Christ began on March 4, 1923 at Church of Christ...Apr 04, 2018  · Jacob Noveske The elders and...


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Samuel was a great prophet who served God for many years.

He served as a judge during pivotal moments, and he also happened to be God’s representative when the people made known their desire for a worldly-structured government in the form of a king.

I don’t believe Samuel enjoyed “politics” but none-theless he found himself in the midst of overseeing the anointing of two different kings of Israel: Saul and David (1 Samuel 9:27, 10:1, 16:12-13).

In each anointing it was God who did the choosing, but do you remember who Samuel would have chosen had the responsibility be-longed to him?

Samuel’s choice would have b e e n Eliab, the brother of the future king, David.

“So it was, when they came, that he looked at Eliab and said, “Surely the Lord’s anointed is be-fore Him!” But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature,

because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward ap-pearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”” (1 Samuel 16:6-7 NKJV)

Samuel was a good man but he learned that the most difficult thing to judge was not guilt or

innocence after something was done, when or when not to attack an external enemy, or even when it was time to encourage or rebuke the most powerful political leader in the land! Samuel learned that the most difficult thing to judge is another per-son’s heart – which has nothing to do with someone’s outward

appearance. Have we learned the lesson that God personally taught Samuel?

“Now when He was in Jerusalem at the Passover, during the feast, many believed in His name when they saw the signs which He did. But Jesus did not commit Himself to them, because He knew all men, and had no need that anyone should testify of man, for He knew what was in man.” (John 2:23-25 NKJV).

April 15, 2018; Volume 95, Number 15

SAVAGE STREET Church of Christ

Our History:

The Savage Street Church of Christ began on March 4, 1923 at 6th and H Streets. After sometime

on Evelyn Street, we moved to our present location on March 20,

1960. Join us in 2023 when we celebrate our 100th anniversary!

The one Samuel wanted to choose as king By Eugene Adkins

6:00 Service

Did Jesus Raise Himself from the

Dead? John 10.17–18

Don Ruhl

10:30 service

The Value of a Soul Don Iverson


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Colossians 2:8

Vacation Bible School Countdown 70 Days

Happy Anniversary! Gene & Pat Tomlinson celebrated 53 years on

April 11th.

Jim and Pat Stockdale celebrated 55

years on April 11th.

Leadership Training for Christ

Pre-Convention Events:


Bible Class Teaching - Lynn Buell

Bible Quiz - Vivien Henshall

Christian Card Design - Tawnya Meyer

Daily Devotional Challenge - Tawnya Meyer

Scripture Challenge - Traci Peugh

Service Challenge - Vivien Henshall and Tawnya Meyer

Convention Events:

Bible Bowl - Mike Crisp, Traci Peugh, Tawnya Meyer, Kerri Ruhl, Vivien Henshall

Bible Reading - Don Ruhl

Bulletin Board - Vivien Henshall

Chorus - Kerri Ruhl and Traci Peugh

Puppets - Mike Crisp, Andrea Crisp, Jennifer Thomason

Signing for the Deaf - Tawnya Meyer and Vivien Henshall

Song Leading - Don Ruhl

Prepared Speech- Don Ruhl

Worship Banner - Carl Peugh, Tawnya Meyer, Rebekah Noveske, Vivien Henshall

Church Coordinators - Dan Calvert, Jennifer Thomason, Vivien Henshall

Now for the main Event...the Awards that were earned!!!

Paige Thomason - Bible Reading: Gold, Song Leading: Gold, Prepared Speech: Gold, Bible Bowl: Silver

Logan Peugh - Christian Essay: Gold, Bible Quiz: Gold, Daily Devotional Challenge: Gold, Prepared Speech: Silver, Bible Bowl: Silver

Kelly Crisp - Bible Reading: Gold, Prepared Speech: Gold, Unprepared Speech: Silver, Worship Banner: Gold, Bible Quiz: Gold, Scripture Challenge: Gold, Puppets: Gold, Bible Bowl Gold, Bible Bowl Overall 1st Place!!!!

Kayleigh Meyer - Bible Reading: Gold, Bible Quiz: Gold, Christian Card Design: Silver, Service Challenge: Gold, Chorus: Gold, Christian Art: Gold, Puppets: Gold, Signing for the Deaf: Silver, Worship Banner: Gold, Bible Bowl: Gold

Dominic Meyer - Bible Reading: Gold, Bible Quiz: Silver, Christian Card Design: Silver, Service Challenge: Gold, Christian Art: Gold, Puppets: Gold, Worship Banner: Gold, Bible Bowl: Bronze

David Conley - Puppets: Gold, Chorus: Gold, Bible Bowl: Bronze

Billy Henshall - Bible Reading: Gold, Song Leading: Silver, Prepared Speech: Gold, Worship Banner: Gold, Daily Devotional Challenge: Gold, Chorus: Gold, Puppets: Gold, Bible Bowl: Bronze

Coral Holbrook - Daily Devotional Challenge: Gold, Chorus: Gold, Puppets: Gold, Bible Bowl: Gold

Jacob Noveske - Bible Reading: Gold, Chorus: Gold, Puppets: Gold, Worship Banner: Gold, Bible Bowl: Bronze

McKinley Meyer - Bible Reading: Gold, Bible Quiz: Silver, Christian Card Design: Silver, Service Challenge: Gold, Bulletin Board: Silver, Chorus: Gold, Christian Art: Gold, Puppets: Gold, Bible Bowl: Silver

Taylor Henshall - Bible Class Teaching: Gold, Daily Devotional Challenge: Gold, Service Challenge: Gold, Bulletin Board: Silver, Chorus: Gold, Christian Art: Gold, Puppets: Gold, Signing for the Deaf: Silver, Worship Banner: Gold, Bible Bowl: Silver

Nick Noveske - Worship Banner: Gold

Nash Crisp - Bible Reading: Gold, Puppets: Gold, Song Leading: Silver, Unprepared Speech: Silver, Prepared Speech: Gold, Bible Bowl: Gold, Overall Bible Bowl: 2nd Place!!!!

Zoe Peugh - Bible Reading: Gold, Bible Class Teaching: Gold, Chorus: Gold, Puppets: Gold, Signing for the Deaf: Silver, Prepared Speech: Gold, Worship Banner: Gold, Bible Bowl: Silver

Lila Peugh - Bible Class Teaching: Gold, Chorus: Gold, Puppets: Gold, Worship Banner: Gold, Bible Bowl: Silver, Overall Bible Bowl: 4th Place!!!! One Perfect Round in Bible Bowl

Team Events:

Puppets: Hand it to Him: Jacob, Billy, Nash, Kelly, Taylor, and Kayleigh

Savage Puppets: Zoe, Lila, McKinley, David, Dominic, and Coral

Chorus: David, Jacob, Billy, Taylor, Coral, Kayleigh, McKinley, Zoe, and Lila

Worship Banner: King of my Heart: Kelly, Kayleigh, Dominic, Jacob, and Billy

Team LZTN: Lila, Zoe, Taylor, and Nick

Bulletin Board: TayMac: Taylor and McKinley

Bible Quiz: The 3 Musketeers: Logan, Kelly, and Kayleigh Dominic and McKinley

Bible Bowl:

Nash Rambler: Nash 3rd place in overall teams (3rd - 5th)

Daughters of the King: Taylor, Zoe, McKinley, and Lila 4th place in overall teams (3rd - 5th)

Lady Warriors: Kelly, Kayleigh, and Coral 2nd place in overall teams (6th - 8th)

Boys Gone Savage: Jacob, Billy, David, and Dominic

L&P: Logan and Paige 4th place in overall teams (High school)

April Activities: 15th: Don Iverson 16th: Judy Kinder's Memorial 4:00 PM 22nd: Dale Linge 25th: Singing 28th: Patricia Herman-Rose's Memorial 28th: Family Fellowship 29th: Potluck

May Activities: 19th: Wouida Curtis's Memorial 20th: Deacons Meeting 27th Elders Forum 27th: Potluck 30th: Singing

Please keep Scott and Mandi Ridgley in your prayers; they are in need of housing.

Nora Ward came forward Wednesday evening and needs prayers. Pray that she will have strength and that she will continue to study and learn more of God's word. Praise God that she is worshipping here with us.

Please continue to pray for Mildred Turley; she fell a couple weeks ago. Her body is bruised all over but she is doing better.

Pray for Brenda Bacon who will be driving East for the next couple of weeks.

2018 ContributionOpen & Close

Building April Greeters Card CollectorsMeet with elders

& preacher

Weekly Average 3,323 ..................

Last Week April 8, 5,053 ...............

Total After 14 Weeks 46,532.........

April 15: Rick Calvert

April 22: Kerri Ruhl

Kerri RuhlNash Crisp

Jacob Noveske

The elders and

preacher have

regular meetings.

You may come

Mondays at 1:30

PM to Don’s office.

Call first. Or they

can meet with at

another time.


Guest Speakers in April: April 15th - Don Iverson for Bible class and the morning worship, reporting on his work in India. April 22nd - Dale Linge at the evening worship. He is with Churches of Christ Disaster Relief.

Church Camp This Summer Parents! If your child would like to attend Camp Yamhill this summer, make sure you register them online this month. There is a $30 discount if registered before May 1st.

LTC There are some LTC papers and supplies on the table in the fellowship hall. Can they please be picked up and put in their proper place. Thank you!

Potluck The potluck theme this month will be international food so start thinking of that delicious dish your going to whip up.

Congratulations!! Paige Thomason participated in LTC for 11 years! As a high school senior this is her last year in LTC.

Summer Teaching Quarter The summer teaching quarter is right around the corner. The sign up sheet is in the teachers supply room.

VBS We need volunteers.


Pray for these caretakers and the shut-ins:

Phil Friesen as he cares for Diana Jean Parker as she cares for Elzie Glenda Brazil as she cares for

Mildred Jack Collier as he cares for Marie Cliff & Eve Hanson OTHER NEWS

If you would like to receive the bulletin as a PDF, please see Rebekah Calvert. If you would like to have your an-nouncement run in our bulletin, please place it on the secretary’s desk before Friday morning or email it to Re-bekah Calvert: If you would like a CD with any recorded sermons or adult classes please see Don.

Suggested Good Work Help a friend look for a job.

Church History Christian History Institute In 1492, Queen Isabella, having compelled Muslims to convert to Christianity or leave Spain, signed a similar decree relating to her Jew-ish subjects, ordering them to con-vert to Christianity or face expul-sion. It will not actually be issued for another month and will allow three months for compliance. It is unfortunate that some people, such as Queen Isabella, sought to force people to convert to Christ, be-cause Jesus never forced anyone to believe in Him, nor did any of His preachers coerce people, but only through preaching and teaching, reasoning and persuasion does He want people to go to Him.

The Bible Belongs in Schools THE NARRATIVE of United States

history is inextricably intertwined with references to the Bible. For instance, when the Pilgrims spoke of creating a shining city on a hill,

they were alluding to words of Je-sus. In the same way, when settlers of Virginia observed a day of thanks toward God on the anniversary of their arrival, they were obeying Scriptural injunctions to give thanks. Abraham Lincoln warned that a house divided cannot stand, knowing his listeners would imme-diately recognize Jesus Christ as the authority for those words. Readers of Harriet Tubman’s biog-raphy would have recognized her prayer “Oh, Lord! You’ve been wid me in six troubles, don’t desert me in the seventh!” as an allusion to Job 5:19 “He will deliver you from six troubles; in seven no evil shall touch you.”

And, when slave owners referred to the curse of Ham as a justifica-tion for holding blacks in thrall, the story of Noah and his sons would leap to a Bible reader’s mind. Likewise, when abolitionists de-clared slaves to be brothers, Bible readers would also recognize the allusion to Philemon 15-16: “Per-haps the reason he was separated from you for a little while was that you might have him back forever—no longer as a slave, but better than a slave, as a dear brother.”

The Ten Commandments are chiseled into stone at the Supreme Court of the United States, and the very names of many American cities reflect Biblical lore: Bethle-hem, Philadelphia, Beulah, Zion, Hell, and many more. Presidents and other prominent individuals have worn biblical names: John Witherspoon, Daniel Boone, Abra-ham Lincoln, James Madison, Abi-gail Adams.

Educators have argued that cul-tural literacy demands a basic knowledge of the Bible. For this reason, Time magazine joined the push for biblical literacy on this day, April 2, 2007, when David van Biema argued “The Case for Teach-ing the Bible.”

“Simply put,” Biema states, “the Bible is the most influential book ever written. Not only is the Bible the best-selling book of all time, it is the best-selling book of the year every year.”

Biema mentioned Shakespeare’s 1,300 allusions to Bible passages and other references to the Bible in literature. He also argued that we “need the Bible to make sense of the ideas and rhetoric that have helped drive U.S. history.”

Our Mission Works Outside of Josephine County, Oregon

Chimala Mission Hospital and Schools,

Tanzania, Africa

Wayne Jackson &, Stockton, California

Brad Harrub & Focus Press, Franklin, Tennessee

Don Iverson’s India Work

Don Patton’s archaeological work, especially Noah’s Ark

Mountain States Children’s Home, Longmont, Colorado

OUR SHEPHERDS: Wayne Duncan Dan Calvert


OUR DEACONS: Gene Tomlinson Michael Crisp, Jr. Carl Peugh

OUR SONG LEADERS: Larry Amberg Phil Joseph


CONTACT INFORMATION: 220 NE Savage Street Grants Pass, Oregon 97526 541-476-3100


Sunday Classes 9:30 .......... Worship 10:30 ........ Worship 6:00 ........


Classes 7:00 ..........

