Check Boxes. 2 Check boxes Image from: //en. HTML: Each box gets it's own



 Image from:  HTML:  Each box gets it's own id  Note that the text is defined separately  "Checked", "Tristate / Indeterminate", and "Unchecked" in the above image  FILE: checkboxes_simple_demo.html 3

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BIT116: Scripting

Check Boxes


Check boxes


Check boxes Image from:

HTML: Each box gets it's own id Note that the text is defined separately

"Checked", "Tristate / Indeterminate", and "Unchecked" in the above image

FILE: checkboxes_simple_demo.html


What the page looks like:


<body><h2>Check boxes</h2> <form><h3>What did you do this past weekend?</h3>


<input id="checkboxSlept" type="checkbox" value="Slept" checked="checked">Slept Some<br/><input id="cbHW" type="checkbox"> Worked on my homework<br/>

<input id="cbAte" type="checkbox" checked> Ate Some Food<br/>

<input id="cbDread" type="checkbox"> Experienced a Deep, Existential Dread At The Approaching Week<br/>

<input type="button" id="getFeedback" value="Click here for feedback!">



<p id="msgHere">Some Fascinating Text! That I will change! With jQuery!</p></body></html>

<input = Start of the checkbox itself. Note that there's no closing tag. This element puts ONLY the check box on the page, not the text that goes next to it.

id="checkboxSlept" = We picked checkboxSlept. Pick any valid name you want, but be consistent type="checkbox" = Tells the browser to put a check box (but NOT text) on the page value="Slept" = Again, pick anything you want (we picked Slept). We'll check for this value in the JavaScript once the

button is clicked checked="checked"> = Tell the browser that this box should start off checked. We can just write checked if we'd prefer Slept Some<br/> = Notice that the text is outside the button and unconnected to it


if( $('#checkboxSlept').is( ':checked' ) )feedback = feedback + " slept";

$('#checkboxSlept = What's nice is that we can go back to asking for a particular checkbox by ID .is() = Ask if the selected element(s) have a particular attribute, etc ':checked' = Specifically, is the checkbox checked?

This will return true if the box is checked off, and will return false otherwise


The overall approach Start with the text at the beginning of the sentence For each checkbox:

If it's checked then add that box's text to the existing text

If we didn't check off anything then replace all the text with a different message Otherwise we'd get the beginning and the end glued together: "I'm glad that you this weekend"

Then, of course, place that text on the page


$("#getFeedback").click( function() {

var startingText = "I'm glad that you ";var feedback = startingText;if( $('#checkboxSlept').is(':checked') )

feedback = feedback + " slept";

if( $('#checkboxHW').is(':checked') )

feedback = feedback + ", studied";

if( $('#cbAte').is(':checked') )

feedback = feedback + ", ate";

if( $('#cbDread').is(':checked') )

feedback = feedback + ", and dreaded";

if( feedback == startingText) // if no options were chosen

feedback = "Wait - you didn't eat or sleep this weekend? Or study? Or dread?";


feedback = feedback + " this weekend.";

$("#msgHere").html( feedback );


var startingText = "I'm glad that you "; = This is the beginning of the sentence. We'll want to use it again later…

var feedback = startingText; = so we're making a copy of it in feedback. We'll add things onto feedback


$("#getFeedback").click( function() {

var startingText = "I'm glad that you ";

var feedback = startingText;

if( $('#checkboxSlept').is(':checked') )feedback = feedback + " slept";if( $('#checkboxHW').is(':checked') )

feedback = feedback + ", studied";

if( $('#cbAte').is(':checked') )

feedback = feedback + ", ate";

if( $('#cbDread').is(':checked') )

feedback = feedback + ", and dreaded";

if( feedback == startingText) // if no options were chosen

feedback = "Wait - you didn't eat or sleep this weekend? Or study? Or dread?";


feedback = feedback + " this weekend.";

$("#msgHere").html( feedback );


if( $('#checkboxSlept').is(':checked') ) = if the 'checkboxSlept' check box is checked….

feedback = feedback + " slept"; = then glue (concatenate) the text " slept" onto our feedback


$("#getFeedback").click( function() {

var startingText = "I'm glad that you ";

var feedback = startingText;

if( $('#checkboxSlept').is(':checked') )

feedback = feedback + " slept";

if( $('#checkboxHW').is(':checked') )feedback = feedback + ", studied";if( $('#cbAte').is(':checked') )

feedback = feedback + ", ate";

if( $('#cbDread').is(':checked') )

feedback = feedback + ", and dreaded";

if( feedback == startingText) // if no options were chosen

feedback = "Wait - you didn't eat or sleep this weekend? Or study? Or dread?";


feedback = feedback + " this weekend.";

$("#msgHere").html( feedback );


if( $('#checkboxHW').is(':checked') ) = Similarly (and independently) add ", studied" if the user studied

feedback = feedback + ", studied";


$("#getFeedback").click( function() {

var startingText = "I'm glad that you ";

var feedback = startingText;

if( $('#checkboxSlept').is(':checked') )

feedback = feedback + " slept";

// <snip> - to fit everything on one slide if( feedback == startingText) // if no options were chosen

feedback = "Wait - you didn't eat or sleep this weekend? Or study? Or dread?";


feedback = feedback + " this weekend.";

$("#msgHere").html( feedback );


if( feedback == startingText) = if the user didn't check anything, then feedback will be the same as the original, starting text. In other words – this will check if the user didn't check off anything


$("#getFeedback").click( function() {

var startingText = "I'm glad that you ";

var feedback = startingText;

if( $('#checkboxSlept').is(':checked') )

feedback = feedback + " slept";

// <snip> - to fit everything on one slide if( feedback == startingText) // if no options were chosen

feedback = "Wait - you didn't eat or sleep this weekend? Or study? Or dread?";

elsefeedback = feedback + " this weekend.";

$("#msgHere").html( feedback );


feedback = "Wait - you didn't eat …"; = if the user didn't pick anything then use this message instead

else = otherwise…

feedback = feedback + " this weekend."; = add 'this weekend." to the end of our feedback


Do exercises Work on exercise #1 in the ICEs for 'checkboxes' Note that this may be on a separate page than the 'radio buttons' exercise.

Go back to the main page for the course and find the ICEs there
