Chai Lites April 2014




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Prepare your questions, prepare your home, and above all else, prepare your mind and spirit for Passover! Temple Israel will help you prepare and celebrate as we offer a variety of programs and services to help get you ready and revved up for the Festival of Freedom. See more on page 9

TI Prepares for and Celebrates

Passover APRIL – MAY 2014 / Nisan/Iyar/Sivan 5774 Volume 72 Number 42

TEMPLE ISRAEL OF GREATER MIAMI- a progressive Reform congregation -

has been celebrating its diversity in

downtown Miami since 1922.

Table of Contents

MESSAGES 3-5Rabbi’s MessageScholar-in-ResidencePresidential Perspective A Musical Interlude


EDUCATION AND YOUTH 11Notes from the ECC Religious School News


GET INVOLVED 14Sisterhood Corner Dorothy Serotta Social Justice Forum

WORSHIP 15April & May Schedule

LIFE CYCLE EVENTS 16Mazel Tov Birthdays & Anniversaries Yahrzeits



CHAI LITESPublished monthly at:

137 N.E. 19th Street Miami, FL 33132Phone: (305) 573-5900

Email: info@

Ellen BrazerOrlee BushmanDouglas M. Jacobs*Diane KingBen Kuehne*Michael D. Orovitz*Mark Walker, MDJulia Zaias, DVM, PhD PAST PRESIDENTSPeter Bermont*

Dr. Joan Bornstein*Marsha B. Elser*

Martin Fine* **Jane Kahn Jacobs*

Norma Orovitz*Candace Ruskin*

Jack Schillinger*Gerald K. Schwartz*

Michael A. Silver*Stanley G. Tate*

Henry E. Wolff, Jr.*

Ben Kuehne, Chair*Leonard L. AbessJoe FarcusMichael Graubert, M.D.Seymour HeckerDouglas HellerJohn KanterBetsy KaplanElton J. KernessNathan S. Lee**Lawrence LeitnerMarlin LewisMerri MannBudd Mayer



President Joan L. SchaefferVice President-Administration Neil RollnickVice President-Education Jannet Dannon-MairenaVice President-Fundraising Beco LichtmanVice President-Membership Brian HirschVice President-Programming Howard D. GoldsteinVice President-Religious Affairs Diane LindnerSecretary Robert Glazier*Treasurer Lance Harke

Richard MilsteinS. Ronald PallotHarris Reibel**

Kenneth D. RosenBarton Sacher

Neil SchaffelBrenda Shapiro

Sandra SimonSuzanne Trushin

Richard Weiner**

*Past President**Deceased

CLERGY AND STAFFM. Thomas Heyn Rabbi, Spiritual LeaderExt. 406, rabbi@templeisrael.netMitchell Chefitz Rabbi, Scholar-in-ResidenceExt. 418, mchefitz@templeisrael.netDr. Alan Mason Director of MusicExt. 409, dralanmason@hotmail.comMarla Towbin Executive DirectorExt. 404, marla@templeisrael.netFederico d’Angelo Facility ManagerExt. 403, fdangelo@templeisrael.netIsabel Montoto Office ManagerExt. 405, imontoto@templeisrael.netBela Barnes BookkeeperExt. 407, bbarnes@templeisrael.netEllen Goldberg Marketing and Communications CoordinatorExt. 409, egoldberg@templeisrael.netJennifer Lamden Executive/Clergy AssistantExt. 402, jlamden@templeisrael.netZvia Dover Director of the Joni and Stanley Tate Early Childhood CenterExt. 423, zdover@templeisrael.netMegan Gerstel Administrative Assistant - ECCExt. 421, APRIL – MAY 2014 / Nisan/Iyar/Sivan 5774 Volume 72 Number 4

because it is sustained by relationships that require ever more care and attention in an increasingly fragmented world.

Nourishment for our intellectual selves comes from being stimulated and challenged. It’s too easy to settle into the comfort of routine and recreation, allowing the appetite for intellectual engagement to become attenuated, if notaltogether neglected. Jews have historically placed a high value on life-long learning. But the intellectual self, like the physical self, needs to be fed on a regular, if not daily, basis.

Lastly, we all need nourishment for our spiritual selves. This is likely to be the hunger we’ve forgotten the most. TheIsraelites had manna and other miracles to sustain them in the wilderness. Generations after them derived their spiritual sustenance from pilgrimages, sacrifices, and other forms of worship that evolved through the ages. But what are the forms of nourishment that feed your soul today? Without availing yourself of them on a daily basis, it’s possible toforget what it’s like to be hungry on that level.

Temple Israel of Greater Miami is a place uniquely infused by the kabbalistic philosophy of the “Four Worlds.” It is a place where we consciously seek, find and provide nourishment for our physical, relational, intellectual and spiritual selves. Of course, you will find other sources of nourishment indifferent degrees, but here we recognize that a skillfulcombination of the right ingredients is necessary for abalanced diet that is both delicious and thoroughly satisfying.

On the first night of Pesach this year (April 14th), I hope you will be celebrating the festival at a seder table with family and friends. If not, let us know and we may be able to match you with a host family. Or come and join me on the second night (April 15th) at Temple Israel’s seder table. We’ll serve up a great meal, as we do on a regular basis, to nourish ourphysical, relational, intellectual and spiritual selves.

When you sample the matzah this Pesach, or any of theofferings we provide at Temple Israel, it is likely that yourappetite for more will be re-awakened and you’ll want more. If or when that happens, you should know that our door is always open and our table is set. All who are hungry, come and eat!




Rabbi M. Thomas Heyn

RABBI’S MESSAGE“All who are hungry, come and eat…”

Have you ever forgotten to eat?

Maybe you were working on the computer or engrossed in something else and didn’t notice you were hungry. Then you smelled or tasted something which suddenly caused you to realize you were ravenous.

Something like this happens every year during this season in which we celebrate Pesach. At every Passover seder, just before taking the first bite of matzah, we read in thehaggadah, “Ha lachma anya…This is the bread of affliction which our ancestors ate in the land of Egypt. All who arehungry, come and eat…”

Why do we say this when we are already assembled? Isn’t it a little late to be extending an invitation for others to join us?

The phrase is recited, in part, to express the inclusive spirit of our celebration. But it is also meant to be heard by those who are already present. It is like saying, “All who hunger, not only for food but for something more; this meal and its message is for you!”

The first taste of matzah, preceded by this invitation, is meant to re-awaken the appetite, suggesting that you might be hungrier than you thought. When we were once slaves, we knew what it was like to hunger, thirst and yearn for freedom with every fiber of our being. It seems, however, that many of us have since forgotten the intensity of that yearning.

If you think you’ve arrived at the end of your journey, or have been too busy to realize that you’re even on a journey, you may not recognize this hunger I’m describing. You might be content to read the four questions, drink the four cups of wine and feel satisfied until next year. But there is another set of “four” in our tradition – the “Four Worlds” – to remind us that we are not just physical beings with physical appetites.We live and breathe, eat and sleep in physical as well asemotional, intellectual and spiritual “worlds” which constitute the greater totality of our existence.

After the Israelites left Egypt, Moses told them that “aperson cannot live by bread alone (Deut 8:3).” In other words, we hunger for more than just food. We need nourishmentnot only for our physical selves but for our emotional,intellectual and spiritual selves.

Nourishment for our emotional selves comes in the form of friendship, connection, a sense of belonging and community.Sometimes I call this emotional self the “relational self” APRIL – MAY 2014 / Nisan/Iyar/Sivan 5774 Volume 72 Number 4





Rabbi Mitchell ChefitzScholar-in-Residence


Joan L. SchaefferPresident

Continued on page 20

My friend and teacher, Rabbi Jack Riemer, recently reviewed a new biography: Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach: Life, Mission, and Legacy, by Natan Ophir. He began his positive review with some statements attributed to me and my experience of Shlomo. By coincidence, I had just written of that experience.

Let me share that with you.

Shlomo Carlebach was my teacher. He’s gone now nearly 20 years.

Here’s a story of Shlomo in our home.

The first year he came with his guitar. He sat in a chair by the far windows of the great room, a hundred or more spread out before him. No introductory words, he lifted his guitar,listened to a chord, began to sing a melody, a niggun, arepetitive tune. We hadn’t ever heard singing like that. It had a beginning, but no end.

When that first tune trailed off to echo in a deeper world, he started another. Then another. Another.

The time came for him to leave, but the tunes remainedbehind. The world is still singing those tunes.

The next year he arrived late. He had been late the yearbefore, but we had forgotten that. We were anxious, eager for his niggunim. He sang. We sang. He put down the guitar.

“Holy brothers,” he said. “Holy sisters.”

He began to tell a story. A story within the story. A story within that.

We had never heard such stories before. We needed theniggunim to be prepared to receive such stories.

The following year he was also late, but we didn’t wait. We began to sing, so, when he entered the room, the room was alive. He joined in, quietly, then introduced tunes we hadn’t heard before.

They were wonderful, but we were waiting for a story.

He told a story.

Then, “Holy brothers, holy sisters, let me share with you some Torah.”He reached into his bag and withdrew a sefer, a holy book. He taught to the depth of our hearts.

How I Love SundayMornings

By now, a pattern in my Chai Lites entries has emerged: I often write of things that have provided me withinspiration in achieving what isimportant to me in performing my

job as President of the Board of Trustees as well as inachieving my own personal growth along the way. AsPresident, one of my goals has been to become moreinclusive of families and children, worshipping and learning together as part of our diverse community coming together as one. It is so moving for me to look around at the Templepopulation and notice the children who seemingly have grown up overnight and continue to bless our congregation in the company of our mature members.

I often seek guidance from teachers I have respected, and there are many. One such teacher is our former Rabbi, Chaim Stern, of blessed memory. In his book Day by Day, he writes of a Chasidic teaching about a man who asks the Rebbe to pray for him in order that his sons might study the Torahdiligently. The Rebbe replies: If you are diligent in study and your sons see it, they will imitate you. But if you neglect your own studies, and merely wish them to study, they will dolikewise when they grow up. They will neglect the Torah themselves and desire that their sons do the studying.

So, along these lines, I have been supportive of our adult learning programs, particularly the session now being offeredon Sunday mornings during Religious School. While thechildren and teens are working on their own lessons, parents and other adults are afforded the opportunity to study in a group setting together with our Rabbi. I enjoy the energy that fills our space on Sunday mornings with learning and fellowship from the youngest children to the oldest adults, all learning, appropriate to their levels of understanding. Truly a blessing for all.

I invite you to join in to set an example for our children tofollow. Please check the Web Site and e-mail blasts to learn of other learning opportunities. I personally am a great fan of our Talmud study on Wednesday evenings which is superbly led by lay leaders. I am regularly astounded by the lessons of the distant past and how easily they apply to the challenges of today providing me with just the answer I am looking for as I navigate through my life.

I hope to see you all at our traditional Second Seder where we will commemorate the gift of freedom which we all benefit

Continued on page 20 APRIL – MAY 2014 / Nisan/Iyar/Sivan 5774 Volume 72 Number 4 5


Alan MasonDirector of Music and

Doctor of Musical Arts

The Sixth Annual Winter Jewish

Music Concert was attended by

an overflow audience of 700 on

January 17. Over 20 performers

came from across the country

and from London, England to

sing and play, and the concert

was picked up by Jewish News

One (JN1) to be part of a

television documentary on

Jewish Life in America.

I recently had the pleasure of playing for the Installation

of Cantor Shiree Kidron at Congregation Bet Shira.Cantor

Kidron invited several local cantorial colleagues to co-

officiate, along with Rabbi David Auerbach, Cantor Alberto

Mizrahi and Rabbi Mark Kula. It was a fabulous afternoon of

prayer, celebration, and a grand cantorial concert.

A MUSICAL INTERLUDE February – March 2014 / Adar I - Adar II 5774 Volume 72 Number 3 5


Alan MasonDirector of Music and

Doctor of Musical Arts

I recently had the tremendousexperience and honor ofaccompanying Shabbat servicesat the Union for Reform Judaism National Biennial Convention in San Diego, California. There were 5,000 Reform Jews in attendance,packing the San Diego ConventionCenter, and services werebroadcast live on JLTV (Jewish Life TV), which also broadcast the 2013 Winter Jewish Music Concert last year.

What is Shabbat worship like at the URJ National Biennial? I have a great comparison: pretend it is Sunday morning, you are channel surfing on TV, you come across a huge Christian Crusade in a packed convention center, with great music on the stage, television cameras everywhere, dynamic service leaders, a 200 voiced choir, and a charismatic congregation fully engaged. Now in your mind make it Jewish, and that is what Shabbat worship is like at the URJ National Biennial.

The service leaders I played for are probably the two most significant Jewish clergy in the United States at this time: Rabbi-Cantor Angela Warnick Buchdahl, Senior Rabbidesignate of Central Synagogue in Manhattan, who currently serves the congregation as Senior Cantor, and Rabbi RickJacobs, President of the Union for Reform Judaism. Rabbi-Cantor Buchdahl is the first ever Asian to be ordained, and her newest appointment as Senior Rabbi designate ofCentral Synagogue in Manhattan has been publicized around the world.

The 2015 National Biennial Convention is taking place November 4-8 in Orlando, Florida, and I know many of us will take advantage of the close proximity and attend. It is a great way to meet 5,000 Reform Jews from across the country, and experience the newest and best offerings of the Union for Reform Judaism.



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Fax 305-446-6688 APRIL – MAY 2014 / Nisan/Iyar/Sivan 5774 Volume 72 Number 46

Special Events and Programs.........................................................................................................................................................................................


Our Central Chavurah continues to enjoy this

season’s study of Pirket Avot. We thank Rabbis Heyn

and Chefitz for leading us in enlightening and

participatory dialogue and look forward to our

monthly sessions.

The date for the next session is Thursday, May 15.

Our future meetings willl be lead by Diane Lindner,

Rabbi Larry Halpern, Ruth Marks and Atle Vere. We

meet in Kaplan Hall at 7 p.m. for coffee and

refreshments, discussion and schmoozing. All are

welcome and we look forward to seeing you and

your friends.

Edythe Kerness






6:00 p.m. Dinner 6:30 p.m. Annual Meeting

7:30 p.m. Shabbat Service and Installation of New Board of Trustees followed by oneg

Save the Date:PRIDE SEDER

Wednesday, June 25th

It’s that time again… For a Ru’ach Shabbat! Ru’ach will again be

hosting a LGBT affirmative Shabbat

Friday, May 2 7:30 pm

at Temple Israel of Greater Miami 137 NE 19th St., Miami, FL 33132

It is the season when we read the Parsha Kedoshim, which deals not only with men not laying with men as with women, but the Holiness Code. This service will explore the theme of Acceptance… What Does It Mean to “Be Holy?”

If you are interested in participating in the service, please contact Avi Flashenburg at or Vickie Schulman at

We look forward to seeing you there! APRIL – MAY 2014 / Nisan/Iyar/Sivan 5774 Volume 72 Number 4 7

Date: Monday, April 7, 2014Time: 12:00 P.M.

TRAVELS WITH CHARLEY:IN SEARCH OF AMERICAA travelogue written by John Steinbeck in which he depicts a 1960 road triparound the United States, searching for the answer to this question:“What Are Americans Like Today.”

Have you read a good book lately? If you have, why not let the rest of us hear about it by attending theTemple Israel Book Club’s literary discussions. And if you’re interested in finding out what other peopleare reading, you are bound to get an earful of titles at our meetings. In the meantime join usfor the books slated for discussion in the coming months:

Date: Monday, May 5, 2014Time: 12:00 P.M.


Small-town life experience in the prairies of Colorado is beautifully and simply written by Kent Hauf. The focus is on eight compassionately imagined characters whose lives undergo radical change during the course of one year.

Following the book discussion you are invited to stay on for coffee and dessert, take part in a game of Mah-Jongg or simply enjoy the socializing atmosphere of First Monday. For further information: Dody Raskin - at 305-891-5823 or Gail Lewis – 305-374-2533

TEMPLE ISRAEL BOOK CLUB WANTS TO KNOW . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Sponsored by Temple Israel SisterhoodBring a bag lunch – dessert and coffee provided.

From noon to 1p.m. followed by knitting, mah jongg and lively chatter.

For more information, please contact Gail Lewisat or 305-374-2533. February – March 2014 / Adar I - Adar II 5774 Volume 72 Number 3


the HeartFridays, February 21 and March 21 SABABA


February 7 and March 7 5:45 PM


Treat yourself to a stimulating Monday afternoon when the TI Book Club convenes at 12 o’clock noon for a literary discussion of a pre-selected book. Following the discussion, the Mah-Jongg tables are set up and

the click-clack of colorful tiles takes over. Join the play or simply stay on for coffee, dessert and socializing. Further info: Gail Lewis: 305-374-2533 or Dody Raskin: 305-891-5823

Book Club Selections For the Coming Months

Monday, February 3, 2014

Jane Austen’s classic novel, Pride and Prejudice. A romantic comedy of

manners, Jane Austen presents a delightful commentary on the foibles of human

nature in this satire of the English country gentle folk of her day.

Monday, March 3, 2014

“Not all pioneers went west,” says David McCullough. In The Greater

Journey: Americans in Paris, he tells the enthralling and inspiring story of

the adventurous American artists, writers, doctors, politicians, and others who set

off for Paris in the years between 1830 and 1900, hungry to learn and to excel in

their work. What they achieved would profoundly alter American history.


Annual Purim Shpiel: The Megillah According to

Rodgers & Hammerstein


Fridays, April 18 and May 16

Sababa Shabbat Friday, April 4 and May 16 at 5:45 PM

Save the Date:PRIDE SEDER

Wednesday, June 25th APRIL – MAY 2014 / Nisan/Iyar/Sivan 5774 Volume 72 Number 48

FAMILY PROGRAMMING WEEKEND MAY 16-18Wolff Family Education Endowment Fund of the Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation

With Guest Award-Winning Performer

Ellen Allardand local cantors and cantorial soloists

FRIDAY, MAY 165:45 p.m. Sababa Shabbat

6:30 p.m. Service of the Heart

7:30 p.m. Shabbat Service and Oneg

SATURDAY, MAY 177:30 p.m. Lag b’Omer Songest for mature audiences

SUNDAY, MAY 1810:30 a.m. Religious School Brunch, sponsored by Michael Meltzer, including performances

by the children. All are invited! APRIL – MAY 2014 / Nisan/Iyar/Sivan 5774 Volume 72 Number 4 9

Prepare your questions, prepare your home, and above all else, prepare your mind and spirit for Passover! Temple Israel will help you prepare and celebrate as we offer a variety of programs and services to help get you ready and revved up for the Festivalof Freedom.

SISTERHOOD PASSOVER EXPERIENCEWednesday, April 2 at 6 p.m. Join Sisterhood for its annual Passover dinner gathering, chaired by Patty Craven, which traces the personal and unique history of Jewish women from the time of the Exodus to the present. An event for women only. Cost $15 Sisterhood members, $18 non-members. Reserve early! RSVP to Sisterhood co-presidents Susie Goldberg at 305.932.4299 or or Brandy Primak at or 954.720.9477.

PASSOVER COOKING CLASSSunday, April 6 at 10:30 a.m.Why will this Passover night be different than all others? Because you’ll learn to make holiday favorites with Doris Galindo, who will teach you how to wow them at the Seder! To register and for more information, contact the Temple office at or 305.573.5900.

INTRAFAITH CHOIR CONCERT Sunday, April 6 at 4 p.m. in the Bertha Abess Sanctuary As we ready ourselves for Passover, Temple Israel will host “A Musical Journey Towards Freedom” by the Intrafaith Choir of South Dade that is free and open to the public. Directed by Temple Beth Am Cantor Rachelle Nelson, the choir is comprised of about 35 volunteer singers from several area synagogues who share their appreciation of Jewish music by performing at a variety of South Miami-Dade County houses of worship. The upcoming concert will be the group’s first performance in a downtown congregational setting. Joining in the performance will be the Temple Israel Singers, under the direction of TI’s Musical Director Dr. Alan Mason. For more information, contact the Temple Israel office at 305.573.5900

BEYOND THE FOUR QUESTIONS: AN INTERACTIVE PASSOVER WORKSHOP Sunday, April 13 at 10 a.m. Rabbis Tom Heyn and Mitchell Chefitz explore the Haggadah as a kabbalistic text, replete with images that allude to the Four Worlds - the four questions, four cups of wine, and the four “sons,” or understandings. Please join us - and bring your questions! (This will be the focus of Mensch School that day.) Free and open to the community. To register and for more information, contact the Temple office at or 305.573.5900.

PASSOVER MORNING SERVICE Tuesday, April 15, 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon in Gumenick Chapel Celebrate the first day of Passover with a morning worship service led by Rabbi Tom Heyn.

CONGREGATIONAL SECOND SEDER Tuesday, April 15 at 6 p.m. Be with your Temple Israel family the second night of Passover. Seating limited, so make your reservations early! Cost for Temple members: $36 adults, $15 children 12 and under; non-members: $45 adults, $18 children 12 and under. Reservation deadline April 10; reservations confirmed only on receipt of check or credit card information. Click here to open, print out and complete Seder registration form; please return with payment to the Temple office. For more information, contact the Temple office at 305.573.5900 or

YIZKOR SERVICE Monday, April 21 at 7 p.m. in the Gumenick Chapel On the seventh day of Passover, Rabbi Tom Heyn will lead a Yizkor memorial service.

TI Prepares for and Celebrates

Passover APRIL – MAY 2014 / Nisan/Iyar/Sivan 5774 Volume 72 Number 4

Education and Youth.........................................................................................................................................................................................



Shalom Aleichem! My name is Adam DovGorelick, and I teach the 7th and 8th grade class at the Rabbi Colman A. Zwitman Religious School. So far it has been an enthralling and

Religious School News

Shalom Aleichem! My name is Adam Dov Gorelick, and I teach the 7th and 8th grade class at the Rabbi Colman A. ZwitmanReligious School. So far it has been an enthralling andmeaningful year for the whole school and for my class inparticular. This year, my students are in the process of the B’nai Mitzvah rite of passage. They have spent their time in religious school exploring the ethical, philosophical, andexperiential dimensions of their expression of Judaism against the multi-faith multicultural backdrop of the 21st Century. I have sought to expose the students to Jewishhistory through the centuries, to encourage respect forothers while strengthening their sense of Jewish identity, to engage their creativity and spirituality, to challenge them to innovate and to think critically, and to foster camaraderie and shared experience by having a grand old time together. The ethical dimension of Judaism is of particular interest to our school and to these students. In addition to tzedakah and the ideal of service, I have emphasized tikkun middot, the process of developing one’s inner character as a catalyst for impacting the world in a positive way.

One brief highlight from early in the year was a mock trial for which we were joined by the 5th and 6th grade class. In light of the early struggles of humankind to harmonize with divine guidance—and in light of God’s destructive responses such as with the flood—we decided to put humanity on trial, here and now. Half of the group was assigned to be a host ofangels representing the prosecution while the other halfconstituted the angelic defense team. With the fate ofhumanity hanging in the balance, the debate raged on. The prosecution presented what seemed like insurmountableevidence, pointing to the various evils of humankind’sfootprint on the world: war, unspeakable crimes, disregardfor other species and for the ecosystem. They evenchallenged the idea that humans are the pinnacle ofevolution and suggested that God might do better to start again with some other aspect of creation. Nonetheless, the defense countered with the positive contributions ofhumanity: peace, fellowship, increasing awareness andconsideration for the environment, and the overarching fact of nature that human beings are by definition imperfect and destined to falter along the path toward success. Then the judgment came down. Considering the arguments carefully, a panel of three faculty members participated in a secret

ballot, and by a narrow vote of 2 to 1, humanity was spared destruction. Baruch Hashem!

In addition to activities such as this, our class has explored the ideas of sacred space (such as with the Holy Temple of ancient Jerusalem or within our very own sanctuary) and sacred time (such as with Shabbat and other holidays as a spiritual form of time travel). As often as possible, we have tried to be creative in our methods, using poetry and visual art to engage the material. And we have placed our Judaism within the historical context of other religious peoples. As we enter the final stretch of the academic year, we look forward to a meaningful Passover experience and to many engaging sessions in the Sundays to come.

What is Education For?

Often, when I ask what education is for, I am met with puzzled expressions of “what do you mean?” After all, parentsexpress wanting their children to be well-educated, but what does a good education look like? Does the ability to recite the alphabet at an early age, and compute complex algebraic problems earlier in life contribute to such?

For years, educators, psychologists, researchers, andpolicymakers have grappled with these questions, and they will probably continue to discuss and exchange ideas.

In an era where information is a mouse-click away, is the ability to recite back information (some call it “parrot-out” data) important nowadays? How can one predict what would be needed when our children grow up to be adults? We’ve already learned that the work force is constantly changing, and the rapid advances in technology indicate that workers’ skills may not even be projected.

However, the one element that has prevailed through the years is the human ability to think. It’s not about what to think, but the ability to engage in complex thinking, andprovide solutions to problems/challenges as they arise (some call it ‘creative thinking’). In order to think creatively, educators and psychologists point often to the individual’s comfort level/sense of security, and research informs us that developing secured relationships in the early yearscontributes to a sense of security and confidence. It’s on that foundation of developing secured relationships that education is built upon. As children become confident in their abilities, they venture into ‘taking risks’, this affords them the opportunity for exploration that leads to learning.

Continued on page 11

10 APRIL – MAY 2014 / Nisan/Iyar/Sivan 5774 Volume 72 Number 4 11

What does taking risks look like in the early years?

-Going up the climber, and sliding down the slide-Making marks on the paper -Using scissors-Fighting over a toy-Building a high structure in the blocks area-Browsing through a book-Singing-Dancing-Opening cabinets and taking materials out-Playing with food-Challenging adults (“no! I don’t’ want to eat that”)

Here at the Joni and Stanley Tate Early Childhood Center, we afford children with many opportunities to safely practice risk taking, while developing trusting relationships among children and adults!


ABOUT BRAVERY HEARTS AND BRAVERY BEADS When children begin their difficult journey with cancer or other life-challenging illnesses, they are given a necklace with their name on it. As they undergo difficult treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation andsurgery, they receive special plastic or wooden beads, called Bravery Beads, to add to their necklace to commemorate these milestones.

This collection of beads gives children and families hope as well as atangible way to share their story. Over 10,000 children with cancer and other life challenging illnesses participate in the Bravery Beads Program each year.

Most children’s hospitals rely on the support of donors to provide the funds to acquire these beads. The Rabbi Colman A. Zwitman Religious School of Temple Israel has chosen this project for their 2013-2014Tzedakah Project. It takes $50.00 to supply a child with beads for a year. Won’t you help us meet our goal of providing this wonderful visualization of bravery to as many children as is possible?

If you have questions or want to make a donation please contact, Donna Seldes, Deborah Sherman or Phyllis Littman. Thank you for your support! APRIL – MAY 2014 / Nisan/Iyar/Sivan 5774 Volume 72 Number 412 February – March 2014 / Adar I - Adar II 5774 Volume 72 Number 36

Special Events and Programs.........................................................................................................................................................................................


As � c�t�ue the j�n� t��d � 100th�iv��, � Tem�e I�aл memb� & fri�ds

�e �vited to hлp pave the way to � fut�e.MOSES BOUGHTTWO, HOW ABOUT YOU? Since the beginning of time, Jews have used bricks and stones to

commemorate special events, places and people. We continue that time-honoredtradition by installing commemorative engraved bricks in our Brown Patio courtyard, layingthe foundation for a revitalized center for Jewish life in downtown Miami. This is a “ground

floor” opportunity for you to preserve your name, or that of a loved one, with a personalized, engraved brick. A perfect gift for every life-cycle occasion.

Proceeds from this campaign will ensure our financial strength and stability as we continuethe journey toward our most significant milestone in the history of Temple Israel.

Temple Israel of Greater Miami Centennial Brick CampaignPAVING THE WAY TO OUR FUTURE

BricksCard8.5x3.5_REV1.20.14:SmallerBricksCard 1/21/14 1:27 PM Page 1

Yс, I w�t to pave the way!__8 x 4” bricks @ $252 Max 3 lines of 18 characters ea, including punctuations and spaces. $_______

__8 x 8” bricks @ 360 Max 6-8 lines of 18 characters ea, including punctuations and spaces. $_______

Total $_______

Please complete this form and enclose with your contribution made payable to: Temple Israel of Greater Miami137 NE 19th Street, Miami, FL 33132

To make your payment online:

For further information call 305-573-5900.LINE 1







LINE 8Brick orders are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

Temple Israel of Greater Miami Centennial Brick CampaignPAVING THE WAY TO OUR FUTURE




8”x 8”

BricksCard8.5x3.5_REV1.20.14:SmallerBricksCard 1/21/14 1:27 PM Page 2

Since the beginning of time, Jews have used bricks andstones to commemorate special events, places and people.We continue that time-honored tradition by installingcommemorative engraved bricks in our Brown Patiocourtyard, laying the foundation for a revitalized center forJewish life in downtown Miami. This is a “ground floor”opportunity for you to preserve your name, or that of a lovedone, well into the next centennial with a personalized,engraved brick. A perfect gift for every life-cycle occasion.Proceeds from this campaign will ensure our financialstrength and stability as we continue the journey toward ourmost significant milestone in the history of Temple Israel.


As we continue the journey toward our100th anniversary in 2021, all Temple IsraelMembers & Friends are invited to help pave

the way to our future.

Temple Israel of Greater Miami Centennial Brick Campaign

PAVING THEWAY TO OUR FUTURESince the beginning of time, Jews have used bricks andstones to commemorate special events, places and people.We continue that time-honored tradition by installingcommemorative engraved bricks in our Brown Patiocourtyard, laying the foundation for a revitalized center forJewish life in downtown Miami. This is a “ground floor”opportunity for you to preserve your name, or that of a lovedone, well into the next centennial with a personalized,engraved brick. A perfect gift for every life-cycle occasion.Proceeds from this campaign will ensure our financialstrength and stability as we continue the journey toward ourmost significant milestone in the history of Temple Israel.


As we continue the journey toward our100th anniversary in 2021, all Temple IsraelMembers & Friends are invited to help pave

the way to our future.

Temple Israel of Greater Miami Centennial Brick Campaign

PAVING THEWAY TO OUR FUTURE February – March 2014 / Adar I - Adar II 5774 Volume 72 Number 36

Special Events and Programs.........................................................................................................................................................................................


As � c�t�ue the j�n� t��d � 100th�iv��, � Tem�e I�aл memb� & fri�ds

�e �vited to hлp pave the way to � fut�e.MOSES BOUGHTTWO, HOW ABOUT YOU? Since the beginning of time, Jews have used bricks and stones to

commemorate special events, places and people. We continue that time-honoredtradition by installing commemorative engraved bricks in our Brown Patio courtyard, layingthe foundation for a revitalized center for Jewish life in downtown Miami. This is a “ground

floor” opportunity for you to preserve your name, or that of a loved one, with a personalized, engraved brick. A perfect gift for every life-cycle occasion.

Proceeds from this campaign will ensure our financial strength and stability as we continuethe journey toward our most significant milestone in the history of Temple Israel.

Temple Israel of Greater Miami Centennial Brick CampaignPAVING THE WAY TO OUR FUTURE

BricksCard8.5x3.5_REV1.20.14:SmallerBricksCard 1/21/14 1:27 PM Page 1

Yс, I w�t to pave the way!__8 x 4” bricks @ $252 Max 3 lines of 18 characters ea, including punctuations and spaces. $_______

__8 x 8” bricks @ 360 Max 6-8 lines of 18 characters ea, including punctuations and spaces. $_______

Total $_______

Please complete this form and enclose with your contribution made payable to: Temple Israel of Greater Miami137 NE 19th Street, Miami, FL 33132

To make your payment online:

For further information call 305-573-5900.LINE 1







LINE 8Brick orders are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

Temple Israel of Greater Miami Centennial Brick CampaignPAVING THE WAY TO OUR FUTURE




8”x 8”

BricksCard8.5x3.5_REV1.20.14:SmallerBricksCard 1/21/14 1:27 PM Page 2

Since the beginning of time, Jews have used bricks andstones to commemorate special events, places and people.We continue that time-honored tradition by installingcommemorative engraved bricks in our Brown Patiocourtyard, laying the foundation for a revitalized center forJewish life in downtown Miami. This is a “ground floor”opportunity for you to preserve your name, or that of a lovedone, well into the next centennial with a personalized,engraved brick. A perfect gift for every life-cycle occasion.Proceeds from this campaign will ensure our financialstrength and stability as we continue the journey toward ourmost significant milestone in the history of Temple Israel.


As we continue the journey toward our100th anniversary in 2021, all Temple IsraelMembers & Friends are invited to help pave

the way to our future.

Temple Israel of Greater Miami Centennial Brick Campaign

PAVING THEWAY TO OUR FUTURESince the beginning of time, Jews have used bricks andstones to commemorate special events, places and people.We continue that time-honored tradition by installingcommemorative engraved bricks in our Brown Patiocourtyard, laying the foundation for a revitalized center forJewish life in downtown Miami. This is a “ground floor”opportunity for you to preserve your name, or that of a lovedone, well into the next centennial with a personalized,engraved brick. A perfect gift for every life-cycle occasion.Proceeds from this campaign will ensure our financialstrength and stability as we continue the journey toward ourmost significant milestone in the history of Temple Israel.


As we continue the journey toward our100th anniversary in 2021, all Temple IsraelMembers & Friends are invited to help pave

the way to our future.

Temple Israel of Greater Miami Centennial Brick Campaign

PAVING THEWAY TO OUR FUTURE February – March 2014 / Adar I - Adar II 5774 Volume 72 Number 36

Special Events and Programs.........................................................................................................................................................................................


As � c�t�ue the j�n� t��d � 100th�iv��, � Tem�e I�aл memb� & fri�ds

�e �vited to hлp pave the way to � fut�e.MOSES BOUGHTTWO, HOW ABOUT YOU? Since the beginning of time, Jews have used bricks and stones to

commemorate special events, places and people. We continue that time-honoredtradition by installing commemorative engraved bricks in our Brown Patio courtyard, layingthe foundation for a revitalized center for Jewish life in downtown Miami. This is a “ground

floor” opportunity for you to preserve your name, or that of a loved one, with a personalized, engraved brick. A perfect gift for every life-cycle occasion.

Proceeds from this campaign will ensure our financial strength and stability as we continuethe journey toward our most significant milestone in the history of Temple Israel.

Temple Israel of Greater Miami Centennial Brick CampaignPAVING THE WAY TO OUR FUTURE

BricksCard8.5x3.5_REV1.20.14:SmallerBricksCard 1/21/14 1:27 PM Page 1

Yс, I w�t to pave the way!__8 x 4” bricks @ $252 Max 3 lines of 18 characters ea, including punctuations and spaces. $_______

__8 x 8” bricks @ 360 Max 6-8 lines of 18 characters ea, including punctuations and spaces. $_______

Total $_______

Please complete this form and enclose with your contribution made payable to: Temple Israel of Greater Miami137 NE 19th Street, Miami, FL 33132

To make your payment online:

For further information call 305-573-5900.LINE 1







LINE 8Brick orders are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

Temple Israel of Greater Miami Centennial Brick CampaignPAVING THE WAY TO OUR FUTURE




8”x 8”

BricksCard8.5x3.5_REV1.20.14:SmallerBricksCard 1/21/14 1:27 PM Page 2

Since the beginning of time, Jews have used bricks andstones to commemorate special events, places and people.We continue that time-honored tradition by installingcommemorative engraved bricks in our Brown Patiocourtyard, laying the foundation for a revitalized center forJewish life in downtown Miami. This is a “ground floor”opportunity for you to preserve your name, or that of a lovedone, well into the next centennial with a personalized,engraved brick. A perfect gift for every life-cycle occasion.Proceeds from this campaign will ensure our financialstrength and stability as we continue the journey toward ourmost significant milestone in the history of Temple Israel.


As we continue the journey toward our100th anniversary in 2021, all Temple IsraelMembers & Friends are invited to help pave

the way to our future.

Temple Israel of Greater Miami Centennial Brick Campaign

PAVING THEWAY TO OUR FUTURESince the beginning of time, Jews have used bricks andstones to commemorate special events, places and people.We continue that time-honored tradition by installingcommemorative engraved bricks in our Brown Patiocourtyard, laying the foundation for a revitalized center forJewish life in downtown Miami. This is a “ground floor”opportunity for you to preserve your name, or that of a lovedone, well into the next centennial with a personalized,engraved brick. A perfect gift for every life-cycle occasion.Proceeds from this campaign will ensure our financialstrength and stability as we continue the journey toward ourmost significant milestone in the history of Temple Israel.


As we continue the journey toward our100th anniversary in 2021, all Temple IsraelMembers & Friends are invited to help pave

the way to our future.

Temple Israel of Greater Miami Centennial Brick Campaign


Name ________________________________________

Address ______________________________________

Phone ______________________ How many adults? ____ How many children? _____

Enclosed is my check ____. Please charge to my credit card below: (MC/Visa/Amex)

#______________________________ Exp. Date _______________ Security Code _______



ADULT LEARNINGMIDTOWN MUSSARThursdays through May 8, 7-8:30 p.m.

at Temple Israel

TI and the Mussar Institute are offering “MidtownMussar”, two levels of Mussar training. Rabbi Tom Heyn will lead the Level 1 course, which introduces students to the concepts and applications of Mussar, and the Mussar Institute’s Jeff Agron will guide Level 2, designed for experienced practitioners who want to take their learning to the next level. Tuition for the seven-week program is $10 per class or $60 for the entire series for TI members, $15 per class or $110 for non-members. To register and for more information, contact Temple Israel at or305-573-5900.

MENSCH SCHOOL WITHRABBI HEYNSundays, April 6, 27; May 4, 18; 10-11:30 a.m.

Most of us are familiar with the Yiddish word mensch, which literally means “human being,” but connotes a really good human being. How can Torah study and Jewish values help us learn to not only be good Jews, but also be really good people? What roles do spiritual practice and social action have to play? We will explore this and more as we delve into physical, intellectual and spiritual disciplines developed to maximize humanpotential. Students welcome to join the class at any time. Series free of charge for TI members, a sug-gested donation of $20 per class for non-members. To register, contact the Temple office at 305-573-5900 or

WEEKLY LEARNINGTuesday Noontime Learning w/Rabbi Heyn:

April 1, 8, 22, and 29; May 6, 13, 20, and 27

Most of us are familiar with the Yiddish word mensch, which literally means “human being,” but connotes a really good human being. How can Torah study and Jewish values help us learn to not only be good Jews, but also be really good people? What roles do spiritual practice and social action have to play? We will explore

this and more as we delve into physical, intellectual and spiritual disciplines developed to maximize humanpotential. Students welcome to join the class at any time. Series free of charge for TI members, asuggested donation of $20 per class for non-members. To register, contact the Temple office at 305-573-5900 or

Wednesday Noontime Learning w/Rabbi Chefitz:

April 2, 9, 16, and 30; May 7, 14, 21, and 28

The class is reading/discussing Rodger Kamenetz’s The Jew in the Lotus and Zalman Schacter-Shalomi’s translation of Heschel’s Yiddish poetry: Human-God’s Ineffable Name.

Talmud Study:

April 2, 9, 16, and 30; May 7, 14, 21, and 28

Learn Talmud on Wednesdays, 7-8:30 p.m. with Ruth Marks and Atle Vere. All levels welcome for this weekly study.

HAVDALAH GATHERINGS AT MEMBERS’ HOMES Temple Israel’s monthly Havdalah gatherings atmembers’ homes offer an informal setting to gettogether on a Saturday evening to share goodcompany, refreshments, and a brief Havdalahceremony and program led by Rabbi Heyn.

Our next gathering will be April 12 at 7:30 p.m., hosted by Lisa and Robert Waxman in their North Dade home. Rabbi Heyn will speak about the upcoming Passover holiday.

There will be a wine/cheese and dairy/dessert/fruit potluck, with coffee and other refreshments provided. RSVP and let us know what you’ll contribute to the potluck by contacting the Temple office at 305.573.5900 or

Our sincere thanks to all of our hosts. To RSVP for this get-together - or, if you would like to host one in your home - please contact the Temple office. February – March 2014 / Adar I - Adar II 5774 Volume 72 Number 36

Special Events and Programs.........................................................................................................................................................................................


As � c�t�ue the j�n� t��d � 100th�iv��, � Tem�e I�aл memb� & fri�ds

�e �vited to hлp pave the way to � fut�e.MOSES BOUGHTTWO, HOW ABOUT YOU? Since the beginning of time, Jews have used bricks and stones to

commemorate special events, places and people. We continue that time-honoredtradition by installing commemorative engraved bricks in our Brown Patio courtyard, layingthe foundation for a revitalized center for Jewish life in downtown Miami. This is a “ground

floor” opportunity for you to preserve your name, or that of a loved one, with a personalized, engraved brick. A perfect gift for every life-cycle occasion.

Proceeds from this campaign will ensure our financial strength and stability as we continuethe journey toward our most significant milestone in the history of Temple Israel.

Temple Israel of Greater Miami Centennial Brick CampaignPAVING THE WAY TO OUR FUTURE

BricksCard8.5x3.5_REV1.20.14:SmallerBricksCard 1/21/14 1:27 PM Page 1

Yс, I w�t to pave the way!__8 x 4” bricks @ $252 Max 3 lines of 18 characters ea, including punctuations and spaces. $_______

__8 x 8” bricks @ 360 Max 6-8 lines of 18 characters ea, including punctuations and spaces. $_______

Total $_______

Please complete this form and enclose with your contribution made payable to: Temple Israel of Greater Miami137 NE 19th Street, Miami, FL 33132

To make your payment online:

For further information call 305-573-5900.LINE 1







LINE 8Brick orders are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

Temple Israel of Greater Miami Centennial Brick CampaignPAVING THE WAY TO OUR FUTURE




8”x 8”

BricksCard8.5x3.5_REV1.20.14:SmallerBricksCard 1/21/14 1:27 PM Page 2

Since the beginning of time, Jews have used bricks andstones to commemorate special events, places and people.We continue that time-honored tradition by installingcommemorative engraved bricks in our Brown Patiocourtyard, laying the foundation for a revitalized center forJewish life in downtown Miami. This is a “ground floor”opportunity for you to preserve your name, or that of a lovedone, well into the next centennial with a personalized,engraved brick. A perfect gift for every life-cycle occasion.Proceeds from this campaign will ensure our financialstrength and stability as we continue the journey toward ourmost significant milestone in the history of Temple Israel.


As we continue the journey toward our100th anniversary in 2021, all Temple IsraelMembers & Friends are invited to help pave

the way to our future.

Temple Israel of Greater Miami Centennial Brick Campaign

PAVING THEWAY TO OUR FUTURESince the beginning of time, Jews have used bricks andstones to commemorate special events, places and people.We continue that time-honored tradition by installingcommemorative engraved bricks in our Brown Patiocourtyard, laying the foundation for a revitalized center forJewish life in downtown Miami. This is a “ground floor”opportunity for you to preserve your name, or that of a lovedone, well into the next centennial with a personalized,engraved brick. A perfect gift for every life-cycle occasion.Proceeds from this campaign will ensure our financialstrength and stability as we continue the journey toward ourmost significant milestone in the history of Temple Israel.


As we continue the journey toward our100th anniversary in 2021, all Temple IsraelMembers & Friends are invited to help pave

the way to our future.

Temple Israel of Greater Miami Centennial Brick Campaign

PAVING THEWAY TO OUR FUTURE APRIL – MAY 2014 / Nisan/Iyar/Sivan 5774 Volume 72 Number 4

Get Involved......................................................................................




Social Justice ForumDOROTHY SEROTTA

Gary Brown


The Dorothy Serotta Social Justice Forum will be joining with other synagogues and churches to stand up for justice in addressing problems in our schools and criminal justicesystem. The committee asks temple members to join with us at the Nehemiah Action meeting with school board and county commission members and administrators at the New Birth Baptist Church (2300 N.W. 135th St., Miami ) on Monday, March 31st, at 7:30PM under the coordination of PACT (People Acting for Community Together).

Proposals for reform of the public school suspensionsystem and criminal justice system will be presented to the representatives of the county agencies. It is expected that this coordinated effort among county religious organizations will have a significant impact on school and criminal justicepolicies. For more information, please contact MichaelSagmeister (, or Doris Galindo (


Sisterhood held their Rosh Chodesh dinner on January 29th. There were 35 people in attendance and a large variety of potluck dishes provided a delicious dinner. We want to expressour sincere thanks to Walli Chefitz and Ellen Kempler for the fabulous creative service they presented that evening. Also a thank you to all who helped to make Rosh Chodesh awonderful evening.

Our annual Trivia Night was held on February 22nd with Mama Jennie’s Restaurant serving a delicious Italian dinner. Thank you to Carla Neufeld for chairing this fun night. The annual YES Fund Luncheon was held on Sunday, March 9th in Wolfson. A potluck lunch started the afternoon. Aftera brief Sisterhood meeting, Michelle Levy, a WRJ memberof their Speaker’s Bureau, spoke about the programs made possible with the money that we raised. WRJ’s YES Fund has provided millions of dollars to support Reform andProgressive Jewish programs around the world. Thank you to all who attended and for the many tasty dishes they provided.

Sisterhood held their annual Bake Sale at the Purim Carnival on Sunday, March 16th in Wolfson. We wish to thank all those who provided the many delicious baked goods what were sold. Thank you for making the Bake Sale such a success.

On Wednesday, April 2nd, Sisterhood will hold their annual Passover Experience. This event will be chaired by Patty Craven with an assist from her committee who will provide a special program for the guests. Sisterhood members willprovide and prepare the holiday dinner. This event is forwomen only.

Due to circumstances beyond our control, we have had to postpone our tribute dinner and evening to Dr. Alan Mason which had been scheduled for Saturday, April 26th.

Sisterhood Dinner and Shabbat service will be held on Friday,May 30th. The dinner is open to all congregants at $25 per person. The special Shabbat service is being written by Edythe Kerness and her committee. Call the Temple office for dinner reservations.


OPPORTUNITYNow in its fourth year, Temple Israel’s Edible Garden seeks volunteers Sundays, 8:30 to 10 a.m., to work in the garden, prepare beds, plant, weed and water. This project benefits

the Lotus House shelter to which we deliver fresh vegetables every week. Join us for this very worthwhile effort. For more information, contact David Galler at

Brandy Primak Susie GoldbergSisterhood Co-Presidents APRIL – MAY 2014 / Nisan/Iyar/Sivan 5774 Volume 72 Number 4 15

Worship and Spirituality.........................................................................................................................................................................................


JOIN US:on Shabbat mornings

April & May Schedule

11:00 am – 12:30 pm: Joseph’s TableWeaving Torah texts of the great Jewish spiritualmasters into a fabric of many colors and shades. Our friend and mentor Joseph Grosbard is no longer with us, but his presence remains around the tables.

Feel inspired as you rejoice in Shabbat and connect with our welcoming community in the world renownedBertha Abess Sanctuary. Our Shabbat service is a gentle mix of traditional and spontaneous song and prayer. Can’t join us in person? Connect with us eitherby tuning into 880 AM radio, or you will find us streaming on the web at: or

with Rabbi Heyn and Rabbi Chefitz9:30 am - 11:00 am


Morning blessings, Psalms of praise, the Sh’ma with itsmeditations, and Standing in the Presence of the Divine.Sometimes with the prayerbook, sometimes not, butalways seeking deep attachment.

APRIL 117:30 pm Religious School Shabbat Service with the 7th to 9th Graders in the Bertha Abess Sanctuary followed by an Oneg Shabbat

APRIL 45:45 pm Sababa Shabbat 6:30 pm Sababa Shabbat Dinner7:30 pm Shabbat Service in the Bertha Abess Sanctuaryfollowed by an Oneg Shabbat


April 18 and May 16Temple Israel’s monthly “Service of the Heart”offers a unique tapestry of sound and spirit that’s just right to welcome Shabbat. The 45-minuteservice is followed by our 7:30 p.m. ShabbatEvening Service, offering a variety of traditional and innovative worship experiences.

APRIL 186:30 pm Service of the Heart7:30 pm Shabbat Service in the Bertha Abess Sanctuaryfollowed by an Oneg Shabbat


APRIL 256:30 pm Dinner7:30 pm Dedication of Centennial Bricks Shabbat Service in the Bertha Abess Sanctuary followed by an Oneg Shabbat

MAY 27:30 pm Ru’Ach Shabbat Service in the Bertha AbessSanctuary followed by an Oneg Shabbat

MAY 165:45 pm Sababa Shabbat 6:30 pm Sababa Shabbat Dinner6:30 pm Service of the Heart7:30 pm Shabbat Service in the Bertha Abess Sanctuary followed by an Oneg Shabbat

MAY 97:30 pm Religious School Confirmation Shabbat Service in the Bertha Abess Sanctuary followed by an Oneg Shabbat

MAY 237:30 pm Shabbat Service in the Bertha Abess Sanctuaryfollowed by an Oneg Shabbat

JOIN US:on Friday Evenings

7:30-8:30 pm

MAY 306:00 pm Sisterhood Shabbat Dinner7:30 pm Sisterhood Shabbat Service in the Bertha Abess Sanctuary followed by an Oneg Shabbat APRIL – MAY 2014 / Nisan/Iyar/Sivan 5774 Volume 72 Number 416


.................................................................................................................................................................Life Cycle Events

April Birthdays


April Anniversaries

Please email us your simchas so that as a community we can celebrate together. We need to celebrate life together and share in each other’s moments of joy. Please email your Births, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Engagements,Weddings, Birthdays, Anniversaries,Graduations to: Please put simcha corner on the subject line. We will do our best to include submissions received prior to noon on Wednesday in the current week’s e-bulletin as well as the next edition of the Chai Lites. We look forward to hearing from you.

Beata Rikhter Warren and Edward Warren 4

June and Stuart Jacobs 4

Cathi and Michael Graham 20

Jayne and Leonard Abess 23

Lucy and Alfred Holzman 27

Marsha Elser 1Elijah Gorelick 1Milo Pfeffer 1David Denmark 2Reyna Galler 2Spencer Kramer 2James Tate 2Amanda Fried 3Patricia Berezdivin 4Josephine Louis 4Eric Ruben 4Irenaida Diaz 5Ellen Kempler Rosen 5Barth Green 6Ben Barnes 7Lawrence Denmark 8Leonard Grossman 8Marshall Dore Louis 9Barton Sacher 9Hope Wine 9Isabelle Gell-Levey 10Vivian Witkoff 10Nancy Bloom 11Sharon Elliot 11Adam Musibay 11Joy Fried 12Larry Major 12Emily Kanter 13Michael Lapat 13Steven Leidner 13Lawrence Weinberg 13Brian Hirsch 17

Marjorie Klein 17Susan Scholz-Rubin 17Mark Fried 18Mitchell Chefitz 20Kerrin Bermont 21Molly Coller 21Lisa Mann 21Sonia Nathan 22Jeannie DeQuine 23Sari Greenberg 23Yossi Mairena 23Angela Sacher 23Julian Goldstein 24Golda LieberPerson 24Kenneth Raskin 24Todd Brazer 25David Fernandez 25Michael McClennen 25Stanley Tate 25Gertrude Weiner 25Alex Goldberg 27Arlene Kahn 27Mark Kirby 27Judith Price 27Susan Galler 28Bobby Glick 28Paula Bromberg 29Roger Michelson 29Jeffrey Bor 30Jennifer Parrado 30Michael Slote 30

May BirthdaysCarol Shear 1Jon Cross 2Cedric Shabsis 3Jane Gilbert 4Lois Klein 4Noah Musibay 5Douglas Jacobs 6Jamie Waxman 7Edythe Kerness 8Matthew Klein 8Rebeca Newman 8Shirley Spear 8Kathy Green 9Susan Rogers 9Carole Gerstein 10Bernice Goldman 10Noah Mayer-Perez 10Eve Rosenbaum 10Sylvia Stepakoff 10Katerine Ramirez 11Alan Roberts 11Cynthia Gold 12Edward Tavlin 12Lori Rosichan 13Kelsey Brown 14Ethan Mayer-Perez 15Marley Mayer-Perez 15Rachel Goldberg 16

Ellie Browner 17Patricia Taxman Craven 17Stephanie Jacobs 18Norma Orovitz 18Robin Rollnick 18Jack Schillinger 18Henry Wolff, Jr. 18Shai Bushman 20Sylvia Fink 20Daniel Green 20Leah Solomon 20Zachary Auslander 22Helyne Treister 22Ivonne Gordon 23Joan Bornstein 24Annsheila Turkel 24Audrey Barker 25Mayda Perez 25Howard Bushman 29Zoe Cross 29Nancy Kanter 29Beverly Morshenson 29Isaac Rosenberg 29Jonathan Barnes 30Margrit Bernstein 30Hannah Karl 30Jenny Litz 30

May AnniversariesMarc and Marilyn Csete 1Lenny and Lois Klein 4Jacque and Stephen Hertz 4Randi and Warren Trazenfeld 4Brian and Romy Gerber 10Jennifer and Andrew Bellinson 18Suzanne and Bradley Trushin 21Jannet Dannon-Mairena and Henry Mairena 21Susie and Richard Goldberg 27Michele and Larry Kabat 29 APRIL – MAY 2014 / Nisan/Iyar/Sivan 5774 Volume 72 Number 4




We value our Members. If you know of someone who

may be interested in finding out more about

Temple Israel of Greater Miami, please contact

Marla Towbin, Executive Director, at ext. 404. Thank you.



OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHYOn behalf of Temple Israel’s Board of Trustees,

Rabbis, and Administration we extend our condolences

to the entire immediate and extended family and friends of:


Husband of Florence Weiner and Advisory Council Member


Father of former staff member Linda Levin


Mother of Mary Prados


Aunt of Jannet Dannon-Mairena


Mother of Benji Waxman; Mother-in-Law of Gwen Wurm;

grandmother of Hannah, Jeremy, Sam and Abbie Waxman


Sister of Joseph McElwee


Brother of Lewis Kanner and brother in law of

Marcia Kanner


who appear in the film, The Day it Snowed in Miami, adocumentary of the LGBT-rights movement focusing on its early days during the Anita Bryant campaign in Miami-Dade County,

which premiered at the Colony Theatre in Miami Beach and aired locally on WPBT2. The film will air nationally on PBS

throughout the rest of 2014.

DEBORAH L. SHERMAN,who stars in her own authored production of Frida: Unmasked, a profile of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, presented March 1 by

Next@19th at The Light Box at Goldman Warehouse in Wynwood.

RICK KATZ AND STEVE ROTHAUS,who found a great way to celebrate Valentine’s Day and their 29th anniversary by getting married February 14th in New York City.

TI DIRECTOR OF MUSIC DR. ALAN MASON,who was accompanist for the February 23rd Installation

Ceremony of Bet Shira Congregation’s Cantor Shiree Kidron.

MAXINE AND KENNY SCHWARTZ,parents of ELIZABETH SCHWARTZ, honorees of the Friend of

Israel Humanitarian Award by the Greater Miami JewishFederation at its February 20th Main Event.

NANCY DREYFUSS AND VICKIE SCHULMAN,who were married February 5th in Massachusetts.


on the March 22nd marriage of their children,Walter Chefitz and Adena Ellenby.

MAZEL TOVBar Mitzvah

Chase Edward Timinsky born 26 August 2000 at Mount Sinai Medical Center to his parents Lisa Ellen Mann and John Edward Timinsky.

At early age of three years old Chase attended Von WedelMontessori School in North Miami, Florida. In Second grade, Chase transferred to the Cushman School where he will graduate middle school this school year. During his years at Cushman, Chase was Treasurer of the Builder’s Club and received numerous academic honors culminating with being chosen as Cushman’s Student of

the Year in 2011. The Miami Shores Chamber of Commerce held a luncheon to honor Chase and the other Students of the Year.

Chase excels at everything he does. His attention to detail and focus is rarely matched. He has been a State Champion in WTF Tae Kwon Do (Sparring and Forms), currently a third degree black belt; plays

baseball, catching and pitching for the Cushman Cougars and, has a passion for racing Gran Prix (GP) style motorcycles.

Chase follows the Miami Heat and the Miami Marlins. His favorite sports figures are: Dwyane Wade, LeBron James, Marc Marquez, Ray Allen, and Hanley Ramirez. Chase has a gift of patience and passion.

His current plans for his future are when he graduates college, Chase wants to participate in international business and obtain a law

degree. Chase, the world is your oyster, and you are in a position to take the opportunities that life has to offer. [from Shakespeare’s Merry

Wives of Windsor ( ii. ii. 5)]

Jeremy “Remy” Cross, the son of Temple members Jon Cross and Jen Karetnick, is a seventh grade student at Miami Country Day School. At

school, he plays on the soccer and lacrosse teams, and runscross-country. He also plays on the travel soccer team for Miami Shores Futbol Club. In addition, Remy is a musician, playing piano and saxophone

with his school instrumental groups. He is a member of the National Junior Honor Society and the Duke TIP program, and has received awards for citizenship, grade point average and soccer. Because of his interest in

sports, Remy’s Mitzvah project is collecting gently used sportsequipment for underprivileged children.

MAZEL TOVBar Mitzvah APRIL – MAY 2014 / Nisan/Iyar/Sivan 5774 Volume 72 Number 418


May God’s name be exalted and hallowed throughout the world that He created, as is God’s wish.May God’s sovereignty soon be accepted, during our life and the life of all Israel. And let us say: Amen.

May God’s great name be praised throughout all time. Glorified and celebrated, lauded and worshiped, exalted and honored,extolled and acclaimed may the Holy One be, praised beyond all song and psalm, beyond all tributes that mortals can utter.

And let us say: Amen.Let there be abundant peace from heaven, with life’s goodness for us and for all Israel. And let us say: Amen.

May the One who brings peace to His universe bring peace to us and to all Israel. And let us say: Amen.Zichrona L’vracha, May their memory be for a blessing.



Carolyn Apple

David Bass

Philip Baumoehl

Sarah Blatt

Sarah Blumenthal

Etta Carp

Frank Cole

Hazel Dallett

Rose Davis

Samuel Ehrenreich

Bessie Elson

Bertha Francis

Elizabeth Friedman

Yetta Gelvan

Emma Greenfield

Bernhard Kann

William Klinkenstein

Morris Kovens

Rose Lefkowitz

Rhoda Licht

Sidney Meisel

Johanna Miller

Jules Pearlman

Michael Primak

Michael Rizzo

Max Rosenzweig

Mathilde Rosthal

Isidore Rubin

Hirsch Sadowsky

Linda Schlosberg

Sarah Stein

Harry Stolar

Bernard Stolmaker

Albert Sussman

Pauline Tavlin

Adolph Ungar

Mortimer Wien

Hattie Younger

Calvin Zemsky


Ruth Bossak

Julius Brody

Henry Bulbin

Suzanne Collins

Joseph Cowan

Dorothy Fishman

Frances Freedman

Marcella Gans

Sam Goldman

Alex Goldstein

Florence Gram

Meyer Groskin

Herman J. Hegt

Herman K. Homa

Joseph Horwitz

Beatrice S. Hyman

Dr.adolph Jacoby

Ira David Joseph

Antonia Kann

Selma Katz

Irving Lieberman

William Lieberwitz

Sherwood Lowenstein

Betty Neulander

Samuel Prager

Belle Riff

Norman Rossman

Malcolm Roth

Dorothy Siegel

Louis Silverberg

Marie Silverman

Martin Sobel

Herbert Venzer

Bessie Wien

Sanford Zahler


Louis Adler

George Adler

Edith Asckenasy

Harry Blasberg

Barbara Brown

Barbara Brown

Evelyn Dash

David Davidson

Richard Deutch

Abraham Feldman

Charles H. Finkelstein

Ben Frankenstein

Daniel Friedman

Jennie Fryer Goodman

Marie Goudiss

Ignatz Jacoby

Benjamin Jaffe

Benjamin Kaiser

Debra Lane

Sam Levenson

Ruth Levin

Harraiet Matthews

M. Victor Miller

Rose Nadler

Ernice Weinkle Preston

*Names listed denote deceased whose plaque is in the Bertha Abess Sanctuary.

Ida Reigel

Theresa Riesner

Ida Robinson

Edith Roskin

Fae Rubin

Sarah Russin

Isidore Sherman

Yetta Silverberg

Abraham Stern

Erwin Stern

Arthur Ungar

Abe Vatz

Hattie Willens

Sarah Zilber


Clara Baumoehl

Edward Blatt

Lee Blumberg

Simon Bressler

Estelle Center

Albert Chauser

Marshall Cohen

Dora Coleman

Laura Dubbin

Nathan Feika

Sam Finkelstein

Anne Fisher

Emelia Gelb

Richard Gerstein

Samuel Goldberg

Max Goldhoff

Sarah Goldstein

Max Gottlieb

Rose Green

Sidney R. Jacobs

Henry Jacoby

Maurice Jaffe

Hyman Levy

Beatrice Lipkin

Benjamin Lipoff

Sarah Luby

Herbert May

Viola Mendelson

Zenia Meyer

Rose Miles

Anne Novack

Jack Rabinovitch

Rose Robbins

Gertrude Rosenthal

Rose Rubin

Julius Rudolph

Lee Towbin

Lillian Van Wye

Herman Wall

Shirlie Wasserman

Esther Woldenberg

Chai Zilber

MAY 2:

Theodore Abel

Lena Arbeit

Dorothy Baker

Geraldine Bellins

Lori Ann Cohen

Louis Dubbin

Sanford Emerman

Joseph Eppstein

Theodore Firestone

Daisy Fisher

Anna Frank

Anna Gordon

Adela Greenfield

Nathan S. Gumenick

Martin M. Haness

Alexander Hoffman

Michael M. Isenberg

Rachel Kandel

Moses Kandel

Hilda Kempler

Charles Kronson

Ada Levene

Leon Levin

Gertrude Levine

Joseph Levy

Sadie Lubash

Helen Mandel

J. Bert Marx

William Mayer

Madalyn Parks

Yechiel Podolnik

Morris Rubin

Bessie Rubin

Joseph H. Rudnick

Bertha Sarno

Arnold Scher

Bert Schnurer

Kenneth Shear

Harvey Simon

Philip Stern

Ana Tennenbaum

Peter Valdes

Abbot Waldberg

Lena Williamson

Mandle Zaban

Myron Zeientz

MAY 9:

Philip Applebaum

Paul Barnett

Jonas Behrmann

Irvine Beinhorn

Harry Blumberg

Marvin Bronner

Frances Brown

Joseph Davidson

Harold Davidson

Max Dritz

Herman Emerman

Goldye Franklin

Fruma Freed

Morris Goldstein

Harold Green

Bette Green

Anne Klein

Ruth Lebar

Fred Lehrer

Benjamin Licht

Benjamin Miller

Clifford Newmark

Lillian Rippa

Sidney Ross

Pauline Salzman

Lentz Samuel

Edward Scheer

Harry Scherer

Maurice Solar

Walter Stern

Henry Sternlieb

Morris Stuzin

Lenore Weitz

Mildred Winston

Jeanette Wolf

Frances Wolfson

Walter Zand

MAY 16:

Simon Bass

Samuel Bearman

Hermine Bergman

Meyer Denmark

Irene Ericson

Monte H. Fallek

Ethel Gitlin

David Haber

Samuel Halpern

Hannah Kaiser

Mynette Kann

Louis Kaplan

Morris Katowitz

William Kaufmann

Irving Levie

Heather Levin

Tillie Lisker

Irma Lister

Harry Medoff

Roslyn Medoff

Moritz Meyer

Samuel Miller

Maurice Orovitz

Zecil Palees

Freda Polson

Rebel Purcell

Frances Rabin

Charles Ratner

Marvin Rauzin

Sadye Resnick

Sarah Rudolph

Bernard Sadowsky

William Sharpe

Isie Silverman

Julius Simpson

Bernard Troub

Belle Woolf

MAY 23:

Michael Bloom

Allan Calman

Morton Elterman

Ben Francis

Leonard Friedman

Peter Galler

Elizabeth Gettleman

Charles Gilstein

J. Gordon

Marion J. Joseloff

Manuel Joseloff

Anna Levin

Bejamin Levine

Leah Levy

Lillian Livingston

Bert Lowenstein

Lois Newmark

Elizabeth Nunes

Diana Puckett

Bertha Queenth

Louis Riff

Frank Rose

George Rosenbloom

Anna Rosenthal

William Rubin

Louis Strauss

Howard Ullman Jr.

C. Helen Warren

Mollie Waxman

William Wolfson

Sara Zaban

Maurice Zechman

Louis Zeientz

Charles Zissen

MAY 30:

Charles Apte

Jack Braverman

Gertrude Bressler

L. Steven Broida

Adele Cohen

Louis Davidson

Diann Dubbin

Seymour Flamm

Harry Flayderman

Ruth Fuller

Joseph Garvett

Samuel Goldstein

Ana Sher Gordon

Leon Green

Sylvia Halpern

Esther Kandel

Henry Keller

Donna Kory

Sophie Lerner

Oscar Lerner

Alfred Levin

Sol Litvak

Mary Manxi

Madeline Marx

Florence May

Herman Neuhaus

Etta Newman

Myron Newman

Martha Redell

Pauline Rubin

Abe Savitz

Lewis Singer

Barbara Stein

Alfred Stein

David Sussman

Bess Vatz

Leonard Wien, Sr.

Julius Wolf APRIL – MAY 2014 / Nisan/Iyar/Sivan 5774 Volume 72 Number 4

KaddishMay God’s name be exalted and hallowed throughout the world that He created, as is God’s wish.

May God’s sovereignty soon be accepted, during our life and the life of all Israel. And let us say: Amen.May God’s great name be praised throughout all time. Glorified and celebrated, lauded and worshiped, exalted and honored,extolled and acclaimed may the Holy One be, praised beyond all song and psalm, beyond all tributes that mortals can utter.

And let us say: Amen.Let there be abundant peace from heaven, with life’s goodness for us and for all Israel. And let us say: Amen.

May the One who brings peace to His universe bring peace to us and to all Israel. And let us say: Amen.Zichrona L’vracha, May their memory be for a blessing.




We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who support Temple Israel of Greater Miamiby remembering and honoring their friends and loved ones through their generous contributions.

MEMORIAL Alan K. Roberts, M.D. in memory of Kevin LantzAngela and Barton Sacher in memory of Joseph RosensonArlene Stein and Family in memory of Essie LavineAudrey Barker in memory of Arthur BarkerBeth and Ed Tavlin in memory of Michael TavlinBob Waterstone in memory of Margaret WaterstoneBob Waterstone in memory of Marilyn SimonBunny Greenberg and Family in memory of Charles Greenberg, Meyer Goetz, and Lillian GreenbergCaryl Heller Chassman in memory of Nathan HellerCharles and Sandra Simon in memory of Esther JacobyClare and Jack Benjamin in memory of Martin FineDale S. Gary in memory of George StrykerDan Markson in memory of Morris MarksonDan Markson in memory of Trudy MarksonDaniel B. Markson in memory of Martin “Marty” FineDaniel Markson in memory of Eva HurvittDavid and Ms. Doree Press in memory of Francine PressDeborah Michele Levene in memory of Seth LeveneDora Maya in memory of David MayaDr. Stephanie Stryker Morgenstern in memory of Dr. George StrykerEdward Blumenthal in memory of Martha Blumenthal and Robert BlumenthalEdwin and Carol Wariner and Family in memory of Richard Wariner and Natalie WeinerElise Greenberg in memory of Jewel GreenbergEstelle E. Kohn in memory of Cecily JanofskyEthel and Al Solomon in memory of David SolomonJacqueline and Robert Traurig in memory of Martin FineJoan Schaeffer in memory of Irene Warner’s motherJoAnne Spring in memory of Harris ReibelJoyce Kaiser in memory of grandfather Charles SteinhauserJoyce Kaiser in memory of Martin FineKathy Serbin Berman in memory of Robert KahnKen and Dorothy Raskin in memory of Max RaskinLeona Friedman in memory of Shirley FriedmanLeonard Grossman in memory of Elaine Grossman and Mary RosenzweigLewis Kanner in memory of Rose E. JervisLily Yarosz in memory of Zygmund Yarosz and Harry YaroszLois H. Siegel in memory of Martin FineLois Rukeyser in memory of Ben LubinLolly Green in memory of John FriedMarcella Ungar Werblow in memory of S. Charles WerblowMargot B. Friedman in memory of Rachel KannerMarilyn Greenbaum in memory of Jerome GreenbaumMark S. Teitelbaum in memory of Joseph TeitelbaumMarvin Ross Friedman in memory of Sheila Natasha Simrod FriedmanMaurice Blumenthal in memory of Max BlumenthalMerri Mann in memory of Irving MannMr. and Mrs. Bob Gruder in memory of Marty FineMr. and Mrs. Joe Lacher in memory of Martin FineMr. and Mrs. M. Siegel in memory of Ruth LevyMrs. David Nathan in memory of David NathanNadene Schantz and Sharon Walshon Hernandez in memory of Leatrice E. HandlemanNeil and Nancy Schaffel in memory of Eva Sawitz and Carrie RosenNorm and Ellie Browner in memory of Maxwell BrownerNorm and Ellie Browner in memory of Elsie ChaffinNorma and Michael Orovitz in memory of Marty FinePatricia Papper in memory of Lillian Papper, Julia Papper, and Barbara LupatkinPeter and Kerrin Bermont in memory of Esther NewmanPhyllis and Irwin Hellman in memory of Julius HellmanRichard Milstein and Eric Hankin in memory of Ellen FineRoger Epstein in memory of Deborah Epstein and Herman LubschutzRuth Greenfield and David Wolkowsky in memory of Edna WolkowskySchlosberg Family in memory of Lawrence SchlosbergSheila Wohl in memory of Alfred WohlShirley Spear in memory of Martin FineSinger Family in memory of Max SingerSinger Family in memory of Rosa SingerSonny H. Baida in memory of Pauline SeitelmanSonya Rabin Greenfield in memory of Leon ManneSuzanne Litvak in memory of Harry Gitlin


OR ANONEG SHABBAT:Bimah flowers enhance our

Shabbat experience. Sponsoringthe bimah flowers is a lovely way to

remember or honor a loved one.Celebrating an anniversary, birthday

or other simcha and need a gift?Why not sponsor an Oneg Shabbat tocommemorate the occasion? And the

great thing is: one size fits all!As a sponsor of the bimah flowers orOneg Shabbat, your name will appear

in the Shabbat bulletin and inChai Lites. For more information

or to sponsor, please contact Templeoffice at 305-573-5900 or

Brenda and Jonathan Neumanin memory of George Neuman

Diane Kingin memory of her father, Al Nessor

Diane Kingin memory of her mother, Lillie Nessor

Frank Kabakin memory of Dina Kabak and family

Helene Good and Ire Diazin honor of their wedding annivesary

Joan L. Schaefferin memory of Bernard Delavenay

Marcella Werblowin memory of Dr. S. Charles Werblow

Marcella Werblowin memory of her father, Arthur A. Ungar, her grandfather, Adolph Ungar, and her

niece, Marcella Abess GansMarian Morgan

in memory of Lisa Isaaca MorganThe Cross-Karetnick family

in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Remy.

The Timinsky-Mann familyin honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son,

Chase APRIL – MAY 2014 / Nisan/Iyar/Sivan 5774 Volume 72 Number 420

The Goldring Family in memory of Carolyn F. Grossman and Barry GoldringThe Waxman Family in memory of Martin FineThe Waxman Family in memory of Maurice WaxmanToni Nathan in memory of William WertchafterWilliam Barkins in memory of Martin FineYvonne Benrube in memory of Elie AlchekB.B. GOLDSTEIN MUSIC FUND Brandy and Larry Primak in memory of Robert GolinTHE LEARNING PROJECT Bernard Silver and Susan Werth in honor of Rabbi Mitch ChefitzRichard B. Bermont in memory of Esther NewmanPaula Xanthopoulou in honor of Ale HeynDOROTHY SEROTTA SOCIAL JUSTICE FORUM Dr. Maurice Serotta in memory of Charlotte Serotta, Harry Serotta, and Belle LevinJoan Schaeffer in honor of the birthday of Elton KernessJoan Schaeffer in honor of Vickie Schulman and Nancy DreyfussKen and Dorothy Raskin in memory of Annette EisenbergPatty Taxman Craven in honor of the wedding of Vickie Schulman and Nancy DreyfussRABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Arthur Sheldon and Judith Clein in honor of the marriage of Wendy Jackson and David RosenblattKim Lerner donationMr. and Mrs. Neal Horner in memory of Nathan S. LeeRichard Milstein and Eric Hankin donationTEMPLE ISRAEL Charles and Deborah Citrin in memory of Martin FineElise Greenberg in honor of the kindness of Vivian WitkoffHenry and Rhonda Keller in memory of Adrienne KellerJoan L. Schaeffer in honor of the birthday of Diane KingJoni and Stanley Tate donationLinda Kingston facility donation for tour Marilyn Udell donationMonica Tracy donation Scott Wenders in honor of the wedding of Vickie Schulman and Nancy DreyfussTHE CHARLES HELD FUND TO FEED THE HUNGRY Budd and Nanette Mayer donationCandace and Lloyd Ruskin in memory of Annette EisenbergElena Willenborg donationElliot H. Scherker donationFrances M. Wylde donation Larry and Deborah Hoffman donation Nancy and Neil Schaffel donationPaul Goldman in memory of Abe BesselPaul Goldman in memory of Frances BesselRobin and Neil Rollnick in memory of Martin FineRobin, Ari and Neil Rollnick in memory of Bernard StriarRobin, Ari and Neil Rollnick in memory of Tess RollnickSandi and Charles Simon in memory of Martin FineSandi and Charlie Simon donationRABBI COLMAN A. ZWITMAN RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Gladys L. Cowen in memory of Donald S. LavigneJoan Schaeffer in honor of the birthday of Peter BermontRoz Smith donation RADIO-INTERNETKen and Dorothy Raskin in honor of 80th birthday of Elton KernessPhyllis Littman in honor of 80th birthday of Elton KernessPhyllis Littman in honor of the birthday of Dena GlazerPhyllis Littman in honor of the birthday of Suzanne HafkinSherrie Garfield in memory of Walter SternShirley Landwirth in memory of Lt. Robert RichterSusie and Richard Goldberg in memory of Mac GoldbergTHE JONI AND STANLEY TATE EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER Michelle Krinzman in memory of Martin FineJoni and Stanley Tate in memory of Anna TatelmanJoni and Stanley Tate in memory of Marty FinePhyllis Littman in honor of the birthday of Gail LewisHenry E. Wolff, Jr. in memory of Zelma WolffPeter Bermont donationBROTHERHOOD Sherwin Goldman donationRABBI’S PROGRAMMING Marsha B. Elser in honor of Rabbi M. Thomas HeynSuzanne Hafkin in honor of Rabbi M. Thomas HeynTHE PRAYER BOOK PROJECT Michelle Krinzman in memory of Martin FineRichard Milstein and Eric Hankin in memory of Dick WeinerMARJORIE SCHILLINGER RELIGIOUS SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP Jack Schillinger in memory of Jacob Kahn and Anna GreenbaumFLOWER FUNDBrenda and Jonathan Neuman in memory of George NeumanFrank Kabak in memory of Dina Kabak and familyHelene Good and Ire Diaz in honor of their wedding annivesaryJoan L. Schaeffer in memory of Bernard DelavenayMarcella Werblow in memory of Dr. S. Charles WerblowMarian Morgan in memory of Lisa Isaaca Morgan


in honor of the 22nd anniversary of his conversion.Susie Goldberg

in honor of her husband Richard’s birthdayThe Cross-Karetnick family

in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Remy.The Timinsky-Mann family

in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Chase.Vickie Schulman and Nancy Dreyfuss

in honor of their wedding





We had never heard teaching like that. We realized we weren’t ready for such spiritual instruction until we had heard andrepeated his stories.

The following year he arrived late yet again to a room alive with singing. He told a story, but we were waiting for hisTorah. He shared his Torah. It was the deepest of the deep.

Then, he took a break and did his still deeper work. Hewandered about, looking into the eyes of each us in turn. “Holy brother,” he would say. “How have you been this year? Holy sister, how have you been?”

He saw each of us in the depth of our own being.

Why did he arrive late each year?

I had occasion to drive him from one engagement to the next. He was my teacher. As we traveled, he taught me. Or, as he taught me, we traveled.

If we reached the house or the hall of his next engagement before the teaching was done, he stayed in the car to complete the learning with me.

Shlomo was never late. He was present to the task at hand.

from as a community. As always, I am grateful for the gifts Temple Israel brings into my life, including- maybe especially, the challenges, which offer great opportunities for learning and expansion.

Wishing you all a Zissen Pesach-

Joan L. Schaeffer, President

Continued from page 4 APRIL – MAY 2014 / Nisan/Iyar/Sivan 5774 Volume 72 Number 4


April 2014.........................................................................................................................................................................................


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday



1514 13

12 11






23 24 25 26

27 28

9:30 AM:Shabbat Study/Service11:00 PM: Joseph’s Table

12:00 PM:First Mondays/Great Books

12:00 PM:Learning w/ Rabbi Mitch

5:30 PM:TI SingersRehearsal

7:30 PM:Family ShabbatService (R.S. 7th-9th Grade)

9:30 AM:ShabbatStudy/Service11:00 PM: Joseph’s Table7:30 PM: Havdallah Service at theWaxmans’

9:15 AM: Religious School10:30 AM: Mensch School

8:00 AM: ECCand TempleClosed 10:30 AM: Passover Service 6:00 PM: Community Second Seder

12:00 PM:Learning w/Rabbi Mitch

5:30 PM:TI SingersRehearsal

6:30 PM:Service ofthe Heart7:30 PM: Shabbat Service and Oneg

9:30 AM:ShabbatStudy/Service11:00 PM: Joseph’s Table


7:00 PM:Yizkor Service

12:00 PM: LearningIntegral Kabbalah w/ Rabbi Tom5:00 PM: Executive Board Meeting6:00 PM: Board of Trustees Meeting

12:00 PM:Learning w/Rabbi Mitch

5:30 PM:TI SingersRehearsal


9:30 AM:ShabbatStudy/Service11:00 PM: Joseph’s Table

9:15 AM: Religious School10:30 AM: Mensch School

112:00 PM:Learning Integral Kabbalah w/ Rabbi Tom

12:00 PM:Learning w/ Rabbi Mitch6:30 PM: Sisterhood Passover Experience6:30 PM: Religious Affairs Committee Meeting

5:30 PM:TI SingersRehearsal

5:45 PM: Sababa Shabbat Service (ECC)6:30 PM: Sababa Shabbat Dinner (ECC)7:30 PM: Shabbat Service and Oneg

29 3012:00 PM:Learning w/Rabbi Mitch

12:00 PM:Learning IntegralKabbalah w/ Rabbi Tom6:30 PM: Fundraising Committee Meeting 7:30 PM: Membership Meeting


9:15 AM:Religious School10:00 AM: Mensch School 10:30 AM: Passover cooking class 4:00 PM: Intra-Faith Choir w/ Rachelle Nelson

ECC andand TempleNoon Closing

12:00 PM: LearningIntegral Kabbalah w/ Rabbi Tom

21 APRIL – MAY 2014 / Nisan/Iyar/Sivan 5774 Volume 72 Number 422

May 2014.........................................................................................................................................................................................


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday



1312 11

10 9





21 22 23 24

25 26

9:30 AM:Shabbat Study/Service11:00 PM: Joseph’s Table

8:00 AM:Parent TeacherConference (ECC) 12:00 PM: FirstMonday/Great Books

12:00 PM:Learning w/ Rabbi Mitch6:00 PM: Religious Affairs Committee Meeting

5:30 PM:TI SingersRehearsal

8:00 AM: Parent TeacherConference (ECC) 9:00 AM: Mother’s Day Celebration (ECC) 11:00 AM: Tot Shabbat (ECC) 7:30 PM: ShabbatService (R.S.Confirmation) and Oneg

9:30 AM:Bar MitzvahService (Chase Timinsky)11:00 PM: Joseph’s Table

12:00 PM: LearningIntegral Kabbalah w/ Rabbi Tom6:00 PM: JewishCommunity Services Dinner 6:30 PM: Fundraising Committee Meeting7:30 PM: Membership Meeting

12:00 PM:Learning w/Rabbi Mitch

5:30 PM:TI SingersRehearsal7:00 PM:Central Chavurah

Wolff FamilyEducationWeekend5:15 PM: Sababa Shabbat Service with Ellen Allard 6:30 PM: Family-friendly Service of the Heart with Ellen Allard7:30 PM: Family-friendly Shabbat Service with Ellen Allard and Oneg

9:30 AM: BarMitzvah Service (Remy Cross)9:30 AM: Shabbat Study/Service11:00 AM: Joseph’s Table7:30 PM: Lag B’Omer Songest with Ellen Allard (for matureaudiences)

9:15 AM: Religious School10:30 AM: Mensch School

12:00 PM: LearningIntegral Kabbalah w/ Rabbi Tom5:00 PM: Executive Board Meeting6:00 PM: Board of Trustees Meeting

12:00 PM:Learning w/Rabbi Mitch5:30 PM: Social Justice Committee Mtg

5:30 PM:TI SingersRehearsal

7:30 PM:ShabbatService and Oneg

9:30 AM:ShabbatStudy/Service11:00 PM: Joseph’s Table

ECC andTempleClosed - Memorial Day

5:30 PM:TI SingersRehearsal

7:30 PM: Ru’AchShabbat Serviceand Oneg

27 28 2912:00 PM:Learning w/Rabbi Mitch

5:30 PM:TI SingersRehearsal

12:00 PM:Learning Integral Kabbalah w/ Rabbi Tom


9:15 AM: Religious School10:30 AM: Mensch School

306:00 PM:SisterhoodShabbat Dinner7:30 PM: Sisterhood Shabbat Service and Oneg

12:00 PM: LearningIntegral Kabbalah w/ Rabbi Tom

9:30 AM:ShabbatStudy/Service11:00 PM: Joseph’s Table

31 APRIL – MAY 2014 / Nisan/Iyar/Sivan 5774 Volume 72 Number 4

annuities life

health dental

employee benefits


long term care

A Smart Investment For A Secure FutureDouglas M. Jacobs 305.944.0606

sm APRIL – MAY 2014 / Nisan/Iyar/Sivan 5774 Volume 72 Number 4 www.templeisrael.netFebruary – March 2014 / A

dar I - Adar II 5774 Volume 72 Number 3

6Special Events and Programs




....................................................................................... As�c�t�uethej�n�t��d�100th �iv��,�Tem�eI�aлmemb�&fri�ds �e�vitedtohлppavethewayto�fut�e.MOSES BOUGHT TWO, HOW A BOUT YOU? Since the beginning of time, Jews

have used bricks and stones to commemorate special events, pla

ces and people. We continue that time-honored

tradition by installing commemorative engraved bricks in our Brown

Patio courtyard, layingthe foundation for a revitalized cen

ter for Jewish life in downtown Miami. This is a “ground

floor” opportunity for you to preserve your name, or that of a loved o

ne, wit h a personalized, engraved brick. A pe

rfect gift for every life-cycle occasion.

Proceeds from this campaign will ensure our financial strength and

stability as we continuethe journey toward our most signif

icant milestone in the history of Temple Israel.

Temple Israel of Greater Miami Centennial Brick




BricksCard 1/21/14 1:27 PM Page 1 Yс, I w�t to pave the way!

__8 x 4” bricks @ $252 Max 3 lines of 18 characters ea, includ

ing punctuations and spaces.$_______

__8 x 8” bricks @ 360 Max 6-8 lines of 18 characters ea, inclu

ding punctuations and spaces.$_______ Total $_______Please complete this form an

d enclose with your contribution made payable to:

Temple Israel of Greater Miami

137 NE 19th Street, Miami, FL 33132

To make your payment online:


For further information call 305-573-5900.LINE 1 LINE 2 LINE 3 LINE 4 LINE 5 LINE 6 LINE 7 LINE 8

Brick orders are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed

by law.

Temple Israel of Greater Miami Centennial Bric









8”x 8”


erBricksCard 1/21/14 1:27 PM Pa

ge 2












mostsignificantmilestoneinthehistoryofTempleIsrael.MOSESBOUGHT TWO,HOWABOUTYOU? Aswecontinuethej




















mostsignificantmilestoneinthehistoryofTempleIsrael.MOSESBOUGHT TWO,HOWABOUTYOU? Aswecontinuethej









CHAI LITES IS PUBLISHED BYTEMPLE ISRAEL OF GREATER MIAMI137 NE 19th Street Miami, FL 33132Phone (305) 573-5900 Fax (305)

Member of the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ)Published Monthly except July byTemple Israel of Greater Miami (USPS538-000)POSTMASTER: Send returns to 137 NE 19th Street Miami, FL 33132


Miami, FL

temple israel centennial brick campaign. call 305.573.5900




how about you?Order your personalizedbrick for Brown Patio andbe a permanent part ofTemple Israel’s history.

Friday, April 25th6:00 p.m. Dinner

RSVP to the Temple Office by April 23rd.

7:30 p.m. Dedication Shabbat Service followed by oneg


As Temple Israel counts down to its 100th anniversary, we invite

members and friends to support our Centennial Brick Campaign to help

pave the way to our future. This is a special opportunity for you to

preserve your name, or that of a loved one, with a personalized,

engraved brick in the Temple’s Brown Patio courtyard - literally,

connecting generations to become a permanent part of Temple Israel

history. Proceeds from this campaign will help ensure the Temple’s

financial strength and stability as we honor our past, celebrate our

present, and look ahead to our shining future. To purchase a Brick and

for more information,contact the Temple office at info@templeisrael.

net or 305.573.5900. Thank you!
