ceased Celebrate Art have...Zubayar Bin Anis (3D) fun than computer games?! ay Hey, isn’t this...


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Respect for All • Integrity our Core • Synergy for Success • Courage to Explore • Commitment to Excellence

2 ed IssueNo.: 02 / 2015

Celebrate ArtPortrait of the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew by Clarice Ng, our former pupil

Zaporozhtseva Valeria (5A2)

Amani Nasiha Zubayar Mohammad Zubayar Bin Anis (3D)

Hey, isn’t this more fun than computer games?!

International Friendship DayHey, isn’t this more fun

Here, let me show you how we did it!

Our Founding Father - Mr Lee Kuan Yew Mr Lee Kuan Yew was a man who walked the talk. He placed immense importance on the acquisition of education. Mr Lee knew that education would be an asset in a country with no natural resources. He saw education as a means to lower the unemployment rate and worked hard to build an effi cient, universal education system that would provide a skilled workforce for Singapore’s industrialisation programme. Mr Lee realised that it is crucial to build up a teaching force of a high standard. The National Institute of Education is internationally regarded for its high teaching standards in the teaching of Mathematics, Science and Reading. Today, two of our universities, namely NUS and NTU, are amongst the top 50 universities in the world. Mr Lee was the key driver for Singapore’s bilingual policy. Bilingualism enabled Singaporeans to speak English, the language of the global economy, international diplomacy, science and technology whilst ensuring racial and religious harmony in Singapore. Studying the mother tongue helped Singaporeans build a sense of belonging to their cultural roots and enhanced their self-confi dence in the global arena. Thank you, Mr Lee, for laying such a solid foundation for us.Source:https://blogs.ntu.edu.sg/hey/2015/03/28/mr-lee-kuan-yew-had-a-vision-for-education/

The school commemorated International Friendship Day (IFD) on 10th April 2015. Based on the theme ‘Deepening International Friendship’, many activities were lined up for pupils to be exposed to the diverse cultures and traditions beyond Singapore. Through appreciation and respect, pupils were given the opportunity to forge friendships regardless of nationality, background and language. The week kicked off with an enjoyable yet meaningful skit from Drama Arts entitled ‘The Lift’, which emphasised the importance of respecting one another’s culture regardless of their nationalities. Our Music teachers led the school on a virtual journey around the world through the singing of songs from different nations during the morning assembly. The Parent-Support-Group (PSG) also organised fun and engaging recess activities such as Origami, Calligraphy, Wushu, ErHu performances and playing of traditional games to excite our pupils. A key highlight of IFD was Park View’s Doodle PAL collaboration with Zhongguancun Number 4 Primary School, which provided a platform for pupils from both countries to form friendship through art.

Celebrate Art“I have never ceased to be a student. I have never ceased to learn.”

– Lee Kuan Yew, 27th December 1966.

It’s not as easy as it looks!

Congratulations to Vigneshwar Ram of Primary P3A who has won the fi rst prize out of 65 participants in a drawing contest held by AIBEL organization in Norway(HEAD OFFICE) on Feb 2015.The theme of the contest was “What does

Mummy/Daddy do at work?” He received a SGD$100 Toys R us voucher.

Mummy/Daddy do at work?”

Vigneshwar Ram winner

Celebrate Art

Celebrate Art

Art AchievementsTwo of our pupils’ artworks made it to the ‘Editors Choice’ in the Young Illustrators Award (YIA) 2015 organised by Siglap Secondary School.The 2 pupils are:Kelsey Wong (P3A)Mecca Kozarki (P3D)

Cat by Kelsey Wong

Robotdinosaur by Mecca Kozarki

On 23 April 2015, pupils embarked on a three-day camping trip at the MOE Changi Coast Adventure Centre. The event, dubbed Camp Odyssey and Camp Valor for Primary Four and Primary Five respectively, aimed to equip pupils with social and emotional competencies. The themes that took centre stage for the year were “Confl ict Management” and “Servant Leadership”. By adding these to the repertoire of the pupils, they will become more aware of their strengths and weaknesses as well as be more empathetic to the needs of others. Confl ict Management is a set of skills that enables pupils to resolve differences amicably and effi ciently so as to turn confl icts into opportunities for growth. Pupils took part in a myriad of activities that accentuated the necessity for collaboration such as dragon-boating, kayaking and tent pitching among others. These demonstrated that each member of a team is indispensable and that every little contribution is

On 23 April 2015, pupils embarked on a three-day

P4 Camp Odyssey & P5 Camp Valoressential to complete a common task. Pupils also took part in “The Blind Man’s Trail” which required each member of a team to place their trust in one another. Servant Leadership is a timeless concept which begins with the natural feeling of servicing others fi rst. Pupils were given opportunities to develop deeper relationships with their classmates through team building games. Meal times required pupils to not only take responsibility of cleaning up after themselves but also to serve one another and ensure that the welfare of the team is being suffi ciently met. The event closed with a campfi re when pupils showcased their talents through skits, songs and cheers. Pupils could be seen performing confi dently before the crowd with their peers cheering them on. The pupils’ solidarity with one another was clearly evident. In a time when echoes of the ‘strawberry generation’ could be heard across various media, Park View pupils have taken a step away from the stereotype.


Outdoor activites

Post camp group photographPreparing to perform

Rock climbing

Students serving one


Teamwork in action

P6 Immersion and Adventure Camp @ Batam 2015


Post camp group photograph

Our Primary Six pupils went on a three-day two-night overseas camp from 11 to 13 March 2015. The pupils took a ferry to Batam Palm Springs Resort from Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal. The objectives of the camp were to:• build warm ties with our close ASEAN neighbour• interact with the local students• provide opportunities for pupils to be independent and

resilient• create a setting that promotes a civic life of compassion,

care, friendship and volunteerism amongst our pupils; and

• develop servant leadership skills in pupils and apply them throughout the camp

The exciting line-up of activities included visits to three schools where cultural immersion activities like craft and sports were carried out, water-rafting, sandcastle-building, jungle-trekking and last but not least, a campfi re. The schools in Batam which our pupils visited were Sekolah Dasar Negeri 002, 004 and 010. The Batam pupils gave rousing dance performances to welcome our teachers and pupils. Our pupils reciprocated by joining in the dances and everyone enjoyed themselves thoroughly. Our pupils also conducted craft activities, and taught their new friends how to sculpt balloons, make lanterns, do the CIMO CIMO dance and make inchies. To round off a wonderful afternoon, our pupils presented their Batam friends with handwritten personal postcards as a token of appreciation and friendship. For more challenge and excitement, our pupils were

taught how to build a raft by tying barrels and poles together with ropes. The pupils put on their fl oatation devices and were taught the techniques on how to stay afl oat in the water. Next, there was a sandcastle-building competition. Using the tools provided, the pupils had to work together with their group members to build the most beautiful sandcastle. It was not an easy task as the pupils had to ensure that their sandcastle was fi rmly-constructed and stayed in place. The highlight of the day was the jungle-trekking activity at Mata Kuching. Our pupils had to navigate through the jungle under their instructors’ guidance and it was really a test of courage and resilience at its best. Our pupils displayed resilience and courage as they braved the obstacles and rough terrain. The sense of achievement was immense when they had completed the course. To end off a fantastic experience, the pupils prepared their item for the campfi re on the second night. They sang and danced to entertain the group of Batam students and teachers who had been specially invited to join in the fun. On the third and fi nal day of the camp, it was with much reluctance that our pupils packed up and boarded the ferry that took them back to Singapore. Goodbye, Batam...till we meet again!

P6 Immersion and Adventure Camp @ Batam 2015

What a pleasant surprise! A beautiful banner had been put

up for us!

A rousing welcome performance by one of the Batam schools we visited...

We’re all in this together!

Jungle trekking at

Mata Kuching

Having a hands-on experience at building a raft

Health TipsWe should always eat healthily, even during our mid-day break.Here are some suggestions of what to eat for the break:• Sandwiches or buns• Cheese slices• Crackers with cheese• Dried fruit like raisins or cranberries• Cereal • Fruit like bananas and grapesDo not bring food with lots of sugar and salt, like potato chips and chocolates for your mid-day break.

I am Jared Ong and I graduated from Park View Primary School in 2010. I have just recently completed my ‘O’ levels and graduated from Siglap Secondary School in 2014. I was also an active member of the Siglap Concert Band, holding the Trombone Section Leader post. I was given the opportunity to sharpen my leadership skills when I was appointed as a CCA Leader for the band, leading my section and also taking charge of the entire band. Besides being in the Band, I play Tchoukball for the Tampines West Community Club and have participated

The P5 pupils completed their VIA recently, entitled, “One Love Many Lives”. The objectives were to allow pupils to understand that they have a responsibility towards the community by touching the lives of people and bringing them closer to us. The pupils learnt a valuable set of skills and experiences throughout this process.

During the pre-activities, the pupils brainstormed and planned the activities they were going to do during the trip to the Homes of elderly. The pupils were very mindful and considerate as they planned the activities. The activities

ranged from playing simple ball games to traditional games as well as art and craft activities. On the actual day, the pupils were simply amazing – with persistence and determination, they managed to engage the elderly. The pupils shared that they really learnt how to relate to the elderly and that they enjoyed the VIA trip. It was indeed a fruitful and meaningful trip.

Let’s focus on our colouring!

Service with a smile!

A really enjoyable interaction time!

Game time!


in competitions such as Teen Games and the recent Youth Cup. I volunteer my services in many CIP activities to gain knowledge and hone my leadership skills. For example, I had helped out in the 2015 Men’s Health Urbanathlon as a volunteer leader. Being a member of PVPS Alumni has provided opportunities for me to work with different groups of people, through the numerous projects and events. The journey might be challenging at times but nonetheless, an enjoyable and fulfi lling one.

Wordsworth (Issue 2/2015)Chew-ren? What’s that? What are you chewing?


Green TipShut the Fridge Door – You’re Wasting Electricity!Keeping the fridge door open while you decide what you want to eat may not seem like a big deal, but that open door will cause wastage of electricity.When you open your refrigerator, the cold air that keeps your food fresh escapes and is replaced by warm air from the room. Your refrigerator’s compressor has to then drive the warm air out and bring the temperature back to normal, raising not only your monthly energy bill, but also your environmental footprint.

Band Outing

Trombone Section Volunteering

Alumni: Jared Ong

given the opportunity to sharpen my leadership skills when I was appointed as a CCA Leader for the band, leading my section and also taking charge of the entire band.

Shut the Fridge Door – You’re Wasting

given the opportunity to sharpen my leadership skills when I was appointed as a CCA Leader for the band, leading my section and also taking charge of the entire band.

Shut the Fridge Door – You’re Wasting

Commonly mispronounced words Correct pronunciation Chew-ren Children (chil-dhren) Sal-mon Salmon (sam-uhn) Suger Sugar (Shoog-er) Tu-tion Tuition (too-ish-uhn) Woo-men Women (wim-in)