Of Cataloging & Context: Metadata and Metadata Experts on the Linked Data Web Corey A Harper ALCTS Midwinter Symposium 2012-01-20

Of Cataloging & Context

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Of Cataloging & Context:Metadata and Metadata Experts on the Linked Data Web

Corey A Harper

ALCTS Midwinter Symposium


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Publish -> Consume -> Protoype -> Build

• Publishing Linked Data

• Consuming Linked Data User Interface Design Metadata Recombination

• Tools for working with Metadata

• Shifting roles of cataloging

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Published Linked Bibliographic Data

• CKAN lists 52 Library Data Sets: http://ckan.net/group/lld

• Recent Additions to Instance Data: German National Library: Authority data with

links to Wikipedia, dbpedia and VIAF Hungarian National Library: Bib and Auth,

published using DC, FoaF and SKOS British National Bibliography RDF AGROVOC (Agriculture Thesaurus)

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W3C Library Linked Data Incubator Group

Recommendation 4.3.1: Design and test user services based on Linked Data capabilities

“Experimental services using library Linked Data should be undertaken in order to explore potential use cases and inform the direction of larger development efforts.”

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“Don't “just” publish data, try to think about actual uses, for end


- Emmanuelle Bermes

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BBC Chimps!

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BBC Wildlife

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BBC Programmes

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Slide courtesy of Emmanuelle Bermes DC 2011 Keynote Presentation

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• “Linked Open Data – Libraries, Archives & Museums”

• Europeana: More than just Libraries: 15 million items from 1500 Insitutions! British Library, Rijksmuseum, Louvre

• LOCAH: Linked Open Copac & Archives Hub Bibliographic + Archival Data

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Europeana Project

• Aggregation of Cultural Heritage Objects from throughout Europe

• Creating Linked Data for institutions

• Data model builds on OAI-ORE

• Creation of Virtual Exhibitions

• Collectives Emerging to add content: http://www.linkedheritage.org/

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Europeana Virtual Exhibitions


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LOCAH - Linked Open Copac Archives Hub

• Archives Hub: Finding aids from over 200 Institutions in the UK

• JISC Project to model EAD as RDF

• Well-modeled, structured data enables innovative uses Timelines Visualizations Discoverability

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All these innovations rely on the data

that comes in

Slide from J Stevenson: http://www.slideshare.net/JaneStevenson/archives-hub-data-in-data-out

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Linking Lives

“utilising external datasets in order to bring archives together with other data sources”

“there is still a need to make a convincing argument that Linked Data really will provide concrete benefits to the end user.”


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Social Networks of Archival Context

Image From: http://inkdroid.org/journal/2010/08/12/archival-context-on-the-web/

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Linking Lives – Screenshots from P. Johnston

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Linking Lives – Screenshots from P. Johnston

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Other Early Efforts to Model Archives

• Tufts University starting w/ an ORE based model

• U. Mass Amherst EAD as RDF – 1st Cut

• Rome / Amsterdam efforts Feeding into Europeana

• SNAC Continuing to evolve

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Umlaut (Get It!) - Link Resolver: Books







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But APIs are a pain


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Content Negotiation with Curl

curl -L -H "Accept: text/rdf+n3" http://dbpedia.org/resource/Haruki_Murakami


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•Distributed information ecosystem Linking Data Focus on identification over description

• Create navigable, browsable information landscapes

• Relationships between resources weave context & enrich user experiences

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Curating Context

• A new role for catalogers Data Management, Analysis, Mapping Business Analysis

• A new role for libraries Selecting & Curating the Web

• Tools: http://linter.structured-data.org/ http://richard.cyganiak.de/blog/2007/02/


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Publish *and* Consume

Screenshot of Google Refine from: http://freeyourmetadata.org/

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Screenshot of Jobs4Lib demo video from: http://vimeo.com/32848765

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Coders & Catalogers Working Together

• CURATEcamp @ DLF: http://curatecamp.org/tags/curatecamp-


• Pre-confs at C4L12 & ALA12

• Codecadamy’s “CodeYear” CatCode: IRC, Wiki, Q&A & more to come

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Learn to Code

“Not necessarily to become a programmer, but to know what it can do for you. To know how easy some things can be, and how difficult others can be.” –Roy Tennant


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• Wrangling

• Mining

• Munging

• Merging

• Analyzing

• Parsing

• Counting

• Sorting

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[email protected]
