CHAPTER I Ensefalitis


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  • 8/8/2019 CHAPTER I Ensefalitis



    1.10. Treatment

    The goals of pharmacotherapy are to reduce morbidity and prevent complications.

    Initial stabilization

    Patients frequently require ICU care with cardiorespiratory support. Minidose

    subcutaneous heparin is standard forprophylaxis of intravascular thrombosis in

    acutely ill adults, but is untested in the pediatric age group. Early involvement of

    physical and occupational therapy is important.

    General measures

    Treatment of intracranial hypertension includes mannitol and hyperventilation,

    usually with assistance from intensivists or neurology/neurosurgery

    consultants; these measures should be reserved for situations in which vital or

    neurologic signs indicate impending herniation. Intracranial pressure

    monitoring is not routinely indicated. Consultation with an infectious disease specialist, neurologist, or neurosurgeon

    may be helpful.

    Special therapy

    - iv fluids

    Avoid fluid overload, which may exacerbate cerebral edema.

    Requires strict attention to fluid/osmotic balance

    Normal saline is preferred.

    Closely monitor electrolytes, anticipating possible syndrome of inappropriate

    antidiuretic hormone or diabetes insipidus.

    - Medication

    Anti-infective agents:


    Depending on severity of the illness and clinicians level of suspicion
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    o Initial treatment could include antibacterial and antiviral agents (acyclovir:

    Monitor renal function) until the cause becomes clear or cultures are


    Confirmed HSV encephalitis: Acyclovir:

    o Infants: 20 mg/kg q8h for 21 days

    o Older children: 10 mg/kg q8h for 1014 days

    Cytomegalovirus (CMV): Consider ganciclovir or foscarnet.

    HIV encephalitis: Consider zidovudine, didanosine, or ritonavir.

    SSPE (diagnosed by spinal fluid titers): Consider isoprinosine.


    o Reserved for clinical or electrographic evidence of seizure/epileptic activity

    o Usual choices include lorazepam, phenytoin, phenobarbital, and


    o Treatment of PLEDs without associated convulsions is controversial.

    o Consider potential side effects and sedation.

    1.11. Complication

    Seizures disorders, focal or generalized

    Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone

    Increased ICP


    Seizure disorders, focal or generalized



    Learning disabilities


    1.12. Prognosis

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    The prognosis depends the virulence of the virus and on variables associated with

    the patient's health status, such as extremes of age, immune status, and preexisting

    neurologic conditions.

    o Rabies, EEE, JE, and untreated HSE have high rates of mortality and severe

    morbidity, including mental retardation, hemiplegia, and seizures.

    o Increased mortality and morbidity rates are found in patients who are older

    than 60 years and have St Louis encephalitis or WNE. Long-term sequelae

    with St Louis encephalitis include behavioral disorders, memory loss, and


    o WEE is associated with relatively low mortality and morbidity rates, although

    developmental delay, seizure disorder, and paralysis occur in children, and

    postencephalitic parkinsonism occurs in adults.

    o CE usually is a milder disease, with most patients making a full recovery,

    though 25% of those with severe disease continue to have focal neurologic


    o The mortality rate in treated HSE averages 20% and is correlated with mental

    status changes at time of first dose of acyclovir. Approximately 40% of

    survivors have minor-to-major learning disabilities, memory impairment,

    neuropsychiatric abnormalities, epilepsy, fine-motor-control deficits, and


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    2.1. Objective

    The aim of doing this paper is to report a case of encephalitis of an -years-old boy

    that was admitted at the Infection Unit of Haji Adam Malik general Hospital.

    2.2. Case

    Pasien baru unit IGD masuk pada tanggal 9 September 2010 pukul 19.00 WIB.

    Nama : Rudianto, laki-laki, 1 tahun 9 bulan, BB: 7 kg, PB: 99 cm

    KU : Penurunan kesadaran

    Telaah :

    Hal ini dialami os sejak 2 hari yang lalu, diawali dengan kejang. Kehang (+)

    dialami os sejak 7 hari yang lalu, dengan frekuensi >3x/hari, lama kejang 10-20

    menit/kali kejang, diawali dengan demam. Riwayat keang sebelumnya (+).

    Demam (+) dialami os sejak 2 minggu ini, demam bersifat naik turun, turun

    dengan obat penurun panas. Batuk (-), pilek (-). Riwayat keluar cairan dari telinga

    (-). Riwayat kontak dengan penderita TB (-).

    Riwayat kelahiran : spontan, ditolong bidan, segera menangis, BBL: 2500 gr, biru


    Riwayat imunisasi : tidak jelas, BCG scar (+).

    Riwayat pemberian makanan : 0-3 bulan PASI + bubur susu, 3-9 bulan bubur

    lembek, 9 bulan-sekarang nasi biasa.

    Riwayat perkembangan : os duduk usia 1 tahun. Saat ini os hanya bias jalan

    ngesot, mengucapkan 2 kata. Bintik-bintik berisi nanah (+).

    RPT : Os merupakan rujukan dari Puskesmas Karang Rejo dengan demam

    tinggi + kejang

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    RPO : -

    Physical examination

    SP : Sens : GCS II (E4V2M5) T: 37,3 C LK: 46 cm

    Anemis (-), Dyspnoe (-), Edema (-), Sianosis (-)

    SL : Kepala : Mata : RC +/+, pupil isokor, Conj. palp. inf pucat -/-

    T/H : dbn

    M : ulkus (+) didaerah bibir, mukosa

    Aksila : pustule (+)

    Leher : Pembesaran KGB (-), kaku kuduk (-)

    Thorax : Simetris fusiformis, retraksi (-)

    HR : 116x/I, reg, desah (-)

    RR : 20x/I, reg, ronki (-)

    Abdomen : Soepel, peristaltic (+) N, H/L : ttb

    Ekstremitas : Pols 116x/I, reg, t/v cukup

    Spastic (+) pada ke-4 ekstremitas

    Rangsang meningeal : (-)

    R. Fisiologis : APR/KPR +/+

    R. Patologis : Babinski (-), openheim (-), gordon (-),


    Pustule (+)

    Laboratorium findings (

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    Working diagnosis : Encephalitis

    Differential diagnosis :

    - Encephalitis

    - Meningoencephalitis

    - Meningitis

    Management :

    - Elevasi kepala 30

    - 02 1L/i

    - IVFD NaCl 0,9% 48 gtt/i mikro (retriksi 25%)

    - Inj. Cefotaxim 650 mg/6 jam/iv, skin test

    - Inj phenytoin loading dose 20 mg/kgBB

    - 12 jam kemudian inj. Phenytoin maintenance 5 mg/kgBB

    - Diet SV 1560 kkal + 26 gram protein

    Investigation plan :

    - Lumbal punksi

    - Foto Thorax AP/lat

    - Head CT scan

    - Mantoux test

    - Konsul divisi neurologi

    - Konsul divisi infeksi

    - Konsul divisi kulit dan kelamin

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    Follow Up

    Tanggal 10 September 2010

    S : penurunan kesadaran (+), demam (-), kejang (-)

    BB : 13 kg, PB : 92 cm, BB/TB 96,29%, BBI : 13,5 kg

    O : Sens : GCS 6 (E1V1M4) T: 37,3C LK: 46 cm

    Kepala : Mata : RC +/+, pupil isokor, Conj. palp. inf pucat -/-

    T/H : dbn

    M : ulkus (+) didaerah bibir, mulut

    Aksila : pustule (+)

    Leher : Pembesaran KGB (-), kaku kuduk (-)

    Thorax : Simetris fusiformis, retraksi (-)

    HR : 112x/i, reg, desah (-)

    RR : 20x/i, reg, ronki (-)

    Abdomen : Soepel, peristaltic (+) N, H/L : ttb

    Ekstremitas : Pols 112x/I, reg, t/v cukup

    Spastic (+) pada ke-4 ekstremitas, pustula (+)

    Rangsang meningeal : (-)

    R. Fisiologis : APR/KPR +/+

    R. Patologis : Babinski (-), openheim (-), gordon (-),

    klonus (-)

    A : DD - ensefalitis

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    - meningoensefalitis

    - meningitis

    P : - Elevasi kepala 30

    - O2 1 L/i

    - IVFD D5% NaCl 0,9% 36 gtt/i mikro

    - Inj. Cefotaxim 650 mg/6 jam/IV

    - Inj. Ampicillin 650 mg/6 jam/IV, skin test

    - Jika kejang phenytoin loading dose 260 mg diencerkan dalam 30

    cc NaCl 0,9% habis dalam 30 menit, 12 jam kemudian

    maintenance 35 mg/12 jam/IV diencerkan dalam 10 cc NaCl

    0,9% habis dalam 30 menit.

    - Kenalog inorabase 2x1 applic

    - Gentamycin Zalf 3x1 applic

    - Diet SV 1150 kkal dengan 20 gr protein dalam 900cc cairan

    (150cc/4 jam/NGT)
