CERTIFIED SALES MANAGER · Action Selling will make that happen. Action Selling teaches salespeople...


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CERTIFIED SALES MANAGERManagement of a sales force

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To help managers gain an understanding of the practical elements involved in sales management. The course focuses on specific areas that will ensure the sales manager provides his or her team with focus and direction. It is crucial that sales people are made aware of the importance of their input and how it affects the overall results of the team. This course will provide the sales manager with the necessary "mechanics" required to run a successful sales team

Program Objectives

• Understand the difference between visions, goals and targets • Dictate the focus of the sales team by planning for the short, medium and long-term • Recognise the importance of setting specific objectives for both the team and individuals • Maintain high levels of motivation within the team • Develop a realistic and workable sales plan

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

This Sales Management training course is designed for Sales Managers newly appointed Sales Managers and Sales Staff who are expecting to be appointed to Sales management in the near future

Sales Management Course Prerequisites:

Accredited from Missouri State University

Learn more. Do more.McGrawHill

Table of contents

Action Selling will make that happen. Action Selling teaches salespeople an easy-to-learn sales management process that utilizes Five Critical Sales Skills within a 9-Act procedure that has been researched and proven to move the sale forward naturally. An Action Selling sales force knows how to increase sales by following the customer’s buying decisions without manipulative selling techniques or tricks often taught in large sales seminars. Your salespeople will know how to set the right kind of objectives for every call. They'll know how and when to ask the best questions. They'll know how to sell value without reducing price and they'll know how to consistently gain commitment.

Appointments. Deadlines. Quotas. Closing. Repeat this over and over about 50 times and you have a pretty good idea of what it is like to be in sales. Repeat it 50 times for every member of a sales team, and now you know what it is like to be a sales manager. A sales manager is in charge of keeping a whole group of sales reps on track, on schedule and motivated to get back in the game day after day, no matter what the market conditions may be. A sales manager has to be part baby-sitter, part traffic-cop, part cheerleader and part sales guru. It helps if you have good communication skills and a thorough knowledge of human behavior patterns.

In our Sales Management Skills seminar, we take you through a highly interactive training program that can help you develop all of these skills, and even a few more. The name of the game is connecting with people and motivating them to succeed. We use a combination of role-plays, small group activities, and videotaped practice sessions to provide you with opportunities to apply your new skills in real time so that you will have confidence back on the job. You will be a more effective manager and your team will become more productive where it really counts: greater productivity and higher profits.

Maximize sales productivity and meet annual revenue goalsDevelop a more effective company-wide sales cultureBetter define your sales process and reduce sales cycle timeTrain your sales force and coaches to maximize potentialPosition new hires on the fast track to sales success

Sales Management Training

Seminar Outline:

PART I : Introduction to Sales Force Management Chapter 1 : The Field of Sales Force Management Chapter 2 : Strategic Sales Force Management Chapter 3 : Personal Selling Process PART II : Organizing, Staffing, and Training a Sales Force Chapter 4 : Sales Force Organization Chapter 5 : Profiling and Recruiting Salespeople Chapter 6 : Selecting and Hiring Applicants Chapter 7 : Developing, Delivering, and Reinforcing a Sales Training Program PART III : Directing Sales Force Operations Chapter 8 : Motivating a Sales Force Chapter 9 : Sales Force Compensation Chapter 10: Sales Force Quotas & Expenses Chapter 11: Leadership of a Sales Force PART IV : Sales Planning Chapter 12: Sales Forecasting and Developing Budgets Chapter 13: Sales Territories PART V : Evaluating Sales Performance Chapter 14: Analysis of Sales Volume Chapter 15: Marketing Cost and Profitability Analysis Chapter 16: Evaluating a Salesperson's Performance Chapter 17: Ethical and Legal Responsibilities of Sales Managers

Imagine All Your Salespeople Achieving Quota!

Action Selling helps you ...

Accredited from Missouri State University