Case No. Newspaper Affidavits cases/2007-00333/Jackson... · 2008. 1. 7. · 115 Jackson Energy...


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115 Jackson Energy Lane McKee, Kentucky 40447 Telephone (606) 364-1000 * Fax (606) 364-1007

January 3,2008

Ms. Elizabeth O’Donnell Executive Director Kentucky Public Service Commission 21 1 Sower Blvd. P. 0. Box 615 Frankfort, KY 40602

RE: Case No. 2007-00333 Newspaper Affidavits

JAN - 7 2008

Dear Ms. O’Donnell:

Please find enclosed the original and ten (10) copies of each affidavit and published notice fi-om publishers verifying our notice of rate increase was published as requested in your letter dated November 21,2007.

If you have any additional questions, please contact me at your convenience.


Donald Schaefer, P.E. President & CEO


A Touchstone Energy Cooperative rpL--.

Newspaper Affidavit JAN dB a 2008 Application Number- PUBLIC SERVICE


I, m4vcc Hoskifl5 of the Manchester Enterprise newspaper, published in Manchester, Ky. (Clay Co.), do hereby certify that from my own knowledge and check of the files of this newspaper that the advertisement of OGdd N\)nt ice a~ 2atu. R, for was inserted in The Manchester Enterprise on the following dates:

3aC ksar k m 4 Y

Date: I 1 -f4 7 Page 8-(a Column I , & 3 , 4 Date: - Page Column ~- Date: Page- -.- Column Date: Page .Column Date:- Page Column

Page Column Date: Date:- Page Column Date: Page-. Column-


Signature: flL

Subscribed and sworn to before me by: Iv)qyji &s bG This a m - day of bJo\lewbleK. 9 d s w

.7 ,-- I I -

Notary & -9 - (‘Ad,( My commission expires 3 - /L & 2 c --



Offlclal Notlce Jackson Energy Cooperative, with its principal office at McKee, Kentucky and with its address at 11 5 Jackson Energy Lane, McKee, Kentucky 40447, intends to file with the Kentucky Public Service Commission in Case No. 2007-00333 an application to adjust its retail rates and charges.This adjustment will result in a general rate increase to the member-consumers of Jackson Energy Cooperative.

The rates proposed in this application are the rates proposed by Jackson Energy Cooperative. However, the Kentucky Public Service Commission may order rates to be charged that differ from these proposed rates. Such action may result in rates for consumers other than the rates in this application.

Any corporation, association, body politic or person may by motion within thirty (30) days after publication or mailing of notice of the proposed rate changes request leave to intervene. The motion shall be submitted to the Publlc Service Commission, 211 Sower Boulevard, P.O. Box 61 5, Frankfort, Kentucky 40602, and shall set forth the grounds for the request including the status and interest of the party. A copy of the application and testimony shall be available for public inspection at Jackson Energy’s offices.

The amount and percent of increase are listed below:

Rate Class Dollar Schedule 01 $3,885 Special Dual Fuel Schedule 10 $5,732,639 Residential, Farm and Non-Farm Schedule 11 $44,971 Marketing Schedule Schedule 26, $492,462 Commercial, Small Power and Three-phase Farm Schedule 22 ($1 69) Marketing Schedule Schedule 30 ($21 0,869) Large Power Less Than 50 KW Schedule 33 $22,306 Water Pumping Schedule 40 ($57,906) Large Power More Than 50 KW But Less Than 275 KW Schedule 43 $58,384 Large Power Schedule - Over 275 KW Schedule 46 $46,804 Large Power Schedule - 500 KW And Over Schedule 47 $116 Large Power Schedule - 500 KW To 4,999 KW Schedule 50 $16,134 Schools, Churches and Community Halls Schedule 52 $4,423 All Electric Schools Schedule 60 $48,975 Schools, Churches and Community Halls Schedule OL $0 Street Lighting & Security Lights

Increase Percent 19%




-1 O/O

-1 5%


-1 Yo





1 Yo

7% 8 4


The effect of the proposed rates on the average monthly bill by rate class are listed below:

Rate Class Dollar Schedule 01 $9.27 19% Special Dual Fuel Schedule 10 $1 0.39 1 0% Residential, Farm and Non-Farm

Commercial, Small Power and Three-phase Farm

Large Power Less Than 50 KW

Increase Percent

Schedule 20 $1 3.44 13%

Schedule 30. ($73.22) -1 5%

WBtW P-UmPifls I , .-.. .->--. - w .-U--r.-----

Schedule 33 $309.8 1 17%

-.----r ---e- - -- - - _- . %-T$Tstn.--B -ass++--- - 3 . 73)’ -1 O/O

-zz¶w- -L

&?%&%le 40 Large Power More Than 50 KW But Less Than 275 KW Schedule 43 $243.27 Large Power Schedule - Over 275 KW Schedule 46 $1,300.1 0 Large Power Schedule - 500 KW And Over Schedule 47 $3.23 Large Power Schedule - 500 KW To 4,999 KW Schedule 50 $8.62 Schools, Churches and Community Halls Schedule 52 $20.57 All Electric Schools Schedule 60 $7.01 Schools, Churches and Community Halls

Street Lighting & Security Lights

The present and proposed rate structure of Jackson Energy Cooperative are I increase

Rate Class Present Schedule 01, Speclal Dual Fuel

Customer Charge $8.44 Energy Charge per kwh $0.07752 Schedule 10, Resldentlal, Farm and Non-Farm Customer Charge $8.44 Energy Charge per kwh $0.07770 Off-peak Marketing (ETS) $0.04662 Schedule 20, Cornmerclal, Small Power andThree-Phase Farm Customer Charge $1 0.24 Energy Charge per kwh $0.07728 Off-peak Marketing (ETS) $0.04637 Schedule 30, Large Power less than 50 KW Customer Charge $22.26

Energy Charge per kwh $0.07046 Schedule 33, Water Pumping Customer Charge $1 5.61 Energy Charge per kwh $0.06488 Schedule 40, Large Power, 59 KW to 274 KW Customer Charge $1 8.32

Energy Charge per kwh Schedule 43, Large Power Schedule Over 276 KW Customer Charge $32.75

Energy Charge per kwh $0.05747 Schedule 46, Large Power Schedule, 500 KW and Over Customer Charge $982.63 Demand Charge $5.52 Energy Charge per kwh $0.04284 Schedule 47, Large Power Schedule, 500 KW to 4,999 KW Customer Charge $982.63 Demand Charge Contract Demand $5.52 Excess Demand $8.00 Energy Charge per kwh $0.04493 Schedule 48, Large Power Schedule, 5,000 KW and over Customer Charge $1 094.20 1

Demand Charge Contract Demand $5.52 Excess Demand $8.00 Energy Charge per kwh $0.03735 Schedule 50, Schools, Churches and Communlty Halls Customer Charge $9.98 Energy Charge per kwh $0.08090 Schedule 52, All Electrlc Schools Customer Charge $40.94 Energy Charge per kwh $0.06729 Schedule 60, Schools, Churches and Cornmunlty Halls Customer Charge $9.88 Energy Charge per kwh $0.08055

Schedule OL $0.00

Customer Charge $2.00

Demand Charge $5.34

Demand Charge $4.95 $0.061 04

Demand Charge $4.95





1 O h



isted below:


$9.50 $9.50 $0.08558

$9.50 $0.08558 $0.051 35

$25.00 $0.0761 8 $0.0457 1

$25.00 $0.00 $0.0761 8

$25.00 $0.0761 8

$45.00 $6.00 $0.05588

$45.00 $6.00 $0.05588

$960.00 $6.22 $0.04244


$6.22 $8.65 $0.04338

$1 094.20

$6.22 $8.65 $0.03735

$1 5.00 $0.08231

$40.00 $0.06781

$1.5.00 $0.08231

P.O. Box 830 0 123 West Fifth St. London, KY 40743-0830

606-878-7400 FAX 606-878-7404 -- PUBLIC SERVICE



G m ,J , of The Sentinel-Echo Newspaper published at

London, Kentucky and having the largest general circulation of any newspaper in Laurel County,

Kentucky do hereby certify that from my own knowledge and a check of the files of this newspaper

that the Official Notice for Case No. 2007-00333. an am-dication to adiust its retail

rates and charlles was inserted in The Sentinel-Echo newspaper on:

Wednesdav. November 7fh, 2007. page 10 A


Subscribed and swo

Notary Public

My commission expires:

Y r

iMBER 7,2007 SBntinel ECHO


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In Brief 5th Street public meeting is set

There will be a public meeting on Tuesday from 4 to 7 p.m. at the London Community Center to dis- cuss a planning study for a Proposed Project to reconstruct KY 1006 (Fifth Street) from the KY 192 Bypps to downtown London.

The purpose of the meeting is’to inform the p u b lic of the planning study, discuss various environ- mental and technical issues concerning the area under consideration, discuss alternatives that are being considered for the proposed project, and solicit ideas and dpinions that will be help the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet make decisions about the study.

Anyone having an interest in this planning study is urged to attend this meeting.

The public meeting will feature a brief presenta- tion at 530 p.m. and an open exhibit area where officials will be prepared to answer questions and/or receive public input. The exhibits will out- line the project area and describe the potential environmental and engineering impacts of the alternatives being considered.

The exhibits will also be available for viewing from 8 a.m. to 430 p.m. for 15 days after the meet- ing at the Kentucky Department af Highways District 11 Office on Railroad Avenue in Manchester and at the Cumberland Valley Area District Office on KY 1006 in London.

Both written and oral statements will be accepted at the meeting. A tape recorder will be made avail- able for those who desire to make oral statements, and a comment sheet will be distributed to make it more convenient to provide written comments.

If you have a disability for which the Transportation Cabinet needs to provide accom- modations, please notify Mike Calebs, executive director District 11 at P.O. Box 250, Manchester, KY 40962 or call 606-598-2145.

Fire prevention grants available The US. Department of Homeland Security will

make available $27 million in grant funds across the country under the 2007 Fire Prevention and Safety Grant Program.

Applications are due to EEMA on November 30. “Fire departments are front and center in

responding to any disaster? said US. Rep. Harold “Hal” Rogers, R-Somerset. “The Department of Homeland Security makes available resoiirces to ensure our first responders are trained, equipped and ready to act, and I encourage 5th District fire departments to apply.” I

Local fire departments may apply for projects including public education campaigns, smoke alarms, sprinkler awareness, code enforcement, fire fighter safety and training, wildfire prevention and awareness and arson prevention and awareness. I

Application materials are online at m - g r a n t s Qov AS a spnint mpmhpr nf +hn Unrlcn

O f f i c i a l N o t i c e Jackson Energy Cooperative, with its principal office at McKee, Kentucky and with its address at 1 15 Jackson Energy Lane, McKee, Ventucky 40443, intends to file with the Kentucky Public Service Commission in Case No. 2007-00333 an application to adjust its retail rates and charges.This adjustment will result in a general rate increase to‘the member-consumers of Jackspn Energy Cooperative.

The rates proposed in this application are the rates proposed by Jackson Energy Cooperative. However, the Kenfucky Public Service Commission may order rates to be charged that differ from these proposed rates. Such action may result‘ in rates for consumers other than the rates in this application.

Any corporation, associatioh: body politic or person may by motion within thirty (30) days after publication or mailing of notice of the proposed rate changes request leave to intervene. The motion shall be submitted to the Public Service Commission, 21 1 Sower Boulevard, P.O. Box 61 5, Frankfort, Kentucky 40602, and shall set forth the grounds for the request including the status and interest of the party. A copy of the application and testimony shall be available for public inspection at Jackson Energy’s offices.

The amount and percent of increase are listed below:

Schedule 01 $3,885 Special Dual Fuel Schedule 10 $5,732,639 Residential, Farm and Non-Farm Schedule 11 $44,971 Marketing Schedule Schedule 2 0 $492,462 Commercial, Small Power and Three-phase Farm Schedule 2 2 ($1 69) Marketing Schedule Schedu le 3 0 ($210,869) Large Power Less Than 50 KW

$22,306 Schedule 33 Water Pumping Schedule 4 0 ($57,906) Large Power More Than 50 KW But Less Than 275 KW Schedu le 43 $58,384 Large Power Schedule - Over 275 KW Schedule 4 6 $46,804 Large Power Schedule - 500 KW And Over Schedule 47 $116 Large Power Schedule - 500 KW To 4,999 KW Schedule 5 0 $1 6,134 Schools, Churches and Community Halls Schedule 5 2 $4,423 All Electric Schools Schedule 6 0 $48,975 Schools, Churches and Community Halls Schedule O L $0 Street Lighting & Security Lights

Increase Rate Class Do l la r Percent





-1 %

- 1 59/0


-1 %








The effect of the proposed rates on the average monthly bill by rate class are listed below:

Increase Rate Class Do l la r Schedule 01 $9.27 Special Dual Fuel Schedule 1 0 $10.39 Residential, Farm and Non-Farm Schedule 20 $ 1 3.44 Commercial, Small Power and Three-phase Farm Schedule 3 0 . ($73.22) Large Power Less Than 50 KW Schedule 33 $309.81 Water Pumping Schedule 4 0 ($31. 73) Large Power More Than 50 KW But Less Than 275 KW Schedule 4 3 $243.27 Large Power Schedule - Over 275 KW Schedule 4 6 $1,300.10 Large Power Schedule - 500 KW And Over Schedule 4 7 $3.23 Large Power Schedule - 500 KW To 4,999 KW Schedule 5 0 $8.62 Schools, Churches and Community Halls Schedule 5 2 $20.57 All Electric Schools

Perceni 19%

1 0%


-1 5%


-1 %






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secure funding for imp6rtant initiatives in the 5th Congressional District.

Gatton Academy to hold meeting Representatives of the Carol Martin Gatton

Academy of Mathematics and Science in Kentucky at Western Kentucky University will conduct an informational meeting for high school students and their parents, as well as interested community members, on Thursday in London.

The session will begin at 6 p.m. at South Laurel High School.

The Gatton Academy, a residential program for 120 high school juniors and seniors from Kentucky who have demonstrated talent and interest in pur- suing careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, is in its first year of operation. The inaugural class of students represents 61 counties from across the commonwealth.

Students apply during their sophomore year through a competitive admissions process.

The goal of the Gatton Academy is to enable Kentucky‘s exceptional young scientists and math- ematicians to learn in an environment which offers advanced educational opportunities, preparing them for leadership roles in Kentucky.

Instead of spending their junior and senior years in traditional high schools, the students will take ‘courses offered by M U .

At the end of two years, they will be high school graduates and will have earned at least 60 college credit hours.

Additional information is available online at or by contacting Tim Gott or Corey Alderdice at (270) 745-6565.


---I I



Schedule-FW7T f ? - 57.U1 7% Schoots, Churches and Community Halls Schedule OL $0.00 0% Street Lighting & Security Lights

The present and proposed rate structure of Jackson Energy Cooperative are listed below:

Increase Rate Class Present Proposed Schedule 01, Special Dua l Fue l Customer Charge $2.00 $9.50

$8.44 $9.50 Customer Charge Energy Charge per kwh $0.07752 $0.08558 Schedule 10, Resident ia l , Farm and Non-Farm Customer Charge $8.44 $9.50 Energy Charge per kwh Off-peak Marketing (ETS) Schedule 20, Commercial, Smal l Power andThree- Phase Farm Customer Charge $1 0.24 $25.00 Energy Charge per kwh Off-peak Marketing (ETS) Schedule 30 , Large Power less t h a n 5 0 KW Customer Charge $22.26 $25.00 Demand Charge $5.34 $0.00 Energy Charge per kwh Schedule 33 , Water Pumping Customer Charge Energy Charge per kwh Schedule 40, Large Power, 5 9 KW t o 274 KW Customer Charge $1 8.32 $45.00 Demand Charge $4.95 $6.00 Energy Charge per kwh Schedule 43, Large Power Schedule Over 2 7 5 KW Customer Charge $32.75 $45.00 Demand Charge $4.95 $6.00 Energy Charge per kwh Schedule 46, Large Power Schedule, 500 KW and Over Customer CHarge $982.63 $960.00 Demand Charge $5.52 $6.22 Energy Charge per kwh Schedule 47, Large Power Schedule, 500 K W to’4,999 K W Customer Charge $982.63 $960.00 Demand Charge Contract Demand $5.52 $6.22 Excess Demand $8.00 $8.65 Energy Charge per kwh Schedule 48, Large Power Schedule, 5,000 K W and over Customer Charge Demand Charge Contract Demand 55.52 $6.22 Excess Demand $8.00 $8.65 Energy Charge per kwh Schedule 50, Schools, Churches and Community Halls Customer Charge $9.98 $15.00 Energy Charge per kwh Schedule 52 , A l l E lec t r i c Schoo ls Customer Charge $40.94 $40.00 Energy Charge per kwh $0.06729 $0.06781 Schedule 60, Schools, Churches and Community Halls

$9.88 $15.00 Customer Charge Energy Charge per kwh $0.08055 $0.08231

$0.07770 $0.08558 $0.04662 $0.051 35

$0.07728 $0.0761 8 $0.04637 $0.04571

$0.07046 $0.0761 8

$1 5.61 $25.00 $0.06488 $0.0761 8

$0.061 04 $0.05588

$0.05747 $0.05588

$0.04284 $0.04244


$0.04493 $0.04338

$1 094.20 $1 094.20

$0.03735 $0.03735

$0.08090 $0.08231

RECYCLING TIPS Confusion abomds about what’s recyclable.

0 aluminum 0 magazines 0 steel cans office paper

No. 1 and No. 2 plastic 0 newspaper bottles and jugs (look for 0 corrugated cardboard number on bottom of bot- 0 clear, brown and green tlehug) glass

Laurel County Recycling Center, located at the$corner of McWhorter Street and Substation Street, is open from 730 a.m. to 4 pm. Monday through Friday. For mnroi in;nmn..t:nn r\l,.“”,. ,.“ll 070 COAC

was inserted in The Mt. Vernon Signal on the following date(s):

Date Page Col.

Date Page Col .

Date Page COl.

Subscrib d and sworn to me by this lo dayofbeO/izcosen 9 -27

-31 yJ % My commission expires _.

Rockcastle ASAP The Rockcastle Local K’Y

ASAP (Agency for Substance Abuse Policy and Prevention) Board has received an aw@ fram the Kentucky Office of Drug Control Policy. The Rockcastle KY ASAP was recognized as the single county Local Board of the Year.

-The award was presented

on November 1, 2007 at the annual ChampionsiKY ASAP conference sponsored by the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet in Louisville, Ken- tucky.

Lynnett Renner, of Rockcastle County Health Department and Chairperson of the Board, accepted the award on behalf of the board

KECSAC Support Sib# of the Year Sherry EJensley, Instructional Assistant for Rockcastle

County Schools who works with children at the Rockcastle Hospital and Respiratory Care Center Inc. has been recognized as the 2007 KECSAC Support Staff of the Year. Sherry was presented a plaque by Lue Cole, Program Improvement Spe- cialist with KECSAC. Ms. Cole and Mr. William Parsons nominated Sherry for her outstanding dedication to the chil- dren with whom she works with on a daily basis.

OMdal HoHoe JackaMl Energy Cooperative, with ite principal office at McKee, Kentucky and with Its address all15 Jackson Energy Lane, Wee, Kentuchy 40447, intends to C!a with the Ken* PubRc Sewis% Chnmlsslon In Case No. 2007-00333 an appiioatlon to adjust Its retali ralea and ohargea.This edjuslmen( wlR result in e general rate Inwesse to me membercansumers of Jadcson Energy Coeperative

The Fates proposed in tNs e p p l i o n are the rates pmposed by J a W Energy Cooperative However, W Kentucky Public S e w b Commission may order fates to be charged that differ from these pmpased rat- Such actiof~ may result in rates for con8umen3 mer than the rat96 In this WlicatlOfl

Any cacporatton, 89sDd8t(on, body politk or p m n mey by motlon wllhln thirty (30) days after publication ot nteillng of nolice ot the proposed rate changes request leave !o Intervene. ‘Ihs m o t h shell be submitled to the Public Seniice Commission, 211 Sower Boulevard. P.O. Box 615. Franidan Kentucky 40002, and shall set 101% the grounds lor h e request indudfng the status end interest of the pany. A wpy ot h e eppllcstion and testimony shall be available for public inspschon at Jackaon Energy‘s offices.

The amount and pBmnt of inmas are listed below:

lncraasa W e Class Rollar PeIcOyi schedule 01 $3,885 19% Special R a d Fuel Gohedub 10 $5,732.639 10% Residential, Farm and Non Farm Schedule 11 $44,971 10% tdarketlng Schedule Sohedule 20 $482,462 13% CPmmemal, Small Power and Three-Phase Farm

w ! - & h e d u l e scheduk,22 1 . i I ;,q169) -**I

I) receiv members and for all thoa Rockcastle County who working to lower the i dence of substance abuse increase treatment option our community. The k bard is represented by: B Carloftis, Judge Execut and Designee, Ka Robinson, Larry Hamm Superintendent, Rockca Schools, and Designee, R Brown, Diana Piel Rockcastle Co. Health De Jessie Mahaffey, Rockca Youth Services Direcl Jimmie Abney and Bon Neely, Community BE . Services, Betty Purci Rockcastle Hospital, 1 White, Regional Prevent Center, James Mill Rockcastle Detention Cen Terry Jackson, Chief of I lice, Charlie Napier, WR! UNITE, Chad Burdet Northside Baptist, Tan Helton, Citizens Baa Jeannine Parsons, Rockcai Schools, and Tony Shelto Coordinator of the lor board.

Some of the greatest SL cesses of the Rockcastle IC ASAP Board have been help support the substan abuse treatment efforts in II community’ and to raise COI munity awareness of our su stance abuse problems. The are many dedicated individ als who have been worki many years to make a difft ence in this community.

Highlightsfrom the Boart *Rockcastle KY ASAP wi

able to provide a mini-gra to sponsor aCooper Claytc Smoking Cessation Class Rockcastle Hospital. TL funds made possible by K ASAP provided 18 partic pants free nicotine replact ment patches over the li week sessions. Twelve (67q ‘of the participants have so( cessfull y quit smoking.

*Rockcastle KY ASAP wz able to provide a mini-gra to the Northside Baptist T w ment Referral Program. Th Church has a successful fdEait! I. .

- -c- Schedule 30 ($21 0,669y-- -15% - Large Power Less Then 50 KW Schedule 33 $22,306 17% water Pumptng schedule40 ($V,eoe) -1% Large Power More Than 50 KW Bul LessThan 275 KW Schrdub 49 958.384 2% Large Power Schedule Over 275 KW B c h s d U b 4 6 $46,804 2% Large Power Schedule 500 KW And Over Schedule 47 $116 0% Large Power Schedule - 500 KW To 4.999 KW Schedule 80 $16,134 4% Schools, Churches and Communily Hells schedufe 52 $4.423 1% All Elec(rlc schools schedule 60 $48,875 7% Schools, Churches end Communtty Halls Schedule 01 $0 0% Street Lighting 8 Secunty LlgMs

The etfect of the proposed rates on the average momhly bll by rate dass are listed belo!

&lW Che8 D o h r Percent Schedule 01 $9.27 19% maal Dual Fuel

Residential. Farm and Non Fa? Schedute 20 $1 3.44 13% Commercial, SmaU Power and Three-Phase Farm

Large Power Leas Than 50 KW scheduls39 $309 61 17% Water Pumpng Schedule 40 (831 * 73) "1% Large Power More Than 50 KW But Less Than 275 KW &Mule 43 $243 27 2% Larw Power Schedule Over 275 KW BChedu(a48 $1,300.10 W O

Large Power Schedule 500 KW And Over SChMlJk 47 $3.23 0% Large Power Schedule MH] KW To 4,886 KW Schedule 50 $8.62 4% 8chools. Churches and Community Halls Schedule 52 $20.57 1%' All Electric Schools SchedUk60 $7 01 7% schools, Churches and Community Halls Schedule OL $0 00 0% Street Lighting & Sewrily Lights

The present and proposed rate structure 01 J e w n Energy CooperaWe are tlstsd belov

Rate Class Plszsnt proPo=


s c h u b 10 $10 38 10%

Schedule SO . 673 22) -1 5%

Schedule 01,8paclal Fuel Customer Charge $2.00 Customer Charge . $8.44

Sch6dduW 15, ReslmFeI, Farm end NosFarm Customer Charge 518.44 Energy Charge par kwt\ $o.onm 011 peak Marketing (ETS) $o.W62 8dtsdule 20, Commercfal, Small Power andThree-Pheae Farm Customer Charge $10.24 Energy Charge per kwh $0 07728 OH-peak MarkeUng (ETS) $0 04637 Schedule 30, Large Power leas than Mf KW Cuslomer Charge $22.26 Demand Cherge $5 34 E n w Charge per kwh $0.07046 Schedule 33, Water Pumplng Customer Charge $15.61 Energl Charge per kwh Scttadule 40, Lacge Power, 69 KW io 274 I(w Cuslomer Charge $18.32

Energy Charge per kwh $0.06104

Customer Charge $32.75

Energy Charge per kwf, $0.05747

Customer Charge $962 63 Demand Charge $5 52 Energy Charge per kwh

Energy Chefge per kwh $0.07752

$0 06488

Demand Charge $4.95

Schedule 43, Urge Power Schedule Over !27S KW

Demand Charge $4 95

Qchedule 46, Largo Power Schedule, !NO KW and Over

$0 04284 Schedule 41, Large Power Schedule, 500 KW to 4,998 KW Customer C m e $982.63 Demand Charge Contract Demend $5.52 Excess Demand $8.00 Energy Charge per kwh Schedule 48, Large Powar Schedule. 5,000 KW and over Customer Charge $1084.20 Demand Charge Contract Demand $5.52 Excess Demand $8 00 Energy Charge per kwh $0.03735 fxlhedule 50, &hoofs, Churches and Cammunlly Hells Customer Charge $9.98 Energy Charge per kwh $O.O8OBo Schadule 52, All Electric Schaals Cuslomer Charge $40.94 Energy Charge per kwh $0.06729 Bchedule 60, Schools, Churches and Community Halls Customer Charge $9.88 Energy Charge per kwh

$0 04493

SO 08055

$9.50 99.50 $0,08556

$9.50 W,oKiQ m.0513r

$26.00 $5.0761 E 80.04$71

$25.00 $0.00 $0.07616

$25.00 80.0761t

$45.00 $6.00 $0.0558(

845.00 $8.00 $0.055M

wo 00 $6.22 $0.0424


$6.22 $8.65 $0 04336


$6.22 $8.65 $O.0373!

815.00 $0.0823'

$40.00 $0.0678'

$15.00 $0.0823

uoru-bupprv pji\luy-ltlll

covering substance abuse ers. The grant has helped v their efforts with treatment ferral to place individual! long- term treatment. As a sult of this grant, they w able to refer 10 clients to tr( ment. One of the young II was referred to a 1 -year II dential treatment progrm now being trained to serve a counselor and continue1 work at the facility.

*Rockcastle KY ASAP8 able to provide a $5000 mi grant to the Rackcastle Det tion Center. This program,/ first of its kind for t Rockcastle County Jail $1 tem currently has the abil to serve up to 25 people. T inmates with substance abu related arrests receive inten counseling 2-hour sessio over 28 weeks. The progra seeks to reduce recidivis rates among those incara ated by helping them imp$ their lives through treatme of substance abuse. The gram has caught the atten of the Director of cilities for KY De rections. Trained su abuse counselors wi tian Appalachian (CAP) are providing vices for the detention ce

*Rockcastle allowed more served at the Substance Abuse R Center for Women. Rain is a 6-month re treatment center locate Mt. Vernon, KY and is Q

ated by CAP.

once a month that is sponsoring a radio pro

up a dialogue with our co

I"1 *Rockcastle KY ASAPj


Please conta d the I Signal i

withyour new mailing1

address I

COUNTY S U N P.O. Box 130

T a m q Spurlock McKee, KY 4044-27 Established in 1926 Gen era1 Manager

Telephone: (606) 287-7197 email: tamin! cniail ads: FAX: (606) 287-7196 “THE THREE PIONEERS”

I , Tainniy Spurlock, General Manager, of the Jackson County Sun,

do hei-ebv cei-tifi tlzar fkom my own knowledge and a check o f this

izeiz*spapel- tlzar the adveaisenieizt of

Couizg. Sur1 on the following date(s): ,

S ig 12 a tu re : Date

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IN JUST 10 SATURDAYS YOU CAN BE I TRAINED DENTAL ASSISTANT There is a huge demand for experienced dental assistants. STEP UP NOW to a

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in a comfortable learning environment. All classes in an actual dental office taught on SATURDAYS. Tuition $2497, payment plans.


Questions? 606-287-8989 for info packet or

Visit Email:

3 ber#oom, 2 bath with dream kitchen. $299 month. Call Denver (606)

Take over payments on any of four new homes. Call Denver (606) 528- 6115. 11.08 REPOI Must Selll $1500 Down $189 Month. Call Denver (606) 528-61 14.

07 MUST GO1 Pmt. $299 month. Call Denver (606)


528-611 4

SAVEMYCREDIT! 16k80' 3 bdrm 2 bath. Take over payments. $325 month. Call Jeremy (606) 308- 3788.


Your Ad Could Be Here For Only $4 per week-25 words or less. Give us a call 287-7197

(606) 308-3788. 11.08

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT lvas Cuna- gin has been appointed executrix of the estate of Harold Cunagin by the Jackson County District Court. All persons having claims against the estate of Harold Cunagin are re- quested to present same, verified according to law, to said executrix within six months from 1011 7/07. All persons indebted to said estate are notified to pay said indebtedness to the

04 Cavalier $4995 03 Cavalier $3995

7995 - -,-, *.


O f f i c i a l N o t i c e Jackson Energy Cooperative, w i th i t s principal off ice a t McKee, Kentucky and w i th i ts address a t 1 1 5 Jackson Energy Lane, McKee, Kentucky 40447, intends t o fi le wi th the Kentucky Public Service Commission in Case No. 2007-00333 an application to adjust i ts retail rates and charges-This adjustment will result in a general ra te increase t o the member-consumers o f Jackson Energy Cooperative.

The rates proposed in this application are the rates proposed by Jackson Energy Cooperative. However, t he Kentucky Public Service Commission may order rates t o be charged tha t di f fer f rom these proposed rates. Such action may result in rates fo r consumers other than the rates in this application.

Any corporation, association, body polit ic or person may by motion within thirty (30) days af ter publication or mailing of notice o f t he proposed rate changes request leave t o intervene. The mot ion shall be submitted t o the Public Service Commission, 21 1 Sower Boulevard, P.O. Box 61 5, Frankfort, Kentucky 40602, and shall set forth the grounds for t he request including the status and interest o f t he party. A copy o f t he application and test imony shall be available for public inspection a t Jackson Energy's offices.

The amount and percent o f increase are l isted below:

I n c r e a s e D o l l a r P e r c e n t $3,885




($1 69)

($21 0.869)

Residential, Farm and Non-Farm

Marketing Schedule

Commercial, Small Power and Three-phase Farm

Marketing Schedule . .

Large Power Less Than 50 KW $22,306





Large Power More Than 50 KW But Less Than 275 KW

Large Power Schedule - Over 275 KW

Large Power Schedule 500 KW And Over .~

Large Power Schedule - 500 KW To 4,999 KW

Schools, Churches and Community Halls $1 6,134

$4.423 . I

All Electric Schools

Schools, Churches and Community Halls $48,975






-1 %

-1 5%


-1 %








utreach area of

erience chelors lusiness ord and d. Must sons of iwledge ference mining rousing


{ANOR IENTS he elderly. r over. 1 Rent based s allowable lions. On snt. Wepay ter, sewage ills. Stop by and ask us :ials. 1990 ,247-25 10

nts are TY! iinted and ooms and 2 ady now. 3 ihouse with ning soon. e to rent be- her arrives. vardwinning company of

I fee. Fast, ice. Check

I be cheaper /alley Apts. site, play- alking track. i income.

7 #ley Apart- H o e Mon- loon and 1

:h Impaired tfn

:E for rent great loca- 1000 sq. ft.


582-8868. 11.08

-- ..--.. .+.-"""

05 Focus Call for price 95 Cutlass $3500 93 Shadow $3995 63 Buick $7995 Call 287-8833 for details.


POSTED Due to renovations there shall be no tree passing on the premises of Gray Hawk Church of God located on Soaptown Road.

, 11.06

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Tammy Bingham has been ap- pointed adminisratrii of the estate of Ruby Cheek by the Jackson County District Court. All persons having claims against the estate of Ruby Cheek are requested to pres- ent same, verified ac- cording to law, to said administratrix within six months from 10116lO7. All persons indebted to said estate are notified to pay said indebtedness to the administratrix. At- torney: Hon. George T. Hays. Case#07-P-00114. 11.08

The Boswell Farm that is located on Smith Road & runs to 577 is POSTED NO HUNTING, FISHING, &WHEELER RIDING IS ALLOWED. Violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Chris & June Boswell. 11.08

NOW RENTING in Berea & London. Storage Rentals of America. 50% Off first month's rent. Free $1 9 Lock.

Climate Control Available. Call 1-800-457-5678

2 bedroom 2 full baths trailer at Clover Bottom on DFaLRd: Very nice, cherry cabinets, greencarpet, util- ity room, big walk in closet, master bath with large tub, central heat & air, porch on front, nice view of the mountains. References required. Deposit $300 Rent $350 monthly. Call (859) 985-0398. 11 "08

--. ..- .... .-J... -e" I , ". P-00112. 11.08

PUBLIC NOTICE On October 19,2007, an application was filed with the Federal Communica- tions Commission seeking authority to modify the construction permit of FM radio station KMLU to change the station's community of license from Brownfield, Texas to McKee, Kentucky and to operate a Class C1 FM broadcast station. The Executive Officers and Board of Directors of EMF are: K Richard Jenkins, Leslie Marquard, DArrell Chambliss, Emil J. Kallina 11, Dan Antonelli, Larry Moody, David Ferry, Mitch Barnhart, Michael Novak, William C. Lyons, Rick Rohlfing, Joseph Miller, Jon Taylor, Keith Whipple and Virginia Walker. The facility will operate on Channel207 with aneffec- tive radiated powerof .001 kilowatts ,horizontal and 50 kilowatts vertical. The station's transmitter will be located near McKee, Kentuckywith an antenna height above average terrain of 165 meters. A copy of the application and related materials are on file for publicinspectlon at KLVR (FM),2288Airport Boulevard, Santa Rosa, California 95403 during regular business.


NOTRESPASSING, hunt- ing, fishing, ATV use or horseback riding on properly owned by Marcella Sparks and familyon Hurst School Road, McKee, KY


I , Robert Isaacs, do hereby post the property located at 1088 KY Hwy. 2004, No trespassing, no hunting, nofishing, no ATVridlng, no trespassing of any kind will be permitted ex- cept by written permission oftheowners. Violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. 11.22

NOTICE Arthur lsaacs has filed for divorce from Donna Carol Isaacs. 11.08

NOTRESPASSING, hunt- Ing, fishlng, ATV use or horseback riding on property owned by Earl Brockman, Hurst School Road, McKee, Ky.


The effect of the proposed rates on the average monthly bill by 'ate class are listed below:

Increase Dol lar Percent $9.27 19%

$1 0.39 10%

$1 3.44 13% iesidential, Farm and Non-Farm

Zommercial, Small Power and Three-phase Farm

-arge Power Less Than 50 KW ($73.22) -1 5%

$309.81 17%

($31. 73) -1 % -.arge Power More Than 5 0 KW But Less Than 275 KW-'

-arge Power Schedule - Over 275 KW

Large Power Schedule - 500 KW And Over

Large Power Schedule - 500 KW To 4,999 KW

Schools, Churches and Community Halls

$243.27 2%

$1,300.10 2%

$3.23 0%

$8.62 4%

$20.57 1% All Electric Schools

Schools, Churches and Community Halls

Street Lighting 81 Security Lights

$7.01 7%

$0.00 0%

The present and proposed rate structure of Jackson Energy Cooperative are listed below:


$2.00 $9.50 $8.44 $9.50 $0.07752 $0.08558

$8.44 $9.50 $0.07770 $0.08558 $0.04662 $0.051 35

Present Proposed Schedule 01, Special Dual Fuel

Energy Charge per kwh Schedule 10, Residential , Farm and Non-Farm

Energy Charge per kwh Off-peak Marketing (ETS) Schedule 2 0 , Commercial , Small Power andThree-

Energy Charge per kwh Off-oeak Marketina ( E T 9

$1 0.24 $25.00 $0.07728 $0.0761 8 $0.04637 $1).04571

Schedule 30, Carge'Power less than 5 0 KW $22.26 $25.00 $5.34 $0.00

Enerav Charae Der kwh $0.07046 $0.076 1 8 Schgdule 33, Water Pumping

$1 5.61 $25.00 $0.06488 $0.0761 8 Enerav Charae oer kwh

Schedule 40'. Large Power, 59 KW t o 274 KW $1 8.32 $45.00 $4.95 $6.00 $0.061 0 4 $0.05588

Schedule 43 , Large Power Schedule Over 2 7 5 KW $32.75 $45.00 $4.95 $6.00

Energy Charge per kwh $0.05747 $0.05588 Schedule 46, Large Power Schedule, 500 KW and Over

Energy Charge per kwh

$982.63 $960.00 $5.52 $6.22 $0.04284 $0.04244 Energy Charge per kwh

Schedule 47, Large Power Schedule, 500 K W to 4,999 K W $982.63 $960.00

$5.52 $6.22 $8.00 $8.65

Energy Charge per kwh ' - $0.04493 $0.04338 Schedule 48, Large Power Schedule, 5,000 KW and over

$1 094.20 $1 094.20

$5.52 $6.22 $8.00 $8.65 $0.03735 $0.03735

$9.98 $15.00 $0.08090 $0.0823 1

$40.94 $40.00 $0.06729 $0.06781

$9.88 $15.00 $0.08055 $0.0823 1

Energy Charge per kwh Schedule 50, Schools, Churches and Community Halls

Energy Charge per kwh Schedule 5 2 , All Electr ic Schools

Energy Charge per kwh Schedule 60, Schools, Churches and Community Halls

Energy Charge per kwh


€ the I published at

I KY and haqing the largest circulation

of any newspaper in d&/y County, Keniucky do hereby certify that


bn the following dates:




.- Y " .

The BooneviUe Sentinel ... Thursday, November 8, 2007..looneville, Kentucky '41314 .. .Page 9


!re: Judy Spencer's, , b o p Road. When: bmber 7th - Wednesday. tt: Lots of large s k s and

household items. Time:


1 - 5~30. lT/P


AIDES County Care &

abilitation Center is h g for caring and

ionate Certified Nurse be a part of a family n&g,facility. Our in quality Df life as

as quality of care for residents. We welcome

wed a6d newly Nurse Aides for 3- and 11-7 shifts. We

etitive wages, great h e Cross and Blue

, dental, vision, and , and a family working

Charlene Mullins, Resource Director,

464-3611 or apply son at 249 East Main BeattyvJlle, ICY 4131.


Salt and Pepper Brick Split Level Home with private setting. Three bedrooms, two bath with Jacuzzi in Master Bath. Has above ground pool, two storage buildings aad a detached three-car garage. Sets on 2-acre lot, more or less. Has bardwood flooring and tile. &o, comes with pool table -- $125,000.00 - call 606-593-6706 after 6:OO p-m. Mustsee. 2M/P


HOLIDAYS Interested in selling AVON Products. Sign-up now by calling Jennifer @ 593- 6789 or 593-7573.


Advertise in

the Booneville


following: assist walk-in customers with

minimum 1 year relevant experience. Experience

Breathitt Auto Park

Jackson, KY 4133

Manager: Ph: (606) 666-2463

Jim Baker O f f i c i a l N o t i c e

Jackson Energy Cooperative, with its principal office at McKee, Kentucky and with its address at 1 15 Jackson Energy Lane, McKee Kentucky 40447, intends to file with the Kentucky Public Service Commission in Case No. 2007-00333 an application t o adjust its retail rates and charges.This adjustment will result in a general rate increase t o the member-consumers of Jackson Energy Cooperative.

The rates proposed in this application are the rates proposed by Jackson Energy Cooperative. However, the Kentucky Public Service Commission may order rates to be charged that differ from these proposed rates. Such action may result in rates for consumers other than the rates in this application.

Any corporation, association, body politic or person may by motion within thirty (30) days after publication or mailing of notice of the proposed rate changes request leave t o intervene. The motion shal be submitted t o the Public Service Commission, 21 1 Sower Boulevard, P.O. Box 61 5, Frankfort, Kentucky 40602, and shall set forth the grounds for-the request including the status and interest of the party. A copy of the application and testimony shall be available for public inspection at Jackson Energy's offices.

The amount and percent of increase are listed below:

Rate Class Do l l a r Pe rcen t Schedu le 01 $3,885 19% Special Dual Fuel Schedu le 10 $5,732,639 10% Residential, Farm and Non-Farm

Marketing Schedule Schedu le 20 $492,462 13% Commercial, Small Power and Three-phase Farm

Marketing Schedule Schedule 30 ($210,869) -1 5% Large Power Less Than 50 KW Schedu le 33 $22,306 17% Water Pumping

Large Power More Than 50 KW But Less Than 275 KW Schedule 43 $58,384 2% Large Power Schedule - Over 275 KW Schedule 46 $46,804 2% Large Power Schedule - 500 KW And Over Schedule 4 7 $116 0% Large Power Schedule - 500 KW To 4,999 KW Schedule 5 0 $1 6,134 4% Schools, Churches and Community Halls Schedule 52 $4,423 1% All Electric Schools Schedule 60 $48,975 7% Schools, Churches and Community Halls Schedu le OL $0 0% Street Lighting & Security Lights

The effect of the proposed rates on the average monthly bill by rate class are listed below:


Schedu le 11 $44,971 10%

Schedu le 22 ($1 69) -1%

Schedule 4 0 ($57,906) -1% '

w " . -? 7". --

scelledft pay and bene 1% medical, life & insurance, pension plan Id 401K. lackson Energy is an Equal Opportunity Emplayex” Y F D K eadiine to apply is Friday, November 16,2007, NO HONE CALLS PLEASE.

Send resumes to: Human Resources Director

Jackson Energy-Cooperative Corporation RE: Cashier - Beanyvllle Dist.

1 15 Jackson Energy Lane ’ McKee,KY 40447

Fax: 606-364-1015

TRAINED DENTAL ASSISTANT There is a huge demand for experienced dental assistants. STEP UP NOW to a

challenging and rewarding NEW CAREER, taught by seasoned professional dental assistants

in a comfortable learning environment. All classes in an actual dental office taught on SATURDAYS. Tuition $2497, payment plans.


Questions? 606-287-8989 for info packet or

Visit fifieldschoolofdentartalassisting.Com Email:

Surplus Au Saturday November

1O:OO AoMo At Jackson County Maintenance Garage & 4

rn - Sale items will be: m Used Computers @ Chairs & Desk

Tables & Cabinets 1 - Toshiba 3220 copier 1 - Toshiba 5540 copier

Misc items Items may be pulled or added to day of sal

increase Rate Class Dol lar Percent Schedule ” J __ 1 . - - $sa!- -- 19%-

$10.39 10% Special Dual Fuel Scne’dule 10 Residential, Farm and Non-Farm Schedule 20 51 3.44 13% Commercial, Small Power and Three-phase Farm

Large Power Less Than 50 KW Schedule 33 5309.81 17% Water Pumping

Large Power More Than 50 KW But Less Than 275 UW.

Large Power Schedule - Over 275 KW Schedule 46 51,300.10 2% Large Power Schedule - 500 KW And Over Schedule 47 53.23 0% Large Power Schedule - 500 KW To 4,999 KW Schedule 5 0 58.62 4% Schools, Churches and Community Halls Schedule 5 2 $20.57 1% AI1 Electric Schools Schedule 60 $7.01 7% Schools, Churches and Community Halls Schedule OL 50.00 0% Street Lighting & Security tights

The present and proposed rate structure of Jackson Energy Cooperative are listed below.

Inc rease Ra te Class Present P roposed Schedule 01, Special Dual Fuel Customer Charge $2.00 $9.50 Customer Charge 58.44 59.50 Energy Charge per kwh Schedule 10, Resident ia l , Farm and Non-Farm Customer Charge 58.44 59.50 Energy Charge per kwh Off-peak Marketing (ETS) Schedute 20, Commercial , Smal l Power andThree- Phase Farm Customer Charge 510.24 $25.00 Energy Charge per kwh 50.07728 50.0761 8 Off-peak Marketing (ETS) $0.04637 $0.04571 Schedule 30, Large Power less t h a n 50 KW Customer Charge 522.26 525.00 Demand Charge $5.34 50.00 Energy Charge per kwh Schedule 33, Water Pumping Customer Charge 51 5.61 525.00 Energy Charge per kwh Schedule 40, Large Power, 59 KW t o 274 KW Customer Charge $1 8.32 $45.00 Demand Charge $4.95 56.00 Energy Charge per kwh Schedule 43, Large Power Schedule Over 275 KW Customer Charge 532.75 $45.00 Demand Charge $4.95 $6.00 Energy Charge per kwh Schedule 46, Large Power Schedule, 500 KW.and Over Customer Charge $982.63 $960.00 Demand Charge 55.52 $6.22 Energy Charge per kwh Schedule 47, large Power Schedule, 500 KW t o 4,999 KW Customer Charge 5982.63 $960.00 Demand Charge Contract Demand $5.52 56.22 Excess Demand $8.00 58.65 Energy Charge per kwh $0.04493 $0.04338 Schedule 48, Large Power Schedule, 5,000 KW and over Customer Charge 51094.20 51094.20 Demand Charge Contract Demand $5.52 56.22 Excess Demand $8.00 $8.65 Energy Charge per kwh Schedule 50, Schools, Churches and Community Halls Customer Charge $9.98 515.00 Energy Charge per kwh Schedule 52, A l l E lec t r i c Schools Customer Charge 540.94 540.00 Energy Charge per kwh Schedule 60, Schools, Churches and Communlty Halls Customer Charge $9.88 515.00 Energy Charge per kwh

,. ,

Schedule 3 0 . (573.22) -1 5%

Schedule 4 0 ($31. 73) -1%

Schedule 43 $243.27 2%

50.07752 50.08558

50.07770 50.08558 $0.04662 50.051 35

50.07046 $0.0761 8

$0.06488 50.0761 8

50.061 04 50.05588

$0.05747 $0.05588

$0.04284 $0.04244

50.03735 $0.03735

$0.08090 50.08231

50.06729 50.06781

$0.08055 50.08231


Affidavit of Publication

1 hereby certify that I am the Publisher of the The Citizen Voice & Times, the newspaper published in the county of Estill, Kentucky (hereinafter referred to as the “publication area”) that has the largest bonafide circulation in and said publication area of any newspaper published therein.

I further certify that there is attached here to a true copy of the O $ ~ ’ ; C I ~ I UOCic which was published in

I further certify that said newspaper is circulated generally in the publication area, maintains a definite price or consideration not less than fifty percent of its published price and is paid for by not less than fifty percent of those to whom distribution is made. 1 further certify said newspaper bears a title or name, consists of not less than four pages without a cover, is of a type to which the general public resorts for passing events of a political, religious, commercial or social nature for current happenings, announcements, miscellaneous reading matter, advertisements and other noticed and that the news content of said newspaper is at least twenty-five percent of the total column space in the publication herein before referred to.

2007. said newspaper in its regukr issue for the 3 day of /$&vsmbetm I__-

Dated this __ 17g day of 2007.

8 l i s h e r Teresa Hatfield,

to before me this I 7 6 day of 2007.

MY commission expires- ( p c 3 - 08

108 Court St.- PO BOX 660

Notary Public, an tucky .

Imine, KY 40336 (606) 723-5 16 1

zr 8, 2007

1 Vhvhws River Gorge. - Owner w/ war- retirdd, relocitting.

9-5295’ .Priced to sell, $68,$00.,

i Storage. NICE CABIN LOTS FOR auctiOned SALE, SCENICHeight-

‘’: **, 14A9 or call 663- 73 2761 or 663-0050, ask g’ -. 82, and for Brian. Also have trail-

:::E! 6064363-6276.

12050 SO. IT. 2M, 19x30. IM, .BRICK i, FRENCH KIT.;’ LOTS



R APPT. 663- I81 -451 9. L - D1ST. lectrical iville, KY ict forthe with pro- deposits entry as

I drayer aia ricing .

3 equiva- elevant :ustomer :e fuhc-. ssirable.

,am bat- exhaust For more,info, ~ 1 1 r, exceflent . for Ware 606n23- ~

YARD 8ALVMOVl.MQI SAlk NOV. 8/9/f 0 at 1465 Maple’ St or St. Rd 2026, spprox. 3 mi. from Clay City, off ,at ,Po eii Rd, and,,2.5 mi. Irom T tawn. Big white house in front of Red River Ranch, 8am til 5pm. Fot directions or info, call after 5PM, 663-8216.

ADVERTISERS: You can place a 25-word classified ad in 70 Kentucky news- papers for as little as $250 with one order, one payment. For information, contact the classified department of this newspapp or call KPS 1- 502-223-8821

Become Dietary Man- ager (average annual salary $40,374) in eight months in ortline program offed by the Tennessee Technol- ogy Center, Elizabethtown. Details www.ttcelizabethton. du, 1-8%8-986-2368 or email patricia.roark@ttcel-


AUCTION - 10 a.m., November 15, Dozdrs, Loaders, Trailers, Trucks & More, 8182 Morehead Rd., Flemingsburg, KY RMI Al Thompson KY #RP7096,1- 304-824%M, www.rmiauc- lO%BP.


CONVENIENCE STORE/ Outdoar Shop w/Gas Tanks. St Rt 7, appmx. 2 d e s from&ayson Lakc Marine.

, . ~. . CallBobatCentury21

*MAPPIN’C; TECHNICIAN . Jackson tnergy Cooperative, an electrical

distributbn utility located near Annville, KY seeks Mapping Tech for the following: edit and

itq system and database; field verifies CIS mapping system; collects

equipgent data, chitruction units, and GPS coorijinates.

‘ iT Bequires two-yeatdegree in; Drafting or Au. ~OCAR, TWO years ,progressive experience in ’elaaftkkcat distribdion field with a good un-

derstandhg and identification knowledge of ctimstru&on units i s preferred. Requires good

knowledgp af computers, MS Office, of Internet, digital cameras and G;PS

equipment. Additiipal exper,ieor;e dekIabie in

BWE, 606-923-934 1. - n v.


SAWMILLS fiom only $2990.00- Convert your LOGS TO VALUABLE LUMBER with your own Norwood portable band sawmill. Log skidders also available. www.norwoodin- dustriesxom- FREE infor- mation: 1-800-578-1363- Ext.500-A.

WOLIZETAlVNINGBERS . As low as $28 a month! Free DVD Player - prder by 12/15/2007. Call ETS Ta~i TODAY! 800-842- 1305

HELPWAN!“ED 1.. -r .L - %

Experienced Mechanic, Lou- isville Area.: Semi-Trailer Repair. Must have own hand tools. 40 Hrs/ week. Pay based on expeiience. 502- 637-7627.

Wanted Retail Business Evaluators across Kentucky. No fee to apply. Apply online at



I O f f k i a l N o t i c e Jackson Energy Cooperative, with its principal office at McKee, Kentucky and with its address at 1 15 Jackson Energy Lane, McKee, Kentucky 40447, intends to file with the Kentucky Public Service Commission in Case No. 2007-00333 an application to adjust its retail rates and charges.This adjustment will result in a general rate increase to the member-consumers of Jackson Energy Cooperative.

The rates proposed in this application are the rates proposed by Jackson Energy Cooperative. However, the Kentucky Public Service Commission may ordert rates t o be charged that differ fromhhese proposed rates. Such action may result in rates for consumers other than the rates in this application.

Any corporation, association, body politic or person may by motion within thirty (30) days after publication or mailing of notice of the proposed rate changes reguest leave to intervene. The motion shal be submitted to the Public Service Commission, 21 1 Sower Boulevard, P.0, Box 61 5, Fkankfort, Kentucky 40602, and shall set forth the grounds for the request including the status and interest of the barty. A copyof the application and testimony shall be available for public inspection at Jackson Energy’s offices.

The amount and percent of increase are listed below:

Ra ta Class Dol lar Percent

Special Dual FJel Schedule 10 $5,732,639 10% Residential, Farm and Non-Farm Schedule 11 $44,971 1 0% Marketing Schedule ScheduJe 20 $492,462 13% Commercial, Small Power and Three-phase Farm Schedule 22 ($1 69) -1% Marketing Schedule Sdhedule 3d ($2’?0,869) -1 5% Large Power Less Than 50 KW Schedwtw 33 $22,306 Water Pumping

Large Power More Than 50 KW But Less Than 275 KW Schedule ‘43 $58,384 2% Large Power Schedule - Over 275 KW Schedule 46 846,804 2% Large Power Schedule - 500 KW And Over Schedule 47 $116 0% Large Power Schedule - 500 KW To 4,999 KW Schedule 50 $16,134 4% Schools, Churches and Community Halls Schedule 52 $4,423 1% All Electric Schools Schedule 60 $48,975 7% Schools, Churches and Community Halls


Schedule 01 $3,885 19%


Schedule 40 ($57,906) -1%

!$f:x.QL, - L . r , ” . $0 0%

r" v Y

&L5%tq&e.%equires both inside and field vhrking conditions.

ExceHent pay andbenefm inctuding paid rime off, holidays, medical, life & disability insurance pension pian and 401 k. "lackson Energy is an

Equal Opportunity Employer." M/F/DA/. Deadline to apply is

' Friday, Nov. 16, 2007. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.

Send resume to: Human Resources Director

Jackson Energy Cooperative Corporation R E Mapping Technician 1 15 Jackson Energy Lane

McKee, KY 40447 Fax: 606-364-1015

3 . -



m, as Trustee for anTrust Mortgage 2004-8 PLAINTIFF



It and Order of Sale by the Estlll Urcuit Court in the above cause, I will, on Friday, November &am,at the Courthsuse door in Irvine, EMll County, Kentucky, offer the respective interests wing described property for sale at public auctlon, to-wit: aod Heights Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 17, in the office of the Estlll County .*made for a more particular description.

CecilTuggle and ChasityTuggie, married, from Cecil kTuggle, marrled, on May4,2004, by , in Deed Book254, Page 579.

I property shall be sold upon the following terms and conditions n the steps of the Estlll County Courthouse to the highest and best bidder or bidders and shall he Maser Commissioner will take from the purchaser, ten percent (W96j of the purchase price aidwithin thirty (30) daswith suffident surety bond bearing interest hom the day of the sale mlssbner within thlrty (30) days of the date of sale. I? the event the Plalntlff is the successful arredit of [ts judgment against the purchase prlce and shall only be obligated to pay courts blaster Commissloner and any real estate taxes payable pursuant to this Order. y shall Immediately tender the full purchase prlce or, as set forth hereinabove, give bond for approved by the Master Commlssioner making the sale price and bond payable to the Com- )rest from the date thereon until paid, and to have the force and effea ofa Judgment, but a $1 estate to further secure the payment of the purchase prlce. At his option, the purchaser may iccrued interest a t anytlme before i ts maturity. ?and clear of ail interests excepting current ad valorem taxes. t property shall pass to foreclosure sale purchaser on the date of the sale. premlses shall pass to the foreclosure sale purchaser upon satisfaalon of the foreclosure sale ieed

EARL-RAY NEAL Master Cornmissloner of the Estlll Circuit Court 226 North Second Street Richmond, Kentucky40475

Ehe-&&c&ibf the proposed rates &I t& average monthly bill by rate class are listed below:

R e P e G b 5 * 1 ' DollaF Pdrcen Schtodule 01, I . $9.27 19% Special Dual Fuel Schedule 10 $1 0.39 10% Rgsidential, Farm and Non-Farm Schedule 212 $1 3.44 13% Commercial, Small Power and Three-phase Farm

Large P w e r Less Than 50 KW Schedule 33 $309.81 17% Water Pumping

Large Power'More Than SO KW But LesS' Than 275 KW Schedule 43 $243.27 2% Large Power Schedule - Over 275 KW Schedule 46 $1,300.10 2% Larae Power Schedule - 500 KW And Over


Schedule 3 0 . ($73.22) -1 5%

Schedule 40 ($31. 73) -1%

Schedule 47 $3.23 0% Large Power Sche$ule - io0 K W To 4,999 KW Schedule 50 $8.62 4% Schools, Churches and Community Halls Schedule 52 $20.57 1% All Elecw Schqol6 Schedule 6 0 $7.01 7% Schools, Churches and Community Halls Sctiedute OL $0.00 0% Street Lightihg & Security Ughts

The present and proposed rate structure. pf Jackson Energy Cooperative are listed below:

Increase Rate Class Present Proposed Schedule 01, Special Dual Fuel Customer Charge $2.00 $9.50 Customer Charge $8.94 $9.50 Energy Charge per kwh Schedule 10, Residential, Farm and Non-Farm Customer Charge $8.44 $9.50 Energy Charge per kwh Off-peak Marketing (ETS) Schedule 20, Commercial, Small Power andThree- Phase Farm Customer Charge $10.24 $25.00 Energy Charge per kwh $0.07728 $0.0761 8 Off-peak Marketing (ETS) $0.04637 $0.04571 Schedule 30, Large Power less than 50 KW Customer Charge $22.26 $25.00

Energy Charge per kwh Schedule 33, Water Pumping Customer Charge $1 5.61 $25.00 Energy Charge per kwh Schedule 40, Large Power, 5 9 KW t o 274 KW Customer Charge $1 8.32 $45.00 Demand Charge $4.95 $6.00 Enefgy Charge per kwh Schedule 43, Large Power Schedule Over 275 KW Customer Charge- $32.75 $45.00 Demand Charge $4.95 $6.00 Energy Charge per kwh Schedule 46, Large Power Schedule, 500 KW and Over Customer Charge $982.63 $960.00 Demand Charge $5.52 $6.22 Energy Charge per kwh Schedule 47, Large Power Schedule, 500 KW t o 4,999 KW Customer Charge $382.63 $960.00 Demand Charge Contract Demand $5.52 $6.22 Excess Demand $8.00 $8.65 Energy Charge per kwh $0.04493 $0.04338 Schedule 48, Large Power Schedule, 5,000 KW and over Customer Charge $1 094.20 $1094.20 Demand Charge Contract Demand $5.52 $6.22 Excess Demand $8.00 $8.65 Energy Charge per kwh Schedule 50, Schools, Churches and Community Halls Customer Charge $9.98 $15.00 Energy Charge per kwh Schedule 52, Al l Electr ic Schools Customer Charge $40.94 $40.00 Energy Charge per kwh Schedule 60, Schools, Churches and Community Halls Customer Charge $9.88 $15.00 Energy Charge per kwh

$0.07752 $0.08558

$0.07770 $0.08558 $0.04662 $0.051 35

Demand Charge $5.34 $0.00 $0.07046 $0.0761 8

$0.06488 $0.0761 8

$ O . Q ~ I 04 $0.05588

$0.05747 $0.05588

$0.04284 $0.04244


$0.03735 $0.03735

$0.08090 $0.08231

$0.06729 $0.06781

$0.08055 $0.08231

JAN 8 7 2008


PO Box 577 Beattyville, KY 41311 606-464-2888


I, Linda Smith, Editor of the Three Forks Tradition published in Reattyville, Lee County, KY, do hereby certify that from my knowledge and the check of the files of

Beattyville, this newspaper that the advertisement of KY 41311 for

- \TaL& OI- );T-w (1 rGv LV

0 0

_ _ ~ ~ - ~

was inserted in the Three Forks Tradition on the following dates:



Subscribed and sworn before me by Linda Smith, this th


My commission expires


napter ofU.A.K. b meeting If n n e n

D e

3 e e e

1 1




tory, telling us about one of our ladies in the D.A.R. and that she was a member of the mili- tary. Her name is Martha Evans.

The President General’s mes- sage was read. The National Defense item was given by Juanita Tackett.

The minutes from the last meeting was read and approved and the treasurer’s report was also given by Mrs. Tackett.

We also signed and sent two get well wishes for those who were sick.

Our very special guest for our meeting was SPC Jesse Glen Sparks from Charlie Company. One of our members Mrs. Sue McKinney and Jesse’s mother are called Charlie’s Angels. They sent many boxes overseas to Co. D. At Christmas time they sent 27 boxes weighing over 700 pounds. Some of this weight was from 100 lbs. of chocolate candy that Mrs. Sparks had made. Sue told us she packed the boxes from the time they decided to do this until the boys got home. Jesse answered the questions we had for him. One of the things he told us was that the tempera- ture would get up to 126 degrees in the day time, also they were over there about 26 months.

Our Chapter voted to send beanie babies over there for the children as a project for Novem- ber. Each lady is to bring one to our November meeting.

Those present were SPC Jesse Glen Sparks, Sue McKinney, Janice Bush, Juanita Tackett, Faye Reece, Doris McGee, Dulith Witt, Patty Hall, Joyce Ross and Eva Watson.

The next meeting will be on November 17th.

Gabby Jewell Bethany Kirby

Congratulations to Bethany Kirby at Southside Elementary. She has already earned 198 Accelerated Reader Points! Bethany has read 36 books since August! Great Job!

Hats off to Gabby Jewell at Beattyville Elementary. She has let everyone know that READING ROCKS by having already earned 127 points. Way to Go!!

Off lciel Notice Jackson Energy Cooperative, with its principal office at McKee, Kentucky and with its address at 115 Jackson Energy Lane, McKee, Kentucky 40447, intends to file with the Kentucky Public Service Commission in Case No. 2007-00333 an application to adjust Its retail rates and charges.This adjustment will result in a general rate Increase to the member-consumers of Jackson Energy cooperative.

The rates proposed in this application are the rates proposed by Jackson Energy Cooperative. However, the Kentucky Public Service Commission may order rates to be charged that differ from these proposed rates. Such action may result in rates for consumers other than the rates in this application.

Any corporation, association, body politic or person may by motion within thirty (30) days after publication or mailing of notice of the proposed rate changes request leave to intervene. The motion shall be submitted to the Public Service Commission, 211 Sower Boulevard, P.O. Box 615, Frankfort, Kentucky 40602, and shall set forth the grounds for the request including the status and interest of the party. Acopy of the application and testimony shall be available for public inspection at Jackson Energy’s offices.

The amount and percent of increase are listed below:

Rate Class Dollar Schedule 01 $3,885 Speclal Dual Fuel Schedule 10 $5,732,639 Residential, Farm and Non-Farm Schedule 11 $44,971 Marketing Schedule Schedule 20 $492,462 Commercial, Small Power and Three-phase Farm Schedule 22 ($1 69) Marketing Schedule Schedule 30 ($210,869) Large Power Less Than 50 KW Schedule 33 $22,306 Water Pumping Schedule 40 ($57,906) Large Power More Than 50 KW But Less Than 275 KW Schedule 43 $58,384 Large Power Schedule - Over 275 KW Schedule 46 $46,804 Large Power Schedule - 500 KW And Over Schedule 47 $116 Large Power Schedule - 500 KW To 4,999 KW Schedule 50 $16,134 Schools, Churches and Community Halls Schedule 52 $4,423 All Electric Schools Schedule 60 $48.975 Schools, Churches and Community Halls Schedule OL $0 Street Lighting & Security Lights

Increase Percent 19%





-1 5%










and Dependable Service” ! son, KY 41339 Lee Co. lines) Ph: (606) 666-4567 larshall Fax: (606) 666-4576


I ptic Service ‘septic tanks

71 22 or 1-0808 David Moore

..-. . - - - The effect of the proposed rates on the average monthly bill by rate class are listed below

Rate Class Dollar Percent Schedule 01 $9.27 19% Special Dual Fuel Schedule 10 $10.39 10% Residential, Farm and Non-Farm Schedule 20 $13.44 13% Commercial, Small Power and Three-phase Farm

Large Power Less Than 50 KW

Water Pumping Schedule 40 ($31. 73) -1% Large Power More Than 50 KW But Less Than 275 KW Schedule 43 $243.27 2% Large Power Schedule - Over 275 KW Schedule 46 $1,300.1 0 2% Large Power Schedule - 500 KW And Over Schedule 47 $3.23 0% Large Power Schedule - 500 KW To 4,999 KW Schedule 50 $8.62 4% Schools, Churches and Community Halls Schedule 52 $20.57 1% All Electric Schools Schedule 60 $7.01 7% Schools, Churches and Community Halls Schedule OL $0.00 0% Street Lighting & Security Lights

The present and proposed rate structure of Jackson Energy Cooperative are listed below:


Schedule 30. ($73.22) -15%

Schedule 33 $309.81 17%

Increase Rate Class Present Schedule 01, Special Dual Fuel Customer Charge $2.00 Customer Charge $8.44

Customer Charge $8.44

Energy Charge per kwh $0.07752 Schedule IO, Resldentlal, Farm and Non-Farm

Energy Charge per kwh $0.07770 Off-peak Marketing (ETS) $0.04662 Schedule 20, Commerctal, Small Power andThree-Phase Farm Customer Charge $10.24 Energy Charge per kwh $0.07728 Off-peak Marketing (ETS) $0.04637 Schedule 30, Large Power less than 50 KW Customer Charge $22.26

Energy Charge per kwh $0.07046 Schedule 33, Water Pumping Customer Charge $15.61 Energy Charge per kwh $0.06488 Schedule 40, Large Power, 59 KW to 274 KW Customer Charge $18.32

Energy Charge per kwh $0.06104 Schedule 43, Large Power Schedule Over 275 KW Customer Charge $32.75

Energy Charge per kwh $0.05747

Customer Charge $982.63 Demand Charge $5.52 Energy Charge per kwh $0.04284 Schedule 47, Large Power Schedule, 500 KW to 4,999 KW Customer Charge $982.63 Demand Charge Contract Demand $5.52 Excess Demand $8.00 Energy Charge per kwh $0.04493 Schedule 48, Large Power Schedule, 5,000 KW and over Customer Charge .$l 094.20 Demand Charge Contract Demand $5.52 Excess Demand $8.00 Energy Charge per kwh $0.03735 Schedule 50, Schools, Churches and Communlty Halls Customer Charge $9.98 Energy Charge per kwh $0.08090 Schedule 52, All Electric Schools Customer Charge $40.94 Energy Charge per kwh $0.06729 Schedule 60, Schools, Churches and Communlty Halls

Energy Charge per kwh $0.08055

Demand Charge $5.34

Demand Charge $4.95

Demand Charge $4.95

Schedule 46, Large Power Schedule, 500 KW and Over

Customer Charge $9.88


$9.50 $9.50 $0.08558

$9.50 $0.08558 $0.05135

$25.00 $0.07618 $0.04571

$25.00 $0.00 $0.07618

$25.00 $0.07618

$45.00 $6.00 $0.05588

$45.00 $6.00 $0.05588

$960.00 $6.22 $0.04244


$6.22 $8.65 $0.04338

$1 094.20

$6.22 $8.65 $0.03735

$15.00 $0.08231

$40.00 $0.06781

$15.00 $0.08231

PUBLIC SERVICE co[vlli/l I ss !OM


c 'A Before me, a Notary Public, and for said County and State, this / / day

of 2006 came Tamniv McConnell

Personally known to me, who, being duly sworn, states as follows:

That she is Account Executive of

Lexington Herald-Leader , and that said publication date of

carried the advertising

occupying the following space

(SEAL,) In\


otary Public

Official Noh'ce

Jackson Energy Cooperative, wih ik principal office at McKee, Kentucky and with ik address c 1 15 Jackson Energy lane, McKee, Kentucky 40447, intends ta file with the Kentucky Public Sal vice Commission in Case No. 2007-00333 an application to adjust ik retail rates and charges This adjustment will result in a general rate increase ta the memberconsumers of Jackson Energ Cooperative.

The rates proposed1 in this application are the rates proposed by Jackson Energy Cooperative However, the Kentucky Public Service Commission may order rdtes ta be charged that differ fron these proposed rates. Such action moy result in ratea for consumers other han the rates in thi application.

Any corporation, association, body politic or person may by motion within thirty (30) days aha publication or mailing of notice of @ propwed rate changes request leave to intervene. The mc tion shall be submitted to the Public Service Commission, 21 1 Sower Boulevard, P.O. Box 615 Frankfort, Kentucky 40602, and shall set forth the grounds for the request including the status anr interest bf the party. A copy of the application and testimony shall be available for public inspec tion at Jackson Energy's offices

The amount and percent of increase are listed below: Increase

Rate Clare Dollar

Schedule 01 $3,885 Special Dual fuel

Schedule 10 $6,732,639 Residential, Farm and Non-Form

Schedule 11 $da,971 Marketing Schedwle

Schedule 20 $492,462 Commercial, Small Power and ThrwPhase Farm

Schedule 22 ($169) , Marketing Schedule Schedula 30 ($2 10,869) , brae Power Lsss Than 50 KW

Stheelute 33 $22,306 Water Pumping

Schedule 40 ($57,906) hrgs Power More Than 50 tW But Lese Than 275 KW

sctwdufe 43 $58,384 brae Power Schedule -Over 275 KW '

Schedule 46 $46,804 Large Pawer Schedule - 500 KW And Over

Schedule 47 $116 Large Power Schedule - 500 KW To 4,999 KW

kheduls SO $ 1 6,134 Schools, Churches and'Commbnity Halls

Schedule 52 $A423 .All Electric Schools

Schools, Churches and Community Halls

Street lighting 8 Security lighk

!khedule 60 i $48,975

Schedule 01 $0




1 0%


-1 %










0% ,

The effect of tha proposed rates on the overage monhly bill by rate class are listed below:

Rate Clare Dollar Percent lncwase

khedud 01 $9.27 19%. Special Doal Fuel

Residential, Farm and NowForm

Commercial, Small Power and Thredhase Farm

large Power less Than 50 W

&ciuIe 10 $10.39 10%

kheclule 20 $13 44 13% '

Schsdyle 80. ($73 22) -1 5%

Schedule 33 $309.81 17% Fate! fimpjng .. . -


Sealed proposalsfor the follc Pulaski County Public Libr braw, in the basement co

' Somerset, Kentucky 4250' Nowember 80,2007, for 1

forming all workas set for structions for the Bidders,

tions prepared by ootsig following the schedule$ clot

Proposals which have bee above conditiorw will bc

There will be a pre-bid H!m&rA

The workto be bid is asfoll

Provide all labor, tools, ec Burnside Branch Library. 1 ins Storage strucmes, con: new library structure, at 1

OWQW is a government ai Swcificatioi

' Document rnay be em



LBXlNQTOl And rnay be obtained fror LYNN lMAGlNG,31 OLI

CY. PHONE: ( 8 5 9 ) 2 w. lvnnbP.cod for cosi

iealed Rroposals shall be :ontainer as follows: PUuLsKl CdUWlY WBL DIYUICTOR BID POR NWN BURNSIDI NOT to BE QPeNER U N


Aailed Proposals should be WLlUIKlCOUHTyWBL I


40 bidder may withdraw I ifter the day set for the ope

%ids shall be accompanied ible to the Pulaski'County han Five percent (5%) oft

)ids received efter the schc lids will be returned unope

-elegraphic or facsimile b :ountu Public Library rese ind waive formalities.

ScThed%L'&' ($3 1 I 73) -1% Large Power More Than 50 KW But Less Than 275 KW

Large PowesSchedule - Over 275 KW

Large Power Schebule .500 W And Over

large Power Schedule - 500 KW To 4,999 KW

,S&ools, Churches and Community Halls

All Electric Schwls

Schools, Churches ond Community Halls

Street Lighting &Security tights

Schedule 43 $243.27 2%

ii;c"hsihrl(r 46 $1,300.10 2%

Schedule 47 $3.23 doh

Schedule 50 $8.62 4%

Schedule 52 $20.57 1%

Schedule 60 $7.0.1 7%

Schedule 01 $0.00 0%

The present and proposed rate structure OF Jackson Energy Cooperative are listed below:



Rate Class Present P r p p d

Schedule 01, Special Dual Fuel Customer Charge $2.00 $9.50 Customer Charge $8.44 $9.50. Energy Charge per kwh $0.07752 $0.08558

Customer Chprge $8.44 $9.50' Energy Charge per &h $0,07770 $0.08558 Off-pak Marketing (as) $0.04662 $0.051 35

Schedula 20, Commerciul, Small Power and%--Phgse Farm Customer Charga $1 0.26 $25.00 Energy Charge per kwh .- $0.07728 $0.0761 8 Off-peak Marketing (0s) $0.04637 $O.Od571

Customer Charge $22.26 $25.00

Energy Charge per kwh $0.07046 $0.076 18

Cusfwner Charge $15.61 $25.00 . Ehergy Charge per kwh $0.06488 $0.0761 8

Customer Charge $1 8,32 $45.00 Demand Charge $4.95 $6.00 Ene& Charge per kwh $0.06104 $0.05588

Schedule 10, Residential, Farm and Uon-Farm

Schedule 30, b g e P&r less *an 50 KW

Demand Charge $5.34 $0.00

Schedule 83, Water Pumping

&hsdvk 40, Large Pswer, 5Q KW to 274 KW

Schedule 43, Lprge PaWer Schedule Over 275 KW Customer Charge $32.75 $45.00 Demand Charge $4.95 Energy Charge per kwh $0.05747 $0.05588

'Customer Charge $982.63 $960.00 Schedule 46, Large Power Schedule, 500 KW and Over

Demand Charge $5.52 $6.22 Energy Charge per kwh $0.04284 $0.04244

Schedule 47, Large Power Schedule, 500 KW to 4,999 KW Customer Charge $982.63 $960.00 Demand Charge

Contract Demand $5.52 $6.22 Excess Demand $8.00 '$8.65

Schedule 48, large Power Schedule, 5,000 KW and oYer Energy Charge per kwh $0.04493 $0.04338

Customer Charge $1094.20 $1094.20 Demand Charge


Contract Demand $5.52 $6.22 Excess Demand $8.00 $8.65

Energy Charge pepkwh $0.03735 $0.03735

Customer Charge $9.?8 $15.00 Energy Charge per kwh $0.08090 $0.0823 1

Customer Charge $40.94 $40.00 Energy Charge per kwh $0.06729 . $0.0678 1 ' Customer Charge $9.88 $15.00 Energy Charge per kwh $0.08055 $0.0823 1

Schedule 50, Schools, Churches and Commyaity Halls

Schedule 52, All EltKtriC Schools

Schedule 60, Schools, Churches and Community Halls

hound.. landsdown dog, Bmall blk/yvht herd Hi h?h'vay 169 & area. 859-277-4703 venm~~a; Rd area: waabs &., Ans. to

14445739 t h e n s e Chloe . OUT RIFUUILT(I

HERALD-LEADER LOST Cat, F, Pim- CLASSIFIEDS FOUND Female gray I I c 0 , b I u e e Y e s , LbST beagle, white

(859)233-78780r taby on Daver Dr. c r e m e / Gray, re - nd b r o w n . c e l l 1-800-933-7355 502-8634255 ward. 859-967-9184 859-2704619

859-3516200 1446543 859-88&?q5

WITH 143 I373

I433896 1447052 1445908 1444643

1 .








Sealed Bids will I Apartments in Le triplicate in the C Housing Auhori! Road, Lexington, on December 1 will be publicly( be permitted.

A. A Pre-Bii

Kentudn) . N o v e m immedic site visil

Crest4 ,

A 1 y p sum bid 1

Owner rwrves any inforkaliiy.

Bids may not be withdrawals will

Bids shall be ac( payable to Own

Successful respo Performonce ani Notice of Intent

Contract Docum

A. F.W. Dodge Lexington, I

B. Associated Fomtne Dri

C. Consfructio 225 Walto

D. Reed Cons! Lexington,

Copies of the C from Lynn imag iucky, (859) 25 by bidders for I

menta will bc day, the 1411

Lexington Fa


By: Au

invletia sale of1

Ka Venrelllq

ealed bids will be a ember 15,2007 at 11 00 North Main Stred )r the sale of: Lot 1. Jcated at Owens1 echnical College :aravan located ail ity & Technical (

.Vhitley Mobile Tral '15 passenger van, ,Caravan. Please con 859-256-3224 to obta aoe re#ired ta plao k qwasded to the pa est bid for each 11 mas-is". The Kentur Technical College! 'right to rei& any an0 -
