Case Studies and Review: Pulmonary Embolism · PDF filePulmonary Embolism Mary D’Alton,...


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Case Studies and Review:

Pulmonary Embolism

Mary D’Alton, M.D. !Willard C. Rappleye Professor and Chair,

Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons


Magnitude of Problem▪ 1998-2005, Accounts for 478 maternal deaths ▪ Immediate

▪ 10% fatal within first hour of symptoms ▪ 5-10% will present in shock

▪ Delayed ▪ An additional 5% have delayed mortality ▪ 50% have right ventricular dysfunction

▪ High short term mortality ▪ 50% of perfusion defects resolve within 1 month of

treatment ▪ Complete resolution in 66% eventually

▪ 5% develop chronic thromboembolic pulmonary HTN

2Berg et al. Ob Gyn, 2010. Kearon, C. Circulation, 2003.



Case Presentation 140 yo G3P1 at 39 weeks for repeat CD (2006) !▪ Past ObHx:

▪ Post dates CD for failure to progress ▪ PMH:

▪ Chronic HTN: labetalol 100mg BID ▪ Baseline EKG: NSR, possible LAE

▪ Hypothyroidism: Synthroid 125mcg ▪ Obesity (BMI 37) ▪ Depression: Lexapro 10mg

▪ PSH: ▪ Gastric bypass (2003)

▪ Lost 112 lbs after surgery, gained 24 lbs this pregnancy ▪ Laparoscopic cholecystectomy 4

Case Presentation 1Admitted for scheduled repeat CD ▪ BP 140/90, Ht 64’, Wt 216lbs (BMI 37) ▪ Physical exam unremarkable !

Procedure ▪ Repeat low transverse CD ▪ Male infant, Apgars 8/9 ▪ Birth weight 3005g ▪ EBL 500cc


Case Presentation 1POD #0 ▪ Vital signs

▪ BP 110s-140s/40s-60s ▪ HR 60s-80s ▪ RR 12-22 ▪ O2 sats 94-98% !

▪ Activity orders ▪ Up to the chair within 8 hours ▪ Increase activity as tolerated !

▪ No SCDs or anticoagulation


Case Presentation 1POD #1 ▪ 0900, Patient was noted to be “moving all

extremities” and out of bed, into the chair ▪ BP 144/84, HR 83, RR 20, T 98.0

▪ 1412, after voiding patient slumped to the ground ▪ Pale with shallow respirations, weak pulse

▪ Assisted back to bed with 4 nurses and husband

▪ 1413, patient unresponsive, CPR started ▪ 1414, code blue called

▪ Anesthesia, cardiology at bedside

▪ 1425, patient intubated7

Case Presentation 1▪ Code duration 50-55 minutes, unable to resuscitate

▪ Initial pulseless electrical activity (PEA), followed by asystole

▪ Bedside echocardiography ▪ Reduced left ventricular systolic function (25-30%)

▪ Right atrium and ventricle severely dilated

▪ 1450, ABG pH 6.59, PCO2 116, PO2 29, BE -25 ▪ 1504, patient was declared dead !

Was standard of care met?8

ACOG Recommendations▪ Despite increased risk of VTE during pregnancy…

“routine anticoagulation therapy for all pregnant women is not warranted.”

▪ Placement of pneumatic compression devices before CD is recommended for all women not already receiving thromboprophylaxis

▪ Patients undergoing CD with additional risk factors for VTE, individual risk assessment may require thromboprophylaxis with both pneumatic compression devices and unfractionated heparin or LMWH

9ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 123 (2011)

Already receiving heparin as outpatient Pre-pregnancy class 3 obesity (BMI > 40) Any history of VTE Thrombophilia and family history of VTE

2 or more risk factors: Cesarean delivery Hemorrhage Hysterectomy General anesthesia Postpartum infection Age>40 or <15 years Pre-pregnancy obesity (BMI > 30) Bed rest Any Thrombophilia Medical or pregnancy complications

Prophylactic LMWH or UFH until discharge

Recommend heparin if at least 1 of the factors below is present

OR 2 or more risk factors below are present:

Delivery Hospitalization

RCOG, 2009 Green Top 37a

Direct Deaths per Million Maternities by Cause - UK 1994-2008

Saving Mothers’ Lives 2006-2008, National Launch, March 2011

Underuse of Post-cesarean Thromboembolic Prophylaxis

12Friedman AM, Ananth CV, et al. Obstet Gynecol. 2013 Dec;122(6):1197-204.

Characteristic None Mechanical Pharmacologic Combination

955,787 (75.7) 278,669 (22.1) 16,639 (1.3) 12,110 (1.0)

Year of Surgery

2003 115,663 (91.6) 8,717 (6.9) 1,274 (1.0) 664 (0.5)

2004 124,230 (87.4) 15,674 (11.0) 1,319 (0.9) 923 (0.7)

2005 131,220 (84.6) 21,013 (13.5) 1,889 (1.2) 1,051 (0.7)

2006 154,876 (81.0) 32,302 (16.9) 2,413 (1.3) 1,608 (0.8)

2007 145,589 (74.7) 44,842 (23.0) 2,451 (1.3) 2,053 (1.1)

2008 131,250 (66.0) 62,545 (31.4) 2,852 (1.4) 2,294 (1.2)

2009 125,096 (60.5) 75,315 (36.4) 3,609 (1.8) 2,753 (1.3)

2010 27,863 (58.4) 18,261 (38.3) 832 (1.7) 764 (1.6)



Case Presentation 231 yo G3P0020 at 33 weeks with Preterm PROM (2012) !▪ No significant medical or surgical history ▪ BP 126/78, HR 87, SpO2 99%, BMI 22 ▪ Benign physical exam

▪ SSE visually 1cm dilated ▪ Betamethasone, latency antibiotics ▪ Hospital day 2, spontaneous preterm labor ▪ Arrest of dilation at 5cm

▪ Face presentation ▪ Primary LTCD without complication

▪ Intrapartum compression devices ▪ Male infant, Apgars 8/9 ▪ EBL 800cc


Case Presentation 2

▪ Postoperative ▪ BP 110s-120s/60s-80s ▪ HR 70s-90s ▪ RR 15-18 ▪ SpO2 97-99% !

▪ Postoperative DVT prophylaxis ▪ Sequential compression devices (SCDs) ▪ Early ambulation


Case Presentation 2POD #1 ▪ 0800, Ambulating around the room

▪ HR 118/88, HR 93, RR 19, SpO2 97% ▪ 0900, Acute chest pain, shortness of breath ▪ Patient unresponsive, without palpable pulse ▪ Medical response team called

▪ MFM, Cardiology, anesthesia at bedside ▪ CPR was performed, sinus rhythm was restored ▪ Transferred intubated to CCU ▪ Right heart failure on echo ▪ Patient never regained consciousness ▪ Cerebral edema, pupils fixed ▪ On POD#9, support was removed


CT Angiogram


Clinical Pearls

Was standard of care met? !Current ACOG Guidelines: ▪ Placement of pneumatic compression devices

before CD is recommended for all women not already receiving thromboprophylaxis

!▪ Studies of routine thromboprophylaxis for CD have

been • small • not adequately powered

Unable to assess decreased risk of DVT or PE with anticoagulation therapy

18ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 123 (2011)

Already receiving heparin as outpatient Pre-pregnancy class 3 obesity (BMI > 40) Any history of VTE Thrombophilia and family history of VTE

2 or more risk factors: Cesarean delivery Hemorrhage Hysterectomy General anesthesia Postpartum infection Age>40 or <15 years Pre-pregnancy obesity (BMI > 30) Bed rest Any Thrombophilia Medical or pregnancy complications

Prophylactic LMWH or UFH until discharge

Recommend heparin if at least 1 of the factors below is present

OR 2 or more risk factors below are present:

Delivery Hospitalization

RCOG, 2009 Green Top 37a

New York Presbyterian/CUMC VTE Guidelines

▪ October 2012, NYP issued new guidelines ▪ Apply pneumatic compression devices prior to

surgery ▪ Maintain until ambulatory

▪ Anticoagulation ▪ Unfractionated Heparin

▪ 5000 Units, subcutaneously, every 12 hours ▪ First dose given in PACU, at least 1 hour after epidural

catheter removal

▪ Low Weight Molecular Heparin ▪ First dose 6 hours post op ▪ Weight-based dosing

▪ Promote early ambulation20



Case Presentation 333 yo G3P2 32 weeks gestation, presents to the ED with right upper quadrant pain (2011) !▪ Seen in ED 1 week prior for left hip pain, diagnosed

with sciatica ▪ Past medical history significant for chronic

hypertension ▪ Past OB history: one SVD, CD for twins ▪ BP 113/67 HR 110 RR 20 SpO2 94%, BMI 36 ▪ Physical exam: RUQ and RLQ tender ▪ Plan: admit for evaluation ? degenerating fibroid


!▪ Abdominal pain improved however intermittent

contractions noted ▪ Patient complaining of leg pain, R>L ▪ Chest clear, abdomen soft, RUQ and RLQ tenderness

present but improved from day of admission ▪ EXT no edema, no tenderness in L leg, slight

tenderness in R leg, neg Homan sign ▪ Labs normal ▪ Assessment degenerating fibroid, no evidence of DVT ▪ Plan: Continue observation, watch lower ext for

evidence of DVT


Case Presentation 3 – Day 1

0900 ▪ Pain remains unchanged ▪ No leg pain ▪ Abdominal exam remains unchanged !

2100 ▪ Patient reports pounding heart, followed by

shortness of breath ▪ Noted to be diaphoretic, tachypneic ▪ Pulse Ox 80s, BP 70/30, Pulse 130 ▪ MFM note, “IVF fluids 10L/min O2→O2 sats to

100%, BP to 90/50, Pulse 110, FHT 160s no decels”


Case Presentation 3 – Day 2

2130 ▪ MFM note: “Patient feeling better, chest x-ray

normal, EKG unremarkable, FHT reassuring, sono active fetus vertex presentation” !

2200 ▪ Increase shortness of breath, O2 Sat 91, BP 70, Pulse

120, FHT 100 then increased to 160s after IVF fluids ▪ Pulmonary consult requested ▪ Second IV line placed ▪ Assessment: Acute shortness of breath,

hypotension, rule out PE, patient reports R calf tenderness 2 days ago, transfer to CCU


Case Presentation 3 – Day 2

2300 ▪ Cardiology attending, strong concern for MI,

troponin 0.3 ng/mL (normal < 0.1 ng/mL) ▪ Awaiting V/Q scan to rule out PE ▪ MFM attending note “will continuously monitor

fetus” !

2345 ▪ Patient had emesis ▪ FHR 80s ▪ Maternal pulse 130-150 ▪ Stat CD called


Case Presentation 3 – Day 2

0011 ▪ CD performed ▪ Viable female infant 1900g, cord pH 6.90, po2

16, pco2 108 ▪ Neonatal resuscitation, intubation followed by

typical course of neonatal encephalopathy ▪ Minimal maternal bleeding ▪ Cardio pulmonary arrest following delivery of infant ▪ Resuscitative efforts unsuccessful ▪ Autopsy: saddle pulmonary embolus, DVT R Leg !

Was standard of care met?27

Case Presentation 3 – Day 3

Suspected PE in Pregnancy




Leg symptoms


+ -

Diagnostic Algorithm: V/Q & CTPA

-Abnormal Normal



- +Technically Inadequate

American Thoracic Society. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2011; 184;1200–1208

+ -+

Prevention Recommendations▪ No recommendations for acute management of

pregnant patient with high/moderate suspicion

▪ Guidelines focus on management and use of antithrombotic agents during pregnancy

▪ 2012 Chest Guidelines (not specific to pregnancy)

▪ High/intermediate clinical suspicion suggests treatment with parenteral anticoagulants while awaiting diagnostic test results

▪ Low clinical suspicion suggests not treating with parenteral anticoagulants while awaiting diagnostic test results (results should be received within 24 h)

29CHEST 2012; 141(2)(Suppl):e691S–e736S

Lessons from this Case▪ If patient complains of leg pain perform

compression ultrasound (CUS) ▪ The most common CXR finding in PE ▪ Normal CXR

▪ The most common EKG finding in PE ▪ Normal EKG

▪ If there is a high clinical suspicion for PE, start treatment with parenteral anticoagulants while awaiting diagnostic test results



Summary“single cause of death most amenable to reduction by systematic change in practice”

- Clark, SL. Semin Perinatol 2012;36(1):42-7 !

▪ Significant changes in clinical practice for prevention of VTE with CD over last decade

▪ Vaginal delivery hospitalization represents opportunities for improved care and research

▪ “Current recommendations based on observational studies or extrapolation from other populations”

▪ Urgent need for appropriately designed studies in pregnancy

CHEST 2012; 141(2)(Suppl):7S–47S

VTE Continues to be a major problem…


▪ 3,358 pregnancy-related deaths during 2006-2010

▪ 9.6% Thrombotic Pulmonary Embolism (TPE) ▪ 5.3% Amniotic Fluid Embolism (AFE) ▪  No information about delivery mode for 529

(15.8%) cases ▪ In women with a known vaginal delivery (N=647)

there were 79 embolism deaths: 53 TPE deaths & 26 AFE deaths

▪ In women with a known cesarean delivery (N=1,263) there were 215 embolism deaths: 107 TPE deaths & 108 AFE deaths

Personal communication from William Callaghan, MD and Andreea A. Creanga, MD, PhD Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA

Prophylaxis in Vaginal Delivery Hospitalizations


No Prophylaxis Any ProphylaxisCharacteristic n % n %All Patients 2,605,151 97.4 68,835 2.6Year of Delivery2006 366,317 98.4 5950 1.62007 374,851 98.3 6662 1.82008 352,438 97.8 7825 2.22009 354,460 97.3 9884 2.72010 367,470 96.9 11,675 3.12011 402,359 97.1 11,911 2.92012 390,881 97.2 11,303 2.8

Friedman AM, Ananth CV, et al. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2014 Sep 21.

Critical Care in Obstetrics“Increase in simulation and case-based

learning methodologies” ! - Putting the "M" back in maternal-fetal medicine.

Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2013 Jun;208(6):442-8

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