CEM Quality Mgt. Presentation...


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It is our policy to exceed our customers' expectations. To fulfill this mission we each take personal responsibility

for everything we do.

Company Overview Founded 1989

49 Staff Members

2 Shifts – Expanded (6AM-1AM)

20,000 Square Feet Facility

ISO 9001:2008 Registered

Unannounced ISO Audits

IPC 610 Certified

J-STD-001 Certified Extensive BGA Evaluation

Capabilities Including X-ray and End-Scope Optical Inspection

ITAR Registered

Conceptual Design Engineering

PWB Layout

Quick-Turn Prototypes.

Pre-production & Production Runs

Exotic Materials

Smallest Comp – 01005’s

Largest Comp BGA’s 2160 Balls uBGA’s

Full Turnkey Capabilities

Fully Staffed Purchasing Dept

Design Thru Assembly and Test

Manufacturing Capabilities Leaded, RoHS, and Mixed Technologies

High Layer Count, Up to 32 Layers

Quick Reaction Prototyping Services

Pre-Production & Production Runs

Smallest Component Size Placed, 01005

Largest SMT Processed Board Size 36” by 48”

In Excess of 2000 BGA’s Placed Each Month

Largest BGA, 2160 Balls

u BGA’s, Fine Pitch Placed

In House BGA Rework and Re-balling Expertise

Largest # BGA’s Places on Single Board, 64

X-Ray and Endo-Scope BGA Inspection

Automatic Optical Inspection (AOI)

Functional Testing Services

Expires July 27, 2018

Quality Management System

Quality System




Incoming Insp

SOP 4.01 & SOP 4.02 Management Responsibility

SOP 4.03 Contract Review

SOP 4.04 Design

SOP 4.06 Purchasing

•Program combine like material•Subcontract review•Approved vendor list•ECN change control

•ECN Change control•Customer approval

SOP 4.10 Inspect •Received material•Bare board testing•Match purchase orders

ISO 9001:2008 Registered

Kit Verification


In-Process Insp

Final Insp


SOP 4.09 Process Control

SOP 4.09 Process Control

SOP 4.10 Inspect

SOP 4.10 Insp.

•100%•Measurement•Documentation Control•Process feedback


SOP 4.10 Insp. & Test •In-circuit•Functional•ESS•Measure 1st pass yield

•Verify to BOM•Supply Documentation•Create travelers•Measure accuracy

•Process control•Traveler•Traceability

ISO 9001:2008 Registered

Quality Management System

Document Cont

Customer Prod



Corrective Action

SOP 4.05 Document and Data control

SOP 4.07 Control of customer supplied products

SOP 4.08 Product Identification and Traceability

SOP 4.11 Control of Measuring, Inspection and Test Equipment

SOP 4.14 Corrective and Preventative Action

•Controlled documents•ECN control•Customer documents


ISO 9001:2008 Registered

Quality Management System

C u s to m e r P ro g ra m

T . B la c k m o n

S tart

P ro c u re m en t

S p e c ia l In s tru c t io n s

K it V e rif ica t io n & P rep

E le c tric a l A ss e m b ly

M e c h a n ic a l A ss e m b ly

H a rn es s A ss e m b ly

In sp e c tio n In s p e c tio n In s p e c tio n

F in a l As s e m b ly

In s p e c tio n

G en e ra l P ro d u ct F lo w

Quality Assurance SystemProduct F

low G


S ta rt

S u rfa c e M o u n t T e c h n o lo g y A u to m a tic

P ro c e s s

P ro c e s s F lo w C h a rt S u rfa c e M o u n t T e c h n o lo g y A u to m a tic

L o a d S M T D e v ic e s In to

M a g a z in e

S c re e n P r in t S id e 1

L a s e r C u t S te n c il

P la c e S M T C o m p o n e n ts

S id e 1

1 s t P ie c e In s p e c tio n

S id e 1C o n tro l P o in t

T o A

1 0 0 % v e r ific a tio n to


P ro g ra m S M T

E q u ip m e n t

D o cu m e n t R e su lts

T . B la c k m o n

In c lu d e s B G A's a n d B G A S o c k e ts

C o n tro l P o in t

1 0 0 % X -R A Y B G A

P la c e m e n t

D o c u m e n t R e su l ts

Quality Assurance SystemProduct F

low G


R e p e a t P ro c e s s S id e


D e v e lo p R e c ip e

F ro m A

R e - F lo w S id e 1

N oC o n tro l P o in t

1 0 0 % X -R A Y B G A S o ld e r

D o c u m e n t R e su lts

L a s e r S te n c i l

R e c ip e s

X - R a y

N oC o n tro l P o in t

D o c u m e n t R e su lts

1 0 0 % v is u a l In s p e c t io n

T e s tN o

C o n tro l P o in t

D o c u m e n t R e su lts

P ro c e s s F lo w C h a rt S u rfa c e M o u n t T e c h n o lo g y A u to m a tic

S h ip

S to p

Quality Assurance SystemProduct F

low G


Work Center Operation OperQty


Time* DateKV 10

ASM 20ASM 30ASM 40

II 45ASM 50

II 55ASM 60

II 65XR 75

ASM 80ASM 90

II 95ASM 100

II 105ASM 110

II 115XR 125

ASM 130CL 140XR 145II 155

PS 160CL 170II 175

PS 180CL 190II 195FI 295

SH 298SH 299

NOTE XXThis traveler has been issued by Material Control Supervisor: Signature and date. Reviewed by Production Supervisor:

Special Instructions: This Job contains Moisture Sensitive Devices. See Manufacturing Traveler Amendment F

Thru Hole & All Solder

Place Parts Per WI4.09.03Inspect Side 1 Verification Per WI4.10.01Reflow 1 Board Per WI4.09.03

Operation Description

X-Ray 1 Board Per WI4.10.01 - Process Check

Verify Kit Per WI4.09.01Set-Up Per WI4.09.03Verify MSD Sheet Is Filled Out Per WI4.09.03

Inspect Solder Paste Per WI4.10.01Screen Boards Per WI4.09.09

Inspect Solder Per WI4.10.01

Reflow Balance Of Boards Per WI4.09.03Clean Per WI4.09.07

Screen Boards Per WI4.09.09Inspect Solder Paste Per WI4.10.01Place Parts Per WI4.09.03

Final Inspect Per WI4.10.02

AOI Inspect Per WI 4.10.01 100%Install Thru Hole Parts Per WI4.09.08Clean Per WI4.09.07Inspect Per WI4.10.01

Install Post Parts Per WI4.09.08

Ship Per WI4.15.02

Use additional sheets if necessary. Identify each sheet number. Return the completed traveler to: Material ControlForm release date 12-30-00. Revised 03-19-12. Reviewed: Process Owner. Approved T. Blackmon

Return Traveler To Material Control

This traveler has been reviewed and approved by Quality Assurance. Signature and date.Questions regarding the above requirements may be addressed by: Material Control or Quality Assurance

Pack Per WI4.15.02Serial Numbers - As Required

Reflow Balance Of Boards Per WI4.09.03

Clean Per WI4.09.07Inspect Post Parts Per WI4.10.01

X-Ray Per WI4.10.01 100%

Inspect Side 2 Verification Per WI4.10.01Reflow 1 Board Per WI4.09.03Inspect Solder Per WI4.10.01X-Ray 1 Board Per WI4.10.01 - Process Check

Product Flow


Quality Policy Statement

It is our policy to exceed our customers' expectations. To fulfill this mission we each take personal responsibility

for everything we do.

Thank You
