Ch. 11 Emotional Development 1-3. Common Emotions 1-3 years Anger: a reaction to frustration 18...


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Ch. 11Ch. 11Emotional Emotional

Development 1-3Development 1-3

Common Emotions 1-3 yearsCommon Emotions 1-3 years• Anger: a reaction to frustration

18 month 3 years

How is it expressed? explosive tantrums, hitting, kicking, attacking

Name calling, pouting, scolding

Causes of anger Sick, tired, hungry, uncomfortable, Don’t get their way

Acceptable ways of dealing with anger

Use wordsSpeak calmlyTake a deep breath

Behavior often stops if there is not a result

Older toddlers are not angry as often, but stay mad longer

Common Emotions 1-3 Common Emotions 1-3 yearsyears

• Fear: 1. Some fears are good: keep children away from

dangerous situations2. Common fears: separation anxiety, the dark,

strangers3. Some fears are bad: must be overcome in order to

develop in a healthy way.1. Abnormal fears: phobias2. Taking on parental fears*Help children overcome their fears by: offering support

and understanding, encouraging children to talk about their fears, in some cases…accept the fear and avoid confronting it

Common Emotions 1-3 Common Emotions 1-3 yearsyears

• Jealousy: – Toddlers resent affection between parents– Sibling rivalry

• How can you prepare the child for a brother or sister?

– Talk to the child– Reassure– Spend time– Show affection– Explain the “important job” of big brother or

sister to get the child excited about the new addition

Common Emotions 1-3 Common Emotions 1-3 yearsyears

• Love/AffectionWays to show love: hugs, kisses, hugging legs,

climbing onto laps, saying “I love you”Who do children love?• First those who satisfy their physical needs

– then• Siblings• Peers• Pets• People they see frequently

Common Emotions 1-3 Common Emotions 1-3 yearsyears

• Sympathy/Empathy1 year old 3 year old

Pat and talk to another child who is hurt

Sharing toys

Children feel sympathy, but don’t understand it.

Discipline Terms to Discipline Terms to know…know…

• Discipline: The task of helping children learn to behave in acceptable ways.

• Punishment: What we do to the child who knows a behavior is wrong and chooses to do it anyway.

• Goal of Discipline: Self discipline

Guidance TechniquesGuidance Techniques1. Redirection2. Reasoning3. Time out4. Setting Rules5. Modeling6. Listening7. Reinforcement8. Offering choices9. Acceptable outlets for expressing feelings10. Avoid overstimulation11. Positive Guidance12. Natural and Logical Consequences13. Age Appropriate Activities14. Avoid unrealistic expectations
