Chalmers Presbyterian Church · 2019-11-01 · For God’s healing and peace for Marian Weldon as...


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Chalmers Presbyterian Church Chalmers Presbyterian Church…

Built by FAITH, strengthened through WORSHIP, bringing HOPE to life’s journey

We welcome you to worship at Chalmers. If you are

a first-time worshiper at Chalmers we reach out to

you with hospitality and friendship in Jesus’ name.

This symbol is being used in the Order of Service

to indicate that the people will stand. All the worship

songs will be projected on the screen.

Please note that some fellow worshippers are

sensitive to perfumes. We ask that you consider

keeping Chalmers scent free. Thank you.

There will be a time of refreshments

and fellowship in the lower hall.

Today’s hosts are Laurie Spence

Bannerman and Helper. The striped mugs at coffee

hour are for visitors. Please help our visitors feel



AT A GLANCE! July 10 – July 17

SUNDAY Worship –10 am

Library Open – 11:15 am

MONDAY Cave Quest VBC – 9 am – noon

Summer Office Hours: closed

TUESDAY Cave Quest VBC – 9 am – noon

Summer Office Hours: 10am-4pm

Seniors’ Fitness – 1 pm

WEDNESDAY Cave Quest VBC – 9 am – noon

Summer Office Hours: closed

THURSDAY Cave Quest VBC – 9 am – noon

Summer Office Hours: 9am-4pm

FRIDAY Cave Quest VBC – 9 am – noon

Summer Office Hours: 9am-4pm

Seniors’ Euchre – 1 pm

SUNDAY Worship –10 am

Library Open – 11:15 am


God is bringing HOPE to life’s journey through our upcoming Vacation Bible Camp for children from the community and congregation. We are planning for 50 or more children who will come to Chalmers each morning during the week of July 11-15th to sing, pray, play and celebrate the good news of God’s love in Jesus. The theme for VBC this year is Cave Quest that will take us on an over-the-top underground adventure and remind us of the

rock-solid foundation of God’s love!


Speaking of Stewardship Giving is true loving.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892), English Baptist preacher


Please PRAY

For God to inspire and encourage Camp Kintail

Directors Theresa McDonald-Lee and Johnathon

Lee and all the staff members as the summer

camping season begins.

For God’s Spirit to inspire our VBC leaders as

we reach out and share the good news of Jesus

with the children and families of our church and


For God’s healing and peace for Marian Weldon

as she recovers from surgery at home.

For God’s healing and strength for George Lefler

as he undergoes radiation and chemotherapy


For God to provide healing and pain relief for

Dorothy Barfoot as she deals with health


For God’s blessing for Shirley Bakelaar, Ross

Cole, Doris Doskas, John Gaskin, Maureen

Gaskin, Martin McHardy, Linda McPherson,

Margaret Middaugh and Eileen Reid.


Coffee Fellowship Servers:

July 17: Heather Reid & Debbie Scott

July 24: Cathy & Keith Spooner

July 31: Mary & Bob Taylor

August 7: Marilyn & Dave McFadden


Flowers in the Sanctuary - we are now placing fresh flowers in vases on each side of the Sanctuary. If you wish to provide fresh flowers from your garden (or flower store), please contact Tammy McRonald or Maureen Bruff so that we can arrange a schedule. Thank you.


Answering the call of Christ

Presbyterians Sharing supports the Life and Mission

agency of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Earlier

this year, three staff members were recognized for

their new positions at the PCC’s national office: Jen

de Combe as Associate Secretary of Canadian

Ministries, Guy Smagghe as Director of PWS&D,

and Ian Ross-McDonald as General Secretary of the

LMA. The Rev. Glynis Williams shares, “The LMA

is not an acronym, but an active, engaged, thinking,

praying and visioning group of people who love God

and want to be faithful to the call of Jesus Christ in

our lives. Today we recognize these gifts in Jen, Guy

and Ian.” Please pray for the staff at our national

office as they work to support the mission and

ministry of the PCC.

Presbyterians Sharing supports national office staff











River Rising By Athol Dickson

I found this an interesting book, but slightly

disturbing. This story takes place in the late 1920’s

when no one worried about being politically correct, so some of the words and concepts used are foreign

to my way of thinking. This book has a central figure a man initially called ‘the stranger’, who arrives in a

southern village looking for work. He admits to being a preacher but is happy scrubbing floors because ‘I

serve the Lord wherever he chooses’.

Rev. Hale Poster, an orphan, came to this part of the country looking for his roots. Throughout the story

you are drawn along by a compelling mystery, babies are being taken from their homes in the night. As

you follow Hale Poser, on his investigation into the

disappearances, you are also led along the subtle but important spiritual journey of the characters.

Christine Hunter, Librarian ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Nursery Notes: We are looking for new volunteers to staff the nursery beginning in September. ALSO- If

you are a current volunteer and you are unable to continue, please let Bev Cameron 519-685-4298 or

call the church office at 519-681-7242. ~~~~~~~~~~~~

HOSTS for 10 July 2016

Pat & Brian MacKay

Holly Williams and Maureen Bruff

John and Beverley Coy

Next Sunday’s Hosts

Mary and Bob Taylor

Anita Powell and Dennis Smedley

Tammy and Jason McRonald


THANK YOU Thank you for the cards and prayers I received

on the death of my mother. Your support is greatly appreciated. Linda Powers

Many thanks to all who have telephoned, visited, prayed and sent cards. I am well on the road to recovery and hope to see you soon. Marian Weldon

Thank you to everyone who supported the Strawberry Social. The proceeds from the social is for Camp Kintail camperships and we raised $323.50.


We Need You! There are places for you to share your gifts, starting this fall:

1. Mission Committee: 2-3 more members 2. Nursery Coordinator and Nursery volunteers 3. Christian Education & Faith Development: 2-

3 more members 4. Singing: Senior Choir, Reachout singers,

Praise Team & Children’s choir 5. Care & Share volunteers: 2


Anyone who is interested in helping out with church photography, please speak to Lizz Thibodeau. We're looking for someone (or a couple of people) who can take occasional photographs during worship and church events so that we continue to have current photos for the website. High tech equipment is not necessary - good cell phone photos are adequate.



July 24th

on Chalmers’

lawn on the

east side


PAR (Pre Authorized Remittance) offering cards

may be found on the table in the foyer with the

Sunday worship bulletins. If you are on PAR you

may wish to place the offering card on the offering

plate as it is passed as a way of participating in the

offering of our financial gifts for the glory of God.


A VOLUNTEER NEEDED to coordinate the nursery

beginning in September. Duties include recruiting

new volunteers, ensuring they have a police check (with the help of Doris Tutt), and creating a schedule

for the year. For more information, please discuss with Bev Cameron 519-685-4298.


There will be no summer programming for the

children. However packs are available for children to use during the service. The packs are placed on the

pew near the library with colouring, puzzles, and word searches.



Dear Members and Friends of The Presbyterian Church in Canada:

On behalf of the Session of Faith Presbyterian Church, Fort McMurray, Alberta we would like to

thank you for your support of our congregation these past eight weeks following the wildfires in northern

Alberta. We have been blessed by words of

encouragement and prayer, by financial gifts to assist in rebuilding and to strengthen people who

completely lost their homes, and by gifts in kind. Your thoughtfulness, acts of generosity and kindness

have blessed our community. Through your

compassion and support we have seen the face of Jesus and experienced the grace and love of God

among us. Thank you! ~~~~~~~~~~~~


give blood at Canadian Blood Services, mention that

you're a ‘Partner for Life from Chalmers’ and

mention our ID# CHAL673812.

To the young and healthy, it's no loss. To the sick,

it's hope. Donate blood to bring hope to life's journey

for others!


POP CANS FUNDRAISING: Thank you in supporting the pop can venture. This venture supports our Youth Ministry. There is a Rubbermaid bin in the narthex for the pop cans.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please note that the Life & Mission insert from

the bulletin is available on the Chalmers website. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
