Chapter 2 Rm


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  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 2 Rm




    2.1 IntroductionThis chapter provides a review of the literature on factors of absenteeism among staff at

    Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN) Sungai Petani. n this chapter! it e"plains on the

    factors of absenteeism! environments! attitudes and colleague. n addition! #hapter $ also

    e"plains about conceptual framewor%! definition! and the relationship of conceptual

    framewor%. H&pothesis of the stud& and conclusion for this chapter also included.

    2.2 Dependent Variable Revie2.2.1 Ab!enteei!"

    'ccording to 'ustralasian acult& of ccupational *edicine ($+,-)! non wor%

    attendance is formed! in part! b& sanctioned leave such as annual leave! long

    service leave and non illness related leave! such as maternit& or parental leave. '

    more generalised definition of absenteeism (unplanned absence) includes non

    attendance at wor% where wor% attendance is scheduled. This includes sic%ness

    absence leave/ various special leaves! such as bereavement leave/ and ma& also

    include time lost through industrial disputes. 0iven the wide variet& of

    emplo&ment conditions appl&ing within 'ustralian ndustr&! it is difficult to

    formulate a complete list which ma& not change substantiall& with time.n addition to affecting the abilit& to come to wor% through the development of

    serious health problems (1involuntar&2 absenteeism)! such stressors are also

    li%el& to affect the motivation to attend the 3ob (1voluntar&2 absenteeism) (cf.

    Steers 4 5hodes! ,678).' consistent definition of this term is unfortunatel& absent in research or in

    individual institutions. This alone ma%es the interpretation of the literature

    particularl& difficult as well as ma%ing comparisons between institutions

    problematic. The adoption of standards for recording b& industr& or government

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 2 Rm


    would be invaluable. ' recentl& released stud& b& researcher *ichael 0ottfried

    ($+,-)! shows the negative impact of chronic absenteeism on both academic

    performance and social emotional s%ills needed to persist and engage in learning.

    2.# Independent Variable Revie2.#.1 Environ"ent!

    However! 9ualit& of the ph&sical wor%place environment ma& also have a strong

    influence on a compan&:s abilit& to recruit and retain talented people Some

    factors in wor%place environment ma& be considered %e&s affecting emplo&ee:s

    engagement! productivit&! morale! comfort level etc. both positivel& and

    negativel&.'lthough convenient wor%place conditions are re9uirements for improving

    productivit& and 9ualit& of outcomes! wor%ing conditions in man& organi;ations

    ma& present lac% of safet&! health and comfort issues such as improper lightening

    and ventilation! e"cessive noise and emergenc& e"cess Demet ($+,$). Se%ar

    ($+,,) argues that the relationship between wor%! the wor%place and the tools of

    wor%! wor%place becomes an integral part of wor% itself. The management that

    dictate how! e"actl&! to ma"imi;e emplo&ee productivit& centre around two ma3or

    areas of focus< personal motivation and the infrastructure of the wor%

    environment.=elita ($+,>) mentions that the si;e of an organi;ation has been said to influence

    absenteeism. The argument being that big organi;ations have less group

    cohesiveness! greater bureaucrac& and that individual effort go unnoticed.

    2.#.2 AttitudeSteers and 5hodes (,678) assigned 3ob attitudes a central place in their model!

    predicting that the effects of other 3ob related and organi;ational variables on

    absence would wor% their wa& through 3ob satisfaction. n previous reviews!

    =ra&field and #roc%ett (,6??) found that negative emplo&ee attitudes toward

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 2 Rm


    their 3ob conte"t (especiall& at the lower levels) were significantl& related to

    absenteeism and! to a lesser e"tent! to turnover.The initial definitions were broad and encompassed cognitive! affective!

    motivational! and behavioral components. or e"ample! 0ordon 'llport (,6>?)

    defined an attitude as @a mental and neural state of readiness! organi;ed through

    e"perience! e"erting a directive and d&namic influence upon the individualAs

    response to all ob3ects and situations with which it is related@. The attitude

    behavior and 3ob satisfaction is affecting the absenteeism. Shivam ($+,>)! state

    that the attitude and the 3ob dissatisfaction also will be the reason for the staff to

    be absent from their dail& wor%.

    2.#.# Collea$ue

    Patri% Hesselius ($++6)! state that wor% absence is! of course! intimatel& related to

    the productivit& of the firm. t focuses on how co wor%ers affect each other:s

    effort in the form of wor% absence. This relationship is perhaps most obvious in

    firms with 3ust in time t&pe of production technologies. n such firms the output

    loss associated with the une"pected absence of e9ual to the loss of the single

    wor%er:s output! but potentiall& also the lost total value of the entire downstream

    production line.

    L&man (,67$) state that since different emplo&ees can have potentiall& 9uite

    different e"pectations with respect to pa&offs or rewards in a given organi;ational

    or wor% situation! it would not be anticipated that a given variable (e.g.! high pa&!

    unfriendl& wor% colleagues) would have a uniform impact on withdrawal

    decisions. 5auhala ($++7) Bivima%i and colleagues found that innish health

    wor%ers that had e"perienced social e"clusion! also seen as a form of bull&ing!

    had a high rate of absence. Similarl&! bull&ing and violence from colleagues!

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 2 Rm


    patients and visitors was reported to increase absenteeism among nurses in

    Sweden! the CS'! the Philippines! #anada! Tur%e& and radiographers in Hong

    Bong. =elita ($+,>).

    2.% Conceptual &ra"e or'

    n order to stud& and understand better absenteeism issue and this conceptual framewor%

    provides an understanding wa&s on whether independent variables which are nvironment!

    attitude and colleague has significant association towards ab!enteei!" a"on$ !ta(( at

    LHD) *$.Petani . This conceptual framewor% is adopted from the field stud& at LHD)

    *$.Petani and it has been personali;ed slightl& for the purposes of the stud&. The

    conceptual framewor% for the stud& is shown as followscant e ect on 8ob satisfaction9 1here is lo5 8ob satisfaction inpublic@!overn ental or!anizations and a on! youn! people enterin! the

    8ob ar6et9 -t is su!!ested that it is necessary to develop a hu an
  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 2 Rm


    resources strate!y for the public@!overn ental sector that 5ill not onlyincrease its social presti!e but also increase positive feelin!s a on! itse ployees9 1he need to better prepare under!raduates for the de ands ofthe 8ob ar6et is also discussed9

    .3 8ob satisfaction

    .4 personal factors.# 5or67related factors

    .& Central and Aastern Aurope

    .' Czech Republic

    .) -ntroduction

    . Bob satisfaction has received attention fro studies of or!anizationalbehavior, 5hich have e2a ined 8ob satisfaction as antecedents of i provedleadership capabilities and hu an resource ana!e ent9 enerally,constructs and easure ent instru ents have been developed in ?esterncountries9 Conse:uently, 8ob satisfaction has been studied e2tensively in?estern Aurope and the United "tates9 Ho5ever, e pirical studies indicatethat these studies cannot be directly applied to the analysis ofor!anizational behavior in the Czech Republic e9!9, Du6Eov, Fran6ov, *"uryne6, 0//& 9

    0/ -n the past decade, there have been a nu ber of studies involvin! non7?estern cultures, includin! studies fro 1ai5an e9!9, Chen * "ilverthorne,0//) GCheun! * "cherlin!, . GDu, 1sen!, * Cooper, . G"ilverthorne,0//4 , China e9!9,Dau, 1se, * hou, 0//0 GDeun!, " ith, ?an!, * "un,. &GDiu, 1an!, * hu, 0//) GDoscocco * Iose, . ) G"cott, Iishop, * Chen,0//3 , and Russia Dinz, 0//3 9 Recently, investi!ations of the %iddle Aasthave also been underta6en e9!9, (bdulla, +8ebarni, * %ellahi, 0/.. G 1laiss,

    0/.3 G Jousef, 0//. 9 ;onetheless, there re ains a paucity of e pirical datafro transient post7Co unist econo ies fro Central and Aastern AuropeCAA , 5hich includes the Czech Republic9 Dittle is 6no5n about the factors

    that in uence 8ob satisfaction in post7Co unist countries as they chan!etheir behavioral patterns durin! the transition fro a centrally plannedecono y to a ar6et econo y Dan!e, 0// 9 1he i portance ofunderstandin! the or!anizational behavior of people fro CAA countries hase er!ed fro the fact that so e features of the recent socioecono icdevelop ent of those countries are very speci>c and di er fro both?estern and Aastern countries9 %oreover, life under Co unist re!i es

    had lon!7ter i pacts on CAA citizensL values and beliefs -n!lehart *Ia6er, 0/// 90. "tudies in so e CAA countries have been based on s aller sa ples and

    focused on speci>c professionsMfor e2a ple, public relations practitionersin Iul!aria Karad8ov, Ki , * Karavasilev, 0/// hospital sta Kaarna,$Nlluste, Depnur , * 1hetlo , 0//4 and fa ily doctors Kalda, %aaroos, *De ber, 0/// in Astonia, ana!ers (londeriene, 0/./ and dentists inDithuania $uriene, $etraus6iene, Banulyte, * Ialciuniene, 0//' ,salespersons in $oland Irashear, Dep6o5s6a7?hite, * Chelariu, 0//3 , andnurses in "lova6ia ur6ov, Op, Pia6ov, * QuriE6ov, 0/.0 and "lovenia

    Dorber * "6ela "avi , 0/.0 9 %edical 5or6ers have received a !reat deal ofattention9
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    00 Haraszti . '' has ar!ued that "oviet7style labor relations producedde otivated, de oralized, and unsatis>ed 5or6ers9 (lthou!h it is :uitediScult to a6e such !eneralized state ents about all AuropeanCo unist countries, it is 6no5n that durin! the last decade of Co unistrule . )/s , 8ob dissatisfaction co only e2isted in the Czech Republic

    6no5n until . 0 as Czechoslova6ia , 5hich 5as caused by insuScient5or6 or!anization, bad 5or6place relations, inco petent superordinates,ineScient re5ard syste s, and li ited opportunities for careeradvance ent typically, for al political activity 5as re:uired 9Conse:uently, lo5 8ob satisfaction 5as associated 5ith lo5 8ob perfor ance,5hich resulted in the econo yLs overall poor perfor ance e9!9, %oTn ,. 9 -n public and oScial co unications, ho5ever, these ne!ativepheno ena 5ere hidden9 For this reason, there are no e pirical datadescribin! 8ob satisfaction in or!anizations durin! that period9 Ho5ever,follo5in! the collapse of the Co unist political and centrally plannedecono ic syste s in CAA countries, the last t5o decades have beencharacterized by a very rapid socioecono ic and political transition9 1hee2tent and >eld of the recent institutional chan!es in the transitionecono ies of CAA countries have been :uite unusual $en!, 0//3 9 +espiteinitial diSculties, ost of these countries no5 have ar6et econo ies thatare ore stable than before rst e pirical data about 8ob satisfaction in the Czech Republic areavailable fro . ' fro the -nternational "ocial "urvey $ro!ra -""$ ,5hich focuses on re!isterin! 5or6 orientation9 "everal studies based onthose data have been published %ed!yesi * RVbert, 0//3 G"ousa7$oza *"ousa7$oza, 0/// G=e ernW6, 0//3 9 1he data sho5ed that levels of 8obsatisfaction in CAA countries 5ere :uite lo5 co pared 5ith ?estern and;orthern Aurope9 Four CAA countries Hun!ary, "lovenia, Iul!aria, and theCzech Republic are a on! the ei!ht countries 5ith the lo5est 8ob7satisfaction levels9 ( subse:uent survey conducted in 0//# seehttpX@@5559issp9or! sho5ed that 8ob7satisfaction levels in the Czech

    Republic are still one of the lo5est a on! the 0.

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    04 (ll of these studies have sho5n that durin! the past t5o decades, the levelof 8ob satisfaction in the Czech Republic has been :uite lo59 1o understandthis situation, 5e need ore infor ation about the i pact of particularfactors that in uence 8ob satisfaction9 1hus, the ob8ective of this study 5asto e2a ine sociode o!raphic and or!anizational factors that deter ine 8obsatisfaction in a sa ple fro the Czech Republic and to co pare the 5ith>ndin!s fro developed ?estern countries9 1his study continues ourprevious research on a s aller sa ple FranY6 * =e eZa, 0//) , 5hichpri arily focused on the personal correlates of 8ob satisfaction9 1he ai ofthis study is to investi!ate relationships bet5een 8ob satisfaction andsociode o!raphic and personal characteristics !ender, education, a!e, andoccupational level , alon! 5ith relationships bet5een 8ob satisfaction andso e 5or67related situational factors or!anization size, or!anizationo5nership, and or!anizational culture 9

    0# Revie5 of the literature

    0& ( classic de>nition describes 8ob satisfaction as a pleasurable or positivee otional state resultin! fro the appraisal of oneLs 8ob or 8ob e2perienceDoc6e, . '& 9 %easure ents of 8ob satisfaction include both intrinsic and

    e2trinsic satisfaction e9!9, Ryan * +eci, 0/// 9 1ypically, intrinsicsatisfaction includes achieve ent, responsibility, reco!nition, anddependence, 5hereas e2trinsic satisfaction is co posed of salary, additionalbonuses, relationships 5ith co5or6ers, and 5or6in! conditions9 Bobsatisfaction plays a role in 8ob perfor ance e9!9, Bud!e et al9, 0//. 9 Bobsatisfaction is considered a cause of turnover and absenteeis , alon! 5iththeir associated costs e9!9, %obley, . )0 G"ta5, . )4 9 %oreover, 8ob

    satisfaction is associated 5ith !eneral life satisfaction +robni , Ieha , *$r[!, 0/./ G Bud!e * ?atanabe, . 3 90' %any factors can a ect the level of 8ob satisfaction9 1he literature often

    distin!uishes bet5een the situational and personal characteristics of 8obsatisfaction e9!9, "pector, . ' 9 ?hereas situational characteristicsrepresent 8ob characteristics or!anizational, 5or67related factors , personalcharacteristics represent an individualLs personal e9!9, a!e, !ender,education and dispositional e9!9, personality traits features9

    0) (!e is an e ployee characteristic that is often thou!ht to in uence 8obsatisfaction9 "everal decades a!o, Rhodes . )3 conducted a eta7analyticstudy based on a revie5 of ore than .)# studies and concluded that 8obsatisfaction is positively and linearly lin6ed 5ith a!e9 ed than youn!er e ployees 5ith their 8obs9 Dater, Clar6,

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    provides stron! evidence for a U7shaped relationship bet5een 8obsatisfaction and a!e, eanin! that youn!er and older e ployees are oresatis>ed than iddle7a!ed e ployees9 "peci>cally, overall 8ob satisfaction isat its lo5est at a!e 3& and increases thereafter9 1his >ndin! 5as con>r edin later research by azio!lu and 1ansel 0//& on a sa ple of ore than0),/// Iritish e ployees9 Far!her et al9 0//) have conducted a study ondata fro Auropean countries (ustria, Iel!iu , +en ar6, Finland, France,

    er any, -reland, -taly, Du2e bour!, 1he ;etherlands, "5eden, and theUnited Kin!do collected in . 70/// and have replicated the U7shapeddistribution of 8ob satisfaction as a function of a!e in a ?estern Auropeansubsa ple9 -n a CAA subsa ple Czech Republic, Astonia, Hun!ary, Datvia,Dithuania, $oland, "lova6ia, and "lovenia , ho5ever, the U7shaped pattern5as visible but not statistically si!ni>cant9 -n contrast, As6ildsen, Kristensen,and ?estlund 0//3 , in a survey conducted in the ;ordic countries

    +en ar6, Finland, ;or5ay, and "5eden , have reported that 8obsatisfaction increases linearly 5ith a!e9 -nterestin!ly, a study by Duthansand 1ho as . ) , conducted in the United "tates, has found that 5or6ersolder than 4/ years of a!e beco e less satis>ed 5ith their 8obs9 (ne2planation for this ay involve both processes of resi!nation and pressurefro odern technolo!ies, hi!h 5or6 overload, and the increasin! focus onproductivity9

    3/ 1he labor ar6et in the Czech Republic is dissi ilar to ar6ets in the above7entioned ?estern countries9 Unfortunately, there are no investi!ations

    available that describe relationships bet5een 8ob satisfaction and a!e in theCzech Republic and other transient econo ies of CAA be!innin! in the early

    . /s9 (s stated above, very rapid political, social, and econo ic chan!esi posed !reat pressures, pri arily on iddle7a!ed and older !enerations ofe ployees9

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    in . /, Clar6 et al9 . & found that 8ob satisfaction decreases 5ithincreasin! educational levels9 1he e2planation is that education that doesnot result in e2trinsic re5ards e9!9, oney, presti!e, autono y leads todissatisfaction9 ( subse:uent study by Clar6 and nd any si!ni>cant associations bet5een educationand 8ob satisfaction in data for . 70/// fro CAA countries9 ( study byFranY6 and =e eZa 0//) in the Czech Republic found a very 5ea6 positiveassociation bet5een 8ob satisfaction and education9 "i!ni>cant di erences5ere seen only bet5een e ployees 5ith an educational level of _s6illed5or6er` and those 5ho co pleted secondary school or are 5or6in! andcurrently en!a!ed in university7level studies distance learnin! 9

    33 ;u erous studies have investi!ated !ender di erences in reported levels of

    8ob satisfaction9 -n ter s of associations bet5een 8ob satisfaction andeducation, their >ndin!s are also contradictory in so e respects9 "o eresearchers have found 5o en to be ore satis>ed than en Clar6, . ' G%urray * (t6inson, . ). G?harton, Rotolo, * Iird, 0/// 9 ed than 5o en For!ionne * $eeters, . )0 G?eaver, . '4 9 ( lar!e body of studies has reported that there are nosi!ni>cant !ender di erences Irief, Rose, * (lda!, . '' GAs6ildsen et al9,0//3 G?eaver, . ') 9 -n contrast, there is evidence of !ender bias in CAAcountries9 1here are substantial di erences bet5een ale and fe alee ployees, and it see s that so e of those di erences re ect the survivin!

    in uence of the Co unist !ender order Dan!e, 0//) G$oo6, F st s, *%arian, 0//3 9 1hese in uences result in ale e ployees havin! hi!herlevels of 8ob satisfaction9

    34 -n vie5 of the above literature, 5e have the follo5in! e2pectationsX3# Hypothesis .X 1here are no a!e7related di erences in 8ob satisfaction93& Hypothesis 0X Aducational level has no i pact on 8ob satisfaction93' Hypothesis 3X %en are ore satis>ed 5ith their 8ob than are 5o en93) ;e2t, 5e focus on 5or67related factors that in uence 8ob satisfaction9 1here

    is evidence that 8ob satisfaction is also in uenced by an e ployeeLs positionin an or!anization9 Robie, Ryan, "ch ieder, $arra, and " ith . ) perfor ed a eta7analysis of the relationship bet5een 8ob level and 8ob

    satisfaction, analyzin! data fro 3# independent studies involvin! orethan .),/// e ployees9 1hey found that 8ob satisfaction increases 5ith thelevel of oneLs 8ob position9 -n !eneral, ana!ers report hi!her levels of 8obsatisfaction than do re!ular e ployees As6ildsen et al9, 0//3 9Huan! and=liert 0//4 analyzed data fro a ultinational co pany survey of orethan .0 ,/// respondents fro 3 countries9 1hey reported that 8ob level isassociated 5ith 8ob satisfaction in individualistic countries but not incollectivistic countries9 -n addition, they found a positive relationshipbet5een 8ob level and 8ob satisfaction only for 8obs that provideopportunities for individuals to use their professional s6ills and abilities, that

    is, in individualistic countries9
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    3 Aarlier research has revealed that 8ob satisfaction is in uenced in so e 5ayby or!anization size e9!9, -n!ha , . '/ G 1alacchi, . #' 9 %oreover,fre:uently it has been observed that lar!e co panies pay ore than s all>r s i9e9, the e ployer size75a!e e ect, for e2a ple, Iro5n * %edo ,. ) G reen, %achin, * %annin!, . & G 1ros6e, . 9Dan! and Bohnson

    . 4 proposed that the balance of intrinsic and e2trinsic values oderatesor!anization size and 8ob satisfaction9 -nvesti!ations fro the UnitedKin!do Clar6, . &G azio!lu * 1ansel, 0//& and the United "tates-dson, . / that are ore recent indicate lo5er levels of satisfaction in

    lar!er or!anizations9 -dson . / proposed that lo5er levels of satisfactionin lar!er or!anizations can be e2plained by those or!anizationsL in e2ible5or6 environ ents9 Ritter and (n6er 0//0 reported that the s alleste ployers up to ./ e ployees !enerate the lo5est 8ob satisfaction in Datin( erica but the hi!hest 8ob satisfaction in Hun!ary and U6raine9 1heire2planation relates to the fact that in transition econo ies, s all co paniesare ore dyna ic in contrast to the previously state7run enterprises, 5hichare ri!id9

    4/ -nvesti!ations of ?estern countries do not sho5 syste atic di erences in 8ob satisfaction bet5een the !overn ent and the private sector e9!9,Kan6aanranta et al9, 0//' 9 $atterns of e ploy ent in public or!anizationsdi er fro those of private or se ipublic syste s9 -n ost countries,co pared 5ith the private sector, public sector salaries are lo5er, pro otionis slo5er, and re5ards are not al5ays related to 5or6 perfor ance Rainey,. . 9 -n contrast, the public sector usually o ers a stable 5or6environ ent and hi!her 8ob security9 +urin! the Czech RepublicLs process of

    econo ic transition, !overn ent e ployees su ered fro lo5 inco es anda bureaucratic or!anizational culture9 FranY6 and =e eZa 0//) found thehi!hest level of overall 8ob satisfaction in international corporations, follo5edby or!anizations 5ith forei!n o5ners, or!anizations 5ith Czech o5ners, andpublic@!overn ental or!anizations9

    4. Iased on previous evidence, 5e hypothesize as follo5sX40 Hypothesis 4X %ana!ers are ore satis>ed 5ith their 8obs than are

    e ployees in non ana!erial positions943 Hypothesis #X 1he hi!hest level of 8ob satisfaction is found in the s allest

    or!anizations944 Hypothesis &X 1he lo5est level of 8ob satisfaction is found in

    public@!overn ental or!anizations94# Research ethod4& "a ple4' ( sa ple of .,''& respondents participated in the study9 Respondents

    ran!ed fro .' to '4 years of a!e9 1heir ean a!e 5as 3&93 years "+ ]./9)/ 9 1he sa ple consisted of '&0 en and .,/.4 5o en 5ho lived

    ostly in the ;ortheastern re!ions of the Czech RepublicMHradec Krlov,$ardubice, and partially =yso ina9 1able . sho5s the characteristics of thee ployees and or!anizations surveyed9 1he respondents 5or6ed in variousoccupations coverin! a 5ide spectru of activities for details, see 1able 0 9

    4) =ie5 this tableX4 =ie5 popup#/ =ie5 inline
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    #. 1able .9#0 "a ple Characteristics9#3 =ie5 this tableX#4 =ie5 popup## =ie5 inline#& 1able 09#' "a ple CharacteristicsX 1ypes of ?or6in! (ctivities9#) %easure ents# 1he survey :uestionnaire consisted of three sections9 1he >rst section

    contained three de o!raphic :uestionsX !ender, a!e, and educational level9 1he second section contained >ve :uestions concernin! the characteristicsof the respondentsL or!anizationsX o5nership Czech o5nership, forei!no5nership, international corporation, or public@!overn ental or!anization ,size up to #/ e ployees, up to 0#/ e ployees, up to #// e ployees, and

    ore than #// e ployees , respondentsL 8ob levels ana!er@supervisoryresponsibility, nonsupervisory responsibility , and type of business9

    &/ 1he third section included the 3&7ite scale _Bob "atisfaction "urvey,` 5hich5as developed by "pector . )# 9 1his scale 5as used to easure therespondentsL perceived level of 8ob satisfaction9 Iecause the ori!inal versionis in An!lish, the scale 5as translated to Czech9 1he ethod of paralleltranslation 5as used9 15o people independently translated the scale froAn!lish to Czech, and discussions bet5een the translators resolveddiscrepancies9 1he full te2t of the Czech version of the scale is available onthe 5eb pa!e of the ori!inal versionLs author seehttpX@@shell9cas9usf9edu@ pspector@scales@8sstranslate9ht l9

    &. 1he scale 5as co posed of nine subscales describin! various facets of 8ob

    satisfactionX $ay CronbachLs ] 9)# , $ro otion CronbachLs ] 9)4 ,"upervision CronbachLs ] 9'& , Frin!e Ienefits CronbachLs ] 9'3 ,Contin!ent Re5ards CronbachLs ] 9)0 ,

  • 8/10/2019 Chapter 2 Rm


    under!raduate collected appro2i ately 0/ :uestionnaires9 1o achieve hi!hstatistical po5er, 5e ade an e ort to obtain a sa ple of appro2i ately0,/// participants9 Ulti ately, ., #/ respondents participated in the studyG.'4 :uestionnaires 5ere e2cluded due to various errors and issin! values9

    &4 "tatistical analyses 5ere conducted usin! "tatistica ) soft5are "tatsoft,-nc9 9 Research >ndin!s

    && 1able 3 sho5s the avera!e scores on overall 8ob satisfaction, as 5ell as theavera!e scores on particular facets of 8ob satisfaction9 1he >rst hypothesisproposed that there are no si!ni>cant di erences a on! particular a!e!roups 5ith respect to the level of 8ob satisfaction9 nd si!ni>cant di erences a on! thescores for particular a!e !roups9 1he results revealed si!ni>cant di erences

    in satisfaction 5ith pro otion, F 0, .''3 ] &9 ), p 9/., 0 ] /9//',a on! the a!e !roups9 1he 1u6ey Honestly "i!ni>cant +i erence H"+ posthoc test yielded si!ni>cant di erences in satisfaction 5ith pro otionbet5een the youn!est and oldest a!e !roups9 ed than youn!er ones9 %oreover, 5e found si!ni>cant di erences insatisfaction 5ith supervision, F 0, .''3 ] #90 , p 9/., 0 ] /9/./9 1he

    1u6ey H"+ post hoc test yielded si!ni>cant di erences in satisfaction 5ithsupervision bet5een the iddle and oldest a!e !roupsMthat is, that oldere ployees are less satis>ed9 Finally, the results revealed si!ni>cantdi erences in satisfaction 5ith operatin! conditions, F 0, .''3 ] )9)/, p 9

    //., 0 ] /9/./9 1he 1u6ey H"+ post hoc test yielded si!nificant differencesbet5een the youn!er a!e !roup and the other a!e !roups9 Joun! e ployees5ere ore satis>ed 5ith operatin! conditions9 -n conclusion, 5e >nd that theoldest e ployees 5ere less satis>ed 5ith respect to so e facets of 8obsatisfaction9 ?ith respect to other facets, ho5ever, there 5ere no si!ni>cantdi erences a on! the a!e !roups9 1hus, H. 5as partially con>r ed9

    '3 1he second hypothesis proposed no si!ni>cant di erences bet5eeneducation and level of 8ob satisfaction9

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    (;cant e ect of education on satisfaction 5ithsupervision, F 0, .''3 ] 49&30, p 9//., 0 ] /9/.3G operatin! conditions,F 0, .''3 ] &9.)0, p 9//., 0 ] /9/.'G co5or6ers, F 0, .''3 ] 49/./, p

    9/., 0 ] /9 /..G and nature of the 5or6, F 0, .''3 ] 39. /, p /9/., 0] /9// 9 1he 1u6ey H"+ post hoc test sho5ed that di erences in thesatisfaction of s6illed 5or6ers versus 5or6in! under!raduates 5ere ostlysi!ni>cant9 Clearly, these analyses con>r ed a lo5er level of 8ob satisfactiona on! less7educated e ployees s6illed 5or6ers , but did not reveal so etype of linear association bet5een level of education and 8ob satisfaction9

    1hus, H0 5as partially con>r ed9'4 1he third hypothesis proposed that ales are ore satis>ed 5ith their 8obs

    than are fe ales9 1he t test for independent sa ples indicated si!ni>cantdi erences bet5een the avera!e scores of overall 8ob satisfaction for alesand fe ales t ] 39.43, p 9/. 9 %ales 5ere ore satis>ed than fe ales9Ho5ever, the e ect size 5as s all CohenLs d ] /9.3) 9 -n a subse:uent

    analysis, 5e chec6ed !ender di erences for particular facets of 8obsatisfaction9 1he results revealed that ales are si!ni>cantly ore satis>edthan fe ales 5ith pay t ] #9&4 , p 9//., CohenLs d ] /90'4 , pro otion

    t ] &9'#0, p 9//., CohenLs d ] /930& , frin!e bene>ts t ] 09 '., p 9/.,CohenLs d ] /9.44 , and contin!ent re5ards t ] 39'#/, p 9//., CohenLs d] /9.)/ 9 Conversely, fe ales are si!ni>cantly ore satis>ed than ales5ith co unication t ] 09.'., p 9/#, CohenLs d ] /9.3. 9 1hus, H3 5ascon>r ed9

    '# 1he fourth hypothesis proposed that ana!ers are ore satis>ed 5ith their 8obs than are e ployees 5ithout supervisory responsibility9 1he t test for

    independent sa ples indicated si!ni>cant di erences in overall 8obsatisfaction bet5een ana!ers and nonsupervisory e ployees t ] #9'' , p 9//. 9 %ana!ers are ore satis>ed than nonsupervisory e ployees, 5ith

    the e ect size bein! oderate CohenLs d ] /93.. 9 Further ore, analysis of particular facets of 8ob satisfaction indicates that ana!ers are si!ni>cantly

    ore satis>ed than are nonsupervisory e ployees 5ith pay t ] '9.'&, p 9//., CohenLs d ] ^/93)) , pro otion t ] '9&&3, p 9//., CohenLs d ]/9& ' , frin!e bene>ts t ] #03/, p 9//., CohenLs d ] ^/90)) , contin!entre5ards t ] #9#/&, p 9//., CohenLs d ] /90 & , operatin! conditions t ]09#/), p 9/#, CohenLs d ] /9.3) , nature of the 5or6 t ] &94 , p 9//.,

    CohenLs d ] /93&' , and co unication t ] 39&&4, p 9//., CohenLs d ]/90// 9 1he di erences 5ere not si!ni>cant for supervision and co5or6ers9 1hus, H4 5as con>r ed9

    '& 1he >fth hypothesis proposed that the hi!hest level of 8ob satisfaction isfound in the s allest or!anizations9

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    '' 1o clarify the nature of these di erences, analyses of particular facets of 8obsatisfaction 5ere perfor ed9 1he results revealed that satisfaction 5ith pay,F 3, .''0 ] 39&4., p 9/., 0 ] /9//&, and frin!e benefits, F 3, .''0 ]#9#0), p 9//., 0 ] /9// , is hi!hest in lar!er or!anizations and s allestin or!anizations 5ith #/ to 0#/ e ployees9 -n contrast, the s allestor!anizations have the hi!hest satisfaction 5ith contin!ent re5ards, F 3,.''0 ] 39303, p 9/#, 0 ] /9//&G the nature of the 5or6, F 3, .''0 ]

    ,/4#, p 9//., 0 ] /9/.#G and co5or6ers, F 3, .''0 ] 4,44&, p 9/., 0] /9//'9 1he s allest or!anizations also have the hi!hest level of 8obsatisfaction 5ith operatin! conditions, 5hereas lar!er or!anizations havethe lo5est, F 3, .''0 ] .39)43, p 9//., 0 ] /9/039 Finally, the s allestor!anizations have the hi!hest level of 8ob satisfaction 5ith co unicationco pared 5ith satisfaction levels in lar!er or!anizations and or!anizations5ith #/ to 0#/ e ployees, F 3, .''0 ] ),404, p 9//., 0 ] /9/.49 1hus,H# 5as partly con>r ed9

    ') 1he >nal hypothesis proposed that public@!overn ental or!anizations havethe lo5est level of 8ob satisfaction9 1he (;cante ect of type of or!anization o5nership on overall 8ob satisfaction, F 3,.''0 ] .09'., p 9//., 0 ] /9/0.9 1able 0 sho5s that overall 8obsatisfaction in public@!overn ental or!anizations is lo5er, 5hereas in othertypes of or!anizations, the level of overall 8ob satisfaction is nearly e:ual9

    1he 1u6ey H"+ post hoc test only sho5ed statistically si!ni>cant di erencesbet5een 8ob satisfaction in public@!overn ental or!anizations and othertypes of or!anizations9 Further ore, analysis of particular facets of 8obsatisfaction indicates that public@!overn ental e ployees are the least

    satisfied 5ith pay, F 3, .''0 ] 0 94&, p 9//., 0 ] /9/4)G frin!e benefits,F 3, .''0 ] 0#9. , p 9//., 0 ] /9/4.G contin!ent re5ards, F 3, .''0 ].39//, p 9//., 0 ] /9/00G pro otion opportunities, F 3, .''0 ] 3 9#0, p

    9//., 0 ] /9/&3G and operatin! conditions, F 3, .''0 ] 0)9#&, p 9//.,0 ] /9/4&9 1hus, H& 5as confir ed9

    ' +iscussion and Conclusion)/ -n this study, 5e ai ed to e2tend our 6no5led!e about the i pact of

    selected personal and 5or67related factors on 8ob satisfaction in the CzechRepublic9 ?e 5ere interested in >ndin! out 5hether the patterns ofassociations bet5een particular personal and 5or67related deter inants and

    8ob satisfaction in the Czech Republic are si ilar to those in ?esterncountries9

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    chan!es that pri arily occurred in the . /s9 1he positive essa!e of thisoutco e is that the level of overall 8ob satisfaction of the older a!e !roupdid not tend to decline9 Conversely, there is a ne!ative essa!e in that theyoun!est !roup of Czech e ployees have a lo5 level of satisfactionco pared 5ith the U7shaped relationship bet5een a!e and 8ob satisfactionobserved in so e ?estern Auropean countries9

    )0 Iecause of the paucity of further relevant data, 5e can o er only arelatively speculative e2planation9 First, Czech e ployers often co plainthat !raduates of various types of schools lac6 appropriate preparation for

    8ob re:uire ents +ouce6, %aryE6a, * ;ovotn , 0/.3 GKalous6ov * =o8tYch,0//) 9 (ccordin! to this criti:ue, Czech schools, colle!es, and universitiesdo not appropriately educate their !raduates for the potential de ands ofthe 8ob ar6et9 A ployers ar!ue that education often su ers fro a lac6 ofpractical s6ill and e2perience trainin! e9!9, co unication, tea 5or6, andtrust5orthiness 9 -t i!ht be that because of inappropriate preparation by

    the Czech schools, entry7level e ploy ent is unpleasant or even stressfulfor youn! e ployees, resultin! in a lo5er level of perceived 8ob satisfaction9"econd, it has often been reported Kalous6ov * =o8tYch, 0//) that youn!Czech !raduates have unrealistic e2pectations about hi!h 5a!es orpossibilities of rapid pro otion, 5hich also can lead to perceived 8obdissatisfaction9 1hese unrealistic e2pectations ay also be a anifestationof naive hopes that e er!ed at the be!innin! of the period of thesocioecono ic transition9 -n the Czech Republic, the youn!er !eneration didnot al5ays have realistic hopes about the rapidity of success in the ne5_capitalist` society e9!9, Kvapil, 0/.3 9 -nterestin!ly,

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    frin!e bene>ts, and contin!ent re5ards9 %alesL hi!her 8ob satisfaction 5iththese 8ob facets is consistent 5ith the 5ell7established fact that, on avera!e,in the Czech Republic 5o en are paid less than en9 ?o en also havefe5er possibilities for pro otion e9!9, =e ernW6, 0//. 9

    )# Further ore, it 5as con>r ed that or!anizational size and type also a ect 8ob satisfaction9 Consistent 5ith the above7 entioned >ndin!s, the hi!hestoverall 8ob satisfaction score 5as found in the s allest or!anizations i9e9,those 5ith up to #/ e ployees 9 -n s all or!anizations, e ployees aresatis>ed 5ith contin!ent re5ards, the nature of the 5or6, operatin!conditions, co5or6ers, and co unication9 -n contrast, e ployees in thelar!est or!anizations are satis>ed 5ith pay and frin!e bene>ts e ployersize75a!e e ect 9 1he lo5est level of 8ob satisfaction is found inor!anizations of appro2i ately #/ to 0#/ e ployees, 5hich cannot o er

    onetary re5ards si ilar to those o ered by lar!e co panies orconversely a level of e2ibility and infor al relationships si ilar to those

    o ered by the s allest or!anizations9)& ?e observed a lo5 level of overall 8ob satisfaction in public@!overn entalor!anizations that 5as not observed in public or!anizations in the ?est9

    enerally, the public sector o ers lo5er pay and bene>ts than the privatesector, alon! 5ith fe5er and slo5er career advance ent opportunitiesRainey, . . 9 1his 5as con>r ed by our data9 %oreover, dissatisfaction

    5ith 5or6in! conditions 5as also identi>ed, 5hich ost li6ely re ects thepoor e:uip ent and facilities that are :uite often typical of Czechpublic@!overn ental or!anizations9 ?hereas lo5er salaries in the publicsector are typically co pensated by 8ob security or so e for of social

    presti!e, in the Czech Republic, public e ployees do not en8oy suchadvanta!es9 Iecause of political instability, !overn ent or!anizations areperiodically restructured and su er fro bud!et cuts9 %oreover, accordin!to public opinion, !overn ent e ployees are often perceived as parasitic onthe private sector9

    )' Finally, there is the :uestion of the reason for the often7reported lo5 level of 8ob satisfaction in the Czech Republic9 ndin!s obtained in?estern countries9 1hus, any e2planation should utilize !enerally 6no5nfacts and associations9 -t is very li6ely that a crucial factor in uencin! theoverall lo5 level of 8ob satisfaction in the Czech Republic is the level of!eneral satisfaction 5ith life9 -n the Czech Republic, life satisfaction levelsare substantially lo5er than in econo ically developed ?estern countries

    e9!9,I hn6e, 0//) 9 (s stated above, 8ob satisfaction is correlated 5ith lifesatisfaction e9!9, Bud!e * ?atanabe, . 3 9 Recently, eor!ellis and Dan!e

    0/.0 analyzed associations bet5een life satisfaction and 8ob satisfactionusin! data fro the Auropean =alues "urvey9 1he results sho5ed that theCzech Republic is one of the countries 5ith the stron!est lin6 bet5een lifesatisfaction and 8ob satisfaction9

    )) -n addition, 5e assu e that the lo5 level of overall 8ob satisfaction in theCzech Republic has so e lin6 to rapid and substantial processes of
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    econo ic transition, 5hich in the . /s elicited uch pressure on bothe ployees and society as a 5hole9 1hese processes eroded the level of!eneral life satisfaction in the Czech Republic, 5hich in turn a ected thelevel of 8ob satisfaction9

    ) 1his study has several i plications9 (s noted, our data revealed the lo5satisfaction levels a on! public e ployees9 Iecause this sector is crucialfor the e ective functionin! of both various public services and!overn ental ad inistration, the i plications of this study indicate theneed for a hu an resources strate!y that 5ill i prove public e ployeesLpositive feelin!s in the 5or6place9 ?hereas the bud!et in this sector isal5ays li ited, one of the reco endations ay involve an i prove ent inoperatin! conditions alon! 5ith at a ini u the establish ent of fair

    ethods of reco!nition, pro otion, and re5ards9 %oreover, another 5ay toincrease public e ployeesL level of 8ob satisfaction 5ould be to increase thesocial presti!e of the public@!overn ental sector by chan!in! public

    perceptions of public or!anizations9/ ;e2t, on the assu ption that the lo5er level of 8ob satisfaction a on!youn! people is due to inappropriate preparation by the schools, educationalauthorities should i ple ent additional approaches9 (lthou!h universitieshave broader !oals than preparin! their !raduates for 5or6, it 5ould be:uite reasonable to chan!e one aspect of the Czech university9 -n theirco plaints about the educational process, e ployers often note that Czechuniversities are uch ore liberal institutions than ?estern universities inter s of de ands on the students9 1here are no strict de ands 5ith respectto deadlines, the precision of student 5or6, or re:uire ents for obtainin!

    credits gpW6a, 0//) 9 ?e believe that focusin! on these de>ciencies 5ouldbe bene>cial not only for e ployers and youn!, >rst7ti e e ployees butalso for the schools the selves9

    . Di itations0 rst

    li itation9 (s 5e have e2plained, the data 5ere pri arily collected fro t5ore!ions of the Czech RepublicMHradec Krlov and $ardubice9 Ho5ever, thisde>ciency is so e5hat a eliorated by the fact that the Czech Republic hasa socioecono ic co position that is relatively ho o!eneous9 1he countryconsists of .4 re!ions9 1he re!ion of the capital city of $ra!ue is a bitdi erent e9!9, it has the hi!hest salaries and the lo5est rate ofune ploy entG oreover, the prevalent political orientation is ri!ht75in! 9(lso di erent are t5o re!ions that in the past had a !reat deal of heavyindustry but no5 su er a hi!her rate of une ploy ent i9e9, the%oravs6oslezs6 and stec6 re!ions 9 1he Hradec Krlov and $ardubicere!ions have relatively hi!her livin! standards and a lo5er rate ofune ploy ent9 1hus, the data !athered here can be applied to the !reaterCzech Republic9

    3 ( further li itation is that the cate!ory of e ployees 5ith lo5er educationallevels 5as underrepresented in our sa ple9 (nother possible li itation isthe ethod of data collection by part7ti e students9 Ho5ever, thisdisadvanta!e is partially co pensated for by the diversity of those studentsL

    8obs because they 5ere 5or6in! in di erent areas of the private and
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    public@!overn ental sectors9 1he last li itation of this study is that thisresearch did not analyze all 5or67related factors9 -nco e, 5hich is oftenassu ed to a ect e ployee perfor ance, 5as not e2a ined9 -n the CzechRepublic, it is not co on to infor others about the level of oneLs o5nsalary because :uite often, people are afraid of the envy of their collea!ues9

    1hus, had 5e as6ed our respondents this :uestion, they i!ht have refusedto co plete the :uestionnaire or 5ould have left the ite blan69 +espitethese li itations, 5e believe that our data provide results that enlar!e our>ndin!s on 8ob satisfaction in CAA countries9

    4 (rticle ;otes# +eclaration of Con ictin! -nterests 1he author s declared no potential

    con icts of interest 5ith respect to the research, authorship, and@orpublication of this article9

    & Fundin! 1he author s disclosed receipt of the follo5in! >nancial support forthe research and@or authorship of this articleX 1he 5or6 5as supported by a

    research !rant fro the Faculty of -nfor atics and %ana!e ent at theUniversity of Hradec Krlov F-% UHK rant ;o9 00..@0/.0 9 1he fundershad no role in the study desi!n, the data collection and analysis, thedecision to publish, or the preparation of the anuscript9

    ' 1he (uthor s 0/.4) 1his article is distributed under the ter s of the Creative Co ons

    (ttribution 39/ Dicense httpX@@5559creativeco ons9or!@licenses@by@39/@5hich per its any use, reproduction and distribution of the 5or6 5ithoutfurther per ission provided the ori!inal 5or6 is attributed as speci>ed onthe "( A and

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