxraiofreference* slrtnatd the strictestlarratig—Uob Innteo. Those who ore not prep-trod to lav•*.;t*. OB iMhnKd lot apply. For particular* nd-Ores* bONQHgLL. TrUnne office.

iaari>inrtß.COR SALE—Engines, portable. 4 ta 30-J hone. Engines, aretzht. 25-borfe. Engine*,hrtitloc.6-horae. Payi*i*atent TripHammer. fl.M.AMES. 70 Sooth CanadapOK SALE—re'-oad-hand entriccs. larzcA at<l small, new dw. with boUerj, IdrS?. lathe andamalicr. drlila. sleau paispa, placers **** matchers,ahspere, Lo»e, Bafp>l<“s w-'odsea iron asciloerr: Bradley doablecyQnderworking-, GBEESiIEE BUUd. A CtX.Sfi Lkkt»?*»

FOR SALE—Portable and statr onerr lc-pine*. Ironplssera, enrlne lathos nprlchtbolt catlra, StaateTaDt blowers. Knowles "V^k.Eitsra, wood-worklop xaachlnety of all klnda- . . ,p. rites, and s general assortment of 1“';™.

aacpll«a.atredsced prices. S«nd for circu<a :iUCE A CO.. HA Eaat M»dlaoa-»u.C-

1"?OE SALE—Iron Iramo ‘ash Sf-■ _ cMb», teconAband. «.*d« 5-1 ihreU&c- wiiiwith an extra lotof toires, heind. JX3IK3. UJbe »<dd scry cheap by UAWaDTSi * d-Mtss, ujScalh Water-*;.

Ftip. SALE- We have the complete ontflt o

S?ih“rEsti i JwK.'sVl,rf“'S!' r>U, "CTI

AGENTS—Wanted To fell the ElectricFire KlPd'er. In this and cvitt fitterrlry. Call,

or send25 crawfor sample hotof onflnM. MTJBDOCffAOIOSON MWestMadisua-it .Cbtaago.

GENTS—Wanted—#ls a day made withThayer's O'Vftta. il L*s»lk-«l.. UoomS.taanu

factO'»r»<-fal! ofcUeckj.ill-g.bra** ornament*,brands, badge*. rt»!a,.door p ate* and numbers.

AGENTS—Warned—In every town through-oat the We-'ern 'tat'*. tonlJ one nf the ben

narlrg and nmairapid ael’tng articles extant, andindl*pcn«able In ft*-ry bourfb-W. A tents arsmaking ft**" IN) t« I. n*racek. Capa.l requiredfrom*Str fi.'. For uaril'"iUr* encloseSfflol aumoCXIAS KUhXtNKK- ifc Ma-li-oQ jt-,Ib-Jin ..Chicago.

tiusiuess «Chances.FOB SALE—A jrood chance to bay oat a

eond drap and book l)o*ln' ,s f- X.0T PSfCc***l4*ipqßire of 11. IIITNER. ML CarroC. 111.

FOR SALE—A St®am flouring mill at Cairo,HI. Weofl rforn.l‘B«r-ml!-)nrtii; min. four

•lorlr* high. nnllt ofbrick «tn fl*e run of stu.ea,■nutml'l, bran iiß' ibe mid la entirely newthrongbout. 1 a>lc« b* ru 1b p.«e but a *err»bortUmc.Pot fortl-erpartlcoUr*. *pp*y w UALLIuAX DUO..,Cairo, 111-VOKSALK-Jlr ExcbMse-r>W,'*« »nrthA 1 of rpPTThamll*f.ct>»-i*Hne<u <it r»wfi., revly-ciadecloiblDf,cX--h*. c.valiio-rw. boots and aboo*.hatsand rap* and 1 anki-c n ti >□*. I » a nowofferlwe. In trade, faro*rl cvib »«•. Jw *

. 17j512nrop'-rtr or fo.mpiiuntry .l»>P*r o or adore**J115*1.1ll U>-dItAKD.b »l»l«-

FOR SALE—A sj Icmllcl mill. W.j offer forMirsitv water milt, wltb two nj» of •‘tnnfM, In

a er.>d * heatc..nnjrT. near raproul Jernt within i-iBjHrsofCL!c*eo. with s pod r.ew eeel'lng hon«c

andS iwreaofland. Uoiy *.t.(nXl the bjfaiceon lore time. WIU «cll cheap, on a-roont if »lck-Ktaa. Tbt-l* »»ple- dldchw .w tood mllltf.a*tli»' fill wllleoi.n t-ay f"T lUtlf- Imj.rJre o: »r‘-dtm#MOX.OIN. Uli“. 4; CO , SJ Laauleat., Cblc»-RO.UI. .

FOU SALE—A flock «t erocrr.»*s ami fix-tor*t>.aoil ‘-ne Ho l-o*. Ac.. A*t. A s*pl*»n<il-l

nan-l r«r oa tlio :uvmucJ. «

131 Oorlry-it � coixerof May.

I''OK £ALK A MriaU ca>b crorrrT. K*t*lr'«t OB Westbide. rrDt "

»« hnr.Stock-abrnifttb. a\ nfrU*nci tnd u.u»t be tola.Addt<«iWE-T -IDf, Tr!l'3:;c ’5

ITOH SALE - Stock, ‘ea-t* ii.xlara-4 ofI tec C» tl.e V't !ocat--imi.t-ry ■« >.**;

l>!.ißd,r. TrifilK-cn«fi-p-ffl*'-

J"“Oil SALE A tawn/ard <f2bl* accora-*

a Mi.n.o ■ i f ntf'iit t"t'i h rs-*, ritaoaf «««•• f Hrs Blvjwlmr: si’-. .Ps-l*sa * coonie, i»i., at or »*al ir-rupi-.t nr II• IT51. ere. T«ra»liKfnl. inquireuath-ipromUo* ur atLILL'o Brewery. Chicago.

FOK SAKE—son»h States:.—A rcs'.tu-rant nnu leas. Clomi ic-ailor.. From tt to tt

t<onr<Ur!. Callatlbheam*No., VW.

FOR SALs* —Reci or &cchan:ro -""bt'Ora*. r{.■-•.lorr-pb sal!*-rT.o?.-«-'‘i*-'b-^’‘-rn>'UltH s*.Ibeblgnertkln-H faT.;.rt^la,li ta^rsat «-ueo. b.h.>lLlArt,;si;Jark rt;

P'OK SALE—Pre-i d Ruck Works -Tfio fia-PM »stsb”»r-m**i«l P r tV* Q’aaufairturo cf r-d

ia rr»e vaic-S”. tietno»l apt-rtites machinery, laneca; acu/. ki i ;j.*hr»tmat«rml*Oh« f -ar 'lt* tlw *:oaut«j. FtraiUmf. r ‘r.lpiu*.nt on—jnail-*. •■ ThU pr n*-rtj ran &•?

l>on-M nt ■» bmru*.J. FAT <L PliAKeOj*. .'«■•-IcfitfC ft.

FOR PALE—lntrllfcencc elflcc and b->ar-l---lc* boon-, wl!b 15 l-ardera, at a r-»—.nthla

nripp. ('nil ./><■>'',»-1 want to iAst. UABAIxSBUUSUAM.U* Slalfrsl.

SALE—Lea re end As? tin"*of rirst-r!»a tatinrlnsroot;-*. locaiiva jpA Apply at

bonta Clark-tt. Ito-jmT-

FOR SALE Vlbe practice of a atJ.rxr TlaTttr '?d-la*a,r,‘%w drinj *.i til-ovt- 'e.-l

POBMatT-lylncreaflagbn-|o*'-«. w-rii ■•ffler fornltcr-.ftp. .at s Terr low ttrip.-, roa>il<-prlß* t!-e advaitarrsoffered. Ot<Arexv'~.» «tTei. fc.r feltlns, by E. w,11AGEHT1, HosbS Mertnrtt«t Work, <*bH:a*o.

A Terr fineoppo.Tßi.try:r-f a v ftsa< and sblcpUysl-c*as to obtain a good rapine practice.

FOR SALE-And To Kent—Lt;ml*erand planing mill.»t h ample «tr»a» paver

rnor f r wft ana is*v r ftct-'-ry«n th-urou*'’-, ud * *

of nilroad. S') »!>* frora i Jjiraso, t->, w *

-Vck iflumber tm Band. Firquiretl * r addr***.. A. Th«»WBIMDOi-. «

�»., from 10 toJo’clock- —.

-TOR SiLE—Bv Itm. F.X erst Fce!ne->e hiokers. . "/MrkAlß?and w'HeatsbUtU4 Udto*. utuSS^bestrew, TLI* I- a “big «.!•**., ur,wt"a. Xable to swing» lt_wt;f u_ -

rti SALE —Or rw/.,: rs ru,< pU'toeiipaIx'm »t.. aa >ld e'U. J- r ~„ta&ef.r»• owner,galitrj. wbic >_r—’ '-%u “

Fr.p fhances—Sahton.-t—---v-.rr.‘..rl-v-»:e-w»-'ir'-‘ tlrocrrlc&—Uo'eU—-!aeaets«-fe ? »-s ,r *** VXYIi A

TILTON. ll? Mag:* n ' '

55orsrs»_ STatriagee, &t.«cn>hs» A gn.-it u,»

inric”'"* Bas Jc *,STprws ad tTveer/,tC ,.L-, •<4*JS&a 40 w »»

-r*t,R SALE—A btaaiiful drivlas hn*siN 3X years old, wellhroka and wnr U ’ji**I johid loan hlaraafirii-unj msafr«rtheWitter. Apply st idnoalaCanal-at,

■C*OESALS—SJOOoa«h, will bar a second*. hand openbnny aad rtagle harness ra p<»od

FOR SALE—A fln° busay horse. stylUh.s<K«d drtref, s sood atdd’.c V.or>t. Also scor'dwera hojae. 111exchange for iambrr.«tuo>lo.CrrgQodsorclothlag.stui We*t Waafctagtonwt

F)R SALE—A very beiuilfal black Tonnsrmuh*. SJiD .a'bsola* cheso ftr csth. fLn boseesat T& Sontk Halsted-.t.

personal.PERSONAL— G. B. F., the rent will hotisieMtUbatwry. 6»W,


SITUATION—Wanted—By a millerof Con-siderable experience, wh-> rrf<*« to

plovers. Ina flouring mill. Forparticulars address GWH. Box 2CU. Lyons. lowa.

TTUATION —Wanted —As bookkeeper,office clerk orsalesman. Can come well recom-

mended,and wm be willing to workonamodo«oSalary .AddressBEATTY?KO. 155 put MonroC-st._OlTUATToN—■Wanted—By a practical mdO competentbookk-epcr, who baa bad tan year*experienceas bookkeeper, caahler.Ac.. and eta|yslab the best recommendationsnets former employ-

an. WUI accept a position aa entry, clerk at a low■alary ontu spring. Is notafraid t»w«.rkln any busl-neaa Address, for one week. li.ALDRICH, Dontoa,p?lncl«.

SITUATION—Wanted—As salesman ia abool aed ICod at leatherstore; bare badeereral

experience. AddressJ. W. ADAMS. Chicago.

cnUATlON—Wanted—As drop clerk byOn Engllabman who Is well up Inevery branch ofthe famine**. Moderate salary required. AddressT. BUC&ELL, Wantcgaa, 111.OnUATlON—Waited—ln»4r«l-clM«lioletO orboardingbouse, or would go to Omaha if *x-penses were paid. Callat, oraddress fbr twu days*1WhUtest., cp stairs.

CITUATLON—Warned—Br an engineer;O best ofrefereccrs as to ability. Koobjecuonato thecountry. Address ENGINEER-Tribnneoaoe.

QITUATION—Wanted—By a young man, asO porter in a store or to drive a wagon. Pleaseadarcss IDS, Tribuneoffice.CirUATlON—Wanted—By a first-classO haker.tntbecltTorconntry. Has bad fourteenSears' experiencein^ore*d,cakes and crackers. A-

ress OEO. PALE. Chicagopost Office.SITUATION—Wanted —By a votmir manofO U-ree years' experience, a* fc-i..k'-teeper or clerkInan office. Reference, lateemployers. Address WC. Tribuneoffice,stalled whereaa (utervtew may bnhad.CITUATION—Watted—As assistant book-O keeper, or clerkahlp larailroad orother office,by a thorooeMy eompetent person. Address T S,Room No. 101 RichmondBoose.

cfrUATlON—Wanted—To merchant tal-O lors As a cutter. In a first class home(either lacity or conoPT),br a young man fully competent.Address for three days, t WC, Tribuneoffice.

CITUATION—Wanted'— Tbe ’"advertiserO wants to engage »Hh some Urge whoiesaleforcommissionhouse ss salesman, travelling orInside;fifieen years’ rxperleoee: first-class salesman:wouldwork until theIstofFebruary free to iwomainitiated ; best ofdty reference. Address TAYLOR,Tribune office, and makeappointment.

9«xiual«B<QITUATION—Wanted—By a lady well rec-O ommeoded. to teach music and French in a Cosi-ly forboard. Address Mrs, M *V, 6$ South Clark-sL,Chicago. •

QITUATICN—Wanted-As eecond girl orO to do chamber work. Apply at JO North Hal-tiedat.CITUATION—Wanted—By a youtu?girl &sO operator on aewlsc or hand sew log. Ina store or private tamliy. Reference given. Ad-dress MUs P v»',Trlhnt eoffice.

QlTDATloN—'Wanted—By o sroofl rfrl, asO cook ordo second work, in arespectable (imllr.Caktiwa fur two daysa; ttlMoaroe-«t.

aSnits ggilantcb.

WAN iED—Agents travelUmt :n countrytown* can d« well bjrjwUliiK ’bu.-aae** blow

Cards, manufactured by A. STKMfJiL, i* Dearborn-lt_Kccis I. Chicago, Ill*A GENTs—Wanted- To sell PEOPLE’3il HOOK OF ni' OnArnr.-rrlUeabv BARTON.THE GREATEST LIVING njiM;r.A'*llt‘ls. Exclu-sive territory, largest oommlselans : OUTSELLSF.VBPY OIIiKU *OKK. Fur detcrliiUve circularaddress A. 8. HALE* t'O .HI Clark-st., m.a f}£NTsf—Vtaiam—sti3 A week mode sell-

Xk lag LONDON'S NEEDLE CASKET. «<-od HoH-day vrTTwnt. Sample Kntonttceltlof 3CsnU. R,XL LANDO.V.67 LaKc-st-

A GENTS-WanU'd—For the AMERICAN*1 hPIHXO STEEL NEEDLES and ciibtother fast-Felllns articles. In universal demand,paying at to |lOpetdai- bead it (irageut’soutfit andeomturoc* Mipapers or sample oaper and other ar-tide*frrs»c,worthtl. Profit* 3dj percent, s-ttA CO.. F 7 iiaUted-st . Chicago.

AG e.NT3 Wauled—Ladles only Forsomethingespecially adaded U» the want* of

every lady. New. desirable, salable, durable, cheapand profitable. Profile, M) per cent two dozeu sentftrl-t Win tell for t>2 In halt adav. Samples *«-

cure!* «’*ltd(njmobserra'l"i».bvrnill.t.-.!:idU-*aaly,3c. Address Mrs. W. M. WgRDSN, Driver 6«i.Chicago.

Agents -ivamcit-For secrets opTHE (-BEAT CITY, a work de«crtptlvc of theVirtuesand the V;ce:. tne Hysterle*. Miseries aud

Crimes «f New York CUv. If you wisn to know howfortune* are made and lost to a day: haw shrewdnieti arc ruined la Wallst-; how *-c ■•UHlrymen’* ar*swindled by sharkers; ha» ministers and mrrliiauare bl->ckna!led; how dsnee halls and concert saIcons are managed: tow gnmhMng houses aud l«u«*.ries are c>*nlucied: hi* st.wk and o»i comosai*?orlgluate and how the bobbles burst, read thiswork. It Contains over tHrt. fir..- cugraviu'-,tells all about the tnvsicrles and crimes oiNew York, i.nd 1* the spiciest and cheapest work olthekind published, I’rtcc only f'f 73 oer c>>pv Sendfor circular, and ?ee our terms aed a full di**rrtptloaortheW'.ck. Address JONES lUtUTIiEUb A (JO,Chicago. HI.

AGENTg—Wanted—We hares choice se-xA, lecilnn of Album*. Stervosc.jpe*, ?tiT- ->«rnptoView*. Caro, Cabinet and Mediumrnotographs,7t«elF.nyraving*. Oval Rosewoodand CUt Fr-use*, I’irlorttust’c and Card do.: Map*. Chart*. P.lre Ftckages.Ac., for theholiday which we «e'.:h>g atIrwcrficnrej than «nv hon«e In thecountry --eudfor circular. OKO.F-CR.VM. 134 Laic . CMeago

AtiENTS—Wanted—F—> tu ?-'») p»»r weekpaid to mate or frmale with is hi #lO captraj.

ITuflte90 cents on the dollar. Budne*# permanent ‘ ~-

atd pleasant. Sm .n agent* dear gM;- >r>iay. ,-l--Istamp frr Papers or 3 o-rt- f»r d-iuMu sampl-, L.W.CHAPPELL, F 7 South !laUte<l-*>r. Chicago.

AGENTS—W*ante»! —For (JOOUSPEED’SFix NTAfN PEN*. Sixty writtenwith can

pen of Ink. Nothing like it In America Maybesold to cve-y pennn «howrites. Agenis makeifrom|.l To flO a o»y. Sample l>ox po-t pal l. 3cams. For1hebe-tagent*’coodc,address Uu >D6I’EED A UU.,Chicago.

AGENTS— Wanted-To sell the |1 PcckctTlmekteper.New Meteor fafrty Dand Laxp la-

ddihle Peacll, Dr. File’s ImprovedE»e uharpener,I>reatlue ALatch. Parker’# Ten Minute Top.Saw-vet'sCrystal Blueing. Indestructible Pens. Dlamjtd i.e-ment, ITepartuSolder, and 16other very salablearti-cles. noagent can (all to make9150 to |i*jper moatkselling cor uarlvslled and InraisaMca.-riri'-*. ffjrc-jcrtfußy Invite nil dcs’rou*olsMp business, to call and ev.tmlnc artl.-fe*. orserif r catalogue. O. U STANFORD ft C*-.15 Rcy*no’da* Block.Chicago. UU

AGENTS— Wanlfd—Everywlmre, to sellthe splendid picture “Jltmm* 1* In Heaves/*

picture sells at sight—lodnci au nt* liberal. C. U.WHEELER. Publisher, rd» Doiborn-st, Chicago.

A GENTS—Wanted—flfA per month experse* paid to male or f-ts’ila with Llalng-ton’sOletraf a FtrlngSteel Needle Pac kage* andVlcaVa X>-m»«HeSol-ler. Jn*tlh»thtn* for winter,bend 25c fur rattplc*. or *:#«,). roe circular. U. M.LININ'«.TON,BSsoot Jfal-ted st„ Chicago.

AGENTS—Wanted—In cTcry town fn theYorthwetL for an articlethat MrccomnicndcA

by cTcrr lady at sight. Addrcaa Dr. Q. AKKI.Y, 1HSrcth Qarg>t., Chicago. HI.


TlUAL.Machloe. with plalß table.fO : wlt» InekadCoTer. f»; wtb PATKNT TKKAM.K, ACT. HandV»v\.Vn«, IP. Liberal iiU<-\>unt W i(MU. I*. ATKIN*SON, 161Uaadclphst-, Chicago.
