Cataloging Birds in Their Natural...


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Cataloging Birds in Their Natural Habitat

Teresa Ko, Stefano Soatto, Deborah EstrinUniversity of California, Los Angelestko, soatto,

Angelo CenedeseUniversity of Padova


We devise a method to catalog novel objects froman image sequence even when the underlying scene ex-hibits sudden motion and appearance changes in con-secutive frames, exemplified by the case of birds in theirnatural habitat. Cataloging birds in different ecosys-tems can provide important measures towards scientificmodels of global warming. However, images capturedof the natural environment exhibit many visual “nui-sances” that challenge standard detection and trackingmethods that would allow for the cataloging of birds.We propose a method that specifically models the fine-scaled changes on the background due to motion, self-occlusion, and lighting changes. Regions that do not fitin this model are considered an instance of some bird.We then associate these regions with bird identities byallowing for either appearance similarity or locationproximity as a guide. Birds are then clustered into vi-sually similar groups that approximate species. Experi-ments show that we can maintain tracks for significantlylonger periods of time as compared to classic mean shifttracking, and provide meaningful clusters for the enduser.

1 Introduction

Fine-scale monitoring of natural environments isimportant for inferring meteorological and ecologicaltrends. In particular, monitoring the behavior of smallanimals such as birds provides valuable insights andmeasures that feed into scientific models of globalwarming. While our community has produced a sig-nificant number of tools for generic object detection,localization, recognition and categorization, most aredesigned for man-made objects and environments, andfail in natural habitats. For instance, the visual appear-ance and aspect of an object can vary significantly withthe vantage point, and data is collected in an automatedmanner that is different from the purposeful snapshot

of a user that captures an image to upload to Flickr orother Internet databases. For obvious storage and com-putational limitations, data is captured at a reduced sam-pling rate, so while multiple views are generally avail-able, they are not closely sampled in such a way thatenables tracking from one image to the next. Finally, al-though birdwatching is a common pastime and there areplenty of people willing to spend hours labeling images,manual annotation can only be performed for a minus-cule percentage of all available data, so one cannot relyon supervised datasets for training. For these reasons,the most common approaches to modeling object cat-egories, via a distribution of “features,” with or with-out spatial constraints, characterizing the object, trainedfrom supervised datasets, yield performance far belowthat reported on benchmark datasets such as the Caltech101 or Pascal Challenge.

Therefore, there remains the need to (a) devise a rep-resentation of objects that is less dependent on availabil-ity of full information at training, and (b) devise unsu-pervised learning approaches that can significantly cuton the labor cost of hand-labeling massive datasets be-ing gathered from environmental monitoring stations.

In this paper, we present a 3-step process to this end.The first step extracts regions from each frame in theimage sequence. We define as background the portionsof the scene that, over relatively long observation times,remain within the field of view, even though they maymove and even disappear temporarily due to partial oc-clusions. The second step associates these extracted re-gions with object identities. We define an object as aset of regions that occupies consecutive frames and are“sufficiently” similar in appearance or position in theimage. We then devise a scheme for cataloging putativeobjects of interest into viewable clusters; our approachis based on a coarse descriptor, dubbed “object bar-code”, that represents the occurrence of certain visualwords in multiple frames, rather than their frequencyin a histogram. This proves to be more effective thanbag-of-features for the task at hand. Because data cap-ture is performed on pre-defined intervals, no “intelli-

gent sampling” is performed, so one can have multipleimages of the same bird in the same pose, and fail tocapture views with the birds in different poses. Thus,we propose a method to rank objects based on how “in-formative” each frame is. This ranking is then used toaid unsupervised learning (clustering).

2 Approach

Our goal is to associate foreground regions in an im-age sequence with an object and cluster identity. Weare given a set of images I = It(x) : t ∈ T =1, . . . , T;x ∈ Ω, where It : Ω ⊂ R2 → R+;x 7→It(x).

For each image It, we extract a set of sub-imageseach defined over a compact region in the image do-main,Rt, indexed w.r.t. the image It: Rt

.= Rt,n(x) :n ∈ 1, . . . , Nt;x ∈ Θt,n, where Rt,n : Θt,n ⊂Ω → R+;x 7→ Rt,n(x). Regions are not overlapping,that is for any two viewsRt,k andRt,j ,Rt,k∩Rt,j = ∅.

An object Oi is defined as a collection of ri viewsfrom consecutive frames Vt,i, where each view Vt,i

is a sub-region Rt,n indexed w.r.t. the associated object

Oi: Oi.= Vt,i, . . . , Vt+ri−1,i = Vt,i : t ∈ T


T , where T is a compact set in T and views are asso-ciated into an object according to some similarity mea-sure. The number of objects |Oi| and the number ofviews for each object, ri, are unknown a priori.

If we make the assumption that associations areformed independently for each pair of images, we cansimplify the problem to matching views from 2 consec-utive frames. That is, we would like to be able to de-fine a decision function to assign Vt,j with Vt+1,k to thesame object Oi.

Finally, each object Oi is also assigned with a singlecluster Ch

.= Oi, i = 1, . . . ,M, based on some mea-sure of appearance similarity. The number of categories|Ch| is also unknown a priori.

2.1 Extracting Regions

Unlike many background approaches that representeach pixel independently [2], we model the entire back-ground as a composition of several layers each warpedindependently. A sample image can be constructed byselecting the best warping from each canonical image,or layer, Ib, such that,

It(x) =B∑


Ib(wt,b(x))χ(x), (1)


χ(x) =

1 if x ∈ Ω \Θ,0 otherwise.

Figure 1. Bird shape and motion movequickly and in an unpredictable manner.They also change shape quickly and arenot well approximated by an ellipsoid.

But for an observed image It, we do not know if it con-tains foreground objects, how the background is warped(unknown wt,b(x)) or where the occlusions occur (un-known χ(x)). The pixel-wise discrepancy is thus:

Dt(x) .= ‖It(x)−B∑


Ib(wt,b(x))χ(x)‖2, (2)

where wt,b(x) is the estimated warp and χ(x) is the es-timated occlusion map.

2.2 Inferring Objects

We propose using a weighted scoring approach toinfer object identities from a set of views. A commonassumption in tracking is that objects of similar appear-ance and in close proximity is the same object [1], orthe motion can be predicted [4]. Because birds changeappearance suddenly, this severely limits our ability torecognize the same bird across frames. For this reason,we propose a scoring function, sV that is a linear com-bination of appearance and location similarity:

sV (Vi, Vj) = wlsl(l(Vi), l(Vj))+ wvsv(f(Vi), f(Vj)),(3)

where wl and wv are parameters used to weight the rel-ative important of proximity versus appearance, and sl

and sv measure the similarity between the position ofthe views and the values and appearance of the views,respectively. l(Vi) is a function that converts the viewinto the relative positional information of the view Vi,such as position, size, velocity, etc. f(Vi) is some func-tion that extracts a feature vector from the view Vi.

2.3 Cataloging Objects

Given the set of views of an object Oi, we create abinary vector b ∈ B = 0,1D where a componentbp = 1 if a feature dp is present in any of the views ofthe object. The features we use are the hue-saturationvalues of each pixel and the size of each view.

Figure 2. Mean shift fails when birds inconsecutive frames move too suddenly(31) and when the appearance model con-tains much of the background (21 and 17),while our approach is able to recognizethis two views as the same bird due totheir similar appearance.

The similarity between two objects bi and bj (ascolumn vectors) is given as

sO(bi,bj) =N (gi)>N (gj)

(N (gi)>N (gi) +N (gj)>N (gj)) /2,

(4)where N (g) is a Gaussian blur over the hue saturationspace.

The capture mechanisms may result in multiple re-dundant views of the same object in the same pose.This generates a bias in the representation that is par-tially ameliorated by the barcode descriptor. Ideally, wewould like the clustering algorithm to also place moreemphasis on multiple aspects and appearance variationin multiple views. Thus, rather than quantifying thenumber of frames available per each object, we intro-duce a “completeness” measure as follows

βi =∑Vj


V −j


(f(Vj), f(V −j )

)), (5)

where sB is the Bhattacharyya similarity measure be-tween normalized histograms of Ω in two views Vj andV −j , where V −j is any view before Vj .

3 Preliminary Results

We examined 800 frame image sequence of birds at afeeder station. In this sequence, there are 81 bird visitsthat vary from 1 to 174 frames in length. The imagesequences have been manually labeled with boundingboxes surrounding each bird.

To understand how well tracking could be used asa method for recognizing birds across frames, we ranan experiment using classic mean shift tracking to seehow long a bird could be tracked through its visit. Thelongest track lasted for 11 frames.

Figure 3. Mean shift loses the object trackwhen the bird’s appearances changes tooquickly (81), while our approach consid-ers the location of the bird and differencefrom the background to recognize this asthe same bird.

Figure 4. Sample regions extracted fromthe image sequences.

In Fig. 2, mean shift is unable to track the bird whenthe bird moves too suddenly (bird 31). It also createsfalse positives when birds strongly deviate from an el-liptical appearance model. Because the resulting repre-sentation contains much of the background, mean shiftcontinues to track the birds even after they depart, asindicated by the labels 21 and 17. In Fig. 3, mean shifthas trouble with bird 81 even though it is in the samelocation because the appearance changes too quickly.

3.1 Matching

We now illustrate the performance of our proposedapproach. We use the same 800 images used in themotivating example, but now extract regions manually.Examples of the extracted regions are shown in Fig. 4.Using our proposed technique, we achieve an averageprecision of 56.22% as compared to 19.54% when us-ing Elgammal’s approach [2].

We examine the effect of sl on our ability to trackobjects. In this experiment, we define L(Vi) =[x y ∆x ∆y]′, where [x y] is the center of the bound-ing box of the object, and [∆x ∆y] is the size of abounding box around the object. We assume that theobject can move and change size from frame to frame,Lt+1 = Lt + η where η ∼ N (0, σ2), so that the mostlikely location of an object in the next frame is the cur-rent location. Using this approach, we are able to re-

0 50 100 150 2000




# of mistakes

# of




Figure 5. Using both appearance and lo-cation improves object cataloging.

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# of clusters

% co


APAP with completeness

Figure 6. Affinity propagation clusteringwith the completeness measure improvesthe overall clustering of bird categories.

cover birds that change appearance rapidly, but stay inthe same location, such as the one shown in Fig. 3.

We would also like to handle birds exhibiting suddenmotion. We construct f(Vi) as a color histogram of theview Vi and define sB as the Bhattacharrya distance,sB(f(V1), f(V2)) =

∑√fV1,ifV2,i. This method is

able to interpret the views previously thought to repre-sent two different birds in Fig. 2 as a single bird.

Using both sl and sv results in fewer mistakes (viewsof different objects mistakenly considered as the sameobject) while reducing the number of estimated objectsmore when compared to using sl or sv on their own.

3.2 Clustering

Objects are clustered using affinity propagation [3],with a fixed preference value for all objects. Affinitypropagation is a good clustering choice for this problembecause we can easily integrate the pairwise similaritybetween objects that we have explored above. The pref-erence parameter in affinity propagation encodes thepreference for an object to be a cluster head. We use thisparameter to encode the completeness measure into theclustering in a flexible manner. We evaluate our cluster-

ing by looking at each proposed cluster, assign it to theground truth label that is the most dominant, and accu-mulate the remaining objects in the cluster as a wronglabel. The percent of wrong labels is plotted over thenumber of clusters proposed in Figure 6.

4 Discussion

These preliminary results indicate that this approachholds promise. The representation we use in these ex-periments are admittedly crude. The subtle variationsexhibited by different birds are lost in the color his-togram descriptor of the view and the barcode descrip-tor of the object. However, such subtle inter-categoryvariabilities are swamped by the variability induced inthe data by the complex illumination variability (differ-ent seasons, weather, times of the day), and by the im-perfect background masks due to mimicry of the objectsof interest with the background. Indeed, this is a chal-lenging task for non-expert human observers.

Future exploration would include more sophisticatedmeasures for proximity in space and appearance, andmethods for automating the weighing process. Moreimportantly, we would like explore an augmentation tos(Vi, Vj) to include the similarity between objects andcategories, such that, once a view is assigned to an ob-ject or category, we are able to incorporate that into ourmatching scheme.

We feel that this work represents a useful first-step,with significant work yet to be done before automatedanalysis of habitat monitoring data can be performed.

Acknowledgments. This material is based upon work supported bythe CENS under the NSF Cooperative Agreement CCR-012-0778 and#CNS-0614853, by ONR 67F-1080868/N00014-08-1-0414, ARO56765-CI and AFOSR FA9550-09-1-0427. Any opinions, findingsand conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material arethose of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF,ONR, ARO, AFOSR.


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[2] A. Elgammal, D. Harwood, and L. Davis. Non-parametric model for background subtraction. In Eu-ropean Conference of Computer Vision, pages 751–767,2000.

[3] B. J. Frey and D. Dueck. Clustering by passing messagesbetween data points. Science, 315:972–976, 2007.

[4] M. Isard and A. Blake. Condensation – conditional den-sity propagation for visual tracking. International Jour-nal of Computer Vision, 29(1):5–28, 1998.