BARLOW · Chapel (Barlow / Cutthorpe Methodist Church) Minister Rev. Tracey Harris 01246 274481...


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APRIL 2020 70p





EDITORIAL Her Majesty expresses it better than we could:

As Philip and I arrive at Windsor today, we know that

many individuals and families across the United

Kingdom, and around the world, are entering a period of

great concern and uncertainty.

We are all being advised to change our normal routines

and regular patterns of life for the greater good of the

communities we live in and, in particular, to protect the

most vulnerable within them.

At times such as these, I am reminded that our nation’s

history has been forged by people and communities

coming together to work as one, concentrating our

combined efforts with a focus on the common goal.

We are enormously thankful for the expertise and

commitment of our scientists, medical practitioners and

emergency and public services; but now more than any

time in our recent past, we all have a vitally important

part to play as individuals - today and in the coming days,

weeks and months.

Many of us will need to find new ways of staying in touch

with each other and making sure that loved ones are

safe. I am certain we are up to that challenge. You can

be assured that my family and I stand ready to play our



A message from Her Majesty The Queen, 19th March 2020


WHO’S WHO IN THE VILLAGE Parish Council Chair – Mr. John Rushby 0114 2899060 Parish Clerk – Mrs. Helen Carrington Email: Mobile: 07580 132884 (Please leave an answerphone message) RFO – Mrs. Emma Smith BSc FCCA Mobile: 07841529122 Available office hours Mon-Fri, unless in the case of an emergency.

NEDDC – Mrs. Carol Huckerby 0114 2890468 Chapel (Barlow / Cutthorpe Methodist Church) Minister Rev. Tracey Harris 01246 274481 Barlow Church of England School Headteacher Mrs. Penny Watkin 0114 2890413 Barlow Pre-School Manager - Mrs. Sue Turner Chairperson - Louise Ballamy 0114 2899046 Women’s Institute President - Janet Virag 01246 297646 Secretary - Bridget Siddall 07902 184411 Barlow Singers Karen Cook 07759375312 Young Farmers Chair – Will Dennif 07469194906 Treasurer – Alice Wood 07599397684 Barlow History Adrian & Gina Clarke 01142890450 Carnival Committee Chairperson - Richard Brougham 07568084699



All articles for the MAY issue must be submitted by Friday 24th April, 5pm to ensure inclusion in the magazine. Please send contributions to:


Parochial Council Officers Secretary: Mr. Peter Gouldthorpe, 01246 550152 Treasurer: Mr. M Ferreday, 0114 2890436 Organist: Mr. Graeme Gilmore 01246 563155 Magazine Editor: Mr. Ingo Herrmann, Magazine Distribution: Joy Layton 01246 272096

Vicar To be appointed.

Church Warden Mrs. Julie Ferreday 0114 2890436 74A Valley Road Barlow Dronfield

Church Warden Mr. John Rushby 0114 2899060 Keri House Main Road Barlow S18 7TQ

In support of the measures announced by the government to tackle the current Coronavirus crisis all regular meetings, social gatherings and events scheduled in Barlow have been cancelled or postponed at the time of going to press with this edition of the parish magazine!

APPEAL TO ALL OUR READERS: If you have a funny story, anecdote, or other interesting item to share with us to cheer us all up, please write it down and submit for next month’s magazine. There might be lots of empty pages




APRIL 2020

No rota needed.

No services to take place. Please read Church News (p10/11)

for explanation and details.


13th March 2020 Phyllis D Buxton—ashes burial 10th March 2020 Joyce M Cratchley—funeral/burial


15th March 2020 Freya & Lucy Fordham



From the Church Registers

APRIL 2020




Dear Friends,

These are challenging weeks and months. In the current serious world situation, when we may confidently say human frailty is being seen on a global scale like never before with the number of nations and civilisations affected, the following quotation comes to mind from Psalm 91: 'He will shelter you with his wings; you will find safety under his wings. His faithfulness is like a shield or a protective wall.' We cannot be glib in the way we express our sentiments at this time: there is fear, anger and - above all - a sense of utter helplessness. Some of us will be turning to a faith in a God who - despite everything - loves and cares for us (We would be unwise to blame God for an event which was, in truth, sparked by human folly.). Others may find the image of such a faith difficult to grasp. The Christian faith calls us, however, to centre faith on the person of Jesus. This being of love shown in the life of Jesus is still with us present in the world today. In this current critical situation, this being of human love and compassion is shown in the selflessness of those who are at the front edge of coping with this frightening pandemic: the medical staff worldwide; those working tirelessly to keep food supplies moving; those in the media who are turning up for work to keep us all informed; those who are attempting to lift spirits by providing some light relief - musicians playing outside the open widows of those vulnerable people in self-isolation. The list is probably endless, but they're all out there expressing in practical ways that same spirit of care and empathy. In real life, they are all expressing the light of Christ, although many may not speak in such terms. This spirit is, at bottom, the only one which will get us through this and one which we can all


take to ourselves: having a concern for a vulnerable neighbour we may be able to help - even with just a simple phone call; making sure we distance ourselves physically from others so they stay safe ... You will be shown ways in which you can do your bit. And, of course, all of us can lift each other up in prayer. Every blessing, Janet Quick - Associate Priest St Lawrence's Church This April we all find ourselves in an extraordinary set of circumstances. But for Christians, of course, Easter is a time to remember another set of extraordinary circumstances: the events leading to the death and subsequent resurrection of Jesus. So, despite our personal worries and preoccupations with the consequences of lockdown, let’s not forget what we would have celebrated in our churches under more normal circumstances. .

You can cancel church services, but you can’t cancel Easter!



From the church registers

*Denotes date of funeral or ashes burial





Life is ever changing and at the moment our lives are in a whirl. We are all having to get used to change very quickly and can only hope that the restrictions imposed on all our lives will soon be removed again so that we can return back to normal. Here and Now We are experiencing and unprecedented event with the spread of Coronavirus throughout the world and we have to face self-isolation, school closures and restrictions on our movements. We were hoping that we would be reporting on events leading up to Easter, this special time in the church year, but sadly all that has changed. Suspension of Services On the advice of the Church of England, St Lawrence Church has had to suspend all Sunday services and discontinue all meetings and activities. Unfortunately, the Church will now be closed until further notice. This means that there will be no weddings or baptisms. Special arrangements have been put in place for funerals and the undertaker and priest will advise on these arrangements. From Bishop Libby The Prime Minister’s statement last night changed our common life in ways we could not have imagined even a few weeks ago. We are all now adjusting to circumstances that have turned our worlds upside down. This is what I read daily at Morning Prayer: ‘Immeasurable and unsearchable is your promised mercy, for you are God Most High. You are full of compassion, long-suffering and very merciful, and you relent at human suffering.’ I believe this, and it gives me comfort and courage, but it doesn’t stop me feeling deep concern for the vulnerable, for our communities, for my family and loved ones - or for myself. And I share with you the desire to continue to be the Church well: to be faithful to our calling as God’s people in worship, discipleship, witness and service in these extraordinary times. How shall we be faithful, as - alongside the


restrictions across our nation - our own frameworks are being dismantled and the threads of our learnt practices undone. A number of people have referred to Psalm 137 in their contact with me, as we try to make sense of what is being asked of us now: ‘How can we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?’ We may feel like exiles as we withdraw from certain buildings and deny ourselves physical contact with one another. But like the exiles who first spoke that lament, we will discover God is present with us in these new circumstances. God shines light in the darkness and brings life out of death. We must all abide by the instructions given us to limit the devastation wrought by the Covid-19 coronavirus – without exception. The best way we can now make known our love of God in the love of our neighbour, is to remain within our homes. I thank you for your courage and compassion. I thank you for your creativity and care. I thank you for your costly self-control. And I continue to pray, that in these turbulent times you may know the peace of Christ, that passes understanding. The April issue of “Our Diocese Together” is now available to download on the Diocese of Derby website: Download the Time to Pray app for free Time to Pray presents everything you need for prayer during the day, with variations according to the day of the week and the season of the Church’s year. The app is compatible with smartphones and tablets. You can use it on its own, as your sole act of prayer and praise, or you can use it alongside night prayer in a pattern of prayer at the beginning and end of the day. Church House publishing has now made the app free for everyone to download. It is available for Google Play and the App Store. Neighbours and Friends We have a very strong community spirit at the church and support each other at all times and especially in times of crisis. We would like to extend this to the whole community to give support where it is needed. We ask everyone to look out for neighbours and friends. We can help them with a phone call, perhaps, or by setting up a WhatsApp group for someone so they have contact with their family


and friends. As long as you stick to the rules and observe strict hygiene and safety procedures about going out, you may be able to help someone by doing some shopping for them or fetching prescriptions. If you happen to be completely alone and want to speak to someone you can call John on 0114 2899060 or Julie on o114 2890436. We will try our best to help you. Finances We are asking our regular congregation to put aside their usual weekly offering and save it until we re-open. However, your parish church is like any business and our regular income has of course stopped effectively from today. Our treasurer Michael Ferreday started the 50s Club some years ago, through which non-attending, but concerned friends of the church who wish to see our church thrive, voluntarily contribute financially by making a regular small direct debit payment each month. We are very grateful for these regular contributions. They really help. So can we please ask for everyone's support during these unprecedented times. If you can help in any way financially to mitigate our weekly losses, please consider joining our 50s Club, or make a one-off donation which will be greatly valued. If you wish to do so, please contact the Treasurer or the Church Wardens. On a happier note Family Eucharist. We thank William for his excellent reading, Amy for her interesting and entertaining talk and those who helped Mrs Banks with the prayers. Our young people do such a good job at our monthly family service. We thank them for their careful preparation and their hard work. Well done. Baby Basics We have been filling a Moses basket at church with a selection of clothes and toiletries for a newborn baby boy and girl and mum as our contribution to our Baby Basics charity. Helping new mums in need is a really worthy cause and we (Jenny Windle in particular) thank everyone who contributed so generously. Our prayers are for all of us to stay safe at this difficult time. Julie and John




Guest Speakers - Craft Group - Quizzes - Walking - Social Outings Fundraising - Campaigning – Debating Cake - Biscuits - Tea - Coffee – Wine

Due to the current nationwide situation with regard to the Coronavirus

and following the Government’s guidelines, Barlow, Newbold and

District WI have taken the decision to cancel the WI meetings

scheduled for the 9th of April and the 14th of May.

We will be monitoring the situation and as soon as it is safe to do so, our meetings will resume and our planned yearly programme for 2020 will continue.

I hope that you are all trying to stay safe and well; best wishes to everyone from the members of Barlow, Newbold & District WI. Janet Virag - President Tel. 01246 297646 mobile 07531 197324 Bridget Siddall - Secretary Tel. 07902 184411



Minister, Rev. Tracey Harris 01246 274481 Marriages and Baptisms by appointment

Senior Steward: Mrs Hazel Martin 01142 890194

COFFEE MORNING Thank you to everyone who supported the coffee morning in March. The next coffee mornings have been cancelled until further notice. We will let you know when it is considered safe for our coffee mornings to recommence. TODDLERS AND CARERS Toddlers and Carers group will discontinue until further notice.

Dear Friends,

We are living in unprecedented times with the global impact of the

coronavirus. Having restrictions on social gatherings of all sorts is

challenging, but essential in the interests of public health. I am sure

that on the news or social media we have all seen good and bad

examples of human behaviour in these challenging times. Scraps in

supermarkets over loo rolls and other “essentials”, that in some cases

are being stock-piled, are sobering to see. At the other end of the

All scheduled services for April have been cancelled, by instruction from the Chief Steward.


spectrum there are numerous acts of kindness and it is good to see

that people in the community are setting up Facebook groups and the

like to ensure that we look out for each other.

In the Holy Communion liturgy for Lent and Passiontide the words of

Jesus are quoted:

‘The first commandment is, “Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God,

the Lord is one; you shall love the Lord your God with all your

heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with

all your strength.” The second is this, “You shall love your

neighbour as yourself.” There is no other commandment

greater than these.’ ‘I give you a new commandment, that you

love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should

love one another.’

This advice stands across the centuries. Our relationship with God

will help to sustain our relationships with others, and of course to help

others we need to take care of ourselves too.

So, let us be sensible in this new time of restrictions. From posts

online, I see that some people are making lists of activities to keep

the children occupied: jobs to do around the house that they’ve been

meaning to get around to, or reading a book that has been on their

wish-list. Some may be binge-watching box sets on Netflix or

Amazon Prime! But other than thinking of all these alternative

activities, this period of enforced slowing down will probably also give

us time and space to re-think our lives, to re-build relationships over

the phone, Skype or by snail-mail. I’m guessing some of us will pray

more. It will also, by default, give our planet some breathing space in

terms of the production of non-essential consumerist goods for


I pray that you and yours will keep as safe as possible as we look

forward to gathering again more freely, including at Church, when

restrictions will be lifted.


Rev Tracey Harris Barlow & Cutthorpe Methodist Church





STATEMENT UPDATED - 9.30pm on Saturday 21 March 2020

National Trust closes parks and gardens, asking people to avoid travel and comply with government social distancing guidance. From midnight on 21 March the National Trust will close all of its gated gardens and parks to help restrict the spread of the coronavirus.

The move follows the closure of pubs, restaurants, cafes, gyms and leisure centres announced by the government on Friday, and tightening travel restrictions and public health advice.

At the start of this week the conservation charity announced that despite closing its houses, shops and cafes, it would work to keep gardens and parks open so people could access open space. However, the Trust warned that a fair weather forecast and Mothering Sunday could tempt people onto the roads over the weekend and National Trust sites would close if high demand meant social distancing could not be enforced.

Director-General Hilary McGrady said: 'Despite our desire to keep our outdoor spaces open, the health and wellbeing of our staff, volunteers and visitors has to be our top priority. Having observed the numbers visiting our properties today and I am no longer convinced we can maintain social distancing over Mother’s Day when numbers are likely to grow, and beyond.

'We have now sadly taken the decision to close all of our parks and gardens, in addition to our houses, shops and cafes, to avoid crowding that puts social distancing at risk.

'We know that people are likely to need space and fresh air in the coming weeks and months and we will do all we can to provide access wherever possible. Our countryside and coastal locations remain open with parking charges waived, but we encourage people to stay local and observe social distancing measures.

Information on which National Trust outdoor places are open can be found at



Lockdown By Fr. Richard Hendrick, OFM

Yes there is fear. Yes there is isolation. Yes there is panic buying. Yes there is sickness. Yes there is even death. But, They say that in Wuhan after so many years of noise You can hear the birds again. They say that after just a few weeks of quiet The sky is no longer thick with fumes But blue and grey and clear. They say that in the streets of Assisi People are singing to each other across the empty squares, keeping their windows open so that those who are alone may hear the sounds of family around them. They say that a hotel in the West of Ireland Is offering free meals and delivery to the housebound. Today a young woman I know is busy spreading fliers with her number through the neighbourhood So that the elders may have someone to call on. Today Churches, Synagogues, Mosques and Temples are preparing to welcome and shelter the homeless, the sick, the weary All over the world people are slowing down and reflecting All over the world people are looking at their neighbours in a new way All over the world people are waking up to a new reality To how big we really are.


To how little control we really have. To what really matters. To Love. So we pray and we remember that Yes there is fear. But there does not have to be hate. Yes there is isolation. But there does not have to be loneliness. Yes there is panic buying. But there does not have to be meanness. Yes there is sickness. But there does not have to be disease of the soul Yes there is even death. But there can always be a rebirth of love. Wake to the choices you make as to how to live now. Today, breathe. Listen, behind the factory noises of your panic The birds are singing again The sky is clearing, Spring is coming, And we are always encompassed by Love. Open the windows of your soul And though you may not be able to touch across the empty square, Sing.

March 13th, 2020



CHAIR – Cllr J Rushby 0114 289 9060 VICE-CHAIR – Cllr J Siddall 01246 206964 COUNCILLORS: Cllr J Brougham 0114 289 1411 Cllr T Crowley 0114 289 0806 Cllr I Hall 0114 289 9361 Cllr I Herrmann 07870 489106 Cllr T Booker 01246 559786 Cllr K Turner 07739 837704 Barlow Parish Council has a full compliment of members at present. Clerk – Helen Carrington = 07580 132884 (answerphone messages) RFO – Emma Smith = 07841 529122

Parish Council Meeting The scheduled April meeting has been cancelled.

Coronavirus Crisis Appeal Things are changing very rapidly and it is vital that we all follow the up to date guidance set out by the Government. It is very important, however, that we all look out for each other during this time and pull together to care for each other, and especially the older people and others in our village who may now be vulnerable. We should all keep an eye out for our neighbours:

- Have you seen your older neighbour who is on their own recently? Are they o k?

- Do they need any food or medicines getting? Can you contact them and help?

Please check if they are ok and make sure they are not lonely and perhaps ask them for their phone number so you could contact them each day to ensure they are safe and healthy. If you know of anyone that doesn’t have anyone to help, and you are unable to sort things out for them, then please contact any Parish Councillor (numbers on the web site) and we will endeavour to get them the help they need during the Coronavirus crisis. Please also look after yourself during this difficult time. It is vitally important that we are all good neighbours and take care of each other.


Barlow Village Hall In line with current government advice to restrict public gatherings the previously announced Village Hall Open Day, planned for 25th April, has been postponed until further notice. When this crisis is over, we will re-arrange the event and let you know the details. This is also to confirm that the Village Hall is now closed for all users apart from the Pre-School who are providing childcare for key workers. The closure will be until at least the end of April, but in reality is likely to be for much longer. We will be reviewing around the 16th of each month in line with the Government guidance at the time, and will provide you with updates. We are aware that some regular user groups have already indicated they have suspended meetings for the foreseeable future, and thank you for confirming this to the clerk. There will be no access to the Hall for any group or person, including all Councillors. We are closing the access, including to the recreation ground and the play area, as per Government advice, to provide the safest and most controlled environment for the essential service being provided by Pre-School. Should any of the users require anything from the Village Hall or their store that is deemed essential during the time of closure, please let the clerk know and she will try to arrange for a safe time where access may be possible. No hirer charges will apply during this period of closure.


Planning Applications for Consultation Consultation response to North East Derbyshire District Council resolved at the March Parish Council meeting is: 20/00039/FLH – Raising of ridge height to provide loft conversion with rear facing dormer window and single-storey rear extension with balcony over (Amended Title at 24 Commonside Road Barlow Dronfield S18 7SJ for Mr Alex Toothill – The Parish Council has no comment to make.

The Defibrillator is located at the Village Hall outside the main doors in a locked box. Emergency access can be gained by calling 999. You will be supplied with the code.


Recycling of small electricals Unfortunately, the recycling initiative where you can exchange items for a golden ticket with a chance to win some money (see following pages) has been suspended for the time being. We don’t know if it is likely to recommence.







After re-opening, electrical goods can be recycled at the following recycling


• Ashbourne (Mayfield Road)

• Bolsover (Buttermilk Lane)

• Buxton (Waterswallows Road)

• Glossop (Melandra Road)

• Ilkeston (Manners Avenue Industrial Estate)

• Loscoe (Heanor)

• Newhall (Swadlincote)

• Northwood (Darley Dale)

• Stonegravels (Chesterfield)

All electrical appliances are accepted including:

• coffee makers

• electric toothbrushes

• electric garden equipment

• fairy lights

• fridges, freezers and fridge-freezers

• game consoles

• irons

• kettles

• lamps

• laptops, tablets and PCs

• microwaves

• music systems

• phones

• power tools

• printers

• radios

• sat navs

• shavers

• slow cookers

• straighteners and hairdryers

• washers and dryers

• vacuums

For a full list of the other items you can take to the recycling centres:

Please make sure all personal data has been removed from items such as laptops, mobile phones or tablets before you take them to a recycling centre.

If you have a broken electrical or

other household items that you’d like

to get repaired if possible take them

along to one of Derbyshire’s six

repair cafes. Qualified volunteers

aim to fix your items free of charge

rather than them being thrown out


BARLOW PRE-SCHOOL For the time being and probably throughout this Coronavirus crisis Barlow Pre-school will provide a childcare service exclusively for children of so-called ‘key workers’. There will be no access to the hall or the grounds for anyone other than Pre-school staff or children. For a definition of who is considered to be a key worker please listen to the government’s announcements and clarifications. If you have any questions or enquiries, or if you want to check our opening times, then please call Pre-School on 0114 289 9046 or email We will also try to update our facebook page which can be accessed under the heading ‘Barlow Pre-School’.

******************************************** BARLOW CofE PRIMARY SCHOOL

Latest news

On a cold windy and rainy day in November, Sapphire class ventured out

to plant daffodil bulbs with members of the parish council and other

villagers. It was bleak. It was miserable and the cold was particularly

biting. None of us could envisage how beautiful the daffodils would look

now it is spring. I am so pleased we could contribute to that. In the same

way, as a school and a nation, we are now facing dark times. School

closed on Monday 23rd March to all but the children of essential workers

and those who are particularly vulnerable. We are still a school, but we


are no longer together for the foreseeable future. At this time, we would

like to send our love and best wishes to all our families and the community

we are proud to be a part of. Like the daffodils, we will be back in the

spring whenever that comes.

Our children have helped me to write the rest of our news for this month.


Lea Green

Year 4 and year 3 visited Lea Green at the

beginning of March. When they got there,

they felt nervous, but excited at the same time.

First, Dean put us into our groups and we

started orienteering to help us find out where

places were. After making our beds and

having some lunch, we went on the team

swing. We were very, but Sophia and Gracie

decided to go straight to the top. Everyone

pulled them up and then Gracie pulled the

string and they dropped down really fast. Sophia commented, “I thought

I was going to fly!” All the other children had a go and lots of them went

to the top as well. Miss Vick and Mrs Feeney went to the top even though

they were worried. They screamed really loudly! Mrs Watkin went to the

top too, but she didn’t scream.

On the second day, our two favourite activities were the skyline and the

climbing wall. On the climbing wall, lots of people managed to climb to

the top. Eddie thought he couldn’t do it, but in the end, he got to the top.


For some people, the skyline looked very easy, but when they got on they

were very nervous. It was an obstacle course

in the air where you were clipped on and went

round a track. There was an easy course

around the outside and a harder course

through the middle. Thomas B was a bit

frightened, but in the end he did the course

twice because he was so determined. After

that, we whizzed down a zip line and Miss

Vick caught us at the end.

Later, we completed the low ropes and

obstacle course. We all got very muddy,

especially Rosa who chose to crawl through

the inside of a set of tyres. Star Ambush was a

fun game in the evening and Mrs Watkin kept

jumping out at us and making us do silly things.

Lea Green was amazing and we recommend

it to everyone who has the chance to go next


Isaac S, Seb, Sophia M and Thomas B


My favourite activity was the skyline. I

came up to it and it stood in front of me

like a statue. I did not expect it to be so

tall. I am being truthful – I was scared!

The elevated structure was terrifying. The

ramp was the first thing we had to

encounter. It was not that hard, except at

the top. The higher I went, the scarier it

was. At the highest point, my heart nearly

dropped. The next thing made it more terrifying. Mark (who was the

instructor) said, “Right, before you go past this line, you need to be clipped

in.” Then he said, “You’re going to step on the rope.” NNNNNOOOO!

Horrified, I stepped over the line. At that point, I was apprehensive. Even

though it was five metres, it felt as high as the Empire State building. As

I stepped on, I thought it was going to shudder, but it didn’t! Then I fell. I


thought I had met my demise! I opened my eyes. Was I in heaven? No,

I was just dangling on the rope. After that I scrambled back on and started

to move round. Each step I took got easier and eventually I was whizzing

around really confidently. I felt really proud of myself.


Beat The Street!!!

Beat the street is fun to do when you want to be active. You can cycle,

walk or run. After you have done it you feel like you have achieved

something awesome!!!

How to play: First, you will need a fob or card from your nearest library.

Then travel around and find the beat boxes which are grey and glittery.

Scan it with your card or fob until it beeps and flashes. When it does a

different noise than a ding dong, it gets you more points.

Don’t forget to log in before you start beating the street. You can start

beating the stree,t you need to have a card or a fob. You can get a card

or fob at your local library. Don’t forget the map. On your map you will see

where you can find your beat boxes. The recommended time limit for beat

the street is an hour. But you can do it for longer if you are feeling really

fit. You can get your beat boxes in Chesterfield or in Whittington, also near

Duckmanton, Staveley, Poolsbrook or even Middlecroft.

Did you know?

Did you know that if you scan your fob or card twice it will only count as

one point?

You can travel by bike, walk, scooter, but not by car.

Barlow has had 28 players as part of our team and so far we have scored

93 points.

Amy, Jacob R, Layla, Rebecca and Rosa

Dance Platform

As the bus rolled along the road towards the Winding Wheel, nerves took

over my body. Suddenly, the bus came to a halt. Barlow students

dispatched and began the walk. By the time our school had checked in

and taken our seats, it was only half an hour until show time! We had our


picture taken after a while, then returned to our seats. Everyone chatted

about the dance. Some people were petrified, others were confident with

what they were doing. I was terrified because of having to dance in front

of 500 other children and their parents. The thought of it is chilling.

After a while, the lights dimmed. The show was about to commence. The

organisers came on stage and welcomed the other schools including

Cutthorpe, Dronfield and other primary schools. Finally it was our school’s

time to shine. We were led to the stairs leading up to the stage. Once Lucy

had finished the introduction, Barlow tentatively entered the stage and

started doing our Olympic-themed dance, “The flame of Olympus”.

The dances (including ours) whizzed by quicker than light travels.

Everyone danced intently and with great care. However, at the end of

each dance everyone did the same, they gave the school a huge round of

applause to make the team feel like they achieved something, which they

did. At the end of our dance my heart was pounding. It was over. Although

I liked doing the dance, I was glad, so very glad to be off the stage. After

that, my favourite song came on! “Try Everything”. Me and my friend both

sang along clapping, contentedly.

Although today was long I would recommend going to see the opportunity

of a lifetime in action. That day was lengthy, but inspiring and I shall never

forget it.


I would like to leave you with our school prayer written by all the children

in 2018:

Dear God,

Thank you for our happy days at school.

For our friends, families and teachers who help us to learn.

Help us to grow stronger and wiser in our minds and bodies as

we learn.

And guide us so that our spirit can grow with courage,

kindness and love.

Together, we are a fortress of peace and a mountain of hope.

Protect us as we grow and help us to follow your path.

In Jesus’ name.




The following piece was written before the government announced the emergency measures to deal with the

Coronavirus crisis. It is now certain that the planned VE Day party will need to be rearranged as and when restrictions on public gatherings are lifted. Carnival planning itself is going ahead for the time being. Please bear with us until we can

give you definitive news.

An important aspect of a successful carnival is having the cash available to pay for things which some people may think just appear. The cost of staging the carnival this year will be in the region of £10,000. This is not being extravagant or splashin gout money we haven’t got. It is paying for the essentials such as road closures, insurances, toilet hire and First Aid cover. Our aim is not to spend vast amounts of money but where possible to use local people who are friends of Barlow Carnival. Without many people who act in a spirit of generosity both with their time and finance the carnival would be hard pressed to continue. Our grateful thanks as ever to those supporters both seen and unseen. The money we raise at the carnival is subsidised by our fund-raising events through the year. All of which leads me on to our Victory in Europe Day party, to be held at 7.30pm, Bank Holiday Friday, 8th May 2020 at Barlow Village Hall. Those attending will be asked to scour their lofts and fancy dress boxes to wear something which in some way represents 1945. We will hold a minute’s silence to remember local sacrifice, all those who suffered and to hope that the scale of such horror is never seen again. To lighten the mood we have a good old war time singsong led by Karen Cook and Barlow Singers, music and dancing to the grooves of the time, a short Dads’ Army Sketch ‘Everyone is talking about Pikey.’ Your food for the evening will be based on the cook books of the time. On the menu we have seasoned yorkshire pudding, potted meat and egg sandwiches, chocolate cake made with mashed spud and barra brith. If you have a favourite you would like to suggest or prepare, please get in touch. Bring your own booze, along with ration book and entry tickets at £10. Don’t delay if you fancy coming, as we can only host sixty people. Tickets are available by contacting me.


On a complete change of subject, thanks to the stalwarts who helped with sorting out our store cupboard, buying new shelving and rearranging. Many hands made light work! Thanks to the Village Council for giving us the new space. If you have any questions about the Carnival 2020 please get in touch. Richard Brougham., , 0756 8084699. This gives you an idea what the ration books (serving as entry tickets) were supposed to (are going to!) look like:



Dear Book Lovers, Tempting as it might be to go and pick up a good book from the exchange, given the current situation, the Book Team would like to urge you to be aware of the possibility of Covid-19 spreading further by doing so. We can’t lock the phonebox, but we would strongly suggest that perhaps nobody should be using it until this crisis is over! The Barlow Cook Book project mentioned in the last issue of this magazine has been postponed for the time being.


Please be aware that the library service is also likely to be affected by the current emergency and resulting safety procedures!

MOBILE LIBRARY The Mobile Library is scheduled to make its usual stop on SPRINGFIELD ROAD, from 10.55am until 11.25am, on the following date:

22nd APRIL

Please be aware that this service may not now be available.



The Easter tree achieved e widespread popularity in 1950, after Katherine Milhous, an American author, published the children’s book The Egg Tree. Pennsylvania Dutch scholar Alfred Lewis Shoemaker credited The Egg Tree with a “nationwide acceptance, overnight, of the custom of decorating a tree with coloured eggs at Easter.” Milhous herself prepped and painted 600 eggs for the New York Public Library’s Easter tree that same year. But Shoemaker spoke too soon. The tradition slowly faded in New York, with the Metropolitan Museum of Art discontinuing its yearly Easter egg tree in the 1980s. Hollowing out fragile eggs and hanging them on trees, Kaufman writes, seemed unable to compete with the relative ease of simply placing eggs in a basket.

Today, the American Easter egg tree tends to be a craft project shared on Pinterest, or springtime decor for churches or town squares. But in Europe, the egg tree endures. Easter egg trees have hundreds of years of history, especially in Germany. The exact origins of the Ostereierbaum are mysterious, but eggs have long been a symbol of rebirth and spring.






We are sorry to report that we have had to postpone all April workshops and exhibitions.

We will be back as soon as possible.



FOR ALL BUSINESS ADVERTISING please contact Julie Ferreday on 0114 289 0436.

Small ads (a third of a page) = £15 per year

Half a page = £30 per year Full page = £40 per year

We would like to advise you that some of the businesses advertising here may not be able to operate at present due to the necessary closures at this difficult time, a few others have made special arrangements. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that they will all be available for us again soon!


Use your pub as the hub!

We are here to help……… Meat hampers from Owen Taylor Amazing sour doughs from Wye Bakehouse Veg hampers Cheese hampers Please see our Facebook page for updates, we can respond quickly as we have a team monitoring the messages. Our suppliers are advising us on delivery days so we will keep you in the loop on Facebook. Unfortunately we are not doing takeaways at the moment. You can leave a message on the answerphone, we are trying to pick up daily. Anything urgent please contact

Tel:0114 2891111


Our nursery is closed until further notice.

Home deliveries We have been trialling home deliveries this week and we think that we can now do them in the local area (a radius of about 3-5 miles from Millthorpe). If you are interested in this service then please read our website for more information and to help

us make it work for you:

Thank you, Carl and Deirdre x.

What is available?

For details of the plants etc we are able to deliver, please visit our website.

Please bear with us - we have never done this sort of thing before and are making it up as we go along! We are also obviously subject to changes in Government advice regarding Coronavirus,

social distancing, staying in, etc..

How to make your request

If you would like to have anything delivered please contact us by email if at all possible. Our email address is

We would prefer if you did not make requests by telephone or Facebook message as these are harder for us to keep track of.

Please could you also include your address. Currently we are looking at deliveries within a 3-5-mile radius of the nursery.

Once we have your request

Orders will be dealt with as we receive them and probably in the evenings, as we are still busy potting and watering and tending to our lovely plants throughout the day. So again, please bear

with us. We will get back to you by email with the availability and cost of the items you have asked

for. We are not charging for delivery at this stage, however any contribution towards diesel costs and our time to provide this service would be appreciated.

Taking payment

If you want to go ahead with the order, please call us to make a card payment. Our telephone number is

01142 890334 (between 10am and 4pm) If you do not have a card or cannot do this we can provide bank details for you to make a BACS

transfer. We cannot take cash or cheque on delivery as this would require too much contact.

Tel:0114 2891111

• Ready meals

• Pizzas (Part baked or Fully cooked)

• Meat Packs

• Veg Packs

• Fresh Pasta

• Soups

Please call or email for more information






Custom made Curtains, Blinds & Soft Furnishings

Custom made tracks, poles and accessories. Full measuring and fitting service available.

259 Sheffield Road Unstone, Dronfield

S18 4DA

Telephone:- 01246 411400 Mobile:- 07775 680589



Full range of hair appointments available

By Gorgeous Me:

Cryotherapy Clinic Semi-Permanent Make-up

Crystal Clear Facials Massage

Gel Polish Manicure/Pedicure

LU Lash Lifting Waxing

Eyelash / Eyebrow Tinting

And for customers unable to venture out to a salon we offer mobile Hair & Beauty/Nail appointments

Evening appointments also available



The Barn Unit 4 The Shippen Rural Business Centre Telephone Number 0114 2899119





More Than Just Swimming for Dogs

We at Chesterfield Hydrotherapy Referral Centre are fully qualified to treat medical, orthopaedic and neurological conditions as well as simply swimming for fitness and fun, including:

• Osteoarthritis

• Degenerative Myelopathy

• Intervertebral Disc Disease (degenerative type)

• Fibrocatilaginous Embolism (FCE)

• Luxating Patellar

• Obesity

• Hip and Elbow Dysplasia

• Legg Calve Perthes Disease

• Chronic Degenerative Radiculomyelopathy (CDRM)

• Cruciate Ligament Injuries

• Spinal Injuries

• Depression

• Spondylosis

Some of the benefits which can be obtained from hydrotherapy include: Faster recovery from injuries, including fractures and soft tissue

Muscle strengthening, maintenance and rehabilitation Pre/post-operative conditioning and recovery

Relief from pain, swelling and stiffness Muscle balancing for working breeds Show dog competition conditioning Relief of frustration and boredom

Relaxation of muscle spasms Improved mental wellbeing

Contact Jeanette on 01246 384513 Email:

Chesterfield Hydrotherapy Referral Centre if fully CHA Registered



Home Instead Senior Care Commerce House Millennium Way Dunston Road Chesterfield

S41 8ND

Tel: 01246 580187

Email: Website:

Each Home Instead Senior Care franchise office is independently owned and operated.

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