Change Begins With A Choice



This is a book that invokes the peace and will of God in everybody!

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Change begins with a Choice

By:Kody Ray Dibble

“For the children, for the mothers, and fathers, for the sisters, and

brothers, and most of all, for God”

“Compassion is the call of great action”

“I am not good, only the Father is truly good”

I wrote this book to help people attain peace of mind, In every aspect of their live, to give them a more creative outlook on their individuality, and rekindle their inner awareness.

The seekers“Let’s talk about it all, this single world, this infinitely small, yet infinitely big region of infinite regions.

Let’s talk about all the excuses are over, the knowledge is available for any who seek it

We are in a period of seekers

Seekers of what you may ask?

Seekers of truth

As one of seeking, as you the reader must be, for if not would not have arrived here,

We sometimes wonder,

About the people who do not seek

This is an illusion,

All beings seek truth,

Some are not aware

Those who are, are said to have enlightenment,

And become the entirety of peace”

The sheep in nature“Without the sheep’s bow,

How can the Shepherd hold strong

The sheep escapes the shepherds grasp

The sheep returns to nature

But nature harms them,

For they have no guide

The shepherd must hold strong unto his job

But the sheep’s natural instincts blind them

The shepherd’s guidance

Prevents them from their death”

The people of the water“The waves push and pull,

The current strangles and twist,

Once the water calms and the movement ceases

The people will return to the water,

In the boat of a holder”

The fire inside the soul“The brimstones burn is as ancient as all

Slightly before and after the fall

Oh the fire, so strong and bright

So misused of its God given right

Purify the soul,

Or the soul will return to the fire of below.”

The mind of all“The timeless of all,

The seismic shifts

And grounded tremors

Shapes the earth of today,

And of yester, as years to come

Let the minds return to the earth

And the earth, wash them away

For our mind is small

For our bones be clay

God’s mind is what we should seek

So that we might fulfill his will

And learn of our leaks”

Take me back to the start“The first, the last,

The beginning the past,

The start is the end

The end is the start

Forced by nature to be apart”

Joy of love“Yell and scream,

The joy of Love,

Don’t hesitate to boost my confidence,

The joy of Love,

See it all,

The joy of Love,


The joy of Love”

Natural reflections“The Nature is in constant reflection onto itself,

It reflects in you and me

Land and sea

Rain and snow

Rock and crow

The Nature echo’s in all”

Forgiveness“How do you forgive so many wrongs?

Simply see them as one element

And release

This is how you forgive all wrongs

True forgiveness is only foretold by Yahweh Himself,

The lasting truth

And eternal wealth”

Understanding“Only when you reach for understanding,

May you truly understand?

Occupy the mind with questions of interest

The answers shall be answered within,

From who, check the voice,

The devil is destined for failure,

God is always victorious”

Eternity “How do we see eternity?

Eternity is the forceless flow of being,

Guided along through the void of the unseen

Going nowhere,

Headed somewhere

Through the something

That seems to be nothing

We surely find

God’s Love knows no ending”

Reactions“Question your reactions,

Are they who you wish to be?

If they don’t present your perfect self

Then do not reinforce them

And over time they will be set free”

Steadfast“The path of truth is one of constant liberation,

And self-discipline

It sharpens the mind

And purifies the soul

Strengthens the body

And shows the whole”

Great unity“Seeing all in unison

I lose pride in all glory

Seeing all in unison

I grief in all our folly”

Adoring presence“The fortune of the foul,

The grace of the good,

The degree of decisions,

Never foretold,

Have faith,

Have patience,

Adoring presence,

Shall encompass you fully”

Silent solutions“The solution to all

Lies all around

Silent and soothing,

Passionate and moving,

Let the silent solution,

Solve your problems”

Musical cosmos“The cosmos dance in harmonic joy

Why shouldn’t we?

Let your spirit run free

And dance with me,

Experience the boundless sea

The cooling breeze,

The warming light,

The evening night”

Living energy“To perpetuate energy and to reservoir energy

Is said to be living,

Therefore all is living

You see even the small makes and stores,

For the flourishing of continuous progress must go on”

Mystical devotion “Continue on,

When negativity surrounds

Continue on,

When pleasure provides,

Continue on,

For you have much to become

And much to see,

Continue on in mystical devotion”

Blissful Being“Lighter than the moonlight breeze,

Slipping in and out of weave,

Blissful being sure to see,

Blissful being sure to be,

Blissful being chose your-self

Moving in such surely motion

Blissful being let truth love guide”

Fate of

“The one who bears suffering fears no pain

The one who bears doubt feels no joy

Are these needed in the likes of men’s minds?

I say not,

These illusions’ are to keep one in fear,

But the glass shackles of fear can be easily broken

The hammer of truth shatters them into many pieces

They blow off in the wind, returning to the nothingness

Silent again until spoken to”

Patience “Be patient for things to come,

Be full now,

For future sons and daughters,

Show patience in your ways

All it takes is patience,

The rest you shall overcome,

All it takes is patience,

For you shall become,

All it takes is patience,

For your will shall be done

As long as the Lord is the will that is sung,

All it takes is patience”

Salvation and preservation “Preserve thou integrity,

Salute thou endeavor,

The rotten limbs are breaking off,

The tree dies from within

Someday again,

The tree will thrive

And become as full as the brigades of a golden age in a golden kingdom”

Nation of all“The aspects know only one,

Yet the nations differ,

Assume the position of seeing there truth intentions,

To find which nation to abide

Let God guide

Share with the people your side”

Shed your light“Shed your truth on all who wish to see,

Spread the wonder and joy you wish to become,

As sure as the light guides,

Is must also attract beauty in a dark art gallery”

Fortitude of intention“Remind thyself why you are here,

Depend on God in time of need,

Constitute the gratification of supreme oneness,

Envelop the personification of unification

Surrender to the Love

You are not alone,

You are not apart”


“The fox filters through the snow,

Searching for food in most desperate of winters,

The fox falls,

Sickness strikes him, with no food and no shelter,

He is left to elements,

When death comes to him,

He will once again become free.”

One and all“The one and all,

The broken paw,

The children soon to rise,

The old are soon to fall,

Our crimson sun,

Burning bright dying slowly,

Our precious Earth,

Naturally beautiful trying to survive,

Our golden mind,

Balanced and pure confused at most,

The One and all

Sees all is one”

Beautiful Design

“Out of the infiniteness of all that is,

I see a delicate beauty,

Strong and urging in her ways,

Yet soft and compassionate at heart,

She whispers to me,

Please let this pass,

Will elegance and grace

I step on the grass”

Delicate self“In order to live for God,

We must die to self,

To live in him,

He lives in us”

Sailing the way“Sailing along the way,

The wind that pushes me along the way,

Is sometimes weak,

Is sometimes strong,

Sometimes I float effortlessly yet slowly,

Sometimes I must fight against the choppiness of the tides,

I will reach my destination,

Only to set sail again”

Conscious collaboration “When deciphering a problem,

Use the power of many,

For the mind of a single,

Is not as the mind of a whole”

Sufficient supplement “Oh how Mellifluous is the balance,

Oh, how comely is the joy,

Oh, how learned is the disciple,

Oh, how harmonious is the flowing”

The truce “The truce how blessed it be,

Met at love and truth to see,

Color revived

Hate set aside

The truce of two sides”

You “Find yourself,

Through thick and thin,

Only stand for what’s within

People wait,

That’s not the plan,

Experience life,

You’ll understand”

Excitement “Excited for who,

Excited for what,

If excited for freedom

Than be excited for luck

For in you is excitement

And it excites all unexcited

Your presence is revered

Your pity torturous

Excite the unexcited

Give them something to become excited for

To rise from excitement in barren ground

Is freedom indeed”

Thrill of it “I endow,

To cherish the vowel,

Hold on the promise,

Looking forward,

Sitting present,

Is my honest position

I enjoy the all

For it is all that was seen to enjoy

And it was all that was sent to deploy,

The thrill of it

You see”

Breathe“Breathe in the life,

The life is you,

You are the life,

For in the life,

You find you,

And in the life,

You lose you,

But in the end,

In the life,




Wheels “The spin provides

For you to ride,

Around and around,

Through ancient towns,

Through broken glass,

Through golden wax,

We are all subject to it,

And objects of it,


Objects indeed,

The objective is indeed,

A deed indeed,

For in a deed,

You plant a seed,

The plants are numberless,

As are the leafs,

The branches are many,

And the seeds are to,

They fall to the ground

Make a clack of a sound,

Although the fall brutal

They surely find a way,

And rise even higher than that plant on this day.

Welcoming“Already home at heart,

Waiting for the beginning to start,

The love of God,

The heaven you long,

Is never far,

We desired,

We chose,

The orderly froze,

The compulsion rose,

The end was nigh,

The crimson breached the sky,

I saw a gal,

She was but a man,

Longing to be bound,

Treading on ground,

In a forgetful town”


“I wish I could share the wonder more than I do

So that maybe someday

My wish will come true

Its every-time

Already at its best

Yet to get better

What a splendor

An ocean mender

A fire tender

My guardian lies strong

To him an ancient song

For me heaven long”

Cause and effect in a side by side mist“Brightening the light is both a cause and effect

Dulling of light is a ripening of might

Cause something shines through

Always through and through

Sometimes it seems

We get lost in our dreams

But always again

We wake in the light

And try as we might

To life a full life”

Kylpso corner“Let me take you down the road

To the home of a toad who sits by his fire long

Sometimes he sings

Sometimes he dances

To who and to what

Remains a mystery

Sometimes he sees what and who is what

But then he forgets

Until he sings its song

Or sways its beat

It loves his love

Of course he’s freaked

Cause in this pile of rubble

He finds a baby so humble

Living without crying

Frozen and dying

Sadness is cold

Yet flames a passion of gold

Cause even in Kylpso corner

You do what you’re told”

Eternal meets eternal“Ah lady came luck,

She was adored

Maybe I was not her double-sided sword

Because my view of life came true of time

And that’s when I dropped my most pretentious crime

A triumph illusive to time

A piper who’d lost his mind

Oh porky you pine please come with your spine

And cut through the muck

You crackle you barrel

You questioned you what

Hold on to a hand takes time to understand

For expiree in experience

Is the ultimate plan

Forget all your numbers

Forget all your stands

Cause surrender is ever

And ever is grand”

Collect“Collect and collected

Seems to be recommended

But the collection is to be a new

Because the old in future is bold

And the future in past is sold

Sometimes it warps

Sometimes it wraps

But the unfolding it shows

Is a releasing gasp”

Ponder the people“Yes you know,

Your eyes do glow

When looking at me in a flow

So send me your love

And ponder the people

Unconditional is the meaning of love,

And the meaning of this is, is for this to be that

To hang on a tangle,

Is to let your people see equal

Cause it’s needed now

As then it was now

As now it was then

A croaked out demon

A closet full of friends

A door that opens to mend”

Triple order“Respect, is in order,

Love is in order,

Devotion is in order,

These are known brightly

The heavens are knightly,

And watch over the heath of ground”

Brisk “Sort of out of somewhere,

Helpful was the hound-ware

Don’t let killer pass,

The porcupine is so vast”

Yearning Delight“Propel the eternal well,

Use the light and the light will treat you well,

But remember in light

Can be the most displeasing disease,

So avoid the contagious sneeze,

By moving around as one see’s”

Tunsung “Forbid freedom and deny growth,

I see this shows us

That freedom is vast

So freedom it shows me

Is the only too last

The layers are flaky

The upper is experienced

The bottom is forgotten, but not forgot

By the light,

The light falls into fright

Frightful of what

Is still in comparison

To beautifulness of what?

That which created our comparison,

Is that which created our compassion”

Pebble city“Fatal fall, forms us all,

But rise from the pebbles

Soar like the phoenix and prosper for your meaning,

Crimson tides make spirits rise

And heaven cries for mortal spies

Who wish to see it sold,

But sold it is for sold it was

And pebble city rose to gold

Forget the killing sneers and vulture fears

And travel the clouds to ancient house”

A loving purpose “A lasting purpose,

My last remora, a cat with a battle axe,

A chair with a missing peg,

Laughter is loves favorite fame”

Well of inspiration“My well of inspiration,

Inspires me so to hold what I know,

And tell of truth,

Being carried by the roof,

Were all hold hands,

And dance like children of golden

Waves of you

Is all to explain?

White living fire

Should I stare?

Now I’m blind but somehow I see straight through

With-out love a new timed true

Swimming is my duty

Walking is my cause”

Gifted roses“This city that should

Is but golden of wood

And emerald of could,

Can jasper of all,

See onyx the fall,

Toothpick dig

The feathery fib

One like body is waste,

Layers of intensity make presentations valued

One like mind is waste,

Layers of intensity make promises valued

One like soul is taste,

Layers of intensity make guided jubilant and desecrated

Imagine communication without these v’s and ts

And with more see and free

Set and let,

Rid and went,

But it’s tied to its fame

And that is its shame

But it’s fruitful of be

So sunrise is wise”

Intertwining is the only providing“Brethren,

Of burst

Lurch my shell

And heckle my fool,

Lips sick drool,

Lip sing rule,

Young and mule,

Dresser and glitter,

Is pretty,

Maybe prefer,

Felt and familiar,

Is facility

Or fantasy?

Fantasy is for facility,

For facility is fantasy”

Incremental Contention “Ear noise is simplified,

Translation is to the being as,

A glow of warmth

That is what it traveled far for

But it’s always there

In dead stare,

Of darling weary,

Pictograph my pixel,

Puzzle my pieces,

It’s an opponent that’s ponder

But responsibility is a holding,

Principle is pivotal”

Hostage“He the servant,


He the servant,


He the servant,


He the servant,


He the servant,


He the servant,


He the servant,

Sol o cold,

He the servant,

Grounded in guilt,

He the servant,

Found only to live,

He the servant,

Fortune to give,

He the servant”

Fender “Through my dents and bruises I declare,

My repair is although also fair,

Turn up the song man,

And beat the hound snare

Growling gun stare,

Makes fun a musty pear

And sheep are snared

Whisper, whisper,

Its whisper scared”

Noel “Release,




Make take it on some more,

The demons of treason and treachery,

Demand little and make man of me,

Maybe the gnarl and goose,

Makes forbid of noose

The look on your dazzle,

When we shine the paddle

Pass it on,

The Word is Live,

The Word is Life,



DARKNESS“Darkness knows only itself

Darkness claws the reef,

Darkness paths the streets

Darkness reaps the beats,

Darkness is dread,

Darkness is red,

Darkness is blue,

Darkness is all,

All is in darkness,

Until the shine,

Of eternal light

You are the rise,

You are the fall,

You leave it up,

You give it your all”






Blue gun



Dark naught






Wretched vestige



Pursuing past



Ester clear“Torturous! Shouts of shame,


Thoughts of fame,


Thimble and thane,



And taped,

Ester clear,

Ester clear,

Ester clear”

Desert wet“In the mists of the madness,

The animal went frank

The penny cola deaf shrank,

Keep running over field,

Keep grinding over toll,

Keep swimming in way,

Keep drifting,

Lose keep,



Keep win”

I dream of you“I dream of you,

I dream of you,

In my dreams, you are behind glass doors

In my dreams, you are with your group

In my dreams, you lock me away from you

I try as I might through my dreams to get to you

I open the glass door,

I see your billowing smile,

I sense your erotic tension

I move towards where you are sitting,

I say to you

You are who I truly love,

You think of me as a play,

I dream of you,

In the chambers of filth,

I dream of you,

Cut off from eternal knowledge,

Through the disease of a former fetish,

I dream of you,

My alignment with the stars,

My star assignment,

I dream of you,

When I expanded beyond the horizon

And the darkness violated my actions,

I dream of you,

I try to tell you in my dreams,

I try to pry you in my dreams

I see your golden box luminous

Spewing out sorrow,

For those of a forgotten tomorrow

I floundered so I lost touch,

I perished so I must find,

My arrogance,

My defense,

All of in separation,

Of my God

The penance”

My rock“The foundation, of a fortune,

Is one of shaky wood, cracked glass, broken bells?

The foundation of faith in Christ,

Joyful boundlessness, cost of nothing,

Priceless gain,

Our coldness within,

Dampened by the contagious deception of unaltered blatant arrogance,

Self-righteous bigotry,

The blameless, live prudent, poverty, and peace,

The rich man, is an agent of the devils chair,

His stare, of blackened grump,

His walk of blasphemous, hump,

Praise, the creator, for his creation,

Life is worth dying,

When God is our pilot

His treasure, should be as so,

Letting your flesh die,

Becoming white as snow,

Our modern society,

All broken and burned,

Our enemy my love,

Burns brighter than my yearn,

My singular wish,

To sing praise forever in ever in his kingdom of treasure,

My multiplied curse,

The pretender,

The lender,

Oh, how hopeless a bag of a rocks,

Nobody cares,

He lives without socks,

Oh, how hopeful the maiden of stay,

Her livid testimony of God’s grace, and the fay

Who can contend her!

Not even a douse,

Chairmen of Ernest world of completion,

Knows his sorrow, is not his weakness,

Chairmen of filth of the mind,

Knows his anger, is piercing,

His touch is so blind

Chairmen of grace,

Grounds his waters in forgiveness

Blesses his family

With the heart of a witness,

My plea, to the passion,

Let it be everlasting

It is not of my design,

Sometimes not my liking,

Because my patience isn’t Gods,

For mine is but dashing

In a game of numbers,

One often forgets,

The whole purpose of the mess you created

Was that at once,

It was fixed”

The True disease“Aloud, aloud,

I’ve solved it at last,

Walking and prancing,

My day’s way to fast,

I see an area of disaster,

When we forget its occupation,

I see a spectacle, of compassion,

When we realizing the lasting,

I see gladness and tiding,

When the fruit is abiding,

I see a mother in harm’s way,

Yet praying for passing

Her foundation is still strong,

Yet those who go against it sit, drink, eat, and wrong,

I pursue her justice,

In my heart of thought,

Though they might hate you,

Remember Truth is always sought

Before I end this,

Phases are many,

But truth I found,

Is but engraved on a penny”

Delight in the Lord“Fellowship of my spacious crew,

Together we delight,

In our Lord who watched us through,

Though the world around us is cruel and uninviting,

Your virtue is defining,

Your love is my lighting,

Taking life serious,

Should be as it is,

Because life isn’t easy

For Gods graced kids,

Did we forget the many that don’t know his fortress or remedy?

Did we forget the many that don’t have his key or his friendly?

Woe to those of forgetfulness

Let this be a challenge of encouragement,

A pressure of truth,

A mountain divided

Delight in the Lord,

Great is his Love,

Great is his manly,

Great is his service,

For those who believe the lies,

Of the deadly”

8 regards for one reason“Effort of care,

Presence of dare,

Righteous by Him,

Shielded by fire,

Grounded by desire,

Praise is in order!

Truth is my sword,

God take my mind”

My Loving Father

“Do you Love me Father?

I trust your will,

I lay my faith

Into your sword,

I ask your guidance,

Christ light my way,

Your judgments honest,

Your present today and more to come,

Please! I beg of you,

Don’t let me be scum,

You’re honest when I’m short,

You’re there when I’m worked,

I will toil the soul of dis-function

And do what you ask,

The world may hate me,

But the world is my last,

Your Kingdom Nigh and High!

Death be a friend,

For my eternity is signed”

Sheer Joy“My sheer joy, in virtue of pleasant strategy,

Everything built around a single interaction of the utmost perfection,

His Glory!

His Glory!

Beyond my words his Glory!

Although men and women of all ages might hate me,

I must push on, just to be in his Glory,

He is the God that opens my doors,

He is the God that helps with my chores,

In my heart I am burdened,

For the lost and the frozen,

Frightened by His,

Yearning and earning,

When I give I always get,

Love through my journey,

Your voice rings in my conscience,

Your mind is my melting,

The relationship I have with God and my King,

Are priceless I’d give my life and the sting,

You are the way I get rid of my evil,

You are the peace my life thus desire,

Can you ride out the windy, stormy nights?

Just to delight in the Lords Holy Might”

THE I AM“A fable is as so,

A truth is as so,

Breathe after breathe,

I am thankful,

I am thankful that you are who you say you are,

That I can rest easy in you,

You have blessed me with my life,

You have challenged me all day and all night,

When I fail you smile,

When I strive you urge,

When I guilt you cherish

I love your song,

Men get it wrong,

Let them find your grace,

And follow Christ to that Holy promised place,

Your Kingdom is of grander design,

Is all for your chosen defined and confined,

Peace is ours,

Glory is yours,

Timing is all,

See my life,

Call my spot”

Fear of the world“Fear not the world,

It cannot destroy your soul,

Fear only God,

He is the One, who can void,

If the judgment of a man is your reputation,

Then you be deceived,

God is the Love

You desperately need”

MY SIN is my dung“If my life was surrounded by a pretender,

I would be vaulted in my endeavor,

If hell opened her chasm,

I’d cry out for his bell,

Ring, ring, ring,

Confession joy brings,

Christ the Priest of the obedience,

Christ the Prince of my devotion,

Christ the King of Honesty!

God the Judge of all my motions”

Purpose “Do not manipulate the reason of a Just Judge

It will not be elected,

Although it may be shared,

If I suffer for what I know,

Then through my suffering I will grow,

If I suffer for what I desire,

Then my suffering is like stones,

If my suffering cost me my humanity,

Then let it be so,

For Christ is my treasure,

His grace is my flow

GRANTED Grace“When I am indeed in debt,

I lay myself in surrender to you,

When I feel lonely and silent,

Your Love fills me like violets,

Father your grace always,

Father your care is perfect,

No amount of monetary gain,

Can detach me from my knowledge,

No demoniac power can be,

When you are with me,

Father save me,

Father forgive them for they know not what they do,

Christ the golden light,

Shine through me,

I trust in you,

I abide in you,

I’m delivered by you

Father your grace”

Bind me, I’m free in faith“Seashell sensation,

Call on Him,

The binds of a physical attack,

Cannot hold his Love back,

Sold in forgiveness,

Sold in love,

Sold in truth,

Those who search for it,

When it be under their nose,

Be misguided by selfish surprises,

And evil sunrises

Grander is his design,

Than the fathoms of the mind,

Grander is his peace,

Than any decree,

Grander is his justice,

Than the laws we perceive,

Taken back,

Struck in awe,

Lucky as ever,

Lucky forever,

Dying for Him,

Is Living in Him,

Oh his Love,

Oh his Love,

Oh his Love”

The end of Change begins with a Choice Volume 1
