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北 京

刘小兵 于 燕 主 编薛 筠 何志刚赵国鹏 郭 昭






内 容 简 介





程》和《实用英语交际教程》,满足 180 ~ 200 课时的英语教学。

本书为《实用英语交际教程》,共分为 28 个单元,每个单元由听力、


结合,满足大纲对交际教学的要求。本书纲词汇覆盖率达 90%,词汇重现

率达 50% 以上,有效解决了教学课时与教学任务之间的矛盾。该教材各








 实用英语交际教程 / 刘小兵,于燕主编.—北京:科学出版社, 2012.6 (高等教育“十二五”规划教材)

ISBN 978-7-03-034520-2

 Ⅰ.①实… Ⅱ.①刘…  ②于… Ⅲ.①英语 -高等职业教育 -教材 Ⅳ.① H31

 中国版本图书馆 CIP 数据核字(2012)第113337号

责任编辑:王 茜 / 责任校对:王万红责任印制:吕春珉 / 封面设计:科地亚盟





双 青印 刷厂 印刷 科学出版社发行 各地新华书店经销

*2012年6月第 一 版 开本:787×1092 1/162012年6月第一次印刷 印张:15 1/2 1/2

字数:357 000


销售部电话 010-62134988 编辑部电话 010-62135120-2021(SF02)



主 编 刘小兵 于 燕邵 荣

副主编 薛  筠  何志刚  赵国鹏  郭  昭 

编 者  刘伯康  徐  璐  游晓霞  李彦芳

栗鸿亮  高  娟  史冰冰  王冰然





前  言Preface








整套教材包括《交际教程》和《阅读教程》各一册。满足 180 ~ 200 课时的英语


(1)内容全面:整套教材覆盖听、说、读、写、译五个方面的学习和训练, 满足大


(2)实效性高:整套教材虽然只有两册书,大纲词汇覆盖率达 96%,词汇重现率

达 70% 以上。有效解决了教学课时与教学任务之间的矛盾。同时,练习形式与应用能



阅读实践活动为主,极大增强了教学的互动性, 也能真正提高学生实际运用语言的能力。




《交际教程》分为 28 个单元,每单元五课时完成,可供两个学期教学使用。实际













ii 实 用 英 语 交 际 教 程






文并茂”的同步方式,即一边是语篇,一边是生词。同时,B 级词汇标“*”,A 级词





注:本书单词 * 代表 B 级词汇,★代表 A 级词汇,无标记的代表超纲词汇。

目  录Contents

Unit 1 Hotel ········································1 Section One Listening ·························1

Section Two Speaking ·························2

Section Three Practical Writing ··········7

Unit 2 Shopping ······························9

Section One Listening ·························9

Section Two Speaking ·······················10

Section Three Practical Writing ········15

Unit 3 Bank ······································17

Section One Listening ·······················17

Section Two Speaking ·······················18

Section Three Practical Writing ········23

Unit 4 Railway Station ···············26

Section One Listening ·······················26

Section Two Speaking ·······················27

Section Three Practical Writing ········32

Unit 5 Police Station ···················34

Section One Listening ·······················34

Section Two Speaking ·······················35

Section Three Practical Writing ········40

Unit 6 Asking the Way ················42

Section One Listening ·······················42

Section Two Speaking ·······················43

Section Three Practical Writing ········48

Unit 7 On the Campus ···············50

Section One Listening ·······················50

Section Two Speaking ·······················51

Section Three Practical Writing ········56

Unit 8 Airport and Customs ················································58

Section One Listening ·······················58

Section Two Speaking ·······················59

Section Three Practical Writing ········64

Unit  9  Post Office ·························66

Section One Listening ·······················66

Section Two Speaking ·······················67

Section Three Practical Writing ········72

Unit 10 Hospital ·····························74

Section One Listening ·······················74

Section Two Speaking ·······················75




iv 实 用 英 语 交 际 教 程

Section Three Practical Writing ········80

Unit 11 Appointment ···················82

Section One Listening ·······················82

Section Two Speaking ·······················83

Section Three Practical Writing ········88

Unit 12 Climate and Weather ··············································91

Section One Listening ·······················91

Section Two Speaking ·······················92

Section Three Practical Writing ········97

Unit 13 Environment ···················99

Section One Listening ·······················99

Section Two Speaking ·····················100

Section Three Practical Writing ······105

Unit 14 Play and Movie ············107

Section One Listening ·····················107

Section Two Speaking ·····················108

Section Three Practical Writing ······113

Unit 15 Library ····························115

Section One Listening ·····················115

Section Two Speaking ·····················116

Section Three Practical Writing ······121

Unit 16 Hobby ·····························123

Section One Listening ·····················123

Section Two Speaking ·····················124

Section Three Practical Writing ······129

Unit 17 Sports ······························132

Section One Listening ·····················132

Section Two Speaking ·····················133

Section Three Practical Writing ······139

Unit 18 Talking about People ············································141

Section One Listening ·····················141

Section Two Speaking ·····················142

Section Three Practical Writing ······148

Unit 19 Tour ···································150

Section One Listening ·····················150

Section Two Speaking ·····················151

Section Three Practical Writing ······157

Unit 20 Music ································159

Section One Listening ·····················159

Section Two Speaking ·····················160

Section Three Practical Writing ······165

Unit 21 Taxation ··························167

Section One Listening ·····················167

Section Two Speaking ·····················168

Section Three Practical Writing ······174

Unit 22 Interview ·························177

Section One Listening ·····················177

Section Two Speaking ·····················178

Section Three Practical Writing ······184

Unit 23 Manners ··························186

Section One Listening ·····················186

Section Two Speaking ·····················187

Section Three Practical Writing ······192

Contents 目  录 v

Unit  24  Traffic ·······························194

Section One Listening ·····················194

Section Two Speaking ·····················195

Section Three Practical Writing ······201

Unit 25 Activity Arrangement ············································203

Section One Listening ·····················203

Section Two Speaking ·····················204

Section Three Practical Writing ······209

Unit 26 Business Negotiation ···········································211

Section One Listening ·····················211

Section Two Speaking ·····················212

Section Three Practical Writing ······217

Unit 27 Product Introduction ···········································220

Section One Listening ·····················220

Section Two Speaking ·····················221

Section Three Practical Writing ······226

Unit 28 Company Introduction ············································228

Section One Listening ·····················228

Section Two Speaking ·····················229

Section Three Practical Writing ······235

Appendix Elementary EnglishPhonetics ······································237




Unit   1Unit  1Unit  1HotelHotel

Section One Listening

Task I: In this section you will hear five questions. The question will be spoken twice.

You should decide on the correct answer from the four choices marked a), b), c) and d).

1. a) Don’t you know? b) Thanks a lot.

c) No problem. d) It doesn’t matter.

2. a) No, I won’t sign. b) No, with pleasure.

c) Yes, I can see it. d) Yes, thanks.

3. a) No, you don’t. b) That’s all right.

c) Thank you, but I think I can manage it. d) It’s none of your business.

4. a) That’s Mr. Green. b) He is a doctor.

c) He is talking to the receptionist. d) He likes smoking.

5. a) I’m sorry, too. b) Don’t worry.

c) That’s right. d) That’s all right.

Task II: In this section you will hear five dialogues. After each dialogue, there is a

question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken twice. You should decide on the

correct answer from the four choices marked a), b), c) and d).

1. a) At a restaurant. b) In a bank.

c) At a bus stop. d) In a cinema.

2. a) At a meeting. b) In a bank.

c) In a hotel. d) At a post office.

3. a) At home. b) On a street.

c) In a classroom. d) At a station.

4. a) A nurse. b) A doctor.

c) A shop assistant. d) A receptionist.

5. a) Robert Teller is busy now. b) The woman got a wrong number.

c) Robert Teller was out at that moment.

d) Robert Teller didn’t want to answer the phone.

Unit   1Unit  1Unit  1HotelHotel




2 实 用 英 语 交 际 教 程

Task III: In this section you will hear a short passage. The passage will be read three

times. You should fill in the blanks with the words or phrases you hear.

The longer I live, the more I ____________ the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to

me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than ____________,

than money, than failure, than successes, than what other people think, say or do. It is more

important than appearance or skill. It will make or break ______________, a church or a

home. The remarkable thing is that we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will

embrace for that day. We cannot change ______________. We cannot change the fact that

people will act ___________________. The only thing we can do is our attitude.

Section Two Speaking

*check /tʃek/ n. 支票 v. 检查

*reception /rI'sepʃn/ n. 接待;招待

*double /'dʌbl/ a. 两倍的;双的

★ receptionist /rI'sepʃənIst/ n. 招待员;


*moment /'məJmənt/ n. 片刻;瞬间

*reserve /rI'z :v/ v. 预订

fill out 填写

*address /ə'dres/ n. 住址

*nationality /


næʃə'nælEti/ n. 国籍

*passport /'pB:spɔ:t/ n. 护照

★ signature /'sIgnətʃə/ n. 签名

*departure /dI'pB:tʃə/ n. 离开

*cash /kæʃ/ n. 现金

*credit /'kredIt/ n. 信用

*daily /'deIli/ a. 每日的 n. 日报

*rate /reIt/ n. 比率;等级;价格

*key /ki:/ n. 钥匙;键;答案

*toilet /'tɔIlIt/ n. 厕所;浴室

*ahead /ə'hed/ ad. 在前;向前;提前

Dialogue I

(Mr. and Mrs. Brown check in at the Reception Desk.)

A: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?

B: I booked a double-bed room with bath 3 days ago. I’m

John Brown.

A: Just a moment, please. Yes, you have reserved a

room from today to the 24th.

B: Yes, exactly.

A: Would you please fill out this form?

B: (After completing the form) Here you are.

A: Let me see... name, address, nationality, passport

number, signature and date of departure. How are

you going to pay, in cash or by credit card?

B: Credit card.

A: Now everything’s in order. Your room number is

402 and the daily rate is $90. Here is your key card.

Please make sure that you have it with you all the

time. I hope you enjoy your stay with us.

B: Thank you. By the way, where is the toilet?

A: Please go straight ahead and turn left.

Hotel Unit  1 3

Task: Do the following drills by replacing the

underlined words with the words given.

Drill One

A: I booked a double-bed room with bath 3 days ago.

B: Let me see. Yes, you have reserved it.

flight concert ticket taxi

Drill Two

A: Would you please fill out this form?

B: Sure.

show me the robot clean the tank

repair the ladder correct the error

Drill Three

A: Here is your key card.

B: Thank you.

watch telescope wine beer kite

Drill Four

A: By the way, where is the toilet?

B: Please go straight ahead and turn left.

hospital court nursery garage club

*task /tB:sk/ n. 任务;工作;作业

*following /'f ləJiŋ/ a. 接着的;下列的

★ drill /drIl/ n. 钻头;操练

v. 钻孔

*flight /flaIt/ n. 航班;飞行;逃跑

*concert /'k nsət/ n. 音乐会

*robot /'rEJb t/ n. 机器人

*tank /tæŋk/ n. 坦克;大容器

*ladder /'lædə/ n. 梯子;梯状物

*error /'erə/ n. 错误;谬误;差错

★ telescope /'telIskəJp/ n. 望远镜

*wine /waIn/ n. 葡萄酒,果酒

*beer /bIə/ n. 啤酒

*kite /kaIt/ n. 风筝

*court /kɔ:t/ n. 法院;法庭;庭院;


*nursery /'n :səri/ n. 托儿所

*garage /'gærB:dʒ/ n. 车库;加油站

*club /klʌb/ n. 俱乐部;夜总会

Dialogue II

A: Good evening, madam. May I do the turn-down

service for you now?

B: Thank you. But we’re going to have a small party

here. Could you come back in 3 hours?

A: Certainly. I’ll let the staff on the night shift know.

They will come then.

B: That’s fine. Well, our friends seem to be a little late. I

bathed and it’s quiet a mess now. Would you tidy up a bit

in the bathroom? Besides, please bring a bottle of

boiled water. I’ll treat my guests with typical Chinese tea.

*madam /'mædəm/ n. 夫人;女士

*staff /stB:f/ n. 全体人员;同事

*shift /ʃIft/ n. 转换;接班 v. 替换;转移

*tidy /'taIdi/ v. 弄整齐;收拾 a. 整齐的

★ bathe /beIð/ v. 沐浴;用水洗

*besides /bI'saIdz/ ad. 此外

prep. 除了…(还有)

*boil /bɔIl/ v. 沸腾;煮沸

★ treat /trI:t/ v. 款待; 对待;处理; 治疗

*typical /'tIpIkəl/ a. 典型的;有代表





4 实 用 英 语 交 际 教 程

A: Yes, madam. I’ll bring in some clean towels together

with the drinking water.

B: OK, thank you.

A: (Having done everything on request) It’s getting

dark. Would you like me to draw the curtains for


B: Why not? That will be comfortable.

A: May I turn on the lights for you?

B: Yes, please. I’d like to do some reading and writing.

A: Is there anything I can do for you?

B: No more. You’re a smart girl indeed. Thank you.

A: I’m always at your service. Good-bye, madam, and

have a pleasant evening.

B: You too.

*towel /'taJəl/ n. 毛巾

*curtain /'k :tn/ n. 窗帘

*comfortable /'kʌmfətEbl/ a. 舒适的

*smart /smB:t/ a. 聪明的;巧妙的

*indeed /In'di:d/ ad. 真正地;确实

Task: Do the following drills by replacing the

underlined words with the words given.

Drill One

A: May I do the turn-down service for you now?

B: Yes, please.

give you some advice chat with you for a while

have a picnic with my classmates taste the cake

Drill Two

A: I’ll let the staff on the night shift know.

B: That’s fine.

teacher actor actress editor manager

Drill Three

A: Well, our friends seem to be a little late.

B: Yes, madam.

greedy sleepy jealous tired angery

*advice /əd'vaIs/ n. 劝告; 意见

*chat /tʃæt/ v. 聊天;闲谈

*picnic /'pIknIk/ n.&v. 野餐

*taste /teIst/ vt. 尝;尝到

n. 味觉

*actor /'æktə/ n. 男演员; 演员

*actress /'æktrIs/ n. 女演员

*editor /'edItə/ n. 编辑;编者

*greedy /'gri:di/ a. 贪婪的

sleepy /'sli:pi/ a. 想睡的;困乏的

*jealous /'dʒeləs/ a. 妒忌的; 羡慕的

*lively /'laIvli/ a. 活泼的;逼真的

Hotel Unit  1 5

Drill Four

A: You’re a smart girl indeed.

B: Thank you.

lively modest patient pretty lovely

*modest /'m dIst/ a. 谦虚的

*patient /'peIʃnt/ a. 有耐心的

n. 病人

*pretty /'prIti/ a. 漂亮的

ExercisesI. Spoken English

Suppose you’re booking a room in a hotel. Please create

a dialogue between you and the receptionist. And practice it

with your partner.

Useful Expressions:

1. Can I have a single room for tonight?


2. I’ll take a look at the hotel’s booking situation.


3. What’s the room charge per night?


4. By the way, does the price include breakfast?


5. How long will you be staying?


6. Please fill out this form.


7. Will you pay in cash or by credit card?


8. And here is your key. Your room number is 420.

给您房间的钥匙。您的房间号码是 420。

9. Enjoy your stay here!


*suppose /sə'pəJz/ vt. 猜想;假定

*create /kri'eIt/ vt. 创造;产生

*partner /'pB:tnə/ n. 伙伴;搭档

*expression /Ik'spreʃn/ n. 词句;表达;


*situation /


sItJ'eIʃn/ n. 形势; 局面;


*charge /tʃB:dʒ/ n. 管理;收费;控告;

充电;冲锋 v. 收费;控告;充电;


*per /pə/ prep. 每;每一

*include /In'klu:d/ v. 包括;包含

II. Vocabulary

Task One: Fill in the blanks with the words given below.

Change the form where necessary.

advice besides cash chat check

indeed jealous reserve double include

charge nationality staff tidy treat




6 实 用 英 语 交 际 教 程

1. You should _______ your bicycle before you ride it.

2. The egg has a _________ yolk.

3. I have _________ a room for you at the hotel.

4. Richard is American, John is British — they have

different _________.

5. Excuse me, but I’ve no _________ on me. Can I pay

by cheque?

6. He was __________with theft.

7. The school’s teaching _________ is good.

8. When are you going to _________ your room up?

9. There will be five of us for dinner, _________ John.

10. The engineer felt that he hadn’t been _________


11. I was _________ very glad to hear the news.

12. On his _________ I am staying in bed.

13. The two friends sat in a corner and _________ about

the price of stocks and shares.

14. I was _________ of Tom when he got his new car.

15. My job doesn’t _________ making coffee for the


yolk /jəJk/ n. 蛋黄

*British /'brItIʃ/ a. 英国的

n. 英国人

*cheque /tʃek/ n. 支票

theft /θeft/ n. 偷窃

*stock /st k/ n. 存货;库存品;


*share /ʃeə/ n. 份;份额;股份

Task Two: Fill in the blanks with the proper words

given. Change the form where necessary.

(I)patient impatient patience impatience

1. His rudeness was beyond my _________.

2. Don’t be _________ with the child.

3. The _________ is too weak to speak.

4. He forgave her _________ , for she had a train to catch.

(II)comfort comfortable comfortably

1. I tried to _________ John after his mother’s death.

2. He leaned back ___________ in his chair.

3. It’s only human nature to want a ___________ life.

(III)act actor actress

1. She wanted to be an_________, but her father


*patience /'peIʃns/ n. 忍耐;耐心

impatience /Im'peIʃns/ n. 不耐烦

rudeness /'ru:dnIs/ n. 粗野;粗鲁

*beyond /bI'j nd/ prep. 超越;


*forgive /fə'gIv/ vt. 原谅;饶恕

*comfort /'kʌmfət/ n. 舒适;安慰

v. 安慰

*death /deW/ n. 死;死亡;灭亡

*act /ækt/ v. 行动;表演

n. 行为;表演;法案

disagree /7dIsə'gri:/ v. 不同意

Hotel Unit  1 7

2. Think well before you _________.

3. His wish to be an _________ has come true.

(IV) nation national nationality

1. The _________ news comes after the international


2. What is your _________ ?

3. Australia is an English speaking _________.

*nation /'neIʃn/ n. 民族;国家

*national /'næʃnəl/ a. 民族的;国家的

*international /


Intə'næʃnəl/ a. 国际的;

世界 ( 性 ) 的

Section Three Practical WritingGreeting Cards (贺卡)

I. Writing Tips





1.贺卡接收者姓名: 如 To Jack,To 可省略。


3.发送人姓名:如 From Mike,From 可省略。

II. Sample Study

To Jack,

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

From Mike




*practical /præktIkl/ a. 实践的;


*greet /gri:t/ vt. 问候;招呼

★ tip /tIp/ n. 梢;末端;小费;技巧

vi. 给小费

*sample /'sB:mpl/ n. 样品;实例;


*merry /'meri/ a. 欢乐的;愉快的

*Christmas /'krIsməs/ n. 圣诞节

III. Writing Practice

Please write a greeting card to your mother before

Mother’s Day.




8 实 用 英 语 交 际 教 程*regard /rI'gB:d/ vt. 把…看作

n. 关心;敬意

*favorite /'feIvərIt/ a. 最喜爱的

*peace /pi:s/ n. 和平;平静;安宁

*joy /dʒɔI/ n. 快乐;喜悦;乐事

Unit   2Unit  2ShoppingShopping Unit  2Words and Useful Expressions

Warm regards and season’s greeting!


Best wishes on this holiday season.


Season’s greetings to my favorite parents!

向我最敬爱的父母致以节日的问候 !

Wishing you a happy Mother’s Day.


All my love to the dearest father in the world.


Happy birthday! Many happy returns of the day!


Much peace, love and joy to you in 2012! Happy


愿平安、挚爱和欢乐在 2012 年伴随着你!假日快乐!

Section One Listening

Task I: In this section you will hear five questions. The question will be spoken twice.

You should decide on the correct answer from the four choices marked a), b), c) and d).

1. a) I like it very much. b) Here you are.

c) It’s made in Germany. d) I can’t afford one at the moment.

2. a) I’d like to buy it b) It’s of very good quality.

c) About 100 dollars. d) It depends on how you like it.

3. a) The camera is of high quality. b) That’s very kind of you.

c) My camera is out of order now. d) Yeah, a surprising bargain. I’ll buy it.

4. a) They are thirty dollars. b) They are the same size.

c) They are too big. d) They are in fashion.

5. a) Fourteen dollars. b) It’s next to the station.

c) Sorry, I have no money. d) Sorry, I don’t know the way.

Task II: In this section you will hear five dialogues. After each dialogue, there is a

question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken twice. You should decide on the

correct answer from the four choices marked a), b), c) and d).

1. a) In the woman’s study. b) In the library.

c) In a science lab. d) In a bookstore.

2. a) She likes expensive clothes. b) She happens to be in Paris.

c) She prefers the French design and style. d) She dislikes clothes made in China.

3. a) $2.5. b) $3.5.

c) $5. d) $7.

4. a) Librarian and student. b) Teacher and student.

c) Customer and waitress. d) Customer and shop assistant.

5. a) In a restaurant. b) In a kitchen.

c) In a supermarket. d) In a dining room.

Unit   2Unit  2ShoppingShopping Unit  2




10 实 用 英 语 交 际 教 程

Task III: In this section you will hear a short passage. The passage will be read three

times. You should fill in the blanks with the words or phrases you hear.

Because so many Americans choose to live in the suburbs, a distinctly American

phenomenon has ____________, which is called the shopping mall. The shopping mall has

increasingly ___________ the old-fashioned urban downtown stores, where local shops,

restaurants, and cultural attractions were once _____________. The shopping mall, filled with

____________ stores, specialty shops, fast-food franchises, and movie theaters, has come to

dominate the retail market, making suburban areas across America more and more alike. In

malls, Americans purchase food, _____________, and entertainment.

Section Two SpeakingDialogue I

A: Good morning. Can I help you?

B: We’d like to buy some famous Chinese arts and

crafts articles. What would you like to recommend?

A: There are various kinds of such articles in our shop,

for example, porcelain, Chinese paintings, writing

brushes, and so on. May I show you around?

B: OK. What’s this?

A: It’s a tea set. It’s made in Jingdezhen. This set is

unusual. There are few others like it.

B: Jingdezhen? It’s called “the capital of porcelain”, isn’t it?

A: Yes, it is. It produces the best quality porcelain in


B: What’s the price of this kind of tea set?

A: 100 yuan RMB.

B: We’ll buy one tea set, one Chinese painting, and

two Chinese writing brushes. How much are they


A: Altogether 560 yuan. Let me wrap them up for you.

B: That’s fine. Here is 600 yuan.

A: Here are the changes and the receipt. Please keep it well.

B: Thank you!

A: You are welcome.

*art /a:t/ n. 艺术;美术;技术

★ craft /kra:ft/ n. 工艺;手艺

*article /'B:tIkl/ n. 文章;条款;物


*recommend /


rekə'mend/ vt. 推荐

*various /'veəriəs/ a. 各种各样的;


★ porcelain /'pɔ:slIn/ n. 瓷器

*painting /'peIntIŋ/ n. 油画;绘画

*brush /brʌʃ/ n. 刷子;画笔

*unusual /


ʌn'ju:Jəl/ a. 独特的;不平


*capital /'kæpItl/ n. 资本;资金;首都

*produce /prə'dju:s/ v. 生产

n. 农产品

*quality /'kw lEti/ n. 质量;品质;


*altogether /


ɔ:ltə'geðə/ ad. 总共

★ wrap /ræp/ v. 包裹 n. 披肩

★ receipt /rI'si:t/ n. 收条;收据

Shopping Unit  2 11

Task: Do the following drills by replacing the

underlined words with the words given.

Drill One

A: Good morning. Can I help you?

B: We’d like to buy some famous Chinese arts and

crafts articles.

cigarettes batteries candy juice

Drill Two

A: What would you like to recommend?

B: There are various kinds of such articles in our shop.

suggest advise propose introduce

Drill Three

A: What’s the price of this kind of tea set?

B: 40 yuan RMB.

belt cap carpet jeans

Drill Four

A: Let me wrap them up for you.

B: That’s fine.

check it for you examine it for you

pack it for you go with you

Dialogue II

A: What can I do for you?

B: I’d like to buy some real French souvenirs for my

friends and relatives. I was told that I should buy

some French perfumes.

A: Here we’ve got different brands of French perfumes.

All the products are free of duty.

B: What’s the price of this kind of perfume? It smells nice.

A: 50 dollars.

B: I think that is too dear. Can you come down a bit?

*cigarette /'sIgə'ret/ n. 香烟;卷烟

★ battery /'bætəri/ n. 电池

*candy /'kændi/ n. 糖果

★ juice /dʒu:s/ n. ( 水果等 ) 汁;液

*suggest /sə'dʒest/ vt. 建议;暗示

*advise /əd'vaIz/ vt. 劝告;建议

*propose /prə'pəJz/ vt. 建议;推荐

vi. 求婚

*introduce /7Intrə'dju:s/ vt. 介绍;


*belt /belt/ n. 带;腰带;区

*cap /kæp/ n. 帽子

*carpet /'kB:pIt/ n. 地毯;毛毯

*jeans /dʒi:nz/ n. 牛仔裤;紧身裤

*examine /Ig'zæmIn/ vt. 检查;观察

*pack /pæk/ vt. 捆扎;把…打包

*French /frentʃ/ a. 法国的

n. 法国人

souvenir /


su:və'nIə/ n. 纪念品

*relative /'relətIv/ a. 有关系的;相对的

n. 亲戚

perfume /pE:'fju:m/ n. 香水

★ brand /brænd/ n. 商标;品牌

*product /'pr dQkt/ n. 产品;产物

*duty /'dju:ti/ n. 职责;责任;税




12 实 用 英 语 交 际 教 程

A: That’s our bottom price. It can not be further

lowered. You know, we only sell at a fixed price.

B: OK. I’ll take it. And I want to buy a new skirt.

A: How about this one? Do you like this style?

B: Is this one suitable for me? May I try it on?

A: Of course, please! Oh! This skirt shows your figure

off nicely.

B: Yes, it seems to fit well. How much are they


A: 100 dollars.

B: Where can I pay for them?

A: At the cashier’s desk over there.

B: Thanks!

Task: Do the following drills by replacing the

underlined words with the words given.

Drill One

A: I’d like to buy some real French souvenirs for my


B: OK, this way please.

European Greek Australian

Japanese Spanish Canadian

Drill Two

A: Can you come down a bit?

B: Sorry! We only sell at a fixed price.

a set the market the labeled an unchanging

Drill Three

A: How about this one?

B: It seems to fit well.

(to be) delicate (to be) delicious (to be) beautiful

Drill Four

A: At the cashier’s desk over there.

B: Thanks!

information front reception checkout

*bottom /'b təm/ n. 底;底部

*lower /'ləJə/ a. 较低的 vt. 放下

*style /staIl/ n. 风格;文体;式样

*suitable /'sju:təbl/ a. 合适的;


*figure /'fIgə/ n. 数字;体形;人物

*fit /fIt/ v. 适合;安装

★ cashier /kA'ʃiə/ n. 出纳员

*European /.jJərə'pi:ən/ a. 欧洲的

n. 欧洲人

*Greek /gri:k/ a. 希腊的 n. 希腊人

*Australian /C:'streIljən/ a. 澳大利亚

的 n. 澳大利亚人

*Japanese /


dʒæpə'ni:z/ a. 日本的

n. 日本人

*Spanish /'spænIʃ/ a. 西班牙的

n. 西班牙人

*Canadian /kə'neIdjən/ a. 加拿大的

n. 加拿大人

★ label /'leIbEl/ n. 标签;标记;


*delicate /'delIkIt/ a. 精巧的;


*delicious /dI'lIʃəs/ a. 美味的,


*information /


Infə'meIʃn/ n. 信息

checkout /'tʃek-aJt/ n. 结账

Shopping Unit  2 13

ExercisesI. Spoken English

Suppose you intend to buy some jewelry at the duty free

shop. But you think that the price is not reasonable. Now you

bargain with the salesman.

Useful Expressions:

1. That’s unreasonable! I’d take it for 50 dollars.

这真是卖得太贵了!如果 50 美元我就买。

2. I’d buy this if it were cheaper.


3. Lower the price and I’ll consider it.


4. I like everything about it except the price.


5. If I buy more than one, will you give me a discount?


6. Its regular price is 80 dollars, and now you can have

it with a thirty percent discount.

原价是 80 美元,现在你可以七折的价格买下。

7. You have a wide selection.


8. If you find out it is an imitation you may return it to me.


9. Will you pay in cash or by credit card?


II. Vocabulary

Task One: Fill in the blanks with the words given

below. Change the form where necessary.

recommend quality regular percent style

intend various duty suppose selection

delicious brand figure discount lower

1. The store _________ all its goods at 5%.

2. Would you _________ a good dictionary to me?

3. The flowers are of _________ colors.

*intend /In'tend/ vt. 想要;打算

*reasonable /'ri:znəbl/ a. 合理的;


*bargain /'bB:gIn/ n. 交易;买卖;

物美价廉的东西 v. 讨价还价

*salesman /'seIlzmən/ n. 售货员;


*regular /'regjulə/ a. 有规律的;


*percent /pə'sent/ n. 百分之…

★ discount /'dIskaJnt/ n. 折扣

v. 打折

★ selection /sI'lekʃn/ n. 选择;


★ imitation /


ImI'teIʃn/ n. 模仿;


*goods /gJdz/ n. 货物;商品




14 实 用 英 语 交 际 教 程

4. For study, _________ is more important than


5. This is her _________ route to her school.

6. More than 40 _______ of the students wear glasses.

7. His _________ of painting is unique.

8. You are driving too fast. You should _________ your


9. I _________ he has gone home.

10. It is our _________ to obey the laws.

11. I _________ to buy a new house.

12. Do you like this _________ of tea?

13. She does exercise every morning to keep her


14. You should make your own _________.

15. The soup is _________.

Task Two: Fill in the blanks with the proper words given.

Change the form where necessary.

(I) related relation relative

1. Wealth is seldom _________ to happiness.

2. I think you know the _________ between quality

and price.

3. We have a lot of _________ in this city.

(II) consider consideration considerable considerate

1. Please give the problem your careful _________.

2. I am _________ going abroad.

3. It was _________ of you not to watch TV while I was


4. He bought the house at a _________ price.

(III) product production produce

1. We must _________ more food for ourselves.

2. This kind of _________ sells well on the market.

3. We should increase _________ by using better

methods and tools.

*relation /rI'leIʃn/ n. 关系;


*wealth /welW/ n. 财富;财产

★ consideration /kən



n. 考虑;思考;体贴

*considerable /kən'sIdərəbl/ a.


★ considerate /kən'sIdərIt/ a.


*abroad /ə'brɔ:d/ ad. ( 在 ) 国外

*production /prə'dʌkʃn/ n. 生产

*increase /In'kri:s/ v. 增加;增长

/'inkri:s/ n. 增加;增长

*method /'meWəd/ n. 方法;办法

*quantity /'kw ntIti/ n. 量;数量

★ route /ru:t/ n. 路;路线;路程

★ unique /ju:'ni:k/ a. 唯一的;


*obey /ə


beI/ v. 服从;听从

*law /lɔ:/ n. 法律;法令;法则

Shopping Unit  2 15

(IV) inform informed information

1. I want some _________ about the matter.

2. He is a person with an _________ mind.

3. Can you _________ me where he lives?

Section Three Practical WritingName Cards (名片)

I. Writing Tips





1.公司名称 (company name)。

2.本人姓名 (person’s name)。

3.职位、职称、衔头 (position, title)。

4.公司地址 (the address of your company)。

5.电话号码 (telephone number)。

6.传真号码 (fax number)。

7.电子邮箱 (e-mail address)。




省—国家,如:Room 302, 24 Zhonghua Street, Handan city,

Hebei province, China。





可以不同:如中山东路,可以译为 Zhongshan East Road,

也可译为 Zhongshan Donglu Road。但有些地名,如南天



*inform /In'fɔ:m/ vt. 通知;向…报告

informed /In'fɔ:md/ a. 有学识的;


*company /'kʌmpəni/ n. 公司;作伴;


*position /pə'zIʃn/ n. 位置;职位

*title /'taItl/ n. 标题;头衔

*e-mail /'i:meIl/ n. 电子邮件

*province /'pr vIns/ n. 省份




16 实 用 英 语 交 际 教 程

II. Sample Study


Huang Jianting

Assistant Manager

Add: 161 Cao Bao Road Shanghai 200233

Tel: 021-64362380 Fax: 021-64704407

E-mail: Huangjt@yahoo.com.cn




地址:上海市漕宝路 161 号 邮编:200233

电话: 021-64362380 传真:021-64704407


III. Writing Practice

Translate the following Chinese name card into an English one.




地址:上海市延安东路 260 号 邮编:200002

电话:021-63212733 传真:021-63212755

*assistant /ə'sIstent/ n. 助手;


*manager /'mænIdʒə/ n. 经理;


*translate /træns'leIt/ vt. 翻译

Unit   3Unit  3BankBank Unit  3

Section One Listening

Task I: In this section you will hear five questions. The question will be spoken twice.

You should decide on the correct answer from the four choices marked a), b), c) and d).

1. a) How much do you plan to deposit. b) What would you like to know?

c) You definitely have the right. d) You are welcome.

2. a) By all means. b) You bet.

c) It’s excellent. d) It doesn’t matter.

3. a) First you fill out the application form and then we’ll give you a passbook.

b) First you have an overall examination and then we’ll give you the certificate.

c) First you deposit enough money and then we’ll write out your checks.

d) First you show your Identity Card and then we’ll give you the passport.

4. a) No, even a single card is all right. b) No, even a single ticket is all right.

c) No, even a single dollar is all right. d) No, even a single form is all right.

5. a) In cash, please. b) In credit card, please.

c) In cheque, please. d) In one hundred, please.

Task II: In this section you will hear five dialogues. After each dialogue, there is a

question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken twice. You should decide on the

correct answer from the four choices marked a), b), c) and d).

1. a) In a hotel. b) In a book store.

c) In a bank. d) In a post office.

2. a) Teacher and student. b) Bank clerk and customer.

c) Doctor and patient. d) Husband and wife.

3. a) 2.5%. b) 2.7%.

c) 1.5%. d) 1.7%.

4. a) Taking some money from her deposit account.

b) Borrowing some money from the man.

Unit   3Unit  3BankBank Unit  3




18 实 用 英 语 交 际 教 程

c) Opening an account at the bank.

d) Putting some money into her account.

5. a) To cash a check. b) To withdraw some dollars.

c) To exchange some money. d) To deposit some dollars.

Task III: In this section you will hear a short passage. The passage will be read three

times. You should fill in the blanks with the words or phrases you hear.

Credit card is _____________ nowadays. We can buy now and pay later at stores where

we have charge accounts. Or we carry around some credit cards that will be ____________

at stores, hotels and restaurants all over the world. With a credit card, it’s only necessary to

________________ to make a purchase or get a meal. Of course, the bill of the purchase

comes ______________ the month, and that is the time when it is finally necessary to

____________ all those purchases.

Section Two Speaking

Dialogue I

(Mrs. Smith is going to Construction Bank of China to deposit her pension.)A: Excuse me. Where can I open an account?

B: Counter Six. Please take the number sheet and wait

for your turn in the rest area.

A: OK. Thanks.

(At counter six)

C: What can I do for you, madam?

A: I’d like to open a savings account.

C: A current or fixed account?

A: I have no idea. Can you give me some advice?

C: There’s slight difference between the two. If you

open a fixed account, the interest rate is higher. But

you can not withdraw the money at any time.

A: What about current accounts?

C: You may withdraw the money at any time, but the

interest rate is lower.

A: I think I’d like to open a current account.

C: Please fill out the application form first.

A: OK.

*construction /kən'strʌkʃn/ n.


★ deposit /dI'p zIt/ vt. 使沉淀;


pension /'penʃn/ n. 退休金

*guard /ga:d/ vt. 守卫;看守

*counter /'kaJntə/ n. 柜台;计数器

*sheet /ʃi:t/ n. 被单;纸张;薄板

*area /'eəriə/ n. 面积;地区;领域

*saving /'seIvIŋ/ n. 搭救;节约;


*account /ə'kaJnt/ n. 叙述;解释;


★ clerk /klB:k/ n. 店员;职员

*current /'kʌrənt/ a. 当前的;流通的

★ slight /slaIt/ a. 细长的;轻微的

*difference /'dIfərəns/ n. 差别;不同

★ withdraw /wIð'drɔ:/ v. 收回;撤回;


*application /7æplI'keIʃn/ n. 申请;


Bank Unit  3 19

C: Good. Everything is done. Here is your deposit card

and identity card.

A: Thank you for your service.

Task: Do the following drills by replacing the

underlined words with the words given.

Drill One

A: Where is Mrs. Smith going?

B: She is going to Construction Bank of China to

deposit her pension.

Bank of Communications Bank of China

Industrial and Commercial Bank Agricultural Bank

Drill Two

A: Please fill out the application form first.

B: OK.

fill in the withdrawal form go downstairs

summarize the passage pay the rent

Drill Three

A: Here are your deposit card and identity card.

B: Thank you.

credit card and cheque bill and draft

certificate and visa blouse and umbrella

Drill Four

A: Thank you for your service.

B: My pleasure.

praise advice suggestion

help explanation recommendation

Dialogue II

A: Your number sheet, please.

B: No.51. I’d like to draw some money from my


A: Wait a moment. I’m sorry. The code number is

incorrect. Please confirm it once more.

identity /aI'dentItI/ n. 身份

*service /'s :vIs/ n. 服务;服役

*communication /kə



n. 通讯;传达;交通

*industrial /In'dʌstriəl/ a. 工业的;


★ commercial /kə'm :ʃ l/ a. 商业的

agricultural /7ægrI'kʌltʃərəl/ a. 农业的

★ withdrawal /wIð'drɔ:əl/ n. 提款;


*downstairs /daJn'steəz/ ad. 在楼下

a. 楼下的

*summarize /'sʌməraIz/ vt. 概括;


*passage /'pæsIdʒ/ n. 通过;通道;


*bill /bIl/ n. 账单;钞票;票据

★ draft /drB:ft/ n. 草稿;汇票

*certificate /sə'tIfIkIt/ n. 证书;证件

*visa /'vi:zə/ n. 签证

*blouse /blaJz/ n. 女衬衫

*umbrella /ʌm'brelə/ n. 伞;雨伞

*praise /preIz/ n. 赞扬;赞美

vi. 赞扬

*suggestion /sə'dʒestʃn/ n. 建议

*explanation /7eksplə'neIʃn/ n. 解释;





n. 推荐;介绍

*code /kəJd/ n. 准则;法典;代码

*confirm /kən'f :m/ v. 确定;证实

*incorrect /7Inkə'rekt/ a. 不正确的




20 实 用 英 语 交 际 教 程

B: OK. Is this number correct?

A: Yes.

B: Would you please tell me my balance?

A: It’s 1112 yuan RMB.

B: Can I draw all the money but not cancel the account?

A: Yes, of course. In our bank, it’s allowed that the

balance of account keeps zero. You can keep it for

further use. Our personal investment products are

also attractive. You may buy the investment products

or funds through this account in the future.

B: That’s great.

A: How would you like your money?

B: In one-hundred bills, please.

A: OK, please sign your name at the bottom of the form.

Here is your money and the interest you’ve earned.

Please check it and keep it well.

B: Thanks. Could I remit some money to an account in

other bank here?

A: Yes, but it adds on a 5% handling charge. And you

can transfer it from your card directly.

B: Oh, I see. Thank you very much.

Task: Do the following drills by replacing the

underlined words with the words given.

Drill One

A: Can I cancel the account?

B: That’s not necessary.

appointment interview contract

application examination wedding ceremony

Drill Two

A: The code number is incorrect.

B: Oh, I’m sorry.

fax mobile phone cell phone I.D. card

★ balance /'bæləns/ vt. 使平衡

n. 天平;余额

*cancel /'kænsəl/ vt. 取消;删去

*course /kɔ:s/ n. 课程;过程; 一道菜

*personal /'p :sənl/ a. 个人的;


★ investment /In'vestmənt/

n. 投资;投资额;投入

*fund /fʌnd/ n. 资金;基金

*sign /saIn/ v. 签名

*earn / :n/ vt. 赚得;挣得;获得

remit /rI'mIt/ v. 汇出;汇寄

add on 另外加上去

handling /'hændlIŋ/ n. 处理

*transfer /træns'f :/ v. 转移;调动

★ appointment /ə'pɔIntmənt/

n. 任命;约定;约会

*interview /'Intəvju:/ n.&vt. 面试;


*contract /'k ntrækt/ n. 契约;合同

wedding /'wedIŋ/ n. 婚礼

*ceremony /'serIməni/ n. 典礼;仪式

*fax /fæks/ n. 传真

★ mobile /'məJbaIl/ a. 运动的;


*cell /sel/ n. 单室;细胞;蜂窝

Bank Unit  3 21

Drill Three

A: Please confirm it once more.

B: OK.

type print display

consider review analyze

Drill Four

A: How would you like your money?

B: In one-hundred bills, please.

dollar yen euro

pound franc mark

ExercisesI. Spoken English

Suppose you’re in a bank. Please create a dialogue between

you and the bank clerk. And practice it with your partner.

Useful Expressions:

1. Can you change me some money, please?


2. I’d like to break this 50 dollar note.

我想把这 50 美元纸币兑换成零钱。

3. Five dollars is the minimum original deposit.

最低起存款额是 5 美元。

4. You can open a savings account at any time with an

initial deposit of 5 dollars.

你可以随时以 5 美元的起存额开立储蓄账户。

5. I’d like to apply for a short-term loan.


6. What if I overdraw?


7. When does my cheque fall due?


8. I would like to report the loss of my bank card.


*type /taIp/ n. 类型 v. 打字

*print /prInt/ n.&v. 印刷

*display /dI'splei/ n.&vt. 陈列;展览

*review /rI'vju:/ vt. 再检查;评论

n. 复习;评论

★ analyze /'ænəlaIz/ vt. 分析;


yen /jen/ n. 日元

euro /'jJərəJ/ n. 欧元

franc /fræŋk/ n. 法郎

mark /mB:k/ n. 德国马克

★ minimum /'mInIməm/ n. 最小量

a. 最小的

★ original /ə'rIdʒInəl/ a. 最初的;


★ initial /I'nIʃ l/ a. 开始的;最初的;

词首的 n. 首字母

*apply /ə'plaI/ v. 申请;应用

★ loan /ləJn/ vt. 借出;贷予

n. 贷款

overdraw /


əJvə'drɔ:/ v. 透支

★ due /dju:/ a. 预期的;应给的

*loss /l s/ n. 遗失;损失;失败

★ presence /'prezns/ n. 出席;到场




22 实 用 英 语 交 际 教 程

9. Thank you for your presence.


II. Vocabulary Task One: Fill in the blanks with the words given

below. Change the form where necessary.

deposit account interview sheet analyze

withdraw display investment original slight

transfer personal cancel confirm apply

1. She inserted a new __________ of paper into the


2. The bestsellers were sold out before they were


3. He looked around to __________ that he was alone.

4. He was soon ___________ to another post.

5. Can you __________ the structure of the sentence

for me?

6. The boy ___________ his hand from the hot stove.

7. The match had to be __________ because of bad weather.

8. In this way they can better _________ theory to practice.

9. There’s a ___________ possibility of success.

10. The __________ owner of this house moved out.

11. I have something __________ to discuss with you.

12. Here’s the money and the interest you’ve __________.

13. The government bids to boost ____________.

14. All the applicants were ____________ one by one.

15. He has been asked to __________ for his conduct.

Task Two: Fill in the blanks with the proper words

given. Change the form where necessary.

(I) application apply applicant

1. As the wages were low, there were few ____________

for the job.

2. He will ____________ to the consul for a visa.

3. An____________ for admission to school is prepared


★ insert /In's :t/ v. 嵌入;插入

*typewriter /'taIpraItə/ n. 打字机

bestseller /'best'selə/ n. 畅销书

sell out 卖完

*stove /stəJv/ n. 火炉;电炉

*theory /'WIəri/ n. 理论;学说

*possibility /7p sI'bIlIti/ n. 可能;


*success /sək'ses/ n. 成功

*owner /'əJnə/ n. 物主;所有人

★ bid /bId/ n.&v. 出价;投标

boost /bu:st/ v. 推进;提高

applicant /'æplIkənt/ n. 申请人

*conduct /'kɔndʌkt/ n. 举止;行为

v. 实施;管理

*wage /weIdʒ/ n. 工资;报酬

★ consul /'k nsəl/ n. 领事

★ admission /əd'mIʃn/ n. 承认;允许


Bank Unit  3 23

(II) difference different differ indifference

1. The two means are ____________ from each other.

2. He showed an incredible _____________ to the


3. His action doesn’t make a ____________.

4. Japanese ____________ greatly from French in


(III) interest interested interesting

1. The short novel written by Mark Twain is very


2. He is not ______________ in politics.

3. She has two great ____________: music and painting.

(IV) person personal personality

1. The committee made an agreement on the Law of

_______ rights.

2. The boy is developing a strong _____________.

3. You need not pay a visit in ____________.

Section Three Practical WritingIOUs(借据)

I. Writing Tips




2.时间: 需写在正文右上角,年月日的排列应该





5.一般借款的条据开头加上 “I.O.U”字样。其他物

品的借据通常以“Borrowed from…”开头。

indifference /In'dIfrəns/ n. 不重视;


*means /mi:nz/ n. 方法;手段

incredible /In'kredəbl/ a. 难以置信的

*action /'ækʃn/ n. 行动;作用;功能

*grammar /'græmə/ n. 语法

*interest /'IntrIst/ n. 兴趣;利益;利息

vt. 使…感兴趣;使关注

*interested /'IntrIstId/ a. 感兴趣的

*interesting /'IntrIstIŋ/ a. 有趣的

Mark Twain 马克 · 吐温(美国 19 世


*politics /'p lItIks/ n. 政治;政治学

*committee /kə'mItI/ n. 委员会;





24 实 用 英 语 交 际 教 程

II. Sample Study

例 1:

May 18, 2011

To Mr. Charles Green,

I.O.U. three thousand U.S. dollars (U.S. $3000)

only, within one year from this date with annual interest

at four percent (4% ).

David Smith

兹借查尔斯 · 格林先生叁仟美元整(U.S. $3000),


   借款人:戴维 · 史密斯

   2011 年 5 月 18 日

例 2:

October 12, 2011

Borrowed from the Foreign Languages Department the

following books:

A copy of College English by Wang Yancheng

A copy of A Tale of Two Citites by Dickens

Yan Lei

From the office of

Education Department






2011 年 10 月 12 日

*within /wi'ðIn/ ad. 在里面;


*annual /'ænjJəl/ a. 每年的

n. 年报

*department /dI'pB:tmənt/ n. 部;


*tale /teIl/ n. 故事;传说

Dickens /'dIkInz/ n. 狄更斯(英国

19 世纪著名作家)

*education /7edjJ:'keIʃn/ n. 教育

Bank Unit  3 25

III. Writing Practice

Please write an IOU according to the following


借 据

今借计算机系办公室 IBM 品牌计算机一台,型

号为 MXH987C,言明一个月内归还。此据。


2011 年 9 月 8 日

*according /ə'kɔ:dIŋ/ ad. 按照;





Section One Listening

Task I: In this section you will hear five questions. The question will be spoken twice.

You should decide on the correct answer from the four choices marked a), b), c) and d).

1. a) Three thirty. b) By gate 12.

c) A moment ago. d) At the Bus Station.

2. a) Fourteen dollars. b) It’s next to the station.

c) Sorry, I have no money. d) Sorry, I don’t know the way.

3. a) It’s over there. b) It’s 9:30.

c) It’s too late. d) It sounds good.

4. a) No problem. b) What is it?

c) Sorry, I don’t know. d) That’s right.

5. a) No, thank you. b) Ten dollars, please.

c) Of course not. d) My pleasure.

Task II: In this section you will hear five dialogues. After each dialogue, there is a

question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken twice. You should decide on the

correct answer from the four choices marked a), b), c) and d).

1. a) In two minutes. b) Right away.

c) In less than half an hour. d) Twelve minutes later.

2. a) One hour. b) Two hours.

c) Three hours. d) Four hours.

3. a) They must hurry up. b) They will miss the train.

c) They won’t take this train. d) They won’t miss the train.

4. a) He feels it is no concern of his.

b) He is astonished that the bus company is doing it.

c) He is sure that many people will stop riding the bus.

d) He is surprised by the lack of public awareness.

Railway StationRailwat StationUnit  4Unit   4Unit  4

Railway Station Unit  4 27

5. a) To return a ticket. b) To check in.

c) To buy a ticket. d) To see a friend off.

Task III: In this section you will hear a short passage. The passage will be read three

times. You should fill in the blanks with the words or phrases you hear.

Yesterday I took a taxi to the railway station. The taxi driver was _____________. His

radio was on and it was very loud. I asked him politely to turn it down. Then I asked him

politely to roll up his window. His window was open, and the cold wind was ____________

in my face. He was very polite. He turned his radio down and rolled up his window. But after

that, I had ______________. In the first place, he didn’t know where the railway station was.

I told him to turn left, but he turned right. Then he went through a red light. That made me

_____________. I told him it was a wrong way. I think he’s a very _____________ driver.

Section Two Speaking

Dialogue I

(At the inquiry desk of a railway station)

A: May I help you, sir?

B: Yes, I’d like to inquire some information about the

trains to Beijing.

A: When do you want to go?

B: On July 7, I have to be there before 8 a.m. the next day.

A: There’s a train at 11 p.m. It’s a special express. It

will get you there at 7 a.m. the next day.

B: What’s the fare?

A: Do you want to buy a round or single trip ticket?

B: What’s the difference between them?

A: A round trip ticket saves about 10 percent of the

fare. Do you prefer a hard sleeping berth or a soft

sleeping berth?

B: OK. A round trip ticket with soft lower sleeping

berth. So how much is it?

A: 100 yuan.

B: By the way, where is the left-luggage office?

A: It’s outside this door on the left.

B: Can you tell me from which platform the train


*inquiry /In'kwaIərI/ n. 询问;打听;


*railway /'reIlweI/ n. 铁路;铁道

*inquire /In'kwaIə/ vt. 打听;询问;


*a.m. /


eI'em/ abbr. 上午;午前

*p.m. /


pi:'em/ abbr. 下午;午后

*special /'speʃəl/ a. 特殊的;专门的

*express /Iks'pres/ v. 表示;表达

n. 快车;快递

a. 快速的;快递的

*fare /feə/ n. 车费;船费;票价

*prefer /prI'f :/ vt. 宁愿;更喜欢

★ berth /b :W/ n. 卧铺

*luggage /'lʌgIdʒ/ n. 行李

★ platform /'plætfɔ:m/ n. 平台;


Railway StationRailwat StationUnit  4Unit   4Unit  4




28 实 用 英 语 交 际 教 程

A: Platform 4.

B: Thanks for the information.

A: My pleasure. It’s just my duty.

Task: Do the following drills by replacing the

underlined words with the words given.

Drill One

A: May I help you, sir?

B: Yes, I’d like to inquire some information about the

trains to Beijing.

advertisement association product

journey training meeting

Drill Two

A: Do you want to buy a round or single trip ticket?

B: Single, please.

purchase choose select book reserve

Drill Three

A: By the way, where is the left-luggage office?

B: It’s outside this door on the left.

inn laundry gym toilet

Drill Four

A: Thanks for the information.

B: My pleasure. It’s just my duty.

your invitation your kindness your gift

your guidance your proposal your advice

Dialogue II

(At the hotel)

A: Did you enjoy your breakfast, sir?

B: Yes, very much. By the way, can you tell me how to

get to the Italian Museum?

A: Oh, that’s quite far, sir. A taxi would be expensive. But

you can go anywhere if you learn to use the Tube.

*advertisement /Ed'v :tIsmənt/

n. 广告;公告

*association /ə7səJsI'eIʃn/ n. 协会

*journey /'dʒ :nI/ n. 旅行;旅程

*training /'treInIŋ/ n. 训练;培养

*purchase /'p :tʃəs/ n. 买;购买

*select /sI'lekt/ v. 选择;挑选

*inn /In/ n. 小旅店;小酒店

*laundry /'lɔ:ndrI/ n. 洗衣房;


★ gymnasium /dʒIm'neIzIəm/ n.


*invitation /7InvI'teIʃn/ n. 邀请

*kindness /'kaIndnIs/ n. 仁慈;好意

*gift /gIft/ n. 礼物;赠品;天赋

*guidance /'gaIdəns/ n. 引导;指导

*proposal /prə'pəJzl/ n. 建议

*Italian /I'tæljən/ a. 意大利的

n. 意大利语

*museum /mju:'zIəm/ n. 博物馆;


*anywhere /'enIweə/ ad. 任何地方

Railway Station Unit  4 29

B: The Tube? Oh, the underground. That sounds easy


(At the subway station)

B: Excuse me, there is no ticket window here, how can I

get the subway tickets?

C: Look, there’s a machine over there. You can get the

ticket from the machine.

B: Thank you. Can you tell me how to use it?

C: No problem. Press the button. Look, it asks you

what language you prefer. It has instructions in

English, French, German and Italian. Let’s choose


B: I can do it now. At which station can I get off if I

want to go to the Italian Museum?

C: At Century Square station.

B: Is this the right line to Century Square station?

C: I’m afraid not. It’s the Southern Line, and it takes

you longer time. You’d better take the Central Line,

and then transfer to the Northern Line at Princess

Street. Century Square is the next station.

B: Thank you very much.

Task: Do the following drills by replacing the

underlined words with the words given.

Drill One

A: Did you enjoy your breakfast, sir?

B: Yes, very much.

the chocolate the jam the picnic the toast

Drill Two

A: By the way, can you tell me how to get to the Italian


B: Yes, of course.

attach the label to the luggage design the postcard

fasten the baggage overcome the horror

★ tube /'tju:b/ n. 管;地铁;


*underground /'ʌndəgraJnd/ n. 地下;

地铁 a. 地下的 ad. 地下

*subway /'sʌbweI/ n. 地道;地下铁路

*machine /mə'ʃi:n/ n. 机器;机械

*press /pres/ vt. 压;按 n. 新闻界,


*button /'bʌtn/ n. 扣子;按钮 vt. 扣紧

*century /'sentʃEri/ n. 世纪;百年

*line /laIn/ n. 线;排;路线

*southern /'sʌðən/ a. 南方的;


*central /sen'trEl/ a. 中心的;中央的;


*princess /prIn'ses / n. 公主;王妃

*chocolate /'tʃ kəlIt/ n. 巧克力

*jam /dʒæm/ n. 果酱;拥挤;阻塞

vt. 使塞满;使堵塞

*toast /təJst/ n. 烤面包;干杯

v. 敬酒;烤

*attach /ə'tætʃ/ vt. 缚;系;贴

★ label /'leIbəl/ n. 标签;标记

*design /dI'zaIn/ vt. 设计

n. 设计;图样

*postcard /'pəJstkB:d/ n. 明信片

*fasten /fa:sn/ vt. 扎牢;扣住




30 实 用 英 语 交 际 教 程

Drill Three

A: A taxi would be expensive.

B: Really?

convenient costly suitable unnecessary

Drill Four

A: You’d better transfer to the Northern Line.

B: Thank you for your suggestion.

change the method check the bill

tidy the cupboard consult the professor

ExercisesI. Spoken English

Suppose you’re buying train tickets. Please create a

dialogue between you and the booking office clerk. And

practice it with your partner.

Useful Expressions:

1. Excuse me, I’d like to find out the trains to Nanjing.


2. At what time does the next train leave for the city?


3. Is it express?


4. How much is the fare?


5. I would like to buy a ticket to Shanghai, please.


6. Two first class and express tickets for New York, please.

请给 2 张去纽约的头等特快车票。

7. Please give me a one way ticket to London.


8. How long is the journey?


9. Tickets to Paris are sold out.


*baggage /'bægIdʒ/ n. 行李

*overcome /7əJvə'kʌm/ vt. 战胜;克服

*horror /'h rə/ n. 恐怖;恐惧

*convenient /kən'vi:njənt/ a. 便利的;


*costly /'k stli/ a. 昂贵的

*unnecessary /ʌn'nesIsərI/ a. 多余的;


*cupboard /'kʌbəd/ n. 碗橱

*consult /kən'sʌlt/ vt. 请教;查阅

*professor /prə'fesə/ n. 教授

find out 了解;打听;弄清楚

leave for 出发去…

Railway Station Unit  4 31

10. Sleepers are not available now.


II. Vocabulary Task one: Fill in the blanks with the words given below.

Change the form where necessary.

fasten training convenient consult attach

central anywhere kindness purchase inquire

platform overcome design underground press

1. The missile was launched from ____________.

2. You should _________ a veteran doctor about your illness.

3. He saved money to ____________ a house.

4. I recommend that he ____________ about the job.

5. She always shows __________ to children and


6. The frozen food is the most ____________ of all.

7. The child ___________ his nose against the window.

8. If you want to go ____________ else, let me know.

9. Grouped in 12 teams, we undertook strict military


10. He was walking up and down the station ________.

11. We shall be landing shortly. Please __________

your seat-belts.

12. The machine was ___________ for washing dishes.

13. The teacher _________ great importance to reading.

14. There are a lot of difficulties that have to be __________.

15. What’s the ___________ thought of this article?

Task Two: Fill in the blanks with the proper words

given. Change the form where necessary.

(I) preferable prefer preference

1. The majority of people seem to_________TV to radio.

2. He finds country life ___________ to living in the


3. Which is your_____________, tea or coffee?

*available /ə'veIləbl/ a. 可利用的;


missile /'mIsəl/ n. 导弹

★ launch /lɔ:ntʃ/ n. 发射;发动

★ veteran /'vetərən/ n. 老兵;老手

a. 老练的

*illness /'IlnIs/ n. 病;疾病

*freeze /fri:z/ (froze, frozen) v. 冷冻;


*undertake /7ʌndə'teIk / vt. 从事;


*military /'mIlItərI/ a. 军事的

*land /lænd/ v. 登陆;着陆

n. 陆地;土地

*shortly /'ʃɔ:tlI/ ad. 立刻;简短地

*importance /Im'pɔ:təns/ n. 重要;


*difficulty /'dIfIkəlti/ n. 困难;困境

*thought /Wɔ:t/ n. 思想;想法

preferable /'prefərəbl/ a. 更好的;更


★ preference /'prefərəns/ n. 偏爱;


*majority /mə'dʒ rItI/ n. 大多数;





32 实 用 英 语 交 际 教 程

(II) unnecessary necessary necessarily

1. The _________ result of a war is a fall in production.

2. The rich is not ___________ happy.

3. Don’t burden yourself with __________ problems.

(III) inviter invitation invite

1. He ___________ several of his friends to the show.

2. I am only too glad to accept your kind ___________.

3. The _________ is her former college classmate.

(IV) proposal propose proposer

1. The _________ suggested that we should deal with

the problem by another way.

2. These foreigners have put forward a _________ for a

joint venture.

3. He _________ building a bridge across this river.

Section Three Practical WritingReceipts(收据)

I. Writing Tips






了当,无需使用客套语言。开头通常用 “Received from...”。


II. Sample Study

例 1:

July 25, 2011

Received from Mr. Li Tao the full amount of RMB

five hundred yuan (RMB ¥500) on time.

Zhang Lin

necessarily /'nesIsərIlI/ ad. 必然;必定

inviter /In'vaItə/ n. 邀请者

*invite /In'vaIt/ vt. 邀请;聘请

*former /'fɔ:mə/ a. 在前的

n. 前者

proposer /prə'pəJzə/ n. 提议者;


*foreigner /'f rInə/ n. 外国人

*forward /'fɔ:wəd/ ad. 向前

put forward 提出

*joint /dʒɔInt/ a. 联合的;合办的

★ venture /'ventʃə/ n. 冒险;风险投资

joint venture 合资经营

*amount /ə'maJnt/ n. 总数;数量

v. 总和

Railway Station Unit  4 33



(RMB ¥500 元)。


2011 年 7 月 25 日

例 2:

June 8, 2011

Received from Mr. Handel the following things:

One typewriter

One tape-recorder

Bruce 今收到





2011 年 6 月 8 日

III. Writing Practice

Please write a receipt according to the following





2011 年 9 月 6 日

*instruction /In'strʌkʃən/ n. 命令;指


*tape /teIp/ n. 磁带;录音带




Section One Listening

Task I: In this section you will hear five questions. The question will be spoken twice.

You should decide on the correct answer from the four choices marked a), b), c) and d).

1. a) It matters with you. b) Not too bad.

c) I feel a bit sick. d) That’s right.

2. a) It was shown late until midnight.

b) It was starred by a few famous people.

c) Far from. I should have stayed at home watching TV programs.

d) I was seated far away from the corner.

3. a) No, they are not clever at all.

b) No, I don’t know the cleverest student before.

c) Yes, I know all of them well.

d) Yes, the girl in a blue skirt.

4. a) The tickets must be expensive.

b) The performance must be marvelous.

c) Why not? Let’s go.

d) The theatre is too far away.

5. a) It’s really fine. b) Can I help you to carry it?

c) The bookstore is not far away. d) May I know your name?

Task II: In this section you will hear five dialogues. After each dialogue, there is a

question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken twice. You should decide on the

correct answer from the four choices marked a), b), c) and d).

1. a) Director and actress. b) Teacher and pupil.

c) Policeman and thief. d) Policeman and driver.

2. a) She is not familiar with the city. b) She is not helpful.

c) She is a policewoman. d) She is a resident of this city.

Police StationPolice StationUnit  5Unit   5Unit  5

Police Station Unit  5 35

3. a) Teacher and student. b) Husband and wife.

c) Receptionist and customer. d) Policeman and witness.

4. a) The speed limit was not clearly marked.

b) The limit was clearly marked as 40 miles per hour.

c) The speed limit is 30 miles per hour.

d) 50 miles per hour is the speed limit.

5. a) The room is on fire. b) They are bothered by the smoke.

c) There is very little breeze. d) They are not permitted in the room.

Task III: In this section you will hear a short passage. The passage will be read three

times. You should fill in the blanks with the words or phrases you hear.

The sounds we hear on the earth ___________ by the air. Since there is no air on the

moon, people who go to the moon must talk to __________ by radio. Dust in the earth’s

air, ___________ very little, scatters the sunlight. This makes the earth’s daytime sky blue

and the shadows not completely dark. But on the moon, the sky is always black. You would

___________ see stars even in the daytime. Sunny places on the moon are very, very bright,

but the shadows are almost black. The moon had no air to __________ the sun’s heat, so it

can get hot enough to boil water in places where the sun is shining on.

Section Two Speaking

Dialogue I

A: Hello. Fourth Street Police Station, can I help you?

B: I’m calling to report a missing credit card.

A: What’s the card number, Miss?

B: Oh, I don’t remember.

A: What’s your name and address?

B: Janet Carlson, 127 Hasting Street.

A: Did you say your card was lost or stolen?

B: Stolen. I left my purse on the counter in the department

store while I went to the fitting room to try the dress on.

A: When did you discover it?

B: I didn’t discover that until I went to pay. Do you

think there is anything you can do? Someone may be

using my credit card this very minute.

A: You don’t need to worry, Miss Carlson. Once we

get your card number, your card will be invalidated

*missing /'mIsIŋ/ a. 缺掉的;


*haste /heIst/ n. 急速;急忙;草率

*steal /sti:l/ (stole, stolen) vt. 偷;


*purse /p :s/ n. 钱包;手袋

invalidate /In'vælIdeIt/ v. 使无效;使


Police StationPolice StationUnit  5Unit   5Unit  5




36 实 用 英 语 交 际 教 程

all over the world within 30 seconds simply by

informing the terminal.

B: Oh, I’m so relieved to hear that. Thank you very much.

A: That’s all right.

Task: Do the following drills by replacing the

underlined words with the words given.

Drill One

A: Hello. Fourth Street Police Station, Can I help you?

B: I’m calling to report a missing credit card.

camel bicycle contract

document elephant fridge

Drill Two

A: When did you discover it was stolen?

B: I didn’t discover that until I went to pay.

detect; detect notice; notice

find; find observe; observe

Drill Three

B: Oh,I’m so relieved to hear that. Thank you very much.

A: That’s all right.

excited grateful pleasan

inspired encouraged satisfied

Drill Four

A: Did you say your card was lost or stolen?

B: Stolen. I left my purse on the counter in the depart-

ment store.

supermarket club hotel

restaurant bar inn

Dialogue II

A: Hello. Fourth Street Police Station. Can I help you?

B: Yes. My car was stolen last night.

A: What’s your name and address, please?

B: My name is Jack Nelson, and my address is 66

Washington Street.

*camel /'kæməl/ n. 骆驼

*document /'d kjJmənt/ n. 公文;


*elephant /'elIfənt/ n. 大象

*fridge /frIdʒ/ n. 冰箱

*detect /dI'tekt/ vt. 察觉;发觉;侦察

*notice /'nəJtIs/ n.&vt. 通知;


*observe /əb'z :v/ vt. 观察;观测;


*excited /Ik'saItId/ a. 激动的;


*grateful /'greItfJl/ a. 感激的;


*inspire /In'spaIə/ vt. 鼓舞;启发;


*encourage /In'kʌrIdʒ/ vt. 鼓励

*satisfy /'sætIsfaI/ vt. 满足;使


*supermarket /'sju:pə


ma:kIt/ n.


*bar /ba:/ n. 酒吧

★ terminal /'t :mInl/ a. 末端的

n. 终端机

★ relieve /rI'li:v/ vt. 减轻;救济;使


Police Station Unit  5 37

A: What kind of car is it, sir?

B: It’s a blue 1989 Ford. The license plate number is


A: And where was it parked?

B: It was parked in my driveway, in front of my house.

A: Can you tell me the time period when it was stolen?

B: I can tell you the time. It was about 4:20 a.m..

A: Wait, you mean you saw the criminals stealing the


B: No, I heard them. The car alarm went off, but they

must have disengaged it.

A: Oh, sir, we’re open all night here. Why didn’t you

call then?

B: I was so sleepy. I thought it was my alarm clock. So

I looked at the clock, reset it and went back to sleep.

A: Oh, I see.

Task: Do the following drills by replacing the

underlined words with the words given.

Drill One

A: Hello. Fourth Street Police Station. Can I help you?

B: Hello. My car was stolen last night.

camera kettle lamb

piano engine medal

Drill Two

A: And where was it parked?

B: It was parked in my driveway.

on the campus near the gate in the garage

beside the highway near the church in the yard

Drill Three

A: Can you tell me the time period when it was stolen?

B: I can tell you the time— it was about 4:20 a.m..

was attacked was damaged was wounded

was destroyed was exploded was found

Ford /fɔ:d/ n. 福特汽车

*license /'laIsəns/ n. 许可;执照

license plate 牌照

driveway /'draIvweI/ n. 车道

*period /'pIərIəd/ n. 时期;(一段)


★ criminal /'krImInl/ n. 犯人;罪犯

★ vehicle /'vi:Ekl/ n. 车辆;机动车

*alarm /ə'lB:m/ n. 恐慌;警报;闹钟

v. 使惊慌;警告

go off 走开;响起

disengage /


dIsIn'geIdʒ/ vt. 解开;解除

sleepy /'sli:pI/ a. 欲睡的;困的

★ reset /'ri:set/ v. 重新安排;重新设置

*camera /'kæmərə/ n. 照相机

*kettle /'ketl/ n. 水壶;水锅

*lamb /læm/ n. 羔羊;小羊

*medal /'medl/ n. 奖章;勋章

*piano /pI'ænəJ/ n. 钢琴

*engine /'endʒIn/ n. 发动机;机车

*campus /'kæmpəs/ n. 校园

*garage /'gærIdʒ/ n. 车库;汽修厂

*highway /'haIweI/ n. 公路;大路

*church /tʃ :tʃ/ n. 教堂

*yard /jB:d/ n. 院子;庭院;场地

*attack /ə'tæk/ n.&vt. 攻击,进攻

*damage /'dæmIdʒ/ vt. 损害;毁坏

n. 损害

*wound /wu:nd/ vt. 使受伤 n. 伤口

*destroy /dIs'trɔI/ vt. 破坏;毁坏

*explode /Iks'pləJd/ v. 引爆;爆炸




38 实 用 英 语 交 际 教 程

Drill Four

A: Wait, you mean you saw the criminal stealing the


B: Yes.

a foreigner the landlady the landlord

a fellow the thief the house keeper

ExercisesI. Spoken English

Suppose you’re calling a police station and telling your

house had been burglarized. Please create a dialogue between

you and a policeman. And practice it with your partner.

Useful Expressions:

1. I’d like to report a case. Somebody broke into my house.


2. Is anything lost?


3. He took everything of any value: money, watches,

computer, DVD, everything.



4. When did that happen?


5. It occurred in the morning. I just came home from

work and found the lock broken.


6. What’s your name and address?


7. Please don’t worry, sir. We will be there as soon as



*landlady /'lændleIdi/ n. 女房东;


*landlord /'lændlɔ:d/ n. 房东;地主

*fellow /'feləJ/ n. 家伙;小伙子

*thief /Wi:f/ n. 窃贼;偷窃犯

*keeper /ki:pə/ n. 看护人;饲养员

burglarize /'b :gləraIz/ v. 入室盗窃

*case /keIs/ n. 箱子;情况;案例;


break into 闯入

*value /'vælju:/ n. 价值;价格

vt. 评价

*occur /ə'k :/ v. 发生;出现

*lock /l k/ vt. 锁上;锁住

n. 锁

Police Station Unit  5 39

II. Vocabulary Task One: Fill in the blanks with the words given below.

Change the form where necessary.

missing attack inspire steal wound

license damage grateful period garage

alarm criminal relieve observe occur

1. The storm did great __________ to the crops.

2. The police are launching an ___________ on drug


3. He has obtained a driving ____________.

4. Police are searching the woods for the _________ children.

5. The dentist could _________ no sign of decay in her teeth.

6. The bullet ___________ his shoulder.

7. His best music was __________ by the memory of his


8. He was on his feet again after such a long ___________

in hospital.

9. Someone has ___________ my watch.

10. In case of fire, ring the ___________ bell.

11. We were ___________ to hear that you had arrived


12. The ____________ was charged with murder.

13. There is a __________ built onto the side of the hill.

14. That accident __________ last week in the main street.

15. I am heartily ___________ to your help.

Task Two: Fill in the blanks with the proper words

given. Change the form where necessary.

(I) explode explosion explosive

1. The old man has an ___________ temper.

2. The ___________ was heard a mile away.

3. The shell ___________ in the barrel of the gun.

(II) destroy destruction destructive

1. A locust is a kind of ____________ insect.

2. If the tree falls that way, it will _________ the house.

*storm /stɔ:m/ n. 暴风雨

*drug /drʌg/ n. 药;麻药;毒品

★ dealer /'di:lə/ n. 商人;贩子

*search /s :tʃ/ vt. 搜寻;搜查

dentist /'dentIst/ n. 牙科医生

*sign /saIn/ n. 符号;招牌

★ decay /dI'keI/ vi. 腐烂;衰败

n. 腐烂

bullet /'bJlIt/ n. 子弹

*shoulder /'ʃəJldə/ n. 肩;肩膀

*memory /'memərI/ n. 记忆;怀念

*murder /'m :də/ n.&v. 谋杀;凶杀

*onto /' ntu/ prep. 到…上

*accident /'æksIdənt/ n. 事故

*main /meIn/ a. 主要的

heartily /'hB:tIli/ ad. 衷心地

explosion /Iks'pləJʒn/ n. 爆炸

explosive /Iks'pləJsIv/ a. 爆炸的;


★ temper /'tempə/ n. 脾气;情绪

barrel /'bærəl/ n. 枪管;炮管;桶

*shell /ʃel/ n. 壳;贝壳;炮弹

★ destruction /dIs'trʌkʃn/ n. 破坏

destructive /dIs'trʌktIv/ a. 破坏性的

locust /'ləukəst/ n. 蝗虫

insect /'Insekt/ n. 昆虫




40 实 用 英 语 交 际 教 程

3. It will cause pollution and the __________ of our


(III) satisfy satisfaction satisfactory

1. Did he provide a ___________ explanation?

2. I had to explain the reasons to __________ his curiosity.

3. Looking at a beautiful painting always gives one


(IV) engine engineer engineering

1. He studies chemical ___________ at school.

2. This is a kind new of __________ for a motor vehicle.

3. His dream is to become an ___________.

Section Three Practical WritingWritten Messages(留言条)

I. Writing Tips





1.人物(包括收信人和写信人),如:Dear Mr.××,

Smith, Bill。

2.地点,如:Room 1506, Railway station。

3.时间,如:3:00 p.m., 9:00 a.m., Jan. 10th。

4.事件,如:have a meeting, give a speech。




3.有时有结束语,如:Truly yours, Yours sincerely。


*cause /kɔ:z/ n. 原因;事业 vt. 造成

★ pollution /pə'luʃn/ n. 污染

*satisfactory /7sætIs'fæktərI/ a. 令人


*satisfaction /7sætIs'fækʃn/ n. 满意

*engineer /endʒI'nIə/ n. 工程师

*engineering /7endʒI'nIərIŋ/ n.


★ chemical /'kemIkl/ a. 化学的

n. 化学制品

*motor /'məJtə/ n. 发动机;马达

*truly /'tru:li/ ad. 真正地;


Police Station Unit  5 41

II. Sample Study

例 1:

Jan. 7th

Mr. Wang Li,

Please come to Room 217, Building 1, where we

will have a meeting at 3:00 p.m. today.

Sincerely yours,Li Ming


今天下午 3 点在 1 号楼 217 房间开会。


1 月 7 日

例 2:

Dec. 24


Something EXCITING at Christmas Eve! Come

and meet me in my dorm tonight.





12 月 24 日

III. Writing Practice

Please write a message about the following information.

邀请 Mary 7 月 17 日晚 7:30 参加你在家里举办的生


*exciting /Ik'saItIŋ/ a. 令人兴奋的

★ dorm /dɔ:m/ n. 宿舍

*eve /i:v/ n. 前夜;前夕




Section One Listening

Task I: In this section you will hear five questions. The question will be spoken twice.

You should decide on the correct answer from the four choices marked a), b), c) and d).

1. a) It’s not far from here. b) Sorry, I’m new here.

c) I work in a post office. d) Yes, please.

2. a) No, there isn’t. b) Yes, it is.

c) On the ground floor. d) It is empty.

3. a) It’s a five miles away. b) Two hours if we drive fast.

c) By plane. d) Walking through the park.

4. a) There won’t. b) You can take No.22 bus.

c) It takes a long time. d) It’s wonderful.

5. a) At 2:30. b) Yes, you can.

c) In Tianhe. d) At the train station.

Task II: In this section you will hear five dialogues. After each dialogue, there is a

question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken twice. You should decide on the

correct answer from the four choices marked a), b), c) and d).

1. a) No, she refused to go out with them. b) Yes, she accepted willingly.

c) No, but she would let him know that night. d) Yes, she loved to.

2. a) One turn. b) Two turns.

c) Three turns. d) Four turns.

3. a) It’s Room 105. b) It’s Room 106.

c) It’s Room 206. d) It’s Room 207.

4. a) To unlock his car. b) His keys are broken.

c) His house needs another lock. d) His back door lock doesn’t work well.

5. a) 9:55. b) 10:00.

c) 9:50. d) 10:05.

Asking the WayAsking the WayUnit  6Unit   6Unit  6

Asking the Way Unit  6 43

Task III: In this section you will hear a short passage. The passage will be read three

times. You should fill in the blanks with the words or phrases you hear.

John drove to George’s house for the party. He tried following George’s ___________. He

went _______________ on Union Road to Ivy Street. Then he turned right and drove through

Washington Avenue to the Fifth Highway _______________. After that, he took the Fifth

Highway _____________ and got off at Exit 14. At this _____________, he made a mistake. He

turned left, instead of right. When he finally got to George’s house, it was quite late.

Section Two Speaking

Dialogue I

A: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the railway


B: Yes, walk five blocks, and you’ll see a square, pigeon

square. The station is near the square.

A: Is it too far to walk?

B: No, it’s not distant at all.

(10 minutes later)

A: Excuse me. Is the railway station somewhere near

here? I seem to get lost in this lane.

C: Sorry, I’m a stranger here. You’d better ask the

policeman standing under the traffic lights. He’s

always reliable.

(to the policeman)

A: Pardon me. I’m trying to find the railway station.

D: Well I’m afraid you’re in the wrong direction. You

have to go along this road until you come to the road

forks. Then turn right, continue to walk on a short

distance, you’ll find it.

A: Well, I can’t remember all that. By the way, is it

possible to go there by bus?

D: Yes, but it doesn’t go there directly. You have to

transfer once. You’d better take the subway instead.

It’s much less complicated that way.

A: I really appreciate your help.

*block /bl k/ n. 街区 v. 阻塞; 阻碍

*pigeon /'pIdʒIn/ n. 鸽子

*distant /'dIstənt/ a. 遥远的;远处的

★ lane /leIn/ n. 小路;胡同

*traffic /'træfIk/ n. 交通;通行

*reliable /rI'laIəbl/ a. 可靠的;


*direction /dI'rekʃn/ n. 方向

*fork /fɔ:k/ n. 餐叉;叉;分叉

*continue /kən'tInju:/ v. 继续

*distance /'dIstəns/ n. 距离;


*directly /dI'rektli/ ad. 直接地

★ complicated /'k mplIkeItId/

a. 复杂的;难懂的

*appreciate /ə'pri:ʃIeIt/ v. 欣赏;感激

Asking the WayAsking the WayUnit  6Unit   6Unit  6




44 实 用 英 语 交 际 教 程

Task: Do the following drills by replacing the

underlined words with the words given.

Drill One

A: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the railway


B: Yes.

café temple playground gas station

Drill Two

A: I’m trying to find the railway station.

B: Well, I can lend you a hand.

build a garage repair the car count the coins

undo the knot revise the paper seize the bird

Drill Three

A: You’d better ask the policeman. He’s always reliable.

B: Thank you.

warm-hearted helpful patient

willing to help responsible polite

Drill Four

A: It’s much less complicated that way.

B: I appreciate your help.

remote difficult complex abstract

Dialogue II

A: Excuse me. I’m a foreigner. This city is a great

tourist attraction, isn’t it?B: Yes, surrounded by water on three sides, it’s very

beautiful. And it enjoys a long history, splendid

culture, modern civilization and prosperity. There

are a lot of worthwhile places for you to see.

A: Well, I don’t know where to start. What would you


B: Why not start from the beach near Shanhaiguan Pass?

★ café /'kæfeI/ n. 咖啡馆

*temple /'templ/ n. 神殿;庙宇

*playground /'pleIgraJnd/ n. 操场

*gas /gæs/ n. 煤气;气体;汽油

*coin /kɔIn/ n. 硬币

★ undo /


ʌn'dJ:/ vt. 解开;打开

knot /n t/ n. 结 v. 打结

★ revise /rI'vaIz/ vt. 修订;修改

*seize /si:z/ v. 抓住;逮捕;夺取

*helpful /'helpfJl/ a. 有帮助的

*polite /pə'laIt/ a. 有礼貌的;文雅的

*responsible /rIs'p nsəbl/ a. 尽责的;


*willing /'wIlIŋ/ a. 愿意的

★ remote /rI'məJt/ a. 遥远的;


★ complex /'k mpleks/ a. 综合的;


★ abstract /'æbstrækt/ a. 抽象的

*tourist /'tJərIst/ n. 旅游者

*attraction /ə'trækʃn/ n. 吸引

*surround /sə'raJnd/ v. 围绕

★ splendid /'splendId/ a. 壮丽的

*culture /'kʌltʃə/ n. 文化

*modern /'m dn/ a. 现代的

★ civilization /


sIvElaI'zeIʃn/ n. 文明

★ prosperity /pr 'sperEti/ n. 繁荣

★ worthwhile /


w :W'waIl/ a. 值得的

*beach /bi:tʃ/ n. 海滩;湖滩

Asking the Way Unit  6 45

A: Yeah, I know it. Is it a section of the Great Wall?

B: Yes, the construction existed from Ming Dynasty.

The average height is 14 meters. It is a symbol of

Chinese culture.

A: No wonder it’s so famous. What else can I do there?

B: You can enjoy the sunrise and sunset. It’s an ideal


A: Wonderful. By the way, is it a TV tower over there?

B: Yes, you can get a bird’s eye view of the city from

there. Under the tower there’s a restaurant, they

serve special kinds of Chinese food. You can try it.

A: Thank you very much.

B: You’re welcome. I hope you’ll have a good time


Task: Do the following drills by replacing the

underlined words with the words given.

Drill One

A: What would you suggest?

B: Why not start from the beach near Shanhaiguan Pass?

jungle west lake shore bay monument

Drill Two

A: It is a symbol of Chinese culture.

B: No wonder it’s so famous.

unique amazing outstanding mysterious

Drill Three

A: By the way, is it a TV tower over there?

B: Yes, It is.

harbour port lawn fountain parking lot

★ section /'sekʃn/ n. 部分;部门

*exist /Ig'zIst/ vi. 存在;生存

*average /'ævərIdʒ/ a. 平均的

n. 平均 v. 平均

*height /haIt/ n. 高;高度

*meter /'mi:tə/ n. 计量器;米

*symbol /'sImbl/ n. 象征;符号

*wonder /'wʌndə/ n. 奇怪;奇迹

v. 好奇;想知道

*sunrise /'sʌnraIz/ n. 日出 ( 时分 )

*sunset /'sʌnset/ n. 日落 ( 时分 )

*ideal /aI'dIəl/ a. 理想的;观念的

*tower /'taJə/ n. 塔

*serve /s :v/ v. 为…服务;招待

*view /vju:/ n. 视野;风景;见解

*jungle /'dʒʌŋgl/ n. 丛林;密林

*shore /ʃɔ:/ n. 滨;岸

*bay /beI/ n. 湾;山脉中的凹处

★ monument /'m njJmənt/ n.


*amazing /ə'meIzIN/ a. 令人惊奇的

*outstanding /aJt'stændIŋ/ a. 卓越;


*mysterious /mI'stIərIəs/ a. 神秘的

*harbour /'hB:bə/ n. 海港;港口

*port /pɔ:t/ n. 港;港口

*lawn /lɔ:n/ n. 草地;草坪;草场

★ fountain /'faJntIn/ n. 泉水;喷泉




46 实 用 英 语 交 际 教 程

Drill Four

A: Under the tower there’s a restaurant, they serve

special kind of Chinese food.

B: Thank you very much. I’ll follow your suggestion.

liquor lemon juice soda

cheese refreshments sandwich

ExercisesI. Spoken English

Suppose you’re a tourist and get lost in a strange city,

needing to ask the way. Please create a dialogue between you

and a passer-by. And practice it with your partner.

Useful Expressions:

1. Excuse me. I’m trying to find Hebei Normal University.


2. Walk on a short distance, and then turn right.


3. Are you driving or taking public transportation?


4. I’m afraid you’re in the wrong street.


5. This is my first visit here, and I want to see as many

sights as I can.


6. It’s not difficult to find your way around if you have

such a map of the city.


7. Get off the bus at Zhonghua Street and transfer to No. 204

bus going north.

在中华大街下车转乘北行的 204 路车。

8. The place you’re looking for is only a short walk from



*liquor /'lIkə/ n. 酒;溶液;液剂

*lemon /'lemən/ n. 柠檬

*soda /'səJdə/ n. 苏打水;汽水

★ cheese /tʃ i:z/ n. 乳酪;干酪

★ refreshment /rI'freʃmənt/ n. 茶点

*sandwich /'sænwIdʒ/ n. 三明治

passer-by 过路人;经过者

*university /7ju:nI'v :sItI/ n. 大学;


transportation /7trænspɔ:'teIʃn/ n. 运输;


*sight /saIt/ n. 视力;眼界;景观

get off 下车

look for 寻找

Asking the Way Unit  6 47

II. Vocabulary Task One: Fill in the blanks with the words given below.

Change the form where necessary.

average prosperity view appreciate serve

willing worthwhile amaze remote wonder

reliable mysterious revise surround seize

1. The increasing sale of luxury goods is an index of the

country’s ___________.

2. The news comes from a ___________ source.

3. My students continue to __________ me every day with

their maturity and original thinking.

4. The house was _______________ by high walls.

5. The skyscrapers block our _____________.

6. I really ____________ your invitation.

7. There are many _____________ stories about the

Egyptian Pyramids.

8. If possible, we’d like to ___________ the term of


9. No man can ___________ two masters.

10. I’d like to buy your house if you are _________ to sell it.

11. The _________ age of the boys in this class is 15.

12. Mail comes to this ________ village once a week.

13. I ____________ if love is constant.

14. Is it ____________ to visit the museum?

15. You should _________ the first chance that comes along!

Task Two: Fill in the blanks with the proper words

given. Change the form where necessary.

(I) responsible responsibility irresponsible

1. It’s my ____________ to lock the doors.

2. His behaviour was very ____________; he might

have hurt somebody.

3. Who’s ____________ for the terrible mess?

(II) direct director direction directly

1. He answered me very ___________ and openly.

increasing /In'kri:sIŋ/ a. 递增的

luxury /'lʌkʃərI/ n. 奢侈;豪华

★ index /'Indeks/ n. 索引;指数;


*source /sɔ:s/ n. 河的源头;根源

maturity /mə'tjJərEti/ n. 成熟

skyscraper /'skaIskreIpə/

n. 摩天大厦

Egyptian /I'dʒIpʃn/ a. 埃及的

n. 埃及人

pyramid /'pIrəmId/ n. 金字塔

*payment /'peImənt/ n. 支付

*master /'mB:stə/ n. 主人;能手;


*constant /'k nstənt/ a. 经常的;


responsibility /rI7sp nsə'bIlEti/ n. 责任

irresponsible /7IrI'sp nsəbl/ a. 不负责


*director /dI'rektə/ n. 指导者;


openly /'əJpənlI/ ad. 公开地;





48 实 用 英 语 交 际 教 程

2. Which __________ does your room face?

3. He __________ the building of the new bridge.

4. The ___________ told the actress to have a rest.

(III) continue continual continuous

1. The brain needs a __________ supply of blood.

2. We’ll ___________ this topic next time.

3. The noise of cars passing along the road is a

____________ disturbance to our quiet at home.

(IV) symbol symbolic symbolize

1. The Great Wall is the ____________ architecture in


2. The poet has ____________ his love with a flower.

3. The pigeon is a ___________ of peace.

Section Three Practical Writing

Telephone Records(电话记录)

I. Writing Tips








II. Sample Study

例 1:

Sept. 26

Wang Ping,

A Mr. Zhao from ABC Company called you when

you were out. He wanted to invite you to a personal party

at 8:00 tomorrow evening in his house to celebrate his

promotion. His number is 760-5431. Phone to confirm.

Zhang Yue

continual /kən'tInjJəl/ a. 频繁的

*continuous /kən'tInjJəs/ a. 连续


*brain /breIn/ n. 脑;脑髓;脑力

*supply /sə'plaI/ n. 供给;供应

*topic /'t pIk/ n. 题目;论题;


symbolic /sIm'b lIk/ a. 象征性的

symbolize /'sImbəlaIz/ v. 象征

architecture /'B:kItektʃə/ n.


*celebrate /'selIbreIt/ vt. 庆祝;歌颂;


promotion /prə'məJʃn/ n. 促进;提


Asking the Way Unit  6 49


你出去时,一位 ABC 公司的赵先生打来电话,


晚 8 点,地点在他家。他的电话号码是 760-5431,



9 月 26 日

例 2:

Nov. 12


A Mr. Zhao called to inform you that he will arrive

in Handan as planned tomorrow at 4:00 p.m.

Lan Fang



午 4 点到邯郸。


11 月 12 日

III. Writing Practice

Imagine that as the secretary of Mr. Watt, you’ve

answered a call from Mr. Chen. Write a telephone record.

The content should include the following points.

1.AT 公司陈先生打电话。




*imagine /I'mædʒIn/ vt. 想象

*secretary /'sekrətrI/ n. 秘书;


*content /kEn'tent/ a. 满意的

/'k ntent/ n. 内容



