Cau Hoi Duoi




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Alert: This is a G rated room intended for a General Audience including minors. Offensive language is not permitted.Alert: Welcome to ESE . Chao don ban den voi ESE NO webcam, LARGE, RED and NEON font during class.- ESE Code of Conduct: - ESE Schedule:

titxu_1: da vangcontubot_nd: nguoi ta hay noi cau nao hon ha co?titxu_1: da roi aemdep_emkieu_qn15: em chao co va allcontubot_nd: chao ememdep_emkieu_qn15: chao aTruongDN2012: vut uicontubot_nd: contubot_nd: emdep_emkieu_qn15: Tieumy_: Comment tags can also be spoken in answer to an affirmative or negative statement. When used in this way.Tieumy_: -I'm living in London now. ~ Are you?Tieumy_: -I didn't pay Paul. ~ Didn't you?titxu_1: yesTieumy_: The chief use of these tags is to express the speaker's reaction to a statement. By the tone of his voice he can indicate that he is interested, not interested, surprised, pleased, angry, suspicious, disbelieving etc...Tieumy_: The speakers feeling can be expressed more forcibly by adding an auxiliary:cho_nhau_niem_tin: dich nha coTieumy_: - I borrowed your car. ~ Oh, you did, did you?contubot_nd: